Russian cad systems with dwg support. CAD systems: what is it, decoding of abbreviations and program features. Types of CAD software by the nature of the basic configuration

Windows, Linux official site CAD - systems (CAD) 1

gCAD3D is a free CAD program. Supports working with file formats: Step, Iges, VRML, DXF, SVG. With the help of the program you can view the designed objects in 3D. The program supports plugins that extend its functionality.

QCAD Community Edition

official website April 10, 2017 GNU General Public License - license for personal and commercial use CAD - systems (CAD) 10

QCAD Community Edition is a free program whose main purpose is to create complex 2D architectural plans and engineering drawings. This utility has a parts collection that includes over 4,700 CAD parts. The disadvantage of the development is the lack of support for DWG files, it works exclusively with the DXF format. The application allows you to use in the course of drawing such elements as: arcs, ellipses, circles, points, straight lines, broken lines and others. QCAD provides the user with all the necessary functionality for changing and building plans. Also included are 35 CAD fonts. To control the drawing process, a command line is provided, located under the main window. The program is able to print to scale, which favorably distinguishes it from free counterparts. The utility boasts an intuitive interface and low system requirements.


Windows official website 04 February 2016 Freeware - license for personal and commercial use CAD - systems (CAD) 2

A9Tech is a free alternative to AutoCAD. Supports A9Tech file formats. Using standard elements, the program allows you to create drawings. To simplify the work, the application supports several layers.

nanoCAD free

Windows official website 06 February 2016 Free home software - license for personal use only (non-commercial purposes) CAD - systems (CAD) 15

nanoCAD free is a free version of basic level autocad. Fully supports DWG file format. It has vertical applications designed for specialized areas. Registration is required to get the free version.


Windows, Linux, Mac OS X official website February 04, 2016 GNU Lesser General Public License - license for personal and commercial use more...

The table presented in this material is an ordered list of manufacturers of ready-made software solutions in the field of design, development and industrial design systems.


Along with the use of automation systems for engineering calculations and CAE analysis, at present, as a rule, CAD (Computer-Aided Design) systems are used. Information from CAD systems goes to CAM (Computer-aided manufacturing). It should be noted that the English term "CAD" in relation to industrial systems has a narrower interpretation than the Russian term "CAD", since the concept of "CAD" includes both CAD, and CAM, and CAE. Among all information technologies, design automation occupies a special place. First of all, design automation is a synthetic discipline, as it includes various modern information technologies. So, for example, the technical support of CAD is based on the operation of computer networks and telecommunication technologies, and CAD also practices the use of personal computers and workstations. Speaking about the mathematical software of CAD, it should be noted the variety of methods used: computational mathematics, mathematical programming, statistics, discrete mathematics, artificial intelligence. CAD software systems can be compared with one of the most complex modern software systems, which are based on such operating systems as Windows, Unix, and such programming languages ​​as C ++ and Java, as well as modern CASE technologies. Almost every development engineer should have knowledge of the basics of design automation and be able to work with CAD tools. Since all design departments, offices and design bureaus are equipped with computers, the work of a designer with such a tool as an ordinary drawing board or calculations using a slide rule has become irrelevant. Consequently, enterprises operating without CAD or using it to a small extent become uncompetitive, since they spend much more time and money on design.

CAD types

  • Mathematical software CAD (MO) - this type involves the combination of mathematical methods, models and algorithms in order to perform design)
  • Linguistic software CAD (LO) - this software is an expression of the languages ​​of communication between designers and computers, data exchange languages ​​and programming languages ​​between CAD hardware;
  • CAD hardware (TO) - this includes peripheral devices, computers, communication lines, data processing and output, etc.;
  • CAD information support (IO) - consists of databases (DB), database management systems (DBMS) and other data that are used in the design;
  • CAD software (software) is, first of all, computer programs CAD;
  • Methodological support (MetO) - includes various kinds of design methods;
  • Organizational support (OS) - is represented by staffing tables, job descriptions and other documents that determine the work of the project enterprise.

CAD structure

Being one of the complex systems, CAD consists of two subsystems: design and maintenance. Design procedures are performed by design subsystems. Subsystems of geometric three-dimensional modeling of mechanical objects are a striking example of design subsystems. With the help of service subsystems, the functioning of the design subsystems is carried out, their unity, as a rule, is called the system environment or the CAD shell. Typical service subsystems are the design process management subsystems (DesPM - Design Process Management), design data management (PDM - Product Data Management). Dialogue subsystem (DP); DBMS; instrumental subsystem; monitor - providing interaction of all subsystems and managing their implementation - these are serving software subsystems. The dialog subsystem of the software enables interactive interaction between the CAD user and the control and design subsystems of the software, as well as the preparation and correction of initial data, familiarization with the results of design subsystems operating in batch mode.

The structure of CAD software is determined by the following factors:

  • aspects and level of descriptions created with the help of software, designed objects and subject area;
  • the degree of automation of specific project operations and procedures;
  • resources provided for software development;
  • architecture and composition of technical means, mode of operation.

CAD classification

CAD is classified according to the following principles: purpose, application, scale and nature of the basic subsystem. According to the intended purpose, CAD or CAD subsystems are distinguished, which provide various aspects of design. Thus, CAE /CAD /CAM systems appear as part of MCAD:

  • CAD-F or CAE (Computer Aided Engineering) systems. This refers to CAD functional design
  • CAD-K - design CAD systems for general engineering, most often they are simply called CAD systems;
  • CAD-T - technological CAD systems for general mechanical engineering - ASTPP (automated systems for technological preparation of production) or CAM systems (Computer Aided Manufacturing).

