How to delete windows 10 recycle files. All Recycler virus cleaning methods

A folder called Recycle.Bin remains completely invisible to most users. No wonder, because this is a system folder, and therefore it is problematic to see it, to put it mildly, unless, of course, you decide to properly study your operating system- the folder is hidden from view.

In order to see this folder, as they say, "live", you need to use the functionality of the operating system. Go to "Computer", click on the "Organize" button, and when the menu appears, select "Folder and search options" in it.

A window will appear. Go to the "View" tab, here you will see Extra options folders. Find the item "Show hidden files, folders and drives" and check the box next to it. And a little higher, uncheck the box "Hide protected operating system files." Click OK.

Voila, here is the folder:

Do not forget to restore the previous folder settings later.

So what is the Recycle.Bin folder? In fact, everything is very simple - it's just the one where you send files and folders for deletion. In fact, when a file is deleted, the latter is moved to the RECYCLE.BIN folder, where it waits in the wings: either complete deletion or restoration. After some time, the folder will be cleared, for example, if the volume of deleted files exceeds a certain limit, older files are deleted.

The most interesting thing here is that on each of the local drives on your computer you will find this very folder. Yes, yes, when you delete a file, it moves to the trash of the disk where it was physically located. When the user opens the trash on the desktop, he sees everything deleted files regardless of which drive they were previously on.

By the way, many users believe that Recycle.Bin is a virus, but it is not, as I convinced you above. Of course, in isolated cases, the Recycle.Bin folder can indeed be a virus, but this rarely happens.

How to delete the Recycle.Bin folder?

You don’t need to delete it - just hide it from your eyes in the way described above. In this case, you will never see this folder at all.

By the way, if you delete the folder in the usual way, then after some time it will still appear on the disk - when you delete something.

Let's take it in order.

What is the System Volume Information folder? And why do viruses love to hide there? How can I access the contents of this folder?

For cleaning, you can simply Disable this service.
RMB on My computer -> Properties-> select System protection
A window will open in which we select the disk on which you want to disable it, click Tune

A window will open in which we click on Delete.

Then there will be a warning about how bad it is, what you are doing and all that. Click Continue and everything is cleared. The computer will not die from this.

Pay no attention to my screenshots. I just don’t need this Recovery and I know what I’m doing because I can restore the system anyway, even without standard methods.

In this window, you can also Disable or Enable data recovery, as well as select maximum size recovery folders.

By the way, for cleaning, you can select Disable, then click Apply, then select Enable again and press Apply.

so or StartAll programsStandardServiceSystem Restore.

What is the $RECYCLE.BIN folder?
This folder is located at the root of each drive, and has a hidden and system attribute. Therefore, if you have disabled the option to show hidden files, you will not see this folder just like the previous one. How to see it - I gave the link above.
$RECYCLE.BIN - this is the basket itself in Vista and Seven, it also contains the desktop.ini file, it is responsible for the view in which this folder is shown in Explorer.
And $RECYCLE.BIN- trash folder on active NOT system drive, and $Recycle.Bin(in lower case) - respectively on the system.
In fact, when a file or folder is deleted to the trash, it is not deleted at all, but the object is moved to this same $Recycle.Bin folder located on the disk where the deletion takes place.
Each disk has its own bin (the $Recycle.Bin folder is at the root of each partition). But when you open the trash - you will see all the deleted files together.
For more information, you can read the site.

By the way, right-click on the Recycle Bin shortcut on your desktop and select Properties, you may never have done this before. Your disks are displayed there, where these Recycle.Bin files are stored.
There are only 3 settings

Set size- what is the maximum size of the files in the trash, after which it will no longer be able to store them and will require you to empty it.
Destroy files immediately after deletion without putting them in the trash- I think it's clear. I do not recommend doing this because it may turn out that it was deleted by accident desired file or a folder, and then you need to return it through third-party software.
I also do not recommend unchecking Request confirmation for deletion for the same reason.

And finally - if you are sure that you will not need files or folders (for example, some kind of garbage) and you will not regret their disappearance - feel free to press the keyboard shortcut shift+del and the file is deleted from the computer without even getting into the trash.

You may encounter this folder on your computer running an operating system. Windows systems any user. Moreover, it is found on all local drives and at the same time is .

In this article we will tell you what this folder is, why it is needed and whether it is worth deleting it.

Purpose of the Recycle.bin folder

Let's start with the translation of the word Recycle. Literally, it sounds like "Recycle". That is, the Recycle.bin folder is needed for recycling. But processing of what?

Have you ever thought about why when you delete something on your computer, these files are first placed in which you can restore them without any problems if necessary.

So the $RECYCLE.BIN folder is the trash. When you delete a file, it is first placed in it, and if you empty the trash, then in this case it is also deleted from this hidden system folder.

Emptying the trash

That is why such a folder exists on each of the local drives. Since each disk has its own basket. And the basket that you see on the desktop combines the baskets of all disks.

Recycle bin icon on desktop

Based on this, we can conclude that there is no need to delete $RECYCLE.BIN. Because even if you do, it will still appear.

Recycle bin folder in the root of the local drive

Let's also summarize that emptying the $RECYCLE.BIN folder occurs during the emptying of the recycle bin via .

