How to download all your Instagram data: photos, stories, messages, etc. How to view messages received via Instagram Direct? How to save correspondence from direct instagram

Direct is a convenient and versatile option on Instagram, which has won the love of many users. Sometimes users are not even aware that they can exchange messages on Insta, and then questions arise about. You will learn how to delete correspondence in Direct on Instagram, how to turn off notifications or restore messages later in the article.

How to delete correspondence in Direct on Instagram?

Instagram developers tried to make the use of functions understandable on an intuitive level. But not in all cases they succeeded. The question of how to delete a chat or dialogue with an individual on Instagram is difficult for some users. With our instructions to perform this action is not difficult.

For this:

  • We go to Instagram, then to Direct;
  • All your conversations should be highlighted. We hold the desired dialogue with our finger and do not let go until the window is displayed;
  • Next, in the window that opens, click on the "DELETE" tab;
  • Done, now all messages with the selected user have been deleted.


Now you know how easy it is to delete, restore messages, turn off notifications. Thanks to the simple interface of the application, this can be done without much effort and time. We do not recommend using third-party programs from unknown sources that promise to recover messages in Yandex.Direct. Therefore, choose apps with good ratings and reviews, otherwise you risk losing access to your account.

Learn how to view messages on Instagram, for those who are just starting to get acquainted with Instagram Direct. This is exactly what will be discussed in this simple and small instruction. Instagram Direct is a built-in messenger that allows users to embody correspondence inside the instagram application. If your subscriber writes to you, you receive a notification. And if an Instagram user who is not following you wrote to you, then you can accept the request and read the message or reject it. Everything is instinctively clear and simple, like all instagram features. But, you can start acquaintance with the direct messenger by publishing - .

How to view messages on instagram

If you are scrolling through your Instagram feed and you see an orange circle with a number in the upper right corner. So someone sent you a direct message. It can be a notification about a message from your subscriber, or just a request for correspondence. Which you can either confirm and read the message or reject. If you confirm the correspondence with a user who is not your subscriber, then subsequent messages from this user will immediately go to the incoming message feed. This is how you can see the message in the direct messenger.

Instagram Direct requests

Notification settings can be configured individually. To do this, go to your account and click on the three dots in the upper right corner (androyd) or the gear wheel (ios). When you go to your account settings, we find the Push notifications tab. We open it and find it in the list, the title is instagram direct queries. There will be two options, turn off, check the box if you do not want to receive notifications. And the second point, from everyone, that is, if you include from everyone. You will receive notifications from all users, regardless of whether the person is following you or not.

Since the Direct function appeared on Instagram, the social network has significantly expanded its capabilities. If before that, in order to continue the conversation started in the comments at a private level, it was necessary to go to other sites (Vkontakte, Facebook), now it is enough to click on the white airplane in the right corner of the screen and perform all the necessary actions in one place. To use a personal in full force you need to know what it is capable of. Anyone can write a message, but what if you need to get rid of it? In this article you will find the answer to the question of how to delete messages in direct Instagram.

Can a message be deleted?

Deleting messages is necessary under different circumstances. Starting from simple cleaning of unnecessary texts and ending with hiding information from those who can get into your phone, for example, from your husband or wife.

Any user of the social network can remove data. It doesn't matter if you access the app from iPhone or Android. Below we will consider the main ways to delete you, your interlocutor, a single message or the entire group. And most importantly, we will answer the question of whether it is possible to restore them.

How to delete messages in direct Instagram?

Getting rid of information begins with the entrance to the application and the direct section. The next step will depend on what exactly you need.

  1. If you need to remove your message, then click on the unnecessary text and linger for a second. You will get a menu. Select "Unsend" and your message will be deleted. It will not be in your story, nor in your interlocutor, even if he has already read it.
  2. If you need to delete all correspondence, then in the direct section, find the dialogue you want to get rid of and swipe from right to left. Click Remove.
  3. If you want to remove a specific someone else's message, then you can do this only by asking the person himself to cancel sending it, complain or block the user.

Disappearing messages

There is such a feature on Instagram - disappearing messages. It looks like this: you send a message to a friend/girlfriend/acquaintance, he can open it twice and after that it will be unavailable.

