How to properly use a metal detector and what can be found. Practical methods of working with a metal detector. Scheme, description What you need to search with a metal detector

  1. Control unit - it contains an electronic circuit. This is the most valuable and vulnerable part of metal detectors. Protect the control unit from shocks and shocks, protect it from moisture by using protective covers.
  2. Armrest - holds the hand, providing support. The length of the arms is different for everyone, so most models provide the ability to change the location of the armrest.
  3. Rod - a telescopic rod is the basis of a metal detector. All other parts are attached to it. The bar allows you to adjust the length of the device, adapting it to your height. If you are tall, be sure to make sure that the maximum length of the rod is sufficient before buying the device so that you do not have to constantly lean forward to bring the coil closer to the ground.
  4. Coil - a magnetic coil emitting a magnetic field. It is also called an antenna or a sensor.

How does a metal detector work.

Most metal detectors use VLF Induction Balance technology. There are two winding radii in the coil. The first radius emits an electromagnetic field with a certain signal frequency. The second radius receives this signal. Metal objects that fall into this field create distortion. The data is transmitted to the control unit, which analyzes these distortions and gives the result in the form of a sound signal and a visual display of information on the screen. The nature of the distortion depends on the conductivity of the metal object. So the metal detector determines the type of metal in the ground.

The ground also distorts these signals. The degree of soil influence on the coil signal depends on the degree of its mineralization. The more mineralized it is, the more interference it creates, and the device starts emitting "false", "phantom" signals, shading deep or very small metal objects. The depth of detection of metal objects largely depends on how the metal detector is able to cope with ground noise. To do this, there is a function of ground balance (detuning from the ground), designed to configure the device so that it does not react to the mineralization of the soil, but continues to detect metal objects.

Basic concepts:

Fixed ground balance

This is a factory fixed ground mount. This is a very coarse setting suitable for most ground conditions. As a result, we have a device that works stably on almost any soil. But these devices are inferior in depth to devices with automatic or manual ground balance.

(+) working with these devices does not require much experience and knowledge of the intricacies of tuning to the ground.
(-) it is impossible to adapt the device to certain soil conditions, achieving greater sensitivity and detection depth.

Automatic ground balance

The instrument performs automatic ground balancing. You just need to perform some manipulations with the coil in the auto ground balance mode. The whole procedure takes 10-20 seconds. The signal from the ground is processed by the microprocessor and it independently adjusts the detector to work in this particular place. It should be remembered that there are places when the ground changes quite often. It is recommended to reset the device every time you change the search location or if you notice instability in the operation of the device. Even if the device continues to work stably for a long time and you have not changed the search location, it is recommended to perform the ground balance operation on average once every two hours to achieve the best search results.

(+) The device automatically performs the ground balance operation without allowing you to make mistakes in the settings.
(-) the impossibility of finer adjustment to the ground for better results.

Manual ground balance

The operator independently decides on the required value of the ground balance. The operation is similar to automatic ground balancing, but the operator himself determines the degree of ground mineralization based on the readings of the device and decides to what extent the device should "see" or not "see" the ground. Working with such a function requires the operator to have a lot of experience and knowledge of the intricacies of the influence of the ground and ground adjustment on the search results. Incorrect work with manual balance can lead to a significant deterioration in search results. But the professional use of this function allows you to significantly expand the capabilities of the metal detector.

(+) the best performance in the work, the possibility of independent decision-making on the required degree of soil influence, depending on the goals and conditions of the search.
(-) Experience and knowledge are required so that incorrect operation of this function does not impair the performance of the instrument.


Metal type recognition function. The ability to discriminate, that is, "close" or "mask" certain objects so that the detector does not react to them, for example, objects made of iron or lead, aluminum, etc. A device that does not have a discrimination function is not able to distinguish between metals and obliges to dig all metal objects.


The function of determining the exact location of the object. With this function, we can determine exactly where the object is and not damage it when digging. This function is essential for digital instruments, which are characterized by a slow response to the target. Analog gauges are extremely fast on target, which is why many of them don't have this feature. In pinpoint mode, the detector switches to static search mode without discrimination.

