Common subd. Database. Past and future. When is it better not to use SQLite

Currently, there are a large number of DBMS from various manufacturers, while the most common DBMS are universal, i.e. can be used in various subject areas and for solving various problems. Systems differ in performance, resource requirements, maintenance costs.

The most common industrial DBMS is still the systems of the American company Oracle, the manufacturer of the first commercial industrial DBMS. These systems are distinguished by high reliability, the ability to fine-tune the tasks to be solved, flexible management of RAM, high speed, multiplatform - i.e. the ability to work under the control of both computers of various architectures and various operating systems. Along with the multi-user version of the Oracle DBMS, there is its "light" version - Personal Oracle or Oracle Lite. This version is usually used in small AIS with a limited range of users (as a rule, no more than 5 - 10 people).

Microsoft's industrial DBMS, called SQL Server, is no less capable than Oracle's DBMS. However, its disadvantage is that it can only function under the operating systems of Microsoft itself, which makes it impossible to use it on servers running such popular operating systems as Unix, Linux, Solaris and others. Another popular Microsoft DBMS is MS Access, which is part of the Microsoft Office software package. This DBMS is single-user and is intended for maintaining small databases.

Popular and fairly common DBMS are also IBM's DB2, Sybase, Informix, PostgreSQL DBMS (" Post-Gres-Q-El", "postgres"), Interbase and some others. Separately, it is worth mentioning freely distributed DBMS, many of which are suitable for solving rather complex problems. While not fully possessing the functionality inherent in commercial DBMS, they, at the same time, have a significant advantage - zero cost. As a rule, such DBMS are maintained by independent development teams and distributed as source code for program modules. The most popular of these DBMS in our country are MySQL and the so-called "clones" of the commercial DBMS Interbase - FireBird and Yaffil.

The choice of a DBMS should take into account the needs of the customer, the possibility of further expanding the information system, acquisition cost factors and other parameters.

  • Category: Database
  • Publisher: siteworks
  • March 24,2017

Databases for your data!

Most people who use SQL databases have been doing so for years, and already have the platform installed in place. But if you are among those who are just starting out with SQL or looking for the best options out there, the following document will help you choose the right one that works for you and your business. Here is a selection for the best SQL databases available in 2017.

Oracle 12c release 2

License: Proprietary

The Oracle database is a relational database used to store information. It handles data collection as a single entity. There's usually a huge level of comfort, no matter what product or industry, when going from the oldest and most established product on the market. The argument for Oracle 12c, however, doesn't just include durability; The product also supports most server operating systems and is well known and respected for its stability, powerful database management features and virtually unbreakable data delivery. But perhaps the best argument for this SQL platform is in its name; The "c" in 12c stands for the cloud, and Oracle's latest iteration is especially effective in its ability to run databases like real cloud services thanks to in-memory data processing and a multi-user architecture. Additional and impressive features include a new pluggable database feature that improves resource utilization, making it easy and secure to consolidate databases on fewer servers, as well as a number of enhancements that increase overall speed. Oracle SQL database has always been a great choice; 12s is even better. It is available in the enterprise, standard and standard single edition, with different features and prices to match.


License: Open Source

MySQL is used by hundreds of thousands of websites and is also the backbone for internal use. It remains (mostly) open source and free for community users. It works with almost any operating system you can think of and is easy to install and operate.
It also performs very well for most of the hardware configurations. Although it sometimes gets dodgy in terms of CPU usage and table corruption, it's not the best choice for upscaling. If you have the money and the requirements, Oracle 12c is the best product - but MySQL has been the industry standard for a very long time and it's still an "easy" choice to make.

