How to get a license for cryptography in fsb. FSB license for cryptography and encryption: obtaining algorithm. What is this license

Important provisions that licensees (applicants) need to know when obtaining an FSB license for cryptography

Need? You cannot do without knowledge in the field of information security. Without a diploma that confirms your knowledge, you cannot get the approval of the special services. This requirement is specified in the law. Therefore, there is no choice: to study or not to study. The only question is where to get this education. Familiarize yourself on this site with the possibilities of the Bryansk State Technical University.

License of the FSB of Russia: who needs it, why and how to get it

This license is issued by the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation. It is needed by all organizations, enterprises, institutions and other legal entities that:

  • Intend to provide information security services;
  • Work with state secrets;
  • Work with personal data and confidential information;
  • We intend to distribute tools and techniques for cryptography.

If you want to urgently obtain an FSB license, you need to immediately begin to fulfill all the necessary conditions. The term for considering the issue of issuing a license lasts from 1 to 3 months. Among them is the qualification of personnel.

A legal entity must be represented by at least 2 specialists with more than 3 years of experience. Another requirement is education. To urgently obtain an FSB license, you need to get an education in the specialty "information security" as soon as possible (over 500 hours). If you do not have such an education, you will have to take special courses.

What documents are required to obtain an FSB license

To obtain, you must apply for a license and provide a certain list of documents:

  • Copies of constituent documents;
  • A copy of the charter of the legal entity;
  • A copy of the lease agreement and other documents for the premises;
  • A copy of the document that confirms being registered with the tax authority;
  • Copies of all work books of all employees;
  • A document that confirms the fact of payment of the state fee for granting a license;
  • Copies of hiring orders for each employee.

In the absence of at least one document, it cannot be issued. In addition, you need a diploma in information security courses. You can get it at our university. It is enough to give classes 1-2 hours every day. All lectures, assignments and other educational materials are available around the clock. You decide when and where you study.

OOO CPBO Expert will assist legal entities and individual entrepreneurs in resolving the issue of obtaining / reissuing an FSB license for cryptography (development, production, maintenance, modernization, distribution of encryption tools).

We offer free consultations, assistance in fulfilling the requirements for a future licensee and forming a license package. We will represent the interests of the applicant in the licensing authority.

When you need an FSB license for encryption

A complete list of activities related to cryptography and subject to mandatory licensing is given in the Appendix to Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation N 313 of 04/16/2012.

Attention! Companies and individual entrepreneurs that plan to develop/upgrade/repair cryptographic (encryption) tools or tools for producing key documents must first obtain a state secret license from the FSB of the Russian Federation.

For whom is licensing still relevant?

  • It is necessary to issue an FSB license for means of cryptographic protection of information for organizations that perform work with CIPF blocks of tachographs (it implies the development, manufacture, installation, activation, maintenance, repair).

How much does the FSB license for cryptography cost?

The price of the service is determined taking into account:

  • your region;
  • the declared direction of activity;
  • the need for additional assistance in meeting the requirements for a future licensee.

Payment Options

  • Prolongation (installment payment).
  • Payment by parts - the first payment from 50%.

FSB license for cryptography (encryption) - licensing authorities, cost, state duty

Services and cost
Licensing Authority

Center for Licensing, Certification and Protection of State Secrets (TsPBOZ FSB RF); in the regions - territorial divisions of the Federal Security Service of Russia

Validity PERMANENTLY(in cases where access to state secrets is required - limited to 5 years)
The price of the license issuance service from 150 000 rub.
Certification of workstations (automated workstations) from 65 000 rub.
Selection and provision of two specialists who meet licensing requirements 80 000 rub.
Charged state duty 7 500 rub.

The prices presented on the site are for informational purposes only and are not a public offer, as defined by paragraph 2 of Article 437 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. The cost may change after the agreement of all the details of the contract.

Get advice and commercial offer

List of documents for obtaining an FSB cryptographic license (minimum package)

  • Copies of Certificates of state registration and tax registration of a legal entity/individual entrepreneur*.
  • A copy of the Charter of the LLC *.
  • Copy of the lease agreement.
  • Payment order (on payment of state duty).
  • Copies of orders, diplomas, certificates, work books, employment contracts - if available.

*Certified by a notary

Licensing authorities conduct a thorough check of the future licensee. OOO CPBO Expert strongly recommends that you provide only reliable information, otherwise you will be denied a license!

