Half-blood prince. SmartNews found out what Kalmyk beauty means. “Baldyr, baldyrka” is the name given to mestizos in Kalmykia, children whose parents belong to different ethnic groups.

Smartnews, where articles are formed by collecting the opinions of different authors on some issue, not so long ago an article about baldyrs appeared, which caused very mixed comments both on the resource itself and in Kalmyk social networks and forums. As it turned out, mestizos in Kalmykia are treated in a peculiar way. And this applies not only to issues of purely external data. At the same time, many well-known and famous modern representatives of Kalmykia are baldyrs. ARD provides excerpts from the article and the most vivid comments to it.

“Baldyr, baldyrka - this is how mestizos are called in Kalmykia, children whose parents belong to different ethnic groups. Today in Kalmykia such marriages are very common. And most of the recognized beauties and handsome men, according to the locals, are born precisely from mixed marriages.

The stereotypes of perception of beauty among the Kalmyks are, as it were, a flattering self-portrait of a Europeanized Asian. Bright attractive appearance: above average height, correct physique and facial features. As a rule, not slanting, but large almond-shaped eyes. Cheekbones are less pronounced, more subtle facial features, skin tone is yellowish, dark or dark blond thick hair, the presence of "Genghis Khan spots" on the coccyx at birth. Hardy, often talented and smart. This is what modern baldyrs look like (from baldyr - “mixed”), who have achieved success and recognition in society.

The fashion industry of the republic is associated primarily with the name of Nikolai Dzhevakov. He was teased as a "gypsy" as a child. The boy's dark skin, tanned in the scorching Elista sun, large almond-shaped eyes and a hat of curls. His appearance, which is not quite standard for the Asian region, has always attracted attention. Mom is a Kalmyk, Russian and German blood flows in her father. Such a mixture gave Nikolai a bright appearance, thanks to which today his face is recognizable not only in Russia, but also abroad. Prada, Kenzo, Givenchy - an incomplete list of brands with which Nikolai Dzhevakov collaborates today.

I'm lucky. I was born at the right time and in the right place. My appearance with a twist, with Asian features attracts employers. Baldyr himself. But I consider myself a Kalmyk. I am neither German nor Russian, because my mother and grandmother raised me in a Kalmyk family. The Kalmyk mentality is closer to me. I don't speak my native language, but I understand it perfectly. I am immensely proud of my country. And when I celebrate the New Year away from home, from my small homeland, I always cook Kalmyk national dishes for myself. As a man, I prefer girls of my nationality. Baldyrks. No, I don't focus on it. All are good, the main thing is to be well-groomed. But I am attracted to girls who have mixed blood in their veins. And one part is Asian. In the capital, I don't suffer from my half-Asian appearance. I live it. This is more of my job. I do not feel hatred and personal hostility towards myself from others. Often, however, they confuse me with a Brazilian or a Kazakh.

Nikolai Dzhevakov, model

One of the most famous baldyrs of Kalmykia, model Irina Tumanova, took 1st place in the Internet version of the Beauty of Russia - 2013 contest and 3rd place in the main competition. Like Dzhezvakov, her unusual appearance helped her to conquer the top of the "world of beautiful". Ira became the star of the local modeling agency Theater of Costume and Plastics. From there, Kolya Dzhevakov also entered the fashion world, and now a new generation of baldyrs is being sent there ... ”

Comments from the web:

“By the way, since such a “zootechnical” conversation has begun, the genetic inheritance of the Baldyrs is much richer than that of the original peoples. Let's not forget the effect of heterosis. At the same time, they are relatively rarely "prepotent" in all respects. So, the nation that manages to involve them into its composition receives the most valuable genetic, and very often cultural (in the broad sense) potential for its development. However, this is a topic for a separate discussion.

“We are who we are, we are Kalmyks. Every nation changes and transforms, so there is no particular reason to panic. Changes in the anthropological type of the Kalmyks have been taking place since the 17th century, but the Kalmyks have never been very worried about this. Wives were taken from Kabarda, from the Kazakhs, from the Tatars, from the Russians, none of the Kalmyks built a problem out of this. We are rapidly losing material and spiritual culture, we live in a period when any "messiah" can promote the "traditional" culture of the Kalmyks without understanding anything about it. However, what is happening now with the Kamyk people is the result of an objective historical process.”

