Free online generator of beautiful inscriptions and buttons! How to put beautiful text on a photo? Interior letters and inscriptions in the kitchen

Welcome to this article! How do you like such beautiful inscriptions? This is graphic text.

Not bad right? And this is not Photoshop, and even more so not some special fonts. Well, yes, maybe the fonts that the service converts into graphic text andtransfers to the image. And we just have to give him an inscription, choose a style and download it to your computer. You can also adjust if you wish.

Such figurative inscriptions well attract the attention of the viewer. Did you notice this picture right away? Most likely, because in the first place, when viewing something, vision is involved.

We pay attention to something colorful, even if this object is not in the center of our field of vision. Peripheral vision also captures bright colors. Then we shift our gaze to this object and the intellect turns on to read what is written there.

Where to use these labels

Yes, anywhere! Such graphic text can be used for greeting cards, titles of subscription pages or e-books, attribution on an image or video, when creating banners.

In general, wherever only fantasy indicates. The main thing is not to oversalt, so because of the text the main picture will not be visible. Okay, let's get down to business.

We create beautiful inscriptions

Here is the service itself, on which we will be creative with the text.
First, choose a font template. There are many of them, for every taste and color. We can scroll through all the pages in search of a suitable template, but this will take a lot of time. In that case, we go to categories at the end of the page and select the style we need. The rest can be changed in the settings, if necessary.

Now there are fewer pages with templates. Choose a template. You can even prescribe your text before clicking on the template to see how it will look in different styles.

I inserted two words, one of which is in English. The fact is that not all fonts that are in the database of the service are suitable for Cyrillic characters. That is, for our letters. This is noticeable on the screen with templates.

If everything is in order, the template is suitable, then download it to your computer. Hook the picture with the left mouse button and drag it from the browser to the desktop or to a folder. At the same time, at least the picture will be saved in the “PNG” format, there will be a white background behind the inscription.

Transparent background for text

To make the background transparent go to the editor.

On the tab " Background” mark type: “ Transparent” Now press the red button on the right and save the image with a simple drag and drop.

It's that simple. And to impose a beautiful inscription on a photo or on some other image, you can use free program FastStone Image Viewer or picasa. These are very cool programs and I work in them all the time. I recommend installing them yourself.

Editing graphic text

Please note that there are several more tabs with tools in the graphical editor.
Text– Here we can replace or add text, increase the font size (limited), put a different font.
Logo – In this tab, we change the main color of the text. It can be drawn with a solid color or under a texture (pattern) or a gradient (a gradient is a set of several colors smoothly transitioning from one to another). Also in the text there is a contour, which, like the main text, can be enlarged and painted over.

It turns out not even bad. If in the future our logo, which is blue, is superimposed on an image that is also dominated by blue, then the outline will highlight it from the background, and it will be clearly visible.

Shadow- This tool allows you to display the logo as if it is floating in the air and a shadow is falling from it. It can also be tweaked to your liking. That is, to move in different directions of the horizon and vertical. Adjust blur and shading. Background I think it's pretty clear what that means.

The text will be superimposed on a colored image, but as I showed above, we can make the background transparent. But in this case, you need to save the logo in the “PNG” format, since other formats do not support background transparency. You can set the format in the tab “ Image

That's all guys. You see how easy it is to make inscriptions on the picture. Yes, take on board a couple more sites on this topic.

Animated shiny texts

And if you know some other cool services for creating such graphic texts, write in the comments. Everyone will be interested to know.

Sometimes you need to add some beautiful phrases to your images and stories on Instagram. How to put beautiful text on a photo and choose from all the variety the best program? let's consider popular apps, which will help to make an inscription on the photo.


If you don't know how to put beautiful text on a photo online with a beautiful font, then you should take a closer look at the AppForType application. The application is considered relatively free. This program has ready-made inscriptions written in decorative fonts that can be placed on pictures. Some of them are free, and some can be purchased optionally.

The application has a huge functionality:

  • you can draw your inscription by hand;
  • add logos, graffiti, pictures from the Internet to pictures;
  • take a picture of the inscription and put it on another photo;
  • a huge number of ready-made inscriptions, which are divided by topic (seasons, travel, motivation, love, dreams, wedding, Russian cities, sports, holidays, brushes, tea drinking, days of the week, holidays, cats: 3 and much more);
  • the ability to customize each inscription to a certain size and color it in any shade;
  • there is an opportunity to buy some inscriptions for money.

