1 megabyte bits. How many megabytes are in one gigabyte or how to convert memory units correctly? Where is the data stored on the computer

In the modern age of high technologies, information is of great importance. Every day a person passes a huge flow of information through himself and his gadgets, so it is necessary to understand the units of information measurement. In particular, for many, the question of how many megabytes is in a gigabyte is especially acute, since this helps to take into account the required amount of traffic provided by an Internet connection provider. In practice, it may also often be necessary to convert megabytes to bytes or megabits to megabytes.

In modern computing technology (computers), the smallest unit of information is a bit. One bit encodes one single character in the binary system. That is, one bit allows you to write the value "0" or "1" in any of the digits.

How many bits are in a byte

Obviously, it is impossible to encode any number with one bit, which carries only one number. Therefore, the next unit of measurement was the byte, consisting of 8 bits. The bits within the byte write an eight-bit binary code.

1 1 1 1 1 1
2 7 2 6 2 5 2 4 2 3 2 2 2 1 2

In the first line of the table, we wrote down 1 byte of information, namely "10110111". In order to understand what number is encoded by this byte, it is necessary to raise the two to the power corresponding to the bit of each bit from right to left, starting from the zero bit. If any bit of the byte contains a bit containing "0" (in this case, it is the third and sixth digits), then this bit does not need to be summed up. Thus, the number we encoded in 1 byte is 183. Accordingly, the maximum number will look like this: 11111111 and will be equal to 256.

Other units of measurement of information

After we figured out that 1 byte consists of 8 bits, it is worth studying the following "major" units. They are formed by prefixes to the byte from SI (international system),

  • Kilo,
  • Mega,
  • Giga,
  • Tera.

The difficulty here is that when switching from one prefix to another, it is necessary to use a multiplicity of 1024, and not 1000, taken in physical units. Accordingly, 1 kilobyte contains 1024 bytes, and in order to convert megabytes to bytes, you need to multiply the amount of information in MB by 1024 twice. Answering the question, what is 1 gigabyte in bytes, you will need to divide the size of bytes by 1024 three times.

Information units table

In order to quickly navigate in units of information and be able to quickly convert megabytes to gigabytes, you can use the following table of information units:

Bit Byte Kilobyte MB Gigabyte
Bit 1 8 8192 8338608 8589934592
Byte 8 1 1024 1048576 1073741824
Kilobyte 8192 1024 1 1024 1048576
Megabyte 8338608 1048576 1024 1 1024
Gigabyte 8589934592 1073741824 1048576 1024 1
Calculation of units of measurement of information from bit to gigabyte

By intersecting rows and columns, you can find out how many bytes are in kilobytes and even convert gigabytes to bits.

A common mistake when choosing a tariff plan

Any Internet provider that provides you with access to the Internet offers a large number of tariffs to choose from. At the same time, the speed of the Internet connection is denoted as "Mb / s", or "mbps", which means "megabits per second", while a large number of people mistakenly take this designation for "megabytes per second", and thus the output speed is Internet connections are 8 times slower. Now you know how many megabits are in megabytes and you can easily convert megabytes to megabits. For the convenience of translating bytes, you can use a special byte converter.

Thus, if the speed of the Internet connection is 40mbps in the tariff plan, then when downloading files from the Internet, you will have a speed of 5 MB per second. After all, files downloaded from the network are measured in bytes, not in bits. The point here is that when receiving and transmitting data on the Internet, you constantly send and receive a code, and as you already know, encryption is carried out at the expense of bits, so your Internet provider is forced to indicate the speed of the Internet connection in megabits (mbps), forcing you to convert megabits to megabytes. In order to find out how many kilobytes of mobile Internet your operator provides, you need to read the relevant tariffication documents.

How long does it take to download a file

When downloading audio, video and other files from the Internet, you need to understand how long it will take to receive this data. For example, an average full-length HD movie with good sound recording will be about 5 gigabytes in size. It is easy to calculate that 5 gigabytes = 5120 MB = 40960 megabytes. It remains only to divide the file size in megabits by the speed of the Internet connection in the same megabits. In the case of a 40 Mbps Internet connection, downloading the file will take 1024 seconds, which is just over 17 minutes.

Now you are familiar with how many bytes are in a megabyte, having answered that there are 1,048,576 bytes in 1 megabyte, and you can easily convert kilobits to megabytes.