Microsoft SQL Server

License: Proprietary

It is a relational database management system developed by Microsoft. The database server is basically a server with large amounts of data that can be accessed by multiple users from remote areas. This means that any application, software running on any system, in any part of the world, must be able to store and retrieve data from a database server over any network. There are many releases of Microsoft SQL Server so far with the most recent release being SQL Server 2016. Microsoft offers many editions for users to choose from each edition offering different features. Some publications are listed below.
Business analytics
Working group


License: Open Source

You don't hear much about PostgreSQL as the other two on this list gaining the highest target audience, but PostgreSQL has made a huge mark on databases for heavyweights like Yahoo and Skype, as well as many online gaming sites - and has gained its market size is poaching longtime Oracle users. One huge advantage of PostgreSQL is that it is open source but has great operational benefits like: multi-version concurrency control, hot backup, asynchronous replication and support for tablespaces in between. PostgreSQL scales very well, very easy to manage and use and plays well with all major operating systems. And if you're looking for help or suggestions, there is a very active PostgreSQL community that has contributed a lot to the development and improvement of the database.


License: Open Source

One of the most popular Open Source relational databases, MariaDB was created by the same set of people who created MySQL (which was acquired by Oracle). The need to create an alternative to MYSQL made the way for the development of MariaDB.
MariaDB is built on a modern architecture, which gives it the flexibility to support emerging market uses.

Some of the points that makes MariaDB so popular

Efficient Storage Engines

MariaDB comes with plugins and storage engines such as Connect and Cassandra engines for NoSQL storage engines; rolling migrations from legacy databases; Spider for segmenting; TokuDB with fractal indexes etc. Most of them are on-screen for MySQL through a third party. However, MariaDB is released with them and therefore makes it efficient and easy to use.

performance superiority

He has developed an improved query optimizer and other check related metrics that practically makes it faster than MySQL. However, these MariaDB claims are the result of comparrison based on the situation.

Easy to go

If you're running the same basic version of MySQL, you can practically uninstall it and install MariaDB and you're good to go.
Switching to MariaDB is as easy as installing MariaDB or an equivalent command on your chosen Linux flavor.

Every site owner knows that for the proper functioning of the site, not only files with page code are needed, but also databases. Database management systems (DBMS) are used to interact with databases. In this article I want to talk about databases and DBMS, about what varieties exist, and how they differ from each other.


The database is a specific set of data, which, as a rule, are connected by a unifying feature or property (or several). This data is sorted, for example, alphabetically. The abundance of different data that can be placed in a single database leads to many variations of what can be recorded: users' personal data, records, dates, orders, and so on. For example, if you have an online store, then your website database may contain price lists, a catalog of goods or services, reports, statistics, and customer information.

First of all, this is convenient because information can be quickly entered into the database and just as quickly retrieved if necessary. If at the dawn of the development of web development all the necessary data had to be written in the page code, now there is no such need - the necessary information can be requested from the database using scripts. Special algorithms for storing and retrieving information that are used in databases make it possible to find the necessary information in just a fraction of seconds - and when working in a virtual space, the speed of a resource is more important than anything else.

The relationship of information in the database is also important: a change in one line can lead to significant changes in other lines. Working with data in this way is much easier and faster than if changes were made to only one place in the database.

However, this does not mean that every site must have a database - for example, if you have a business card site and you do not post any new information on the site, then you simply do not need a database. The easiest way to make a simple website is to create a .

Database management system

As you might guess from the name, a database management system (or DBMS for short) is software that is used to create and work with databases. The main function of the DBMS is data management (which can be both in external and in RAM). The DBMS necessarily supports database languages, and is also responsible for copying and restoring data after any failures.

As for the classification of databases, there are various options.
For example, you can divide bases by data models: hierarchical (have a tree structure), network (similar in structure to hierarchical), relational (used to manage relational databases), object-oriented (used for object data model) and object-relational (some kind of fusion of relational and object-oriented database type).

Or, if the division goes according to where is the DBMS located, they can be divided into local - the entire DBMS is located on one computer, and distributed - parts of the database management system are located on several computers.

File-server, client-server and embedded - such names are DBMS, if you divide them by database access method. File-server DBMS are now considered obsolete; Basically, there is a use of client-server (DBMS, which are located on the server along with the database itself) and embedded (which do not require separate installation) systems.

The information stored in databases is not limited to text or graphic files - modern versions of DBMS also support audio and video file formats.