“It is one thing to marry a foreigner and dissolve them in your culture, and quite another thing when your women are almost completely dissolved in other nations! And this is not the result of an objective historical process, but the result of one's own underdevelopment - a lack of complexes, and separation from one's national roots! After all, the same Caucasus successfully resists assimilation, doesn't it? “

“But how do you explain the fact that the most famous Kalmyks are half-breeds? For example, Tarbaev, Khasikov, Frantsuzova... If you don't know who it is, google it...”

“How can I deny the homeland to the baldyrs if they themselves, of their own free will, renounced their nation? I have nothing against those baldyrs who live among us and consider themselves Kalmyks, and I will only be glad if they have their involvement in my nation will confirm BY YOUR BUSINESS! That is, if the baldirs marry only representatives of my nation, they know the Kalmyk language, traditions and culture, then I will only welcome this (no one is safe from mistakes, and as a Buddhist, I understand this very well)! If the baldir marries representatives of another nation, then why should I think about him?”

An expert on this issue, Lyudmila Namrueva, Candidate of Sociological Sciences, Associate Professor of KIGI RAS:

In the first half of the 20th century, interethnic families were not typical for Kalmyks. But, unfortunately, the interesting and very topical topic of studying mixed (interethnic) families was not the field of research analysis of Kalmyk scientists. There are a few works of a historical, ethnographic nature, but there are practically no works of sociologists, social psychologists, social philosophers on the problem under consideration. In Kalmyk science, there are also no studies devoted to a comprehensive analysis of the life of the people during the period of forced expulsion. The historian, ethnologist E. Guchinova, perhaps, is an exception. She has a number of interesting works on this topic.

Our research shows that the Kalmyks began to actively create mixed families during and after the deportation of 1943-1957. Due to the dispersed settlement of the Kalmyks in the vast territory of Siberia, the Far East, the Far North, interpersonal, interethnic ties were weakened on the scale of the entire ethnic group. In this case, mixed marriages become widespread. Active entry into interethnic marriage. can be viewed not only as a result of individual choice, but primarily as a consequence of the "falling out" of individual families or individuals from the system of intra-ethnic social control.

Analyzing the deportation consequences, we find the opposite manifestation of another regularity: the more closely a person is connected by tribal ties, the more clearly his marriage choice is determined by family circles and the less likely he is to enter into a nationally mixed marriage. Russian ethno-sociologists note that in ethnic groups with a close-knit mesostructure (related groups), going beyond the marriage circles predetermined by it, including entering into interethnic marriages, is relatively rare and, as a rule, does not exceed 5-10% of all marriages, even if the ethnic group lives in an ethnically mixed region.

In the 1970s and 1980s, when the proportion of the Russian population increased in the republic, the number of interethnic families also increased. Scientists have established that the greater the proportion of Russians in the population of a union or autonomous republic, the more ethnically mixed families there were. One of the arguments in favor of a mixed family among the people is the argument that "the children will be beautiful." Researcher E. Guchinova writes: “Children from mixed marriages of Kalmyks with non-Kalmyks, more precisely with non-Mongoloids were considered beautiful: such a child seemed more attractive than both a Mongoloid in its pure form and a Caucasoid. Such children are called “baldyrs” (mixed), and if about someone sometimes they say "baldyr (ka)", then this means only external attractiveness. In this example, we see how the views and attitudes of Kalmyks towards children born from parents of different ethnic origins (meaning from Kalmyks and Russians) have changed dramatically.

Some aspects of these phenomena will be illustrated by the results of sociological surveys conducted by the Center for Ethno-Social Research of the KIGI RAS in 2004, 2005, and 2008. Survey samples are quota, they reflect the main characteristics of the general population: gender, age, ethnicity, place of residence.

The first questionnaire survey involved 867 people, of whom Kalmyks made up 58.5%, Russians - 31.3%. In 2005, 432 people took part in the survey, of which 70% were Kalmyks. In 2008, a questionnaire survey covered 467 people, all Kalmyks.

One of the objectives of the study was aimed at elucidating the patterns of creating interethnic families, which allows a deep analysis not only of the interaction of ethnic groups, but also of such processes as ethnic identification. Indicators of positive integration trends are considered positive answers to questions regarding the possibility of establishing interpersonal, marriage relations with people of a different ethnicity.

