Self-repair of the TV remote control circuit. Troubleshooting TV remote controls. Remote control recovery

I. Ivanov

You can check the operation of the remote control in the absence of a TV using an infrared photodiode (PD). Suitable, for example, domestic FD-8K. The outputs of the PD are connected to the ground and signal probes of the oscilloscope. The remote control is placed coaxially with the FD close to its window. Press any of the buttons on the remote control. In this case, a PWM signal with an amplitude of 0.2 ... 0.5 V should appear on the oscilloscope screen.

Most television remote control circuits are the same and include:
- a microcircuit-former of commands with a quartz resonator;
- an amplifier consisting of one or two transistors;
- LED (or two);
- keyboard and contact field.

In addition, some remote controls have an indicator LED that registers the command.

Consider possible malfunctions of the remote control, the method of their detection and elimination.

1. No signal from remote control

Check the condition of the batteries. If the supply voltage is less than 2.5 V, the batteries must be replaced. At a voltage greater than 2.5 V, check the short-circuit current Ikz with a multimeter. For serviceable elements, it should be equal to 1 ... 3 A. If Ikz
Then open the remote. This operation requires certain skills and accuracy. The main task in this case is not to leave scratches on the remote control case and not to break the latches. To open the remote control, use an ordinary screwdriver with a thin sting (currently, special screwdrivers with a sting 10 .... 20 mm wide and 0.5 mm thick with a short handle are on sale).

The remote control begins to be opened from the side where the batteries are located, and first one side of the bottom cover is disconnected to the entrance window, and then the other in the same way, after which the cover is easily removed.

Conduct an external inspection of the condition of the printed circuit board and keyboard contacts.

Traces of dried liquid on the contact field are removed with a cotton swab moistened with alcohol. Breaks in the conductors are eliminated by soldering jumpers made of thin wire.

Check for contact between graphite jumpers and printed conductors.

Having closed any pair of contacts on the printed circuit board, they check with an oscilloscope the presence of a PWM signal on the LED cathode.

If there is no signal, and the constant voltage is zero, check the continuity of the LED. For a working LED, the resistance in the forward direction should be several tens of ohms, and in the reverse direction - several hundred kilo-ohms. A defective LED must be replaced.

A fairly common defect is a break in the output of the LED as a result of mechanical stress, for example, after the remote control has been dropped.

Check the passage of the PWM signal from the output of the microcircuit to the LED.

2. There is no signal at the output of the remote control chip

lack of supply voltage of the microcircuit;
malfunction of the quartz resonator;
the presence of two or more pairs of closed contacts of the printed circuit board;
breakage of conductors between the microcircuit and the contacts of the printed circuit board;
microchip failure.

First, check the supply voltage of the microcircuit: it must be at least 2.5 V.

The performance of the quartz resonator is checked by closing any of the pairs of contacts on the printed circuit board. If there is no generation at the same time, then the microcircuit is most likely faulty.

3. There is no signal from the remote control. There is a signal at the output of the microcircuit

Possible causes of the malfunction:
lack of power supply to the amplifier;
malfunction of the amplifier elements;
LED failure.

An oscilloscope checks for a signal at the cathode of the LED. If there is no signal here, check its passage from the output of the microcircuit to the LED.

The most common defects in this case are the failure of the transistor of the output stage of the amplifier, the violation of soldering, the conclusions of the amplifier elements.

4. There is no signal from the remote control. The photodiode indicates the presence of a constant voltage level. Batteries run out quickly. The LED is constantly on and a significant current flows through it

Possible reasons:
breakdown of one of the transistors of the amplifier;
the presence of two or more pairs of closed keyboard contacts;
microchip failure.

The serviceability of transistors and the presence of closed contacts are checked by "dialing". The health of the microcircuit is checked by replacement.

5. A command is constantly sent from the remote control when the keyboard buttons are not pressed. Batteries drain quickly

Possible causes of the malfunction:
reduction of insulation resistance between the pins of the microcircuit or the contacts of the printed circuit board;
reduction of insulation resistance between the graphite jumper and the printed conductor passing under it;
microchip failure.

The pins of the microcircuit are thoroughly washed with alcohol, eliminating traces of rosin, dust, and dirt. On the printed circuit board, wipe the contacts with a cotton swab moistened with alcohol. Solder the corresponding pins of the microcircuit from the board. If after that the commands from the remote control continue to arrive, the microcircuit is changed. If the signal disappears, look for a place of current leakage from the graphite jumper to the printed conductor. The conductor is cut off on both sides and a jumper from an insulated wire is placed (soldered) instead.