Go to the correspondence, select the camera icon to the right of the text entry line - take a picture or attach a file from the gallery (see the article " "). You can also shoot video using boomerang, superzoom, reverse shooting or hands-free. The submitted content looks like this:

Importantly, in this way you can send not only photos and videos. To send text, go to the camera icon and the Text tab. Choose the font, background color, and text position.

But when using this security method to keep secrets, do not forget about screenshots. If the person you're sending a message to is aware of disappearing pictures, they may be ready to press the necessary buttons to take a picture of their phone's screen.

Can deleted messages be recovered?

If you accidentally deleted a message and searched the entire Internet, trying to find a way to get them back, you can calm down. There is no such way. Alas, and unfortunately, Instagram did not provide for the cancellation of the action. Possibly just for now!


Above, we looked at different ways to delete information in a directive. And found out that it is impossible to cancel the specified action. But Instagram is the fastest growing network and every app update brings new useful features. Perhaps in some of the next versions, the developers will take this moment into account, and we will be able to restore the messages.

It will be difficult to find a person today who would not use Instagram. This service is one of the most popular for those people who like to share photos, thereby talking about their lives. At the same time, many users sometimes have a desire to download or save photos from Instagram to a computer or phone. But the developers for some reason did not think of a method by which it would be possible to do this without any problems.

This article will introduce 8 ways to save or download photos from Instagram.

How to download photos from Instagram to a computer or phone

Downloading a photo means saving a specific image on a device - a computer, laptop, tablet or phone. Useful when you want to save yourself a photo for later use or send to someone.

Source Saving Setting

The user needs to go to their profile and click on the "Settings" tab. Then in the list that opens, find the button "Source photos". Thanks to this method, the user can save all edited photos, as well as just taken ones.

This method is worth taking note of, as it is the main one and also one of the simplest. It is especially useful when the original photo has been lost.

Taking a screenshot

Any device, be it a modern smartphone or a computer, allows you to take a screenshot. On smartphones, to take a screenshot, most often you need to hold down the On / Off button of the phone. But you need to remember that in this way the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe visible screen will be saved and after that, you need to crop the unwanted part of the picture.

For a personal computer, the algorithm of actions is to open the desired photo and press PrintScreen. This button allows you to take a screenshot, after which you can safely upload the photo to your PC. In addition, using special screen recording programs, you can choose in advance which area of ​​the screen to save and post-processing is not required.

Programs for download

This method is effective when you need to download many files at once. To do this, the user needs to use the service Instagram specially designed for such purposes. All you need to do is download the application, log into it through your Instagram account and choose how to download a set of files (there are options for downloading in a .zip file, as well as an option to upload photos to your Facebook account. In this way, you can upload both your own and other people's photos.

There is another option for downloading photos to a personal computer - Instagrambr. This service allows you to download any photos and is suitable for those who do not want to bother too much. All you need to do is enter a username and access to download its content is open.

Saving an image from code

Right-click on the opened photo. Then, in the action menu that opens, select "View Code". A box will appear below, where in the upper left corner we click on the mouse icon in the box.

We return to the screen, and hover the mouse over the photo, and when it is highlighted, click on it. After that, below, in the plate that appears, a code with this photo will appear. Find the image, right-click again and select "Open link in new tab".

The image will open in a new tab where you can save it.

Download source on iOS

This method is for iOS users. In Instagram installed on this system, there is a special menu under the photos. In this menu, you need to find the "Copy URL" tab. Further exactly the same as in the previous method.

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Initially, Instagram was conceived only as a platform for sharing memorable and beautiful photos. However, gradually it began to be supplemented with various options and innovations that opened up more and more opportunities for users. So, in 2013, the public was presented with a new functionality for the exchange of personal messages, called Direct. He instantly gained popularity, began to use not only for communication, but also for the promotion and promotion of the blog. Next, we will analyze all the ways to write to Direct Instagram, talk about the key features of this service.

