How to promote your business on social media. The best social networks for business. Positive aspects of social promotion

Today, in the form of an overview, we will tell you how to organize promotion in social networks, which platform to choose for promotion and how to prepare content.

Is your target audience on social media?

Different people sit on social networks - with average incomes and good incomes, from large cities and small towns, young and old. Well-known artists, Youtube bloggers, ordinary residents and even politicians have their own pages in social networks. According to a study by Levada Center sociologists, more than a third of Russians - 37% of respondents - access social networks every day. And more than half of Russians are active users of social networks.

There is any target audience in social networks - young mothers who will be interested in children's things and toys, directors of large companies who are interested in business training, busy people who often use cleaning and home delivery services. The main thing is to be able to correctly search for your target audience and work with it.

We recommend that you familiarize yourself with the range of services provided by the project. On this site, all services are divided into categories, and services are already sorted by popularity among customers - this will allow you to quickly make a choice ...

Main directions of promotion:
1. - here are the most promising methods of attracting an audience for Instagram.
2. - this link contains an up-to-date list of services for promoting both individual videos on YouTube and channels.
3. - methods for attracting and cheating live subscribers and likes on Vkontakte.

By the way, the PROMO project regularly holds promotions and provides discounts for individual services.

Materials to help you better understand the topic:

Selecting channels for SMM promotion


The main feature of the social network is the emphasis on the visual component, that is, on photography. Little attention is paid to the text, so without high-quality images or at least bright pictures from the Internet, promotion will be difficult.

The main feature of the audience of the social network Instagram is that more than 79% of it are women. There is no exact age data, but most experts believe that young people under 30 are registered on Instagram. Perhaps this explains the effectiveness of promotion - the level of engagement on Instagram is 15 times higher compared to the social network Facebook.

Pros: high coverage, relatively simple advertising setup, simple promotion using mass liking and mass following.

Minuses: the inability to publish links in posts and the dependence of the visibility of posts on the level of involvement, which makes it difficult to promote from scratch.

Instagram is suitable for promoting goods and services that can be sold “with the eyes”: that is, those that can be beautifully depicted. Clothing stores, flower and food delivery services, various souvenirs and handmade goods are popular here. Services are getting worse, but with the right approach, you can sell them too. For example, Instagram often offers business and other types of advice.

In contact with

In VKontakte, according to statistics, more than half of the registered users are women. 37% of active authors are users of the 25-34 age group. And 25.7% of active users are people aged 18 to 25. That is, more than half of the audience are solvent users.

In Vkontakte, too, special attention is paid to the visual component, as in other social networks. There are no particular difficulties in promoting publics, groups and communities - it is enough to publish unique interesting content and use standard methods to attract subscribers. A good advantage of the social network is multidisciplinary development: depending on the needs of the target audience, you can choose an acceptable publication format. For example, Instagram doesn't give you that kind of flexibility.

Pros: high audience coverage, a large number of targeting settings, normal organic reach, the ability to invite users in a group.

Minuses: high competition, prohibition by users to invite themselves to groups and meetings, very strict moderation.

In terms of promotion, Vkontakte is good for everything that cannot be sold with a few beautiful photos. It actively promotes the services of medical centers, information businessmen, restaurants and cafes, travel companies, services of driving schools, banks, various goods and other products of the middle price segment.


The main feature of the Odnoklassniki audience is that the age of active users often exceeds 30-35 years. At the same time, promotion on social networks is relatively inexpensive, especially when advertising in public.

Pros: coverage among a solvent audience, viral content of interesting content - if someone rates your post, all friends and subscribers of the person who put "Class" will see it.

Odnoklassniki often promotes complex products, such as building houses, comprehensive examinations at medical centers, and other expensive goods and services. This social network is suitable for businesses operating in the field of cleaning, construction, legal support and others, but most of all for private services: for example, plumbing companies, car services, craftsmen.


The main Facebook audience is solvent people: 37% of active authors are aged 25-34, 30.6% are people from 35 to 44 years old, and 23.5% are people over 45 years old. Facebook pays special attention to text content, but at the same time, the social network claims to be a general purpose platform. The effectiveness of promotion is usually high - a large number of business accounts are registered on the social network.

This social network is suitable for most business areas. It sells B2B products, that is, business-to-business services, and promotes a personal brand. The social network itself gives examples of the successful promotion of restaurant and telecommunications brands, gaming, sports, automotive, financial, and educational fields.

