Electronic product model

Coursework task 3

Initial conditions 3

Math Models 3

Algorithms 4

Registration of work and presentation of results 6

Topic 2. Estimating the consumer's coordinates using the SNS method of direct navigation definitions 7

Coursework task 7

Initial conditions 7

Mathematical models 7

Algorithms 8

Registration of work and presentation of results 10

Literature 11


This teaching aid presents tasks and instructions for completing term papers in the discipline "Methods of mathematical modeling" on the following topics:

    Deceleration of satellites in the Earth's atmosphere.

    Estimation of the consumer's coordinates with the help of the SNS by the method of direct navigational determinations.

Each topic is accompanied by a description of the tasks of the course design, initial conditions (common for all options), the mathematical models and algorithms used, as well as the design of an explanatory note to the work.

As a result of the course work, students must master the technologies for solving practical problems in terms of navigation support for complex information systems of aircraft using methods of mathematical and computer modeling.

Topic 1. Deceleration of satellites in the Earth's atmosphere The task of the course work

The objective of the course work is to determine the dynamics of the parameters of the orbit and the coordinates of the point of impact on the general earth ellipsoid of an artificial Earth satellite (AES), moving in its central gravitational field, taking into account braking in the atmosphere. In the process of completing the course work, you are required to:

    construct the evolution of the position and velocity of an artificial satellite in an inertial geocentric SC;

    construct the evolution of the osculating elements of the satellite orbit;

    construct a scattering ellipse for a given confidence probability, an estimate of the mathematical expectation and a covariance matrix of the satellite impact point in geodetic coordinates using the statistical test method.

Initial conditions

As variable initial conditions for the course work, the following are accepted:

    initial parameters of the satellite orbit;

    parameters of random fluctuations of atmospheric density;

    the start time of the experiment on the UTC scale.

Mathematical models

As part of these tasks, the absolute geocentric coordinate system (IF2000) and the world geodetic coordinate system WGS-84 are used.

Model of satellite motion around the Earth, taking into account the atmosphere

The satellite loses altitude under the action of aerodynamic braking of a random nature. The model of its movement looks like:

is the radius vector of the satellite in the inertial geocentric CS;

- geocentric gravitational constant, km 3 / s 2;

is the mass of the satellite, kg;

is the aerodynamic force vector.

, where:

is the aerodynamic drag coefficient;

is the characteristic area (midship area) of the satellite, m2;

is the vector of the atmospheric velocity of the satellite (relative to the rotating atmosphere of the Earth), m/s,

, where:

is the radius vector of the satellite in the inertial geocentric CS, m;

is the vector of the angular velocity of the Earth's rotation in the same SC,

is the density of the atmosphere at altitude above the surface of the earth,
, where
km is the average radius of the Earth.

Mathematical model of the atmosphere (GOST 4401-81)

is the density of the Earth's atmosphere, kg/m3;

– height above the common earth ellipsoid, m

,,,are the parameters of the atmospheric density model for each th layer.

, m

, kg/m 3

, m -2

, m -1

–0.263910 -8

–0.256010 -8

random process
– exponentially correlated and has the following statistical characteristics:

To obtain implementations of a random process, it is necessary to use a shaping filter, the input of which is supplied with white Gaussian noise. The calculation of the parameters of the shaping filter is considered in. It is advisable to solve the differential equations of the forming filter together with the equations describing the dynamics of the satellite.

GOST R 57412-2017



General provisions

Computer models of products in design, manufacturing and maintenance. General

OKS 01.040.01

Introduction date 2017-07-01



1 DEVELOPED by Joint Stock Company "Research Center "Applied Logistics" (JSC NRC "Applied Logistics"), Open Joint Stock Company "T-Platforms" (JSC "T-Platforms") and the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Research Institute for Standardization and unification" (FSUE "NIISU")

2 INTRODUCED by the Technical Committee for Standardization TC 700 "Mathematical Modeling and High-Performance Computing Technologies" together with the Technical Committee for Standardization TC 482 "Integrated Logistics Support for Exported Military Products"

3 APPROVED AND PUT INTO EFFECT by Order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology dated March 10, 2017 N 110-st


5 REVISION. August 2018

The rules for the application of this standard are set out in Article 26 of the Federal Law of June 29, 2015 N 182-FZ "On Standardization in the Russian Federation". Information about changes to this standard is published in the annual (as of January 1 of the current year) information index "National Standards", and the official text of changes and amendments -in monthly information index "National Standards". In case of revision (replacement) or cancellation of this standard, a corresponding notice will be published in the next issue of the monthly information index "National Standards". Relevant information, notification and texts are also placed in information system common use - on the official website of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology on the Internet (www.gost.ru)


With the development of modern information technologies the use of computer simulation technologies is expanding in solving problems of development, production and maintenance of products. Computer models are becoming one of the forms of presentation of the results of design activities.

At the same time, the role of computer simulation increases as an alternative to physical testing, which makes it possible to significantly reduce the cost of testing during the creation of products.

1 area of ​​use

The standard establishes general requirements for computer models, their classification and application at all stages of the life cycle of industrial products (hereinafter referred to as products).
In this standard, industrial products are understood primarily as products of mechanical engineering and instrumentation.

Based on this standard, it is allowed, if necessary, to develop standards that take into account the specifics of the implementation of computer models of specific types of products, depending on their specifics.

