How to make money fast in GTA Online. How to make money in GTA Online

Are you still sitting and thinking about how to donate to GTA 5 Online to buy yourself a new car or house? Perhaps you do not have enough money for the latest update? Drop this idea! Rockstar, of course, does not mind getting 50 or even a hundred bucks from you, but this is not an option. In fact, earning 1 million greens in a few days is not difficult, and we will tell you how to do it legally.

Actually, why is it necessary to start a business right now? More global updates are expected soon, which will require a lot more in-game currency, and in order to prepare for this, we recommend that you start farming now.

First rule - create a gang

It will be difficult to accumulate a large amount alone for many reasons. Firstly, you will be given less money and RP in completing missions. Secondly, there is always a danger that you alone will be shot by some clan of Chinese or Americans playing in the same session. Thirdly, when playing with friends, you can go through all the missions at once and set the difficulty to high in order to increase the amount of money and RP for completing.

Start small - rob stores

Just a huge number of shops are scattered all over the map. Just drive up to one of them and point a pistol or shotgun at the seller. And so that he moves faster and does not have time to call the cops, shoot at the banks, make some noise, but in no case shoot at him. You can also shout into the microphone along the way. We recommend that you wear a mask so that the next time after the robbery he cannot identify you, otherwise he will kill you even before you get close to him. In general, you can earn about 10k bucks on a robbery. Not much, but it's already started! By the way, you can rob stores in a chain in a police van. Steal it in advance, reset the wanted stars and rob stores. Even if the police are chasing you, the armored car will protect you.

We steal cars

This is your second stage of making money at the start, and a very good one. In Customs, you will be able to sell stolen cars, some of which are located several blocks from the end point. If you often drive cars that you steal, look at the alert screen more often. If your customers need this car, you will receive a notification. Sometimes notifications come to the phone with a specific list, and then just drive and look for the right car. The Internet even has lists of the most expensive cars and their location. We recommend to read. Look for the most expensive cars in Vinewood. Here you can raise up to 100k.

Passage of missions in the co-op

Complete missions with friends and set the difficulty to maximum to get more money, as we told you at the very beginning of the article. Moreover, some missions bring good income, and are completed very quickly. If you are playing with a team, you can replay the mission several times. Thus, for 5-10 replays, you will save up 100-200k bucks. Also, raise your level. Most of the money players earn on missions in races, capture cases, shootouts in several waves.

stop dying

Very often, online newbies try in every possible way to run into problems, as a result of which they die many times. However, many do not even think that with each death they lose money. Sometimes it's 100 bucks and sometimes more. As a result, you can lose a large amount of money. Perhaps it is not so big for millionaires, but for you it is tangible. Therefore, we recommend not to die. But you can collect dollars that will be poured from other players upon death. As they say, with the world on a thread! If you still can't live without action, then consider our next tip.

We keep money in the bank

As soon as the amount accumulates, say, 5000 bucks, immediately try to send it to your electronic account. Only there your money will be securely stored and will not fall to other players after your death.


If you are confident, then bet on yourself, especially if the mission accepts a large number of players with low levels. You can't raise a lot of money here, but in addition to everything, they will weigh your wallet down so well.

We blow up collectors

These are not missions, but purely your initiative. Collector trucks drive around the city, which can be robbed and get some cash. You can't stop them, you can only blow them up with C4 or shoot them with large-caliber weapons. As a reward after killing the guards, you will receive 5000 bucks. The amount is not large, but it pays for the cost of weapons, and there is still a little left for you. Please note that after the murder, the police will most likely chase you.


As soon as robbery missions appeared, they were popular with almost all players online. And there is an explanation for this. Firstly, in addition to money, you also get interesting gameplay, where each player performs strictly defined actions that are indicated individually by the system. Secondly, the missions require you to work in a team, which means that all your friends can earn good money with you. Thirdly, the complexity of the missions is not so high, so you can complete all the tasks the first time. The only negative is that before the robbery you get a few more preparatory missions and must also go through them together with your partners, and successfully. Of course, for each you get money, but this does not compare with the final mission of the robbery, where each player has 250k bucks. By the way, if you are in charge, you can set a larger percentage of money for yourself in advance. Just keep in mind that the players are unlikely to agree to such an alignment!