By applications, the most important and widely used are such CAD groups as:

  • Mechanical CAD or MCAD (Mechanical CAD) systems are CAD systems for use in general engineering industries.
  • ECAD (Electronic CAD) or EDA (Electronic Design Automation) systems - CAD for radio electronics.
  • CAD in the field of architecture and construction.

In addition, there are a large number of more specialized CAD systems, either allocated in certain groups, or being an independent branch in the classification. These are such systems as: BIS-CAD (large integrated circuits); CAD for aircraft and CAD for electrical machines. By scale, independent software and methodological complexes (PMC) of CAD are determined:

  • Complex for strength analysis of mechanical products in accordance with the finite element method (FEM)
  • Complex for analysis of electronic circuits;
  • PMC systems;
  • Systems with unique software (software) and technical (hardware) architectures.

Classification by the nature of the underlying subsystem

  • CAD, which are aimed at applications where the main design procedure is design, that is, the definition of spatial forms and the relative position of objects. This is a CAD based on computer graphics and mathematical modeling. This group of systems includes most of the graphic CAD cores in the field of mechanical engineering.
  • Application-oriented CAD systems in which a large amount of data is processed with fairly simple mathematical calculations. It is CAD based on DBMS. CAD data is mainly found in technical and economic applications, for example, in the process of designing business plans, objects like control panels in automation systems.
  • Complex (integrated) CAD, which include a set of previous types of subsystems. Typical examples of complex CAD systems can be CAE / CAD / CAM systems in mechanical engineering or CAD BIS. Thus, the DBMS and subsystems for designing components, schematic, logical and functional circuits, topology of crystals, tests for testing the suitability of products is an integral part of CAD LSI. In order to manage such complex systems, specialized system environments are used.
  • CAD based on a specific application package. In fact, these are freely used software and methodological complexes, such as a complex for simulating production processes, a complex for the synthesis and analysis of automatic control systems, a complex for calculating strength using the finite element method, etc. As a rule, CAD data refers to CAE systems. For example, logical design programs based on the VHDL language, mathematical packages such as MathCAD.

Development of CAD

One of the key topics in the development of CAD is "cloud" computing: remote work with data hosted on remote servers from various devices with Internet access. To date, clouds have made very significant progress in the segment of light applications and services - mainly in the consumer sector. There are two options for integration. In the first case, the entire infrastructure of engineering services is transferred to the cloud, and, accordingly, the need for engineering software installed at the workplace disappears altogether. In the second case, the designer still has a graphical workstation with CAD installed, but at the same time he gets access to various cloud services, thanks to which it is possible to solve tasks that require very significant resources (for example, to carry out a strength analysis). Cloud interaction is possible in two ways: publicly, when access to the server located at the provider is open via the Internet, and privately, when the server is located at the enterprise and it is accessed via a closed local network. In Russia, the development of clouds in the field of CAD is constrained by the need to maintain excessive secrecy in so many projects. Therefore, it is most likely that private clouds will become the main driver of the market in the near future. Clouds are not only new technologies, but also an opportunity to experiment with new business models.

The next important trend is alternative operating systems. Five years ago, when there was talk about an alternative to Microsoft Windows, it was usually about Linux. This topic is still relevant today: the domestic national software platform, most likely, will be made based on the Linux kernel; there is a growing interest in this OS in the field of education and in government agencies (there are examples of a successful transition). However, now we can already talk about the significant potential of the Google Chrome OS operating system. And here the mentioned trend merges with the cloud trend - Google OS, as you know, does not imply installing applications on a local computer.

An important role in the promotion of this OS is played by the trend towards a decrease in the market share of PCs. Obviously, if most of the cumbersome and complex calculations are transferred to the clouds, the requirements for hardware and it becomes possible to work on any device. For example, on tablets. As a result, developers of CAD solutions will either have to develop platform-independent solutions (cloud version) or make them multi-platform.

The next topic is `hardware`. Here, again, everything is determined by the market's dissatisfaction with the monopolist's decision - the classic Intel architecture (the pace of its development). In this regard, there is a clear trend towards the development of the ARM architecture. It is now supported by several manufacturers, among which one of the most active is Nvidia (Nvidia). So far, this architecture is actively used only in mobile devices, but in the near future, apparently, it will also be transferred to stationary PCs. Indirectly, this is evidenced by the fact that the future Microsoft Windows 8 OS will be able to work on the ARM architecture too (for the first time not only on Intel).

The second trend is the transfer of a significant part of the calculations from the central processor to the graphics core. This topic is more related to the field of parallel computing.

Another trend is the growth of the mobile device market. It received the greatest acceleration last year with the advent of the iPad. At first, however, it seemed that this device was purely consumer and it would not be applicable in the corporate sector. However, it turned out that it is quite suitable for solving many problems.

In the CAD sector today, many employees are mobile - working on the road, at remote construction sites, moving around the country, working at home. (All this requires a handy mobile device.)

One way or another, abroad that every employee of the engineering service will soon have a tablet, today they speak as a fait accompli. Apple IOS mobile platforms attractive for developers have already appeared and android google, as well as a significant number of CAD applications for them.

Now it is very difficult to say whether the keyboard and mouse will leave our arsenal in ten years. But the fact is that interfaces focused on working with multi-touch screens (finger-based) are clearly gaining popularity. In mobile devices, they have almost become the standard. Today it is quite clear that this interface is more than suitable for information consumption. Whether it is just as good for its creation, for working with CAD, is still difficult to say. There is still not enough technological base for a mass transition to such interfaces. Now there are simply no large enough multi-touch panels on the market with the necessary resolution for CAD.