Sample FSB license to work with cryptographic information protection tools

OOO CPBO Expert interacts directly with licensing authorities, without resorting to intermediaries, and does not offer you to buy a ready-made FSB license for encryption of dubious authenticity. After passing the licensing, you receive an absolutely legal permit.

Experts OOO CPBO Expert will provide a range of services for obtaining an FSB license for turnkey cryptography

  • Advise on all licensing issues.
  • They will conduct a free analysis of the compliance of the submitted documentation with legal requirements and licensing standards.
  • They will help to eliminate the identified shortcomings and prepare the missing internal regulatory and administrative documents.
  • They will take over the organization of the certification of the workstation - carried out by the certification center OOO CPBO Expert.
  • The necessary package of documents will be formed and transferred to the licensing authority for inventory.
  • They will provide support at the stage of verification by the licensing commission.
  • They will receive and hand over the license form to you on the day it is issued.

Why is it profitable for you to obtain an FSB license for encryption with the support of OOO CPBO Expert

  • For those who are just starting out, we provide a quick start for business - we help to register a company / individual entrepreneur, select premises in accordance with the direction of work, rent equipment.
  • You eliminate the difficulties in meeting the requirements for staffing - we will select the missing personnel, organize retraining / advanced training of your engineering and technical workers in the direction of "Information Security" if they have sufficient experience in the field of the declared work.
  • There is no need to look for a third-party organization for and delay licensing terms.
  • If there is no time for licensing (an urgent permit is needed to perform work in the field of information encryption), we will offer to buy a company without debts and commercial problems with a ready-made FSB license for cryptography.
  • As a licensee, you do not have to worry about the suspension or cancellation of the permit received. OOO CPBO Expert always ready to provide expert support in preparation for a scheduled inspection.

All related services are provided at a discount!

Cryptography and what it is. License granting authority: FSB (Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation). This license is valid indefinitely. The individual calculation, time of issue and cost of the license will depend on the specifics of the enterprise.

Services for obtaining an FSB license for cryptography

To obtain a license for encryption (cryptography), our company provides such a list of services as:

  • preparation of a complete package of necessary documentation;
  • preparation of the organization to carry out the activity of the corresponding license;
  • submission and support, during the licensing process, of all documentation.

List of performed works

Works carried out as part of the services for obtaining a license for cryptography:

  1. Delivery of certified information security materials that are needed during certification.
  2. Certification of working, automated means.
  3. Registration and submission to the FSB, a request for a license.
  4. To work with cryptographic information protection materials, we develop documents of an organizational and administrative nature.
  5. We check the Customer's premises for compliance with the rules that will ensure confidentiality.
  6. To grant a license, we make a justification of the need.

You can get detailed information about the cost of the services provided, the terms and procedure for obtaining a license by calling the phone number indicated in the contacts.

Information on granting a license to the FSB for cryptography

Requirements for a license applicant:

  1. To conduct a licensed activity, premises, buildings, testing, technological and instrumentation equipment and other facilities must be legally available.
  2. It is necessary to fulfill the conditions ensuring security in the information field, which comply with the requirements of Art. 11_2 and 13 "On the FSB"
  3. Creation of conditions that promote the observance of information confidentiality.
  4. There must be access to the provision of such services and work, where information related to state secrets and classified information is used.
  5. The staff must have specialists with the appropriate qualifications.
  6. Devices and equipment must have a legal basis and must be calibrated and tested in accordance with Art. F3 "On ensuring the uniformity of measurements."
  7. Cryptographic (encryption) tools and technical documentation attached to them, as well as their samples, must be submitted in the form of a list to the licensing authority.
  8. Computer programs and databases that are intended for licensed activities must be in use.

Documents required to obtain a license for cryptography (encryption)

To obtain a license for encryption (cryptography), you must have the following list of documents:

  1. Application for a license.
  2. All copies of constituent documents, which must be certified by a notary.
  3. Copies of documents that confirm the ownership of buildings, premises and other objects located in the place where the licensed activity will be carried out, the rights of which are not registered in the Unified State Register (for real estate and other transactions with them).
  4. Copies of internal regulations confirming the existing conditions that are necessary to maintain information confidentiality and necessary for the provision of services and performance of work.
  5. Photocopies of documents, on the basis of which the information is confirmed, the presence of employees with the appropriate education and qualifications in the staff.
  6. Copies of documents confirming education and retraining: certificates, certificates, diplomas, advanced training in the direction of information security, which corresponds to the All-Russian classification of employee specialties.
  7. Employment books (copies), employees.
  8. Job descriptions (copies) of employees.
  9. Copies of documentation confirming the availability of equipment and instruments that have been calibrated and tested.
  10. Confirmation of documents for the right of ownership or other evidence that gives a legal basis for the use and possession of property (buildings, premises and other structures) located in places where licensed activities are carried out.
  11. Evidence of documents that confirm the existing conditions for the preservation of confidential information.
  12. Information about the documentation that confirms that the permit for the performance of work and the provision of services that are associated with the use of information with increased secrecy is of national importance.