In today's article, we will focus on measuring information. All pictures, sounds and video clips that we see on the screens of monitors are nothing more than numbers. And these numbers can be measured, and, now, you will learn how to convert megabits to megabytes and megabytes to gigabytes.

If it is important for you to know how much 1 GB is in or how much is 1 MB, then this article is for you. Most often, such data is needed by programmers who estimate the volume occupied by their programs, but sometimes it does not bother ordinary users to estimate the size of downloaded or stored data.

In short, it is enough to know this:

1 byte = 8 bits

1 kilobyte = 1024 bytes

1 megabyte = 1024 kilobytes

1 gigabyte = 1024 megabytes

1 terabyte = 1024 gigabytes

Common abbreviations: kilobyte = kb, megabyte = mb, gigabyte = gb.

Recently I got a question from my reader: "What is more kb or mb?" Hopefully now everyone knows the answer.

Information units in detail

In the information world, not the decimal measurement system, which is familiar to us, is used, but the binary one. This means that one digit can take on a value not from 0 to 9, but from 0 to 1.

The simplest unit of information measurement is 1 bit, it can be 0 or 1. But this value is very small for the modern amount of data, therefore, bits are rarely used. More often, bytes are used, 1 byte is equal to 8 bits and can take a value from 0 to 15 (hexadecimal number system). True, instead of numbers 10-15, letters from A to F are used.

But even these amounts of data are not large, therefore, the usual prefixes kilo- (thousand), mega- (million), giga- (billion) are used.

It is worth noting that in the infoworld, a kilobyte is not 1000 bytes, but 1024. And if you want to know how many kilobytes are in a megabyte, you will also get the number 1024. When asked how many megabytes are in a gigabyte, you will hear the same answer - 1024.

This is also determined by a feature of the binary number system. If, when using tens, we get each new digit by multiplying by 10 (1, 10, 100, 1000, etc.), then in the binary system a new digit appears after multiplying by 2.

It looks like this:

2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024

A 10-digit binary number can only have 1024 values. This is more than 1000, but it is closest to the usual kilo prefix. Mega and giga and tera are used in the same way.

Greetings to all readers of my blog. Do each of you know in what units information is measured? Most of you are likely already familiar with the concepts of bit and byte. At least you've heard of them. Each of the users is also constantly faced with such units of information as megabytes, gigabytes and terabytes. Despite their fame, not all of you clearly understand how to translate one value into another.

The recalculation process has its own nuances. It is because of them that users have difficulties. The problem is that mostly people use the decimal number system, which everyone has become accustomed to for a long time. For example, if the unit of measurement has the prefix "kilo", then the value just needs to be multiplied by one thousand. However, information that is transmitted or stored digitally is measured using binary values. In this regard, in order to find out how many KB in MB, it is not enough to perform a simple multiplication by 1000. You need to understand this feature in more detail, which will be done further in the article.

What is a bit / byte?

Today it is no longer possible to surprise anyone with computers. In this technique, information units are used, which will be described below. They are used to denote the volume of both the hard drive (HDD and SSD) and random access memory (RAM).

A bit is the smallest unit. It is denoted by a small letter "b". It is followed by a byte. It is already indicated by the capital letter "B". In computer terminology, as a unit of measurement of information, bits are used much less often than bytes, after which the derivatives of this value are located. These are kilobytes (KB), megabytes (MB), gigabytes (GB), and so on. The well-known prefixes for the word "byte" do not allow you to easily translate a value by multiplying the value by 10 to the appropriate power. Such a rule for converting information units does not apply. For what reason it cannot be applied for this translation will be discussed later.

Similar values ​​also apply when measuring the speed of the transmitted information. Today, the Internet is most often used for these purposes. The information transmitted through such a channel is measured in kilobits, megabits, and so on. Due to the fact that with the help of these values ​​the speed is indicated, it is the bits per second that are counted. In other words, how many are transmitted per unit of time. Therefore, each user has a question regarding the number of bits contained in 1 byte, as well as how to correctly recalculate KB in KB.

Computer technology uses exclusively the values ​​of the binary system for functioning. To put it differently, then we can say that digital devices work only with numbers: 0 and 1. The first acquaintance with such a system occurs at school. From the computer science course, students learn that a bit is taken as a unit. It represents 1 bit of information. In this case, the bit can only be zero or one. In other words, the signal may or may not be present.