In this article, I will focus on DBMS, which are used to store information from various web resources.

Why are these DBMS needed? In addition to their main function - storing and organizing a huge amount of information - they allow you to quickly process client requests and issue fresh and up-to-date information.

This also applies to changes that you make - instead of changing the information in each file of the site, you can change it in the database, and then the correct information will be displayed immediately on each page.

Relational DBMS and SQL language

Relational and object-relational DBMS are among the most common systems. They are tables in which each column (which is called "field" or "field") is ordered and has a certain unique name. The sequence of lines (they are called “records” or “records”) is determined by the order in which information is entered into the table. In this case, the processing of columns and rows can occur in any order. Data tables are linked by special relationships, so that data from different tables can be manipulated - for example, combined - with a single query.

A special programming language, SQL, is used to manage relational databases. The abbreviation stands for “Structured query language”, translated into Russian “structured query language”.

The commands that are used in SQL are divided into those that manipulate data, those that define data, and those that manipulate data.

The database schema looks like this:


MySQL is one of the most popular and widespread DBMS used by many companies (for example, Facebook, Wikipedia, Twitter, LinkedIn, Alibaba and others). MySQL is a relational DBMS that belongs to free software: it is distributed under the terms of the GNU Public License. As a rule, this database management system is defined as a good, fast and flexible system, recommended for use in small or medium projects. MySQL has many different benefits. For example, it supports various types of tables: both the well-known MyISAM and InnoDB, and the more exotic HEAP and MERGE; in addition, the number of supported types is constantly growing. MySQL executes all commands quickly - perhaps now it is the fastest DBMS in existence. An unlimited number of users can work with this database management system at the same time, and the number of rows in tables can be up to 50 million.

Since, in comparison with some other MySQL DBMS, it supports fewer features, it is much easier to work with it than, for example, with PostgreSQL, which will be discussed below.

The first version of MySQL was released back in 1995, and since then there have been several subsequent releases, each of which has brought significant changes.

To work with MySQL, not only text, but also graphical mode is used. This is possible thanks to the phpMyAdmin application: to work in the application, you will not even need to know SQL commands, and you can administer your database directly through the browser.

In general, it can be noted that MySQL is the choice of those who need a DBMS for a small or medium-sized project, fast and easy to use and without administrative difficulties.


This freely distributed database management system belongs to the object-relational type of DBMS. As with MySQL, PostgreSQL is based on the SQL language, but unlike MySQL, PostgreSQL supports the SQL-2011 standard. This DBMS has no limits on the maximum size of the database, nor on the maximum records or indexes in the table.

If we talk about the advantages of PostgreSQL, then, of course, this is the reliability of transactions and replications, the possibility of inheritance and easy extensibility. PostgreSQL supports various extensions and programming language variants such as PL/Perl, PL/Python, and PL/Java. It is also possible to load C-compatible modules.

Many note that, unlike MySQL, this DBMS has good and detailed documentation that answers almost all questions.

The fact that this is a larger-scale DBMS than MySQL is also evidenced by the fact that PostgreSQL is periodically compared with such a powerful data management system as Oracle.

All this allows us to talk about PostgreSQL as one of the most advanced DBMS at the moment.


At the moment it is one of the most compact DBMS; it is also embeddable and relational. SQLite allows you to store all the data in one file and, due to its small size, has an enviable speed. SQLite differs significantly from MySQL and PostgreSQL in its structure: the engine and the interface of this DBMS are in the same library - and this is what allows you to execute all queries very quickly. Other DBMS (MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, etc.) use the client-server paradigm when the interaction takes place through a network protocol.

Among the shortcomings, one can note the lack of a user system and the possibility of increasing productivity.

SQLite can be recommended for use in projects where you need to be able to quickly port the application and there is no need for scalability.


This DBMS belongs to the object-relational type. The name comes from the name of the Oracle company that developed this system. Along with SQL, the DBMS uses a procedural extension called PL/SQL, as well as the Java language.

