Hamster PDF Reader what is this program. How to remove PDF Reader Packages (adware)

Hamster PDF Reader is a utility designed to open, view and print PDF files. With this tool, you can enjoy reading books, magazines, comics, newspapers and all kinds of documents in both PDF and XPS and DjVu formats. It is designed to make reading PDF documents convenient and fast, without unnecessary bells and whistles, with the minimum required set of functions available through the toolbar. Today you will get acquainted with this program, see its interface, features and, finally, you will be able to download hamster pdf reader for free Russian version.

What is this program and what are its features?

Hamster PDF Reader is compatible with Windows XP and Windows Vista, Windows 7 and Windows 8 (at the time of writing, of course). To start using a utility based on any of these Windows versions, you need to follow the standard installation process, which will take very little of your time. During the installation process, you will be prompted to associate Hamster with PDF, DjVu and XPS files.

Hamster PDF Reader has a simple control interface: the main panel is presented in the form of small tiles with a few names of the most elementary functions.

Hamster PDF Reader can open PDF, DjVu and XPS files. Select a PDF file and it will display nicely on the app's interface. From this interface, you can view a PDF file, switch between multiple viewing modes, highlight and copy text, find text, zoom in and out.

Hamster PDF Reader is free software extremely simple and comfortable to use.

Program interface

The application has a friendly and, as it were, inviting interface in the recently familiar Metro style, which resembles a package in its structure. Microsoft office 2013.

With the familiar navigation bar, you can navigate through your document quickly and easily.

Using the navigation bar, you can quickly turn pages one by one or set the desired place in the contents of the book. Just like any other editors, Hamster PDF Reader in the most friendly manner allows you to use bookmarks for full navigation, and to customize the shell, you can adjust the size and scale of the page for yourself. You can read books in full screen mode.

Another interesting feature is the search function, which will help you quickly find any words from phrases within a document. And here, for example, a variant of the view with two pages at once:

Hamster PDF Reader is convenient because:

  • Easy to install.
  • Supports everything desired formats.
  • It has a friendly interface and basic functions for setting it up.
  • Distributed for free.

As a conclusion, it can be said that it is difficult to identify shortcomings in the process of using Hamster PDF Reader. This application perfectly performs its functions and practically does not take up disk space. Recommended for those looking for a lightweight alternative to Adobe Reader.

"Hamster PDF Reader what is this program" - a query that will allow the user to get acquainted with a very worthwhile product. By using the word "worthy", we do not mean its price. It's about quality and functionality. Hamster PDF Reader will definitely be useful for those who spend an impressive amount of time at the computer and it doesn’t matter for what reason: work, study or leisure.

Hamster PDF Reader is another competitor for Adobe. And in some components it surpasses its eminent opponent, and there is no point in talking about less loud programs. Speaking of competition with Adobe, we meant a product called Adobe Reader. From the name Hamster pdf reader, this is understandable.

The official website of the Hamster pdf reader program tells us about its three main advantages:

  • Ease of use. Yes, a seditious thing that almost everyone attributes to their products. But in the case of Hamster pdf reader, the developers really did a great job. They made the interface as familiar to the average user as possible and intuitive. Outwardly, it is very similar to the interface of Microsoft Office 2013, which removes the impression of how you work with a completely unfamiliar program. Thanks to this, the user gets used to the Hamster pdf reader very quickly.

  • Capabilities. Here Hamster pdf reader is in no way inferior to Adobe Reader. You can also scale pages, instantly jump to the selected one, print them and even expand them to full screen for a presentational look. But the advantage lies in the number of formats that Hamster pdf reader supports. Among them there is such a popular format as DjVu. Previously, users had to download DjVu Reader or any other program that recognizes this format with Adobe Reader. With Hamster pdf reader this problem disappears.
  • Portability. Yes, it is portability that developers single out as the third most important advantage. After all, it can be run on any other computer without even installing it into the system, it is enough just to save it in portable mode on some kind of media.