All metal mode

It would be more correct to talk about the difference between dynamic discovery mode and static or pseudo-static. Often, the "All metals" mode is taken to mean the absence of closed segments of certain metals. For example, you can press the "All Metals" button and you will hear signals from all types of metal objects. But this mode cannot be called true "All Metals". This is a dynamic search mode, in which discrimination is already working, you can only hear signals from all metals, but passed through the software filters of the microprocessor. In this mode, the detector is able to pass the smallest metal objects. The true "All Metals" mode is a static or pseudo-static detector operation mode with fast or slow automatic adjustment of the threshold tone (thrashhold). In this mode, there is no discrimination, sound or visual. The detector reacts to any metal in one tone. The advantage of this mode is its extra sensitivity to even the smallest objects and the greatest detection depth. The downside is the inability to determine the type of metal. Entry-level detectors do not have this feature. Starting with the model, the Pinpoint mode appears. This is the All Metal static mode, when the sound from the target does not disappear if you stop the coil directly over the target and hold it. It helps to find the exact location of the target. The most sensitive is the pseudo-static mode with automatic adjustment of the threshold tone. This is a pure unfiltered signal. The signal appears when the coil is aimed at the target and disappears if it is stopped and held. This mode is also called All Metal Threshold. The signal that you hear in this mode is the same threshold tone or "hum of the earth". There is a similar mode in metal detectors and is called Prospecting (geological exploration), this mode is available in almost all older Tesoro and Fisher models, and this mode has received a new development in metal detectors of the Russian brand AKA. Now, even in younger models of detectors, this mode is being used, for example, in the Teknetics Delta 4000. This mode is the most sensitive to gold nuggets and gold chains.


The so-called "hum of the earth." The level of the threshold tone (threshold) directly affects the depth of detection. The higher the tone (sound), the more signals we hear. But an excessive excess of the tone is unacceptable, since the device will begin to react to the mineralization of the earth.

(click on picture to enlarge)

Tone value 1- this is the QUIET level of the threshold tone (thrashhold) at which we do not hear signals from the ground and complex targets (small coins). Too many passes
the right goals.

Tone value 2- the most optimal threshold tone level at which we hear signals from all targets but do not hear the rumble of the earth. There are fewer passes, but the search is comfortable.

Tone value 3- Excessive threshold tone level at which the detection depth is greater, but there are many signals from the ground mineralization. Ground signals can override signals from deep targets.

A person who has just become interested in instrumental search makes various mistakes. And that's okay. However, you can learn not only from your mistakes, and avoid them by following the advice of more experienced comrades. Therefore, read about the five most important mistakes of a novice treasure hunter - and do not make them.

Mistake #1. Buying an appliance that is too complicated for a beginner

There are so many different types of metal detectors, designed for different levels - from beginner to advanced. A common mistake made by novice searchers who want to become "professionals" right away is buying a detector that is too complex for their skill level.

Such an incident often leads to the fact that beginners suffer with a new device, set the wrong settings, and as a result become disappointed in the device search. And the metal detector remains gathering dust in the closet. Or goes up for sale.

The best option for a beginner is to buy a simple universal "beginner" metal detector. If you absolutely hate to buy such a device, choose at least an average level, with intuitive controls.

Think back to when you first started learning how to drive a car. Would you like to take part in Formula 1 races in a super mega-cool racing car at that moment? I think not. The main thing would be not to confuse the pedals! Same with metal detectors. First, you need simpler options to get comfortable. And there the rally is just around the corner. You can update the equipment at any time if you wish.

You can choose a simple and effective high-quality metal detector for beginners by contacting the nearest MDRegion store in your city.

Mistake #2. Wrong cop.

Experienced diggers always note that beginners should first practice in their own garden or in the field, trying to dig at least a cork from a beer bottle. In fact, digging a neat hole is quite difficult and requires some skill.

How to dig a hole? One method is to first cut the soil in a circular motion, as if slicing a watermelon. And then work with a small spatula. It doesn't have to take a lot of land. So you can miss the find. After digging, the hole needs to be buried and covered with cut turf.

Mistake #3. Using the wrong shovel or scoop.

If you think that you need to dig with an ordinary shovel, then get such thoughts out of your head. You are not digging potatoes, and you need a special tool to find them.

Every digging tool has a purpose. With a shovel, you can dig in the field, in the forest, and so on. And when the search is deep, that is - more than 30 cm. Fiskars shovels are perfect for searching - compact, ergonomic and reliable. You can evaluate their assortment in a special section in the online store.