Daily quests

Every day you will have access to daily tasks, for which a special bonus is awarded. Pass them and you will earn extra money. They are not particularly difficult, so you can go alone.

random events

Whatever session you enter, random events will be activated, for which you can get a good bonus. For example, you need to reach maximum speed the fastest, travel the maximum distance, fly the longest helicopter, get to a certain point and hold it for a certain time, be in the air, and so on. Do not ignore these events and, if possible, try to comply. Most of them are very light and the competition is not high.

Kill for a reward

Sometimes you can see a player marked with a skull on the map. It means that a reward was assigned for him, both in automatic mode, and one of the players in this session. Usually the amount is from 3000 to 10000 bucks. Also easy money!

The secret to making money in GTA 5 Online

In addition to this article, we will tell you about a little secret for making money. It's a little tedious, but overall worth it. As we said earlier, you can earn bucks on daily tasks. Only now there is a certain bug that allows you to earn on tasks an infinite number of times. In general, daily tasks are given only once a day and are updated after 24 hours, but this method has its own secret.

So what do you need to do? Come into GTA 5 Online and go through the three tasks, the two most difficult. Now go through the third task and as soon as you see that the money has been credited to you, immediately turn off the Internet. Connect and get into a single company. Then you connect to the online and you see that the last task you still have not completed, but the money has been credited to your account. This is how you can go through these missions endlessly, just don’t overdo it too much. We advise you to do this no more than 10-20 times a day, and the frequency of departure from the game is different.

There are many ways, and they all deserve attention! Start small and you'll be fine. These are far from all ways of earning, and not the most delicious ones. Read our other articles on making money in GTA 5 Online and we will reveal all the secrets to you!

Even before the release of the game - the money in it will be very important. And so it turned out in fact, when we were given great opportunities both to earn dollars and to spend them.

ways earn money in GTA 5, perhaps a little more (and they are quite obvious) than those listed below, but in this article we have collected the easiest, most interesting and popular ones.

Advice: at the beginning of the game you have very little cash, so it's better not to spend it on cars and weapons. But if you still decide, then it's better to spend money on weapons than on cars, since his choice is more meager.

1. Collectibles.

Chop, if trained, is great at finding collectibles. Use his scent!

You can find treasures with each character once, so be sure to return to the treasured place with the other two.

2. Robbery.

Probably the easiest and most obvious way to get money in GTA 5 during the passage of story missions. However, do not forget to hire good accomplices and do not spare money on it, otherwise things may not go exactly as you planned.

3. Gop stop.

As in the previous parts of the Grand Theft Auto series, in the "five" you can beat and kill passers-by, picking up their money. But be careful - in poor areas, peds have less money (or none at all) than people in rich ones.

Find an ATM machine and stand next to it. It is better to buy peds after visiting this place and withdrawing cash.
4. Investments in stocks.

There are two exchanges in GTA 5 called . You can buy shares on them and then sell them again, earning on the difference in rates.

5. Robbery of armored vans and cash-in-transit vehicles.

If there is such an opportunity, then the robbery of an armored van is a very profitable business. All you have to do is stop him and shoot at the doors in the back until they open and you can take out all the contents, often in excess of $5,000.

6. Robbery of shops.

It's very simple and works for almost all stores in GTA 5. Just log in and aim at the seller. He will start putting the cash in the bag.

Before that, you can calculate your escape route and park your car at the entrance, with the door open. If there are two sellers in the store, then kill the second one, this will bring more money to your pocket. But be careful that passers-by do not hear the shots.

7. Buying a business.

9. Freaks and other strangers.

Marked with a "?" on the map. The performance of their tasks also brings good dividends.

10. Winning races.

There are dozens of races on a variety of vehicles, winning which you get a profit. For example, . Especially worth noting is street racing with a prize of $6750. However, it is worth noting that in order to participate in such races, you yourself first need to pay a membership fee.

11. Tricks.

Take two characters and go here:

One of the hidden GTA 5 packages is hidden here. Send one character to the bottom of the ocean, as soon as he grabs the cash, switch to the second one and do the same. With each switch, the characters will restore their oxygen supply, and the cash bag will appear again and again.

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There are a lot of rumors about how to make a lot of money in GTA 5, because each user does it in his own way.