Pros: a huge number of advertising settings, wide functionality for promotion, good coverage of foreign target audience.

Minuses: truncated organic reach and complex interface.

Select promotion channels - one or more social networks - depending on the specifics of your company and the product being promoted. In most cases, large companies create accounts in all social networks, and small businesses need only one well-chosen platform. For example, home delivery services often post on Instagram. And medical clinics find their audience on Facebook, Odnoklassniki and Vkontakte.

We launch promotion in social networks

We will talk about promotion in a clear structure: first - about the design, then - about the content, promotion and performance tracking. A book can be written about each of these points: we will try to talk about the most important.


Post interesting content: product reviews, guides, user reviews. If you don't have any ideas for posts, look through the communities of competitors - you may be able to learn something useful from their content plan. Try to alternate entertaining and selling posts - this tactic on the social network gives good results. A content plan should be drawn up only on the basis of an analysis of the needs of the target audience and the specifics of your business - there can be no universal recommendations here. You can also add products - both to a group and to a personal page.

Even pictures have their audience

You can promote your group, personal account or public in many ways. In the social network itself, they offer to set up targeted advertising and advertising in other publics. Targeted advertising will be shown to users when visiting Vkontakte, in the left column, and on third-party sites. And advertising in public - in the community that you choose.

Efficiency analysis can be carried out directly in VK. Personal pages, groups and publics have a "Statistics" section. It shows the reach of users - the number of people who saw the posts on the wall of the group or in the news feed, as well as the characteristics of the target audience. You can also view statistics for each entry, and in the future do not publish posts that gain few views and likes.

On Instagram

The design of the profile on Instagram also requires attention. Firstly, Instagram is a social network that primarily evaluates the visual effect. Therefore, it is worth taking care of high-quality photos. Secondly, do it - one of the few places where you can leave an active link to a third-party site. Therefore, it makes sense to describe in detail what you do and what you offer to subscribers, right in the profile description. By the way, it is advisable to immediately link your Insta account with in order to easily set up advertising.

There are built-in statistics on Instagram - look for it in your personal account, in your profile. But it may not be enough for a full-fledged analysis - the social network shows the number of subscribers, including growth, and the main characteristics of the target audience. This is less than in other social networks. Therefore, advanced SMM managers often use third-party services that collect more complete statistics.

When publishing posts, pay special attention to the text. Sometimes the usual statuses of people or groups get thousands of likes and comments. Viral posts often become jokes, anecdotes, comments on a political topic. But be careful - "hype" does not always help promote the group.

Example post in a group offering flower delivery services

Statistics in Odnoklassniki shows reach, activity, what types of content are popular and many other parameters - everything you need for initial analysis. Statistics is in a group, in a separate menu. To properly promote your community, analyze the engagement and types of content that subscribers like the most.

An example of group statistics in Odnoklassniki

I didn't understand! I allocate money every month, big money! To promote your business on social networks! Why do they grow so slowly?

Literally with these words, a client came to our office, for whom we manage groups in social networks.

We run groups. We develop posts in them, respond to comments, clean spam, but do not attract customers to them.

We explained to you at the very beginning that it is difficult to promote a business in social networks through a commercial group without an advertising budget, especially your area.

Well, yes! But I still don't understand why they grow so slowly. I allocate money.
- Okay, let's do it again...

Typical situation

As you understand, gentlemen, readers, this is a typical situation between a client and a customer. And, unfortunately, sometimes you just come across “bulletproof” people who find it very difficult to convey information, no matter what communication skill you have.

So, calm down... control yourself

So, Michael. Business promotion through social well-known networks is divided into 5 stages:

  1. Choosing a social network for business;
  2. Choice ;
  3. Creation of a group in a social network;
  4. Group management;
  5. Attracting clients to the group.

1. Choosing a social network for business

Let's start with the first and most important thing that we have already done with you, but let's repeat it anyway.

In contact with

The audience is mostly young. Accustomed to entertaining content, lots of free prizes and more.

But this does not mean that there are no adult, solvent clients in this network, they are, just to a lesser extent than young people, who, by the way, actively comment and willingly participate in contests and other interactions.


The fact that SMM is a super-popular and mega-effective direction has not been heard only by the lazy. There are many reasons for this:

  • quick access to any audience;
  • easy interaction with clients;
  • relative cheapness compared to other channels;
  • a more personal, intimate level of communication with the client;
  • a good way to increase profits;
  • word of mouth;
  • a convenient opportunity to work on reputation.