Usually, so-called scoops-knives are taken for detecting. You will also have to go to the park or any public place with a scoop. Well, on a beach search, take care of purchasing a sand sifter in advance.

Mistake #4. Failure to comply with the ethics of diggers.

Despite the fact that in historically important places the finds are much more interesting, it is still better to avoid meetings with archaeologists. Otherwise, you will then have to meet with representatives of law enforcement and pay a fine. In addition, it is worth knowing that the search for “wild” gold is, of course, possible, but it is forbidden to sell it in our country. True, everything is moving towards the abolition of this law in individual areas, but so far this has not happened. Another rule - do not climb to dig on private land without asking. No one will be happy to see a man digging in his garden.

Tip: read the texts of Art. 243.2 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, 164 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, 20.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, with the Law of the Russian Federation of February 21, 1992 N 2395-1 "On Subsoil".

Mistake #5. Reluctance to master search methods.

Surprising finds made by beginners are often accidental. Experienced searchers increase the number of finds intentionally - thanks to the ability to work with old documents and maps. There are tons of articles, videos, and other materials on the internet that can help a beginner get comfortable with both maps and GPS.

And the local archive can become an invaluable source of information. Last resort - use library resources. Among old books and newspapers, one can also find mention of treasures, rich extinct villages, estates, cities.

Remember that success is also 90% hard work. You have to work hard before you just go and start searching.

Conclusion: focus and make the right decision. By avoiding these common mistakes, you will realize that instrument searches are a great hobby, both fun and cost effective.

Getting to know the instrument

When you bring your metal detector home, the first thing to do is to carefully read the supplied manual. If the device is simple and has one, two or three adjustment knobs, then you will figure it out quickly. In the event that you have purchased a computerized device, then it is better not to rush and get acquainted in detail with the manual and the device itself.

The most important controls for metal detectors are the following three:

1. Setting the threshold background.

2. Ground balance (pound balance).

3. Discrimination.

Simple metal detectors usually have automatic settings and "pound balance". You just have to turn on the device and select the desired level of discrimination. Computerized instruments usually have several factory search programs, as well as several programs that you can create yourself and remember them. In any case, you must first familiarize yourself with the device and learn all its functions. To do this, put the assembled device on a table or chair that does not have metal parts. Install coils perpendicular to the bar. Turn on the device, adjust if necessary, set the discrimination to zero and the sensitivity to 3-5.

Pick up various metal objects for testing. These can be 2-3 types of iron nails, pieces of foil, a pull tab from a can, corks (iron and aluminum), gold and silver rings, any jewelry and various coins. Then alternately pass these objects in front of the coil at a distance of 8-10 cm from it. The device will give a positive or negative signal. Typically, this procedure is described in the accompanying manual and you should follow this description.

During these tests, you will find that at a certain level of discrimination, the device does not respond to iron nails and corks. As the level of discrimination increases, the device no longer reacts to foil (these are candy and cigarette wrappers). However, as you further increase the level of discrimination, when you want to detune from aluminum corks and tabs from cans, you will find with annoyance that the device stops responding to thin gold rings and chains as well. Therefore, discrimination must be used with caution.

First steps in nature

So, you got acquainted with the operation of the device, learned what sounds it makes, reacting to various objects at different levels of discrimination. Now you are ready to test the metal detector in nature. It may be a small lawn near the house.

You may need to adjust the length of the bar and the angle of the coil to suit your height.

The length of the bar should be such that even during prolonged work you do not feel tired. The handle of the device should be in a freely outstretched hand.

During the search, you must move the searchcoil from side to side in an arc or in a straight line in front of you, using the movement of your shoulder for this. In this case, the coil should be parallel to the ground at a distance of 2-3 cm from it. This movement of the coil is called scanning.

Setting up the device in nature is practically the same as setting it up at home, except for the need to perform ground balancing ("ground balance" - Ground Balance), if your device has such a knob. This is a very significant tuning point, which largely determines the practical sensitivity of the device. The fact is that during the adjustment process, it is necessary to enter into the device a measurement of the degree of soil mineralization, i.e. kind of zero point. If this is not done or done poorly, the device will either spontaneously excite, reacting to the unevenness of the soil, or, with its stable operation, the sensitivity will decrease significantly. We need a golden mean, in which the device is stable and the sensitivity is the highest possible. The ground balancing procedure is described in detail in the instrument manual. From experience we can say that you need to be very careful in choosing the site for this adjustment. Check that the area is level, keep the coil at a distance of 5-7 cm from the ground. After detuning, it is imperative to check if there is metal in this area. If the device picks up any signal from ferrous or non-ferrous metal, the pound detuning must be repeated on a "clean area".