The CAD market is very conservative. Even replacing one such system with another within the framework of work on one project is a rather difficult task. What can we say about a serious paradigm shift, interfaces, CAD generations. Therefore, this market is clearly not one of the leaders in the technological race - there is development, but obviously not as fast as we would like. However, in the next decade, engineers who have grown up in the era of the Internet, new technologies and mobile devices will come to enterprises, and one way or another they will actively bring elements of their culture to the market.

CAD in construction

Digitalization of business has affected all its industries. In the last decade, solutions for the design, engineering and construction of industrial facilities have been booming. From Soviet drawing boards, designers came to 3D modeling. What digitalization means for this segment, how to help the team work in a single space and why it is not yet possible to completely get rid of paper media, Alexey Lebedev, CEO of AVEVA, helped to understand.

CAD system(computer-aided design computer-aided design support) is a computer-aided design system designed to perform design work using computer technology, and also allows you to create design and technological documentation for individual products, buildings and structures.

Usually an abbreviation CAD considered to be the standardized English equivalent of the term CAD. However, the concept of CAD is not a complete equivalent of CAD as an organizational and technical system: for example, in GOST 15971-90 this phrase is given as a standardized English equivalent of the term "computer-aided design". The term CAD in English can also be translated as CAD system, automated design system, CAE system.
A number of foreign sources establish a certain subordination of the concepts of CAD, CAE, CAM. The term CAE is defined as the most general concept, including any use of computer technology in engineering activities, including CAD and CAM. The term CAx (computer-aided technologies) is used to designate the entire spectrum of various automation technologies using a computer, including CAD tools.

The main purpose of creating CAD- increasing the efficiency of the work of engineers, due to the automation of work at the stages of design and pre-production. So, thanks to CAD, it is possible to achieve:

Reducing the complexity of design and planning;
- reduction of design time;
- reducing the cost of design and manufacture, reducing operating costs;
- improving the quality and technical and economic level of design results;
- reducing the cost of full-scale modeling and testing.

As input information, CAD uses the technical knowledge of specialists who enter design requirements, refine results, check the resulting design, change it, etc.
The computer-aided design system is implemented as a set of application programs that provide design, drawing, three-dimensional modeling of structures, flat or three-dimensional parts.
As a rule, modern CAD systems include modules for modeling a three-dimensional three-dimensional structure (parts) and designing drawings and text design documentation (specifications, sheets, etc.).

CAD classification according to GOST 23501.108-85:

Type / variety of design object
- complexity of the design object
- level of design automation
- complexity of design automation
- the nature of the issued documents
- number of issued documents
- number of levels in the technical support structure

Classification of CAD (or CAD subsystem) according to the intended purpose:

CAD (computer-aided design/drafting) - computer-aided design tools, in the context of this classification, the term means CAD tools designed to automate two-dimensional and / or three-dimensional geometric design, create design and / or technological documentation, and general-purpose CAD.
- CADD (eng. computer-aided design and drafting) - design and creation of drawings.
- CAGD (English computer-aided geometric design) - geometric modeling.
- CAE (English computer-aided engineering) - means of automation of engineering calculations, analysis and simulation of physical processes, carry out dynamic modeling, verification and optimization of products.
- CAA (computer-aided analysis) - a subclass of CAE tools used for computer analysis.
- CAM (English computer-aided manufacturing) - means of technological preparation for the production of products, provide automation of programming and control of equipment with CNC or GAPS (Flexible Automated Production Systems)). The Russian analogue of the term is ASTPP - an automated system for technological preparation of production.
- CAPP (eng. computer-aided process planning) - automation tools for planning technological processes used at the junction of CAD and CAM systems.
Many computer-aided design systems combine the solution of problems related to various aspects of CAD/CAM, CAD/CAE, CAD/CAE/CAM design. Such systems are called complex or integrated.

Generally accepted international classification of CAD/CAM/CAE systems:

Drawing-oriented systems, which first appeared in the 70s. (and have been successfully used in some cases so far).

Systems that allow you to create a three-dimensional electronic model of an object, which makes it possible to solve the problems of its modeling up to the moment of manufacture.

Systems that support the concept of a complete electronic description of the object (EPD Electronic Product Definition). EPD is a technology that enables the development and maintenance of an electronic information model throughout the entire life cycle of a product, including marketing, conceptual and detailed design, process preparation, production, operation, repair and disposal.

CAD abbreviation in modern technical, educational literature and state standards stands for "Computer-aided design system", although more closely corresponds to the abbreviation CAD decoding "System of automation of design work", but it is more heavy for perception and is used much less often. You can often hear the wrong interpretation - "Automatic design system", which is inherently erroneous, since the concept of "automatic" implies the independent operation of the system, without human intervention, and in CAD, part of the functions is performed by a person, and only certain design operations and procedures are automatic. Not quite correct interpretation "Software tool for design automation", because it is too "narrow": of course, at present, CAD is often understood only as application software for design activities. However, in domestic literature and state standards, CAD is defined as a more capacious concept, including not only software tools.

Currently the largest developers of CAD/CAM systems are the companies:

Parametric Technology Corporation (PMTC) - Pro/Engineer software, Windchill;
- Dassault Systemes (DASTY) - CATIA, SolidWorks, ENOVIA CATIA, DELMIA software;
- Autodesk (ADSK);
- Unigraphics Solutions (UGS) - software Unigraphics, Solid Edge, iMAN, Parasolid;
- Structural Dynamics Research Corporation (SDRC) - I-DEAS software.


