Single wallet drawing machine. Wallet One in Russia and Ukraine. Control Panel - Wallet One Services Feedback

Wallet One is a payment service that offers its users the opportunity to conduct various monetary transactions in many countries around the world.

These are transfers, payments, payment for various services and goods. An account in the service can later be used as a multi-currency payment instrument.

Everything that competitors' payments can do:,.

Let's take a closer look at how to register a wallet and what operations it allows you to perform.

Acquaintance with W1, registration in the system

In W1, calculations are made in real time, the available currencies are rubles, dollars, euros, hryvnias, tenges, somoni, lari, rands.

You can pay for the following:

  • Utilities;
  • Cellular communication;
  • IP-telephony and Internet;
  • Payment systems - Webmoney, Contact, Unistream, etc.;
  • TV;
  • Loan payments - Sberbank, Good Money, according to free details;
  • Online Games;
  • Receiving the money;
  • Other services.

A little about how the system was born, so to speak, milestones in its history.

The One Wallet payment service was officially registered on June 2, 2007. The first payment was made on June 18, it was a payment for cellular services.

This brainchild belongs to CJSC Information Processing Center, which specializes in e-commerce services, including making payments based on another X-Plat payment system.

Since April 2008, w1 starts cooperation with the German company Betamax and becomes its official partner in Russia.

In May of the same year, the Unified Phone was launched, payment for IP telephony and sending messages to anywhere in the world became available.

Since February 2009, wallet one has also appeared in the Republic of South Africa, where it receives its official representation, at the same time a video hosting service is introduced.

In May, the Unified Phone began to make calls via the Internet based on the SIP standard, in September they launched a service for the sale of Ukash vouchers in Russia together with the British company Smart Voucher Ltd.

A universal payment system called "United Cashier" appeared in March 2010, it was a new service for online stores and trading platforms.

In June, the "Single Wallet" appears in Ukraine, and then since 2011 in Kazakhstan. Further, already in 2013, Wallet One became available to Belarus and Tajikistan.

The next steps were cooperation with the USA and Europe. Representative offices of the service are located in 12 countries, including China, Georgia, Moldova, Latvia, and Zambia.

In order to perform most operations, you must register in the service on the site. W1.Ru. But there is also the possibility of a quick payment, for those who need to pay for something, spending time on formalities.

It looks like this, for example, we want to pay for the Internet services of the Beeline operator, for this we simply enter the appropriate query in the search bar and select the one we need:

You will be redirected to a page where you can, by entering your personal account and the amount payable, make a transfer of funds:

For further payment, detailed instructions are provided, for example, if you use Sberbank Online @ yn, you will need to log in to the system, select the "Payments and transfers" section, and then find "One Wallet" and enter the transfer number and other data in the proposed fields.

In Wallet One, you can track the status of the payment.

But if you want to have a permanent account on One Wallet and use advanced features, registration is required.

Click on the corresponding button on the main page in the upper right corner, let's get started.

Immediately you will be required to enter the mobile phone number to which the code is sent to activate your personal account:

Click "Create Wallet" and wait for the password to arrive. Enter it in the proposed field:

The user can log in in the future using the following as a login - the actual number of his wallet, e-mail or mobile number through which registration was carried out.

Features of Wallet One payment service

The personal account looks like this, a lot of things, it will take some time to figure out the details of the device:

What you see is only the Control Center, here you can, for example, enable access with a one-time password, increasing the degree of security, or go directly to the created payment templates.

You can make a transfer, by the way, by phone number, for this the following field is given, which can be filled in in a matter of seconds:

If you make a translation, information about this will be displayed at the bottom of the page, here you can also configure the control center.

To do this, it will simply be necessary to move the cards around by dragging them from one corner to another, an interactive approach.

As for the service tariffs, there are free functions - this is the actual opening of the wallet and its maintenance, also replenishment, internal transfers between users of the system, payment in online stores, a number of services.

As for the security of use, the PCI DSS standard, SSL protocol, as well as Secure Code for Visa and MasterCard are applied.

These are internationally accepted standards, so you can count on a high degree of reliability of your operations.

As in many similar services of the type, an identification procedure is provided here, for which at least passport data and a TIN are required.

Ultimately, this is necessary for all participants in the system in order to weed out scammers. You can use enhanced protection.

For this, an application was invented that is downloaded from the App Store or Google Play.


How can I transfer funds to Wallet One? There are several ways to do this:

Cash. To do this, you can use payment terminals, the commission is often not taken, for example, if you decide to use the services of PayBerry, Leader, Promsvyazbank or Svyaznoy.