Oracle is a system that has been stable for more than a decade, so it is the choice of large corporations for which the reliability of failure recovery, a streamlined backup procedure, scalability and other valuable features are important. In addition, this DBMS provides excellent security and effective data protection.

Unlike other DBMS, the cost of purchasing and using Oracle is quite high, and this is often a significant obstacle to its use in small firms. This is probably also the reason why Oracle is only in 6th place in the DBMS rating for 2016 in Russia.


This DBMS differs in that it is designed to store hierarchical data structures, and therefore it is called document-oriented (it is a document store without the use of tables or schemas). MongoDB is open source.

Using an identifier, you can perform quick operations on an object; this DBMS performs well in complex interactions. First of all, we are talking about speed - in some cases, an application written in MongoDB will work faster than the same application using SQL, because. MongoDB belongs to the NoSQL DBMS class and uses an object query language instead of SQL, which is much lighter than SQL.

However, this language has its limitations, and therefore MongoDB should be used in cases where there is no need for complex and non-trivial selections.

Instead of a conclusion

The choice of a DBMS is an important point when creating your resource. Start from your tasks and opportunities, try and experiment to find exactly the option that will be most suitable.

1. What trends in the development of server DBMS could you note in 2015–2016?

Vitaly Chesnokov, QSOFT
The most important trends in the development of modern DBMS: the use of virtualization and GRID technology, self-diagnostics and automatic correction, the use of NoSQL DBMS in Big Data, the use of NewSQL DBMS, the execution of C / C ++ code in the DBMS address space.

Over the past few years, the amount of data suitable for processing and storing in a database has grown exponentially. An amendment to the law “On Personal Data” was adopted, stating that personal data of citizens of the Russian Federation must be stored on the territory of the Russian Federation. Some Western countries also have similar laws. All this leads us to the need for clustering and splitting data into parts.

Everywhere, the percentage of using NoSQL DBMS is growing, where possible, due to the high speed of working with data and the possibility of relatively simple clustering. A new type of DBMS, NewSQL, is gaining ground. The main unprecedented features of NewSQL include: the possibility of asynchronous master-master replication, which replaces the classic master-slave scheme and provides greater flexibility for high-load projects; simplification of administration and provision of dynamic database management; support for stored procedures in C / C ++ and the ability to execute C / C ++ code in the address space of the DBMS (provide almost unlimited extensibility and an incredible increase in performance); improved diagnostic and debugging tools.

In addition, the use of virtualization in the DBMS provides the necessary fault tolerance and scalability.

Nikolai Fetyukhin.MST
Transition to NoSQL and specialization of databases. For example, you can pay attention to Redis and Tarantool. The latter even contains its own application server. An interesting trend is the combined DBMS and backend, like Facebook's Parse. Also smooth migration of databases to the clouds.

Petr Urvaev SimbirSoft
Functions that have proven themselves successfully in some DBMS are implemented in other products after some time. For example, materialized views, which first appeared in Oracle DBMS, were later implemented in MS SQL Server, and then appeared in PostgreSQL. The benefits that NoSQL solutions provide are gradually being implemented in relational DBMS as well. For example, recent versions of PostgreSQL support working with data in JSON format.

Evgeny Gusev, ITECH
Changes in recent years in the DBMS segment were both private - in relation to individual leading products, and structural in nature, so there are many trends. First, heterogeneity. The transition to the microservices model made it possible to flexibly select the means of solving the data storage problem, not being limited to one. Secondly, the development of NoSQL, in-memory storages. Thirdly, Big Data is a revolution that required rethinking both the methodology for storing data and the very concept of “data”. Fourth, columnar (column-oriented) databases.

2. In your opinion, is there a tendency for DBMS to move to the "clouds"? What are the pros and cons of this approach?

Vitaly Chesnokov, QSOFT
Yes, there is definitely a trend. To begin with, we need to separate two fundamental approaches to the operation of a DBMS in the cloud.