The developers have prepared a huge number of different ways to accumulate currency. This is the advantage of this project, which captivates for hundreds and even more hours.

To find out all the ways to accumulate funds, you should read this article. Information is present about a single company and multiplayer.

Ways to spend

Knowing how to make money in GTA 5 is not enough for complete success. The player should clearly understand where to spend the currency in order to get the maximum pleasure and benefit from it. In the vast world of San Andreas, there is enough work to lose money. For example, cars can be stolen, but the most expensive and beautiful vehicles are ordered only through the game Internet. They are not cheap, but you really want to ride along the main street under the eyes of other characters. There are just too many such examples. Local activities like a shooting gallery or a trip to a bar require several hundred dollars.

There are many ways to earn money in the game

At the same time, hundreds of thousands and even millions will be spent on the purchase of real estate. This is where knowing how to make money in GTA 5 comes in handy. There are even more ways to invest in multiplayer mode. Earned in GTA 5 Online can be used to prepare a robbery or to create your own underground business. There are also transactions in GTA Online, and therefore there are really many ways.

The easiest ways

The most common question on the type of how to make money in GTA 5 sounds from many players. In fact, some methods are right in front of the user's eyes. The first of these is to kill non-player characters. Genocide in GTA 5 is always fun to arrange, but you can also benefit from it. The funds from the killed people are small, but this is already something, especially at the start. It is better to do this with the entered code, which lowers the wanted level to zero. This is quite enough to get the first tens of thousands. The next way to make money fast in GTA 5 is to rob shops.

One way to make money

In Los Santos, there are about two dozen objects that can be deprived of honest earnings. It is enough for the player to prepare the car for a quick retreat and not to kill the merchant. The amount of robbery will drop significantly from this. The character must simply point a weapon at the seller and he will begin to collect money. If there is a second cash register, then you need to shoot at it so that the merchant gets the currency from there. To intimidate and force you to collect funds faster, you can shoot near the head of an NPC. Methods on how to make money in GTA 5 exist, and in practice it is not so difficult to implement them.

Collectors and boutiques

There are so many ways to make money in GTA 5 that the user can only choose the most comfortable one for himself. For example, fans of action movies will have a great experience raiding a cash car. To do this, you will need to follow a number of simple steps. First, find the car on the map and catch up with it. Secondly, carry weapons and explosives. Each of the characters who guard the cargo will have to put a bullet in the head. After that, the player can only quickly blow up the back doors, get a reward and escape from the crime scene from the police.

You can also earn money by stealing cash-in-transit vehicles

The scheme is extremely simple, and therefore you can engage in such raids endlessly. For those who do not know how to make money in GTA 5, there is one very simple way with a little trick. It consists in robbing boutiques selling clothes or valuables, as well as weapons stores. The player must initially enter the building, assess the situation, then go outside. The doors here close automatically and this is important. The user must stand at the entrance so that they cannot slam shut, and the cashier is also visible. After that, you should shoot at the device with money, pick it up and get into your own car to escape. The earning mission can be considered a success.

Savings, races and tasks

For a player who has spent many hours in multiplayer mode, there will be no difficulty in how to earn money in GTA 5 in a single company. He will simply first of all look for characters who give out additional tasks and pay good money for it. There are only 58 of them in the game, and they can issue a delivery mission to the main character or something like that. There are also more entertaining quests that stand out with an interesting story. A similar variant is associated with random passers-by. They appear in fourteen different places on the map and offer to participate in some situation that happens in front of the player. Finding a way to make a lot of money in GTA 5 is an important task, but you should first learn how to save money.

A good way to make money is racing

To do this, you can purchase a discount on weapons for passing tests in the shooting range. In order not to repair the car, it is better to load the last save. Also, the player can take the opportunity to get free ammunition. To do this, you need to take the story mission and skimp to complete it. Then the player commits suicide, which means the return of the funds spent. The next time you visit the boutique, you will find that all items are now available for free, as they have already been purchased. The main thing is to start over the same task. For fans of fast driving, there is a nice way to earn a lot of money in GTA 5 called racing. It is enough to improve your car, learn how to drive and you can conquer the tracks. Similar methods of earning also work in multiplayer mode.