In other cases, it can be from 1 to 6% (, DeltaPay, free cash desk).

Other options are electronics hypermarkets, communication stores, ATMs, money transfer systems (Unistream, Leader), bank branches, Russian Post.

Online. The easiest way to do this is with electronic money, free of charge for Webmoney, [email protected], PSCB WEB-purse, from another Wallet One account.

Another option is VISA, MasterCard bank cards, remote banking systems (Alfa-Bank, Sberbank Online, etc.). There is also a free form for filling in payment data.

Mobile. These are Beeline, MTS, Megafon operators. I must say this is not the most profitable way, the commission will be about 8 - 10%.

To replenish Wallet One purses, go to the menu in the appropriate section - "Deposit". You can add a card, for which you need to enter data:

A confirmation code is sent to the phone, then you need to enter your bank card details, in such an interesting field:

Or click "Top up another way". Select the currency you are interested in and the type of replenishment in order to go to specific systems.

Which is convenient, a percentage commission is assigned to each badge, if it is not there, it means that there are other conditions, but they will definitely take some amount:

You will receive all the necessary information about the order of the enrollment procedure when you select the appropriate service.


Go to the "Transfers" section, you will see four ways of operations that are provided here:

  • Get cash;
  • Withdraw to a bank card;
  • Withdraw to a bank account;
  • Transfer money to a friend.

We have already considered how to transfer money to a friend a little earlier, now let's talk about how to withdraw money to a bank card - it is not worth describing separately, because you will see approximately the same field.

You will need the following information - the source (your account in the One Wallet), the recipient's card number and the amount you want to transfer.

To receive cash, you will have to enter the recipient country, currency (for Russia it is only rubles), the transfer method is Unistream or CONTACT. Points can be viewed on the map.

They immediately require you to go through the identification procedure, let's see:

Several methods have been proposed:

  • Through the payment system CONTACT. To do this, you need to go to a money transfer point, there are quite a lot of them around the country, if you have the nearest office, this is convenient.
  • By video identification via Skype. You will have to be contacted by an operator, quite so progressive.
  • You can visit the service office. Take an identity document (passport), fill out an application on the spot.
  • Submit an application by mail. To do this, you need to certify it with a notary, and then send it to the address that can be found on the site, or in another way (by courier).

This is how, for example, the field for video identification looks like, which is filled in - you can choose between Viber and Skype, specify the account, set the date and time when it is convenient for you:

Single checkout - accepting payments on the site

If you have already noticed, Wallet One is not only a Single Wallet, but also a single checkout. What it is?

These are the following possibilities:

  • A large number of ways to accept payments - more than a hundred, it's like one window for everything at once;
  • Possibility to choose between different currencies for making payments to 58 countries of the world;
  • Pretty low commission.

And a few more features listed on the site:

In general, the commission will depend on several factors, in particular, on the size of your business, that is, the turnover of the store:

Naturally, registration is required, more precisely, if you already have a wallet in the system, just log in using your data.

After logging in, you will be taken to a "welcome" page, where you can directly start creating your project:

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. Today I want to continue the conversation about electronic money popular in RuNet and in the world. The queue has reached a relatively new virtual payment system with a very simple name - Wallet One, which was launched by Wallet One (W1 for short).

Among the obvious advantages of this service, one can immediately highlight the ease of registration, the ability to work with your account anonymously, a fairly low or no commission at all for moving funds within a payment system.

It should also be noted a huge number of services that can be paid through this system and a large number of ways to deposit and withdraw money from the account. Well, recently it became possible to connect a single cash register for accept payments on your site(no commission). This payment system reminds me the most.

But a barrel of honey can be spoiled with a fly in the ointment. All these pluses and benefits can come to naught if your account is blocked or if you have problems with the transfer or withdrawal of funds.

Unfortunately, there are some negative reviews on the Internet about working with the One Wallet. True, you are a lot of negativity (for example, according to Likpay or, and even bourgeois and).

Of course, if possible, it is better to work with major market players ala WebMoney (through with protection through) or, but they are also not ideal and not comprehensive.

Registering a wallet on the W1 website (Wallet One)

Let me tell you about the advantages that the W1 system has, and in the comments you will reflect your opinion on the reliability and convenience of working with it, which you have learned in practice. Personally, I have not had any problems yet, but I am not an active user and holder of this electronic money.

In general, Wallet One is positioned mainly for paying for cellular services, Internet access, utility bills, exchange for game currency, and many other popular and not so popular services. I would not store or accumulate my electronic savings in this currency, because due to the maximum ease of registration and use, the system does not place much emphasis on ensuring the security of storing funds.

