iPhone 6 is slow. Why iPhone slows down and how to speed it up. Method # 2: Cache and extra applications

It doesn't matter which iPhone the user owns - the "seventh" or the outdated "fourth"; sooner or later, any mobile device starts to freeze and “slow down”. As a rule, this is due to the limited RAM - the user clogs it with the data of useless applications, which he then forgets to delete.

A competent revision of the information stored on the gadget will definitely speed up the work of the iPhone. About what specific measures should be taken by the user, and this article will tell.

There is a way to quickly get rid of the Apple application cache without restarting the mobile device. The procedure is as follows:

Step 1. Hold down the " power» until the slider appears « Turn off"(aka -" Slide to Power Off»).

Image: homeplanbase.us

Step 2. Release the button power” and hold for a few seconds “ Home».

Step 3. When the iOS home screen appears in front of you, release the " Home».

Next, perform a quick check: call up the multitasking menu by double-clicking on " Home". You'll make sure the apps are open in the background, but if you go to one of them, you'll see it reloading.

Before you start cleaning the "RAM" in this way, make sure that the iPhone is unlocked - otherwise, by holding "Home" you will only be able to call.

Disabling graphic effects

Parallax and frosted glass effect give the iOS interface a unique beauty: the first effect provides a pseudo-three-dimensional look for icons and wallpapers, the second - the volume of all graphic elements. By sacrificing beauty, you can also speed up the iPhone. Disable graphical effects as follows:

Step 1. Go to " Settings' and follow the path ' Main» — « Universal access».

Step 2. In chapter " Universal access» find subsection « Reduced motion' and go into it.

Step 3. Switch the toggle switch " Reduced motion» to inactive position.

By default, this slider is disabled.

By disabling graphical effects, you will notice that the response time to a click on the screen is significantly reduced, and applications run much more smoothly.

Disabling auto downloads and auto updates

If your iPhone is slow, it may be caused by the device automatically downloading an app that is on the same user's iPad. In addition, "apple" gadgets with iOS versions above 7.0 are capable of downloading information from already installed applications without the knowledge of the owners, which also negatively affects the performance of the operating system.

You can prevent the iPhone from replenishing data in automatic mode as follows:

Step 1. Open " Settings” and go to the section “ iTunes Store App Store».

Step 2. Scroll down to the block Automatic downloads” and deactivate all toggle switches.

Step 3. Return to " Settings' and follow the path ' Main» — « Update content».

Step 4. In the subsection " Content update» switch the slider of the same name to the inactive position.

By disabling autoload, the user will not only speed up the work - it will also extend the battery life of the mobile device and save a lot of traffic.

Clearing the cache in Safari

This measure will not increase the performance of the "apple" device as a whole, but it will definitely affect the speed of the built-in iPhone browser. Erase the accumulated safari garbage can be like this:

Step 1. AT " Settings» find the section « safari ' and go into it.

Step 2. Scroll down - you will find the item " Clear the history". Click on it.

Step 3. In the menu that appears, confirm that you want to clear your browser history.

In chapter " safari» can be erased and cookie- To do this, press the button " Delete cookies and data».

The user should note that after deletion cookie logins and passwords saved by the browser will be lost.

Automatic deletion of messages

The opinion that the volume of the message archive does not affect the overall performance of the iPhone is erroneous - due to the large number of stored SMS messages, not only the application " Messages", but also other programs. The user may be surprised how much space his correspondence actually takes up - especially if he regularly uses "gifs", memes and videos during virtual communication.

To prevent useless information from accumulating, iPhone owners are advised to set up automatic deletion of messages after 1 month. This can be done on iOS versions above 8.0. Here's how to proceed:

Step 1. Follow the path" Settings» (« Settings») — « Messages» (« messages») — « Leave messages» (« Keep messages»).

Image: genretech.xyz

Step 2. In the subsection " Leave messages» check the box next to « 30 days» (« 30 days»).

iPhone users should not be afraid to part with outdated messages. If necessary, these SMS can be.

Is an OS update worth it?

Some thematic portals recommend updating the operating system as a measure to speed up the iPhone. Such a recommendation should be taken more than cautiously, because "there is no way back" - Apple does not allow you to roll back the "OS" to the previous version. The user must correlate the model of his "apple" gadget and the OS version - he should not chase software innovations, otherwise he will receive a device that, due to constant freezes, will impossible normal to use.

The “Cupertinians” do not hide the fact that a bug is “sewn” into each new version of the OS, due to which iOS slows down on older devices. This is not the most honest way Apple is forcing users to change gadgets.

iPhone 5S owners should not install iOS 10, just like 4S owners should avoid updating to version 8. The single-core iPhone 4 can't cope with iOS 7 either: the unfortunate owners of these old devices will not let you lie - even those few applications that are installed on the "four" constantly crash. Recommendations to update the iPhone so that it works faster are sometimes given very recklessly and superficially - “experts” always need to clarify up to which version is the maximum You should update the iOS of a specific Apple smartphone model.

Will third party apps help?

It's time for iPhone users to learn how to find not only funny toys in the AppStore, but also really useful utilities. At least 2 programs are hidden in the bowels of the Apple app store that can have a beneficial effect on the overall performance of the gadget. Both perform the function of redistributing RAM (" Memory Boost”), that is, more megabytes are allocated for resource-intensive applications, and for less capricious ones, respectively, as much as they need.

The second utility is called Battery Saver you can download it. This program was not recommended by international publications, and, judging by the mass of negative reviews in the AppStore, it performs its function "insofar as".

The user should not be embarrassed that the word appears in the names of both programs Battery. The redistribution of “RAM” is rather a secondary function of these utilities, and the main one is to extend the battery life of a mobile device.

Using apps to speed up your iPhone is as easy as shelling pears: both have a section " Memory", where there is only one button - " Boost". It is enough to press this button, and the redistribution of the operating system will begin.

Journalists of the already mentioned publication macworld advise with constant freezes of the iPhone to resort to the help of these applications first of all. If the programs cannot eliminate the inconvenience, you should turn to other methods.


Users of "apple" devices, arguing what to do if the iPhone slows down, often inflate "out of molehills." In many cases, to solve the problem, you do not need to resort to ingenious methods and “heavyweight” utilities - just a device is enough reload. The reboot will free up resources that were occupied by system services, and the iPhone will definitely breathe easier.

If both the reboot and the other described methods turned out to be equally ineffective, you should go to the extreme measure - restore the iPhone from a backup copy that was made before performance issues. Of course, this measure will lead to the loss of some of the current data, but the problem will certainly be solved.

It is widely believed that mobile device manufacturers, with the release of new gadgets, artificially slow down old ones in order to push users to buy new products. However, experts interviewed by Brian Chen of the NY Times believe that this is a myth. Instead, they offer some tips to help speed up “outdated” devices and explain why over time any gadget begins to “slow down”. Translation of the article leads The Idealist.

This happens every year: Apple releases new iPhones, and then a lot of people whine about their old phones being slower.

Just take a look at the latest data. From September to early November - when Apple released , and then search in Google for the keywords "iPhone began to work more slowly" (" iPhone slow") jumped by about 50%.

This myth is so widespread that many believe that technology companies deliberately damage smartphones and computers so that people buy new ones every few years. Conspiracy theorists call this planned obsolescence.

It is a myth. While slowdowns do occur, the cause is far less nefarious: a software update.

"Companies that build operating systems have no incentive to create planned obsolescence," says Greg Rise, former program manager Microsoft who worked on Windows XP. “It’s all about the software, which has a lot of unintentional bugs of varying degrees.”

Here's what happens: when tech giants like Apple, Microsoft and Google, introduce new hardware, they frequently release updates for their operating systems. For example, a few days before the release iPhone 8 in September Apple released as a free software update for iPhone, including four iPhone 5S.

The technical process of migrating from an old operating system to a new one - migrating your files, applications, and settings - is extremely complex. Therefore, when you install a brand new operating system on an older device, you may encounter problems that slow down the camera and webpage loading.

"It's like replacing plumbing in an old house," says Scott Berkun, author and former manager Microsoft who oversaw the engineers working on operating systems Windows and web browsers.

And since tech companies are inadvertently slowing down your devices, there are means to spice up your three year old. iPhone or a seven year old computer with Windows. Below is a guide to speeding up your problematic gadgets based on advice from IT professionals and operating system experts.

Refresh the system

Tech companies make it easy to migrate to a new operating system: Clicking the Upgrade button migrates all your apps and data. While this approach is convenient, it's not the best way to keep things running smoothly.

The best practice is to back up all your data and wipe your entire device prior to installing a new operating system. This "clean install" works more reliably because it's easier for operating system engineers to test just such a system, Mr. Rise says.

Let's say for example you have iPhone 6 with 100 apps installed, four email accounts and 2,000 photos. Most likely, the quality assurance engineer tested the installation of a new operating system on a clean iPhone 6, not on iPhone 6 with the same setup as yours.

So, if you want to minimize the chance of something going awry, opt for a clean install instead of the easy upgrade option. For smartphones, I recommend backing up data to a computer. For computers, you can back up your data to an online service or a portable hard drive. After the installation of the operating system is complete, you can safely restore data and applications to your device from a backup.

Clear out the trash

Sometimes a little maintenance is enough to speed up your device. In the long run, the operating system accumulates system files, settings, logs, and other data; IT experts call it "junk". It may cause your device to slow down.

There are several applications for computers to clean up your system. Users Mac can download the free app Onyx, and users Windows- run the cleaning utility included in the system. For devices iPhone and Android you can open the settings app and select reset settings. (Just make sure you back up important data first).

Be mindful of your storage

Here's what a lot of people don't understand: Simply because your iPhone or phone Samsung has 64 gigabytes of memory, this does not mean that you have to fill all the space. The device tends to run faster if more memory is available.

This is partly because your device needs space to move data around and download software updates. But it also has to do with how storage technology works inside smartphones and modern laptops.

Smartphones and newer laptops rely on flash memory, which stores data in cells on semiconductor chips. When data is stored on a flash drive, it is scattered across the disk. So when you extract data to open an application or document, you are extracting it from several parts of the disk. If a lot of space is taken up, there is too much data and the device may run slowly.

"If you use the whole thing, the system will not work well," says Brian Denslow, technical specialist Tech Collective, an information technology consulting company in San Francisco. Mr. Denslow thinks a good rule of thumb is to buy a machine with more storage than you need. For example, instead of iPad for 64 gigabytes, buy the 256 gigabyte model.

I also recommend freeing up more space by uploading some of your photos to the cloud. You can upload all your albums to the service, for example, Google Photos, and periodically delete all images from the device itself. I did this recently on my iPhone 7, which was almost full and seemed to slow down; cleaning photos freed up 50 gigabytes, and iPhone now feels as good as new.

Invest in your infrastructure

Your device may seem slower for reasons unrelated to itself. Mr. Denslow, a technician, said that many applications rely on an Internet connection, so poor WiFi- the router can become a bottleneck.

“To get a boost in speed, invest in a state-of-the-art system WiFi. I recommend products like Google WiFi and Eero, which are so-called mesh network systems that help you easily set up multiple stations WiFi to get a strong signal throughout the house. They're expensive, but upgrading your infrastructure will do more than buying a new phone."

“Instead of spending $1,000 on a phone every year, spend $500 on a network,” Denslow says. "It's not as sexy, but it gives more benefits over a long period of time."

Consider an upgrade

After all, there are many reasons why your device might be slow. Newer operating systems have more powerful features that have been designed to work better on newer devices. In addition, third-party app developers usually prioritize creating software for new phones, and sometimes even stop supporting older gadgets. If there are important tasks that your older device can't do professionally, consider upgrading.

Mr. Rise, Former Program Manager Microsoft, said that he recently ran into problems after updating his iPhone 6S to iOS 11. Some features, such as the ability to search for the app, no longer worked. Resetting the device fixed the problem, but he noticed that he would most likely buy a new one iPhone to keep up with the latest technology.

“Still, old devices are functionally limited,” he notes.

Understanding that your iPhone has become slower is quite simple. The animations of flipping desktops slow down, applications and games open for a long time, and in general the smartphone slows down. The reasons for this are also simple.

Why iPhone slows down and how to fix it

1. You just installed a new version of iOS

Do not rush to scold your iPhone for sluggishness immediately after the update. The system needs some time to index all the files, remove the cache, and optimize its work and the work of applications. The smartphone will slow down a little, heat up and discharge faster than usual - this is normal.

Actually, there is nothing to fix here. You just need to wait. It's ideal to update in the evening and leave your iPhone on charge overnight to let iOS do its work.

2. The disk is almost full

Filling the built-in storage to the limit can also be the reason for iPhone slowdown. No matter how productive the smartphone is, the system will inevitably run slower if there are a few free megabytes left on the disk.

Fixing this problem is easy. It is enough to delete something unnecessary or reset photos and videos to a computer or save to the cloud. Starting from , it is convenient to clear free space directly on your smartphone from the iPhone Storage menu, which is located in the General settings section.

3. You upgraded instead of installing iOS from scratch

Another reason for the brakes can be the accumulated garbage and bugs from previous versions of iOS. This usually happens if you update the device for several years in a row, and not perform a clean installation.

To prevent this from happening, it's best to alternate an update with a clean install and sometimes flash your iPhone through iTunes without restoring from a backup. It's best to keep a backup just in case. At least in iCloud.

4. Visual effects are enabled on the old device

Modern iOS has a lot more visual effects and animations than earlier versions. In new devices, they do not affect performance in any way, but in older devices they can cause the same slowdown.

The problem is solved by disabling effects, transparency and animations. To do this, open "Settings" → "General" → "Universal access" and in the "Increase contrast" item, turn on the toggle switches "Reduce transparency" and "Dim colors".

In the same place, in the “Universal Access” menu, you need to find the “Reduce Motion” item and turn on the toggle switch of the same name in it.

5. Content update enabled

The usability-enhancing Background Content Refresh feature can also cause slowdowns by consuming the processor with tasks even when the iPhone screen is locked. Disabling it can improve performance a bit.

To do this, open "Settings" → "General" → "Update content" and turn off the corresponding toggle switch. Everything is simple.

6. You are using the minimum required device for current iOS

Apple supports its devices as long as possible, releasing software updates even for those that are several years old. So that older iPhones do not slow down, developers optimize iOS. But sometimes this is not enough.

Therefore, if your iPhone is the minimum required to update to a new version of iOS, the best solution is to stay on the current one. For example, for iOS 11, this device is the iPhone 5s.

7. You just seem

As paradoxical as it may sound, iPhone performance degradation can often be just a psychological effect. Knowing that a new, faster iPhone has come out, we start to think that our old and still good smartphone is slower.

This is just self-indulgence.

How to speed up iPhone

To get started, you can use the express way to speed up the iPhone, which does not require any complex manipulations and takes only a few seconds. Lifehacker talked about him in.

If none of the above worked, it makes sense to try resetting your iPhone to factory settings. The easiest way is to proceed in order: first try to reset the network settings, then all the settings, and then completely erase the device.

Before doing this, of course, you need to backup all data in iTunes or via iCloud.

If this does not help, the last method remains, described in the third section of this article: a clean installation of iOS via iTunes and setting up the iPhone as a new device without restoring from a backup.

Five tips for iPhone owners.

Over time, iPhones become slower and slower even under light load. This is caused by various factors - sometimes Apple itself slows down processor due to old batteries, and in other cases, users mistakenly install the latest versions of iOS on devices that are 3-4 years old. Today we tell you what to do if you start to notice a drop in performance.

Restart your iPhone

Reboot the device in any incomprehensible situation - this rule applies not only to Windows computers. Quit apps, close them, and then turn off your iPhone. To do this, hold down the screen lock key and hold it until you see a slider that says " Turn off". Wait a few seconds, then press the screen lock key again. After downloading iOS, your smartphone will have more free RAM, therefore, performance should increase.

Remove unnecessary

If your iPhone is cluttered with unnecessary apps, photos, and other files, it's time to delete the excess. Go to menu " Settings» - « Main» - « Storage and iCloud". Here you will see how much free space is left on the device, and the option " Control"will get rid of unused software and music. Photos will have to be deleted directly in the gallery, although this is even more convenient. When there is more space on the drive, you will surely notice that the smartphone works faster.

Disable graphic effects

The old iPhone requires some sacrifices to keep performance high. One of the victims is graphic effects. Complex animations and transitions between applications consume a lot of resources. If the device lags, they should be turned off. Open the menu " Settings» - « Main» - « Universal access» - « Reduced motion” and move the slider to the right. Yes, the animations will no longer be as beautiful, but the interface will become smoother.

Limit background app activity

Many apps on iPhone run in the background. Because of this, the device may work slowly even if you are just reading the news in the browser. To disable background activity, go to the " Settings» - « Main» - « Content update” and turn off the function for those applications that you do not use. In principle, you can do this for all applications, but then you risk being left without notifications and reminders. By limiting background activity, you'll also improve your iPhone's battery life.

Reset and Restore iPhone

The last step is to reset the settings and restore the smartphone to the factory state. Remember that resetting to factory settings will delete all data from the iPhone, so you need to make a backup before it. To reset the settings, open the menu " Settings» - « Main» - « Reset» and select the desired item. To remove settings, but leave photos, music and other files, use the option " Reset all settings". If you want to restore your iPhone to a new state, use the option " Erase content and settings". The reset and restore procedure takes from several minutes to an hour - it all depends on the age and condition of the device.

iOS 10 (iOS, IOS) has become the largest operating system update in history. The platform received so many “delicious” innovations that users only saw their i-gadget listed as available for updating, immediately began to download and download the top ten, forgetting that new features are additional performance costs. However, everything turned out perfectly with iOS 10, despite a lot of new products, even iPhone 5 users spoke very positively about the update, assuring that their “oldies” work on the top ten without visible slowdowns, and even more so glitches.

However, there were, of course, those who were not lucky when upgrading to iOS 10. “Updated the iPhone, and it began to slow down terribly” - such complaints were left on the forums by users not only, of course, of objectively old fives, but also relatively new iPhone 6, and even iPhone 6S. And if in the first case the brakes of the system could be explained by insufficiently powerful hardware, then if something is wrong with the iPhone of the sixth series running on the top ten, then there is obviously a problem that needs to be looked for and fixed. In this article, we will tell you what to do if you installed iOS 10 on your iPhone 6, and it began to work much slower. In addition, we will analyze some particular errors of dozens.

Perhaps 90% of users prefer to update the system, as they say, over the air - that is, via Wi-Fi. Every Apple user probably knows how to update an iPhone to a new version of iOS via a wireless network. You need to go to the “Settings” menu of the i-gadget, tap on the “Updates” item, download the latest one and install it. But not everyone knows how to update an iPhone through iTunes, despite the fact that this installation method is much more reliable. And this fact, by the way, led to one terrible bug that affected so many users. For some time, there was an incorrect iOS 10 file on Apple servers, and if it was downloaded via Wi-Fi, it turned the device into a brick, and the situation could only be corrected by connecting to iTunes and updating the smartphone using the program. Today, fortunately, this bug is fixed.

And, nevertheless, if the update is installed via a PC, the gadget works more stably. Why? The fact is that no matter how stable the Wi-Fi signal is, through which the update is downloaded, it can no-no and be interrupted, as a result of which, as advanced users say, the installed firmware will not fit well on the device. Result? Glitches, freezes and other problems. Those users who are lucky and Wi-Fi never failed during the update process, get acquainted with the functions of the new firmware with pleasure and without problems, those who were not lucky. complain that Apple has done it wrong again.

We suggest, before scolding the programmers of the "apple" giant, try to update the iPhone using the "good old" iTunes. How to install iOS 10 on iPhone through this service? Follow this simple guide:

1 Connect iPhone to PC. 2 When iTunes recognizes the device, click on the phone icon, click "Browse", 3 Now you can act in two ways - click the "Update" button and wait until the new firmware is downloaded, or you can update, as they say, "on a clean ”, this is exactly what is recommended to do in order to increase the likelihood of lag-free operation to the maximum.
4 For this type of update, do not click the "Update" button, instead select "Create a copy now". 5 When the process of creating a copy is completed, click "Restore iPhone" - during this procedure, all the settings and data of your smartphone will be reset and the latest firmware version will be loaded onto the "clean" i-smartphone. Be prepared for the fact that the firmware will be installed for a long time. 6 Once the restore is complete, click "Restore from a copy" - this procedure will restore your settings and data. Once this process is completed, you will receive your old iPhone with the new firmware.

Important point! Before installing iOS 10 via iTunes, be sure to disable the “Find iPhone” option (“Settings” / “iCloud”), and also update the program to the latest version.

Have patience

Angry users who curse Apple for bad firmware are often just not patient enough. You see, the new firmware needs time to get used to your iPhone - photo caching, application optimization, all this takes a lot of resources from the system, and the more content and programs you have on the device, the longer the system will get used to.

In order not to waste your nerves on contemplating these grindings, we recommend that you put the phone on charge after the update and do not touch it for a couple of hours, or better at night, and in the morning you will get acquainted with a completely new fast, smooth and very pleasant iPhone, full of new interesting features.

Is it in iOS 10?

In fairness, it should be noted that quite often the reason for the slow operation of the iPhone is by no means the new firmware, it just turns out to be the last straw. That is, the user’s smartphone has been hanging for a long time, but now suddenly the culprit has been found.

What is the reason if not in the update? Yes, the fact that users sometimes overload their smartphones - a bunch of unused applications and unnecessary content, automatic updates, included visual effects, which, in general, are not really needed ... Of course, the iPhone 6 is a very powerful device, but even it has there is a limit. So just try to clean your smartphone - delete a couple of games that you haven’t played for a long time, a few photos and videos that didn’t turn out, and, most likely, this will be enough.

And if you want to speed up the device as much as possible, then also disable:

Also, don't forget to end applications running in the background and close browser tabs.

Special cases

At the beginning of the article, we promised that we would answer not only the question of why your iPhone 6 may slow down after installing iOS 10, but also consider some other characteristic “glitches” of this version of the platform. Despite the fact that the top ten turned out to be extremely successful, it was not without them and some users encountered them, and therefore we consider it our duty to describe them and tell you how to fix these problems.

Standalone "Notes"

One of the most popular issues in iOS 10 is Notes app crashing. However, getting rid of it is easy:

That's all, after such simple manipulations, this application will no longer crash.

Hey, on the other side?

The second most popular bug is the unexpected disappearance of the network in the place where it, in theory, perfectly catches. The problem is almost easier to fix than with closing notes:

Ready! The problem is resolved.

Disappeared phone numbers

This problem is less common, but it is much worse than the previous ones - the user suddenly notices that all contacts from the Phone application have disappeared! However, here's the paradox, in the Messages program, all messages are intact, and the senders are identified.

This bug is eliminated very, very simply, you just need to reboot the smartphone (performed by simultaneously pressing the Home and Power buttons and holding down to the “special beacon” - an apple on a black screen). If one reset did not save the situation, repeat 3-5 more times and the numbers will return.

Have a contact? No contact!

Users also complain that after installing iOS 10, it became impossible to communicate with some Bluetooth devices. If you encounter this problem:

Did this guide help? Then reset the network settings ("Settings" / "General" / "Reset" / "Reset network settings"). Sometimes this measure does not help either, then you need to select the “Reset all settings” item in the “Reset” section.

Eternally closed Post Office

And finally, consider such an interesting problem as the Mail application that has stopped opening. Did this bug affect you? Then:

On this problem, we will finish the list of “jambs” of iOS 10. However, it’s worth saying that there were others, it’s just that today Apple has already eliminated them, and they don’t bother users, and therefore, of course, it makes no sense to write about them.

Let's summarize

So, let us recall once again - iOS 10 should not hang on the iPhone 6. If you have updated via iTunes, waited a while for the firmware to “take root”, cleaned your smartphone, and it still works slowly, you should probably take a walk to the nearest service center and ask them to diagnose your smartphone. Well, if you are not dealing with degraded performance, but a problem of a different nature, and its description is not in our "Special Case" section, we recommend that you contact Apple's Russian-language support service, they should help you!