Fig.24. Moving the searchcoil from side to side (scanning) while searching

Most simple instruments have automatic ground balancing. Manual tuning is more accurate and increases the depth of detection. So, you have set up the device and are ready to search. For the first few days, it is recommended to search in the "All metals" mode, that is, set the discrimination knob to zero. You'll be digging up a lot of trash, but it's good for practice.

In order to better understand how the device will behave in the field, it is useful to choose an area free of metal, and bury some coins and objects from the garbage category at different depths in it and then see how the device reacts to them in the "All" modes. metals" and "Discrimination". Bury objects to a depth of 5 to 15 cm and at least 30 cm apart. Draw a map of the location of your objects to be sure of what is buried where and at what depth. Practice on these objects, getting used to the signals of the device. This will also allow you to select the optimal scanning speed. These test pads are the best tool to hone your ground detecting skills with a metal detector.

The metal detector is most effective when the coil is held in close proximity to the ground during the scanning process. This increases the depth of object detection and response to small objects. It is very important to learn how to properly scan the ground surface with a coil. The coil should be kept at a constant height from the ground at all times.

A typical mistake for beginners is to raise the coil above the ground at the ends of the strokes by 15-20 cm. you lose depth of search. It is better to reduce the stroke width or move the coil in front of you not in an arc, but in a straight line. This method allows you to cover a large area and control the height of the coil above the ground. The speed of movement of the coil during scanning is 50-70 cm/sec. However, if there are many objects in the ground, such as coins, the speed can be reduced to 10-15 cm/sec. Taking into account that the object detection zone under the coil has the shape of a cone, each stroke should be covered by at least 50% to complete the processing of the area.

Every time the device beeps, try to guess before digging what kind of find it is, what size and shape it is, and at what depth it is. Analyze audio signals and information on the display (if available). If you guessed it, great. If not, try to determine why. The more you do this, the better you will be at it, the faster you will learn to work with a metal detector and understand everything it informs you about.

When you have dug up the find, check the hole with a tool to make sure there is nothing else in it. Always dig holes. Collect any debris you dig up to dispose of in a secluded area away from the area being worked on.

Having received a signal, it is necessary to determine the exact location of the object. Some devices have a special PINPOINT button, when pressed, the device switches to static mode and the location of the object can be determined with a stationary coil. With a small movement of the coil, the maximum volume of the signal will be when the object is exactly under the center of the coil.

For a more accurate reading, place the searchcoil on the ground directly above the object. Stir the coil on the ground from side to side and back and forth. Find the place where the maximum sound volume is observed during both of these movements. In this place under the center of the coil is the object

If the device does not have a PINPOINT button, then the position of the object is also easy to find out, and this can be done in several ways.

It is best to determine the position of an object by moving the coil crosswise over it while working in the All Metal mode. Remember that the beep is always loudest when the target is directly below the center of the coil Move the coil over the target first from side to side and then back and forth until you find the center of the cross - the spot on the ground where the beep is loudest .

Determining the location of an object in the "Discrimination" mode is also done when the coil is moved crosswise. Remember that the device gives a short beep when the object is close to the center of the coil. Decreasing the coil speed makes it easier to find the center of the cross, as the instrument's reaction to the target is reduced at low speeds, making it easier to correlate the sound to the center of the coil.

metal detector stopped working

As a rule, with proper handling, metal detectors last a long time. So, the Tesoro company gives a guarantee for its devices for 25 years (subject to one user). The author successfully uses White's Coinmaster 6000, purchased back in 1980.

Nevertheless, small malfunctions happen from time to time, and you need to be prepared for them and not be scared if the device suddenly stops working. Before you start looking for the cause of a device malfunction, check the batteries. Maybe it's all about them. If the batteries are normal, pay attention to the following points. The cable connecting the coil to the electronic unit contains 4-5 wires. If the cable is frequently disconnected, one of the wires from the connector pins may break. By sliding the protective cover of the connector, you can access the wires, check them and correct the defect.