Everyone wants to be on social networks and everyone goes there. But in the end, we see a ton of corpses of communities and accounts that have not been able to benefit their owners. And all why? Because there is no main idea, no consistency in work and, most importantly, no specific goals. But without them, it makes no sense to count on a good end result. Therefore, today we will talk about how to correctly formulate these goals so that SMM is of real use. And also find out if it is true that there are those who should not go to social networks.

Consider the example of VKontakte. But remember that this is not the only social network for promotion, there are still a lot of sites, each of which has its own characteristics. Don't know where to go for you? Contact us for a free consultation, and we will already tell you which social network is best suited to promote your business.

Talking about ourselves openly or hiding: what kind of community to create?

Let's start with theory. Dmitry Rumyantsev, author of the book “VKontakte Business Promotion”, proposes to distinguish three types of positioning of the VK community:

1. Brand positioning

In this case, a community is created on the social network, openly named after the company, for example, “Shoe Online Shoe Store” or “Uyutny Dom” Real Estate Agency. The design contains corporate colors and a logo, information about goods and services is placed on the wall. One glance is enough to understand: this is a commercial community.

What are the disadvantages of this type? This way of positioning is good for large companies that everyone has known about for a long time: Sberbank, MTS, M.Video... But if your brand has not yet been promoted and its name is not well known, then people will be reluctant to join the community. The thing is that such a community is expected to advertise. And if advertising from a famous company is taken for granted, then many will not want to put up with advertising from a lesser-known business. In addition, in social networks, we are used to having fun and relaxing first of all, and only then to make purchases.

2. Interest Positioning

The point here is not to openly declare your mercantile goals anywhere. Let's imagine the following situation. We have a website selling women's cosmetics. We choose positioning according to interests and create a VK community called "All About Beauty" or "Beauty Club". We publish there articles about personal care, about the rules for applying makeup, about hairstyles, post video tutorials, photos and other similar content. The audience is expanding, activity in the community is growing. Then we begin to weave into the content, for example, photos of girls with makeup, which is made by our cosmetics. The participants will be interested, they say, where such magic mascara, lipstick, shadows, etc. come from. And here, with a gesture of a magician, we give out links to our site, where all this goodness can be bought, but not in the form of advertising, but in the form of unobtrusive advice. People will not even suspect that you are doing sales to yourself. Very convenient, right?

There is also a minus, of course, where without it. When positioning by interests, you can only work on sales, but not on reputation and brand recognition, because you cannot openly advertise the site, this is contrary to the strategy. In addition, even sales work must be very subtle and skillful. No links under each post, otherwise the audience will understand everything. The risk of revealing yourself is very high.

Alas, not every business can be promoted by interests. How to apply this type of positioning when you sell, for example, expensive medical equipment? That's right, no way. But it is very possible to sell this equipment on social networks. Read on to find out exactly how.

3. Mixed positioning

Realizing the shortcomings of these two types, SMMs thought: “Why not combine them together?”. So there was a mixed positioning. By choosing this option, you can place ads with the name of the company in the open, increasing brand awareness, and put informational (useful!) content, increasing audience loyalty. That is, we combine positioning by brand and by interests.

It is now the most popular way for communities to work. That is what we recommend to use in order to get the maximum benefit. Yes, we are working on it. If you don't believe me, go to our VK group and see what mixed positioning actually looks like. =)

Everyone can, but I can't

With the types of positioning, everything is now clear. But what's the use of them if, according to experts, your business is barred from social networks? If you are the site selling medical equipment? Let's find out if you are really hopeless for SMM.

There are a lot of business areas that, according to the generally accepted opinion, have a green light in social networks. We propose to divide this list into 3 major industries:

  1. Service market:
    • beauty salons and gyms;
    • cafes and restaurants;
    • bars and clubs;
    • various schools;
    • tourism (including hotel business);
    • studio;
    • renting anything;
    • car services.
  2. Commodity market:
    • clothes;
    • decorations;
    • shoes;
    • children's products;
    • household products;
    • cosmetics and perfumery;
    • handmade.
  3. Specialist Market
    • stylists;
    • hairdressers;
    • photographers;
    • presenters;
    • trainers;
    • doctors;
    • tutors;
    • repairman.
  1. Highly specialized B2B (business to business).
    Reason: It is very difficult to find interesting content for regular posting.
  2. Offline business (e.g. grocery stores).
    Reason: such companies are designed for natural traffic, it makes no sense for the audience to join their communities in social networks.
  3. Business of instant solutions (taxi, tow trucks).
    The reason is the same as in the second case: natural patency. In addition, the decision to use the services of such companies comes instantly. We will immediately look for a phone number in 2gis, and not a public or VK group.

