Urban rivals video games. Urban Rivals: Mission Possible urban rivals video games

Urban Rivals - a unique multiplayer browser game that invites us to feel like a real magic card player. Urban Rivals was released back in 2006, but is still very popular and has millions of fans.

Overview and Introduction to the game

Urban Rivals is a browser game that is a multiplayer collectible card game - CCG. Absolutely any player can, after registering, start playing immediately.

After registration, the user is given a standard set of cards, which he can use when playing with other gamers. Each card contains its own unique characteristics, so you need to be as careful as possible when choosing them.

Each player has their own unique set of cards, ranging from standard, common, to legendary and rare. All cards can be collected in one large collection. You can get cards only when you defeat other players by completing missions, or you can buy them in a special game store.

Gameplay in Urban Rivals

The entire gameplay of the game Urban Rivals is based on card fights between gamers. Players choose combat cards, 8 cards can be chosen in total, 4 for each hand. Only 4 cards can be used in combat. Each of them has its own individual characteristics that help to win the battle. If the player's cards turn out to be stronger and the opponent has no lives left, then the player is considered the winner. Urban Rivals has several game modes that include team and duel battles.

In addition, it is worth noting that each map in urban realms has its own level of development. There are 5 levels of map development in total. They are marked with stars, which can be upgraded thanks to well-executed battles. The higher the star on the card, the stronger the character depicted on it.

Urban Rivals Characters

The characters in the game are the cards themselves. That is, the game cards depict characters of various classes, which have their own unique characteristics and level of development. Each Persian has its own peculiarity and method of attack. At the moment, there are more than a thousand different characters in the game, which, according to their characteristics, are individual in comparison with each other.

The Urban Rivals missions and their meaning

In this game project, there was a place for its missions. But they are presented in the form of various achievements that the gamer must achieve as the gameplay progresses. Among them there are missions such as: upgrade heroes, achieve victory, collect certain cards, etc. After completing each mission, the player has the opportunity to receive game currency, special game currency, battle points and rare cards as a reward.

Secrets, tricks, tips?

As such, there are no secrets in the urban rivals game. The main advantage in the game is information preparation. Do not be lazy and read the suggested tips on the official website of Urban Rivals and special guides of professional players. All this will help you to understand all the nuances and subtleties of the game as much as possible, equalizing your chances against strong players. And do not be afraid to experiment with tactics during the duel, the various use of various decks of cards will open up a lot of possibilities and ways for you to play.

Currency types

In Urban Rivals, there are three types of funds that can be used to obtain cards:
1. Credits (can be obtained for missions, events, daily achievements; buy for money in a boutique)
2. Tokens (can be obtained for missions, events, daily achievements)
3. Clintz (can be obtained from missions, events, daily achievements, bought with credits in the boutique)

Of the 3 types of currency, only clintz is used as a currency for market transactions.

Purpose of the market in the game

The marketplace allows you to buy and sell Urban Rivals cards using the in-game currency clintz.

Game currency can be earned for active actions in the game (battles, events) or bought in a boutique for credits

NB: it is extremely unprofitable to buy clintz for credits, it is more expedient to spend credits on buying packs with cards, as a result, you will get more clintz from selling cards on the market.

Market Access

Market setup

By default, the market shows all cards, starting with the cheapest. Sorting by price is also set by default from cheap to expensive, but you can customize the output individually using the built-in filter. Sortable options include:
- card name
- clan
- EFC zone
- card type
- presence in the collection
- degree of character development
- price: ascending/descending

There is also a text input field for searching for a character by name and checkboxes for adding purchased cards to the collection and saving the market settings.

UR market filter as of 5.2.2018:

Base cost of cards

Urban Rivals provides for the possibility of selling cards to a bank (Kate) at basic prices. There are 6 types of cards in total, of which 5 are available on the market (the exception is legendary cards):
- ordinary (regular, current), sale price of Kate 250 clintz
- uncommon, sale price of Kate 2500 clintz
- rare, selling price Kate 9000 clintz
- collectible, sale price of Kate 50000 clintz
- mythical, sale price of Kate 500000 clintz

These prices form the lower price limit for these types of cards, so it is unprofitable to sell them to other players at prices lower than the base ones. In addition, from each sale to another player, the bank withholds 5% of the declared value, which is also important to consider when setting the price when selling a card.

Factors affecting the formation of the cost of cards

1. Card type. Directly related to the number of copies of the map produced. The more often a card is issued, the cheaper it is. Below are the types of cards in order of frequency, from the most frequent to the rarest:

Private (regular, current), the most frequent, available in the boutique in packs purchased for credits,
- uncommon, less frequent, available in the boutique in packs purchased with credits
- rare, available in the boutique in packs purchased with credits
- collectible, available only in collectible chests bought for tokens
- mythical, available only as rewards for high achievements, mainly for getting into the top of the EFC tournament.