Although even in the super complex WebMoney security system, hackers find holes quite easily. Well, in the One Wallet you can, for example, initially link your account to your mobile number, and not to the mailbox (they just picked up the password for me, and only then they cleaned the WMR account). Intercepting SMS is technically much more difficult than getting access to your mail.

A single wallet at the moment is also notable for the fact that in addition to the usual rubles (W1 RUR) and dollars (W1 USD), it has the ability to work with the national currencies of Ukraine (hryvnia), Kazakhstan (tenge) and, attention, South Africa (rand) . Remarkably, they started working with the South African currency (rand) much earlier than with the hryvnia and tenge. I wonder what exactly this paradox is connected with?!

Essentially, the money you transfer to the W1 wallet is placed in the accounts of a closed joint stock company called the Information Processing Center (CPI). The service was created in 2007 and the experience accumulated earlier was used in its development. Prior to this, the CPI company had experience in creating a payment system, namely X-plat. But this is not the essence of it and is mentioned here rather for show.

So, registration on the site occurs according to an extremely simplified scheme, which is an undoubted advantage. At the top of the page is a panel for logging in or registering new users:

Click on the "Register" button and you will see a window where you are offered the choice of either entering a mailbox address or specifying your mobile phone number. It is clear that the option using cellular to login in your single wallet, from the point of view of security, it greatly outperforms the option with email, because it will be quite problematic for attackers to intercept one-time passwords sent to a mobile phone.

However, the option to use email as login will allow you to remain anonymous because the cell phone will still be registered in your name. Yes, and the loss of a mobile phone will cause serious problems with access to your money, although it can still be solved after talking with the technical support service.

It will be possible to specify an email address during registration, and already in the settings of your single wallet (Settings - Profile) indicate the cell number and confirm it (an SMS with a code will be sent). In the future, as a login to enter the W1 website, you can use any of the three options:

  1. Your verified email address
  2. Confirmed mobile phone number in international format (such as +7915...)
  3. Twelve-digit number of your wallet

Pretty convenient, don't you think? When registering with E-mail as your login, you will receive a letter with an assigned unique number and a generated login password in the specified mailbox:

You can then change this password in the settings (the "Security" tab) to a more complex one. If you indicated your mobile phone number during registration, then the password for access and the single wallet number will be reset to you in an SMS message. A feature of the EK W1 is that you can not shine your main password for nothing (especially on other people's computers).

you can use temporary password to enter the Single Wallet, which will only be valid for ten minutes:

Depending on the login method, this most temporary (one-time) password will be sent either by E-mail or as an SMS message to the cell phone number you specified during registration. It is very convenient, in my opinion, and security increases significantly, especially when using a mobile phone number as a login.

The registration process, and the very work with Wallet One, can also be carried out from a mobile phone. It is clear that for this you can simply go to the W1 website through a mobile phone browser. However, there are developed for different platforms mobile versions for working with a single wallet:

Features of transfers in the One Wallet

The web interface on the official website of the payment system is quite simple and intuitive. In the upper right corner you will see your twelve-digit number, and you can also see the current balance of funds and inquire about notifications received. From the balance menu, it is also possible to perform all operations with your account, which are also available on the main page:

I will immediately focus on one feature of the W1 system. When you receive a transfer (the commission for transferring funds within the system is not charged), the money does not automatically drop into your wallet. To do this, you will still need to confirm this payment. The same applies to the transfers you make - until the opponent confirms the acceptance of the money transferred to him, you are free to cancel the payment.

But after confirmation, it will not be possible to cancel it, although in Wallet One it will be possible to play it safe from a possible mistake and in advance protect the payment, i.e. a special code, without which the opponent will not receive money on his account. You can also set the expiration date for the protection code, after which your money will be returned back to you:

Personally, I try to make all payments with protection protection in order to avoid unnecessary overlays (we are all human and tend to make mistakes).

Also, as in any other payment system, you are free to issue an invoice. Remarkably, in the One Wallet, you can make a transfer or issue an invoice even to an opponent who is not registered in it. To do this, for example, when invoicing, you will need to specify either the opponent's E-mail address or his cell phone number:

The W1 system will honestly warn you that such a user is not registered in it, but will still allow you to issue an invoice. At the same time, a new wallet will be promptly created with the Email (or cell number) you specified as a login.