In such a multi-ethnic region as the Republic of Kalmykia, an ethnically mixed family is, on the one hand, a factor in ethno-cultural rapprochement, merging of ethnic cultures of the peoples of southern Russia. And on the other hand, it can be considered as a factor that causes assimilation processes, since in a mixed family the foundations of the life of an ethnic group are subject to changes of varying degrees, reflected in the lifestyle of the family, in its three essential areas - work, needs, private life of individuals (personal relations of the husband and wife). The continuity of generations undergoes certain transformations, the reproduction of the historical and ethno-cultural code, which is based on the ethnic character, the mother tongue, the physical feeling of the space of the native land.

Let's get acquainted with the answers to the question "How would you react to the fact that your closest relative (son, daughter, brother, sister) would marry a person of a different nationality?" two questionnaire surveys conducted by the Center for Ethno-Social Research KIGI RAS in 2004-2005.

The results of the survey conducted in 2008 repeat the direction of the responses of the surveys already reviewed. The first place is occupied by the answers of 35.8% of respondents who believe that nationality does not matter, the main thing for them is the personal qualities of a person, love. On the second position (26%) - the answer "would prefer a person of his nationality, but would not object to a mixed marriage." The third place (25%) is occupied by the option "nationality does not matter if the husband, wife knows the culture, observes the customs of another people." Every tenth respondent (10.5%) clearly stated that such marriages are undesirable; this part focuses on mono-ethnic marriage.

The answers of 86% of the respondents, indicating a positive, loyal attitude towards the conclusion of mixed marriages, indicate the high importance for the respondents of their own ethno-cultural environment and, at the same time, openness in interethnic contacts, a rather high degree of tolerance and readiness for dialogue. A family that honors the values, norms, ethnic traditions of parents is one of the main factors in the preservation and reproduction of ethnicity.

The high level of intercultural communication, interethnic marriage of various ethnic groups indicates their integration into the culture of the dominant ethnic group. This process changes mores, attitudes, value orientations, including the ethnic characteristics of representatives of various ethnic groups. As a result, tendencies of alienation of people from the traditional ethnic environment inevitably arise, which lead to linguistic and ethno-cultural assimilation. Russian researchers believe that the integration processes taking place in Russia should not affect the genetic, mental foundations of the ethnic group, and in this sense, the family is the main subject and custodian of the national mentality and ethnic culture.

Baldyr, baldyrka - this is how mestizos are called in Kalmykia, children whose parents belong to different ethnic groups. Today in Kalmykia such marriages are very common. And most of the recognized beauties and handsome men, according to the locals, are born precisely from mixed marriages. SmartNews found out why people in Kalmykia love baldyrs so much and what those who are considered exceptionally attractive people look like.

The established stereotypes of perception of beauty among the Kalmyks are, as it were, a flattering self-portrait of a Europeanized Asian. Bright attractive appearance: above average height, correct physique and facial features. As a rule, not slanting, but large almond-shaped eyes. Cheekbones are less pronounced, more subtle facial features, skin tone is yellowish, dark or dark blond thick hair, the presence of "Genghis Khan spots" on the coccyx at birth. Hardy, often talented and smart. This is what modern baldyrs look like (from baldyr - “mixed”), who have achieved success and recognition in society.

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Kalmyks are a people of Central Asian origin who have lived in the European part of Russia for almost four centuries. Finding themselves isolated in racial, religious, economic and cultural terms, the Kalmyks adopted a lot from the neighboring Slavic and Caucasian peoples. The openness of the Kalmyk society, the prestige of education, which since the beginning of the 20th century has been focused on the European cultural model, led to the fact that new models of behavior for traditional culture quickly entered into everyday life, family and marriage relations, which coexisted and coexisted along with traditional models.

The entire fashion industry of the republic is associated primarily with the name of Nikolai Dzhevakov. He was teased as a "gypsy" as a child. The boy's dark skin, tanned in the scorching Elista sun, large almond-shaped eyes and a hat of curls. His appearance, which is not quite standard for the Asian region, has always attracted attention. Mom is a Kalmyk, Russian and German blood flows in her father. Such a mixture gave Nikolai a bright appearance, thanks to which today his face is recognizable not only in Russia, but also abroad. Prada, Kenzo, Givenchy - an incomplete list of brands with which Nikolai Dzhevakov collaborates today.