The first is deploying a virtual machine with a DBMS in the cloud. You can upload your own image to it or use a pre-prepared one with an already optimized DBMS. In fact, such a virtual machine is not fundamentally different from a regular physical server. The main advantage compared to a physical server is the ease of scaling, both vertically (you can allocate more resources for this "virtual" at any time) and horizontally (creating a new "virtual" takes only a few minutes). Another significant plus is the high availability of cloud virtual machines (99.9%–99.99%). Also, cloud hosters provide many additional services, such as monitoring, backup, server control panel, etc.

A fundamentally different approach is a cloud DBMS. In this case, the client does not buy a server, but simply the service of using a DBMS. The current market of public cloud DBMS, amounting to $400 million, will increase to $1.2 billion by 2017. The main advantages of this approach: payment for resources that are not provided (which may “idle”), but only for those actually used: the amount of data stored, the amount of processed DBMS operations; there is no need to configure and administer the DBMS - these tasks are completely on the hoster; no need to think about scaling; the hoster provides many convenient and intuitive tools for managing the DBMS; high availability. The main disadvantage is the lack of the ability to fine-tune the DBMS.

You can also separately highlight such a subspecies of a cloud DBMS as DbaaS (Database as a Service). Almost always, a specific DbaaS is one specific DBMS provided in the cloud by direct developers. This obviously leads to the difference in business models: cloud DBMS are suitable for large-scale typical tasks, while DbaaS is suitable for specialized ones, for a specific brand of database engine, with the possibility of direct communication with its developers. In addition, DbaaS allows much more accurate selection of the system for the required load, in particular, by regulating the number of client connections.

Nikolai Apurin, Artwell
The trend exists. Most large (all-Russian) systems already use cloud databases.

Nikolai Fetyukhin.MST
The trend is weak. The use of clouds, although it reduces some costs, but leads to new costs. Using the cloud can only be beneficial for projects with low attendance.

Advantages of clouds: easy scalability, high fault tolerance, availability of servers around the world, easy cloning and deployment of data. Cons: while the clouds, as a product, are "raw" - it is impossible to physically control the data, since they are managed by the cloud provider.

Petr Urvaev SimbirSoft
The trend of moving DBMS to the clouds exists as part of the general trend of moving the entire IT infrastructure of organizations to the clouds. The main advantage of this approach is the ability to transfer database maintenance. The disadvantages include the storage of important data on an uncontrolled site. A cloud storage user, if necessary to destroy the stored data, cannot be sure that the data has actually been erased.

Evgeny Gusev, ITECH
It exists and is one of the primary ones. There are a lot of advantages to placing a database in the cloud: ease of sharding and replication, the ability to effectively separate data from business logic in the context of performance, easy and understandable management of computing power, and a number of others. Critical minuses, based on experience, we do not see. The more data you have to handle, the more horizontal scaling is required, the more justified the use of clouds becomes.

3. What factors influence the choice of a DBMS? For which projects are SQL databases more suitable, and for which - NoSQL?

Vitaly Chesnokov, QSOFT
The main factor in choosing between SQL and NoSQL DBMS is the needs of the application. SQL is better suited for some tasks, NoSQL is better for others.

There are several key differences between these types of DBMS. The data format in SQL is very strict, there are clear table schemas indicating where which type of data is used. There are no predefined document schemas in NoSQL - any information can be added to any document.
In SQL, there are complex relationships between different tables. Data in one table is often a link to data in another (data normalization principle). In NoSQL, as a rule, each document is an isolated information unit and stores all available data (denormalization principle).
SQL has built-in mechanisms to maintain data integrity (for example, you cannot delete a record from a table if it is referenced in other tables). There are no such mechanisms in NoSQL, so data denormalization is important (ideally, each document stores absolutely all information about any object).
SQL has a transaction mechanism that allows you to execute multiple SQL queries on an all-or-nothing basis. In NoSQL, a similar mechanism exists only within a single document.
Ideally, NoSQL is faster than SQL due to a simpler method of storing data that allows you to get all the information about an object with a simple request for a single document. However, there is a problem associated with the fact that the most popular NoSQL DBMS appeared quite recently. The consequence of this is a smaller amount of information on these DBMS and a larger number of unresolved problems.
NoSQL is much easier to scale due to the lack of complex logical relationships between documents. In addition, most of the NoSQL DBMS was originally created with an emphasis on scaling mechanisms.

