News of Lugansk and Lugansk region. Heard separatist conversations - call the SBU Hotline SBU if you are threatened

Ukrainian citizens planning to cross the dividing line between non-government-controlled territories and the rest of Donbass must have a special permit. Considering that the validity of this document is limited, if a person is forced to regularly pass or pass the checkpoint, he will probably be interested to know how to check the pass to the ATO zone. With this information, you can protect yourself from many problems, save time and money.

What is a pass to the ATO zone?

Some citizens, who are going to cross the contact line for the first time, mistakenly believe that a permit is required not only to travel through the checkpoint, but also to visit the frontline settlements. This is not true. If the purpose of the trip is Avdeevka, Maryinka, Krasnogorovka, Shchastya or Stanitsa Luganskaya, then a pass to the ATO zone is not needed. The same applies to all other cities and villages under the control of the government of Ukraine. A permit is required exclusively for crossing the checkpoint to enter the territory controlled by the authorities of the DPR and LPR.

For the first time, a system for monitoring the movement of citizens in the ATO zone was introduced in December 2014. Since then, everyone who is going to cross the checkpoint must obtain a pass to pass. At first, this document was on paper. But soon the use of ordinary passes with a seal gave rise to a lot of problems associated with forgery and corruption in registration. Therefore, since January 2016, the SBU database has been used to identify persons crossing the demarcation line in the ATO zone, and the permit itself has lost the form of a paper certificate.

The security service of Russia, DPR or LPR does not issue passes. Any documents issued in uncontrolled territories, with the exception of a birth or death certificate, have no legal force in Ukraine. To obtain a permit, you must contact a special section of the official website of the SBU.

Main problems

Today, citizens can issue a single or multiple pass. In the first case, the validity period of the document is limited to 14 days. A multiple permit can be used within 12 months.

It is important to remember that the paper version of the pass is no longer issued and is not valid. Crossing the border between the government-controlled territory and the DPR-LPR is possible only after the approval of the electronic application.

Can they not be allowed into the ATO zone if they do not have a passport, but if they have a pass? Clause 1.4 of the Temporary Procedure for Controlling the Movement of Citizens across the Contact Line allows any valid identity card issued by Ukrainian government agencies to be presented at the checkpoint. Thus, if a person shows to an employee of the State Border Guard Service his driver's license, military ID or medical certificate, then there will be no formal obstacles to passing or driving through the contact line. The main thing is not to forget that the identity card must have a photo and not be expired. And of course, residents of uncontrolled territories are highly discouraged from presenting any documents issued in the DPR or LPR instead of their passports at the Ukrainian checkpoint.
As practice shows, typical problems when crossing the demarcation line in the ATO zone are:

  • a large car or pedestrian queue;
  • lack of Internet access at the checkpoint, which makes it impossible to check passes;
  • failure or delay in the operation of the SBU website;
  • the termination of the checkpoint operation in connection with the shelling.

How to get a pass to the ATO zone: Video

How to find out if the last name is in the database

  • Kramatorsk;
  • Starobelsk;
  • Bakhmut (formerly Artyomovsk);
  • city ​​of Mariupol;
  • smt. Velikaya Novoselka.

With the exception of Kramatorsk, where the reception of citizens is carried out in a separate building of the coordination center for processing documents of the ATO zone at st. Parkovaya, d. 43, groups in other cities are located in the local departments of the National Police. Finding them will not be difficult even for a visitor.

If you have access to the Internet, filling out the application is noticeably easier, since there is no need to seek help from the coordination groups. All information is entered and processed on the website of the Security Service of Ukraine. Submission of a repeated application takes place there.

How to find out if you are in the SBU database? To do this, you need to go to the main page of the site of this service. Then, in the top menu, click on the link "Gromadians". Having got to the next page, we select the section "Register of permissions for relocation of individuals in the area of ​​ATO". If there is a login and password obtained during registration, access to the database will show the history of applications submitted by a citizen. If a multiple-use pass was issued, the period of which is calculated for one year, it will be possible to find out the expiry date of the permit. Of course, if there is no person in the database, then he simply will not be able to enter the login and password on the SBU website due to the lack of registration information.