We tried to explain as clearly as possible what kind of Hamster PDF Reader program it is. The decision to install it is entirely up to you.

Long gone are the days when programs had single-purpose tasks and allowed you to work with only one format. Consider functionality Hamster PDF Reader applications. What is this program? What files can it open?

This application opens all known formats related to reading magazines, books, booklets. Also, with its help, you can open files used when scanning pictures and pages of text. This allows not to set a lot special programs, which are used for a particular format, and use only one, with a single interface.

GUI and functionality

The graphical interface is very much like Microsoft Office. All the same category bookmarks, many zoom tools, etc. Many experts claim that this application is one of the best appearance in your category.

After opening any file (the screenshot shows an open pdf file) you can see that reading in this program is quite comfortable.

In order to increase or decrease the scale of pages, just hold down the Ctrl button and turn the wheel, choosing the optimal page size for viewing.

If the image is upside down after scanning, you can rotate it to any angle. For this, the rotation tools are used.

Using the tools tab, you can move the image. In addition, if necessary, the necessary text fragments can be copied to the clipboard and pasted into any of the text editing programs.

With other formats, the work is carried out in a similar way.

Hamster PDF Reader is quite fast, while taking up little space and using a minimum of system resources. When opening large documents, the response of the program will be almost instantaneous and the user will not have to wait long for files to load.
If for some reason you do not like this program, you can remove it by any of the known methods, for example, using the "Uninstall a program" tool located in the "Toolbar".

Hello everyone Hamster PDF Reader is a small program that can open PDF, XPS, DjVu files. Books usually come in this format. According to the developers, the program is simple, understandable and made in the style of Office 2013.

I don't know about you, but I love to read old computer magazines and everything related to them. Time goes by and what ten years ago was considered an unaffordable luxury, now you can buy for a penny. And in old magazines you can read articles about how everyone was waiting for, for example, the top-end Pentium 4 processor, and now it costs about ten dollars or even less.

A lot depends on the convenience of the PDF viewer, well, maybe it’s not the case for you, but it’s important to me. I used the Foxit viewer for this, well, no, I can’t say that it’s bad, but I didn’t notice anything special in it.

When I launched Hamster PDF Reader, I immediately liked its appearance:

I hope that the program is good not only externally

Here are the program settings, there are not very many of them, which is good:

Now let's see how Hamster PDF Reader works with PDF files, I downloaded some kind of test magazine and open it with this viewer:

By the way, this is a Chip computer magazine, as you can see, it can be read comfortably in this program. Everything is really done conveniently whatever one may say

If it is hard to see, then you need to hold down Ctrl and turn the wheel, this will enlarge the text and it will be comfortable to read:

I also noticed that the program works quickly even if the PDF file weighs a couple of tens of mb.

Using the toolbar on the Home tab, you can rotate the content, change the scale:

And this is the Tools tab:

Scale tab:

Help tab:

Hamster PDF Reader also works well with DjVu format:

Well, in principle, we found out what kind of Hamster PDF Reader program it is, what it is for. Well, now you have found out what kind of program it is, now you can decide whether you need it or not, if not, it is better to delete it, because the less unnecessary software on your computer, the better. And here's how to do it, first open the Start menu and select the Control Panel there (and if you have Windows 10, then you need to hold down Win + X and this item will be in the menu):

Then we find the Programs and Features icon:

There will be a list installed programs, look for Hamster PDF Reader there (I have version, right-click and select Delete:

Then the removal will begin, it will pass quickly enough:

As everything is deleted, you will be informed with the following message:

I didn’t uncheck the boxes during installation, yes, it’s my fault, but it’s still unpleasant that along with the Hamster PDF Reader, they are trying to put Yandex software in us as well. Despite the fact that I downloaded it from the official site! Well, okay, the browser, so they also shove the Browser Manager, and some kind of orange label Internet browser Explorer on the taskbar with a link to the Kinopoisk website By the way, I already wrote how to remove the Browser Manager