I'm lucky. I was born at the right time and in the right place. My appearance with a twist, with Asian features attracts employers. Baldyr himself. But I consider myself a Kalmyk. I am neither German nor Russian, because my mother and grandmother raised me in a Kalmyk family. The Kalmyk mentality is closer to me. I don't speak my native language, but I understand it perfectly. I am immensely proud of my country. And when I celebrate the New Year away from home, from my small homeland, I always cook Kalmyk national dishes for myself. As a man, I prefer girls of my nationality. Baldyrks. No, I don't focus on it. All are good, the main thing is to be well-groomed. But I am attracted to girls who have mixed blood in their veins. And one part is Asian. In the capital, I don't suffer from my half-Asian appearance. I live it. This is more of my job. I do not feel hatred and personal hostility towards myself from others. Often, however, they confuse me with a Brazilian or a Kazakh.


The work of Rafael Utkhunov, a well-known baldyr in Kalmykia

One of the most famous Kalmyk baldyrs, model Irina Tumanova, took 1st place in the online version of the Beauty of Russia 2013 contest and 3rd place in the main competition. Like Kolya, her unusual appearance helped her to conquer the top of the “world of the beautiful”. Ira became the star of the local modeling agency Theater of Costume and Plastics. From there, Kolya Dzhevakov also entered the fashion world, and a new generation of baldyrs is now being sent there.

Dozens of young people graduated from our modeling school. There were a lot of baldirchats. All bright, with exotic appearance. Many look like Brazilians. I want to note that baldyrchats are beautiful, but their appearance is in demand more for beauty contests, but clear 100% ethnic groups are more suitable for the podium.

Kalmyks are a Western Mongolian (Oirat) people. According to the 2010 census, there are 183,372 Kalmyks living in Russia, of which 162,740 live in Kalmykia. The ancestors of modern Kalmyks migrated in the late 16th and early 17th centuries from Central Asia to the Lower Volga and the Northern Caspian.
Kalmyks are the only people in Europe who profess Buddhism.

10th place: (born September 2, 1985, Kalmykia) - a model working in Europe and the USA. Appeared on the covers of the Russian and Chinese editions of Vogue magazine. In 2010, Victoria Beckham invited Manjieva to participate in a show dedicated to the problem of anorexia. Evgenia Mandzhieva's height is 180 cm, weight is 48 kg, figure parameters are 81-58.5-86.5.

9th place: (born March 30, 1965, Elista, Kalmykia) - TV presenter. She hosted the programs "Vremya" and "News" on the ORT channel, the program "Desperate Housewives" on the Russia channel, "Commonwealth News" on the Mir channel, as well as the programs "Latvian Time", "Estonian News" and "Lithuanian Time" on First Baltic Canal. Laureate of the national award for public recognition of the achievements of women "Olympia" of the Russian Academy of Business and Entrepreneurship in 2007. Official site of Alexandra Burataeva - http://burataeva.com

Alexandra Burataeva and American actor Richard Gere. Both are Buddhists.

8th place: Nogan Mandzhieva(born April 28, 1985, Yuzhny village, Kalmykia) - Kalmyk singer, poetess, composer. Page "VKontakte" - http://vk.com/id26261681

7th place: Elistina Burvyashova- Kalmyk singer, songwriter. Page "VKontakte" - http://vk.com/id17881120

6th place: Sultanna Frantsuzova(born January 9, 1975, Elista) - fashion designer. In 2005, she became the woman designer of the year according to the Russian edition of Glamor magazine. The surname "Frantsuzova" is not a pseudonym, but a real Kalmyk surname that arose when the Kalmyks who served in the Russian army during the war with Napoleon brought home French wives. The descendants of such marriages received the surname "French".