6. One or more remote control buttons do not work

Possible causes of the malfunction:
increase in the resistance of the closing contacts of the keyboard;
board crack.

Measure the contact resistance with a multimeter. For serviceable buttons, it is 2 ... 5 kOhm. If the resistance is more than 10 kOhm, the button is faulty. In this case, either the "gum" is changed entirely, or the contact is repaired. Special repair kits for the remote control are available for sale. They consist of conductive rubber contacts that are glued to faulty keyboard contacts with silicone adhesive included in the repair kit.

The presence of cracks is determined visually. Damaged printed conductors are repaired using thin wire jumpers.

In most modern remote controls, it is possible to convert them into a service console. The essence of the alteration is to install a new jumper or rearrange the jumper on the printed circuit board, and the installation location on the board is indicated.

As an example, the figure shows the remote control RM-836 for SONY TVs with the top cover removed. After installing the jumper in pos. one

Changes the functionality of the aspect ratio button.

Now, after pressing this button twice, the TV is transferred from the operating mode to the service mode.

Repair of remote controls.

M. Kireev

After several years of operation, the functioning of remote controls (DU) of TVs and other equipment is often disrupted. This is possible for several reasons: violation of the integrity of the soldering of electronic components, oxidation of the spring contacts in the battery compartment, complete or partial abrasion of the conductive layer applied to the ends of the buttons (Fig. 1),

Which are the most commonly used.

To eliminate the last defect, a simple method is proposed that has been tested for several years and does not require large expenditures. On the cleaned and degreased, for example, with alcohol, the end of the button, the performance of which needs to be restored, is applied one layer of quick-drying glue, for example, "Second", and then a piece of aluminum foil is glued slightly larger than the area of ​​​​the end of the button. After the glue has hardened, the protruding foil is carefully crimped with tweezers (Fig. 2).

Practice has shown high reliability and trouble-free operation of consoles repaired in this way.

If you often have to deal with the repair of remote controls, then you can make a device for monitoring their performance, assembled from available parts (Fig. 3).

Chip DA1 is used to amplify the signal coming from the infrared photodiode VD1, and the formation of a sequence of output pulses, which is fed to the divider DD1.1. When you press any button of a working remote control, the VD2 LED will flash at a frequency of several hertz. It is convenient to mount the device in a case measuring 100x40x30 mm (Fig. 4).

The DA1 chip can be replaced by domestic analogues KR1054UI1, KR1054XA3, KR1056UP1, KR1084UI1, taking into account the difference in pinouts.

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As long as he regularly switches channels, and the user enjoys his life, life can be said to be beautiful. But here the button is pressed again and again, but the channel does not switch. Trouble has come - open the gate. Soon there will be more buttons. What to do in this case, and we will tell further.

If the remote does not perform its functions, this does not mean that it is faulty. The probability of failure of its filling under existing operating modes is close to zero if its elements comply with specifications. Therefore, usually a remote control malfunction is simply a fact confirming the common expression: electrical engineering is the science of contacts. And the first of them is to check the battery terminals. Oddly enough, it is in them that the reason often lies. Control pulses consume a current of a certain strength.

But this is enough to “put down” the voltage on the microcircuits with oxidized contacts. As a result, they are unable to form the correct signal, and switching in the TV does not occur. The phenomenon in question is usually observed with partially discharged power supplies. Therefore, if the remote control does not switch when you press the button, first of all we open the battery compartment cover. You can either take them out and put them back in again, or, without taking them out, shake and twist back and forth around its axis.

The oxide film is destroyed, and the contact is restored. If after the operation the remote control works normally, then the goal has been achieved. But this case is like a bell warning about the need to replace the batteries soon. Please note that if there are two or more batteries in the remote control, they are discharged differently. For a more equal discharge, it is recommended to periodically swap them. And when replacing, it is best to measure the short-circuit current with a tester and leave a more powerful battery, using it together with a new one.

We disassemble the remote control - the test continues

So, the batteries are disturbed, checked, and they definitely work properly. But the remote still does not switch. In this case, check the buttons and the LED. In some remotes it is open. But there are models in which the LED is located behind dark glass. In any case, it will not be possible to control its work with the naked eye. It emits pulses of light in the IR range, which the human eye cannot see. But video cameras, perceiving them, perform optical conversion. Therefore, the operation of the remote control LED can be seen with their help and thus checked.