2 Normative references

This standard uses Normative references to the following standards:

GOST 2.052 Unified system for design documentation. Electronic product model. General provisions

GOST 2.053 Unified system for design documentation. Electronic structure of the product. General provisions

GOST 2.058 Unified system for design documentation. Rules for the implementation of the requisite part of electronic design documents

GOST 2.307 Unified system for design documentation. Application of dimensions and limit deviations

GOST 2.308 Unified system for design documentation. Specifying tolerances for the shape and location of surfaces

GOST 2.309 Unified system for design documentation. Surface Roughness Symbols

GOST 20886 Organization of data in data processing systems. Terms and Definitions

GOST R 15.000 System for the development and production of products. Key points

GOST R 15.301 System for the development and production of products. Products for industrial and technical purposes. The procedure for developing and putting products into production

GOST R 53392 Integrated logistics support. Analysis of logistics support. Key points

GOST R 54089 Integrated logistics support. Electronic product business. Key points

Note - When using this standard, it is advisable to check the validity of reference standards in the public information system - on the official website of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology on the Internet or according to the annual information index "National Standards", which was published as of January 1 of the current year, and on issues of the monthly information index "National Standards" for the current year. If an undated referenced reference standard has been replaced, it is recommended that the current version of that standard be used, taking into account any changes made to that version. If the reference standard to which the dated reference is given is replaced, then it is recommended to use the version of this standard with the year of approval (acceptance) indicated above. If, after the adoption of this standard, a change is made to the referenced standard to which a dated reference is given, affecting the provision to which the reference is given, then this provision is recommended to be applied without taking into account this change. If the reference standard is canceled without replacement, then the provision in which the reference to it is given is recommended to be applied in the part that does not affect this reference.

3 Terms, definitions and abbreviations

3.1 Terms and definitions

In this standard, the following terms are used with their respective definitions:

3.1.1 model: An entity that reproduces a phenomenon, object, or property of an object in the real world*.
Here and below, "*" marks the points to which comments are given in Appendix A.

3.1.2 simulation object: Phenomenon, object or property of an object of the real world*.

3.1.3 modeling aspect: A separate property or set of properties of the modeling object that is the subject of research using modeling.

3.1.4 mathematical model: A model in which information about the modeling object is presented in the form of mathematical symbols and expressions*.

3.1.5 information model: A model in which information about the modeling object is presented as a set of data elements and relationships between them*.

Note - The composition (nomenclature) of the data is determined by the area of ​​interest of the model developer and potential or real user.

3.1.6 modeling: The study of the properties and / or behavior of the object of modeling, performed using its models *.

3.1.7 computer model (electronic model): A model made in a computer (computing) environment and representing a set of data and program code needed to work with the data.

3.1.8 checking the adequacy of the computer model: A set of actions with the model, the result of which is confirmation of its compliance with the modeled object of the real world*.

3.1.9 control of computer simulation results: A set of actions, the result of which is confirmation of the compliance of the computer implementation of the model with the original mathematical or information model*.

3.1.10 computer model of the product: A computer model in which the object of modeling is the product(s)*.

3.1.11 computer modeling of the product: Modeling performed using a computer model of the product.

Note - Computer modeling of the product is performed in order to obtain the data necessary for decision-making in the processes of development, design, production, maintenance of operation and other tasks during the life cycle of the product.

3.2 Abbreviations

The following abbreviations are used in this standard:

LC - life cycle;

IO - information object;

KD - design document;

KM - computer model;

R & D - research work;

OKR - experimental design work;

OM - simulation object;

MF - an integral part (product).

4 Fundamentals

4.1 KM of products and processes related to products are used at all stages of the life cycle of products.

4.2 The technical content of the CM is determined by the purpose of modeling and the totality of the studied properties of the analyzed OM, while the process of formalizing certain properties of the modeling object is performed in the interests of a specific problem being solved.

Note - The purpose of modeling is understood as a set of scientific, technical and / or engineering problems solved in the course of modeling.

4.3 KM products are classified according to the following criteria:
Within the scope of this standard.

a) according to the studied aspect of modeling (the investigated properties of OM);

b) the method used to describe the OM.

4.4 According to the researched aspect of CM modeling, products are divided into:

a) functional ones, the modeling aspect of which is the selection and description of the product functions, their structure and interrelationships;

b) structural, in which the modeling aspect is the structure of the product (for example, the design, technological, operational electronic structure of the product according to GOST 2.053, the logistics structure of the product according to GOST R 53392) *;

c) geometric, in which the modeling aspect is mainly the shape, dimensions and properties associated with the shape and dimensions (for example, dimensions and tolerances in accordance with GOST 2.307, roughness in accordance with GOST 2.308, permissible deviations of the form in accordance with GOST 2.309, etc.) *;

d) physical-mechanical, the modeling aspect of which is the physical-mechanical properties of the product and the interaction of the product with the external environment (statics, kinematics, rigid body dynamics, hydro- and gas dynamics, deformations, thermal conductivity, etc.)*;

e) physico-chemical, the modeling aspect of which is changes in the properties of the materials of the product (corrosion destruction of the material, aging, etc.) *;

f) technical and economic, the modeling aspect of which is the interrelated technical and economic properties of the product (for example, the model of the cost of the life cycle of the product, the model of the cost of after-sales service of products);

g) process, in which the modeling aspect is the processes directly related to the product (for example, a model of the technological process of manufacturing a product or a model of the process of technical operation of a product).

Note - The above list of classification features can be expanded depending on the tasks solved in the course of modeling. It is allowed to classify according to other features, reflecting the significance of the studied properties of OM.

4.5 According to the method used to describe the OM, mathematical and informational models are distinguished.

4.6 Mathematical models, depending on the method of finding a solution (determining the type of dependence of some model parameters on others), subdivide:

a) analytical, describing the properties of OM by a system of equations, for which an explicit analytical solution can be found (for example, separate models of solid mechanics based on the equations of dynamics)*;

b) numerical, describing the properties of OM by a system of equations, for which the solution is found using the methods of computational mathematics (for example, difference methods or finite element methods, finite or boundary volumes, etc., used to solve problems of mechanics of a deformable solid body, heat transfer , hydrodynamics and electrodynamics, etc.);

c) simulation, in which the form and coefficients of dependence of some model parameters on others are found by repeated testing of the model with different input data (for example, queuing models, models describing the dynamics of changes in stocks) *.

4.7 Information models subdivide:

a) formal (signed), in which the description of OM is performed using specialized languages ​​(for example, a description of the geometry and structure of the product according to )*;

b) descriptive (figurative), in which the description of the OM is performed using natural language or images (for example, text describing the properties or behavior of the OM or its visual image (photo) *.
Pos. , see section Bibliography, hereinafter. - .