Sometimes the sound disappears from the device. This happens if the wire to the speaker is broken, or if foreign objects get into the headphone jack. If the socket is clean and the device with headphones works, then the whole thing is in the dynamics.

It is necessary to either solder the broken wire, or replace the speaker.

A number of malfunctions are associated with coils. In general, the coils are sealed, but sometimes, with careless handling, cracks can appear in them, through which water enters and disables the device.

In case of strong blows with a hollow coil on trees and stones, the wire suitable for the coil screen may break, as a result of which the device stops working. Recently, all firms have switched to solid coils, which, although somewhat heavier, are more reliable.

Finally, the device may fail if water gets inside the electronic unit. In this case, in some cases, microcircuits may burn out, in other cases, after drying, the device begins to function normally again.

When working in the rain, it is recommended to put a protective cover on the electronic unit, and try not to drop the device into water. For most metal detectors, the controls (switches, switches, potentiometers, etc.) are not protected from fine sand and dirt getting into them, which in the end can lead to their failure. To avoid this, it is recommended to put an elastic band from a pipette on the switch handle and fix it with a thread on the thread of the switch.

If dirt gets into the rotating controls, sticking or difficulty turning the handle is observed. If you install a rubber ring under the handle, this will prevent a possible defect.

Searching for coins with a metal detector is an exciting hobby available to many residents of our country. This hobby is not like fishing, hiking or hunting. As a result of the search, you get old coins or various antiques that will tell you about the history of the place where you found the item and simply replenish the collection of the search engine.

Objects appear in the ground for various reasons: these are lost coins and things of people who passed through fields or forests, plowed remains of treasures or mortgage coins come across in plowed fields.

Since ancient times, in view of the fact that Russia did not have any banking system, regular wars, riots and unrest, people buried their savings in the ground. As a rule, coins were hidden in pots not far from the settlements, so treasures appeared, which later, during agricultural work, were dragged across the fields due to plowing the fields.

You can just take a metal detector and go out into an open field or the edge of a forest and look there, the probability that you can find something is high.

The best way to approach this matter professionally. To do this, do research work, work with old maps and determine the place where any settlement was possible. Having arrived at the place, study the landscape of the area, examine the lonely standing trees, look at possible landmarks and think about where you would bury the treasure.

Coin search locations are as follows:

  • plowed and abandoned fields;
  • forest edges near settlements;
  • old and abandoned paths and roads;
  • banks of streams and rivers near settlements;
  • outskirts of settlements;
  • if you agree with the local population, then look for them in the plots and gardens.

Do not dig on the territory of abandoned churches, churchyards, mounds and archaeological sites, it's just not good to become a black digger and tomb robber and there may be problems with the law about this will be lower.

What equipment is needed to search for coins

To search, the main equipment is: a metal detector and a shovel. If you do not buy an expensive device, take the simplest models for example the popular Garrett Ace 150 and a strong and comfortable shovel.

In the future, purchase a pinpointer, the pinpointer will facilitate and speed up the search.

Possible finds

On the territory of the Russian Federation, numerous coins from different eras come across, sometimes even Roman denarii are found. Frequent finds are copper pieces from the time of Catherine and Soviet coins. Unfortunately, their condition is deplorable and they are called kakaliki.

It is possible to find a treasure trove of copper, gold or silver coins, but few are lucky.

Often come across arrowheads, household items of the ancient peoples of Russia.

Items of the Great Patriotic War come across - ammunition, cartridge cases, weapons, be careful with such items, as it is possible to blow yourself up or go to jail for illegal possession of weapons.

Know that the common and most frequent finds of the search engine are nails, corks and cocoa.

Sometimes on the territory of the Russian Federation you can find the body of a dead soldier during the Second World War, what to do in this situation is not clear and everyone decides for himself.

We would advise reporting this to law enforcement agencies and search organizations in order to identify the soldier, carry out his reburial and possibly find relatives and inform them. But in this situation, you will have to explain to law enforcement agencies, you may receive a fine.

Legality of a cop in 2019

In the last couple of years, millions of lovers of antiquity and history, who are engaged in a rather interesting hobby, namely searching with a metal detector or, in the jargon, just a cop, have had a problem in the form of an administrative code article number 7.15 (Conducting archaeological field work without permission), which follows quite a few severe punishment. Under this article, many diggers have already been brought to administrative responsibility, and are still being brought to justice.