You can earn a lot of money in GTA 5, but for this you need to fulfill a number of simple conditions. First, be connected to Xbox LIVE or PlayStation Network services and have a stable internet connection. Secondly, go through the story campaign to get a decent start-up capital. This method consists in trading on the stock exchange. Knowledge in the rise and fall of stocks plays a primary role here. The player will have to trade with securities on two platforms - BAWSAQ and LCN. There will be five trading missions in total, and therefore you should get the maximum profit from them.

You can also try your luck on the stock exchange

On the example of the task "Murder - Hotel" you can see how this scheme works. Lester Crest organizes the business, and the user only needs to raise millions on the stock exchange. So, the player buys BettaPharmaceuticals assets on the BAWSAQ exchange for the maximum available amount and eliminates the target specified in the task. After that, it remains to wait a bit until these shares increase in price by 180 percent. Then you should sharply sell them and calculate the profit. The level of income depends on the initial investment. Lester's tasks should not be ignored, because 40 million will definitely not be superfluous.

If the user does not know how to earn a large amount of money in GTA Online, then he should read the material described above. All the methods mentioned in the article also work in multiplayer. From robberies of collectors to completing missions, the developers have transferred a comfortable structure to the online world without violating integrity and balance. The exception is the heist mode, where players form a team, develop a plan and perform incredibly difficult tasks. Not joining such a great activity would be a big mistake in GTA Online.

Steal cash cars, rob stores and race to make a fortune

The player can only choose something for himself, plus, in search of money, the character will swing in skills and level, and this is also important. Users should remember that there is no direct way to transfer money to GTA 5 Online. The developers have disabled this feature to prevent people from speculating. Now the surest method of how to transfer money in GTA 5 is to complete missions together. An experienced user can go with a newbie as a leader, get the job done quickly, and in the distribution of rewards, give the entire amount to him.

Now we will show you how easy it is to make money in GTA Online.

We have collected all the main ways to earn money in GTA Online and talked about them in detail in this article.

Since the release of Grand Theft Auto 5, the cost and quantity of vehicles, weapons, clothing, and other cool items for sale in GTA Online, the game's multiplayer component, has increased significantly. But the amount of money that can be earned has also increased.
Whether these two factors increased at the same rate is another matter, but in this article I've compiled the best ways to make money (legitimately) in GTA Online to help players figure out what was confusing and little discussed.

There are many ways to earn money in the game that are not listed here, such as races, deathmatches, missions, and various other game schemes. But the amount of money you get for time spent hasn't gone up since 2013, so it's relatively inefficient.
New players may find them convenient at first, and eventually, if you like what you're playing, the money will come naturally. However, this article will outline the different and most effective ways to make as much money as possible.

It should be noted that everything that is said below is exclusively about money. Don't be afraid to combine and do what you like best. While the most money per hour can be made by owning a Gunrunning bunker or making cocaine as a part time job, completing a Vehicle Cargo mission and doing a VIP job (if the player is alone) or the Pacific Standard heist (if you have a competent enough team) - you can get tired of doing one and the same all the time. The absolute maximum you can ever earn from completing missions is $500k per hour anyway, and although that seems like a lot, it still takes you 600 hours of work at this level to afford all the vehicles that are in game (as I found out on my YouTube channel here).

When it becomes a job to be done for money, when it feels more like work than play, or you don't enjoy the fruits of your labor, it's time to take a break from making money and play other games for fun. Although you can ignore this question, because below you will find the best ways to make money in GTA Online.

Watch out for double-sum promotions. Rockstar is changing what you can do to earn double almost every week. Sometimes it will be races or competitions, and even with a double sum, they will not be as effective as the methods that I have listed here.

However, sometimes these methods will have double price weeks, such as the Gunrunning or Vehicle Cargo bunker sales. The more options available to you, the more you can take advantage of double money promotions when they become profitable. And if you get double the amount for robberies (which is very rare), it is absolutely worth it to do it on a week like this.

Potential profit: $400K per hour

The necessary conditions: expensive apartment (minimum cost: $200k) and 3 friends

Methodology: Go to the heist planning room in your expensive apartment and select a heist to start. You will need to pay an advance to start the robbery as an organizer. Invite three friends and work through the mission from organization to final.
It is recommended to discuss everything in a good group of four, a skill is also required to help reduce the time spent, and there are many training videos for each mission.

