An open lesson on the design of text documents containing tables. Science Library. Abbreviations in text documents

Practical Job 1


Exercise1 . Prepare an invitation template.

Operating procedure

1. Open Microsoft Word text editor.

2. Set the desired screen view, for example - Page layout (View/Page layout).

3. Set the page parameters (paper size - A4; orientation - portrait; margins: left - 3 cm, right - 1.5 cm, top - 3 cm, bottom - 1.5 cm) using the command File/Page Setup(tabs fields And paper size).

4. Set the line spacing - one and a half, alignment - to the center, using the command Format/Paragraph(tab indents and spacing).

5. Type the text below. In the process of typing, change the style, font size (for the title - 14 pt; for the body text - 12 pt, paragraph alignment types - center, width, right) using the buttons on the toolbars.

Job Sample

6. Enclose the text of the invitation in a frame and make a color fill.

To do this: select the entire text of the invitation;

Execute the command Format/Borders and fill;

On the tab Border set border parameters: type - frame; line width - 3 pt.; apply - to a paragraph; line color - at your discretion;

On the tab fill select a fill color;

Specify the condition for applying the fill - apply to paragraph;

Click the button OK.

7. Insert a picture in the text of the invitation (Insert/Figure/Pictures); set the position of the text relative to the picture - "Around the frame" (Format/Pattern/Position/Around the frame).

8. Copy the template invitation twice onto the sheet (Edit/Copy, Edit/Paste).

9. Edit the sheet with the received two invitations and prepare for printing ( File/Preview).

10. Save the file in your group folder by doing the following:

Task 2. Create on the next page of the document (Mode Page break) table with autoformat, calculate column sum.

1. Create a table (number of columns - 8; number of rows - 7) with autoformat using commands Table/Insert/Table/AutoFormat/Columns 5 (Fig. 1)." width="602" height="143 src=">

Rice. 2. Table form to fill out

3. Calculate the sum of the "Salary" column using the command Table/Formula(previously place the cursor in the “Salary-Total” cell) (Fig. 3)." width="25 height=20" height="20"> - (left-aligned) 1.5 cm;

For the 2nd column - (centered) 7.5 cm;

For the 3rd column - (with decimal point alignment) 10.5 cm.

Tabs select in the left corner of the ruler and set on the ruler with a single mouse click (Fig. 5) or by specifying the command Format/ Tab.

The volume of personal computers, thousand rubles

Company 2008 2009

Hewlett-Packard 5.035

Packard Bell NEC 5.07

Rice. 4. Sample table design using tabs

Rice. 5. Ruler with tabs installed

When typing tabular data, move along the set tabs using the [Tab] key.

Task 4. On the next page of the document, create a table according to the sample using cell merging.

Type a table of changes in the growth in the supply of computer equipment for 2005 ... 2009 according to the given sample, using the union of cells (Table/Merge Cells).

% of deliveries

Save and close the document.

Task 5. Create a calendar for the current month using a Template.

1. To do this, in the document creation window (File/New/Templates - On my computer) tab Other documents select Calendar wizards(Fig. 6).

2. Consistently choosing style, sheet orientation And month year, create a calendar for the current month.

3. Save the document in your folder.


Job Sample

Sector of Analytics and Expertise To the Director of the GANL Center


Sector cannot complete on time
examination of the project of marketing research of the company "Astra-N" due to the lack of complete information about the financial condition of the company.

I ask you to instruct the sector of technical documentation to provide complete information on this company.

Attachment: Protocol on the incompleteness of the technical documentation of the Astra-N company.

Sector manager

analytics and expertise (signature)

Task 7. Create memo based on Template.

1. Create from a template standard note memorandum (File/Create, tab Notes/Standard note) (Fig. 7)." width="457" height="365 src=">

Rice. 8. Memorandum created based on the Template

Task 8. Create a template-form "Calendar of tasks of the working week."

Brief reference. A form is a document that contains elements:

Text and graphic elements that cannot be changed;

Blank areas where information is entered.

1. Create a document "Calendar of tasks of the working week", as in fig. 9.

2. Enter fields in the month entry area and in the table cells. To do this, open the toolbar Forms (View/Toolbars/Forms), place the cursor in the place of the document where the form field for input is set, and click the button Shading form fields And Text field(ab|) panels Forms. A shaded field appears in the document for entering text into the form.

Work week calendar

For the month of March


Rice. 9. Sample document "Calendar of the working week"

3. Set the form protection (Tools/Protect Document). In mode Editing restrictions set document editing method Entering data into form fields or click the button Shape protection(padlock)

Rice. 10. Document shape protection

4. Save the form as a template. To do this, when saving, specify the file type - document template, while the file will receive the extension. dot. Close the form template.

5. Open the newly created form template and fill in the form fields (Fig. 11). Save the created document in your folder.

Rice. 11. Completed form-template "Calendar of the working week"

Formatting text documents containing tables

Text editor MS Word is a very popular and powerful editor. It is designed to prepare both simple documents and large documents with tables, formulas, graphs and figures.

What do we want from a text editor?

Let's list in order:

· to type the text in Russian or foreign languages;

edit text and check spelling;

format the text appropriately;

· Type the text or send it by e-mail.

How to type text is more or less clear, the main thing is to get used to the layout of the keys on the keyboard. Why save the text on a floppy disk is also clear: so that you can use it again. Printing is no problem either.