So let's look at what this article says (without officials):

Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation Article 7.15. Carrying out archaeological field work without a permit

  1. without a permit (open sheet) obtained in accordance with the established procedure, if these actions do not contain a criminally punishable act, or in violation of the conditions provided for by the permit (open sheet), - shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine on citizens in the amount of one thousand five hundred to two thousand five hundred rubles with the confiscation of items obtained as a result of archaeological fieldwork, as well as tools and equipment used for archaeological fieldwork;
  2. The actions provided for by paragraph 1 of this article, which negligently caused damage or destruction of an object of archaeological heritage, an identified object of archaeological heritage - entails the imposition of an administrative fine on citizens in the amount of fifteen thousand to three hundred thousand rubles with confiscation of items obtained as a result of archaeological field work as well as tools and equipment used for archaeological field work;
  3. Actions provided for by part 1 of this article, committed with the use of special technical means of search and (or) earth-moving machines -
    shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine on citizens in the amount of two thousand to two thousand five hundred rubles with confiscation of items obtained as a result of archaeological field work, as well as tools and equipment used for archaeological field work, and special technical means of search and (or) earth-moving machines ;

Note. In this article, special technical search tools mean metal detectors, radars, magnetic devices and other technical means that make it possible to determine the presence of archaeological objects in the place of occurrence.

It follows from the article that if you were detained in the field for using a metal detector and without permission (an open sheet), then you face a fine of 2000 - 2500 thousand rubles. and confiscation of the metal detector and items obtained as a result of archaeological work.

So, if police officers or other responsible officials approached you and want to bring you under article 7.15, then they must present the following evidence to the court:

To prove the fact of archaeological work - evidence can be the following:

  • antiquities found in your pockets as a result of inspection with traces of removal from the ground,
  • the presence of a shovel and a metal detector and that your actions correspond to the term of archaeological work.
  • video filming.

The term archaeological work in Article 45.1 of the Federal Law of 06/25/2002 N 73-FZ (as amended on 07/29/2017) "On objects of cultural heritage (monuments of history and culture) of the peoples of the Russian Federation" sounds like this:
Archaeological field work is work on the identification and study of objects of archaeological heritage, including work aimed at finding and seizing archaeological objects.

Based on what has been written, if the officials who are trying to attract you under Article 7.15 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation cannot prove that you were conducting archaeological field work, then your actions are absolutely legal, and you can search for any objects (keys, rings, bolts, nuts and other metal objects) using a metal detector.

Article 243.2 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation

Article 243.2. Illegal search and (or) seizure of archaeological objects from their places of occurrence

  1. Search and (or) removal of archaeological objects from places of occurrence on the surface of the earth, in the ground or under water, carried out without permission (open sheet), resulting in damage or destruction of the cultural layer, –
    shall be punishable by a fine in the amount up to 500 thousand roubles, or in the amount of the wage or salary, or any other income of the convicted person for a period up to 18 months, or by corrective labor for a term of up to one year, or by deprivation of liberty for a term of up to two years.
  2. The same acts committed within the boundaries of the territory of an object of cultural heritage included in the unified state register of objects of cultural heritage (monuments of history and culture) of the peoples of the Russian Federation, or an identified object of cultural heritage -
    shall be punishable by a fine in the amount up to 700 thousand roubles, or in the amount of the wage or salary, or any other income of the convicted person for a period up to two years, or by deprivation of liberty for a term up to four years.
  3. The same acts committed:
    a) using special technical means of search and (or) earth-moving machines;
    b) by a person using his official position;
    c) by a group of persons by prior agreement or by an organized group, –
    shall be punishable by a fine in the amount of up to one million rubles, or in the amount of the wage or salary, or any other income of the convicted person for a period of up to five years, or by deprivation of the right to hold certain positions or engage in certain activities for a term of up to five years, or by forced labor for a term of up to five years, or by deprivation freedom for up to six years.


  1. For the purposes of this article, a cultural layer is understood as a layer in the ground or under water, containing traces of human existence, the time of occurrence of which exceeds one hundred years, including archaeological objects.
  2. In this article, special technical search tools mean metal detectors, radars, magnetic devices and other technical means that make it possible to determine the presence of archaeological objects in the place of occurrence.