4.8 In addition to the classification features of the model specified in 4.2-4.7, the following can be additionally classified:

a) by purpose (field of activity in which the tasks of modeling and the stage of the life cycle of a product are solved) - for scientific (research), design, technological, operational, demonstration, etc. *;

b) according to the degree of approximation of the representation to the object of the real world - to simplified and accurate;

c) according to the degree of interconnectedness - into basic and derivatives;

d) according to the totality of the studied properties - into simple and combined (for example, simple for the study of one property and combined for the study of a combination of properties)*;

e) according to the dependence of the properties of the model on time - into static and dynamic;

f) by the nature of the change in the properties of the model in time - to deterministic and stochastic;

g) according to the domain of definition of the considered properties and the values ​​they take - into discrete and continuous

and other features that are significant from the point of view of the model developer.

Note - Models classified according to two or more classification features are called hybrid *.

4.9 KM, consisting of a set of interrelated models that describe one OM, is called composite (complex).

4.10 One OM may correspond to several models, including those with different classification features. On the other hand, the same model can be used in the study of various OM*.

4.11 The development of CM of complex objects of a hierarchical type, allowing the decomposition of the analyzed OM into its constituent elements, consists in the sequential analysis and modeling of its individual components, followed by the establishment of links between the models of OM components. In this case, the CM of each level of the hierarchy is formed as a union of the CM of the OM components of the lower level, and the process of OM interaction is modeled with the establishment of coordinating links between the interacting levels.

4.12 Examples of typical engineering problems solved using various computer models of the product are given in Appendix B.

5 General requirements for the development and use of computer models

5.1 The development of CM should be carried out with a level of detail corresponding to the stage of the LC OM in accordance with GOST R 15.000 and the corresponding type of work. The completeness and detail of the CM should correspond to the tasks solved in the course of modeling*.

5.2 Requirements for models developed at the stages of the life cycle of a product (methods of modeling, a list of the studied properties of OM, the degree of detail, the form of presentation of results, etc.) should be established in the relevant technical specifications (for research, preliminary design, R&D and their midrange), according to GOST R 15.201*.

5.3 Products developed by CM, as well as the results of computer simulation, are included in the results of the work performed (R&D, preliminary design, R&D or other work performed under a contract with the customer) as agreed with the customer, taking into account 5.5*.

5.4 In general, the CM development process includes the following steps:

b) building a model (accepting symbols and describing OM, OM elements and relationships between them in the accepted form)*;

c) choice of solution method taking into account the knowledge and preferences of the user and the developer*;

d) development of CM (software implementation, including the development of an algorithm, program code (if necessary) or software selection);

e) application of the obtained CM for OM modeling;

f) control and analysis of the obtained results, determination of the adequacy of the developed CM*.

Note - It should be borne in mind that when using automation systems for mathematical calculations and information modeling in engineering practice, the CM developer (system user), as a rule, performs only part of the process steps. As a rule, in this case, the task of the CM developer is the conceptual formulation of the problem and the formal description of the model by the accepted method, while the choice of the solution method and the computational implementation itself are hidden from the user of such an automated system.

5.5 The form of presentation and the procedure for verification, approval and approval of the CM for each stage of development and stage of work performed is determined by the developer, unless otherwise specified in the terms of reference. For KM products developed under the state defense order, this decision must be agreed with the customer (military representative office) in accordance with the current regulatory documents.

5.6 Typical composition of KM details - based on GOST 2.058. If necessary, you can enter additional details.

Annex A (informative). Explanations to some points of the standard

Annex A

3.1.1 The model is an approximate representation that preserves the essential features of the simulated real world object, and describes the main properties of the OM, its parameters, internal and external links with the accuracy specified by the developer. Serves for studying the properties of a real world object by examining the model.

3.1.2 The modeling object can be either simple (for example, a product without taking into account the impact of the environment) or complex (for example, the interaction of a product with a product, a product with the environment, etc.).

3.1.3 An aspect of research (simulation) may be separate properties or interrelated properties that determine the pattern of changes in product characteristics that are important for solving a specific problem (for example, the object of modeling can be a change in the shape of the product, and the aspect can be its dependence on load).

3.1.4 Mathematical symbols mean numbers, mathematical signs, symbolic designations of variables, mathematical expressions - equations, logical conditions, etc. Information about OM includes a set of initial and boundary conditions.

3.1.5 Information models are presented mainly in symbolic form.

3.1.6 For complex science-intensive products, modeling is usually the only way to evaluate the properties of a product without manufacturing it. For similar products, comparing the results of their study using different mathematical models can significantly increase the reliability of the simulation results.

3.1.7 The procedure for confirming the adequacy of the model to the simulated object of the real world is also called validation. Checking the adequacy of the CM can be carried out both by using other CM, the adequacy of which is established and documented, and by conducting full-scale experiments. The adequacy check is carried out according to the methodology agreed with the customer.

3.1.8 The procedure for confirming the compliance of a computer implementation of a mathematical (or informational) model is also called verification.

3.1.9 A computer model is developed using appropriate software tools.

4.4, listing b) The theoretical basis for creating structural CMs are the methods of graph theory (as a rule, a hierarchical model is used, which is described by an acyclic graph according to GOST 2.053). The network model is also applicable, in which the links between the elements of the structure can be of an arbitrary nature.

4.4, listing c) The theoretical basis for creating geometric CMs are the methods of analytical and differential geometry, algebra of logic and topology. To represent geometric CMs, it is advisable to use both standard , and description methods promoted by the developers of the corresponding software.

4.4, listing d) Physical-mechanical KM can have the form of algebraic, differential, integro-differential equations or logical conditions.

4.4, listing e) The theoretical basis for the creation of technical and economic CM are the methods of probability theory and mathematical statistics.

4.6, listings a), b) Mathematical models, as a rule, are presented in the form of systems (sets of systems) of equations (logical conditions), initial and boundary conditions. With their high complexity, when a direct (analytical) solution is impossible, numerical methods of solution are used.

4.6, listing c) The simulation model reflects the elementary phenomena that make up the process, while maintaining their logical structure and the sequence of flow in time, which makes it possible to obtain information about the states of the process in the initial data certain moments time, making it possible to evaluate the properties of OM.

4.7, listing a) Graphic models are also referred to as sign models.