CAD/CAM/CAE system. More than 310,000 professional users work with Pro/ENGINEER - it is extremely powerful, combining unsurpassed speed and accuracy. More than 42,000 enterprises around the world use PTC PLM products at all stages of the product life cycle.
The new version of Pro/ENGINEER offers advanced, highly productive geometry modeling and editing technologies, as well as the highest quality photorealistic imaging engine. Among them are the creation of three-dimensional layouts in the form of a "point cloud", dynamic deformation of a three-dimensional model, and many others.
Developer - Parametric Technology Corp. , USA.


CATIA is a key brand of Dassault Systèmes and a world leader in software products supporting design and innovation. Around the world, thousands of companies in various industries use the virtual design features provided by CATIA products to create truly successful products. CATIA solutions are addressed to all companies, from original equipment manufacturers to their suppliers and small and medium-sized businesses.

CAD/CAM/CAE system CATIA (Computer Aided Three-dimensional Interactive Application) is a fully integrated universal high-level CAD/CAM/CAE system that allows for the parallel conduct of the CATIA design and production cycle, being a universal computer-aided design, testing and manufacturing system, widely used in large machine-building enterprises around the world for computer-aided design, pre-production, reengineering. Functions supported by CATIA/CADAMSolutions: administration - planning, resource management, inspection and documentation of the project; the most advanced modeling; description of all mechanical connections between the components of the object and bringing them into a state of spatial positioning; automatic analysis of geometric and logical conflicts; analysis properties of complex assemblies; developed tools for tracing communication systems in compliance with specified restrictions; specialized applications for technological preparation of production.
Developer - Dassault Systèmes, (France).


Powerful machine-building CAD package for solid-state parametric modeling of complex parts and assemblies. Middle-class design system based on Parasolid parametric geometric kernel. Designed specifically for use on personal computers running Windows operating systems.
Developer - Dassault Systems.


The NX CAD/CAM/CAE system from Siemens PLM Software offers next-generation tools and technologies that help transform the product development process. Qualitatively new tools allow you to develop products in a single managed environment by integrating all processes. NX tools provide more modeling options, flexibility and performance. With the combination of parametric and treeless modeling, and active layout technology to make assembly easier, NX sets new standards for speed, performance, and ease of use.

Unigraphics Solutions, Inc. product line: Unigraphics Solutions, Parasolid, Solid Edge, Unigraphics, IMAN, ProductVision, GRIP.

Solid Edge

Solid Edge is the market leader in CAD systems for mechanical engineering, equipped with unique tools for creating and editing 3D digital layouts. Excellent core modeling features and built-in workflows, tailored to the specific needs of specific industries, and full integration with design management tools - all this allows you to develop accurate and error-free design solutions in Solid Edge. Solid Edge's part and assembly modeling tools enable engineers to easily create a wide variety of products, from single parts to assemblies with thousands of components. Industry-specific teams and structured workflows speed up the design of generic items, while assembly creation, analysis, and editing ensure every part fits and functions correctly. When designing in Solid Edge, your products assemble correctly the first time.
Developer - . Optional - CSoft.


Computer-aided design system for mid-level mechanical engineering. Provides two-dimensional design, three-dimensional surface and solid modeling, design of products from sheet materials, associativity of a two-dimensional drawing with a three-dimensional model, photorealistic representation of the project.
Developer - think3, Inc, USA.

A series of products for design and project data management: CAD 3D and 2D CAD, integrated product data management (PDM), and software interoperability. With a wide range of add-on design modules, CoCreate provides speed, flexibility to customers, short development cycles, and an easy design process. The main modules are CoCreate Modeling and CoCreate Drafting.
Developer - Parametric Technology Corp.


KeyCreator™ is a full-featured software that provides professional designers with state-of-the-art tools for complex design work. KeyCreator allows you to fully edit both native and imported geometries, supports the creation of complex surface models. Easy to use and create 2D drawings and 3D models.
Developer - Kubotek Corporation, USA.


The T-FLEX CAD/CAM/CAE/CAPP/PDM software package combines programs for three-dimensional design, modules for preparing control programs for CNC machines and engineering calculations. All systems of the T-FLEX CAD/CAM/CAE/CAPP/PDM complex operate on a single information platform of the T-FLEX DOCs PDM system. The Russian software package T-FLEX CAD/CAM/CAE/CAPP/PDM is a set of modern software tools for solving problems of automation of three-dimensional design, design and technological preparation of production of any complexity in various industries.
CAD T-FLEX CAD is a professional design program. T-FLEX CAD combines the powerful parametric capabilities of 2D and 3D modeling with tools for creating and formatting drawings and design documentation. technical innovations and good performance T-FLEX CAD combined with a user-friendly and intuitive interface make T-FLEX CAD a versatile and efficient tool for 2D and 3D product design. With a wide range of CAD design tools, T-FLEX CAD is the best choice for any design challenge. Designers around the world use T-FLEX CAD in a wide variety of industries: general mechanical engineering and instrumentation, aerospace, automotive and shipbuilding industries, as well as design and construction organizations. CAD T-FLEX CAD is used both in the design of products of the main production, and in the creation of the entire complex of necessary equipment - dies and molds, tools and fixtures.
Developer - Top Systems, Moscow.

bCAD Pro - software system a full design cycle: design, construction and preparation of production for everything that can be made from sheet and profile materials. It allows you to design both various products from these materials: furniture, commercial equipment, exhibition stands, pavilions, small architectural forms, and the premises in which these products are located, for which they are made: offices, clubs, bars, apartments, etc. ., as well as various elements of such premises: podiums, reception desks, bar counters and much more - are successfully designed in "bCAD Pro". It is possible to work simultaneously with several projects, combine models into a single project, arrange the created models around the premises of an office or apartment. "bCAD Pro" includes the capabilities of all other products in the line: "bCAD Furniture", "bCAD Showcase" and "bCAD Designer". Everything that is written about the capabilities of these products is in it. In it, you can perform all the same work and create libraries of materials, fasteners and components. The main differences are the ability to create products with profile parts and the export of project information in database formats.
Developer - ProPro Group, Novosibirsk.