In theory, dark glass, which can cover the LED, should not interfere with fixing its flashes. But in their absence, as they say, for the purity of the experiment, it is better to check directly. To do this, as well as to check the buttons, the remote control must be disassembled. The design of the consoles is varied. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully inspect the repaired remote control before opening it. For manufacturability, the design is usually performed entirely on latches.

But in some models there may be hardware. They are usually hidden for aesthetic reasons and are available in the battery compartment. If, after taking them out and examining the remote control, the caps of the self-tapping screws were not found, it means that the fastening is made only on latches. In this case, the two parts of the remote control housing must be separated. To do this, the seam is probed with the sharp tip of a knife blade. It is inserted and, applying a slight twisting force, they try to push both parts apart.

How to restore buttons

If this is done near the latch, both parts are separated. With such a consistent action along the seam, the console opens. Inside is a board, which is covered with rubber buttons. We leave the LED in the end, because for verification you will have to unsolder at least one of its legs. And before that, check the buttons. It is possible to predict a malfunction of the LED only with a completely inoperative remote control. If at least one button works, then the LED is operational, and the problem is again in the contacts.

The consoles are structurally simple. Tracks are printed on the printed circuit board. The contact is created by a conductive layer deposited on the surface of the rubber button. When pressed, this layer lies on two adjacent tracks, closing them. As the number of clicks increases, the layer becomes thinner and loses the necessary properties. Plus, dirt appears on the surface of the tracks. Especially if the TV is located in the kitchen.

After 5–10 years of proper operation, the failure of the remote control may be due to contamination of the contacts. For cleaning, you will need either special wet wipes for the care of office equipment, or a cotton swab and alcohol. We recommend cleaning the board and buttons with polyethylene gloves. All contact surfaces are wiped with a moistened swab or napkins. If the remote control has been in operation for five years or more, after cleaning it, it is recommended to restore the buttons.

Otherwise, you still need to do it soon. Even when restoring performance after cleaning. The wear of the coating on the buttons cannot be stopped. It is best to apply a new coat immediately upon first disassembly of the console. A little bit of super glue and a piece of foil glued to each button will be a normal replacement for the original. While the adhesive has not hardened, the foil must be pressed against the surface of the button so that the foil touches the board only when pressed.

Quartz is also damaged

In most cases, the buttons are the reason why the remote needs to be repaired. But it may also be that after gluing the foil, performance is not restored. So, the reason may be in the electronic components of the printed circuit board. Damage is usually mechanical due to the remote being dropped on the floor. The quartz resonator suffers from this. Irreversible damage may appear inside it.

Usually, this can only be determined by monitoring the performance of the console using an oscilloscope. But if the remote was subjected to strong impacts, the quartz inside could fly off. Then, when shaking the remote control, its movements inside the resonator case will be heard. The only way out is to replace it with a new one. And again, the replacement may not help. If the impact was so strong that the resonator was damaged, the tracks of the board could crack. Therefore, we leave this most time-consuming operation in the end and check the LED.

Completion of the repair

Carefully, holding the pliers on one leg (so as not to overheat), we unsolder it from the board. To check, you need a tester in resistance measurement mode. It is very good if there is a red or other colored LED available, so that by its glow you can make sure that the experiment was a success. If the control LED emits light that is visible, then the IR LED will also be visible through the camcorder (smartphone can be used).

If the IR LED is working, only the version of cracks in the tracks remains. You won't be able to see them even with a magnifying glass if a protective coating is applied. Therefore, you will have to use sharp probes that can pierce it. By testing each track in this way, damage can be found. The found damaged track will not short-circuit the probes, which will be visible on the tester's display. It is necessary to remove the protective layer from it and, using a magnifying glass, find a crack.

In this place on the track, a soldering is made with a thin wire. If the remote still does not work, then you need to arm yourself with an oscilloscope and view the signals that are available in certain places on the board. But it is rather within the power of specialists. And it’s easier for the average user to buy a new remote control.

TV does not turn on remotes Or do not switch channels, do not adjust the volume, and other buttons work fine? Such symptoms remote control malfunctions familiar to almost everyone. This remote control malfunction is the most common and has been dragging on since the appearance of the remotes themselves, but manufacturers have not taken any radical measures to eliminate them. With almost 100% certainty, the cause of such a malfunction is the erasure or contamination of the conductive layer of the contact buttons. There are two ways to restore the remote control in this case:

- First- do not bother and buy a new remote control. It is worth noting that when purchasing a cheap (not original) remote control, you run the risk of encountering the same or another breakdown in the first month. Therefore, if you decide to change the remote control, then if possible, buy the original remote control and not in the "sharashka cantor". This will save you nerves and money.

