How to sign out of your apple. What happens if you sign out of iCloud on iPhone, iPad, and Mac? How to sign out of iCloud and save data

Greetings! Today's article is from the series "every owner of a smartphone from Apple should know this." I would even say, I just have to. Why? Because knowing how to correctly change the Apple ID or iCloud account on the iPhone can be useful to you almost always. And even if it is not needed now, then someday it will be needed ... Believe me, my little personal experience. Believe me, believe me, it will not be superfluous! :)

In general, as a rule, for the time being, the user does not even think about this operation. Doesn't the smartphone work? Working! Do you have any problems? It seems to be not! Then why bother with any settings at all? But nothing lasts forever and all sorts of things can happen. Which? There are a lot of examples.

  • Sale of the device.
  • Buying a new or not new gadget.
  • Someone knows your Apple ID, password, iCloud - the surest way to protect yourself, completely change your account.
  • Just start your iPhone life from scratch :)

In general, it is clear that the job is necessary. So let's learn how to completely log out of the Apple ID and iCloud accounts linked to the iPhone, and log in with new data. Forward!:)

Important! It is necessary to understand that for those people who, for some reason, do not know (do not remember) the password and username of the identifier, this method will not work, they should do it.

How to change iCloud on iPhone

Since iCloud is a more important account (here is the Find iPhone function, etc.), let's start with it. Briefly point by point:

  1. Open Settings.
  2. We are looking for the iCloud menu item and go into it.
  3. Scroll the screen to the very bottom and see the line "Exit".
  4. We press and meet the first warning: "If you exit from account, all Photos in Photo Stream and iCloud Drive stored in iCloud will be deleted from this iPhone. " What does it mean? This means that when you change your iCloud account, the above data associated with it will be deleted from the iPhone. No need to worry, they will remain in the “cloud” itself and you can access them from the website. We agree with this.
  5. The second warning pops up - "All iCloud notes will be deleted from the iPhone." Relevant for those who have used notes app and with cloud storage, computer, etc. Again, you need to understand that they are not completely deleted, access to them will remain with the help of the site.
  6. Another question - "What do you want to do with calendars, Safari data, contacts and reminders?" I choose to leave it on this iPhone. In which case, you can remove them yourself later.
  7. We are offered to enter the password from iCloud - we do it. That's it, we're signed out on this iPhone.
  8. Entering new data - iCloud changed.

2 ways to change Apple ID

Now you can change the second identifier on the iPhone - Apple ID. There are two ways here:

  • In the case when you have already logged out of iCloud (how to do it - described above), then you can simply and then it will be completely new and clean "like from a factory". Naturally, no information will remain on it! Next, just an Apple ID account and indicate it directly.
  • Or change Apple ID through the menu. Conveniently, in this case, all games, applications, music, ringtones, etc. will remain on the device. downloaded using the previous account.

How to do it?

As you can see, all manipulations take place exclusively in the settings and do not take much time.

Despite the fact that I tried to describe the process of replacing accounts on the iPhone in as much detail as possible, it may well be that something remained incomprehensible. Maybe? Certainly! Therefore, we are not shy and write our questions in the comments - I will try to answer everyone.

P.S.S. Okay, you can do without "likes" - that's me, just kidding :) Although, frankly, I would be very pleased to see such activity from you. Thanks!

In this article, we will talk about the iCloud account, and to be more precise, why sign out of the Apple account. cloud storage and what consequences can be expected on iPhone, iPad and Mac.

You may need to sign out of your iCloud account in three cases:

  • change of account / change of owner;
  • sale of the device;
  • elimination of some iOS bugs.

You can log out of the iCloud account with partial saving of information (depending on the platform, we will discuss this in more detail later) or with the complete removal of information synchronized with Apple cloud storage (relevant when changing the owner / selling the device).

What happens if you sign out of iCloud on iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad?

To sign out of your cloud storage account on iOS, go to Settings → iCloud → scroll down the list and click on the “Sign out” button.

After logging out of the iCloud account, the data will be deleted from the device (but they will remain in the "cloud" and will be available on the site if you log in from a computer) located in:

  • iCloud Drive (if the option has been activated);

  • Notes application (if the option has been activated);

You will be prompted to leave the following data: contacts, calendars, Safari data (history, bookmarks, and so on) and reminders.

Of course, to sign out of your iCloud account, you must enter the password for the Apple ID you are using.


  • How to Recover Contacts and Other Information on iPhone Without Creating backup in iTunes or iCloud.
  • How to recover files, contacts and other content deleted from iCloud.

What happens if you sign out of iCloud on Mac?

To sign out of your cloud storage account on OS X, go to  → System Preferences… → iCloud and click the Sign Out button in the left side menu.

After you sign out of your iCloud account, the following data will be deleted: calendars, reminders, and iCloud notes (this does not apply to local data).

You can leave your Keychain Access contacts and passwords on your Mac.

To sign out of your account, you will also need to enter the password for the owner of the iCloud account.