At the same time, a byte has a more complex concept. One such value in the binary system consists of 8 bits. In this case, 1 Bit is a two to a certain extent, which can be equal to from 0 to 7. If we take into account all possible combinations of ones and zeros, then it becomes clear that their maximum value is 256. This is the largest value. It is equal to the maximum amount of information that can be encoded in 1 byte.

Important! To translate a number from the binary system into the usual one, that is, decimal, you need to add all twos, each of which has its own degree. However, they need to be taken only in those bits where there is a signal that is possible if the measurement value is equal to one.

It is worth knowing that one byte is split into two parts, each of which consists of 4 bits. These are nibbles. Each of them is also called nibble. One nibble allows encoding any hex number. This process is done using 4 bits. In other words, the numbers 0-15 can be encoded.

Transfer MB to MB

For a better understanding of the material presented, it is necessary to understand well that Internet speed is often measured in KB, MB and GB. At the same time, special software measures the speed of the Internet channel in KB and MB. Many users use Speedtest for this purpose. Therefore, you have to understand how many bits are in MB. Although there is nothing complicated in this translation. So, 1 byte includes 8 bits. This allows you to calculate the number of KB in 1 KB - there will be 8. Therefore, 1 MB is equal to 8 MB. The calculation of gigabits or other similar value is performed in the same way. If you need to translate in the opposite direction, then the unit of measurement is divided by 8.

Now it becomes clear that 1 MB of the Internet is the amount of specific information transmitted through the channel, which is perceived by the user. It is equal to 1024 kilobytes. This volume is enough to open a certain number of pages, depending on the device used, since in mobile versions they weigh a little less compared to computer versions. So, if you need to spend 100 KB on one page, then a package of 1 MB of traffic will allow no more than 10 of them to be opened.

How many bytes are there in one MB and one GB?

The overwhelming majority of users know that the presence of the prefix "kilo" means the need to multiply the number by 10 to the third power. In other words, the magnification is a thousandfold. If the prefix "mega" is used, then the multiplication is performed by 10 to the 6th power. For example, one becomes 1,000,000. When the prefix "giga" is used, then the number is multiplied by 10 9.

However, when considering the question of how many bytes in MB, it must be borne in mind that it is impossible to use the above rules for converting units of measurement, since the values ​​refer exclusively to the binary system, and a different method of calculation is applied to it. The calculations are based not on 10 to a certain extent, but 2. In other words, the prefixes kibi, mebi, and so on are used instead of kilo, mega, etc.

In computer science, kibibytes, mebibytes, gibibytes, and so on are used to denote the units by which information in excess of a byte is measured. However, it so happened that the overwhelming majority of Russian-speaking users use the "wrong" prefixes like kilo, mega, etc. Moreover, the correct names in Russian sound a little funny. This is especially true for yobibytes. Therefore, everyone needs to understand that today the wrong names of units are almost always used, which are used to denote the amount of information.

Confusion among users arises precisely because of the above-described nuances. Many people think that a kilobyte equals thousands of bytes. However, this statement is incorrect, since 1 KB is 1024 bytes. In other words, you need to raise the two to the tenth power. Only this statement is true. Based on this, you can easily calculate, for example:

  • how many bytes in 1 MB - 1048576 bytes (two is raised to the twentieth power or 1024 multiplied by 1024);
  • how many bytes in 1 GB - 107374824 bytes (two is raised to the 30th power or 1024 is multiplied three times by itself);
  • how many MB in 1 GB - 1024 megabytes;
  • how many GB in 1 TB - 1024 gigabytes.

So how do you know how many MB will come out of a certain number of bytes. To obtain an accurate result, you must divide the original number of units by two raised to the twentieth power. Here you need to understand well that division is not carried out by 1,000,000, as is customary in the decimal system, but by 1,048,576. This number is slightly more than a million. It is because of this important nuance that the correct result will be less than originally expected.

So that you, dear readers of my blog, can more quickly recalculate a certain unit into bytes, I will give in ascending order of degree. They must be used to build two: 0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50. These values ​​correspond to bytes, kilobytes, megabytes, gigabytes, terabytes, petabytes.

Why does a terabyte disk hold 900 GB?

Manufacturers of hard drives skillfully take advantage of the low awareness of some users. So, almost every buyer of a new HDD, after formatting, found that instead of the promised 1 TB, the system showed a little more than 900 GB of free space on the media. As a result, many users are beginning to wonder where almost 10% of the hard disk space is lost.