The password and other explanations will be sent to the newly contacted client of the Wallet One system either by mail or in an SMS message:

How to replenish a single wallet and withdraw funds, what is protected money

Such are the things. You can replenish your wallet in W1 in a thousand and one ways, but there are nuances. First, not all methods are equally free. Where no interest is charged from you, a zero will show off, and in other cases you will need to click on the icon and see the commission percentage for depositing money in this way:

Secondly, funds can be deposited in five different currencies: rubles (RUB), dollars (USD), tenge (KZT), hryvnias (UAH) and South African rands (ZAR). Replenishment is also possible in cash, for example, through ATMs, payment machines (for example,), instant payment services or communication stores (it will be enough to name your single wallet number). For Russia, there is still the option of replenishment through post offices.

Replenishment by non-cash means a transfer from a Visa or MasterCard card (allowing you to pay on the Internet), as well as a direct bank payment to the specified details. This is where the ambush lies. If you replenish your account with a payment card, then this money can later be spent only on a very limited set of services, because in this case the entered amount falls under the “Protected money” provision.

They cannot be transferred to another wallet in Wallet One or other payment systems, they cannot be used to pay for goods in online stores and loans, and they cannot be withdrawn. Nightmare, and nothing more. Users who do not know this are confused when they try to pay for prohibited items with funds entered from the card (in this case, the system simply indicates a lack of funds on the account).

To spend secure money from a single wallet only available for the following services:

In addition, to replenish from a plastic card, you will have to provide passport data and verify it (prove ownership). An amount within ten rubles will be withdrawn from the card, and your task will be to indicate the exact amount of the withdrawn money (you can look it up through Internet banking or ask the bank operator by phone).

Why do you need to endure all these hardships and problems that arise along the way? Turns out to get possibility to withdraw your payment, as is customary to do when using plastic cards. If this opportunity is not critical for you, then it is better not to bother with protected money in W1 and deposit funds into the system in another way. Remarkably, replenishment from plastic is carried out through the mediation we have already considered.

For example, you can replenish your account using the already mentioned Likpay, Qiwi, RBC, or. Within the Single Wallet, you can exchange any of the five local currencies (W1 RUB, W1 USD, UAH, KZT, ZAR) for another. The course is quite acceptable, in my opinion:

Well, a few words should be said about the withdrawal of funds from W1. Withdrawal methods are provided for three main currencies (rubles, dollars and hryvnias), except for the currency of South Africa, which can only be withdrawn to Skype. Most options will be offered for withdrawing rubles:

Opposite each withdrawal method is the commission that will be deducted from you. The highest (5%) is for postal transfers, and without a commission, you can only buy Ukash electronic vouchers (one of the methods of anonymous payment for services and goods on the Internet). Some transfers in Wallet One will be completed almost instantly, and some will take time to complete transactions.

A single checkout from W1 for accepting payments on the site

A couple of years ago, Wallet One offered all Internet businessmen who wanted to install a form on their website that would allow them to accept payments in any way convenient for visitors.

Through this checkout, buyers can pay for goods or services both in cash (payment terminals, communication stores, large hypermarkets, banks, post offices or money transfer systems) and non-cash (cards, bank transfer), as well as using electronic currencies available to him .

The Unified Cash Desk does not take an additional commission, but intermediaries will still take the amount due to them from you (see details). To activate the acceptance of payments, you need to enable this function in your account settings (Settings - Online store) and fill in the fields available there:

You will have to confirm the ownership of the site specified when activating the checkout using one of the two proposed methods - either add a file with the desired name to the root folder of your website, or add the desired meta tag between the Head tags of your template code. I would choose the first way, so as not to litter the code of the pages.

Look demonstration of the work of the United checkout can be found at the link below.

Read more about the technical side of connecting the cash register to your site. There you can create and configure a payment form, which you can then transfer to your online store. If your site works on, and the online store is implemented with the help of, then you can see a small tutorial on connecting the Unified Checkout to your brainchild:

That's all I wanted to say about Wallet One. It turns out that this thing is useful and necessary in the household, if, of course, everything works as intended. And what do you think?

Good luck to you! See you soon on the blog pages site

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The service allows you to pay:

  • services of mobile operators (payments for cellular communication),
  • access to the Internet, including satellite (Internet provider services),
  • internet hosting,
  • bank loans,
  • IP telephony, including all Betamax projects,
  • satellite and cable TV,
  • housing and communal services,
  • services of security systems and security systems,
  • orders in online stores,

as well as buy Ukash vouchers and in-game currency from popular online MMORPG games.