2. Number of cards in the game, which in turn is determined by the following general factors with rare exceptions:

The age of the card. The older the card, the more copies of it in the game, the cheaper it is.
- map indicators. The lower the playability of the card, the cheaper it is.
- the number of cards in the clan. The fewer cards in the clan, the higher the probability of the same cards falling out, respectively, their availability is higher, and the price is lower.
- Availability of the card in packs. Cards from inexpensive and popular packs are often cheaper than those from more expensive ones.
- the frequency of dropping a card in packs (hereinafter referred to as droprate). The more often the card drops out of the pack, the cheaper it is.

NB: According to unconfirmed information, cards of the same type have different drop rates, i.e. the probability of the cards falling out is not the same, and can be set by the administration, probably in order to control the market. It's also worth noting that some uncommons actually have a lower droprate than some rares, which is part of the reason for their high cost.

Within each type of cards, there are also differences in the degree of availability of cards associated with restrictions on their release (hitting or not getting into certain packs, for example, special rare cards ( ), including from comics ( ), which do not fall into the most popular New Blood pack, etc.).

3. The degree of development of the character– the lower the development level of the card, the more expensive it is (with rare exceptions, for example, for new cards during the release period in the New Blood pack). Causes:

To complete achievements for the collection, you need to have cards of the same character that are at different stages of development.

The difference in price is especially pronounced in the case of evocards that have an ability at an intermediate stage of development (for example, at 4 stars), in this case, the difference in price between a fully developed character and a “zero”, unplayable character can reach 50-100%, especially if he is super playable (for example, at 3*), which is important to consider when buying / selling such cards.

The difference in market value depending on the degree of development of the character on the example:

4. Market manipulation

Since the game does not impose a limit on the number of copies of cards a player can own, some players buy cards in large quantities (for later resale, to complete achievements related to the collection, etc.), which causes an artificial shortage in the market, which increases the price of such cards. Most often this applies to maps with high scores, as well as maps that initially have confirmed or unconfirmed data on current or future inaccessibility (for example,).

5. Large short-term demand for individual cards causing a sharp rise in prices. Can be caused by the announcement of short-term missions with the mandatory participation of one or another character, as well as the mention of the character in the news, or even the use of an image of the character in the header of the site or in the background. As a rule, prices stabilize within a week after the completion of missions or the loss of relevance of the news that caused the card to rise in price.

Factors influencing the transition of cards to the collectible category

1. Character history. Heads of clans, characters with a "tragic history", etc. tend to move into collectible status more often, e.g.,
2. Card characteristics. Cards with super high performance in the game tend to quickly move into the collectible category, for example, etc. Cards with above-average stats that are subject to tournament bans also often progress to collectible rank faster, e.g., etc.
3. Cards with outdated art or stats, for example, and others.
4. Getting into comics. The administration has repeatedly stated that characters from comics will sooner or later become collectible.

Private sales

The game allows you to sell cards at a free price to a specific player. To do this, when selling, select the "private sales" item and enter the player's name in the appropriate field.

Multiple sales

If you have a lot of copies of the same card, you can sell them all at once instead of one at a time to save time.

To do this, follow these steps:
1. Go to "Collection--->My Collection Pro" menu.
2. Select from the list the character whose card copies you want to sell, or find him through the quick search bar "Write for offers."
3. Click the orange "Sell" button.
4. Specify the number of cards you want to sell and the price.
5. Click the orange "Sell" button.

Different evo versions of the same card are sold as separate cards, meaning you cannot sell different evo versions of the same card in the same lot. To select the desired evo-version of the map, use the "level" menu under the image of the selected map.

1. What is more profitable: saving clintz or buying cards?

Savings at clintz are more prone to inflation, so cards are a better investment for clintz in the long run.

2. I have 2,000,000 clintz, should I buy 1 good collectible or 20 good rare cards?

It is preferable not to keep "eggs in one basket", it is better to buy 20 rare cards, especially if you don't have them yet. The probability that they will be useful for the game is 20 times higher. Collectible cards are very susceptible to manipulation, so they are usually overpriced. Investing in collectible cards is the least profitable way to multiply funds. If you really need a collectible card, you have the opportunity to contact the guild bank, or buy it later.

3. I am a beginner player, I want to collect the entire collection, which cards should I start with?

From the cheapest - ordinary and unusual. Choose the most useful cards that will allow you to succeed in the game and earn more expensive cards.

4. What pack is the most profitable to buy in a boutique?

New Blood, especially during the period when it has a large number of strong cards. It is also beneficial to buy characters included in the New Blood pack released earlier on the day the new cards are released. The more powerful cards a new set contains, the more profitable it will be to buy other cards from this pack that were released 3-8 weeks earlier.

5. A strong card is about to leave the New Blood pack. Probably the best price for it right now!

No, it has already risen in price while waiting for the exit from the pack and is being bought up by manipulators. The optimal time for the best buy is 2-4 weeks after the release of the card for cards with high performance and 5-8 weeks for cards with average performance. New low performing cards will have a price close to the base cost.

6. What is more profitable - buying 1 pack or accumulating credits and buying many packs at once.

It is more profitable to buy packs in bulk, because the boutique often has special offers that allow you to get a pack for free when buying 3-4 packs of the same type at the same time.