Advice: The Pacific Standard heist on the Hard mod will bring in the most profit per hour than other methods of making money in the game if the group of players is competent enough.
The organizer of each heist does not receive anything for organizing the mission, and must invest money to start, so it is correct to take 40% of the earnings, and the rest of the players take 20%, so all four players receive approximately the same amount.

Potential profit: $300K per hour

The necessary conditions: premises (minimum cost: $1.25 million) and 1-3 friends

Methodology: Go to the heist planning room in your premises and select a heist to start. You will need to pay an advance to start the robbery as an organizer.
Invite one, two, or three friends and discuss with them the preparation for the mission, its execution, and the finale. As with the old heists, form a group of good players, as skill and communication will be required in order to reduce the time of the heist.

Advice: Doing these heists with 2 instead of 4 will automatically give you more money per player as the total stays the same, but the missions will be slightly more difficult and time consuming with fewer players. The organizer of each heist does not receive anything for organizing the mission, and must invest money to start.
Therefore, it would be correct to take 40% of earnings (4 players) / 50% (3 players) / 60% (2 players) of the final earnings, and the remaining players share the remaining amount in equal shares, so all players receive approximately the same amount. It is never worth paying to squander the preparation for a mission, it is not profitable either in terms of money or in terms of time.

Special Cargo

Potential profit: $200K per hour

The necessary conditions: office (minimum cost: $1M), warehouse (minimum cost: $250K) and member of the organization (CEO)

Methodology: Start an organization like the CEO of the SecuroServ agency in the interactive menu. Go to the computer in your office and select "Special Cargo", then "buy" the number of boxes you want. To complete the mission, you will need to deliver the crates to the warehouse.
You can only carry one crate at a time, but you can go back and collect them. After that, you will be able to use the laptop in the warehouse to sell the collected crates through a delivery mission to make a profit.

Advice A: Buying more crates at once is more time efficient, especially if you have friends who can help you pick them up and deliver them to the warehouse. The more crates you sell at once, the more money you earn per crate, so a large, full warehouse will be easier to build and sell. Although larger warehouses cost more and selling 111 boxes at a time is a big risk because you either make 2.2 million or lose it all.

Potential profit: $300K per hour

The necessary conditions: office (minimum cost: $1M), garage (minimum cost: $1.5M) and a member of the organization (CEO)

Methodology: Start an organization like the CEO of the SecuroServ agency in the interactive menu. Go to the office computer and select "Vehicle Cargo", then "Source Vehicle". To complete the mission, you will need to steal a vehicle and deliver it to the garage.
Be careful when driving vehicles to the garage, because accidents will incur repair costs and this will affect profits. You can then use the laptop in the garage to sell the vehicle you stole through a delivery mission and make a profit.

Advice: Repeat stealing until you fill the garage with a standard set of 10 cars and 10 average cars without repetitions. At this point, each mission gives you the best vehicle until you have collected all 12. Only exporting the best vehicle and selling more vehicles at one time, if you have friends to help, will help you get the maximum profit per hour.

Potential profit: $150K per hour

The necessary conditions: hangar (minimum cost: $1.2 million) and organization member (VIP/CEO)

Methodology: Start an organization as a VIP or CEO in the SecuroServ agency in the interactive menu. Go to the computer in your hangar and select "Source", then the type of cargo you want to steal. To complete the mission, you will need to deliver the cargo to your hangar. You can then use the laptop in the hangar to sell the cargo you stole through a delivery mission and make a profit.

Advice: Choose one type of cargo, be it drugs, chemicals, or medical supplies. You will receive a 35% bonus for selling 25 boxes of these types, and 75% for selling 50 boxes. In order to sell the entire hangar, you will need the help of friends, and in general, this mission can be completed much more efficiently with friends.

Potential profit

The necessary conditions: bunker (minimum value: $1.2 million) and organization member (VIP/CEO)

Methodology: Start an organization as a VIP or CEO in the SecuroServ agency in the interactive menu. Go to the computer in the bunker and select "Resupply" then "Steal Supplies" or "Buy Supplies". To complete the mission, you will need to deliver all the supplies to the bunker if you selected this option, or they will be delivered without any effort if you selected "buy". Once you have the raw materials, your employees will begin production, converting them into stocks of goods while you go about your business in the game. You can then use the laptop in the bunker to sell the goods through a delivery mission and make a profit.