4.7, listing b) In this case, the most essential properties of the OM and the relationship between them are fixed. As a rule, they are usually limited not to quantitative, but to qualitative categories of description of OM, for example, they note that the value of such and such a characteristic increases when the values ​​of another decrease, etc.

4.8, listing d) Combined models simultaneously cover several aspects of modeling, for example, the logistic structure of functions, functional failures of elements of this structure and their consequences, and relationships with the logistic structure of the product. As a rule, combined models are used in practice.

4.8, note A typical example of the description of OM by several models with one classification feature can be the description of OM at the stage of a preliminary design by a simplified (taking into account a small number of parameters) analytical model and an accurate analytical model at the stage of a detailed design.

A typical example of the description of OM by several models with different classification features can be the description of one OM by interconnected geometric and physical-mechanical models, which is caused by the need to study various properties of OM.

4.10 An example of the application of the same model (equivalent to a mathematical model) in the study of various OM can be a model of an oscillatory process used to model processes both in mechanics and in electrical circuits.

5.1 The specific composition of the studied properties of the OM, the scope of work and the degree of detail, as well as the composition of the performers should be determined for each project individually, depending on the following factors:

Type of project (development of a new product, modernization of an existing product, development of a modification or version of a product, delivery of an existing product without changes);

The complexity of the product;

customer requirements;

The possibility of influencing the design of the product;

Stages of LC OM.

5.2 If necessary (for example, with a large amount of requirements), the requirements for the CM may be set in an annex to the contract (agreement) or by a joint decision of the developer and the customer.

5.3 Other work performed under a contract with the customer means work performed, for example, within the framework of architectural and / or technical supervision, etc.

5.4, ​​listing a) At this stage of building the model, the study and collection of information about the OM is carried out:

Describe OM at the conceptual level, in abstract terms and concepts;

Accept (coordinate) final hypotheses and assumptions;

Substantiate the choice of the procedure for approximating real processes in the construction of QM.

5.4, ​​listing b) The construction of a mathematical model (formulation of a mathematical problem), including a description of the relationships between the elements of the OM in the form of mathematical expressions, is performed using, if possible, typical mathematical schemes. The construction of an information model, including the definition of a set of IOs to represent the main properties of OM and their relationships, is performed using the accepted form of description (formal sign) or descriptive (figurative).

At this stage, it may turn out that the previously conducted system analysis has led to such a set of elements, properties and relationships for which there is no acceptable method for solving the problem, as a result of which one has to return to the stage of system analysis.

5.4, ​​listing c) As a rule, several computational algorithms can be proposed for the same problem. However, among the variety of possible algorithms, not all are equally effective.

5.4, ​​listing e) The main goal of checking the CM and certifying the simulation results is to ensure the user of the CM is confident in the correctness of the developed CM at all stages of its creation, up to the processing and presentation of the simulation results. When using computer modeling of products at the stages of the life cycle of engineering products, incl. instead of the results of field experiments, it should be provided for the implementation and documentation of the verification of the adequacy of the computer model for a given set of initial data.

Appendix B (informative). Examples of the use of computer models of products in engineering practice

Annex B

Table B.1 shows examples of the use of various CM products for solving typical engineering problems.

Table B.1 - Application areas of models for solving typical engineering problems

KM on the aspect of product modeling (modeled properties of OM)







Product function model


Electronic structure of the product according to GOST 2.053


Electronic geometric model of the product according to GOST 2.052

Physical and mechanical properties

Of course-
elemental, of course


Production model
natural system

Factual (properties associated with the intended use of the product)

Electronic business of the product in accordance with GOST R 54089

KM of the product according to the method of describing OM



For example, the stress model under static load.

For example, a model that reflects the indicators of the technical use of technological equipment.

According to an additional classification feature (properties of the product associated with its intended use *).

* From "factography" - bringing the actual data without their analysis and generalization.


Federal Law of the Russian Federation of December 31, 2014 N 488-FZ "On Industrial Policy in the Russian Federation"

ISO 10303-1-94, Industrial automation systems and their integration. Presentation of product data and exchange of this data. Part 1. Overview and basic principles
Access to international and foreign documents mentioned hereinafter in the text can be obtained by clicking on the link to the site. - .

ANS US PRO/IPO-100-1996 Initial Graphics Exchange Specifications (ANSI/ASME Y14.26M-1989 Digital Repressentation for Communication of Product Definition Data. The American Society of Mechanical Engineers or the American National Standards Institute, New York City, NY, 1989)

Electronic text of the document
and verified by:
official publication
M.: Standartinform, 2018

GOST 2.052-2006

Unified system of design documentation


General provisions

Unified system for design documentation. Electronic model of product. general principles

Introduction date - 2006-09-01


The goals, basic principles and basic procedure for carrying out work on interstate standardization are established by GOST 1.0-92 “Interstate standardization system. Basic Provisions” and GOST 1.2-97 “Interstate Standardization System. Interstate standards, rules and recommendations for interstate standardization. The order of development, adoption, application, updating, cancellation "

1 Application area

This standard establishes general requirements for the implementation of electronic models of products (parts, assembly units) of mechanical engineering and instrument making.

Based on this standard, it is allowed, if necessary, to develop standards that take into account the features of the implementation of electronic models for products of specific types of equipment, depending on their specifics.

GOST 2.051-2006 Unified system for design documentation. Electronic Documents. General provisions

GOST 2.101-68 Unified system for design documentation. Product types

GOST 2.102-68 Unified system for design documentation. Types and completeness of design documents

GOST 2.104-2006 Unified system for design documentation. Basic inscriptions

GOST 2.109-73 Unified system for design documentation. Basic requirements for drawings

GOST 2.305-68 Unified system for design documentation. Images - views, cuts, sections

GOST 2.307-68 Unified system for design documentation. Application of dimensions and limit deviations

GOST 2.317-69 Unified system for design documentation. Axonometric projections

Note - When using this standard, it is advisable to check the validity of the reference standards according to the "National Standards" index, compiled as of January 1 of the current year, and according to the corresponding information indexes published in the current year. If the reference standard is replaced (modified), then when using this standard, you should be guided by the replaced (modified) standard. If the referenced standard is canceled without replacement, the provision in which the reference to it is given applies to the extent that this reference is not affected.