5th place: Suvsana Barikova- Miss Dzhungaria 2009 (Internet contest held by the Kalmyk communities of Russia). Suvsana's page "VKontakte" - http://vk.com/suvsana

4th place: Gilana Bembeeva- Kalmyk singer. Page "VKontakte" - http://vk.com/id113268664

3rd place: Yana Chenkuraeva- Representative of Kalmykia at the Miss Asia Moscow 2012 contest, where she won the Miss Friendship nomination. Page "VKontakte" - http://vk.com/id89602503

2nd place: Delgira Cerenova- the first representative of Kalmykia at the All-Russian beauty contests. In 1995, Delgira became First Vice-Miss at the Miss Russia contest. Page "VKontakte" - http://vk.com/id14940330

“Baldyr, baldyrka - this is how mestizos are called in Kalmykia, children whose parents belong to different ethnic groups. Today in Kalmykia such marriages are very common. And most of the recognized beauties and handsome men, according to the locals, are born precisely from mixed marriages. The stereotypes of perception of beauty among the Kalmyks are, as it were, a flattering self-portrait of a Europeanized Asian. Bright attractive appearance: above average height, correct physique and facial features. As a rule, not slanting, but large almond-shaped eyes. Cheekbones are less pronounced, more subtle facial features, skin tone is yellowish, dark or dark blond thick hair, the presence of "Genghis Khan spots" on the coccyx at birth. Hardy, often talented and smart. This is what modern baldyrs look like (from baldyr - “mixed”), who have achieved success and recognition in society.

Baldyrs caused controversy in Kalmyk social networks Author: ARD On the Internet resource Smartnews, where articles are formed by collecting the opinions of different authors on a certain issue, an article about baldyrs appeared not so long ago, which caused very mixed comments both on the resource itself and in Kalmyk social networks and forums. As it turned out, mestizos in Kalmykia are treated in a peculiar way. And this applies not only to issues of purely external data. At the same time, many well-known and famous modern representatives of Kalmykia are baldyrs. ARD provides excerpts from the article and the most vivid comments to it. “Baldyr, baldyrka - this is how mestizos are called in Kalmykia, children whose parents belong to different ethnic groups. Today in Kalmykia such marriages are very common. And most of the recognized beauties and handsome men, according to the locals, are born precisely from mixed marriages. The stereotypes of perception of beauty among the Kalmyks are, as it were, a flattering self-portrait of a Europeanized Asian. Bright attractive appearance: above average height, correct physique and facial features. As a rule, not slanting, but large almond-shaped eyes. Cheekbones are less pronounced, more subtle facial features, skin tone is yellowish, dark or dark blond thick hair, the presence of "Genghis Khan spots" on the coccyx at birth. Hardy, often talented and smart. This is what modern baldyrs look like (from baldyr - “mixed”), who have achieved success and recognition in society. The fashion industry of the republic is associated primarily with the name of Nikolai Dzhevakov. He was teased as a "gypsy" as a child. The boy's dark skin, tanned in the scorching Elista sun, large almond-shaped eyes and a hat of curls. His appearance, which is not quite standard for the Asian region, has always attracted attention. Mom is a Kalmyk, Russian and German blood flows in her father. Such a mixture gave Nikolai a bright appearance, thanks to which today his face is recognizable not only in Russia, but also abroad. Prada, Kenzo, Givenchy - an incomplete list of brands with which Nikolai Dzhevakov collaborates today. I'm lucky. I was born at the right time and in the right place. My appearance with a twist, with Asian features attracts employers. Baldyr himself. But I consider myself a Kalmyk. I am neither German nor Russian, because my mother and grandmother raised me in a Kalmyk family. The Kalmyk mentality is closer to me. I don't speak my native language, but I understand it perfectly. I am immensely proud of my country. And when I celebrate the New Year away from home, from my small homeland, I always cook Kalmyk national dishes for myself. As a man, I prefer girls of my nationality. Baldyrks. No, I don't focus on it. All are good, the main thing is to be well-groomed. But I am attracted to girls who have mixed blood in their veins. And one part is Asian. In the capital, I don't suffer from my half-Asian appearance. I live it. This is more of my job. I do not feel hatred and personal hostility towards myself from others. Often, however, they confuse me with a Brazilian or a Kazakh. Nikolai Dzhevakov, model