Step-by-step instructions for applying

How to get a pass to the ATO zone? To begin with, it is worth deciding which registration procedure is more convenient for a citizen. In most cases, the SBU website is used for this. It is not convenient for everyone to register through coordination groups.

It is important to remember that up to 10 applications can be submitted on one account. This means that a citizen can issue a pass not only for himself, but also for his relatives or friends, if they ask him about it.

As in the case of rechecking the validity of the permit, registration takes place through a special section of the SBU website - "Register of permits for moving people to the ATO area." You can enter it from the main page through the selection in the top menu of the link "Gromadyanam".

While in the registration and pass verification section, a citizen will need to create an account by specifying his / her work email address. Personal data should be entered in Ukrainian. Write full name all capital letters are not required. The contact phone number is indicated in the international format + 380 ...

After registration is complete, an email with an activation code will be sent to your e-mail. If for any reason the username and password are lost, they can be easily restored by requesting new data to enter the email.

After creating an account, a citizen can go through authorization on the site and apply for a pass. This stage involves the selection of a sector to visit the ATO zone. Despite the fact that the borders of the uncontrolled territory are conditional and are not recognized by Ukraine, a citizen will still have to choose in advance through which checkpoint he plans to cross the contact line. Today there are 4 sectors.

  • A - Luhansk region. The main crossing point is the checkpoint "Stanitsa Luganskaya".
  • B - Donetsk direction. It includes two checkpoints - "Maryinka" (highway Donetsk - Kurakhovo) and "Novotroitskoe" (highway Donetsk - Mariupol).
  • M - Mariupol direction. The main crossing point is the Pishchevik checkpoint (Novoazovsk - Mariupol highway).
  • C - Gorlovskoe direction. The main crossing point is the Zaitsevo checkpoint (Gorlovka - Bakhmut highway).

Despite the fact that the citizen is asked to select in advance the point of crossing the line of contact, the law does not prohibit, if necessary, the use of another checkpoint. Usually this option is used if there is too much queue of cars on the main highway or if the pass of citizens in this direction is temporarily closed.

Filling out the application involves the need to answer some questions regarding passport data and the purpose of the trip. Recommends to provide truthful information, even if the crossing of the checkpoint is planned only for withdrawing money from an ATM or buying groceries.

It is not necessary to upload scanned copies of documents and photographs. Internally displaced persons must indicate the actual address of residence. The rest of the citizens living at the place of registration, enter into the application the data indicated in their passport.

If the questionnaire on the SBU website is filled in for the first time, then after the procedure is completed, the page is linked to the passport. When you reapply, the information will be displayed that the information has already been entered into the database.

Correct registration will lead to the fact that the inscription "APPLICATION ACCEPTED BEFORE WATCHING" will be displayed. A few days later (usually 3-4 days), information on the status of the questionnaire consideration will be sent by e-mail. If the application is satisfied, then on the page of the history of submission will be seen the entry "REFORMED". This means that the citizen for whom the application was submitted can freely cross the contact line in the ATO zone.

The deputy head of the SBU department in Pavlograd, Andrei Timoshenko, is convinced.

« We cannot put a policeman near every post, shop. Practice shows that as long as the state is not protected by the citizens themselves, nothing will happen. And the residents of the city should understand this. If you see suspicious actions, suspicious people or suspicious objects, then there is nothing inconvenient in calling the police, the SBU or the city executive committee. We saw someone outside in some apartment and that the appropriate services were urgently sent there. If we do not carry out security measures together with you, then we can get into trouble.", - said Andriy Tymoshenko during a joint meeting with law enforcement officers, Ministry of Emergency Situations, road carriers and railroad workers.