Advice: The purchase of raw materials will be less time consuming, as will the work of employees in production and the purchase of equipment / staff renewal. This is passive income so you don't have to do it, at the same time you can earn with the active methods listed here. There is no bonus for a fully sold bunker in this mission, and to do this, you will need the help of friends if several cars are involved in the sell mission.

Potential profit: $80K in passive income per hour (you can do your own thing at the same time)

The necessary conditions: clubhouse (minimum cost: $200K), business (minimum cost: $650K) and motorcycle club president

Methodology: start the organization of a motorcycle club as president in the corresponding option in the interactive menu. Go to the laptop in your building and select "Resupply" then "Steal Supplies" or "Buy Supplies". To complete the mission, you will need to deliver all the supplies to the building if you selected this option, or they will be delivered without any effort if you selected "buy".
Once you have the raw materials, your employees will begin production, converting them into stocks of goods while you go about your business in the game. You can then use the laptop in the building to sell the item through a delivery mission and make a profit.

Advice: cocaine production will be the most profitable (as well as arms trade), the cheapest cocaine business costs $975K, while the sales mission takes more time. Buying raw materials is less time consuming.
This is passive income so you don't have to do it, at the same time you can earn with the active methods listed here. There is no bonus for a fully sold bunker in this mission, and to do this, you will need the help of friends if several cars are involved in the sell mission.

Potential profit: $150K per hour

The necessary conditions: organization member (VIP/CEO)

Methodology: Start an organization as a VIP or CEO in the SecuroServ agency in the interactive menu. Open the interactive menu and select "VIP Work" and then the mission you want to complete. You will be required to complete a freeform mission and you will receive a cash reward upon successful completion.
Advice: These missions are a great way to earn money while waiting for the cooldown to expire, such as when you are waiting for a car in a warehouse. These missions are completed quickly and are fairly well paid. They don't replace every other way to make money because they don't pay that much, but they can exist as a solid main job. Headhunter, Hostile Takeover and Sightseer are great missions to complete.

Premium Races

Potential profit: $80k per race

The necessary conditions: fast car/motorcycle, good racing ability

Methodology: You can drive to the place marked with a golden wheel on the map where the race is taking place, or hover over it and start right from the map. When 8 other players register in the race, $20K will be withdrawn from your bank account. You need to finish at least third for this investment to pay off, as the winner gets $100K, second place gets $30K, and third place gets their $20K back.

Advice: The premium races change every week and it's quite risky because it can take a while for players to register and there's no guarantee you'll be able to earn.
If you are a professional driver, familiar with the races that are offered this week, and you have a good car (if you don't know in advance which car to use for the race, then you are not ready for it) this can be beneficial for you.

Potential profit: $50K per ride

The necessary conditions: fast car/motorcycle

Methodology: You can arrive at the place where the race takes place, which is marked with a purple stopwatch on the map. Start the race when you feel ready and try to get to the finish line before the time indicated. There are no checkpoints in the race, so you can go any route you want. You will be rewarded with an amount of approximately $50K for successful completion.

Advice A: The races change every week and you can only receive a reward once a week. You have an unlimited number of attempts to arrive faster than the set time, and you can go back to the beginning, but the longer it takes, the less money you can earn per hour with this method. In short, the fastest way to get to your destination is on a fast motorcycle.

Potential profit: $1.6 million in 28 days

The necessary conditions: rank 15

Methodology: Open the interactive menu and select "Daily Objectives". The screen will display three goals that need to be achieved in a day. Just complete each task and you will be rewarded with $25K for successful completion. Some tasks may be more difficult than others and will require the help of friends to complete them successfully.

Advice: This is the easiest way to earn money if you stick to it every day, because there are very significant bonuses for 7 and 28 days of consecutively completed tasks. Completing tasks for 7 days in a row will bring you a bonus of $100K, 28 days in a row - an additional $500K. The total amount of money you can receive for completing the goals within 28 days is $1.6 million (28x25K + 4x100K + 500K).

