Installing or updating, fixing bugs. Installing or updating, fixing errors Where to download microsoft net framework 4.0

Download Net Framework - Microsoft Net Framework

.net framework (No Framework) is a software platform released by Microsoft in 2002 and since then has incorporated many changes and improvements. The basis of the platform is the Common Language Runtime (CLR), which is suitable for various programming languages.

It is generally accepted that the .NET platform was a response from Microsoft to the then-popular software platform from Sun Microsystems (now owned by Oracle).

The .NET software platform is a proprietary technology of Microsoft Corporation and is officially designed to work only with Microsoft Windows operating systems, but there are independent projects, primarily Mono and Portable.NET that allow you to run applications. No framework on some other operating systems. It should be noted that the functionality of the Common Language Runtime is available in any programming languages ​​that use this environment.

On our site, you can download the Microsoft No Framework software platform in the form of offline installers (offline installer) of various versions intended for use in various versions of Microsoft Windows.

Please note that .Net Framework 4.5 replaces .NET Framework 4.0 during installation and not compatible with Windows XP and earlier releases of the Microsoft Windows operating system. Version 4.5.2 installation requires Windows Vista SP2 or later.

Other Microsoft developments are also presented on our website, for example, a software environment, a platform for playing multimedia often used in browsers, an official, free trial version of the operating system or the latest versions of the Internet browser and an application for text messaging, making voice and video calls.

Download Net Framework for Windows 7 / 8 / 10

If you have a different version of the Microsoft Windows operating system installed, then download the appropriate version of the Microsoft No Framework presented on our website.

For Windows XP SP3 (Service Pack 3), you need to download Net Framework 4.0 as newer versions of Microsoft .Net are not supported by this operating system

For Windows XP without Service Pack 3 - You can download Net Framework 3.5 SP1. The package also includes the full versions 2.0 SP2 and 3.0 SP2.

The Microsoft .NET Framework is a software framework that supports the creation and execution of other desktop and web applications on Windows OS 98 build and later.

The main focus of this platform is the compatibility of various applications written in different programming languages.

Downloading and updating the Microsoft .NET Framework is recommended for those Windows users who experience errors during the installation of any programs or games.

Platform Features:

  • allows you to achieve compatibility of services written in different languages ​​and in different environments;
  • independently take care of basic security, memory management and the list of exceptions in the process of working with programs;
  • determines and loads only those components that are applicable and necessary for a particular system;
  • does not require any settings from the computer user.

The purpose of creating the Microsoft .NET Framework was to give developers of various software the maximum freedom of action for their creativity.

Microsoft .NET Framework allows most programs to run on modern Windows operating systems. Therefore, its installation will be necessary for all users. Microsoft, starting with the Windows 7 operating system, included this tool in the distribution kit and installs it automatically during installation.

Download NET Framework 3..

Do not care about the language in which a particular utility is executed, its architecture, system bitness or assembly - it was decided to entrust the mission of compatibility of applications of various types to this software environment.

The principle of performing the task in stages:

  1. Starting a service or process.
  2. Converting the language used by the compiler into a single bytecode.
  3. Execution or translation of code for a specific target process or service.

You need to understand that the latest latest version of the Microsoft .NET Framework does not replace the previous one in all cases. It is also important that new builds of operating systems of the Windows family do not support older versions of this tool.

Microsoft NET Framework update to the latest version is recommended for all users of Windows 7, 8 and 10 operating systems of any bitness.

So, if 4.0 is installed, but there is no 3.5, and the program needs exactly the previous one, then it will not start working without the right one. At the same time, 2.0 and 3.0 are already included in 3.5, so sometimes it's better to install it. And XP from Microsoft only supports the software platform up to 4.0. Therefore, when installing, for example, a game that requires a new version of the Microsoft .NET Framework, you will have to reinstall the entire OS or look for another alternative to the game.

It is worth noting that Microsoft does not recommend that users install multilingual versions of this software environment on their PCs. In such cases, conflicts and incorrect operation of utilities are possible. If necessary, it is better to remove the already installed one and install a new one.

Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0- a software platform that helps applications written in .NET technology run correctly. Thanks to it, programmers can create programs to work on both the x32 and x64 architectures.

Most often, “dot no framework” comes bundled with Windows operating systems. For example, Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0 is immediately installed with Windows 8. If the computer does not have the .NET Framework, then a program that needs this platform will display an appropriate error warning and will not be able to start its work.

.NET Framework consists of 2 components(CLR and FCL). Its first component is CLR - Common Language Runtime. It is a runtime environment that helps programs and server applications function properly. The second important component of the framework is FCL (Framework Class Library). It is a library consisting of many classes designed to work with program components: databases, streams, and files. The library helps programmers use existing functionality, rather than doing low-level programming.

To install the .NET Framework, just download and run the dotNetFx40_Full_x86_x64.exe file and follow the simple instructions. Version 4.0.30319 includes the functionality of all the previous ones, and the components used in previous versions of the platform will work correctly in it as well.

Supported systems (x32/x64):

  • Windows 10;
  • Windows 8;
  • Windows 7 and older;

Official site:

Microsoft development framework

NET is a platform for developing and managing applications. It comes with a variety of coding tools, and libraries that allow you to create complex commands. There are many different implementations of .NET, including Windows, Linux, and iOS. They all originate from .NET framework, which supports services like website maintenance and desktop apps.

software development

For Windows users, .NET framework is a package that comes installed in your device This version, 4.8, comes with Windows 7 SP1. The updates come on a scheduled basis, and it usually installs upon Windows update. As a developer, you always need to have the latest version of .NET. Once upgraded to a later version, previous patches of .NET framework will not install. In order to run applications created by this platform, you would need to use .NET. The versions needed to run certain programs normally are not reliant on a specific patch, but the updates might interfere with the mechanics of your applications.

NET framework has a lot to offer. Some of the addons will help you much more on specific tasks. Check out the developer pack once you've downloaded the latest version - it allows access from Visual Studio. You may need to use installation scripts to get the exact packages you need. Keep in mind that the latest patch will always override the current one. If your applications need certain aspects of the previous .NET composition, be sure to do selective updates.

On top of increased flexibility and impactful debugging components, the latest version of .NET offers a few new features as well. You'll be looking at Base Classes, Windows Communication Foundation (WCF), Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF), and Common Language runtime.

Improved accessibility

In the new, stable version 4.8, .NET framework addresses critical issues that were common in the previous patches. One of them is the Cryptographic Exception being thrown in production systems. This is due to not many developers running their machines in FIPS (Federal Information Processing Standards) mode. Before, cryptographic providers who have not undergone FIPS configurations would get thrown off. That's no longer the case in the updated .NET.

The patches come with improvements on the Zlib external compression library under the Base Class Library (BCL). When you're using X509Certificate2, the occurrence of object finalizations have been reduced. This applies to all related types of codes.

New commands such as ServiceHealthBehavior are being introduced through the WCF. Health endpoints are used to monitor the health status of certain services. The new WCF behavior allows users to receive service health status in HTTP codes. It can also publish useful information about a service, including current state, throttle counts, and capacity. You would need to learn the code lines for the new commands to execute the behavior.

Other enhancements include accessibility in Windows Forms. Changes have been made so that application data is communicated better for the visually impaired. These are not core adjustments to the systems, so they don't affect regular users.

Bug fixes touched up on ASP.Net multivalue HTTP headers handling and memory leaks affecting HttpWebRequest and WPF. Hashing algorithms for tasks such as XOML file checksums generator and internal memory calculations have also been modified. This change has been set to default, so if you wish to use the old algorithms, you'd need to revert it manually.

High DPI enhancements

Some features come with Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF), such as high DPI (Dots Per Inch) enhancement. This is useful if you want to update an application to handle display changes at a higher scale. It will allow the app to maintain a crisp display on any platform. Applications that use older programming software such as Windows Forms or Win32 cannot adapt to DPI scaling without extra coding. This results in blurry and low quality render. The DPI enhancements eliminate such problems.