This is the theory, and we generally agree with it. But in practice, everything changes when there is a great desire to work. It is this desire that allows you to promote even the most seemingly unusual line of business in social networks. The main thing is to formulate goals correctly. That is what we talked about at the very beginning of the article. Unclear? Then let's look at specific examples.

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Leave a request, and our specialists will contact you in the near future - they will answer any question, help you choose a tariff and tell you about all the nuances.

In fact, any B2B company, any offline business, and any business of instant solutions can do the same thing on social networks as any ordinary beauty salon or restaurant. This is:

  • work on reputation;
  • personnel search;
  • providing relevant and useful information to the audience.

And sometimes even sell. You just need to approach the matter with intelligence and creativity. Let's take a closer look at each of the 3 points with examples.

1. Work on reputation

Meet it's official VKontakte group of the Angarsk petrochemical company.

Of course, we won’t be able to sell a batch of goods from the factory in social networks, but we don’t need it in this case. But it won’t hurt to work on the company’s reputation, because people very often accuse such enterprises of polluting the city, write complaints, sue, and organize rallies. If the townspeople don't love you, they won't let you work in peace. So a good reputation becomes paramount.

How can you improve your good name? Arrange charitable events (help orphans, veterans, disabled people), hold city holidays, organize raffles, talk about your wonderful employees, educate young people. And social networks are just becoming an ideal platform for telling the townspeople about their exploits.

The Angarsk petrochemical company approaches the matter very thoroughly. The group has a heading "Company in faces", so the company immediately acquires a human face:

Charitable activities are developing very actively, which is constantly written about in the community:

And don't forget about youth education:

And on-site raffle contests:

The group is quite active: there are likes, reposts and comments, there are more than 4,000 members. In a word, the indicators are good, and if we take into account the specifics of the enterprise, they are completely excellent. Not every commercial site can boast of such results.

Expert advice: If you want to work on the reputation of the company, social networks are ideal for this. Organize community work days, planting trees, collecting waste paper and batteries. Do not forget to write about it and collect the delicious fruits of your efforts in the form of love and respect from the audience.

And by the way, if you have any such enterprise, and you care about environmental protection with the help of special technologies, also report this from time to time. And then you will not have any complaints at all.

2. Personnel search

When a company is large, it often needs staff replenishment. To search for employees, you can either use the innovation of VKontakte and connect the special application "Jobs" in the community for free, or create a separate community to replenish the staff. This is exactly what the Irkutsk company "Slata" did, which has about 100 supermarkets in the region. If you want to join it

Perhaps, it is impossible to find a person who does not know anything about social networks.

Each of us has at least one account for communication, listening to music and reading entertainment / educational materials. Social networks are so tightly integrated into our lives that now almost any field of activity finds its embodiment there. Of course, business is no exception.

Is it really worth promoting your business in popular networks? What needs to be done for this? What pitfalls to consider? Let's find answers to these questions right now.

Business in social networks: are there any prospects?

Ignoring such an opportunity is real stupidity.

Please note that only Germany was able to get ahead of Russia in terms of the number of users:

A businessman who wants to be successful must take advantage of all the opportunities that open up before him.

Why promote your business on social media?

  1. Introduce products to new customers.
  2. Use convenient tools for marketing research.
  3. These resources allow you to more accurately describe the image of a potential buyer, explore his habits, tastes, and expectations.
  4. Create a positive image of the company.
  5. Get feedback from your clients.
  6. Follow the reviews about the work of the company, products.

    It also allows you to work with negativity competently and eliminate problems that you might not know about (especially important if the company has several branches or an extensive staff).

And this is not a complete list of benefits.

Convinced of the need to present your business in networks? Don't rush into practice.

Before starting, you should also carefully study the mistakes that beginners make from time to time when promoting a business on the Internet.

TOP 7 mistakes for business promotion in social networks

As you already understood, promoting a business in is an occupation with great prospects and returns.

But it often happens that the chosen promotion strategy is initially unsuccessful. Why? Because beginners in this field, as one, make 7 major mistakes.

Familiarize yourself with them and do not allow in your work:

    Do not hurry.