2007, June 2 - the official birthday of the One Wallet payment service. On this day in 2007, the first user of the service was registered, and on June 18, 2007, the first payment was made in favor of a mobile operator. The owner of the service is CJSC Information Processing Center, which provides services in the field of electronic commerce, including payment processing based on its own payment system X-Plat.

April 2008 - signed a cooperation agreement with a German company Betamax. "One Wallet" receives the status of an official partner of Betamax in Russia.

2008, May - under the brand Single phone IP-telephony services and sending SMS to all countries of the world were put into operation.

2009, February - "One Wallet" under the brand name W1 South Africa(W1 SA) has officially launched in the Republic of South Africa.

May 2009 - "Single Phone" offered calls over the Internet based on the SIP standard.

2009, September - together with the British company Smart Voucher Ltd. launched a service for the sale of Ukash vouchers in Russia.

March 2010 - a new service for online stores and trading platforms was launched - the universal system for accepting payments "United Cashier".

2010, June - "One Wallet" under the brand Single gamanets officially launched in Ukraine.

2011, October - "One Wallet" under the brand tau wallet officially launched in Kazakhstan.

Client software

The service is multiplatform. The following applications are used to work with the service:

Service features

Operations available to the user in the system:

Registration in the system

Registration in the service is possible on a mobile phone number or email address. After confirming them, the user can use them as a login to enter the system along with the 12-digit wallet number received during registration.

Discussions and criticism

The service was initially criticized for having a beta status. Project manager Konstantin Shilov explained in an interview that the status of beta testing is due to the constant introduction of new functionality into public operation.

Mistakes on the part of the administration of the system are not uncommon. One of the most memorable is the misleading of users by the launch of the new Single Phone service. In a widespread press release of the company and on the website (subsequently, under the onslaught of indignant users, it was corrected), it was reported: “From now on, owners of W1 electronic wallets can not only send free SMS messages, but also make free calls, both abroad and internationally. Russia. … Services are provided free of charge as a bonus for using the One Wallet service. By replenishing the wallet and making regular payments, the client gets the opportunity to make calls and send SMS messages for free.” In fact, it turned out that no one will be able to make a free call, since it will be necessary to pay 1.5 rubles for two phone connections. for each. However, the press release went viral on news sites, and the company never published a retraction. In addition, the site lacks LiveChat. Communication with the administration takes place through the form on the site, and then by e-mail.



  • The site of the system for accepting payments for online stores "United cash desk"

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010 .

See what "Single Wallet" is in other dictionaries:

    Single wallet Creation date June 2007 Russia Company ZAO CPI Payment gateway Yes Availability of API Yes ... Wikipedia

    A purse (purse, wallet, shovel) is a small hollow or flat object (originally a pouch), most often made of leather or fabric, designed to carry money. A single wallet is one of the many payment systems on the Internet. Mermaid wallet ... Wikipedia

    Electronic money- (Electronic money) Electronic money is the financial obligations of the issuer in electronic form Everything you need to know about electronic money history and development of electronic money, transfer, exchange and withdrawal of electronic money in various payment systems ... Encyclopedia of the investor

    Payment- (Payment) Types and purpose of payments Cash on delivery and payment order Contents Contents Section 1. Types. Section 2. Cash on delivery. Section 3. Payment order. Payment is the issuance of some kind of obligation, transfer ... ... Investor Encyclopedia Wikipedia

    Two letter abbreviation. Ek. Ecclesiastes book of the Bible. See also Abbreviations in the Bible. EC "One Wallet" EC payment service European Commission EC single classifier EC single complex EC caustic and corrosive substances EC natural ... ... Wikipedia

1.1 Registration of an online store

Account registration takes place on the site in the "Cashier" section. To register an online store, you need to enter your email or mobile phone number, and come up with a password. If you have a promo code, you can enter it at this stage.

Please note: if you have not indicated a promotional code, then after registration it will be impossible to use it!

An account will be created in our system. We recommend that you first complete the account settings, as they will help you complete all further steps faster.

Here you can enter your personal data, set up a password, check login statistics. The profile will already have an e-mail or phone number line filled in - the information that you entered during registration will be indicated.

In our example, registration occurs by phone number. To activate it, you need to confirm the number with a one-time SMS message.

Confirmed information will be displayed in the settings. This phone number and e-mail will be your logins. Please do not share them with strangers!

Please note: in the adjacent "Security" tab, you can immediately enable additional protection.

From the account settings, you can switch to the project management form and start registering the store.

For personal and business accounts, different limits and requirements for the information provided are set.