The secret lies in the fact that HDD manufacturers use decimal rather than binary system when measuring disk capacity. In other words, they calculate 1 kilobyte per thousand bytes. As a result, the difference is 24 units of information measurement. If we take into account the sufficiently large volume of the hard disk, then the manufacturer will benefit, since the difference is already increasing by tens of gigabytes.

If each of the HDD manufacturers used the correct disk size count, then 1 GB would be equal to 107374824 bytes. When converted to terabytes, you need to multiply this value by 1024. As a result, a terabyte disk would hold 109951819776 bytes.

Now you know how the manufacturers determine the amount of memory for the released devices. They use a very simple trick to always win. At the same time, consumers buy a product whose usefulness is 10% less.

Bit is one of the most famous quantities of information in the world. The word bit was first used by Claude Shannon in 1948. It can be defined according to Shannon as the binary logarithm of the probability of equiprobable events or as the basic unit of information. It is possible to implement the bit as single phase and two phase. Anyone got any idea ..?

Nota Bene ... If you got into the article, to get answers to questions:

Bits, Bytes ..... Theory

So, as already mentioned, the concept of "beat" was introduced by Claude Shannon in 1948.

What is a bit?

In simple terms, a bit is a unit of information. It can take two values ​​- in computer science it is "1" or "0". "True" or "False". "True" or "False". In electronics, "1" and "0" differ in voltage. So by the magnitude of the voltage, any device can understand "1" was sent to him or "0". So:

  • Bit can take values: 1 or 0

What is a byte?

This amount of information is equal to 8 bits. Those. 1 byte is 8 consecutive "1" or "0" (bits). For example:

  • 00000001
  • 10101010
  • 11111010

And so on ... So "1" and "0" can be swapped in 256 different ways. And a byte can take 2 8 = 256 different values.

For the first time the concept of "byte" was used in 1956 by V. Buchholz. This word is an abbreviated phrase that means - a binary term. Buchholtz was engaged in the design of the first supercomputer, according to his scientific achievements, a byte was a bundle, which simultaneously transmits up to six to eight bits in input-output devices. Later, the byte was expanded to 8 bits, as part of the same project. In some models of computers in the 1950s, 1960s, a byte was equal to 9 bits, in a Soviet computer it was equal to 7 bits.

Remaining ... bytes

  • One Kilobyte is equal to 2 10 Bytes = 1024 Bytes. (Denoted as "KB")
  • One Megabyte is equal to 2 20 Bytes = 1024 Kilobytes = 1,048,576 Bytes. ("Mb" is designated).
  • One Gigabyte is equal to 2 30 Bytes = 1024 Megabytes = 1,048,576 Kilobytes = very many Bytes .. (1024 * 1,048,576 on the calculator) (Denoted by "MB").
  • One Terabyte equals 2 40 Bytes = 1024 Gigabytes = 1,048 576 Megabytes = ... (Denoted by "TB")

According to computer slang, gigabytes are also called "hectares" and "gigabytes". The prefix "Tera" for Terabyte is not entirely correct, since it means multiplication by the twelfth power. There are also such units of measurement of information as petabyte, Exabyte, Zettabyte and Yottobyte, but they are very rare in use.

Confusion with kilo ..

Often there is confusion with the prefix "kilo" and its perception not as a multiplier of 1024 (nipple system), but as a factor 1000 familiar from school (SI system). In fact, everything is simple here:

  • Inscriptions "KB", "MB", "GB", etc. means using a multiplier of 1024
  • The inscriptions "kilobyte", "megabyte", etc. - using a multiplier of 1000, etc ...

The theory is over!

We will now answer frequently asked questions ...

FAQ ?!

How many Kilobits in Megabits

There are two options when answering the question how many kilobits per megabit:

  • Correct- 1000 kilobits (SI system) (It is better when using this option to write that there are 1000 decimal kilobits in one megabit)
  • And the second - 1024 kilobits (in the binary approach)

Both options are quite popular, they are often used, which is why all kinds of inaccuracies arise. Computer designers, aka programmers, usually use the value 1000.

How many Kilobits in Megabytes

Most often this question is asked to calculate the speed of the Internet, tk. different providers indicate it differently. Someone in Kilobits per second, someone in Megabytes per second ..