As a result, NoSQL is better suited for projects with a large amount of data that can be easily divided into separate independent objects. Provides high speed and scalability. SQL is suitable for projects where various data have complex logical relationships with each other and their integrity is extremely important.

Nikolai Apurin, Artwell
NoSQL - for non-standard calculations with a huge amount of data. But as practice has shown, volumes up to 20 million records are perfectly processed by SQL databases.

Nikolai Fetyukhin.MST
NoSQL technologies are actively used by well-known companies, including in high-load projects. Saving data and simple selects with NoSQL will be really fast. In the case of more complex queries, the task will have to be solved on the product side, which complicates the product itself. In its purest form, we do not choose NoSQL. The complication of the product logic and the emulation of basic SQL things leads to an increase in the cost of the project. And not every NoSQL solution provides data security in critical situations.

Petr Urvaev SimbirSoft
The choice of a database often depends on the preferences of the architect, the possible load, the required functionality. SQL databases allow you to clearly define data storage schemes and retrieve data using complex queries, NoSQL databases allow you to store data in a less ordered format and support horizontal scaling. Often, distributed systems use both SQL and NoSQL databases, each of which solves its own problems.

Evgeny Gusev, ITECH
In the current state, SQL / NoSQL are rather not competing, but rather complementary entities. Using SQL solutions in one application, when you need to work with complex data in their relationship, and NoSQL, when the speed of working with unstructured information comes to the fore, is a completely natural practice.

4. How would you rate the distribution of paid DBMS licenses among users? When does it make sense to buy a license?

Vitaly Chesnokov, QSOFT
There are two different options for dividing the DBMS into paid and free.

The first one is free versions of commercial DBMS (MS SQL, Oracle, etc. have it). In fact, this is a stripped-down version of the DBMS, which lacks some of the functionality. Here the main factor of choice is very simple - whether this functionality is needed for this project. Less often there is a free version, which does not differ from the commercial one in terms of functionality, but is updated less often (Couchbase Server).

The second is free DBMS, for which there are similar commercial products (MySQL from Oracle, Percona Server or MariaDB). In this case, the advantage of a commercial product usually lies in the availability of more serious technical support. In terms of functionality, paid and free DBMS differ little from each other, although both of them may have their own tools that are not available in other versions.

As a result, there are two main reasons to choose a paid DBMS: the presence of functionality that is not available in free counterparts, and the ability to contact the manufacturer's technical support for help.

Nikolai Apurin, Artwell
Why pay when there are free ones? However, there are many solutions that can only work with paid databases. Basically, these are foreign practices.

Nikolai Fetyukhin.MST
The question is ambiguous. Often, paid DBMS have free versions, and free ones have components that can be purchased for money. The difference is most often in the built-in analytics and database monitoring tools. Therefore, paid DBMS are more suitable for large projects with large distributed systems.

Petr Urvaev SimbirSoft
Paid DBMS licenses are preferable to free ones when the project relies on the capabilities of a specific database, and it is important for it that the features used work as advertised, and problems in their work are quickly eliminated. Now commercial and free databases are used equally often, and most new projects choose free databases, since the data handling capabilities and stability are approximately on the same level as paid and free DBMS.

In this article, we will consider the types of database management systems.Database – a shared set of logically related data (and a description of that data) designed to meet the information needs of an organization. The following types of databases are distinguished, for example, server and local, relational and non-relational, supporting transactions and without them, and so on.

Let's get acquainted with the most popular and relevant currently database management systems.