What is direct

Instagram Direct is an embedded messenger that was launched at the end of 2013. It allows social network users to stay connected. You can get to this section by clicking on the airplane icon located in the upper right corner of the screen. Notably, this button changes to a red number when a new notification is received.
Since its inception, Direct has undergone significant changes. Today, with its help, you can not only send text messages, but also:

  • create group messages;
  • organize a private exchange of videos and photos;
  • send disappearing photos and videos.

As for commercial accounts, they use Direct to organize a business, sell a variety of goods and services, advertise their own products, etc.
It is noteworthy that the application has set clear limits on sending. So, the maximum number of dialogues that you can start during the day is 15. This measure was taken to avoid unnecessary spam, to prevent leakage of confidential information.

How to use?

Social network users can send messages in three ways: directly from Direct, from the account page and through publication. They are available for both Android smartphones and Apple products.
The standard way to write to Direct on Instagram:

How to write to Direct Instagram through a user account:

  1. Open the required profile.
  2. Click the button with three dots located in the upper right corner of the screen.
  3. Select the Submit option from the context menu that appears.

After completing the above steps, a standard Direct-dialog will open.

How to write to Direct on Instagram through a post:

After completing all the instructions, you will send the publication to another person.

Can it be used on a computer

After Instagram released the official application for Windows products, people have the opportunity to use the messenger on a desktop computer or laptop. You can purchase the software from the Microsoft Store.
Owners of other operating systems were much less fortunate. Since the Instagram developers did not present other computer versions of the application, in order to send a Direct message, you will have to resort to third-party services.
You can use the messenger on a computer or laptop by installing:

  • Grids is a paid software ($10) that has a lot of useful options besides sending IG messages.
  • Direct Message for IG is a free app with in-app purchases, allows you to connect only one account, saves disappearing photos and videos.
  • Chatter for IG - a paid program ($ 2.99) for communicating via Direct messenger from a computer, allows you to connect up to three accounts at the same time.
  • Messages for IG is an application that is a complete analogue of the previous one, offers the same functions, but at a higher price - $4.99.

Not so long ago, a new software appeared in the public domain - Autodirect. It allows you to send Direct messages from your computer, and also has a wide range of tools needed to promote and promote your account. In particular, it offers options to automatically send notifications to new subscribers, which increases reach and engagement.
A welcome Direct message will make your profile stand out from the rest and will allow you to create a friendly image. In the newsletter, you can express gratitude for subscribing to your account, talk about current promotions, offers, and much more.

What you need to know about Direct

The service allows you to send messages to anyone, but if the account is not among your subscribers, you will have to wait for permission to correspond. If you are the owner of a commercial profile, try to regularly monitor current requests, otherwise you risk missing out on a great offer.
Messenger has other features:

  • In addition to ordinary text, it allows you to send photos and videos from your smartphone gallery.
  • Allows you to share Stories, hashtags, posts and publications from the main feed with other users.
  • Creates photos and videos that disappear from the correspondence immediately after viewing.
  • Allows unsubmission.
  • It has the functions of video calls, photo responses.

It is also worth noting that it is in Direct that all user responses to Stories, various marks and mentions come.

Is it possible to get rid of direct-correspondence

Thanks to the latest updates, Instagram has got the option to delete dialogs. Now you can easily clean up the messenger, get rid of unwanted messages or spam. Below is a detailed guide on how to delete a conversation on Instagram Direct:

  1. Open the Direct section.
  2. Swipe right on the dialogue you want to get rid of.
  3. The system will offer two buttons to choose from: "Delete" and "Cancel", click on the first one.

Clearing all the dialogues at once will not work - you will have to get rid of each of them one by one. It is noteworthy that the interlocutor will have all the details of the correspondence you deleted will remain unchanged.
You can delete not only dialogs, but also specific messages. To do this, click on the sent message and hold it until the system prompts you to cancel sending. Click on the pop-up window and all unnecessary materials will disappear.
How to restore correspondence in Instagram Direct? Unfortunately, this feature is currently not available. Perhaps the application will solve the problem in future updates.

Ban on messages

To rid yourself of intrusive users or spam, you can enter a ban on messages. This is done in the account settings.
Step-by-step instructions on how to prohibit writing to Direct on Instagram: