Vkontakte button does not work additionally. What to do if VK does not open from all browsers from a computer? To solve the problem,

The VKontakte social network is perhaps the most popular site among young people, because it is in this project that you can quickly find communication, as well as watch videos, listen to music, install applications, and just have a great and interesting time to spend your free time. As a rule, each user independently chooses a browser for himself, with the help of which he later finds himself in a social network, and on other sites. Since the project we are talking about today is very popular, then, accordingly, heavy loads are placed on it, which can lead to “glitches” and other troubles. Very often it happens when the buttons are not pressed on VKontakte. Yes, yes, they simply stop working, and then it simply does not seem possible to continue to be on this site, since you cannot go to another page. Let's take a look at why the buttons in VK are not pressed?

The reasons

This problem may not be due to the server that processes the requests, but because of your computer, and, according to statistics, not everyone can deal with it. In fact, there are many reasons why the VKontakte buttons are not pressed, and today we will try to figure out how to solve this problem.


First of all, you need to try to access the social network from another browser, for example, it can be Opera or Google Chrome, we do not exclude other options, but most often this error occurs among users who are on the Internet with Mozilla. So, why are the VKontakte buttons not being pressed? The fact is that perhaps your cache is simply overloaded, and, accordingly, you should clear it. It would also not hurt to clear Cokies, this can be done directly in the browser or through a specialized program, for example, it can be CCleaner.

"VKontakte" buttons are not pressed due to the fact that possible overloads occur. More precisely, your provider cannot handle such a flow, so everything may still depend on it.

If you clear all saved data and also change the browser, then for sure the problem that VKontakte buttons are not being pressed will disappear instantly. And if the matter has not changed, then you should contact your provider or simply write to the support service.


If the buttons are not pressed on VKontakte, then we recommend that you also try to log in from a mobile device and check if everything will work in this mode.

Vkontakte does not work and stopped opening on February 16, at 15:00, and users see an unknown error on their pages and the message “Unfortunately, the server is temporarily unavailable. Please try again later." What does it mean?

Similar problems can be traced the last few days in all popular social networks. Before that, Youtube did not work for several days, we. Today, by the way, on the official Google channel on twitter, the developers officially apologized for this and agreed that Youtube was not working due to technical problems.

Vkontakte does not work and no official messages have appeared at the moment, no one knows how long this will last. Such problems with Vkontakte rarely occur and this may be due to some improvements and additions.

Today Vkontakte announced stories for communities, perhaps the introduction of new functionality led to a breakdown and Vkontakte decided to finalize this functionality live.

Why is Vkontakte not working?

  • Technical glitch related to the introduction of new stories for communities
  • Blocking for violation of some other law (Nastya Rybka definitely has nothing to do with it)

We can only wait and believe that this is not for long and that it is not connected with any political problems.

Attention All information on the site is copyrighted materials and does not carry any official informational force. When using and registering on the service, you agree that you receive this information for the purpose of familiarization - entertainment. The information on this site should be considered not official and the authenticity should be checked personally. All information on this site is a value judgment and the point of view of the editors and authors. All information on the site is not an official source and has nothing to do with Yandex.

Despite the fact that the performance of the Vkontakte website is provided by a large amount of computer equipment and is controlled by experienced specialists, malfunctions still occur.

On users, this is reflected in the inability to go to your page. When you try to open a contact, you get an error message.

How to fix this, and what to do in this case, I will now show you.

Video tutorial: why the VKontakte site does not work

What are the mistakes

The most common is that the browser cannot open the requested page.

You will see such a picture if the VKontakte site is not currently working.

Error options may vary:

  • Request timed out
  • Site not responding
  • The browser failed to display the web page

It all comes down to the fact that we can not go to the VK site.

Why is the VKontakte website not working now?

There are two main reasons - the problem is on the side of the VK itself, or the problem is in your computer or Internet connection.

It's time to determine which of the problems is observed in this case. And this is done very simply. It is enough to open any other site in the browser. If you succeeded, then your computer and the Internet are working normally. And the problem is on the contact side.

What should be done in this case? Be patient and wait. In my memory, the most serious problems were fixed in a few hours. More often within an hour. Today, the VKontakte site did not work for about 10 minutes. Then everything was fixed, and access was restored.

It's more difficult if the problem is with your computer. Here you will have to tighten up a bit.

We fix the problem with access to the VKontakte site

First of all, you need to do two things - reset the browser cache and reconnect the Internet.

Reset browser cache

Let's do this using Mozilla Firefox as an example. In the upper right corner, click the menu button.

All is ready.

Reconnecting the Internet

It's easier here - just turn off and turn on your router. Or break and reconnect the connection.

Now we check - the VKontakte site should work.

If it doesn’t help, then with a high degree of probability, your computer is infected with a virus (see). Here you need to do the following.

Download AVZ and Cureit antivirus utilities and run a full scan. Found threats will need to be removed or neutralized. And be sure to check the system hosts file - it should not contain extraneous entries.

We are all already somewhat dependent on social networks, especially Vkontakte. And when a network user has a problem with opening sites, features of their favorite social network, then panic begins. It cannot be overlooked that in the last time very often does not open Vkontakte. And of course, users have a logical question " Why the site does not open Vkontakte?»
There are several problems due to which the site does not want to open.

What to do if the Vkontakte page does not open?

HOST file

The most common problem is a vulnerability in the HOSTS system file, which is responsible for converting domain names to IP addresses. His vulnerability is due to the fact that he is constantly attacked by viruses. As a result of such attacks, additional entries (extra), "registered" non-existent addresses to domains are formed in the file.

To solve the problem you should:

Website blocking

Blocking the site with malware is the second reason why the Vkontakte site does not open. To solve the problem, find the vkontakte.exe or svc.exe files and delete them.

Before starting the search, do not forget to check the boxes everywhere in the search parameters (in hidden files and system folders, etc.).

Domain vk.com

Sometimes some kind of glitch interferes with accessing your favorite social network, so just try to go to the site through the vk.com domain. Sometimes this method helps to solve the problem.


  • What is not desirable, and one might even say contraindicated, is to download special programs for Vkontakte, for example, to view private messages, closed pages and other things. Often they contain a virus that can crash your computer and make it impossible to visit sites as well.
  • Also remember that after each method to open access, you must restart your computer!

Summing up all of the above, I would also like to note that sometimes the site carries out technical work due to which it is impossible to visit the site. In this case, you need to wait a while. If you still can’t access the site, then most likely the problem is in viruses.

If you found this article helpful or enjoyable, don't forget to put your like, this will help other users find it faster. And I can find out what interests you the most in order to prepare and write even more interesting and useful articles! Sincerely, Vyacheslav.

The first reason is a problem with access to VK due to a virus.

The second reason is problems on the side of Vkontakte servers.

Now we will determine exactly where the problem is: with you or on the side of Vkontakte.

Why is Vkontakte not working?

First of all, we go to the site https://downdetector.ru/ne-rabotaet/vkontakte and check if the Vkontakte site is available.

If the VK does not work and gives the error "Web page not available" or "Server not found", although the Internet is stable, then there is a possibility that the social. networks limited access.

Access is limited in schools, universities, businesses so that people are not distracted by social media. networks. In this case, go to VK from your phone via the mobile Internet.

If desired, you can (see the article).

If you are logged into the social network and found that you were allegedly required to send an SMS message to a short number to unlock it, or just to register or enter VK you need to send an SMS, then you picked up ransomware virus.

Remember: You do not need to send any paid messages to access the social network!

What to do if VK does not work

You can solve the access problem in 2 ways:

  • Download virus removal software
  • Clean up the hosts file

Open the app and click "Unblock account". The virus is removed and you can continue to use Vkontakte.

Also, this program provides the ability to check the computer for the presence of viruses and protect access to the social network in the future. So it is recommended to download this program even for those who have not yet identified signs of an SMS blocker attack.

Ransomware viruses are usually found in hacking programs. For example, if you wanted to and you downloaded such a program.

Making a transition: My Computer" - "Local Disk"(usually drive C) - "Windows" - "System32" - "drivers" - "etc".