One of the leading Russian products. A CAD system designed for a wide range of design and engineering work, easy to learn, easy to use and at the same time has a cost acceptable for the complex equipment of Russian enterprises, including medium and small ones. Allows for two-dimensional design and construction, rapid preparation and release of various drawing and design documentation, creation of technical text and graphic documents. Developer - , Russia.

DesignCAD Series

DesignCAD is a program that combines easy to understand and use 2D drafting with powerful and accurate 3D modeling to achieve amazing results depending on your imagination and creativity. Design has never been easier than with the program's easy-to-understand interface and extensive help library. The program allows you to quickly create the desired drawings. The program also has the ability to solid-state modeling and create animations and presentations. DesignCAD 3D Max is a versatile CAD tool for beginners and advanced users.
Developer - IMSI/Design, LLC. , USA.

TurboCAD Pro

TurboCAD Pro is a powerful all-in-one tool for professional CAD design. Combined 2D and 3D design is able to satisfy the most demanding users. The full power of the industry standard ACIS® v8 solid modeling engine co-exists with powerful surface modeling to give you the best possible experience. TurboCAD Prol supports twenty five of the most popular file formats including AutoCAD® DWG/DXF, MicroStation® DGN, 3DS, IGEN, STL and more. You also have the option to export your designs to HTML, JPG, MTX. TurboCAD Professional includes realistic rendering, full 3D modeling with shells and lofting.... work with AutoCAD files, web capability, tutorials. TurboCAD is fully customizable, has Microsoft's VBA built in, and is compatible with Microsoft Office. This program also includes the Software Development Kit and Visual Basic® Macro Recorder. TurboCAD Professional is the newest and most powerful 3D CAD application.
Developer - IMSI/Design, LLC. , USA


Computer-aided design system for mechanical engineering. Provides 2D design and 3D solid modeling.
Developer - Visionary Design Systems, Inc. , USA.


Cimatron is an integrated CAD / CAM - a system that provides a complete set of tools for product design, development of drawing and design documentation, engineering analysis, creation of control programs for CNC machines. Cimatron satisfies the needs and requirements of the widest range of users, works on various platforms, including personal computers. There are about 6000 companies in the world who use the system.
Developer - Israel. Additionally - on Bee Pitron.


Advanced CAD/CAM system. Two-dimensional design and drawing, three-dimensional modeling.
Developer - Tebis Technische Informationssysteme AG, Germany.

VISI Series

Vero Product Series, Advanced System: CAD/CAM/CAE Software - Molds, Tools, Wire EDM, Laser Cut. Provides two-dimensional design and drawing, three-dimensional surface and solid modeling, generation of programs for CNC machines, visualization of part processing.
Developer - Vero Software, USA. Watch online video.


Advanced CAD/CAM system. Main modules: VX Innovator, VX Designer, VX Mold&Die, VX 3D Machinist, VX End-to-End.
Developer - VX Corporation, USA.

The main product is CADMAX SolidMaster, a computer-aided design system that provides two-dimensional design, three-dimensional surface and solid modeling.
Developer - USA.

Calculations and analysis


Finite element package. ANSYS, Inc. has been one of the leaders in the CAE market for 35 years, developing and offering a wide range of software products for automated engineering analysis. Founded by Mr. John Swanson, the firm was originally called Swanson Analysis Systems and offered only the ANSYS universal finite element suite. Later, the program gave the name to the company itself. Today the company is the market leader in settlement systems both in terms of sales volume and the number of jobs used around the world of its software, and the breadth of the range and applicability of software products: ANSYS, AutoDYN, CFX, Fluent, ICEM, Maxwell ... this is just a short list.

The ANSYS product line is wide and provides all the needs of the calculator at all stages of its work, starting with the construction or modification of a geometric and grid model, then moving on to an effective solution of the problem, and ending with the processing, presentation and documentation of the results.

The main ones in the line of software products are the following, which are tools for solving problems:

ANSYS - strength, thermal physics, electromagnetism
AutoDYN - simulation of highly non-linear and fast processes
CFX - Fluid Dynamics
Fluent - Fluid Dynamics
Maxwell - electromagnetism
DesignModeler - creation and/or modification of geometric models
ICEM is a universal tool for building and modifying grid models
Gambit is a universal tool for building and modifying grid models for fluid dynamics problems



IMS Software

The ADEM system is intended for automation of design and technological offices, shops of the main and technological production. Having a modular structure, ADEM can be completed both for solving particular design problems and for end-to-end production preparation. The system includes modules:

ADEM Vault
These modules unite in a single design and technological space all known design and modeling methods, preparation of control programs for all types of CNC machine tool racks. They ensure the integrity of graphic, technological and calculation information, enterprise database management, generation of any reporting documents.
Developer - Omega ADEM Technologies Ltd. Additional information - Vasily Lovygin, Tomsk ADEM in Tomsk.

CAD/CAM system, which occupies a leading position in the world in terms of the number of sales and package installations among CAD/CAM systems. Provides wireframe and surface modeling of parts, visualization and documentation of simple and complex parts and assembly units, development of control programs for turning, milling, electrical discharge machining on CNC machines.
Developer - CNC Software, Inc. , USA.