Rhonna Designs

The next text on photo app is called Rhonna Designs. The program is paid and costs 149 rubles (for 2018). If you are not sorry for your money, then you can buy it yourself. Because the possibilities of the program are really striking in their infinity:

  • you can make covers for YouTube videos or backgrounds for smartphones;
  • here is a huge collection of various backgrounds with decorative patterns;
  • a large number of hipster stickers and stickers (ribbons, wreaths, leaves, twigs, geometric shapes, wings, arrows, animals, etc.);
  • ready-made beautiful inscriptions with strokes and without;
  • creating your own unique text;
  • the ability to adjust the size and color of all elements.


You can superimpose beautiful text on a photo for iPhone and Android using the Snapseed program. You can download the program for free in the official AppStore and Google Play. The program has wide range features:

  • a huge variety of fonts;
  • the ability to make an inscription in a circle, square or polygon;
  • in the application, you can add text with all sorts of lines and dashes;
  • the ability to choose any color of the inscription, size and transparency.

Some inscriptions may not work in Cyrillic. The phrase can be translated into English.

Other features

You can add beautiful text to your photo with the help of a huge number of applications. The programs listed in the list are quite similar in their functions. In each of them, you can overlay text, change the size, color and choose a unique font. For yourself, you can choose any one you like. Here they are:

  • Camly (+ a lot of cool stickers);
  • PicSee (text in curly frames);
  • Typorama (cool captions, but some of them need to be unlocked by liking on instagram or facebook);
  • DoodleSnap (a huge number of small details: leaves, arrows, flowers, figures, inscriptions).

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  • Letters and inscriptions in the interior can be a wonderful home decoration. They make beautiful design accents. In addition, they carry an interesting, funny or philosophical message. For example, the words in the hallway "Welcome!" or “Come in, wonderful people live here” will immediately set the guests in a positive mood. And a poster in the living room with the words “We were born to be real, not perfect” will make you think about simple worldly wisdom. The sign on the door of the nursery "Caution! The room is a terrible mess” will bring a smile to even the most serious visitors.

    Usually the inscriptions on the walls talk about what is important for the owners of the house.

    Letters and inscriptions in the interior for motivation and design

    Calligraphic graffiti in the interior and interior letters are a real Klondike for designers, especially in Western countries. It was they who came up with the fashion for text room decor. There are millions of ideas to beautifully enter the phrase in any interior. Words and sentences can be added using textile, wooden, paper, foam plastic volumetric letters. They are very easy to make yourself or order from the masters. Motivational texts are quite easy to change at least every day. To do this, you need a little - buy a slate board with crayons. By the way, such boards are often covered with a magnetic layer on which letters can be attached.

    There are no clear rules in writing phrases - it all depends on imagination and taste

    Famous phrase on the wall in the living room

    Vinyl stickers will help to put the text on the walls. They stick to the surface without any problems. Taking them off is as easy as putting them on. If desired, you can zone a part of the room using ordinary wallpaper, on which letters are applied. There is an even easier option - paint the plastered wall, and then write wishes, mottos, names with special markers or use acrylic paint.

    Vinyl stickers can be custom made to your desired size and color.

    Illuminated wooden letters

    Example of mounting light bulbs

    Stencils of the alphabet, popular expressions, numbers are easy to find on the Internet and print using a regular printer. Pillows on which letters are printed or curtains that duplicate sayings on the walls can connect the text design in the interior with the decor of the room. Not bad cope with this task decorative souvenirs in the form of Cyrillic or Latin.

    Letters, numbers and motivators in a residential interior

    Letters, quotes, phrases are appropriate in almost any room of the house. Only the theme and style for each room should be different. Office inscriptions are set to work and career goals. In children's numbers, the letters of the native and foreign languages ​​are bright, cheerful, but at the same time they perform one important function - they teach. They will help the kid to fall in love with learning from an early age. In the kitchen, the alphabet and numbers will also come in handy. With their help, you can designate jars with different cereals or make a wall clock face. Another idea is to hang up a board with a cooking joke that says: “Applause for the chef!”. In the bedroom, textiles with a chaotic written print will look great.