FSB license for tachographs

Licensing (according to Regulation 1k of Government Decree No. 313 of April 16, 2012) is subject to:

  1. Development of cryptographic (encryption) means - an organization that develops cards and blocks of the tachograph SZKI, which are cryptographic means, must have a license issued by the FSB for cryptography.
  2. An organization engaged in the reproduction and production of cryptographic (encryption) means, producing blocks of SCCI and tachograph cards, can operate with a license for cryptography from the FSB.
  3. Carrying out mounting, installation, adjustment of cryptographic means, provided by car repair shops that install tachographs on vehicles. Activation of tachograph units, their repair and calibration are possible with the FSB license for encryption.
  4. Organizations that transfer cryptographic means: tachograph cards or activation modules to enterprises, workshops or a driver must also work with a license for cryptography from the FSB.

Organizations engaged in commercial activities related to the development, implementation, installation, distribution and other activities related to cryptography and encryption must have a license from the FSB.

To obtain a license available exclusively legal entities, the applicant must meet the requirements for the availability of trained specialists in the state, the relevant provisions of the statutory documents, the availability of specially equipped premises and other necessary characteristics provided for by the legislation and regulations of the Russian Federation.

What is an FSB license for cryptography and encryption, why and who needs it

Dedicated to the issues of cryptography and encryption - a document of a permissive nature that has the characteristics established by law and regulations of the Russian Federation, the provision of which is carried out by the relevant public service.

The license regulates access to the following categories of commercial activities related to encryption and cryptography tools:

  • development;
  • production;
  • service;
  • distribution of information and telecommunication systems, means of encryption (cryptographic).

Important! The main regulatory document regulating the issues of encryption and access to such activities for legal entities is government Decree number 313 dated 04/16/2012. The resolution is connected with the main legislative acts in this area, including the law on state. secret.

Reference! Licensing of the FSB in the matter of cryptography is necessary if the organization carries out activities related to cryptographic information protection - means of cryptographic protection of information.

  • encryption devices that implement encryption algorithms with limited access using software, hardware or firmware;
  • imitating technologies;
  • electronic signatures;
  • coding devices of manual or computer type;
  • devices designed to generate key documents;
  • key documents - paper and electronic;
  • Software for encryption and data processing;
  • equipment designed to perform encryption operations with the specified characteristics.

Reference! The FSB license for encryption is not required for work related to the maintenance of cryptographic and encryption systems, if such activities are carried out purely for the own needs of the organization or individual entrepreneur.

What documents need to be prepared to obtain a license

Before applying for an appropriate license, the company must prepare a package of documentation for the following items:

Attention! The absence or incorrect execution of any type of required information may be grounds for refusal to grant a license.

Register of licenses for cryptography and encryption

The register of licenses of the FSB on encryption and cryptography contains a set of information on companies with permission, types of software, equipment, hardware, services and activities, according to license lists.

Extracts from the register can be requested on various issues and companies included, as well as activities that are burdened with the need to obtain a permit.

Receiving algorithm

To obtain permission to work with CIPF, it is necessary to fulfill certain requirements: to ensure compliance with the statutory documentation, the availability of qualified employees, premises equipped for use in order to work with CIPF and other services provided by law and regulations.

The algorithm is the following:

Important! During the first three years after obtaining a permit, the FSB can only carry out ad hoc unscheduled inspections.

Three years later, the first serious certification takes place, during which employees, premises, documents, software and equipment, and all other positions are checked, almost as thoroughly as when issuing a permit.

In case of discrepancies, state. the service may revoke the issued license or apply penalties, put forward additional performance requirements.

An FSB license dedicated to cryptography and encryption is required for commercial activities that include cryptographic protection tools. To obtain admission, an organization must comply with a wide range of requirements provided for in Government Decree No. 313, as well as other regulatory and legislative requirements dedicated to state. secrecy and encryption. The issued license may be revoked in case of subsequent non-compliance with the requirements.