The game Grand Theft Auto 5 in many ways similar to real life, and not only in how much it has become close to it in terms of graphics, motion physics and image quality, this is all true, of course, but we are talking about the fact that the same basic laws apply in GTA 5 Survival like in real life!
Sooner or later, we will face a financial question when we start to run out of funds, which is why we have collected all the relatively honest, without using and, and the most effective ways to make money in GTA 5, as well as a number of little tricks that will help us not only not become beggars, but also increase your capital in GTA 5 and never need money!
So, let's start to understand the issue, how to make a lot of money in gta 5.

Kill and take the money

Those who have played previous versions of games Grand Theft Auto, and most of them, they know very well that random passers-by have money with them, which will do just fine for us as pocket money, yes, if you are wondering how to make money fast in gta 5, then the simplest and most primitive way is to raid passers-by, kill them, and collect their money in your budget, of course, you should not repeat this in real life. But now, new opportunities are added to the above method, because we will periodically come across robbed people whom we can help by catching up with the criminal and taking money from him, then it's up to you to return the victim or keep this bonus for yourself. To quickly earn money in GTA 5, you should not bypass the detention of criminals, because money is often scattered around, do not be shy, collect them!

Raid on collectors + ATMs

Another, more profitable, but also more risky way to quickly earn money in GTA 5 is to rob collectors. Periodically, they will appear on the map, and at the same time, you should not hesitate, because especially at the beginning of the game, any money is important for us, especially more or less decent ones. How to rob a cash car in GTA 5? It's simple: kill the driver and take out the doors with C4, or if we have a grenade launcher in our arsenal, we can use it. That's it, the n-th amount is available for us, which will replenish our budget, we take it, usually it exceeds 5 thousand USD, without losing a second we blow our feet! We draw your attention to the fact that it is first necessary to decide on the shelter into which we will rush after the robbery, because we do not want to get caught by the cops and end up in.
Continuing our excursion on the question of how to make money in GTA 5 on a PC, we find out that in addition to collectors who sometimes transport good amounts, there are also ATMs! Here it is worth choosing the following strategy:
We watch for a passer-by who withdraws money from an ATM, and after that, we immediately rob him, often in the pockets of those who have been near the ATM, we can find a pleasant surprise in financial terms.

We rob stores

How else can you earn money in GTA 5?
Let's move on from robberies of random pedestrians and collectors to more permanent and what is called stationary objects - shops. Indeed, in GTA 5 there is a whole bunch of different shops and shops, shops, in general, those establishments where we can buy something, which means they have money, moreover, in larger quantities than the pocket of an average passer-by can fit. We go into the store, aim at the seller, take the treasured money and take our feet, by analogy with the cash-in-transit van, it is desirable to have a pre-planned shelter in which we will "make our feet" before the arrival of the cops.
Please note that in some establishments there are more than one cash desk, in which case we wait for money from the first, after which we shoot at the second, the reverse order is undesirable because in this case we will have extra witnesses.
Don't take out your weapons without entering the stores and approaching the cashiers, in which case they will not get the money, in which case we will have only one option, again, shoot at the cash registers and do all the work for them!
And of course, don't abuse the robberies of the same store in GTA 5, otherwise the owner will save the gun and will not hesitate to test it on us.

We complete the mission robbery of a jewelry store and others

As a result of our first robbery, we will understand how to earn a lot in GTA 5, because we will have real money, which, of course, cannot be compared with small replenishments as a result of a street robbery.
When it comes to robbing a jewelry store, remember that the most expensive jewelry is on the shelves near the checkout.
There is an opinion that in order for the robbery to go perfectly, it is necessary to hire the most expensive, and therefore effective partners, yes, this is partly true, but we offer you all the small and not very tricks for completing missions, who should be hired and how not to overpay extra money for those partners who will simply take a large share from us, but will not help in any way compared to cheaper ones, how to get the maximum profit from the mission, we have collected all this in a separate walkthrough!

Leicester missions and stock markets

So it's time to find out how much to earn in GTA 5 by investing in the stock markets.
As the game progresses, we will periodically meet missions from Lester, who will give various tasks to Franklin, as well as make recommendations about the shares of which companies will increase in price, we will invest in them, respectively, the more money we invest, the more we will receive after the end of the mission and the take-off of shares. Do not forget that there are three protagonists in GTA 5, and we can make investments on behalf of each of them! Plus remember, if you missed what Lester told you, you can listen to the last dialogue again by pressing the pause button!