Viral activity - $RECYCLER.BIN

If your computer or laptop has Windows 7 and higher operating systems, and there is a $RECYCLER.BIN folder on local drives that differs in name from $RECYCLE.BIN by one letter R, then with some degree of probability you can suspect that this is a virus.

The fact is that some viruses disguise themselves as system folders and files, practically copying their names. $RECYCLER.BIN is the case.

Often we do not even notice how our PC has become infected with a particular virus. Especially often this happens through flash drives. And the most malicious guest is the recycler virus, which sometimes causes irreparable harm.

We remove the virus

Before you remove recycler, you should download the kk.exe utility from the Internet, which is designed to work with this virus. After that, you need to run it and check it. If its launch did not give anything, then you should try to remove the virus manually. To do this, you need to install a file manager in which you need to enable the display of hidden and system files. Then you should open the flash drive in the file manager and delete all unfamiliar folders and files.

When deleting manually, in no case should you open files and disks double click, it is necessary to use the file tree. The autorun.bat, autorun.exe, autorun.~ex, autorun.ico, autorun.txt, autorun.bin, autorun.reg, autorun.inf, autorun.srm, autorun.ini, autorun.vbs, autorun files must be deleted .wsh. Also, it is recommended to delete other unfamiliar files with extensions .com, .sys, .inf, .tmp, .exe. The RECYCLER or RECYCLED folders must also be deleted.

If deleted files appear again, it means that the computer is infected, you need to update the main antivirus, or completely reinstall the system and format the space hard drive. Now you know how to remove the recycler virus and your computer and files will be securely protected.

There are so many viruses today that it is impossible to count. Some of them can be quite dangerous, in particular those based on removable devices, blocking access to them, and then penetrating into the operating system itself. So, for example, the Recycler virus on a flash drive in a hidden form works in this way. It is often impossible to remove it by standard methods. Next, let's look at how to get rid of this threat, if it is present on a USB drive. We will focus on the manual method, since anti-virus protection tools sometimes cannot neutralize it.

Recycler threat: what is it?

If we consider this threat in terms of its initial location on USB drives, we can immediately note that the first sign of infection is blocking access to the device. When using the same double click, the system starts to display messages that an access error has occurred.

Sometimes files and folders saved on the media can be displayed, but when you try to open them or even simply select them, you get a notification that the object you are looking for is not found.

In the system startup and "Task Manager", among the active elements, incomprehensible processes like cbtww.exe or fpewkqk.exe appear, which ultimately leads to the fact that the load on system resources increases incredibly (even the system often "flies" completely, and after that requires a complete reinstall).

Sometimes, however, a virus can also disguise itself as processes of trusted programs like Opera.exe or system processes svchost.exe. In this case, you need to look at the CPU load, as well as set the location of the components responsible for these processes through the RMB menu, and then terminate them if it turns out that they are in doubt.

Here we have the Recycler virus. What it is, I hope, is a little clear. Now we will move on to practical steps to rid the system of this threat.

How to Remove Recycler Virus: Preliminary Steps

Since the threat is activated just at the moment of trying to access removable media by installing its executable elements in the above sections of the system, you first need to get rid of them.

To begin with, we end in the "Task Manager" all active processes in which instead of the name there is a meaningless set of characters.

After that, you need to enter the autostart section and uncheck all suspicious services. In Windows 10, the startup tab is located directly in the Task Manager, and in versions below it is located in the system designer, which is called by the msconfig command in the Run menu. Upon completion of all the described actions, the system must be rebooted without fail.

File Display Attribute Changes

Such is the unusual Recycler virus. What is it, figured out. Now let's see how to get rid of it entirely. It’s impossible to find threat components on USB drives just like that, since they all have hidden object attributes.

Thus, first in the "Explorer" you must use the view menu, which indicates the display of hidden files and directories. However, it is too early to rejoice. Yes, the components of the virus are visible (the RECYCLER folder and the automatic start file Autorun.inf), but you can't just remove them because they have the appropriate protection.

Manual removal of virus components

But how then to remove all the components of the threat? The Recycler file on the device may be missing, and you only need to get rid of the main directory and the autostart component.

Here you can use the standard Notepad, enter the line attrib -s -h / d / s into it and save the created document under any name with manual installation of the BAT extension. Now you should run this file. After the start, a command console window will appear, which, after executing the command entered in the document, will be closed automatically. And only now you can safely delete the above elements from the flash drive.

To simplify the actions performed, you can use the small NexusFile utility in the form of a file manager, which can both show the components of the virus and automatically remove protection from them. Alt + Z is used to display files and directories, and Shift + Ctrl + D is used to completely remove virus elements after they have been selected.

Scanning with portable instruments

That's all in a nutshell about the Recycler virus. What is this threat? This is a very dangerous applet that can affect the system in the most critical way. To be completely sure that the threat has been neutralized, just in case, after carrying out all the above actions, the flash drive should be checked with some portable scanner program like Dr. Web CureIt!, although you can use it at the very first stage if you wish. However, if you do not end all virus processes at least in the same "Task Manager" and do not disable the components of the virus in the autostart of the system, it is not always necessary to count on complete removal. Therefore, it is better to use the manual neutralization technique. At least it is she who guarantees the complete and irretrievable removal of this dangerous threat once and for all.