Where the line between administrative and criminal punishment is not clear, they tried to request state bodies for clarification, unfortunately they did not receive anything in response, we will try further, but it is clear that if they were detained during excavations at cultural heritage sites, then this will most likely be Article 243.2 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

You can legally dig, but you can’t search for archaeological objects, therefore, in order to dig legally, we do the following:

  • We are not looking for antiques, but looking for lost car keys, gold rings, wife's earrings, scrap metal and other things;
  • If you accidentally find some kind of antique, do not put it in your pocket and do not touch it, but bury it back;
  • In order to avoid confiscation of a metal detector, a shovel and other technical means, we rent technical means and carry a lease agreement with us;
  • Do not dig or approach cultural heritage sites with a metal detector and a shovel;
  • Do not post your findings on social networks, perhaps you should not join thematic groups under your real account; all this can be used against you in court;
  • If a protocol is drawn up for you, then we write in it that they were not engaged in archaeological work, they were looking for a ring, earring, bracelet, etc. they wanted to hand them over to the police for transfer to the state, search for the owner and determine their value, but it would be better if they were not found;
  • We teach ourselves and explain our rights to police officers, only in a cultural form;
  • We look at what we write in the protocol and read everything carefully before signing it.
  • Regarding the beaches, as many say that there is no cultural layer, if the beach is official, then there will be no problems, but official beaches can only be found in the Krasnodar Territory and Crimea, and then you need to check the documents, basically all the beaches are wild and can be located on the territory of the objects cultural heritage, for example, the bank of the Oka River, or a wild beach near the Dmitry Donskoy crossing in approximately the same places, and therefore you can easily fall under 243.2 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation even on the beach.
  • Remember that we do not have case law, so if all court decisions are positive, then it is yours that can be negative, and vice versa.

At the same time, we remember that if they want to inspect you, the following procedure must be followed:

  • Inspection of things that are with an individual (hand luggage, luggage, hunting and fishing tools, extracted products and other items) is carried out by authorized officials in the presence of two witnesses or using video recording.
  • A personal search is carried out by a person of the same sex as the person being searched in the presence of two attesting witnesses of the same sex.
  • In exceptional cases, if there are sufficient grounds to believe that a natural person has a weapon or other items used as a weapon, a personal search, an examination of things that are in the possession of a natural person, can be carried out without attesting witnesses.
  • A protocol is drawn up on a personal search, search of things that are with an individual, or a corresponding entry is made in the protocol on delivery or in the protocol on administrative detention.
  • The protocol on personal search, search of things held by an individual shall indicate the date and place of its compilation, the position, surname and initials of the person who drew up the protocol, information about the individual subjected to personal search, about the type, quantity, and other identification features of things , including the type, brand, model, caliber, series, number, other identification features of the weapon, the type and quantity of ammunition, the type and details of the documents found during the inspection, which are in the possession of an individual.
  • In the protocol on personal search, search of things that are with an individual, an entry is made on the use of photography and filming, other established methods of fixing material evidence. The materials obtained during the performance of a personal search, examination of things that are with an individual, using photography and filming, other established methods of fixing material evidence, are attached to the relevant protocol.
  • A protocol on a personal search, search of things held by an individual is signed by the official who drew it up, the person in respect of whom proceedings are being conducted on an administrative offense, or the owner of the things subjected to the search, witnesses in case of their participation. In case of refusal of the person in respect of whom the proceedings are being conducted, the owner of the things subjected to inspection, from signing the protocol, a corresponding entry is made in it. A copy of the protocol on personal search, search of things in the possession of an individual, is handed over to the owner of the things subjected to search, at his request.

The earth hides many secrets, which will be revealed by searching with a metal detector, indicating exactly where it is worth digging. And do not think that interesting finds are found only in the location of old mansions.

Many worthwhile objects rest in places where in the past there were villages and towns, and today - fields overgrown with wild herbs. And in order to find old coins, buttons, jewelry and other items, you should focus on the features of the methods for obtaining information through metal detectors of various types and price categories.

But how do you choose from over 100 models from 10 leading companies? Since there are not only universal, but also narrowly ground metal detectors, everything depends on specific goals, when the depth of the search, the size of the find and the composition of the metal matter. And in order to have an idea in advance of what is hidden in different layers of the soil, a condition that simplifies the search will be multi-tone polyphony of 3-8 tones, when the device reacts to different metals with different versions of the sound signal.