Vero Software

A series of products for production: CAD/CAM - computer-aided design/computer-aided control of technological processes.
Developer - Vero Software Plc, UK. Additionally - Company PF "MOLD SERVICE" .


An integrated set of software products will allow: to automate all the processes of preparation and planning of production in a short time and with high efficiency; organize work at the enterprise in accordance with international standards; increase the speed, quality and productivity of labor.
Developer - CJSC "SPRUT-Technology", Naberezhnye Chelny, Russia.


The Delcam software family covers all stages of the production cycle. It combines functionality with the latest user interface technologies. As a result, a sharp reduction in the design and pre-production phase. Each Delcam product focuses on a specific aspect of the design, manufacture and control of complex products and is the ultimate solution for its application:

Delcam PowerSHAPE, Delcam PowerMILL, Delcam PowerINSPECT, Delcam CopyCAD, Delcam ArtCAM, Delcam Exchange, Delcam Toolmaker, Delcam Electrode, Delcam PS-Team, Delcam FeatureCAM, Delcam

PartMaker, Delcam Crispin, Delcam DentCAD, Delcam DentMILL.
Developer - Delcam PLC.


A package for generating control programs for CNC machines when processing parts containing complex surface or solid geometry. Provides 2.5 and 3-axis milling, turning, processing visualization.
Developer - Israel.

Concept design and visualization

Autodesk® AliasStudio™

Autodesk® AliasStudio™ is part of Autodesk's digital prototyping technology and is now known as the Autodesk Alias ​​product family, which includes Autodesk® Alias® Design, Autodesk® Alias® Surface, and Autodesk® Alias® Automotive.

A complete set of tools for the creative design process to help companies create superior design solutions that drive business success. A program for consumer product designers that allows you to manage the entire design process: from the search for ideas to the transfer of finished surfaces to designers. Develop and communicate concepts faster with sketches, 3D models, illustrations, photorealistic images, and animations.
Autodesk Inc.

Helps to develop innovative designs for consumer goods faster. Autodesk Alias ​​is part of Autodesk Digital Prototyping Technology. The program is used to develop the design of consumer products. It covers the entire design process, from sketching ideas to handing over finished surfaces to designers.
Autodesk Inc.

Autodesk® Alias® Surface

Autodesk® Alias® Surface provides a complete set of dynamic 3D modeling tools that transform conceptual models and scanned data into high quality surfaces for consumer product design as well as Class A surfaces for automotive design.
Autodesk Inc.

Autodesk® Alias® Automotive

Autodesk® Alias® Automotive is the industry-leading automotive design product of choice for top automotive design studios worldwide. The product provides a complete set of tools for visualization and analysis covering the entire process of modeling products of complex shape, from creating sketches to obtaining finished class A surfaces.
Autodesk Inc.

Form Z

System for 2D design and drafting, 3D surface solid modeling, visualization and animation for professional design, visualization and design.
Developer - Autodessys, Inc. , USA.

Applied CAD

Bentley Systems, Incorporated - product line

Bentley is a global leader in end-to-end software solutions for support and infrastructure throughout its life cycle, i.e. in the design, creation and operation of buildings, bridges, transport networks, enterprises of water, heat and power supply, water purification, etc.

MicroStation platform products and technology:

Analysis and design of buildings
Bridge design and construction
land management
Civil engineering
Plant design and construction
Conceptual design of industrial facilities
Design and analysis of electricity and gas supply networks
Structural design and analysis
Design and analysis of water supply and sewerage networks, etc.

Developer - .

The E3.series system has a modular construction principle. It consists of three main modules:

E3-schematic - module for design various types diagrams (technological, functional, pneumatic, electrical, single-line, etc.)
E3-cable is a module for designing cable-bundle diagrams, as well as external wiring diagrams. Includes the functionality of the E3-schematic module
E3-panel is a layout and routing module. Carries out the arrangement of equipment in the cabinet (shield, panel, etc.); tracing wires in accordance with the circuit diagram; layout of cables along cable channels on the site plan.

In addition to the main modules, there are additional ones:
Interfaces for exporting data on harnesses and cables to 3D design systems and 3D cable layout by objects - Autodesk Inventor Professional, SolidWorks, Unigraphics, Catia.
E3-PDF Output is a module for exporting a project to vector PDF format. This PDF file saves the structure of the project; it is possible to search for a product by any attribute; transition by cross-references of products and chains and other possibilities.
Developer - Zuken.


Advanced system for automation of design and manufacture of electronic circuits and printed circuit boards (PCB CAD). Developer - Zuken.


System for design and preparation of production in shipbuilding.
Developer: Defcar, S.L. , Spain.


Vutrax PCB CAD is a computer-aided design of electronic circuits and printed circuit boards (PCB CAD).


Planit CAD/CAM product series - computer-aided design for wood, stone and metal industry: Wood CAD/CAM Software, Stone CAD/CAM Software, Wood CAD/CAM Software.
Developer - Planit, USA.

CAD systems are used to perform a variety of design procedures using computer technology. Also, with the help of such software, a technological one is created for individual buildings, products or structures. Modern CAD systems are used in a wide variety of areas of activity of a modern person, and almost each has its own unique type of such utilities.

What it is?

Often the abbreviation CAD is considered to be the standard English equivalent of the term CAD, but in fact this is not entirely true. CAD systems cannot be considered as a full-fledged analogue of CAD as an organizational and technical system, since GOST gives this phrase as a standardized English equivalent of the term "computer-aided design". Thus, the term CAD is translated into English more like a CAE system, but a number of foreign sources indicate that the term CAE is a generalized concept that includes the use of any computer technology in engineering work, including also CAM and CAD.

Why is this needed?