- Second- independently repair the remote control. It does not require knowledge of electronics and is available to anyone, regardless of gender and age. In addition to the battery, which you also remove from the remote control, there is no "dangerous" electricity "in the remote control. Even if something does not work out, the first method always remains in stock, and the money for this will be quite modest. But why pay if for You can do everything yourself in 15-20 minutes, besides, any new remote control will have the same fate and the experience of the first repair will not be in vain.

It is worth noting that with rare exceptions, repair shops do not do such restoration, or the cost will be comparable to the price of a new remote control. If you decide - then do it yourself, everything is simple, but this article will help you.

At the beginning, let's revisit

Diagnostics of a malfunction of the remote control of a TV, tuner, air conditioner or any other equipment

If the device does not turn on with the remote control and none of the buttons work, then the first step is to replace the batteries. With weak batteries, it is possible to react to the buttons one or two times in a row, then it does not react, after some time (20-30 minutes) it reacts again one or two times. This also indicates worn out batteries that need to be replaced. If this does not help, then there is a malfunction in the electronics. Further, depending on your qualifications and desires, make a decision on self-repair. This is not our case and requires knowledge of electronics to repair.

Checking the remote control with a digital camera.

To do this, just point the remote at the lens of the camera or mobile phone camera and hold the button. At this point, take a picture of the remote control without a flash. If the remote or button is working, then the photo will have a bright white spot in place of the IR LED. If the glow is visible in the photo, then the reason is most likely in the receiver located in the TV or other equipment from which your remote control is. The conclusion about the repair, as in the first paragraph.

If they do not work, or work (respond to pressing) from 2-10 attempts, only a few buttons that are most often used, then this is our case. Next, we will consider ways to eliminate this malfunction of the remote control.

Remote control device

All remote controls have a similar device. Main components:

Frame. Consists of two halves, glued or twisted.

Printed circuit board. The board contains a small microcircuit, a few more radio elements, an infrared LED, battery compartment contacts and a contact pad in the form of conductive tracks.

Rubberized pad with buttons.


Disassembly of the remote control

At the very beginning, we take out the batteries, then we look in the battery recess for the presence of mounting screws. They may be under stickers. Swipe the sticker with a screwdriver, if it is pressed somewhere, then there is a screw under it. Inspect the entire case for screws. If there is, unscrew everything and divide the case into two halves. In addition to the screws, the case can be snap-on. If there are no screws, then the entire body is assembled only with latches. It happens that it is additionally glued, but do not panic, everything is sorted out.

We take any knife and carefully insert the tip into the slot in the middle of the body and try to push the halves apart until a click appears. A click indicates that one of the latches has opened. It is important here to find and disengage the first latch, the rest will go easier. Try to do everything carefully so as not to break the latches, and even if you break one or two, it doesn’t matter, the remote control will not close worse from this, in extreme cases it is easily glued with a drop of any superglue. You can also pry apart with two thin screwdrivers, or combine a knife and a screwdriver.

If you are disassembling the remote control for the first time, it is preferable to work with a knife and a screwdriver. First, slip the tip of the screwdriver into the slot between the halves of the case and, slowly moving the screwdriver along the case, look for the first latch. As soon as you find it, snap it off, but leave the screwdriver stuck near the latch, and then continue to work with the tip of the knife. When you reach the next latch with the knife, you can insert a second screwdriver and continue moving with the tip of the knife, or continue moving with the first screwdriver. In general, do what you feel most comfortable with.

Then you take out the board and the rubber pad with buttons. The battery compartment has slots into which the spring contacts of the batteries are inserted. Before removing the printed circuit board, remember how they fit in the grooves so that there are no questions during assembly. In most cases, these contact springs are soldered to the board and cannot be inserted otherwise.

Before restoring the conductive layer of the buttons, it is recommended to simply clean it first. Sometimes pollution is visible to the naked eye.

Quite often, the entire space where the rubber base with buttons is located is filled with a transparent sticky and viscous liquid that looks like epoxy resin, only without a hardener. This liquid is smeared with a neat thin layer, in places with small droplets. This sticky liquid is everywhere. On the top and bottom side of the rubber button base, on the top of the case with button sockets. The upper part of the printed circuit board with contact pads is also smeared with this glue ...