    Volumetric letters are quite easy to make from foam.

    Letters in the interior of the living room

    There are many decor options for the living room. But most often, the owners prefer to play with their initials in the interior of the guest room. They can be made from wood or sewn from scraps of fabric. They are easy to make from plywood, paint, then attach to the wall. Another idea looks stylish - one motivator or a wise statement is chosen for the room, which becomes the main focus of the room design. The simple phrase "Our home is where our soul is" can turn into the main semantic content of the living room. If these words are printed on a carpet, curtains, pillows, then a stylish logical connection will appear in the interior.

    An inscription world map is suitable for a loft-style living room

    Name from large letters

    Wooden letters

    By the way, inscriptions in the interior in English, German and other languages ​​are often used for decoration. Living rooms of small rooms can be zoned using text signs. To do this, the reading area is highlighted with calmer wallpaper, decorated with shelves and the word BOOKS or BOOKS. And the part where guests will be received is brighter, with hospitable texts “Welcome” or “Welcome”, “Be our guest” or “Be our guests”.

    Letters for office decoration

    The style of asceticism always reigns in the office. Nothing should distract from work. On the contrary, every detail in the interior creates a working atmosphere. The sayings of famous people are most appropriate here. They can be printed and framed. Optimistic motivators will also help, such as: "To become successful, believe in success." If the office is a creative workshop, then here you can give free rein to your imagination.

    eclectic home office

    Creative personality desktop

    An unusual idea is to order a locker in the carpentry workshop, where each shelf is cut out in the form of a letter. Latin alphabet or Cyrillic. Such a creative idea has a practical side - the locker will become an excellent organizer for papers, which are easily laid out in alphabetical order. Unusual furniture in the form of numbers or a font will help to express the creative atmosphere.

    Interior letters and inscriptions in the kitchen

    The kitchen is the perfect place for this kind of design. Texts can be printed on tiles, and then made into an apron over the kitchen table and sink. Very often in the kitchen interior began to use slate boards. With their help, it is convenient to write down a recipe for a dish or leave a note to your loved ones. There is even kitchen furniture, the facade of which is made of slate board. Each locker is signed in chalk. Now there should be no more confusion with his appointment.

    It is convenient to use vinyl stickers on tiles

    Decorative cutting board

    The walls will be decorated with themed framed inscriptions. An idea for spice lovers - share the meaning of your favorite spices using the text: “Sage is power. Parsley - peace. Mint - hospitality. Rosemary - fidelity. Thyme - courage. Marjoram - happiness. Such a plate will be a great addition to the interior, especially if it is made in a vintage style using the decoupage technique.

    Letters and numbers in the interior of the children's room

    Text design has the greatest practical value for a children's room. It's so interesting - to put colored felt letters into words, to learn the rules of mathematics with the help of soft numbers. And after the lesson, all this cheerful alphabet easily turns into pillows or other decorative elements. Volumetric letters or numbers can become anything in the nursery: a high chair, a bed, a thought, a favorite toy.

    Colored letters in the children's room

    The inscription in the girl's room

    Such a panel with letters can be made with a child

    Children's shelving in the form of letters

    Textile square puffs look good. Velcro straps are sewn to each side. Then a set of fabric letters and numbers is made, to which the second part of the Velcro is attached. Then pouffes-cubes can be put into words or solve mathematical problems. Handmade parents can easily make an interactive rug for their children. It will not only decorate the kids' room, but also help to learn the world of the alphabet and mathematics. Magnetic boards, slate easels with colored crayons or markers will cope with the same task.

    Decorative letters in the bedroom

    In the bedroom it is better to withstand a calm color scheme. Modern design is increasingly using a black and white palette. It goes well with graphic design. Against such a contrasting background, the text becomes clearer and more embossed. Motivational statements will also be appropriate in the bedroom. The expression of such a plan will give a charge of vivacity for the whole day: “It doesn’t matter how you feel. Get up, smile, go ahead and never give up! If you do not need motivators, then you can paste over the area above the headboard with wallpaper with text inserts. It would be nice to repeat the print on a floor lamp, pouffe, bedspread.

    A beautiful font in itself serves as a great graphic decoration.