But editing - what is it? Well, of course, this is the ability to make various changes and amendments of any kind to the text, remove and type individual words or entire sentences, check spelling with built-in programs. Document editing is performed by copying, moving or deleting selected characters or text fragments. When moving, the selected fragment is cut and pasted to another place in the document, and when deleted, it is simply cut out.

Well, what is meant by text formatting? This is a task on the page of fields for printing text, the design of each paragraph in a certain way, the choice of font for headings and body text, the setting of headers and footers or columns, and much more.

How are tables created and formatted? In order to systematize heterogeneous information, it is convenient to present it in the form of a table, which are used to organize and present information in the form of rows and columns.

Any type of formatting can be applied to the table text. The content of each cell is treated as a separate paragraph.

To position the colored background, place the cursor in the table or select some of the cells, then in the Format menu, select Border and Fill, the Fill tab, set the desired background color and click the OK button.

Creating tables usually does not raise questions, but here are some tricks that will allow you to work more efficiently. Tables can be displayed on the screen with or without split grid lines that make your eyes squint. To hide the grid lines, select Table/Hide Grid.

If you hover over the table, an icon will appear in its left corner behind the outline, allowing you to move the table to a new location with the mouse.

To delete the contents of the table (its filling), you need to select the table and press the key, while the table itself is not deleted. The whole table can be deleted from the Table/Delete menu or by the Cut command of the context menu called by the right mouse button.

Practical work 2


The purpose of the lesson. Studying the technology of creating and formatting documents containing tables.

Task 2.1. Create table with autoformat, calculate column sum.

Operating procedure

    Launch the Microsoft Word text editor.

    Create a table (number of columns - 8; number of rows - 7) with autoformat using commands Table/Insert/TablesCA/AutoFormat/Columns 5 (Fig. 2.1).

Rice. 2.1. Dialog window Table AutoFormat

Job title

Family status


Rice. 2.2. Table form to fill out

Rice. 2.3. Specify a formula to calculate the sum of a column

    Make a table according to the model (Fig. 2.2) and enter arbitrary data.

    Calculate the sum of the "Salary" column using the command TabFace/Formula(previously place the cursor in the “Salary-Total” cell) (Fig. 2.3).

Exercise 2.2. Create a table using tabs.

Type the table below in columns (Figure 2.4) using tabs.

Before a set of tabular data, place tabs of a certain type on a horizontal ruler. The view of the tabulator and its position on the ruler are shown below:

    for the 1st column - (with alignment on the left) 1.5 cm;

    for the 2nd column - (centered) 7.5 cm;

    for the 3rd column - (with decimal point alignment) 10.5 cm.

Tabs select in the left corner of the ruler and set on the ruler with a single mouse click (Fig. 2.5) or set with the command Format/ Tab.

Rice. 2.4. Sample table design using tabs

Rice. 2.5. Ruler with tabs installed

When typing tabular data, move along the set tabs using the [Tab] key.

Task 2.3. Create a sample table using cell merging.

Operating procedure

1. Type a table of changes in the growth in the supply of computer equipment for 1995 ... 1999. according to the given sample, using cell merging (Table/Merge Cells).

Task 2.4. Prepare the previous table in accordance with the guidelines for the preparation of practice reports, term papers and theses.

    Tables should be numbered in Arabic numerals in serial numbering within the entire work. The number should be placed in the upper left corner above the table heading after the word "Table". Numbering of tables within the entire work is allowed. The number should be placed in the upper left corner above the table heading after the word "Table". Numbering of tables within the section is allowed.

    If there is one table in the work, it is not numbered and the word "Table" is not written.

    Each table must have a heading that is placed below the word "Table". The word "Table" and the heading start with a capital letter, do not put a dot at the end of the heading.

    The headings of the columns of the table should begin with capital letters, subheadings with lowercase letters, if the latter are subordinate to the heading. The headings of the columns are indicated in the singular.

    The column "No. p / p" should not be included in the table.

    When transferring a table, the heading of the table should be repeated, and the words “Continuation of the table” should be placed above it, indicating its number. If the table heading is large, it is allowed not to repeat it: in this case, the columns should be numbered and their numbering should be repeated on the next page.

    If there are no digital or other data in any line of the table, then a dash is put.

    Separating headings and subheadings with diagonal lines is not allowed.

    If all the indicators given in the table are expressed in the same unit, then its designation is placed above the table on the right.

    It is not allowed to replace with quotation marks repeating numbers in the table, mathematical signs, percent signs, designations of grades of material, designations of regulatory documents.

    If there is a small amount of digital material in the text, it is not advisable to arrange it in a table, but should be given in the form of text, placing the digital data in columns.


Table 1


Sound cards

Price, $



ASUS Bonded Creative Virba 16C



Creative Labs

Sound Blaster 16



Sound Blaster SB32



Turtle Beach

Tropez Plus TBS-2001



Pinnacle TBS-2002



A virtual reality

Pro Helmet




passive Sound Junior Qs-806, 2W



active Sound Force QS-835, 3W



active AT-75, 80W



Additional tasks

Task 2.5. Prepare a document containing a table according to the model. Calculate the headcount for each wage group.

Brief reference. Draw the upper part of the document using a table (line type - no borders). Calculate the sum by columns. Insert the date with the command Insert/Date of.

2.5. Draw up a table for analyzing the volume of output by product in accordance with the sample. Make calculations in the table.

Brief reference. To change the text direction, select a group of cells and use the command Format/Directiontext editing.