The origin of this adhesive is the subject of discussion and even debate in repair circles. Some say that it is fat from the fingers, others that it is fumes from batteries. But, why then these fumes are not covered with the lower part of the board, where there are no details?

The most likely version seems to be that these sticky connections come from the rubber base itself. Rubber, as it were, sweats, releasing plasticizers out of itself, which indicates a violation of the technology for the production of rubber products. But the question arises, why are there so many substandard products? This is observed in almost every remote control when a similar malfunction occurs.

It is necessary to clean with soap or other detergent, but not with alcohol, acetone, etc., which can lead to a complete failure of the remote control.
A good result can be brought by washing the board and rubber bands with buttons with not very hot water, preferably using dishwashing detergent or laundry soap.

Rinse gently with a soft cloth, blotting movements, so as not to erase the graphite coating. It is quite good if, before washing the snot, the parts of the disassembled remote control for some time, 20 ... 30 minutes, lie in a detergent solution. After washing, do not wipe, but wait until the parts are dry and only then assemble the remote control. You can use a hair dryer to speed up drying.

Do not assemble the remote control completely, put on the buttons, insert the batteries and check the operation. If everything works - collect and use. If the problem persists, proceed to the second stage of recovery. In some cases, you can skip flushing and go straight to recovery. Intuition will help you.

For those interested, there are different types.

Method 1. Superglue and foil squares

Using glue, carefully stick pieces of foil onto the contact pads of the “mat”. Foil can be taken from sweets (clean), chocolates, and preferably from a pack of cigarettes. Aluminum foil with a paper base from cigarette packs is glued quite securely and simply with any Moment glue or superglue from small tubes. Piglets can be made both square and round. You can use a hole puncher of a suitable diameter. The result should look something like this.

Method 2. Double-sided tape and foil

A strip 5-7 cm long of double-sided adhesive tape must be glued onto the foil, cut off the edges of the foil where there is no adhesive tape. Then we “pass” the foil with adhesive tape through the hole punch as many times as we need to repair the buttons or use scissors. You can also use a broken telescopic antenna. A link of a suitable diameter is taken and circles are cut out on the glass. When the circles are ready, we stick on the non-working pads of the remote control buttons. You can not bother with circles and cut out squares.

Additionally, you can carefully, with a sharp blade, cut off the layer of conductive rubber from the buttons before the sticker. Usually this is a layer of about 0.5-1.0 mm.

Method 3. Copper wire

You will need copper wire with a diameter of 0.2-0.4. Using a hammer, we flatten it on any anvil with an interval of about 1 cm. )

we stick the left end of the element into the button next to the button, we bend the flattened part of the element (--O) over the conductive rubber

If it is well fixed, then this option is quite durable.

A simpler option is a metal bracket from a stapler. Bend-shorten to the size of the pad and press into the rubber in such a position that when the button is pressed, the bracket closes the contacts on the board.

Method 4: Conductive adhesives or varnishes

Another option for repairing the remote control is to smear the buttons with conductive adhesives and varnishes, such as Contactol or Ellast. There are also many different opinions about this method, which is better is not yet clear. Apparently, everything is simple: whoever did it well, he praises and vice versa.

Method 5. Repair kit

Ready-made repair kits are sold specifically for repairing the remote control. They are cheap - the main thing is to find. The bag contains a tube of glue and round rubber spots with a graphite coating. Just smear and stick where you want. There are even instructions on how to stick.

A more modern version of the repair kit is self-adhesive patches. Everything is quite simple here. In such cases, just wiping the rubber buttons with alcohol or another solvent will not hurt.

All options are functional and tested in practice. Choose any one you like best. Good luck.

Today, almost all electronic devices used in everyday life are equipped with remote controls. TVs are no exception. How else to switch channels without getting up from the couch?

The remote control, being an intensively used device, often fails. It either ceases to function altogether, or copes with its duties partially.

What do the most impatient and comfortable some of us do when? That's right, they want to quickly buy a new one. But if you have a desire and a few tens of minutes of free time, you can try to repair it, and on your own.

In this article, we will talk about why the remote control fails, and also consider ways to resuscitate it at home.

The TV remote does not work: causes and symptoms of a malfunction

The remote control device may lose its functionality as a result of some technical problems, as well as due to careless handling. So if yours is broken TV remote control, before proceeding with its disassembly for subsequent repair, it is worth determining for yourself what signs of a malfunction it gives. This will make it easier to plan your next steps.