Another feature included in WPF is added support for hosted HWND(Handle to a Window) and Windows Form inter-operation in high DPI apps. These have to be run on platforms that support Mix Mode DPI scaling. If you have Windows 10, the updates for this should have already been installed. Apps that run in these platforms and their components are now scaled and sized appropriately

You'll also notice minor changes in display like the Window Forms labels. These labels will be automatically rendered in high contrast when HC mode is enabled. ComboBox controls theme issues have also been fixed while in high-contrast mode.

common language runtime

The runtime in .NET framework has been improved in many aspects. Though there were no critical problems with the previous versions, a lot of QoL changes have been delivered. Persistent bugs of the JIT compiler have been fixed. The new JIT (Just in Time) compiler in this .NET framework version is based on that of the .NET Core 2.1. Other components have also been optimized.

NGEN (Native Image Generator) memory management issues have also been improved. Data received from NGEN images are no longer prone to memory modifications. You will also notice additional power in scanning. This will now scan for all assemblies. In earlier versions, if you were using , the runtime will scan all files loaded by it. The exception is that if these assemblies were loaded from other sources, they would not get scanned. That could result in undetected spyware. This issue has been addressed in the latest version of .NET.


NET framework is one of the most versatile and popular platforms in today's development industry. Coding may not be for everyone, and .NET is definitely not beginner-friendly. But, the platform comes with many solutions for it. You can start by using .NET standard or .NET Core, which is an open-source program. The problem with .NET framework is that the updates generally take a long time to optimize. Plus, if you're developing an application on one specific version, new releases may interfere with the current progress. It's also difficult to maintain or install an older version if .NET has already been updated.

Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0 is a special set of system libraries and components required for any application based on the .NET Framework architecture. The platform installed on a PC gives the user the opportunity to have at their disposal a huge number of system and third-party services that have a lot of useful functions.

Let's consider the main features provided by this component, analyze its advantages and disadvantages on the part of software developers and tell you where to download this set of libraries, in particular Framework 4.0.30319.


Among the features of the program we are considering, the following stands out most clearly:

  • Building a variety of business processes.
  • Full compatibility with all previous software versions.
  • Use of any known programming language.
  • Support for a large number of applications running on the Windows operating system, etc.

The capabilities of this model are mainly of interest directly to software developers - the average user will not use them.

Advantages and disadvantages

Microsoft .NET Framework would not be so popular if it did not have an extensive list of advantages over other programming models.

Among all the advantages of this environment, the key and defining for developers are the following:

  • Maximum simplicity and intuitiveness of the development and installation interface.
  • A free distribution base that allows you to install all available components on any computer free of charge.
  • The ability to create any services under Windows and write various Internet applications.
  • Support for various programming languages.
  • Compatible with many types of operating systems.

The main disadvantages of the platform traditionally include several of the following:

  • Lack of support for the latest versions of libraries by obsolete OS releases.
  • High level of system resource requirements that cannot be limited.
  • The inability to run applications built on the .NET Framework without the presence of installed libraries in the system - this is the reason why users sooner or later ask how to download and install this component.

Summarizing, you can download that Framework 4.0 is an excellent platform, the installation of components of which allows you to expand the capabilities of the system and provides user access to a huge number of functions. Its stability is constantly increasing, which only increases its popularity.

How to use

An ordinary user will not use this platform to develop individual applications - installing these libraries on a PC is only necessary to ensure full functionality.

To install the Framework on a computer, we carry out the following sequence of actions:

  1. Download the installer for the licensed version of the program using the button located at the end of this article.
  2. We open the file with the permission ".exe" and wait for the installation software to be activated.
  3. We accept the terms of the license agreement (if necessary, you can save or print), get acquainted with the data on the time required for installation and the amount of space that the libraries will occupy.
  4. We are waiting for the completion of the download and installation progress.
  5. At the end of the process, click on "Finish".

As you can see, there is nothing complicated in the installation - the platform is installed in the same way as any other program. You do not need to activate the components after installation - they will start working automatically.


This video walks you through the process of downloading and installing the Framework on a PC. By repeating all the suggested steps, you can quickly install the required components.


You can download Framework 4.0.30319 absolutely free by clicking on the button below.