One of the most famous baldyrs of Kalmykia, model Irina Tumanova, took 1st place in the Internet version of the Beauty of Russia - 2013 contest and 3rd place in the main competition. Like Dzhezvakov, her unusual appearance helped her to conquer the top of the "world of beautiful". Ira became the star of the local modeling agency Theater of Costume and Plastics. From there, Kolya Dzhevakov also entered the fashion world, and now a new generation of baldyrs is being sent there...” Comments from the Web: “By the way, since such a “zootechnical” conversation has begun, the genetic inheritance of baldyrs is much richer than that of the original peoples. Let's not forget the effect of heterosis. At the same time, they are relatively rarely "prepotent" in all respects. So, the nation that manages to involve them into its composition receives the most valuable genetic, and very often cultural (in the broad sense) potential for its development. However, this is a topic for a separate discussion. “We are who we are, we are Kalmyks. Every nation changes and transforms, so there is no particular reason to panic. Changes in the anthropological type of the Kalmyks have been taking place since the 17th century, but the Kalmyks have never been very worried about this. Wives were taken from Kabarda, from the Kazakhs, from the Tatars, from the Russians, none of the Kalmyks built a problem out of this. We are rapidly losing material and spiritual culture, we live in a period when any "messiah" can promote the "traditional" culture of the Kalmyks without understanding anything about it. However, what is happening now with the Kamyk people is the result of an objective historical process.” “It is one thing to marry a foreigner and dissolve them in your culture, and quite another thing when your women are almost completely dissolved in other nations! And this is not the result of an objective historical process, but the result of one's own underdevelopment - a lack of complexes, and separation from one's national roots! After all, the same Caucasus successfully resists assimilation, doesn't it? “But how can you explain the fact that the most famous Kalmyks are half-breeds? For example, Tarbaev, Khasikov, Frantsuzova... If you don’t know who it is, google it...” live among us and consider themselves Kalmyks, and I will only be glad if they confirm their involvement in my nation with their deeds! That is, if the baldirs marry only representatives of my nation, they know the Kalmyk language, traditions and culture, then I will only welcome this (no one is safe from mistakes, and as a Buddhist, I understand this very well)! If the baldir marries representatives of another nation, then why should I think about him?” An expert on this issue, Lyudmila Namrueva, Candidate of Sociological Sciences, Associate Professor at KIGI RAS: In the first half of the 20th century, interethnic families were not typical for Kalmyks. But, unfortunately, the interesting and very topical topic of studying mixed (interethnic) families was not the field of research analysis of Kalmyk scientists. There are a few works of a historical, ethnographic nature, but there are practically no works of sociologists, social psychologists, social philosophers on the problem under consideration. In Kalmyk science, there are also no studies devoted to a comprehensive analysis of the life of the people during the period of forced expulsion. The historian, ethnologist E. Guchinova, perhaps, is an exception. She has a number of interesting works on this topic. Our research shows that the Kalmyks began to actively create mixed families during and after the deportation of 1943-1957. Due to the dispersed settlement of the Kalmyks in the vast territory of Siberia, the Far East, the Far North, interpersonal, interethnic ties were weakened on the scale of the entire ethnic group. In this case, mixed marriages become widespread. Active entry into interethnic marriage. can be viewed not only as a result of individual choice, but primarily as a consequence of the "falling out" of individual families or individuals from the system of intra-ethnic social control. Analyzing the deportation consequences, we find the opposite manifestation of another regularity: the more closely a person is connected by tribal ties, the more clearly his marriage choice is determined by family circles and the less likely he is to enter into a nationally mixed marriage. Russian ethno-sociologists note that in ethnic groups with a close-knit mesostructure (related groups), going beyond the marriage circles predetermined by it, including entering into interethnic marriages, is relatively rare and, as a rule, does not exceed 5-10% of all marriages, even if the ethnic group lives in an ethnically mixed region. In the 1970s and 1980s, when the proportion of the Russian population increased in the republic, the number of interethnic families also increased. Scientists have established that the greater the proportion of Russians in the population of a union or autonomous republic, the more ethnically mixed families there were. One of the arguments in favor of a mixed family among the people is the argument that "the children will be beautiful." Researcher E. Guchinova writes: “Children from mixed marriages of Kalmyks with non-Kalmyks, more precisely with non-Mongoloids were considered beautiful: such a child seemed more attractive than both a Mongoloid in its pure form and a Caucasoid. Such children are called “baldyrs” (mixed), and