Checking the hard drive of a computer or laptop. How to check the hard drive for health? Methods for diagnosing the technical condition of a hard drive How to check a portable hard drive

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What is the verification for?

It is necessary to check the operation of the internal storage medium then:

  1. When you purchased a new PC hard drive.
  2. If you notice poor computer performance. This can be: the loss of folders and files, long-term copying and transferring files from one hard drive storage location to another, frequent freezing of applications.
  3. If there are noisy noises while working with the computer.

Checking the internal memory drive is carried out using special programs. The most effective of them are scanning utilities - HDD Scan and Victoria. The first program is able to check the hard drive to the full extent and give a result that will indicate the assessment of the status of all storage media:

  • USB/Firewire (external drives);
  • RAID arrays;
  • flash cards.

HDD Scan will tell you the series and firmware number of the hard drive that is installed on the PC. The utility is able to scan and find flaws and damage on the internal memory of your PC. Also, HDD Scan will determine how full the hard drive resource is.

How to check the hard drive for operability with the HDD Scan program is available to every student. This is the easiest way to detect damage to the hard drive. You need to download the program to your computer and download the check. The utility offers a simple menu that does not require further explanation.

You can download the program by clicking on the “Download Version” button. After downloading the utility to your computer, unzip the files. Now go to the program folder by running the executable file. This program does not require mandatory installation, and the file with the multifunctional utility takes up a meager amount of space on your hard drive.

A method for diagnosing and cleaning a hard drive (Victoria)

In the process of using a computer hard drive, their performance is lost over time. In this regard, the so-called “broken sectors” can form on hard drives.

This process foreshadows the aging of the internal storage resource and it is inexorable. These problems are characterized by a decrease in hard drive performance and loss of information from the disk. Having identified the problem, it is necessary to solve it.

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In a modern computer, the hard drive is the most unreliable device. Since the number of failures of this component is very large, and the whole danger is that you cannot predict the time when it will break, but you can periodically check the hard drive for serviceability. Due to untimely diagnostics and prevention, many users lose important information. Therefore, I recommend that you always pay attention to how your computer works.

If, then you need to check the hard drive for serviceability. How to do this, I will tell you in this article.

Let's first look at how a hard drive works and what it consists of.

HDD consists of glass and aluminum plates, which are covered with a special layer of ferromagnetic material. In simple terms, a hard drive is a magnetic recording device.

For clarity, I attach an image of the insides of the HDD.

In the production of hard drives, at the final stage, low-level formatting is carried out, which forms a “disk map”, marking it into tracks and sectors. Special marks are also applied so that the head falls into the desired sector. A sector is a unit of measure for a hard disk and is equal to 512 bytes.

To check the hard drive for serviceability, we will use special programs.

HDD Temperature Check

It is important to monitor the temperature of the hard drive, as overheating can lead to its failure. To check the temperature of the hard drive, you can use utilities such as AIDA or HDD Life.

You can download these programs on the official websites, for this, enter in the names of the programs.

After installing the HDDLife program, run it, and you will clearly see the status of your hard drive, as well as its temperature.

You can also test the disk if you wish.

In the AIDA program, you can also view the disk temperature parameters.

To do this, run the program, open the item "Computer" - "Sensors"

All information at a glance. If you see that the temperature of the hard drives is high enough, you need to install active cooling. Special cooling systems for hard drives are sold in stores.

We check the status of the hard drive with CrystalDiskInfo.

You can download the CrystalDiskInfo program from the official website, it is distributed free of charge, but it has quite rich functionality and can provide all the necessary information to the user about the state of the disk. If the program after diagnostics determines that the disk is fully functional, it will give a status assessment as “Good”. If there are any problems, the program will give an "Alarm" or "Bad" rating if the drive is in a dying state.

You can also see S.M.A.R.T information in CrystalDiskInfo - this is the initial data by which the program evaluates the state of the disk.

We check the status of the hard drive with the Victoria program.

In order to prevent problems with the hard drive in advance, I recommend using the Victoria program under Windows. With its help, you can get a lot of important information about the disk, as well as check the disk for bad sectors and preventive measures. The program has a free and paid version, to determine the status of the disk, it will be enough for us to use the free version. The program is suitable even for beginners, as it has an intuitive interface, and when scanning the HDD, the user clearly sees the state of the sectors.

Since we are only interested in the state of the disk, we will not delve into the process of deep checking and restoring problem sectors, if any, but for a complete understanding, I will describe the main functions. To begin with, we download the program, it is quite light and weighs less than 1 mb, so after downloading, we launch the application - an icon with a green cross. In the main window of the program, you will see a horizontal menu with switching tabs. Let's consider the most important ones.

During the test, the program will scan the disk for readability of sectors, as you can see, the quality of the sectors is highlighted in different colors. Let's see what each color means.

  • Gray sectors are the fastest sectors, we have no questions about them.
  • Green - sectors that work slower, they are also in good condition.
  • Orange - slow sectors, if the disk has accumulated a lot of such sectors, then you need to think about its health, because because of them, the disk starts to work more slowly, and as a rule, such sectors will fail in the future.
  • Red - sectors are damaged and cannot be read. If the program detects them, you need to think about a new disk.
  • Blue sectors with a cross are those that caused a failure when reading. Information from them cannot be recovered, but you can make the replacement of this sector a working one, and perhaps the disk will work a little more, but it’s better not to delay the replacement.

If you pay attention, then there are four buttons on the test tab panel: Ignore, Erase, Remap, Restore, they will also be useful to us, consider their purpose.

  • Ignore - a function in which only a surface test is performed and no actions are applied to bad sectors.
  • Erase - when this function is enabled, bad sectors will be overwritten.
  • Remap - if this function is enabled, the program will try to replace bad sectors with working ones. That is, when scanning, the program finds a bad sector, marks it as not working and replaces it with a good, working sector.
  • Restore - this feature is available only in the paid version of the program. When enabled, the program will try to restore the non-working sector.

I have described the main functions of the program, you just have to select the one you need and run the scan. It may be quite long, depending on the capacity of the hard disk, as well as on its condition. Therefore, be patient. If many problem sectors are found on your disk, then do not hesitate to purchase a new one, and make sure that you transfer all important information to another as soon as possible and not regret losing it in the future.

That's all for me, now you know how to check the hard drive for serviceability, and you can take steps to replace it in advance.

The hard drive is an extremely important hardware component of a PC. Therefore, the user may need to solve problems related to testing the hard drive for errors, as well as correcting them. What tools can be used for this? What are the most common errors in the operation of a hard drive?

What are the problems with the hard drive?

Before considering how to test a hard drive, let's look at what might be the reason for performing the appropriate test. What problems might arise in his work?

To use the utility in question, you need to go to the "Computer" section, then right-click on the hard drive icon. There may be several of them, in which case it makes sense to check each one in turn. After right-clicking on the hard drive icon in the menu that opens, select the "Properties" option. In the window that appears, go to the "Service" tab. Then click on the "Perform verification" button and follow the instructions.

In some versions of Windows, the utility in question is not configured to test logical drives that host OS system files. But in this case, the "Check Disk" program provides an option: initiating testing of the hard drive during the subsequent boot of the operating system. You can select it and immediately restart Windows: during the startup process, the system itself must ask the user for permission to check the disk on which the system files are located.

So, now we know how to test a hard drive using the popular built-in Windows tool - the Chkdsk program. This solution allows you to effectively fix file system errors. But what if the alleged failure of the hard drive is associated with the appearance of bad sectors on it? How to test a laptop or desktop hard drive for appropriate damage?

For these purposes, the widest range of solutions can be used. Some of the most popular programs include:

  • Data Lifeguard Diagnostic.
  • HDD scan.
  • Ashampoo HDD Control.
  • Victoria HDD.
  • AIDA64 (formerly Everest).
  • MHDD.

Let's study their features.

Hard drive testing: Data Lifequard Diagnostic

This program is developed by the Western Digital brand, which is one of the most famous manufacturers of hard drives in the world. How to test the hard drive for errors using this software?

The corresponding program works in several modes. The most informative from the point of view of displaying information about errors on the disk is the Extended Test mode. In particular, it can be used to find damaged sectors on the surface of hard disk platters. If they are detected, the program will prompt the user to use an algorithm by which bad sectors will be excluded from those used by the hard drive to write and read files.

Hard drive testing: HDD Scan

Another popular solution for checking disks is the HDD Scan program. How to test the hard drive of a laptop or desktop computer with it?

The application in question also contains several tests. Among those that may be useful to us is the Surface Tests. It, like the previous solution, allows you to analyze the surface of the disk platters for bad sectors. It is noteworthy that the program in question allows you to detect not only bad sectors, but also those that have problems with reading and writing. So, HDD Scan can reveal areas on the surface of hard disk platters, where the reading speed can be dozens of times inferior to normal values. In practice, this may mean, as in the case of bad sectors, it is desirable to exclude the corresponding sections from those used by the hard drive to write files.

Disk testing: Ashampoo

Another popular program is Ashampoo HDD Control. How can I test my hard drive for errors with it?

It is worth noting that the application in question contains a fairly large number of tools for checking the hard drive, as well as working with detected disk problems. Of these, you can use, for example, the option for testing the surface of the device plates - Test Surface.

Based on the results of the corresponding one, it shows sectors that have high reading rates, as well as bad sectors.

Victoria HDD

The next popular solution for checking hard drives is Victoria HDD. It can be noted that this program allows you to both test the hard drive on Windows 7 (8 or any other), and check the hard drive through the DOS command line.

This feature increases the versatility of the considered solution. In addition, the corresponding software has very good functionality.

So, the program allows you to test a hard drive for bad sectors, reassign their use, classify hard drive surface areas into different categories depending on the speed of reading files from them.

If the English graphical version of the program in question is used, you must run it, then go to the Tests tab. It contains tests on the surface of the hard disk platters. If necessary, you can configure the program's actions when bad sectors are detected:

  • ignoring the problem (with its subsequent reflection in the test results);
  • sector reassignment;
  • removal of sectors;
  • recovery of damaged areas of the disk.

If necessary, you can use each of the specified modes of the program in turn.

Hard drive testing: AIDA64 program

Many users are interested in the question of how to test a hard drive. Old versions of the corresponding software are now available on various portals on the Internet. The fact is that in the latest modifications the program is called differently, its name sounds like AIDA64.

It should be noted that this type of software is one of the most functional solutions in terms of equipment performance testing. So, for example, using the program in question, you can test the speed of a hard drive, and not only. Using it, you can also measure the performance of RAM, processor, flash drives.

The functionality of the program includes various stress tests that involve checking in the maximum load mode on the corresponding type of tests can also be carried out for the computer hard drive.

Check disk for errors: MHDD program

According to IT experts, the MHDD program is one of the most functional solutions for checking hard drives for errors. Considering which program to test the hard drive with, experts can opt for the MHDD solution, because:

  • it includes a qualitative test of the surface of hard disk platters;
  • it can be launched in a bootable format - for example, from a flash drive, which allows you to test the hard drive before installing any operating system on it;
  • the program includes a large number of useful tests, as well as disk repair tools;
  • related software for free.

Of course, the solution in question can also work from the operating system. The specific way in which it is better to use it depends on the nature of the problem with the disks, on the hardware configuration on a particular PC, on the specifics of the operating system used, if it is pre-installed on the computer.

MHDD program: testing the disk

Consider a number of practical nuances of using the corresponding popular program. Let's agree that the user has a need to use the boot version of this software. To do this, you need to make a device with which the program will be launched, for example, a USB flash drive or CD.

After the device is ready, you need to configure the boot from it in the BIOS. By the way, the question of how to test a hard drive through BIOS is also asked by many users. Computer manufacturers may well implement the necessary options in the appropriate software interfaces to test the performance of hard drives.

When working with the MHDD program, a nuance should be taken into account: the solution in question does not work with hard drives that are connected to the computer in Slave mode. If this is the case, the disks must be reconnected, and only after that should they be tested.

After launching the program installed on a bootable flash drive or CD, you need to select a specific drive that will be tested. Then enter the SCAN command on the command line, which initiates a media check. If you do not need to set any additional scan parameters, you need to press F4 to run the corresponding test.

However, additional parameters may still be required. For example, if we talk about the Start LBA option, it is used to specify specific blocks on the hard drive from which the program should check the disk. In turn, the End LBA option is intended to specify those blocks that are checked at the end of disk testing. However, by default, the program checks the entire surface of the hard drive platters.

How to test a hard disk for errors and then reassign bad sectors using the interfaces of the MHDD program? Very simple: the Remap option is used for this. If you select the Erase Delays option, the program will ignore bad sectors, which will speed up the disk scan if there are a lot of bad sectors on its surface.

The MHDD disk scanning program works quite informatively: the scanned sectors are displayed on the user's screen in real time. In a separate section of the interface of the corresponding software, the number of different blocks is counted.


You can check the status of the hard drive using both the built-in Windows tools and using special programs. At the same time, the tools of the first type are designed mainly to fix errors in the file system, the second - to identify and correct bad sectors using available methods.

Specialized ones can be supplied in both graphical and console versions. Some of the relevant solutions can be used in the boot modification: it can be used even if the computer does not have an operating system installed.

It can be noted: how to test an external hard drive is practically the same as the procedure for testing a built-in hard drive. For this, the same solutions can be applied, the main thing is to correctly connect them to the PC. But this is possible only if the computer supports those communication interfaces through which an external hard drive is supposed to be connected.

A hard drive is a computer component that has a limited lifespan. Therefore, when buying a used hard drive or a second-hand computer, you should check the state of its performance. Otherwise, you run the risk of getting a replacement, which will cost no less than $45. How and by what criteria to determine the status of a hard drive, you will learn in this article.

Factors that reflect the condition of the hard drive

In order to understand how long the hard drive of a computer or laptop will work, it is enough to pay attention to two points:

  • S.M.A.R.T.;
  • The number of slow or bad sectors.

Watch S.M.A.R.T.

Any hard drive diagnostics begins with checking it. in which a lot of useful information is recorded for the entire time of the hard disk.

There are many programs that allow you to view S.M.A.R.T. hard drives. One of them is Aida64. You can download it from the manufacturer. The free trial version is enough not only to count S.M.A.R.T. , but also to, for example, .

Download and install Aida64 of any version.

Downloading Aida64 from the official site

Good S.M.A.R.T in Aida64

All information on the selected hard drive will be displayed in the right part of the window.

Ideally, all positions should be without exclamation marks and red crosses.

Example of bad S.M.A.R.T

An interesting position in S.M.A.R.T. is Power on time count. This is the number of hours worked. Values ​​up to 10.000 are more or less acceptable. Although there are hard drives that have worked and 25.000. In general, the lower this indicator, the better.

Also deserves special attention. This is the number of reassigned sectors. It must be equal to 0, otherwise the hard drive can be considered unreliable.

Now you will learn about a small, but very useful HDD Scan program. As the name suggests, this program is designed to scan the hard drive on a computer.

But, besides this, the program is able to carry out FULL diagnostics of the hard drive, evaluate the status of any data drive (it supports IDE / SATA / SCSI hard drives, RAID arrays, external USB / Firewire drives and even flash cards)!

HDDScan will allow you to find out the number and even the firmware version of the hard drive installed on your computer and find bad sectors of any scanned hard drive.

The program will show how exhausted the resource of the hard disk is, what problems the tested hard drive has and more! This utility will fix hard drive surface errors.

It has a very nice modern interface design.

Here: you can download the program for checking hard drives (gcontent)download HDDScan (/gcontent)

And below on the page you will see a video tutorial on working with this program for scanning and restoring hdd (hard drives).

Checking hard drive sectors

This is no longer a problem even for beginners. In general, HDDScan is an almost indispensable program! In terms of the quality of work and functionality, at the moment there are almost no analogues to it.

Since, the good old and time-tested programs for checking hard drives, such as MHDD and Victoria (read more in the article: How to fix bad sectors on a disk in Windows) are no longer able to recognize modern hard drives, and even more so - to perform their comprehensive diagnostics ...

After you download this program to your computer, unzip it.... enter the folder with the program and run the executable file, which is mentioned at the beginning of the video lesson.

You don't have to install the program (another plus!), and besides, it takes up negligible space on your hard drive. But despite this, it is so functional that one has only to wonder how we managed without it before :-)))

How to check the hard drive of a computer for operability

The interface of the HDD Scan program is made in English. However, the program is so easy to use and will be understandable even for novice users.

Well, after watching this video tutorial on working with this utility for checking hard drives that are currently connected to the computer, there will be no questions left :-)))

Turn on the speakers and press "Play" ....

Checking hard drive sectors for errors

Quite often, many computer users experience a deterioration in the performance of hard drives during use.

Even in the best scenario, this leads to a decrease in performance and the appearance of bad areas on the surface of hard drives, but this can also cause the loss of all information that is on the hard drive!

Specialized programs and utilities for diagnosing and recovering data on hard drives, like the free HDDScan program presented here, are designed to help in such cases.

Checking an external hard drive

Using the HDD Scan program, you can easily scan not only internal, but also external hard drives that are connected to your computer.

It is designed to check hard drives under Windows. The utility works from the environment of the Windows operating system - this means that you do not have to bother and create any boot diskettes.

Very comfortably! It is simply desirable during the launch and operation of the program, it is desirable to disable the antivirus and programs running in the background and occupying resources, for example, download managers.

hdd hard drive recovery

As you probably noticed when watching the video, starting from the 14th minute it is shown how you can try to fix it, that is, simply remove the bad sector of the hard drive if you do not want to completely replace the hard drive (buy a new one).

We start testing the surface with the "full erase" parameter. This usually helps to get rid of these types of bad blocks on the surface of the hard drive.

Attention! Before doing this, copy all important data from the HDD you want to test. In general, if you want to try to recover bad sectors on the disk, then watch the video tutorial again from the 14th minute.

Conclusion: the best way to carry out a complete diagnosis of a hard drive today is the HDDScan program, which works from the Windows environment and at the same time allows you to perform a comprehensive assessment of the reliability and surface condition of any hard drive, including even external USB drives.