3 Terms, definitions and abbreviations

3.1 Terms and Definitions

In this standard, the following terms are used with their respective definitions:

3.1.1 electronic product model(model): An electronic model of a part or assembly unit in accordance with GOST 2.102.

3.1.2 electronic geometric model (geometric model): An electronic model of a product that describes the geometric shape, dimensions and other properties of the product, depending on its shape and dimensions.

3.1.3 geometric element: An identified (named) geometry object used in the dataset.

Note - A geometric object can be a point, a line, a plane, a surface, a geometric figure, a geometric body.

3.1.4 model geometry: A set of geometric elements that are elements of the geometric model of the product.

3.1.5 auxiliary geometry: A set of geometric elements that are used in the process of creating a geometric model of a product, but are not elements of this model.

Note - Geometric elements can be an axial line, spline reference points, surface guides and generating lines, etc.

3.1.6 model attribute: Dimension, tolerance, text or symbol required to define product geometry or feature* 1) .

3.1.7 model space: The space in the model coordinate system in which the geometric model of the product is executed.

3.1.8 plane of designations and indications: The plane in the model space, on which visually perceived information is displayed, containing the values ​​of the model's attributes, technical requirements, designations and instructions.

3.1.9 location data: Data that defines the placement and orientation of the product and its constituent parts in model space in the specified coordinate system.

3.1.10 solid model: A three-dimensional electronic geometric model that represents the shape of a product as a result of the composition of a given set of geometric elements using Boolean algebra operations on these geometric elements.

3.1.11 surface model: A three-dimensional electronic geometric model, represented by a set of limited surfaces that define the shape of the product in space.

3.1.12 frame model: Three-dimensional electronic geometric model, represented by a spatial composition of points, segments and curves that determine the shape of the product in space.

3.1.13 part of the product: A product of any kind in accordance with GOST 2.101, which is part of the product and is considered as a whole.

3.1.14 model file: A file containing information about geometric elements, attributes, designations and indications, which are considered as a whole*.

3.1.15 electronic layout: An electronic model of a product that describes its external shape and dimensions, which makes it possible to fully or partially evaluate its interaction with elements of the production and / or operational environment, which serves to make decisions in the development of the product and the processes of its manufacture and use.

3.2 Abbreviations

The following abbreviations are used in this standard:

POU - the plane of designations and indications;

ПЗ - explanatory note;

KD - design document;

EMI - electronic model of the product;

EMD - electronic model of the part;

EMSE - electronic model of the assembly unit;

EMK - electronic layout;

CAD - computer-aided design system;

EGM - electronic geometric model.

4 General provisions

4.1 In a computer environment, EMR is represented as a set of data that together determine the geometry of the product and other properties necessary for the manufacture, control, acceptance, assembly, operation, repair and disposal of the product.

4.2 EMP is typically used:

To interpret the entire data set (or part of it) that makes up the model in automated systems;

For visual display of the product design in the process of design work, production and other operations;

For the production of drawing design documentation in electronic and / or paper form.

4.3 General requirements for the implementation of design documentation in the form of an electronic product model - in accordance with GOST 2.051. EMI is the content of the corresponding design documentation according to GOST 2.102 (EMD or EMSE). Requirements for the composition and presentation of information according to ISO 10303-1, ISO 10303-11, ISO 10303-42, ISO 10303-201. The requisite part is performed in accordance with GOST 2.104 *.

4.4 EMR, as a rule, consists of a geometric model of the product, an arbitrary number of model attributes and may include technical requirements. The schematic composition of the model is shown in Figure B.1 (Appendix B).

4.5 The model must contain a complete set of design, technological and physical parameters in accordance with GOST 2.109, necessary for performing calculations, mathematical modeling, developing technological processes, etc.

4.6 The completeness and detail of the model at various stages of development must comply with the requirements of the standards unified system design documentation.

4.7 An electronic design document made in the form of a model must meet the following basic requirements:

a) attributes (models), designations and indications given in the model must be necessary and sufficient for the specified purpose of release (for example, manufacturing a product or building a drawing in paper and / or electronic form);

b) all dimension values ​​must be obtained from the model;

c) associated geometric elements, attributes, designations and indications defined in the model must be consistent;

d) attributes, designations and indications defined and/or specified in the model and depicted in the drawing must be agreed*;

e) if the model does not contain all the design data of the product, then this should be indicated *;

f) it is not allowed to give references to normative documents that determine the shape and dimensions of structural elements (holes, chamfers, grooves, etc.), if they do not contain a geometric description of these elements. All data for their manufacture must be given in the model;

g) the bit depth when rounding the values ​​of linear and angular dimensions must be set by the developer;

4.8 When visualizing (displaying) the model on an electronic device (for example, a display screen), the following rules are followed:

a) dimensions, limit deviations and indications (including technical requirements) should be shown in the main projection planes in accordance with GOST 2.305, axonometric projections - in accordance with GOST 2.317 or other projection planes convenient for visual perception of the displayed information *;

b) all text (requirements, symbols and instructions) must be defined in one or more SSPs;

c) the display of information in any PSP shall not overlap with the display of any other information in the same PSP;

d) the text of requirements, symbols and instructions within any SOC should not be placed on top of the model geometry when it is located perpendicular to the model display plane;

e) for axonometric projections, the orientation of the SOA must be parallel, perpendicular, or the same as the surface to which it is applied;

f) when turning the model, the necessary reading direction in each POU* must be provided.

An example of displaying the SOA with different orientations of the model in the model space when visualizing the model on an electronic display device is given in Appendix B.

4.9 When visualizing the model, it is allowed:

a) do not represent the model in a drawing format;

b) do not show the display of central (axial) lines or central planes for specifying dimensions;

c) do not show hatching in cuts and sections;

d) not present the details of the main inscription and additional columns to it on the drawing format. In this case, viewing the details of the main inscription and additional columns to it should be provided upon request. The composition of the details - according to GOST 2.104;

e) show additional design parameters using auxiliary geometry, for example, the coordinates of the center of mass;

e) show dimensions and limit deviations without using sections;

g) include links to documents of another type, provided that the referenced document is in electronic form. When transferring design documentation to another enterprise, these documents must be included in the set of design documentation for the product*.