For a business account, the limits are higher than for a personal account and it is required to provide information about the legal entity during the activation process, as well as signing an agreement with one of the Wallet One service operators. For a personal account to work, it is enough to go through the identification procedure.

When registering a project, our system will prompt you to select the billing currency. Focus on the customer segment and choose the currency that will be most relevant for your business.

1.2 Online store account activation

After registering the project, you will see the main control panel, where our system will prompt you for the next step.

Activation- this is the first stage of setting up the Unified Checkout, during which the online store provides information about itself, its website, confirms contact information (phone number, email address and website of the online store), and also agrees with the tariffs of the Unified Checkout.

1.2.1 Account activation. This step will be required if you did not fill in the profile settings and did not confirm the e-mail / phone data.

the data specified at this stage will become available in the profile and will similarly serve as a login for logging into your account.

After that, you will automatically proceed to the site verification stage. If you previously filled in the profile settings, then for you the process will begin from this step.

1.2.2 Website confirmation. Here you will receive instructions that will help you quickly verify the site in our system and get started.

After confirming all the data, the store is ready to work. You can familiarize yourself with the limits or go to integration.

1.2.3 Test mode. After registering an online store, you will have access to a test mode of operation of Wallet One:

In test mode, bill payment features are limited. Only test methods are included and available. You can apply to activate other payment methods while in test mode. Activated payment methods will be available after exiting the test mode:

When issuing an invoice in test mode, you will receive an email that will display the amount and other necessary information. The notification will also appear in your personal account. After exiting the test mode, notifications will be sent to your customers. Payment by the test instrument takes place on the payment page:

The test instrument has pre-planned reactions. The form for accepting payments by bank card allows you to enter arbitrary data of the cardholder, expiration date and cvv-code:

The final status depends on the selected model. For example, a successful payment is displayed as a page with all the information about the paid invoice:

After payment, the account will go into the state Paid:

However, the balance of the online store will not change and transactions will not appear in the statement:

After disabling the test mode, the session will end and you will need to log in to the online store again. In this case, all invoices issued in test mode will be hidden:

Please note that all integration settings you specified will be saved. If you specified test options for testing, change them to combat ones.

1.3 Start accepting payments. Personal accounts

After activating the account, information about the online store is sent for moderation. We check the legitimacy of the business, the accuracy and completeness of the information on the website and in the profile of the personal account.

When moderation is completed, your account will be able to accept payments, withdraw funds in accordance with the limits.

Please note: even after successful activation, an online store may be denied service if its activities are contrary to applicable law or Wallet One internal rules.

1.4 Start accepting payments. Business accounts

After activation, you will be able to fill in the Questionnaire of a Legal Entity or the Questionnaire of an Individual Entrepreneur. In order for a business account to start working with real payments, you need to fill out a company questionnaire.

1.4.1 Completing the Questionnaire

To go to the questionnaire, click on the widget Connect payment acceptance:

After filling in all sections, the questionnaire will be available for submission for moderation.

1.4.2 Activation of payment acceptance

After sending the questionnaire for verification, you will be able to receive real payments. To do this, you need to exit the test mode by clicking on the widget Disable test mode.

If the “Disable test mode” widget does not appear, wait for the site moderation to finish. After checking it, you will receive a notification and the “Turn off the test mode” widget will appear in your account.

1.4.3 Activate withdrawal

To activate the withdrawal of funds, you must sign and send a printed version of the questionnaire. After checking the questionnaire, you will be able to download the Questionnaire and the Application.

A new widget will appear in your personal account.

Download the Questionnaire and Application.

Send the signed original of the Application and Questionnaire to the address: 460036, Orenburg, st. Raskova, d. 10A, 7th entrance, 3rd floor in LLC RNKO "United cash desk".

Withdrawal of funds will become available after the specified office receives your documents.

1.5 Sending fiscal checks in accordance with 54-FZ

In the control center of the Unified Cash Desk, you can set up sending checks to the tax service in accordance with the requirements of Federal Law-54.

In accordance with the law, when selling goods, works or services, immediately after the payment, it is necessary to send a fiscal receipt to the tax office. Sending checks must be configured through the service of a special online cash register (CRE) and a fiscal data operator (OFD).

How it works: the online cash register receives data about your transaction, attaches a fiscal identifier to it and sends it to the fiscal data operator. OFD processes information and transfers all data to the Federal Tax Service.

To set up sending checks using the new protocol, you need to add integration with the CCP in the personal account of the Unified Cash Desk and set up sending when generating an invoice.