Manipulate the stock market

And now, perhaps, let's delve into the question of how to quickly make money in GTA 5 in more detail using the following example.
Lester gives us the task to kill the CEO of the company, then, of course, it will be profitable for us to invest in the shares of competitors!
Do not forget that after the start of the assassination mission, we will no longer be able to switch between protagonists, so in order to make money on the stock exchange in GTA 5, take the time to buy shares of each of them before the start of the mission, or, in extreme cases, if you could not to do, you have a little time after it ends, until the actions we have taken have led to sharp changes in the stock market.

Capital investment

In order to speed up the time, after each mission-murder, it is necessary to save several times in any place in order to reach the maximum profit value. As we have already noted, it is necessary to make investments from the wallets of all three protagonists, the profit may vary.

And now, we bring to your attention brief recommendations on how to make money quickly in GTA 5.

Mission Assassination - Hotel:

Mission Assassination - 4 goals:

Mission Assassination - Panel:

Mission Assassination - Bus:

After the end of the mission, we recommend investing in Vapid (BAWSAQ).
Do not look at the growth / fall, at all charts, arrows, etc., most importantly, remember when the stock price has become below the “low” value - it's time to buy!
Your profit will be about 85%, and may reach a record 150% in 1-2 gaming days, in this period of time the price per share will be as low, and then increase sharply.

Mission Assassination - Construction:

Investment in FlyUS

To make money in GTA 5, we have recommendations for FlyUS, in order to be in the black on stocks, do the following.
After completing the mission "Trouble with the law" we buy shares, because. their prices will drop significantly. We forget about these promotions until the mission "Go crazy", because after passing it the course will rise sharply and we will be able to earn good money.

Investment in Merryweather Security

And after the end of the main storyline, we can also easily and quickly make money in GTA 5 by buying Merryweather shares, at which point their value will fall, by investing $ 30 million we can be in profit by as much as $ 6 million.

Treasure under water

We present you another very good way to make money quickly in GTA 5. To do this, we need to become the owner of the Sonar Collections dock, after which we will have a personal bathyscaphe submarine to explore the ocean depths, as well as the rest of the equipment needed for this.

We all know perfectly well that it is literally crammed with all sorts of surprises and interesting places hidden from public eyes in quiet corners, and the oceanic expanses of GTA 5 are no exception, because they are fraught with a lot of interesting and exciting things! To earn money after buying a dock, we need to use the following trick!

Under the water, we have hidden treasures with a face value of 12,000 USD. What is the trick, you ask? And the thing is that as soon as you pick up the treasure at the same second, go to another character and immediately back, if you do everything quickly, while the protagonist has not yet managed to swim away from the treasure, then you will find a pleasant surprise that the money is still lying in the old place, and we can take them like that an unlimited number of times!

Finally, let's talk about saving money in GTA 5. After all, no matter how much we earn in the game, with expenses that are disproportionate to profits, we will have a chronic shortage of funds. Of course, you need to protect your finances, how exactly, to deny yourself everything? No, just consider the little features and tricks of GTA 5! I think everyone will find interesting and new ways that will come in handy more than once in GTA 5!

The first thing I would like to say is the Ammu-Nation weapon shops, here are the following few basic rules:

There are 15% discounts on everything and 25% if you have completed all the shooting tasks in all branches of Ammu-Nation, the latter is provided if you have completed all the tasks for gold!

There is another way to save on weapons, or rather upgrade or buy them for free, is that you start the mission, look into the Ammu-Nation store, buy what we need, then kill ourselves, thereby failing the mission. After that, we will have the spent amount on our account, and having gone back to the store, these purchases will have already been bought. And on the screen of a failed mission, press Retry (A, X), and in no case press Exit (B, O), because. In this case, you will not see the money back!

There are some more interesting and useful ways to save money in GTA 5:

Do you want a brand new expensive car? Does this require a lot of money? Take it away, drop off the driver, put it in your garage, thereby guaranteeing its integrity, and voila, you have a new iron horse absolutely free!

And if you need to repair a car in GTA 5, save the game and restart it, that's it, our car is in perfect condition!

And, perhaps, most importantly, try to die less, because each "resurrection" will cost a pretty penny, and as you know, this is 5 thousand USD.

Also read detailed instructions on how to quickly earn a lot of money in GTA 5 Online.