4.10 When setting attributes, symbols (signs, lines, alphabetic and alphanumeric designations, etc.) are used, established in the standards of the Unified Design Documentation System. The sizes of conventional signs are determined taking into account visibility and clarity and are kept the same for repeated use within the same model. *

4.11 When developing a model, the use of electronic libraries (electronic catalogs) of standard and purchased products is envisaged. The application, methods and rules for the use of electronic libraries are established by the developer, if this is not indicated in the terms of reference or the protocol for considering a technical proposal (draft design)*.

For documentation for products developed by order of the Ministry of Defense, the range and technical content of the electronic product libraries used, as well as the regulatory documents of the organization, must be agreed with the customer (representative office of the customer).

4.12 It is allowed to include references to standards and specifications in the model if they fully and unambiguously define the relevant requirements. It is allowed to give references to technological instructions when the requirements established by these instructions are the only ones that guarantee the required quality of the product.

For documentation for products developed by order of the Ministry of Defense, the standards and technological instructions of organizations must be agreed with the customer (representative office of the customer).

4.13 The model does not include technological instructions. As an exception, it is allowed to include technological instructions in cases provided for by GOST 2.109.

5 General requirements for the implementation of the electronic model of the product

5.1 EMP must contain at least one coordinate system. The coordinate system of the model is depicted by three mutually perpendicular lines with the origin located at the intersection of three axes, while:

The positive direction and designation of each axis must be shown;

The model's right-handed coordinate system (Figure 1) should be used unless another coordinate system is specified.

If necessary, it is allowed to use a non-orthogonal coordinate system of the model.

5.2 When developing EMR, the following types of representation of the product form are used according to ISO 10303-42, ISO 10303-41, ISO 10303-43:

Wireframe representation;

Surface representation;

Solid representation.

The composition and relationship of the types of representation of the product form are shown in Figure B.2 (Appendix B) *.

5.3 When developing EMI, provide the presentation of the model file in accordance with ISO 10303-21, ISO 10303-22.

5.4 In EMR, it is allowed to perform a simplified representation of model parts such as holes, threads, tapes, springs, etc., using a partial definition of the model geometry, model attributes, or a combination of them.

5.5 The initial orientation of the EMP in the model space is not specified.

Figure 1 - Coordinate system of the electronic model of the product

6 Requirements for the types of electronic models of the product

6.1 Electronic part model

6.1.1 EMD is developed, as a rule, for all parts included in the product, if the terms of reference provide for the execution of documentation only in the form of EMR.

6.1.2 EMD, as a rule, should be carried out in dimensions that the product must comply with before assembly. Exceptions are the cases specified in GOST 2.109. The values ​​of limit deviations, surface roughness and other necessary values ​​of the attributes of the product or its elements must correspond to the values ​​before assembly.

Limit deviations and surface roughness of product elements resulting from processing during the assembly process or after it are indicated in the EMCE.

6.1.3 Symbols of the material are recorded in the EMD in accordance with GOST 2.109.

6.1.4 If the use of material substitutes is envisaged for the manufacture of a part, then they are given in the technical requirements. If EMR is performed taking into account the texture of the material, then the texture of the base material should be set.

6.1.5 If the part must be made of a material that has a certain direction of fibers, base, etc. (metal tape, cloth, paper, wood) or the arrangement of layers of the material of the part (textolite, fiber, getinax), then, if necessary, it is allowed to indicate the direction of the fibers or the arrangement of the material layers of the part.

6.2 Electronic model of the assembly unit

6.2.1 EMSE should give an idea of ​​the location and interconnection of the components connected to the assembly unit, and contain the necessary and sufficient information for the assembly and control of the assembly unit.

6.2.3 EMSE, which are part of a product of a higher hierarchy level, it is recommended to include in the model of this product as independent models, placing them in the EMSE coordinate system of a higher hierarchy level and specifying the location data.

6.2.4 The organization of the entry levels of the components included in the EMSE of the final product must be necessary and sufficient for the rational organization of production (assembly and control) of products.

6.2.5 EMSE should contain the parameters and requirements that must be fulfilled or controlled by it *:

a) the position numbers of the components included in the product;

b) installation, connecting and other necessary reference dimensions;

c) technical characteristics of the product (if necessary);

d) indications of the nature of the pairing of EMSE elements and methods for its implementation, if the accuracy of the pairing is ensured not by the specified limit deviations of dimensions, but by selection, fitting, etc.;

e) instructions on the implementation of permanent joints (welded, soldered, etc.). In the EMSE of single-piece production, it is allowed to indicate data on the preparation of edges for under (permanent joints (welding, soldering, etc.).

6.2.6 In EMSE, it is allowed to include models of border (neighboring) products ("environments"), observing the dimensions that determine their relative position.

Mounting and connecting dimensions required for linking with other products must be specified with maximum deviations*.

6.2.7 All components of the assembly unit are numbered. Position numbers must correspond to those specified in the specification and / or electronic structure of the product of this assembly unit *.

6.2.8 It is allowed to execute the documentation for the assembly unit only in the form of EMCE. In this case, EMSE provides additional data necessary for the manufacture of parts (surface roughness, shape deviations, etc.).

6.2.9 If during the assembly of the product for its adjustment, adjustment, compensation, the components are selected, then in EMSE they are included in one (main) of the possible applications that provide the nominal parameters.

The technical requirements contain the necessary instructions for the installation of such "selected" parts. The wording of the instructions is in accordance with GOST 2.109.

6.2.10 If, after assembling the product for the period of its storage and (or) transportation, it is required to install protective temporary parts (lid, plug, etc.), these parts are included in the EMSE as they should be installed during storage and transportation. If protective temporary parts for the period of storage and transportation must be installed instead of any devices or mechanisms removed from the product, then their EMD is included in the EMSE, and the relevant instructions are placed in the technical requirements *.

6.3 Electronic layout

6.3.1 EMC is a kind of EMR (EMSE) and is designed to assess the interaction of the components of the modeled product or the product as a whole with elements of the production and / or operational environment.