To perform such a task, most likely, you will need a top-end model capable of processing several signal parameters. Other, simpler and cheaper options only let you know that the target has been found.
True, in any price category there are their best, most accurate and most popular devices. Here you should already focus on the reviews of users who have tested metal detectors on their own experience.

Working with a metal detector, dictated by circumstances

Aimed at efficiency, work with a metal detector depends on many conditions. For example: the depth of detection of an object depends not only on the power and special settings of the metal detector, but also on the size of the object hidden in the thickness of the earth. Also important is the time of its stay in the burial, orientation in the ground, the composition of metals and the shape of the find.

In addition to the audio signal, a set of important information can be obtained by displaying the received indicators on the screen. In accordance with the number of parameters emanating from the target, as well as the depth of analysis, the ability of the device to give a correct assessment, the decision depends: to start excavations, or to continue the search.

In obtaining visual data, one has to rely on the digital scale on the display installed on any device, regardless of its price. But the analog scale, divided into segments, is installed only on cheap devices. The determination of the features of the target, in this case, occurs due to the marker on the screen, which reacts to the incoming signal.

An example is a top-class device with a high-power processor and a high-resolution screen that displays a 2- or 3-dimensional image. Here, work with a metal detector can be based on a graphic picture.

How to search with a metal detector, focusing on the parameters?

For history buffs, even a little versed in physics, it is quite clear how to search with a metal detector, operating on the signal frequency. For example: the depth of the search increases with decreasing frequency, and the ability to detect, even the smallest finds, is associated with an increase in frequency.

And since a person experienced in excavations has an idea of ​​​​the optimal depth of search for objects of interest, then, most often, preference is given to average frequencies. True, there are metal detectors on sale that are equipped with an additional program that increases the depth of the search with the ability to identify the find.

Metal detectors capable of operating at several frequencies simultaneously (2, 3, 4) guarantee a good detection depth and recognition of small targets. In other cases, the problem is solved by changing the search coil, as in pulsed metal detectors.

Using equipment of this type, it is easy to detect a 5-kopeck coin at a depth of 20-40 cm. But, armed with a top-end metal detector, you can reach a depth of 2 meters. True, the possibility of deep search, which allows you to penetrate 4 meters deep, leaves the seeker blind at a depth of 10 cm, where coins are most often found.

An invariable requirement for the efficiency of working with a metal detector is the quality of the incoming signal, which is expressed in a clear definition of the nature of the target and the efficiency of information processing. In addition, you need to tune out electromagnetic interference and from the ground, the mineralization and humidity of which affects the depth of the search.

If desired, you can make a choice of a model with the ability to program for specific metals, having decided on the discrimination mask of the device. Determination of the exact location of the object is carried out thanks to the static mode - ginpoint. And if you choose between the tightness of the metal detector and its moisture resistance, it is better to stop at the latter, which allows you to work in direct contact with the aquatic environment.

But do not get too carried away with the number of functions of professional metal detectors, as there may be snags with the duration of training. Moreover, an error in the settings of a complex device leads to negative results and loss of time.

In the absence of experience, you can use the services of an instructor or try yourself as a seeker in the company of a friend experienced in such matters. Success usually comes as you gain experience (after 1-2 searches), which is quite likely when mastering simplified budget models that do not require a complex approach.

Focusing on the experience and preliminary training of the treasure hunter, we can recommend devices at different prices, the number of functions and the complexity of the designs:

List of metal detectors

Metal detectors for beginners (up to 16 thousand rubles):

  • Tesoro Compadre
  • Fisher F2
  • Garrett ACE 250
  • Garrett ACE-250 Pro

Metal detectors for treasure hunters with experience (from 16 to 25 thousand rubles):

  • Garrett ACE 350
  • Minelab X-TERRA 505
  • Bounty Hunter Platinum PRO
  • Tesoro Cibola

Professional metal detectors (from 26 to 34 thousand rubles):

  • Tesoro Tejon
  • Garrett AT PRO
  • Minelab X-TERRA 705
  • Fisher F75

Premium class metal detectors (35 thousand rubles):

  • Minelab E-Trac
  • Minelab CTX 3030
  • Fisher F75 LTD
  • Garrett GTI 2500 PRO