    So do not rush to put an end to business if you do not see the effect after 1, 2, 4 weeks.

    I am on my own.

    Social networks are a space for communication. Even if you decide to organize a business here, you won’t be able to exist “behind the wall”. Your customers/visitors should get answers to their questions, see the return and interest.

    If you want to distance yourself, it's better to do business through the site.

    Business for the sake of business.

    The process of moving forward is exciting. But if you do not have specific goals, your enthusiasm will gradually subside.

    Set specific goals, the direction of the business and, very importantly, how much money you are willing to spend on the business.

    Don't be frivolous.

    Social networks are easy to use. But promoting a business will no longer be given with the same ease.

    That is why specialists in business promotion in social networks are not “parasites”. Their work is not so easy.

    And to master it and perform it yourself, you will have to make a lot of effort.

    If it doesn't work - I'll quit!

    If you create not an independent source of income, but “bring” an offline business to the social space, each action will affect the reputation of the whole business.

    For example, an abandoned Vkontakte group filled with spam will signal: “This company is definitely not doing well, even if they can’t follow the page on VK.”

    Each line of business has its own characteristics. If the firm has no distinctive features, how will it cope with the competition?

    This is the question you should ask yourself if a crazy thought creeps into your head just to copy someone else's promotion strategy.

    By the way, stealing pictures is also stupid and undignified.

    Lack of analysis.

    When testing promotion methods, it is necessary not only to draw the conclusion “it went in - it didn’t go in”. It is important to analyze why some methods work for your audience and others do not.

    In this case, you will be able to build an effective promotion campaign.

1) Business on the Vkontakte network

You can not tell what kind of social network this is. In fact, every Internet user from Russia has (and some even have several).

Pay attention to how much this resource is ahead of all the others in popularity:

That is why it is obvious that the promotion of business in social networks in Russia, first of all, takes place here.

Indeed, Vkontakte is not only a place of permanent “habitation” and communication of millions of people. As well as a convenient platform for doing business.

Developers are also well aware of this, and therefore, innovations are constantly appearing that make business processes easier and more accessible.

Also, we must not forget that Vkontakte has built-in tools for collecting statistics, which is simply an indispensable tool for marketing research!

And the main plus: you can use all the built-in services absolutely free.

To promote your business here and earn income, you need to use basic knowledge of trading on the Internet and study the working conditions on this site.

The better you understand, the easier it will be for you to act. And the greater the return on labor you will receive.

Features of business promotion in VK.

The main feature of this social network is its users. It is believed that the audience of Vkontakte is insolvent. Perhaps in 2009-10 it made sense.

To understand what the salt is, pay attention to the age chart by year of birth:

But one should not forget that any “class” of the audience has its own needs. In order for the promotion of Vkontakte to be successful, you need to adapt to the youth, be “in trend”, use short posts and attractive photos.

Another feature of the Vkontakte network is the ability to create separate personal pages under business.

As already mentioned, developers enable entrepreneurs to use numerous features and built-in services for promotion. Most of them are opened after the creation of a "public" (public page) or a group for doing business.

For example, you can create an online storefront right in your group:

5 ways to promote your business on the Vkontakte social network.

So you have created a page or group, set an avatar and filled in the “Description” section with basic information about the business. What to do next?

The article will not separately consider Odnoklassniki.
The audience of these two networks is, of course, different. Therefore, you will have to develop an individual promotion strategy for them.
But otherwise, they are very similar to Vkontakte (or, in the case of Facebook, on the contrary, Vkontakte was created in its “image and likeness”). Therefore, having understood the mechanisms of promotion in VK, you can find the further path on your own.

2) How to promote a business on the Instagram social network?

If the promotion of the Vkontakte business is a topic familiar to many, then Instagram is still a “dark horse”, although it appeared on Runet quite a long time ago.

The active growth of business pages and the use of this social network took place in 2014.

Now we can already conclude that the site is fully suitable for promotion and gives a good result. Some entrepreneurs manage to do business exclusively in. A few years ago, this was considered impossible (a successful business on the Internet without a website).

The core is guys and girls (the weaker sex is the prevailing majority) aged 17-32. It is this category of consumers that most often makes a purchase decision under the influence of emotions.

TOP 5 secrets on how to promote your Instagram account.

An inquisitive reader may note that the article did not cover such resources as Telegram, Pinterest, YouTube and many others.

The fact is that these "fields" for business activities in Russia are not yet particularly developed.