Most often, a remote control malfunction is characterized by:

  • visible and suspected mechanical damage;
  • lack of response when pressing some buttons (other buttons work);
  • complete lack of reaction (all buttons do not work).

Consider these signs in the context of possible malfunctions.

Mechanical damage

If TV remote not working and there are obvious signs of mechanical damage on its body, this may indicate that it was simply dropped on the floor or intentionally tried to render it inoperative. The consequence of such handling of the device may be:

  • lack of contact between the batteries and the electrical terminals of the remote control;
  • damage to the transmitting LED;
  • violation of the integrity of the conductive tracks and (and) the conclusions of the electrical components on the board.

The TV remote does not work: what to do and where to start

It is best to start the diagnosis with the batteries. When the device falls, it is they who most often cause its failure. The test itself consists in removing the cover of the remote control and checking the position of the batteries. If necessary, they must be reinstalled, observing the polarity. Pay attention to how tightly their contacts are in contact with the electrical terminals of the device. If the batteries dangle, you may need to bend the negative terminals (springs).

If after such events TV remote control earned, close the lid and continue to use it further. If this does not happen, we proceed to the next stage of diagnostics.

Battery charge

Having removed the cover of the device for checking the batteries, do not be too lazy to check the amount of their charge. Although the remote control consumes a minimum of electricity to ensure its operation, the batteries gradually run out.

The test is best done using a conventional voltmeter or multimeter. To do this, you just need to measure the voltage at the contacts of the batteries. It should not be less than 1 V.

If you do not have such devices, check batteries for tv remote you can by using them in another remote control device such as DVD, stereo, air conditioner, etc.

You can also insert known good batteries into our device. After making sure that they are suitable both in size and in the magnitude of the output voltage, remove them from another remote control and install them in the one being diagnosed. The test showed that it was the batteries that failed? Just replace them.

Checking the LED

The transmitting LED plays the main role in the operation of the console. It consists in transmitting an infrared signal of a certain frequency to a special TV receiver. First of all, inspect the LED for damage. If it is broken, the only way out is to replace it. You will have to go to the radio market or to a store specializing in the sale of radio components, buy the same element and solder it in place of the damaged one.

Is the LED intact? Check out how it works. It is impossible to do this with the naked eye, since the human eye does not perceive infrared radiation. Some of the modern devices equipped with a camera will help here. It can be a mobile phone, smartphone, tablet, etc. Turn on the camera on it and point it at the LED of the remote control. Now try switching channels while looking at the screen of the device. With a working diode, you will definitely see light signals when you press the remote control keys. But if there was no reaction, most likely, the matter is not in the light element.

Damage inside the device

Mechanical damage can be hidden from your eyes. If TV remote dropped and not working, and something is dangling inside, there is a possibility that he received a closed “injury”, which put him out of action. As a result of a fall, the wire may break off, the output of, for example, some capacitor may fall off, or the conductive path may crack. Here you will have to completely disassemble the device.

Those that have received damage to the board or its elements are, of course, better to entrust to professionals, but if you have ever held a soldering iron in your hands, you can try to deal with this on your own.

First, open the device. You're in luck if your TV remote's case is held together with screws. In this case, they must be unscrewed and the parts of the device disconnected. If the case is fastened with internal latches, you will have to sweat a little.

A knife with a thin blunt blade will help to disconnect the parts of the remote control. It must be inserted between the halves and, gently squeezing, disconnect them from each other, passing in a circle. When this is done, disassemble the remote and carefully inspect the board for damage. For these purposes, use a magnifying glass. Small defects may not be visible to the naked eye. It is also desirable to provide good lighting of the place where the inspection will be carried out.

Start checking from the conclusions that go to the batteries. Next, inspect all the tracks, and then the electrical components. If you find an open in the electrical circuit of the console, restore it by repairing or replacing the damaged part. In case of damage to the microcircuits, it is better to buy a new remote control than to try to repair it. At least it'll be cheaper that way.

When individual buttons don't work

Often the reason that TV remote not working, is the state of the rubber keyboard. The lower part of the buttons is covered with a conductive graphite layer, which, in fact, closes the contacts placed on the board. It happens that this layer wears out from constant use, and it also happens that dust, moisture, and foreign objects get between it and the contacts.

Wear usually falls on the keys that we use the most:

  • on-off;
  • channel switching;
  • volume up/down.