6.3.2 EMC is developed at the design stages, is not intended for the manufacture of products according to them, and, as a rule, does not contain data for manufacturing and assembly.

6.3.3 As a rule, EMC is performed on the basis of EMCE using multimedia technologies that show the dynamics of movement and the extreme positions of moving, extendable or folding parts, levers, carriages, hinged covers, etc.

6.3.4 EMC should be performed, as a rule, with simplifications corresponding to the objectives of its development. The detail of the EMC should be sufficient to give a comprehensive idea of ​​the external outlines of the product, the positions of its protruding parts (levers, flywheels, knobs, buttons, etc.), the elements that must be constantly in sight (for example, scales ), about the location of the elements of communication of the product with other products.

6.3.5 If necessary, it is allowed to provide data on the operation of the product and the interaction of its parts. These data are entered in the annotation part of the EMC. It is also acceptable to link to an (electronic) text document (usually a PP).

6.3.6 It is allowed not to show elements that protrude beyond the main contour by a small amount compared to the dimensions of the product.

6.3.7 It is allowed to include parts and assembly units that are not part of the product (“environment”) in the EMC, observing their relative position.

6.3.8 The accuracy of the construction of the EMC should be necessary and sufficient to determine the overall dimensions of the product, the installation and connecting dimensions and, if necessary, the dimensions that determine the position of the protruding parts.

Annex A

GOST 2.052-2006

Group T52


Unified system of design documentation


General provisions

Unified system for design documentation. Electronic model of product.

general principles

Introduction date 2006-09-01


The goals, basic principles and basic procedure for carrying out work on interstate standardization are established by GOST 1.0-92 "Interstate standardization system. Basic provisions" and GOST 1.2-97 * "Interstate standardization system. Interstate standards, rules and recommendations for interstate standardization. Procedure for development, adoption , application, update, cancellation"


About the standard

1 DEVELOPED by the Federal State Unitary Enterprise All-Russian Scientific Research Institute for Standardization and Certification in Mechanical Engineering (VNIINMASH), Autonomous non-profit organization Research Center for CALS-technologies "Applied Logistics" (ANO NRC CALS-technologies "Applied Logistics")

2 INTRODUCED by the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology

3 ADOPTED by the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (minutes N 23 of February 28, 2006)





Gospotrebstandart of Ukraine

4 Order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology dated June 22, 2006 N 119-st interstate standard GOST 2.052-2006 entered into force asthe national standard of the Russian Federation since September 1, 2006


6 REVISION. April 2011

Information on the entry into force (termination) of this standard is published in the index "National Standards".

Information about changes to this standard is published in the index (catalog) "National Standards", and the text of the changes - in the information signs "National Standards". In case of revision or cancellation of this standard, the relevant information will be published in the information index "National Standards"

1 area of ​​use

This standard establishes general requirements for the implementation of electronic models of products (parts, assembly units) of mechanical engineering and instrument making.

Based on this standard, it is allowed, if necessary, to develop standards that take into account the features of the implementation of electronic models for products of specific types of equipment, depending on their specifics.

GOST 2.051-2006 Unified system for design documentation. Electronic documents. General provisions

GOST 2.101-68 Unified system for design documentation. Product types

GOST 2.102-68 Unified system for design documentation. Types and completeness of design documents

GOST 2.104-2006 Unified system for design documentation. Basic inscriptions

GOST 2.109-73 Unified system for design documentation. Basic requirements for drawings

GOST 2.305-2008 Unified system for design documentation. Images - views, cuts, sections

GOST 2.307-68 Unified system for design documentation. Application of dimensions and limit deviations


The document is not valid on the territory of the Russian Federation. GOST 2.307-2011 is in force, hereinafter in the text. - Database manufacturer's note.

GOST 2.317-69 Unified system for design documentation. Axonometric projections


The document is not valid on the territory of the Russian Federation. GOST 2.317-2011 is in force, hereinafter in the text. - Database manufacturer's note.

NOTE When using this International Standard, it is advisable to check the operation reference standards according to the index "National Standards", compiled as of January 1 of the current year, and according to the corresponding information indexes published in the current year. If the reference standard is replaced (modified), then when using this standard, you should be guided by the replacing (modified) standard. If the referenced standard is canceled without replacement, the provision in which the reference to it is given applies to the extent that this reference is not affected.

3 Terms, definitions and abbreviations

3.1 Terms and Definitions

AT This standard uses the following terms with their respective definitions:

3.1.1 electronic product model(model): Electronic model of a part or assembly unit in accordance with GOST 2.102.

3.1.2 electronic geometric model (geometric model):An electronic model of a product that describes the geometric shape, dimensions and other properties of the product, depending on its shape and dimensions.

3.1.3 geometric element: An identified (named) geometry object used in the dataset.

Note - A geometric object can be a point, a line, a plane, a surface, a geometric figure, a geometric body.

3.1.4 model geometry: A set of geometric elements that are elements of the geometric model of the product.

3.1.5 auxiliary geometry: A set of geometric elements that are used in the process of creating a geometric model of a product, but are not elements of this model.

Note - Geometric elements can be an axial line, spline reference points, surface guides and generating lines, etc.

3.1.6 model attribute: The size, tolerance, text, or character required to define

geometry of the product or its characteristics *.

3.1.7 model space: The space in the model coordinate system in which the geometric model of the product is executed.

3.1.8 plane of designations and indications: The plane in the model space, on which visually perceived information is displayed, containing the values ​​of the model's attributes, technical requirements, designations and instructions.

3.1.9 location data: Data that determines the placement and orientation of the product and its components in the model space in the specified coordinate system.

3.1.10 solid model: A three-dimensional electronic geometric model that represents the shape of a product as a result of the composition of a given set of geometric elements using Boolean algebra operations on these geometric elements.

3.1.11 surface model: A three-dimensional electronic geometric model, represented by a set of limited surfaces that define the shape of the product in space.

3.1.12 frame model: Three-dimensional electronic geometric model, represented by a spatial composition of points, segments and curves that determine the shape of the product in space.

3.1.13 part of the product: A product of any kind according to GOST 2.101, which is part of the product and is considered as a whole.