According to the method of accessing the database, the following types of database management systems are distinguished:file-server (this technology is now little used, it is based on access to the DBMS via the local network, as an advantage low server CPU load, this type of database includes Microsoft Access, Paradox, dBase, FoxPro, Visual FoxPro),client-server (access to the database is carried out directly, since the DBMS is hosted on the server along with the database, the disadvantage is the increased requirements for hardware, this type of database includes Oracle, Firebird, Interbase, IBM DB2, Informix, MS SQL Server, Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise, PostgreSQL, MySQL, Caché, LINTER),embedded (they are part of a software product, do not need to be installed independently, are not designed for a large number of users, are intended for local storage of information, this type of database includes OpenEdge, SQLite, BerkeleyDB, Firebird Embedded, Sav Zigzag, Microsoft SQL Server Compact, Linter).

Main and popular relational databases:SQLite, MySQL, PostgreSQL . However, consider the main differences between them and the functionality of each, depending on what development goals you are pursuing.

Let's start withSQLiteis a fast and powerful database management system that can be easily integrated into applications. It has a large set of tools for working with files, compared to other DBMS, since it is itself essentially a file. It uses the technology of serving libraries, as a result of which the system is very fast. The system has an open source code - Open Source.

SQLite data types: NULL, INTEGER, REAL, TEXT, BLOB. The advantages of SQLite include: the ability to quickly and easily transfer a database from machine to machine, because SQLite consists of a file; SQL standards are used, although some of their features are not taken into account; excellently shows its functions during development and testing. But like any other system SQLite has flaws: there is no user system, which is used by large DBMS; there is no function to increase productivity.

Why use SQLite? First of all, for embedded applications, if you need to easily transfer them and scalability is not important, for example, these can be games or mobile applications; to have direct disk access; for testing to slow down the application.

Everyone who has at least something to do with the web industry has probably heard about this system -MySQLvery popular and complete DBMS, which is distinguished by its wide functionality. The server DBMS works great with different types of sites and applications. However, working with the system is very easy, as it provides a lot of information and documentation for learning MySQL. In addition, many plug-ins and extensions have been developed that further facilitate the work with this system. All SQL functionality is not implemented in MySQL, but there are plenty of tools for developing web applications. Data types: TINYINT, SMALLINT, MEDIUMINT, INTEGER, BIGINT, FLOAT, DOUBLE, DECIMAL and others.

Advantageous features of MySQL: simplicity and ease of work with this DBMS; many useful features; ease of scaling; fast and safe operation.

Disadvantages of MySQL: slow development of the project, which often causes complaints from users; sometimes there are problems with reliability and there are some restrictions on the functionality that individual applications need.

What is MySQL for?? If SQLite functionality is not enough to implement your project, MySQL will be an excellent solution for you, as it has free access to the source code and many functions. It has a good data access protection system, which ensures security. MySQL is time-tested and well-suited for developing custom solutions.

The third, but no less popular in their circles -compared to the previous ones, a more professional DBMS, which distributed freely and according to the maximum criteria corresponds to SQL. The system supports a relational approach to the database. For example: Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability (ACID). Postgre has great performance, and it's easy to extend the system with so-called stored procedures. This DBMS is not as popular as MySQL, but it is very easy to install it using standard OS package managers. Data types in Postgre: bigint, bigserial, bit, bit varying, boolean, box, bytea, character varying, circle and others.

Pros of Using PostgreSQL: free open source software; a large community where you can get the necessary support on issues of interest; a huge number of add-ons; in addition to being relational, this DBMS is also object-oriented.

Disadvantages of PostgreSQL: can slow down the server compared to competing databases; not every hosting supports this DBMS, since it is not so popular. But in company Hyper Host™ this database is supported, so you can safely choose ours if you are using PostgreSQL.

What is PostgreSQL used for?

1) When your information must be complete and stored in a secure place.

2) If you are using complex user procedures.

3) If you plan to switch to paid DBMS, this transition can be done from this system without much effort, since Postgre integrates perfectly with other DBMS.

4) Postgre has a complex data structure, which gives more options for working with them.

We hope this information has become useful for you and you have already decided which DBMS is needed for your project. But if you still have questions, please contact us, we will be happy to help! We also want to remind you that the hosting company Hyper Host™ supports all of the above systems 😉

When working with the server, the instructions “” and “?” will become useful.

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