As already described, historically, the unit of data transmission has been the bit. The measurement rate was carried out in baud 1 baud = 1 bit / s.

Now this concept is outdated and is not used at all. Therefore, you can forget it, unless you need to take the computer science dinosaur exam. So, to convert megabytes to kilobits, remember that:

  • 1 Byte = 8 Bits
  • 1 MegaByte = 1024 KiloBytes

We get:

  • 1 Megabyte= 1024 KiloBits = 1024 * 8 KiloBits or what is the same 2 13 = 8192 KiloBit

How many Kilobytes in Megabytes

There are 1024 Kilobytes in Megabyte.

The resolution of the dispute about 1000 Kilobytes in Megabytes read in theory ...

p.s .: There is an unfunny anecdote ... What is the difference between an ordinary person and an ordinary programmer? An ordinary person thinks that there are 1000 bytes in a kilobyte, but a programmer thinks that there are 1024 grams in a kilo ... Haha. Shovel.

How many Kilobytes in Gigabytes

So we convert Gigabytes to Kilobytes:

  • 1 Megabytes = 1024 Kilobytes
  • 1 Gigabytes = 1024 Megabytes

Hence →

  • 1 Gigabyte = 1024x1024 Kilobytes = 1,048,576 Kilobytes.

What is more Kilobyte or Megabyte

As mentioned above:

  • 1 Megabytes = 1024 Kilobytes

Consequently, one megabyte is significantly more than one kilobyte.

Do you want to know, how many in 1 GB, megabytes and kilobytes, then read this article in which you will get comprehensive answers to this question.

What is more kilobyte or megabyte

I think that most of those who use the Internet know that all the information that is placed in this virtual space (texts, pictures, videos, sounds, etc.) is presented in the form of a set of numbers.

And this whole set of numbers can be measured, and now I will show you how to do it. Then you can convert bytes to bits, bits to kilo bytes, kilo-bytes to kilo-bits, kilo-bits to mega-bytes, mega-bytes to mega-bits, mega-bits to giga-bytes to giga-bits, gig-abit to terabyte, terabyte to gibberish.

So, if you need to know how much is contained in 1 GB MB or 1 MB KB, then now, I will tell you about it in detail. I don’t know why you need this, if you are not a programmer (although they don’t really need such information either), but nevertheless, now I’ll tell you about it, since I myself recently thought about this issue so I decided to write a whole article. At least it will help to estimate the size of the downloaded information and not only.

There is nothing complicated here, it is enough to know some rules and have a calculator at hand.

  1. 1 byte is 8 bits
  2. 1 kb is 1024 bytes
  3. 1 MB is 1024 kilo-bytes
  4. 1 GB is 1024 mega-bytes
  5. 1 terabyte is 1024 gigabytes

Abbreviations considered generally accepted:

  1. kilo-byte - kb
  2. mega-byte - mb
  3. giga byte - gb

You should also know that in the world of information, only a binary measuring system is used, and not the decimal one, to which you and I are accustomed. That is, a digit can take on a value not from 0 to 10, but from 0 to 1.

That is, the simplest digit for measuring information is 1 bit, the value of which can be 0 or 1.
And due to the fact that such a too negligible value is very small for measuring the size (volume) of information, it is almost never used, but a byte is used, where 1 byte is equal to 18 bits. And it can take values ​​from 0 to 15 (hexadecimal number system), only instead of numerical indicators 10-15, letters from A to F are used. These volumes of measurement of information are also not very large, therefore we all use the familiar prefixes kilo (1000), mega (1,000,000), giga (1,000,000,000).

Also, I want to add that in the information space kilobytes = not 1000 bytes, but 1024. And if you want to know how many kilobytes are in a megabyte, then you will also get the number 1024. And asking the question: "so how many megabytes are in a gigabyte" ? you will hear the same answer - 1024.

This "metamorphosis" is determined by the peculiarity of the binary computing system. That is, when using tens, we will receive each new digit by multiplying by 10 (1, 10, 100, 1,000, 1,000,000, etc.), then with the binary method of calculus, a new digit appears after that how to perform the action of multiplying by 2.
An example of how it all looks: 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024
That is, a 10-digit binary number can only have 1024 values. This is more than 1,000, but the closest thing to the kilo prefix. Exactly according to the same calculation scheme, the following are used: mega .., giga .. and tera ...