3.1.14 model file: A file containing information about geometric elements, attributes, symbols and indications, which are considered as a whole *.

3.1.15 electronic layout: An electronic model of a product that describes its external shape and dimensions, which makes it possible to fully or partially evaluate its interaction with elements of the production and / or operational environment, which serves to make decisions in the development of the product and the processes of its manufacture and use.

3.2 Abbreviations

The following abbreviations are used in this standard:

POU - the plane of designations and indications;

ПЗ - explanatory note;

KD - design document;

EMI - electronic model of the product;

EMD - electronic model of the part;

EMSE - electronic model of the assembly unit;

EMK - electronic layout;

CAD - computer-aided design system;

EGM - electronic geometric model.

4 General provisions

4.1 In a computer environment, EMR is represented as a set of data that together determine the geometry of the product and other properties necessary for the manufacture, control, acceptance, assembly, operation, repair and disposal of the product.

4.2 EMI is typically used:

- to interpret the entire data set (or part of it) that makes up the model in automated systems;

- for visual display of the product design in the process of design work, production and other operations;

- for the production of drawing design documentation in electronic and / or paper form.

4.3 General requirements for the implementation of design documentation in the form of an electronic product model - in accordance with GOST 2.051. EMI is the content of the corresponding design documentation according to GOST 2.102 (EMD or EMSE).

Requirements for the composition and presentation of information according to ISO 10303-1, ISO 10303-11

ISO 10303-42 , ISO 10303-201 . The requisite part is performed in accordance with GOST 2.104 *.


Access to international and foreign documents mentioned hereinafter in the text can be obtained by clicking on the link. - Database manufacturer's note.

4.4 EMR, as a rule, consists of a geometric model of the product, an arbitrary number of model attributes, and may include technical requirements. The schematic composition of the model is shown in Figure B.1 (Appendix B).

4.5 The model must contain a complete set of design, technological and physical parameters in accordance with GOST 2.109, necessary for performing calculations, mathematical modeling, development of technological processes, etc.

4.6 The completeness and detail of the model at various stages of development must comply with the requirements of the standards of the Unified Design Documentation System.

4.7 An electronic design document made in the form of a model must meet the following basic requirements:

a) attributes (models), designations and indications given in the model must be necessary and sufficient for the specified purpose of release (for example, manufacturing a product or building a drawing in paper and / or electronic form);

b) all dimension values ​​must be obtained from the model;

c) associated geometric elements, attributes, designations and indications defined in the model must be consistent;

d) attributes, designations and indications defined and/or specified in the model and depicted in the drawing must be agreed*;

e) if the model does not contain all the design data of the product, then this should be indicated *;

f) it is not allowed to give references to normative documents that determine the shape and dimensions of structural elements (holes, chamfers, grooves, etc.), if they do not contain a geometric description of these elements. All data for their manufacture must be given in the model;

g) the bit depth when rounding the values ​​of linear and angular dimensions must be set by the developer;

4.8 When visualizing (displaying) the model on an electronic device (for example, a display screen), the following rules are followed:

a) dimensions, limit deviations and indications (including technical requirements) should be shown in the main projection planes in accordance with GOST 2.305, axonometric projections - in accordance with GOST 2.317 or other projection planes convenient for visual perception of the displayed information *;

b) all text (requirements, symbols and instructions) must be defined in one or more SSPs;

c) the display of information in any PSP shall not overlap with the display of any other information in the same PSP;

d) the text of requirements, symbols and instructions within any SOC should not be placed on top of the model geometry when it is located perpendicular to the model display plane

e) for axonometric projections, the orientation of the SOA must be parallel, perpendicular, or the same as the surface to which it is applied;

f) when turning the model, the necessary reading direction in each POU* must be provided.

An example of displaying the SOA with different orientations of the model in the model space when visualizing the model on an electronic display device is given in Appendix B.

4.9 When visualizing the model, it is allowed:

a) do not represent the model in a drawing format;

b) do not show the display of central (axial) lines or central planes for specifying dimensions;

c) do not show hatching in cuts and sections;

d) not present the details of the main inscription and additional columns to it on the drawing format. In this case, viewing the details of the main inscription and additional columns to it should be provided upon request. The composition of the details - according to GOST 2.104;

e) show additional design parameters using auxiliary geometry, for example, the coordinates of the center of mass;

e) show dimensions and limit deviations without using sections;

g) include links to documents of another type, provided that the referenced document is in electronic form. When transferring design documentation to another enterprise, these documents must be included in the set of design documentation for the product*.

4.10 When setting attributes, symbols are used (signs, lines, alphabetic and alphanumeric designations, etc.) established in the standards of the Unified System for Design Documentation. The sizes of conventional signs are determined taking into account visibility and clarity and are kept the same for repeated use within the same model *.

4.11 When developing the model, the use of electronic libraries is envisaged

(electronic catalogs) of standard and purchased products. The application, methods and rules for the use of electronic libraries are established by the developer, if this is not indicated in the terms of reference or the protocol for considering a technical proposal (draft design)*.

For documentation for products developed by order of the Ministry of Defense, the range and technical content of the electronic product libraries used, as well as the regulatory documents of the organization, must be agreed with the customer (representative office of the customer).

4.12 It is allowed to include references to standards and specifications in the model if they fully and unambiguously define the relevant requirements. It is allowed to give references to technological instructions when the requirements established by these instructions are the only ones that guarantee the required quality of the product.

For documentation for products developed by order of the Ministry of Defense, the standards and technological instructions of organizations must be agreed with the customer (representative office of the customer).

4.13 The model does not include technological instructions. As an exception, it is allowed to include technological instructions in cases provided for by GOST 2.109.

5 General requirements for the implementation of the electronic model of the product

5.1 EMP must contain at least one coordinate system. The coordinate system of the model is depicted by three mutually perpendicular lines with the origin located at the intersection of three axes, while:

- the positive direction and designation of each axis must be shown;

- the model's right-handed coordinate system (Figure 1) should be used unless another coordinate system is specified.

Figure 1 - Coordinate system of the electronic model of the product

If necessary, it is allowed to use a non-orthogonal coordinate system of the model

5.2 When developing EMR, the following types of representation of the product shape are used according to