Such a "base" is more suitable for startups, innovative and creative ideas. And if your business falls into this category, do you really need instructions and algorithms for promotion?

Do you want to promote your business on Instagram?

Watch valuable tips from a business coach in this video - and go for it!

And yet you need to understand: when it comes to a serious brand, whose reputation you don’t want to risk, it’s better to entrust this work to professionals in their field.

The cost of their services will not particularly hit the pocket of the entrepreneur, but the return will be enormous ...

But for those who manage to do this, the business brings a good profit. How to start promotion, and what to focus on in this process?

We will evaluate budgetary ways to promote your business on social networks.

But first, let's determine whether this is necessary in your particular case.

Pros and cons of business promotion in social networks

To date, 85% of people who have access to the Internet have accounts in various social networks and spend a huge amount of time there.

Russia has a palm in Europe in terms of the number of registered accounts and the time people spend on the Internet.

Business in social networks: advantages

    Small investment.

    The cost of one attracted client through the Internet is much lower than when using other methods of promotion.

    If in other methods in order to:

    • lure potential customers
    • found a community
    • have a conversation with consumers.

    An investment is required, then on the Internet you can do without spending money.

    However, you need to be realistic: free promotion will always be slower and not as effective as paid promotion.

    "Word of mouth" distribution.

    Online business promotion in this way is the fastest. How does it work?

    An interesting article is posted in a group.

    It was read by 100 portal visitors, of which 11 shared a link to a unique work with their friends.

    Among them, there may also be those who will share with other friends and so on.

    It is at such moments that a viral program is launched that will make a business in social networks successful.

    By the way, with the help of SEO, it is very difficult to get the same result as with SMM.


    Promoting your own business on the Internet is gaining immense popularity every year, as the number of portal users is growing.

    Some facts about the number and age of visitors to various social networks.

    Low competition.

    Most firms have not yet realized all the advantages that a business in social media can bring. networks.

    They do not understand how profitable it is, since such methods bring good profits with minimal capital investment.

    All this results in reduced competition (compared to the real market).

Disadvantages of business promotion in social networks

    not subject to detailed analysis.

    It is simply impossible to analyze subscribers as, for example, using Google Analytics.

    A marketer can only estimate the number of visitors and determine whether the business is being promoted at the right rate.

    Administration control.

    Often such frames interfere with full-fledged promotion, you have to look for workarounds.

    Group worker.

    Each project requires control, even (especially) if it is built on the Internet. The group or community must have its own administrator.

    The job of an administrator is to:

    • interviewing group members
    • posting,
    • active support of communication in the group,
    • spam removal,
    • content update.

You will need to hire such a person and pay him a salary.

But thereby free yourself from petty work, and proceed to larger-scale processes of promoting your product.

If the founder or admin of the group is not following the page, then the customers feel it very well, and the community will quickly decline.

It’s deplorable, but this can also affect offline reputation.

Overview of ways to promote in the TOP-5 social networks

1. Promotion of Vkontakte.

The site is the most popular portal on the Russian Internet.

The number of registered people (or rather, pages) totals 380 million, more than 80 million people visit the contact every day.

Options for increasing profits from a business on Vkontakte:

  • Placement of advertisements in communities with similar topics;
  • Targeted advertising (playing content depending on the preferences of visitors), which is paid for by the number of impressions and clicks.

    Action example: a person previously searched the Internet for information about air travel to China.

  • Broadcast advertising in well-known urban groups.
  • Creation of a specialized Vkontakte page, on which all business products will be placed.

To attract consumers to the group, it is best to come up with some interesting and memorable name, as well as a bright avatar.

Basically, the audience of "Contact" is young people, so the product or service offered should be inexpensive.

2. Promotion in Odnoklassniki.

The website is a resource dominated by an older audience of visitors (30–55 years old).

It is not as "crowded" as "Vkontakte", but also has an enviable popularity.

The number of users has exceeded 201 million, of which 46 million daily visit their page on the social network.

Options for promoting a business in Odnoklassniki:

  • advertising in applications or games,
  • creation of a personal page for business,
  • targeted advertising,
  • promoting your business by posting in other popular groups.

Content in Odnoklassniki should be aimed at attracting the attention of customers in various ways.

These can be intriguing statuses, interesting videos, pictures that are unobtrusively shown to visitors.

For example, a person put "class" in a group that is founded to sell children's products.