Unidentified oily liquid

Having discovered that TV remote not working and taking it apart, you can see a colorless oily liquid on the bottom of the keyboard. Do not rush to blame your relatives for the fact that one of them spilled sunflower oil or sweet tea on the device. This liquid is nothing more than oil secreted from the pores of the fingers. During the operation of the remote control, it settles on the buttons, as a result of which contact between them and the sites is lost.

This problem is solved very simply. It is enough to disassemble the remote control, wipe the board and the bottom of the keyboard with alcohol, and the device will work like new. Before starting operation after such a procedure, do not forget to dry the wiped elements.

Is it possible to restore a worn graphite layer?

What should I do if the conductive graphite layer on the bottom of the remote control keyboard has worn off? It can be restored. with a damaged conductive coating involves its removal and the creation of a new one in its place. But what to make it from?

There are two options here. The first is to buy a special kit for repairing remotes in a radio parts store. Such a set includes a tube of silicone glue and several dozen rubber patches (overlays on the lower parts of the buttons) coated with the same graphite. You are required to disassemble the remote control, carefully cut off the old pads, and stick new ones in their place. Such repair allows you to completely restore the device for a long time.

The second option does not imply any costs at all. Take an ordinary chocolate foil, cut out the required number of overlays from it, respecting the size, and stick them over the worn patches. Of course, this budget repair will not ensure the smooth operation of the remote control for many years, but believe me, it will still serve.

Will film help?

You've probably seen remote controls wrapped in plastic wrap. This method, undoubtedly, was invented by our compatriots in order to protect the remote control from the possible consequences of careless handling. Yes, the film can temporarily protect the device from moisture and dust. But over time, it loses its protective properties due to the same intensive use. Whether it is worth turning the remote control into an incomprehensible and funny object is up to you.

How to extend the life of your TV remote control

To keep your TV remote control working as long as possible, follow these tips:

  1. Try to handle it carefully, avoiding falling to the floor.
  2. Do not give the remote control to children and protect it from "encroachment" by pets.
  3. Monitor the status of the LED.
  4. Don't forget to change batteries regularly.
  5. Do not use the remote when your hands are dirty or while eating.

If your TV receiver began to respond poorly to commands given through the remote control, or stopped responding to button presses altogether, then perhaps it is time for you to learn how to repair the TV remote control yourself.

You can control your TV in two ways:

  • Through the buttons located on the front panel of the device;
  • Through the PDU.

And here there is a great opportunity to determine the source of the problem: if there is no TV response when you press the remote control buttons, but the TV executes commands when controlled from the front TV panel, then you will have to diagnose the remote control. But if the TV does not respond to either its buttons or the remote control, then most likely you are dealing with more serious problems in the technology itself.

To understand how to repair the TV remote control, you need to figure out where the problem may be:

  • The remote control may either not work at all - that is, when you press any button, there is no reaction from the TV;
  • The remote control device does not work well - commands are executed, but not from all buttons or with a noticeable delay.

In the first case, the problem may be in the absence of a power source or in violation of the contacts on the microcircuit. Incorrect operation of the remote control, most often, is due to discharged batteries or a body filled with liquid.

Batteries are dead

80% of all calls to service workshops regarding the breakdown of the TV remote control have a cause in the batteries. The first thing to do when diagnosing breakdowns of the remote control is to replace the batteries with new ones.

Even if you only inserted new batteries a few days ago, you should try updating them. Batteries can be defective or expired, often even in factory packaging, these elements can be “dead”.

If the house has a voltmeter, then you can check their voltage with this device. The minimum charge value should be 1.3 V. If the battery potential is lower, it must be replaced.

Check the operation of the remote control with new batteries, further repairs may not be required. If the reason is not in them, we proceed to the next step.

Some buttons don't work

It happens that some buttons on the TV remote control do not work well: they have to be pressed every time with great effort. This is also a very common problem, which can be solved by elementary cleaning of the device.

The remote control may be clogged with dust or small particles of household dirt. Also often these devices are filled with water, coffee or juice. The sticky mucus that collects under the button interferes with the contact of the contacts, which is why there is a delay or complete absence of a signal.

But how can you repair buttons with such pollution yourself. Very simple: the device should be disassembled and cleaned.