How to set up the sending of fiscal checks in the Unified Checkout

Step one: independently register in the ATOL Online online cash register system, connect the online cash desk and conclude an agreement with the fiscal data operator. To register an online cash register with the Federal Tax Service, you need to obtain a qualified electronic signature and register an online cash desk in the personal account of a legal entity or individual entrepreneur on the website

Step two: configure the transfer of additional parameters to the Single Checkout API - .

Step three: after registering an online cash register and setting up additional API parameters, you need to link the online cash register to the Unified Cashier in the settings menu:

Check the box to continue settings. My system is ready to work with CCP and press Proceed

To link online CCP, specify:

  • Partner. The value of the partner "Atol 1.05" - switching to a new version of the Atol protocol from January 1, 2019
  • A sign of the calculation method and a sign of the subject of calculation. After selecting the “Atol 1.05” option, 2 new values ​​will appear - “Attribute of the payment method” (selection of the type of payment) and “Attribute of the subject of calculation” (selection of the type of services provided)
  • Login and password for the token, as well as the cash register group code. You will receive these data after registration in ATOL
  • Address of your store (city, street, house) or website (URL)
  • Type of taxation system. If you use several taxation systems, you need to create a separate project for each in the Unified Cashier
  • Actual e-mail address for sending error messages that occur when generating a check online CCP.

After saving the specified parameters, all checks will immediately begin to be sent for fiscalization in the cash register. In case of errors in generating checks, you will receive a notification to the specified e-mail.

Additional information about 54-FZ

You can find additional information about the operation of the online cash register on the website of the Federal Tax Service. Federal Law No. 290-FZ of July 3, 2016 On Amendments to Federal Law No. 54-FZ of May 22, 2003 “On the Use of Cash Registers in Cash Payments and (or) Settlements Using Payment Cards” can be found.

1.6 Adding projects

In the upper right corner of the personal account there is a button that opens the project management menu and manages the main account data.

Using the project management menu, the online store can add a new project or switch between its projects to view history, balance or change its settings.

Please note: all projects have different balances that do not overlap with each other.

To add a new project (website of an online store), you must select the type of account "business" or "personal", then enter the name of the store, website address and select a category. Business accounts will be accompanied by a blue icon, personal - green. This will help you easily and quickly keep track of the types of projects already started.

Please note: if the online store operates as entity you need to make an agreement. A separate contract is concluded for each project (merchant account).

Online store operating as individual, you need to go through full identification. If all online stores belong to the same owner, then it is enough to pass identification once. If the owners of the projects are different, then you need to identify each owner of the project.

1.7 Adding Restricted Employees

In chapter Settings there is a tab on the top right Employees, which allows you to add to the project employees with limited access to sections of the personal account, depending on the role: "Administrator", "Accountant", "Manager" and "Technical Specialist".

To add a new employee to the project, enter their phone number or email address and select the appropriate role. Each role has its own set of access options to sections of the project's personal account.

The phone number or e-mail of the employee specified during registration on the website will be the login for access to your project.

You can, if necessary, add new employees using the tab Add employee and change roles and access settings by clicking on the employee card.

Please note that if you have multiple projects, you can set up different employee roles in each of them. For example, in one project, your employee can only be accountant, and in the other Administrator.

2. Technical integration

To accept payments in automatic mode, the online store can perform technical integration. Depending on how the store works, there are several ways to set up payment acceptance. They are arranged in order of increasing complexity of implementation on the side of the online store.

In order to accept payments through the Single Checkout, it is not necessary to understand all the intricacies and perform technical integration. If you have few orders, you can send your customers a link to pay for the order directly by email. A payment link can be sent to the client's email using the "Issue an invoice" button in the "Invoices" section of your personal account or generated on .

2.2 Connecting the store CMS module

A special site contains a database of payment modules developed taking into account the features of the payment service Unified Cashier for various CMS. The modules are available for download and come with detailed installation instructions.

2.3 API integration

The United Checkout has a simple but very functional integration protocol that allows you to manage the display of payment methods, set the expiration date of the invoice, enable or disable the delivery of goods and much more in the payment form - for this you need to follow the special one located on the website of the United Checkout.

3. Payment tracking

3.1 Finding an account

All invoices issued by the online store through the Single Cashier are displayed in the personal account in the "Invoices" section. In this section, you can filter by dates, invoice status, or search by order number, amount, or invoice description.

3.2 Account status

An account can be in the following states:

3.3 Unexplained payments

The amount of the overpayment and the incomplete amount on the account in case of underpayment are credited to the account of outstanding payments.

Unexplained payments account- a separate account designed to reflect the amount of payments received by the online store and impossible to be credited to the main account.