7. I have accumulated 100 tokens. Save more or open the chest?

From time to time there is a promotion for chests when you can open it for 90 tokens, and not for 100. If there is no urgency, it is beneficial to wait for such a promotion. This is especially beneficial in the case of gold tokens, as they are the hardest to earn.

8. Special rare cards are very expensive (eg ), when is the best time to buy them?

For each special card, a flash mission is held, passing which players can get it for free. It is profitable to buy such a card when this mission comes to an end, or wait for promotions associated with an unplanned release of this card (special packs, special offers for the Elite pack, etc.)

9. When is it profitable to buy cards that have long been out of the NB and are now always expensive?

At times when the game releases a lot of these cards. This happens after major Coliseum tournaments, events like VS, holiday card giveaways, some missions and promotions.

Urbanrivals is a multiplayer card project, which is the very first project of this type, after which various similar games began to be released in various universes. So, online gameurbanrivals is a leisurely card game that focuses on collecting and using the available cards tactically. Despite its banal gameplay, the game has about 10 million players worldwide and has 9 localization languages. And continues to gain momentum in popularity.

Click here for more description

In this game, the player is invited to become a member of a card tournament, which involves the use of magic cards to achieve victory. Namely, in the game you just accumulate cards and play. Each card is a character with its own characteristics and skills. Each card is unique in its own way and has its own qualifications; in the game you can find both permanent cards, legendary and very rare. Exceptionally rare cards have balanced stats that, when used correctly, can win even the most difficult battle. Therefore, due to such a simplified system in the game urbanrivals the characters are presented in a variety of variations and their number reaches more than 1000 pieces.

The game itself takes place in special rooms, where players randomly get into battle against each other. The battle takes place using 4 cards that you can choose before the battle and already, then the game acquires an understandable gameplay of a simple card game for everyone. The winner is the player who survived, that is, he did not run out of life points during the battle. You can choose cards accordingly from the entire collection of cards, and there is already a tactical application of the strengths and weaknesses of the cards.

urban rivals video games

In addition to the battles themselves in the game urbanrivals missions have found their way. Only they are presented in the form of various achievements during the game. But the reward for them is quite decent.

Urban Rivals is a unique game that combines addictive gameplay and visually pleasing comic book graphics, which despite its simplicity has a huge demand among gaming communities.

You can start playing it right now, it does not have a client, uses a browser-based and has a free distribution model. You just need to go through a minute registration to get access to the game. And after that you can plunge into this extraordinary world of card battles.

Recently, I've been tired of most games that took my time and attention, especially computer and online ones 🙂 And out of all the variety of time-wasting, only Urban Rivals remained, a serious CCG rare for browsers, with high scill-dependence and practically devoid of the random factor. In the near future I plan to write a review on it and a couple of articles with useful tips / secrets of mastery, and today I will tell you about the super-marathon, the purpose of which was this card:

A couple of months ago, a new activity appeared in UR - legendary missions, a sequential chain of tasks for one of the clans, the reward for completing which will be a legendary card that cannot be bought, sold or received in any other way. Usually, a month is allotted to complete the entire chain of tasks, the task is comfortably solved in a week, but I managed to get out in one day. Approximately 9 hours of pure time, 126 games with a win-loss-draw difference of 81-40-5…

By and large, only missions tied to one specific character, in this case Krisitin, cause problems. Not only is it not the most popular card among pirates, but it also appears in the layout only in 50% of the games. And in general, pirates are very poorly tailored to the game in Survivor mode ... There are some difficulties with missions to take pills from the enemy, because. against cards with this property they play especially zealously 🙂

There are only a couple of pirates in my collection of cards, and they ended up there by accident. Somehow I didn’t grow together with this clan, it’s too strong, perhaps the second strongest in the whole game. To compile a playable deck, I turned to a friend Panzercat and got the following alignment at the output:

Two changes were made to it for the corresponding missions:

Pill removal team and Kristin required for Surprise Guests and Surprise Guests II.

Playing for pirates in elo and deathmatch modes is just a breeze - their bonus allows you not to depend on the opponent's deck, it's not even the alignment that comes to the fore, but the skill and ability to guess the opponent's actions. Another feature of pirates is a very large number of guaranteed positive actions:

  • Dalhia attack with one pill - the opponent will most likely put in a 6-7 or put up a card with Stop Ability, putting in 0.
  • Attack Scubb with 8 pills if the opponent has no Stop Ability. Most people are sure that 6-7 are invested in it, I don’t even know why.
  • Hawkins attack with 3 pills - Opponents generally think they put 1-2 in it.
  • For the first two turns, no pills at all, then to win both remaining rounds with Scubb and any card with high damage, regardless of the opponent's actions.
  • And of course, we must not forget about Tula - perhaps the strongest card for 2* in the game. It has a huge advantage over cards with a strength of 6 or less, which allows you to easily defeat many strong 5 *.

A new legend has appeared this week, this time in the Uppers clan. It's time to complete a new series of legendary missions!