  1. Remove the batteries.
  2. Loosen the connecting screws on the remote control.
  3. Carefully separate the two parts of the case from each other. If something interferes, do not make any effort, but inspect the device again, you may have missed some kind of fastening connection (often a bolt can be hidden under the batteries, for example). If the case has special latches, then you need to open them with a flat screwdriver inserted into the connection strip of the two parts of the remote control.
  4. You should have 2 body parts, an internal contact gum and a microcircuit in your hands.

Carefully and slowly examine each element. Despite the simplicity of the device, there are many small workers in it, so it is better to conduct an inspection using a magnifying glass.

To carefully detach the two parts of the plastic housing of the remote control, you can use not only a screwdriver, which can leave small chips and scratches. Some masters use a regular plastic card for this procedure, which is issued by all chain stores.

Moisture and dirt removal

Anything that has oily dirt can be wiped with a damp cloth or cotton soaked in alcohol. However, if the remote control is old, dirt can be unexpectedly strong. It would seem where that dirt comes from, but, as practice shows, all remotes collect pollution.

Take a small basin and pour warm clean water into it. Add a few drops of dish detergent and lather the solution. Put all the elements of the remote control into it, including the board. Do not worry, without power, no short circuit will occur. After some time, all the dirt will get wet, and it will be easy to remove it, for example, with a regular toothbrush.

Be especially careful when cleaning the board with radio components: they must not be damaged. The contacts on the microcircuit and the buttons themselves on the wrong side of the rubber element must be black! After all the dirt is removed, rinse the parts with running water, pat them dry with a towel and place for 30-40 minutes in a warm, dry place to dry completely.

If the button contact has a graphite coating, then the reason for poor performance may be that it has worn out and worn out. Plain packaging from chocolate or cigarettes will help solve the problem. Paper-based foil simply needs to be cut into squares or circles of the appropriate size and glue the pieces with the paper side to the contacts.

It is best to glue the foil to the contacts with "Moment" or silicone-based glue. There is also a special product for this type of needs, but buying it specifically for 1-2 buttons is not practical. Also on the market are sold special repair kits for the remote control, which have buttons with conductive coating and a small tube of adhesive.

Cracks after falling

Remote controls can be located in a variety of places, as they should always be at hand: after waking up, you look for the remote control on the bedside table, when you have breakfast, the device lies with you on the table, and during the evening movie show, the remote control moves to the sofa next to you.

They are compact and comfortable, but they fall quite often, and this does not always happen on soft carpet. If the remote control is dropped on a ceramic tile, then it can receive serious damage not only to the outer case, but also to internal microcircuits.

If, after a fall, the remote control ceases to function, then its restoration also begins with disassembly. There are three common impact failures:

  • Broken LED;
  • The contact terminal of the batteries is broken;
  • Damaged quartz resonator.

The first two faults can be determined by visual inspection. The operation of the LED can be checked without even disassembling the case:

  1. Turn on the camera on your smartphone.
  2. Point the remote at the camera so that the LED is in focus.
  3. Look at the mobile phone screen and press any button on the remote control. The signal, if any, will be clearly visible through the camera.

You can also check the operation of the LED with a multimeter, but for this, the outer parts of the case will have to be removed:

  1. Connect tester probes to both ends of the LED.
  2. Set the device switch to 3V.
  3. Press any button on the remote control.
  4. If the tester shows voltage, then the LED is working.

After an unsuccessful fall of the remote control, the contact terminal of the batteries may be broken in it. The spring pins of this connection are soldered to the IC, so make sure the soldering is intact and secure. Also check the springs themselves for corrosion or distortion. If the contacts are oxidized, you can clean them with sandpaper.

If you found ring cracks or oxidation in the soldering of the contact terminals and decided to re-solder them, then it would be correct to disconnect all the elements from the board, clean and tin them, and only then solder them again.

But the performance of a quartz resonator is not so easy to check. To do this, you need to disassemble the remote control and find a small box with soldered contacts on its microcircuit. If you gently shake it and hear the sound of crumbs rolling inside, then the resonator is broken and will need to be replaced. Only the master can reanimate such a bullet.

If the TV remote control was dropped on the floor and immediately after that it was noticed that the device stopped working, then when disassembling the remote control, you should pay attention to the ceramic resonator.

It is possible that the TV is faulty

If you have carried out self-diagnostics of the remote control, following our recommendations in this article, but the TV still does not change channels and is not controlled from the remote control, then the malfunction may be in the television receiver itself.

In this case, it is worth inviting a qualified craftsman with his own tools, who will be able to carry out professional equipment diagnostics and identify a malfunction.