CAD systems are mainly used to maximize the efficiency and productivity of engineers through full automation of design and further production preparation. Thus, due to their use, the following advantages are achieved:

  • design time is significantly reduced;
  • the amount of labor required for planning and design is reduced;
  • the overall cost of manufacturing and design is significantly reduced, which directly affects operating costs;
  • increasing the technical and economic level, as well as the quality of the results of the design work;
  • reduction of costs required for testing and full-scale simulation.

As input, modern CAD systems use various technical knowledge of experts who refine results, introduce various design requirements, check the resulting design, modify it, and many other things.

The implementation of the computer-aided design system is carried out as a set of applied utilities, with the help of which the design is provided, as well as further drawing and three-dimensional modeling of structures or volumetric and flat parts.

In the overwhelming majority of cases, CAD systems include modules for modeling three-dimensional structures, as well as drawing up drawings and various design text documentation.

They are classified mainly according to several parameters:

  • variety and type of the object in question;
  • level of automation of the design procedure;
  • the complexity of the created object;
  • the complexity of the automation process;
  • the number of documents used;
  • the nature of the documents used;
  • the total number of levels that will be present in the technical support structure.

Special purpose

Depending on what tasks of CAD systems are implemented, they are divided into several groups:

  • Automation of three-dimensional or two-dimensional geometric design, as well as the creation of various technological or design documentation.
  • Design and further creation of drawings.
  • Conducting geometric modeling.
  • Automation of various engineering calculations, dynamic modeling, as well as analysis and simulation of physical processes with subsequent verification and optimization of products.
  • A subclass of CAE tools used for computer analysis.
  • Tools designed for the technological preparation of the production process of various products, which allows for the automation of the programming procedure and further control of equipment with GAPS or CNC.
  • Tools designed to automate the planning processes of various technological processes, used at the junction of CAM and CAD systems.

Most computer-aided design systems can combine the solution of various tasks that relate to different aspects of design - this is a complex or integrated computer-aided design (CAD) system.

Commonly accepted international classification

Modern classification divides them into several categories:

  • drawing-oriented systems, which first appeared in the seventies of the last century, but can still be used in some situations;
  • systems that create three-dimensional electronic models of objects, due to which it becomes possible to solve various problems associated with modeling up to the production procedure;
  • systems that support the concept of a complete electronic description of the object.

The latter type is a technology that provides the development and subsequent support of information electronic model throughout its life cycle, including conceptual and detailed design, full marketing, production, technological preparation, operation, as well as disposal and repair.

In modern technical and educational literature, as well as various state standards, the abbreviation CAD is interpreted as "Computer-aided design system", but at the same time, the concept of "Design work automation system" most accurately corresponds here, but it is more difficult to perceive, therefore it is an order of magnitude less common. . It often happens that when designing in CAD systems, one may notice an incorrect interpretation of "CAD", although in fact this is inherently wrong. Do not forget that the concept of "automatic" provides for a completely independent operation of the system without the need for any human participation, while CAD still requires the performance of some tasks by the person himself, and full automation refers only to certain procedures and operations. .

Not entirely true is also such a thing as "Computer-aided design software", as it can be called too narrowly focused. Of course, at the moment, CAD is considered exclusively as an application software necessary for carrying out design activities, but in fact, in the domestic literature and various state standards, CAD is considered as a more voluminous concept, which includes not only software tools.

CAD in dentistry

The overwhelming majority of modern dental clinics use CAD. CAD-systems in dentistry are used for the production of high-quality dentures, for more than ten years they have been used for the manufacture of abutments for implants, crowns and all kinds of prostheses, all of which are of excellent quality and high accuracy. The essence of this technology lies in the fact that initially a three-dimensional modeling of the created structure is carried out on a computer, and only then, using the design model, they are manufactured on a milling block.

Thus, dentists receive a lot of benefits through the use of CAD technology in their work. CAD systems in dentistry are most often used as follows:

  • first, the doctor takes an impression, which is then sent to the laboratory;
  • after delivery, the cast is placed in a specialized scanner that creates a model of the future product;
  • the CAD system comes into play: the 3D model is converted into a specialized file that will serve as a data source for the milling unit;
  • using the resulting file, a frame is produced on a milling block from a special blank made of zirconium oxide;
  • in the end, the resulting frame is carefully covered with ceramic mass and baked.

CAD/CAM systems in dentistry make it possible to produce crowns from zirconia, which differ from metal-containing products in a number of advantages. By themselves, these products practically do not have any differences in color from natural teeth, since the choice of shade is carried out even during the production of the frame. Next, the frame is carefully covered with a special ceramic mass, which has a translucent and translucent structure, and also includes enough wide range colors, thanks to which it is possible to make crowns similar to natural teeth.

By itself, it is highly biocompatible, even when compared with precious metals, and is a hypoallergenic material, which has been confirmed in a number of scientific clinical studies. However, in fact, crowns based on zirconium oxide frameworks are far from the only type of products for the manufacture of which CAD / CAM systems are used. CNC-machine based on such technologies makes it possible to produce:

  • various bridge prostheses;
  • individual abutments.

In addition to the already mentioned zirconia, a wide variety of materials can be used in the manufacturing process, including plastic, wax, cobalt and titanium, chromium.

What are the benefits?

These technologies provide benefits such as:

  • the highest possible manufacturing accuracy with minor deviations;
  • full automation of production processes, which almost completely eliminates the possibility of errors;
  • the possibility of using a wide range of materials;
  • the possibility of carrying out procedures for modeling and manufacturing products in different places;
  • ultimate performance of any ongoing processes.