if about someone sometimes they say "baldyr (ka)", then this means only external attractiveness. In this example, we see how the views and attitudes of Kalmyks towards children born from parents of different ethnic origins (meaning from Kalmyks and Russians) have changed dramatically. Some aspects of these phenomena will be illustrated by the results of sociological surveys conducted by the Center for Ethno-Social Research of the KIGI RAS in 2004, 2005, and 2008. Survey samples are quota, they reflect the main characteristics of the general population: gender, age, ethnicity, place of residence. The first questionnaire survey involved 867 people, of whom Kalmyks made up 58.5%, Russians - 31.3%. In 2005, 432 people took part in the survey, of which 70% were Kalmyks. In 2008, a questionnaire survey covered 467 people, all Kalmyks. One of the objectives of the study was aimed at elucidating the patterns of creating interethnic families, which allows a deep analysis not only of the interaction of ethnic groups, but also of such processes as ethnic identification. Indicators of positive integration trends are considered positive answers to questions regarding the possibility of establishing interpersonal, marriage relations with people of a different ethnicity. In such a multi-ethnic region as the Republic of Kalmykia, an ethnically mixed family is, on the one hand, a factor in ethno-cultural rapprochement, merging of ethnic cultures of the peoples of southern Russia. And on the other hand, it can be considered as a factor that causes assimilation processes, since in a mixed family the foundations of the life of an ethnic group are subject to changes of varying degrees, reflected in the lifestyle of the family, in its three essential areas - work, needs, private life of individuals (personal relations of the husband and wife). The continuity of generations undergoes certain transformations, the reproduction of the historical and ethno-cultural code, which is based on the ethnic character, the mother tongue, the physical feeling of the space of the native land. Let's get acquainted with the answers to the question "How would you react to the fact that your closest relative (son, daughter, brother, sister) would marry a person of a different nationality? "of two questionnaire surveys conducted by the Center for Ethnosocial Research KIGI RAS in 2004, 2005. The results of the survey conducted in 2008 repeat the direction of the answers of the studies already reviewed. The first place is occupied by the answers of 35.8% of respondents who believe that nationality does not matter , the main thing for them is the personal qualities of a person, love. In the second position (26%) - the answer "I would prefer a person of my nationality, but would not object to a mixed marriage." The third place (25%) is occupied by the option "nationality does not matter, if the husband, wife knows the culture, observes the customs of another people. "Every tenth of the respondents (10.5%) unequivocally stated that such marriages are undesirable, i.e. this part is focused on mono-ethnic marriage. The answers of 86% of the respondents, indicating positive, loyalty to the conclusion of mixed marriages, they speak of the high importance for the respondents of their own ethnocultural environment and, at the same time, openness in interethnic contacts, a fairly high degree of tolerance and readiness for dialogue. A family that honors the values, norms, ethnic traditions of parents is one of the main factors in the preservation and reproduction of ethnicity. The high level of intercultural communication, interethnic marriage of various ethnic groups indicates their integration into the culture of the dominant ethnic group. This process changes mores, attitudes, value orientations, including the ethnic characteristics of representatives of various ethnic groups. As a result, tendencies of alienation of people from the traditional ethnic environment inevitably arise, which lead to linguistic and ethno-cultural assimilation. Russian researchers believe that the integration processes taking place in Russia should not affect the genetic, mental foundations of the ethnic group, and in this sense, the family is the main subject and custodian of the national mentality and ethnic culture.

Irina Tumanova from Kalmykia entered the top three winners of "Miss Russia-2013"

At the Miss Russia 2013 contest, the final of which was held on March 2 in Moscow, the third place was taken by 18-year-old Irina Tumanova from Kalmykia, winning in the People's Choice nomination.

In total, 50 representatives of different regions of Russia participated in the competition. The victory went to 18-year-old Elmira Abdrazakova from the city of Mezhdurechensk, Kemerovo Region.

The title "Vice-Miss Russia" was given to Anastasia Yazykova from Yaroslavl, and the second "Vice-Miss" was Irina Tumanova from the Republic of Kalmykia, according to the official website of the Miss Russia-2013 contest.

Within the framework of the competition, Irina Tumanova, according to the results of Internet voting, won in the nomination "People's Choice". The representative of Kalmykia won 41,960 votes, according to the website Woman.ru, where the voting took place.

In accordance with the terms of the competition, Irina Tumanova will receive an educational grant - she will be paid for studying at any university in the world, informs ITAR-TASS.

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