P. S .: Sooner or later, you will need to enter data from your iCloud account. Remember the main rule in this matter - NEVER enter data from someone else's Apple ID into the iCloud section. There is a great chance of getting a locked brick device.

To section " iTunes Store and App Store"you can safely enter even unknown Apple IDs.

Based on materials from yablyk

If you need to change storage, or create a new account, you need to know how to sign out of iCloud on iPhone 4. Newbies often make the mistake of trying to find a way out of this situation on their own. Indeed, in each version of the iPhone, the ways to exit the storage differ. In some versions, you need to go into the settings of mail services and do deauthorization. In others, you need to go directly to the Icloud setting.

It is not so difficult to reset the authorization in the storage, you just need to know the login and password for authorization in order to confirm the exit from the AppleID. In the event that you purchase a used smartphone without the data of a previous user, you run the risk of encountering a problem with using the device when the iPhone asks for an ID, as well as a password for authorization, which you do not have. In this case, you need to know what to do when you forgot your iCloud password. If you have the above data, you can continue.

How to Reset iCloud on iPhone 4

Initially, as we mentioned above, the device must be fully functional with access to settings and applications. First you need to go to the settings section. In the menu that appears, you will be greeted by sections that are ordered by separate applications. This list should include iCloud. If it is not there, you need to select the mail section and select Icloud there.

In the first option, you are taken to a screen with information about the occupied space in the storage, but how can I reset Icloud on the iPhone 4? Simple enough! At the very bottom, after listing all types of data that take up space on the remote server, you must select the "Exit" button. After that, the application will ask for confirmation - a password (possibly other data, depending on the installed protection). Likewise in the second option, when this is done through mail accounts connected to the device.

How to drop iCloud on iPhone 4

After completing the above steps, you will be taken to the main page, which will ask you to log in by entering your AppleID and password. You can return to the account from which you are logged out, because it is not deleted for inactivity. You can also enter data from someone else's account to gain access to the storage and all the information that is stored in it.

There is also a way how to throw Iklaud on iPhone 4 using a computer. To do this, you need to install the iCloud program on your computer and connect your smartphone via USB to your PC. After that, in the Icloud settings, you can go to the settings and disable authorization on the connected device. Even so, you need to know the AppleID and password. This is a simple formality designed to protect iPhone users from data loss.

How to install iCloud on iPhone 4

After you have successfully logged out of your account, you will have a choice - to log in to an already created account, or create a new one. You will need to complete the registration procedure by entering the correct information about the date of birth, full name, as well as security codes in case of loss or restoration of access. After completing this procedure, you will be able to fully use the storage and all related functions!

Which was developed specifically for users of Apple devices. A huge advantage of the service is that once you start working with any application or program on one device, you can switch to any other device at any time and continue your work from the same place. Also, the service stores all personal data - photos, videos and documents that were saved by the user. In this article, I want to tell my readers how to sign out of iCloud on iPhone, as some users may have problems with this procedure (read about signing in to iCloud).


In order to sign out of iCloud from your smartphone, you will need:

  1. Go to the "Settings" section.
  2. Select "iCloud".
  3. At the very bottom of the screen, click on the "Exit" button.

Important! When exiting the service, it should be borne in mind that to re-enter you will need to re-enter your username and password. In the event that it was forgotten or lost, you will have to go through the procedure to restore it.

change Password

If the phone was lost and you are afraid for the safety of your data, you should remotely change the password for your iCloud account. This will automatically sign out of iCloud from all of your devices. To change your password you will need:


Now you know how to sign out of your iCloud account. I would also like to talk about how to disable some of the service's functions on various devices:

Important! Please note that some of the settings may not be available on Windows computers, or features may be arranged in a different order. It depends on which version of Microsoft Windows is installed on your computer.

This concludes my article on how to sign out of iCloud on iPhone. I really hope that you will find answers to all your questions. If you have any difficulties, then you should contact the support service on the Apple website, where they will help you deal with all the problems that have arisen when using iCloud or other services. You can read about how to create an iPhone backup via iCloud.

There are times when you need to sign out of your Apple ID account on your device. This procedure is almost the same as in Android. Let's talk about how to uninstall iCloud on iPhone.

How to get out of icloud

You can disable icloud in a couple of clicks through the system settings. It's enough to know Apple password ID.

Note! An iPhone with iOS 11 on board is used as an example. In 10 and earlier versions, the location of the items is different.

After these steps, the iCloud profile will be deleted.

How to delete a device in iCloud

If you want to finally get rid of the device, then you need to remove it from your account memory. Let's look at the example of the official website.

How to delete an iCloud account if you forgot your password

If for some reason you do not know the password for your account, this is a problem. Operating system by Apple is designed with security in mind. If the device is stolen from the user, he will be able to block it remotely. And an attacker will not be able to disable protection without Apple ID data.

If you lose your password, you need to contact Apple support. The staff will make sure that you are the owner (answers to security questions, etc.), and then they will help you regain access.