CAD in mechanical engineering

The CAD-system (T-FLEX CAD and others) has found a fairly wide distribution in the field of mechanical engineering, which differs in three levels - lower, middle and upper. Such a division appeared at the turn of the eighties and nineties of the last century.

The lower level includes low-cost CAD/CAM/CAE systems that are mainly focused on 2D graphics, that is, they are mainly aimed at ensuring the automation of drawing work. Personal computers were used as light CAD systems, which already at that time were significantly inferior in functionality to full-fledged workstations.

Top-level systems, or, as they are commonly called, heavy CAD, were designed to be used on all sorts of mainframes or workstations. Such systems turned out to be much more versatile, but at the same time they had a rather high cost, focusing mainly on surface and solid modeling. The design of various drawing documentation in them is often carried out through the preliminary development of special geometric three-dimensional models. After that, systems in which the 3D modeling function was limited exclusively to solid models, that is, occupying an intermediate position between heavy and light, received their own, average level.

To date, the development of CAD has already led to the fact that special surface modeling tools have begun to appear in most middle-level systems, and the functions available for use in personal computers have also become acceptable for modern top-level systems. Due to this, even those principles have changed, according to which the distinction between medium and heavy systems was previously made. Modern heavy-level CAD systems are now called CAE / CAD / CAM / PDM, that is, those that simultaneously include features such as:

  • technological and design design;
  • engineering analysis;
  • project information management;
  • extended composition of special software modules.

In contrast, modern mid-range systems are usually called mainstream, mid-range, or simply serial.

Systems of one level can be called by functionality approximately equivalent, since some new achievements that appear in a certain software and methodological complex will soon be implemented in new versions of others. In CAD of large companies, it is quite common to combine several systems of different levels at the same time. Often this is due to the fact that almost all design procedures can be carried out on medium and low-level CAD systems, and besides, heavy ones are too expensive. It is for this reason that enterprises purchase licenses of top-tier software in a rather limited amount, and the vast majority of today's customer bases are provided by lower and middle tiers.

At the same time, it often happens that CAD / CAE systems may have certain problems in terms of exchanging information with each other, but such troubles are solved through the use of special formats and languages ​​\u200b\u200baccepted in CALS technologies, although to ensure undistorted transmission of geometric data through intermediate unified languages ​​have to overcome some difficulties.


Like any other complex systems, CAD includes several subsystems that can be design or maintenance.

The first are directly involved in the implementation of a variety of design work. As an example of these, one can cite subsystems for three-dimensional geometric modeling of various mechanical objects, circuit analysis, creation of design documentation, or tracing of printed circuit board connections.

Servicing subsystems are intended to ensure the normal performance of designers, and their combination is often called the CAD system environment among specialists. As typical service subsystems, design data management bases, various subsystems for the development and subsequent maintenance of CASE software, as well as training ones designed to facilitate the development of technologies implemented in CAD by users, are often used.

Structuring according to various aspects has allowed the emergence of types of CAD software, which today there are only seven:

  • technical, which includes various;
  • mathematical, combining all kinds of mathematical methods, algorithms and models;
  • software, which is a CAD computer program;
  • informational, which includes databases, management systems for these databases, as well as many other information used in the design process;
  • linguistic, expressed in the form of languages ​​of communication between computers and designers, languages ​​of data exchange between CAD hardware and programming languages;
  • methodical, which includes all kinds of design technologies;
  • organizational, executed in the form of job descriptions, staffing tables and other documentation, with the help of which the regulation of the work of design enterprises is carried out.

It should be noted that the entire set of information that is used in the design process is called the CAD information fund by specialists. The database is an ordered set of information that reflects the various characteristics of objects and their relationship in a certain Access to the database for studying, recording and subsequent correction of data is carried out through the DBMS, and the combination of DBMS and DB is commonly called BnD, that is, a data bank.


CAD / CAM design systems are classified according to a number of criteria, such as application, intended purpose, scale (how comprehensively the tasks are solved), as well as the nature of the underlying subsystem.

By applications, among the most popular and representative, it is worth highlighting the following CAD groups:

  • used in the field of general engineering (due to which they are usually called machine-building);
  • used in the field of radio electronics;
  • used in the field of construction and architecture.

In addition, there is also a fairly large number of specialized systems, either allocated in the listed groups, or representing a completely independent branch of the classification. As an illustrative example, CAD of large integrated circuits, electrical machines, aircraft and a number of others can be cited.

Separate software and methodological complexes differ in scale, including a complex for testing the strength of various mechanical products according to the finite element method or a complex for testing electronic circuits, as well as systems with a unique architecture of not only software, but also hardware.

Base subsystem

Here are the following types of CAD:

  • Based on the subsystem of geometric modeling and computer graphics. Such CAD systems are mainly focused on various applications in which design is the main design procedure, that is, a clear definition of spatial forms, as well as the relative position of objects. That is why this group includes many CAD systems from the field of mechanical engineering, based on graphics cores. Nowadays, it is quite common to use unified graphics cores.
  • DBMS based. They are mainly focused on those applications in which it is possible, by carrying out relatively simple mathematical calculations, to process a sufficiently large amount of information. They are often found in technical and economic applications, such as business plan design, but they are also often used in the design of large objects, such as control panels in automatic systems.

In addition, there are also complex CAD systems, which include subsystems of all previous types. As typical examples of such complex systems, it is worth citing software that is actively used in modern mechanical engineering, or CAD LSI. The latter includes a DBMS and various subsystems for designing components, functional and logical circuits, crystal topology, as well as tests for analyzing the suitability of manufactured products. In order to ensure the normal management of such complex programs, it is customary to use specialized system environments.