In case of underpayment, the online store can accept the amount received as payment on the invoice and credit it to the main account using the "Consider paid" button or return the funds to the buyer. In this case, the refund is carried out separately for each received payment using the "Return" button next to the corresponding payment.

Please note: if you select the "Cancel account" menu item, then the received amount can be returned to the buyer's account in the Wallet One system. It will no longer be possible to accept it as payment.

In case of overpayment, it is also possible to “return” the excess amount to the buyer.

Prior to being credited to the main account of the online store, all payments on the outstanding account are reflected in the currency in which they were received and, in case of a return, will be returned in the payment currency. If, at the request of the buyer, it is necessary to fully return the funds paid by the buyer for a product or service, you can use the function of returning a paid invoice.

Please note: the commission taken from these funds upon receipt is not refundable, because the service is considered rendered by the payment system. There is also a fee for refunds.

3.4 Buyer refund

If the seller for some reason cannot fulfill the paid order or the client changes his mind about buying the goods after payment, you can use the refund function. You can make a refund using the "Return" button at the bottom of the page of the paid invoice.

Please note that the return is free, but the W1 fee taken from the payment when paid by the client is not refundable. Take this difference into account when returning the full amount to the client.

4. Withdrawals

The owner of a personal account can withdraw funds to a bank account, card or various payment systems at any time, when necessary, upon request from a personal account. In the same "Output" section, you can configure scheduled output.

For online stores operating under an agreement, the withdrawal can be made to the current account according to the schedule provided for in the agreement, or upon request from your personal account, at any convenient time, when needed.

5. Reconciliation of calculations

The procedure for reconciliation of settlements differs depending on how the online store works - within the framework of a Personal Account or a Business Account with an agreement. Owners of a personal account receive registries in accordance with the wishes during integration.

Business account holders additionally receive a package of paper documents for financial reporting.

Electronic money is one of the most convenient and popular ways to make payments on the Internet. Today, almost every user at one time faced the need to make purchases in online stores or receive payment from the employer. It is very convenient when users exchange instant payments among themselves. This speeds up all work processes many times over, so electronic money has gained popularity in a short time. Today we will talk about another electronic payment system "Single Cashier" or Wallet One.

If you have seriously decided to create your own online store, it will be very difficult to do without the Single Cash Desk. Your customers will be able to pay for goods/services in just a few minutes.

What is the "Single Checkout"?

To begin with, it is worth understanding that the brand belongs to the Wallet One company. In turn, this is a group of companies that has united a number of services around the world. Today the company has 15 partners from abroad, some of which are located in countries such as Poland, USA, Georgia, Latvia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Russia, South Africa and so on. If you look at the information on Wikipedia, the central office of the United Cash Desk system is located in London.

Within the framework of the Russian Federation, the operator for all payments of the "Single Cashier" is RNKO (non-banking credit institution). In turn, this one has an official license to operate in the country from the Central Bank of Russia. And every customer can be capable for their money.

Wallet One offers 2 services:

  • "Single Wallet";
  • "Single checkout".

In the first case, "Single Wallet" works for each user (individuals). With it, you can perform all the functions: payment for goods in online stores, exchange, payment for services, transfer, and so on. But the service "Single checkout" is designed for doing business. In fact, he receives the status of "aggregator". Why? At the moment, "United cash desk" allows you to pay for goods / services on the Internet using 100 different options. What is included?

  • Electronic payment systems;
  • Acquiring (payments made using bank cards);
  • Mobile operators;
  • Online banking (payments made using the offices of banks that offer their users the service "online banking");
  • Terminals.

The list of partner banks in the Single Cashier service is very impressive (we look at the official website or inside the office).

In general, on the site you can find out in more detail what type of business it is very convenient to work with in the system; how to improve the efficiency of payment introduction and much more. If you are a beginner, you can try to set everything up on your own, and then make a test purchase of the goods (check that the payment works).

If you look at the "Single checkout" inside, the service boasts a pleasant design and convenient functionality. In principle, there is nothing to paint here at all because of the implemented intuitive interface, so many reviews about the United Cashier wallet are positive. Working with such a project and implementing it in your business is a pleasure.

Benefits of United Cashier:

  • Withdrawal of money on request (it is possible to set the withdrawal according to a specific schedule);
  • Invoicing for payment (via mobile phone or e-mail);
  • The ability to add several projects at once to one account (full control from one working console of all types of business);
  • "Flexible" types of tariffs developed for certain types of business;
  • Multicurrency. It is possible to accept payments from abroad, promoting your services there.