This "like" will automatically be reflected in the feed of friends. If they like the product, they like it too.

In this way, in the shortest possible time, you can familiarize people with your business.

In Odnoklassniki, you can sell and offer services of various levels, since an audience of various levels of solvency and tastes “dwells” here.

3. Promotion on Facebook. is one of the largest networks in the world. It has over 1.6 billion registered accounts! 50% of them are viewed by users every day.

People with average and high incomes, aged 25–45, are often registered on Facebook. In such social networks even politicians, entrepreneurs, stars are registered.

If, for example, "Vkontakte" and "Odnoklassniki" are more entertaining relationships between people, then "Facebook" is more businesslike, since they register there for the purpose of exchanging information.

Ways to promote on Facebook

4. Promotion on Twitter.

The site offers its users a quick exchange of information with each other.

Various segments of the population are registered on Twitter, ranging from politicians to porters and security guards.

Of course, it is quite difficult to promote a business, but still there are tools that allow you to do this.

For example, maintaining an account and creating a personal hashtag for your business helps promote and increase awareness.

You can arrange to place this hashtag on well-known accounts that “boast” the maximum number of people following it.

The hashtag should point to the business page and nowhere else, so it must be absolutely unique.

This method of promotion is more suitable for Internet projects, and not for product sales.

5. Business in the social network "Instagram".

The website is based on the exchange of short videos, photos and personal messages.

Still, images are at the forefront.

In you can create a page and promote your business by promoting the group.

It is also possible, for a set fee, to advertise activities in more promoted accounts with a large number of subscribers.

In order to attract customers, it is necessary to publish interesting videos, colorful and bright pictures, photos.

4 social media promotion methods

No. 1. Content is the main promotion assistant

Every marketer will say: “Without decent content, it is impossible to promote a business on social networks.”

Three basic content rules:


    The material should be systematically updated in the group.

    Two, four, six posts a day - these figures depend on the direction of the business and the audience of customers.

    Posting should be regular, and not depend on the number of subscribers.


    Each material that will come from the moderator to the page must be highly unique and interest the visitor from the first lines.

    Do not plagiarize and copy articles from other sources.

    It is better to focus on creating exclusive works for business.

    Viral promotion.

    All materials should hook the client as much as possible.

    It is at this moment, as described earlier, that the viral dissemination of information is launched.

No. 2. The role of targeting in promotion

This method of advertising is aimed at a specific audience. The definition of "your client" occurs in accordance with its interests.

The possibility of promoting a business in this way can be found in all of the listed social networks.

For a better understanding, consider the types of targeting:

    For example, a fitness center is opening in Khimki.

    This means that information about the opening should be shown to residents of Moscow and settlements located close to the new fitness center.

    It is this setting that is set when advertising is launched. As a result, only your target audience sees it.


    For example, a start-up entrepreneur whose business is based on the sale of products for children needs to advertise in groups of young mothers and married women.


    If a person is fond of fashion, then he will participate in the groups "Style", "Fashion", and not in the communities of carpenters or steelworkers.

    For example, a person is fond of Latin American dances and travel.

    Then the owner of the travel agency is simply obliged to offer the person a tour ticket to Cuba.

First, it is necessary to analyze whether the proposed product is suitable for the user. Secondly, make a well-designed advertisement.

No. 3. Promotion in communities

This type of promotion has already been discussed earlier, but it is still necessary to recall its essence.

At the same time, the entrepreneur must be aware that the more “promoted” the community, the more money they will spend for advertising on their page.

During the day, for a fixed fee, subscribers will be shown an advertising post ordered by them.

About detailed plans for promoting different types of companies in social networks. networks, Ilya Balakhnin will tell in his video:

No. 4. Business in social networks: professional promotion

There are specialized services that, for a set fee, will advertise a business on social networks.

Often they develop content themselves, activate the targeting mechanism and negotiate on advertising placement in thematic communities.

All these functions are offered, for example, by the site "Plibber" gives an opportunity to develop business by attracting customers from social networks.

To work here, a novice entrepreneur must:

  • log in to the site
  • start advertising your products on your own or contact qualified Plibber employees,
  • in the first case, analyze your target audience and develop the desired advertising post.

The site moderates the proposed task, after which you can proceed to promotion.

If you follow the above methods and analyze the information received, then social media business will bring good income with minimal investment.

The main thing is to know your target audience well, appoint a responsible person in the group and do not forget about the systematic replenishment with articles, photos, videos.

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