Memo with the algorithm of actions in case of detection of a suspicious object, as well as how to act in case of seizure of passenger transport by terrorists or if you are taken hostage, will be hung in passenger transport, at bus stops, train stations. He also noted that it is worth reporting to the SBU about the facts of various conversations of a separatist nature.

« If a person starts to conduct some kind of separatist conversations, then immediately report it, even anonymously. This does not mean that we will arrest this person, or something else, but we will carry out explanatory work, we will try to convince the person that his views are wrong. So that later there would be no questions - where were you, why did you not warn me. There is no need to arrange "spy mania", but there is the word vigilance, show attention and understanding and then Pavlograd will continue to live in peace and build its life in the future. In the ATO zone, when there is mutual understanding with people, then life immediately improves", - said Andriy Tymoshenko.

Shanovne Kerіvnitstvo. Pidrozdilam of the service are secured against separatism and warring propaganda in the cyber space. In the hour of hybridity against us, turn our enemies against us, all of us will be victorious, and the form of propaganda of separatism and terrorism is also accessible to the Ukrainian literary websites, de, for the purpose of being able to oppose Ukraine, to “sing along” It is far from demanding and walking, as to go to one of these Ukrainian sites under the name "Your Poems" / author / 3010, in the translation from the English keyboard to the Ukrainian one can see the door viglyad, like “vatnik”, like “Innokenty Frivolny” on the Russian site “” http: //www.stihi. ru / avtor / akela2, that on the іnh Ukrainian sites pіd the pseudo "Akela", wіn, in the prіzvisko Akєntєv, in the іdkrito cynіchnіy that nakhabnіy form zuhvalo rozpovsudzhu swear the separatist, With sarcasm, I win my fortune, I get hooked up in the "Russian world", so, especially, in the comments themselves to those who add them, for whom I vikorists there their side according to the scheme of the joke of the same idea of ​​the , gank all Ukrainian, vidkrito propa guyuchi separatism and terrorism against Ukraine. There is nothing special about freedom of speech and ideas, but about the blatant propaganda of separatism in the electronic means of mass information. What are some of them okremi vislovytsy "Vatnik" Dfnybr -, yak:

“If it cries, it means a failed state. Well, there are dozens of those who appear and disappear. Let's see what will happen in five years in place of Ukraine. Perhaps quite decent state. education that won't even need to cry. "
“It hurts, the soul does not hurt for Donbass, but, once artificially fastened, it will not return to Ukraine. Now, in fact, the same war that was almost 100 years ago between the DKR and the UPR. In one state - the USSR could still exist, in nationalist Ukraine - an inevitable and eternal conflict. And other territorial “gifts” made once by the Ukrainian SSR also have problems. And no one in the world now has extra money to keep Ukraine in its present form. Most likely, at the proposed Yalta-2, world leaders will divide Ukraine into natural components. 9-10 regions will be left to purely ethnic Ukraine and it will be an average European state, quite capable of developing and accepting Svidomo. "
“Generally speaking, in percentage terms, there are more people in Ukraine now than in the Gulag. And the main contingent of the GULAG was exiled settlers: credits to work experience and retention of 25% of earnings. But the shock from the content of the verse is different. It turns out that all industrialization, the development of production, science, the creation of highly qualified personnel, jobs, etc. none of the proebalts, khokhluevs, etc. did not need it. All their life they dreamed of plundering everything and settling down as toilet cleaners somewhere in Europe. "
“Ukraine (in the borders of the URSR) is a central and state-sponsored way of establishing such regions = Malorosiya + Karpatosiya + Novorosiya. Culturally and ethnically, Donbass can be traced back to Novorosiya - there are only 8 regions. New Russia, in contrast to other regions, did not get nicholas from Poland, and to that it took a native (Russian) move. There has not been a lot of beauty in Novosibirsk, Tobot is also a characterization of the people and independence of Donbass. If Ukraine is on the verge of 20 odd rocky, in general, it has been known from regions in less than two, and Novorossia was crushed, because of the * active process of the fall. Don't worry about V like that! Here, on the first plan, Donbass and Donbass, both of which did not hurt their land. And if Donbas is with Ukraine, or if you move to the lowest status - at the will of those who are in the middle of it - then it’s not until the transfer of the enterprise to the order of that ministry, for example, the village is in the order of that district. Usogo and turbot that! "
“What do you mean“ the war has come ”? It was arranged because almost everything was stolen and there was nothing to cut the loot from. Perhaps from the war. And there is still something ahead. "
"So new, exactly the same bitches will be chosen."
“This will include, among other things, the strengthening of the country's common cultural space, its foundations - the Russian language and classical Russian literature, which have always determined the common spiritual and moral guidelines of the peoples of the Russian Federation, helped to preserve our cultural code and pass it on to new and new generations” 2 December. .Joint meeting of the Council for Culture and Arts and the Council for the Russian language "
“But those ATOs need it? They would be shirev. When the guys take them prisoner, they do not know what to do with them: chipped, glass eyes, all soaked in drugs. "
“Well, yes, Ukraine is all white and fluffy. This means that the author and commentators have a dulled feeling for the evil mess that is happening in Ukraine. Who once said a word against the horror of “Odessa Khatyn”? The bombing of peaceful cities, the killing of women and children, attempts to strangle the Donbass with hunger, etc.? Simple robbery is already perceived as something like smoking in the wrong place. It seems to be so, but Ukrainians are mere angels. Only in recent days, Russian banks and shops were smashed, firing from a granotomk at the Polish consulate, and the libraries received an order to reduce their funds by 80%, i.e. withdraw Russian books. "
“We once performed on an impromptu stage in the schoolyard of the village of Khryaschevate. There, among the listeners, a dog was sitting and listening very attentively. We were told his story. But in general, the reality is scary. The village in the summer of 2014. and was then under the Ukrop occupation for only three weeks, until the punishers were knocked out. But during this time, over 40 people died, including several children. How many such settlements are there in the Donbass! "
“Everyone is whining about the Crimea dill, everyone is bothering and waiting for something. Who wants to go back to the ass that is still called Ukraine? "
"Ukraine April 14, 2014. unleashed a war in Donbass. Compare - Donbassians do not lie that NATO attacked them. Although the Ukrop army has enough NATO instructors, equipment, and warriors. Even blacks were taken prisoner. And there would be no joy for the Crimeans! The Ukrainians managed to kill only 17 people. Do not compare with how much grief they brought to Donbass. And leave the fantasies about the Ukrop "victory". Well, what kind of warriors from dill? Only with women and children to fight? You have to pity them. In January, foolishly went on the offensive and got the full - only 3 hundred dead. "
“It is also impossible to allow the Ukrop punishers to kill women and children. Although the author writes that it is forced. Why does this beast do this, where did the human thing go? Or under drugs (there are many drug addicts among them), or “so that there is no way back” (still Bandera practice)? As they said in Gorlovka - they caught such a Ukrop gunner that he was directing artillery fire at schools, they did not even interrogate them especially - in the pit!
I hope not everyone in Ukraine supports the Nazi beast! "

that інші in the comments at the last additional articles of the site "Your Poems"
Naygirshe those who bilya tsy "Vatnik" Dfnybr - are already clinging to the same idea of ​​separatism from Ukraine, yak:
Alexey Savchenko
Svetlana Kolisnichenko
Anatoly Filimonikhin
Alexander Mamontov
Igor Kistanov
Yuri Petrusevich
і yak tsei, especially "Dfnybr -", seemingly lack of carnity, (through Ukraine and the information program), also seemingly separating Ukrainian phobia, visibility , representing a threat to the safety of the land in the minds of hybrid warfare. For the anti-terrorist propaganda services in the cyber space, it should not be difficult to virachuvati for the ІР-addresses of the foreign countries, that foreign countries, as they wish for Ukraine, for the purpose of blocking the status 110 for separatism ... In the wake, Yuriy Viktorovich Shnurkov, metro Kropyvnytskyi.