    The inscriptions above the head of the bed of the spouses

    Watches or decorative shelves in the form of the initials of the owners' names look original. A lamp in the form of the word "Happiness" or "Happiness" will complement the design.

    Letters and numbers in the interior: various options for making and using

    You can make interior letters and numbers from anything. There are many options for creating alphabet decor. You can create it yourself in different ways:

    • Cut out of cardboard and wrap with colored threads.
    • Sew from felt, chintz or cloth.
    • Order wooden (plywood) letters from the carpenter.
    • Cut out of metal in a special workshop.
    • Knit or sew pillows in the form of letters and numbers.

    Interior letters made of felt

    You can simply paint the wall in the color you like and make an inspiring inscription with dark paint through a stencil

    One of simple options- fix A4 sheets with phrases written in beautiful handwriting on the wall

    The inscriptions made in chalk on the slate board can be changed whenever you want.

    In addition to the usual placement of texts on the wall, there are many other design ideas. For example, you can decorate the wall of any room by “scattering” three-dimensional letters of different sizes and fonts over it in a chaotic mess. Get a creative panel. But here it is important not to overdo it with the number of colors - there should be no more than three or four. Inscriptions in the interior help guests navigate in someone else's house. For example, the words “Here we take off our shoes” will tell you where it is better to take off your shoes. And the question on the wall "Are you hungry?" (“Are you hungry?”) will indicate the direction to the kitchen. There is a sea of ​​ideas for implementation, the main thing is to put your soul and all your creative potential into them.

    If you have a jigsaw and a desire to do carpentry, the letters can be cut out of thick plywood, sanded and painted

    Video: how to make letters for decor with your own hands

    Photo: inscriptions in the interior of the rooms

    Hello! I get asked a lot lately how to write nice text without programs, make an inscription or signature on pictures quickly and easily. Elementary, we take felt-tip pens and draw directly on the monitor ...

    Now I will show you and tell you how to make nice text in a few seconds without any programs! It's really easy and fast to do if you know where and how.

    The knowledge gained today will help you beautifully design a greeting card, make downloaded from the Internet desktop wallpaper original and individual ... and for those who have their own website, this is generally a godsend and saves a lot of time.

    A couple of convenient services will help us make a beautiful inscription or text. Of course, there are many more such online assistants on the net, but as always, I advise you all the best!

    The most convenient, simple and fastest way to make a beautiful inscription or signature on your image, as I think, is to use the service. On this wonderful site, you can not only decorate the text beautifully, but generally do anything with your images. Overlay one on top of the other, apply a bunch of effects, make a calendar, insert a photo into a beautiful frame ... you can even create a bottle label with your photo!

    Everything is in Russian and intuitively clear. But I will nevertheless describe in a nutshell how to write a beautiful text, since the topic of the article is about this.

    If you need to make an inscription on the photo, then indicate its location on your computer or insert a link to it from the network.

    And if you want to create just beautiful text, make a clean image in advance and upload it to the service as a photo. Next, experiment with the method of scientific poke - options for the sea. The only negative, as for me, is the small number of fonts.

    After you have played enough and decided that the result suits you - click the "Overlay text" button ...

    Write beautiful text: method number 2

    Your second assistant in creating beautiful text can be There are fewer possibilities, but there are thousands of fonts. In addition, you can make your own button on the site or somewhere else. Follow the link and see...

    These are text styles. Choose the one you like and click on it.

    Everything is in English, but intuitive. Enter your text in the upper frame, “Font” is the font. We click on it to choose a beautiful and necessary one for you.

    Think it's all fonts? Pay attention to the letters indicated by me with arrows - these are the names of the fonts by the first letters! Click the letter and you will have a huge choice.

    Done with fonts. Now "Text Size" is the size of the text. Below that is the color of the text. "File Format" - format for saving. "Background Image" - background under the text, none - no background. "Text Gradient" - color transition from one to another. "Use Shadow" - shadow overlay.

    Satisfies the result - save and download your masterpiece ...

    That's all for today. Of course, in Photoshop you can create much more diverse effects, but this is only on condition that you own at least the basics of working in this program. It took me personally several months of understanding and practice to comprehend about 1% of all the possibilities of this monster of working with graphics!