What to do with blue screen of death windows. Why does the blue screen of death appear and what to do with it. What do we have to do

The Blue Screen of Death (BSoD) is a critical system error in Microsoft Windows operating systems. When this fault occurs, the system freezes and the data that was changed during operation is not saved. It is one of the most common problems in the Windows 7 operating system. To troubleshoot this problem, you first need to understand why it appears.

The reasons for the BSoD error can be divided into 2 generalized groups: hardware and software. Hardware problems are problems with the hardware in the system unit and various components. Most often, malfunctions occur with the RAM and hard drive. But still, there may be malfunctions in the operation of other devices. BSoD can occur due to the following hardware issues:

  • Incompatibility of the installed equipment (for example, the installation of an additional "RAM" bar);
  • Breakdown of components (most often the hard drive or RAM fail);
  • Incorrect overclocking of the processor or video card.

The software causes of the problem are much more extensive. Failure can occur in system services, improperly installed drivers, or due to the action of malware.

  • Inappropriate drivers or conflict of some drivers (incompatibility with the operating system);
  • Virus software activity;
  • Application failures (most often, viruses or software solutions that emulate the application are the culprit in such failures).

Reason 1: Installing a new program or hardware

If you have installed a new software solution, this can lead to the appearance of a blue screen of death. The error could also have occurred due to a software update. Provided that you have carried out such actions, it is necessary to return everything to its previous state. To do this, you need to roll back the system to the moment when no errors were noticed.

The Windows 7 recovery process will start, after which your PC will reboot and the malfunction should disappear.

Reason 2: Lack of free space

Make sure that the disk where the Windows files are located has the required free space. Blue screen of death and various major problems occur when disk space is full. Clean up the disk with system files.

Microsoft advises leaving at least 100 MB free, but as practice shows, it is better to leave 15% of the system partition volume.

Reason 3: System update

Try updating Windows 7 to the latest Service Pack. Microsoft is consistently releasing new patches and service packs for its product. Often, they contain fixes that help troubleshoot BSoD issues.

Reason 4: Drivers

Follow the procedure for updating the drivers for your system. The vast majority of BSoD errors are associated with improperly installed drivers that cause this kind of malfunction.

Reason 5: System errors

Check the event log for warnings and faults that could be associated with a blue screen.

Reason 6: BIOS

Incorrect BIOS settings can result in a BSoD error. By resetting these options, you should be able to troubleshoot the BSoD problem. How to do this is described in a separate article.

Reason 7: Hardware

It is necessary to check that all internal cables, cards and other components of your PC are connected correctly. Elements that are poorly connected may cause a blue screen to appear.

Error codes

Let's consider the most common error codes and their interpretation. This may assist in troubleshooting.

  • INACCESSIBLE BOOT DEVICE- this code means that there is no access to the download section. The boot disk is defective, the controller is faulty, and incompatible system components can also cause the problem;
  • KMODE EXCEPTION NOT HANDLED- the problem is most likely due to a problem with the hardware of the PC. Incorrectly installed drivers or physical damage to the hardware. It is necessary to check all components one by one;
  • NTFS FILE SYSTEM- the problem is caused by the failure of the Windows 7 system files. This situation occurs due to mechanical damage to the hard disk. Viruses written to the boot area of ​​the hard drive causes this malfunction. Damaged logical structures of system files can also lead to malfunction;
  • IRQL NOT LESS OR EQUAL- such a code means that the BSoD malfunction appeared due to errors in the service data or Windows 7 drivers;
  • PAGE FAULT IN NONPAGED AREA- the parameters that are requested cannot be found in the memory cells. Most often, the reason lies in defects in RAM or incorrect operation of antivirus software;
  • KERNEL DATA INPAGE ERROR- the system was unable to read the data that was requested from the memory section. The reasons here are: failures in the sectors of the hard drive, problem points in the HDD controller, malfunctions in the "RAM";
  • KERNEL STACK INPAGE ERROR- The OS is not able to read data from the paging file to the hard drive. The reasons for this situation are damage to the HDD or RAM memory;
  • UNEXPECTED KERNEL MODE TRAP- the problem is related to the system kernel, it can be both software and hardware;
  • STATUS SYSTEM PROCESS TERMINATED- a logical malfunction that is directly related to drivers or malfunctioning applications.

So, in order to restore the correct operation of Windows 7 and get rid of the BSoD error, first of all, you need to roll back the system at the time of stable operation. If this is not possible, then you should install the latest available updates for your system, check the installed drivers, test the performance of the PC hardware. Help to resolve the error is also present in the fault code. By using the methods above, you can get rid of the blue screen of death.

In case of critical errors in the operation of the operating system, as a result of which the PC is restarted without saving data, and further work with information becomes impossible, a blue background with white letters is displayed on the screen, which is called. The name is a literal translation of the English term Blue Screen of Death (abbreviation - BSoD).

Causes and consequences of the emergence of BSoD

You should not be afraid of the blue screen, since any mechanism may fail sooner or later, but it can be quite difficult to determine its cause. BSoD is a kind of protective reaction of the operating system and appears in case of detection of code that does not work correctly.

PC operation is not possible because the system is shutting down. The user only needs to carefully study the information received and then reboot the system.

Thus, the blue screen provides information about the type of error by encrypting it with a hexadecimal code. The identification of the cause of the failure (decoding of the code) can be found in the search engine.

Some breakdowns in the system are very frequent, others are quite rare. For example, 0x00000001 corresponds to the APC_INDEX_MISMATCH error. Upon entering the code, we find out that the problem occurs as a result of the first installation or reinstallation of a third-party application for MTP and WPD devices. This error can be fixed by downloading and reinstalling the latest update on the OS.

Delaying the error on the screen

If the user, seeing what is happening on the screen, did not perform any action, Windows will automatically start to reload. In this mode, in the absence of technical knowledge and experience, it is difficult to understand the source of the failure. As a consequence, there is a need to delay the error on the PC screen.

To make it possible to decipher the sources of the failures that have occurred, you can go in several ways:

  • take pictures of indicators;
  • view memory dump records;
  • use the diagnostic utility.

Writing the contents of the working memory is enabled after disabling the reboot in automatic mode. To do this, the "Properties" tab is activated in the "Computer" menu (by clicking on the right or by a quick combination of "Win + Pause"). In the position "Additional system parameters" located on the left side of the screen, open the "Additional" window.

In the selected tab, we find the item "Download and Restore" with a number of checkboxes. Next, you need to remove the parameter that performs auto-reboot, and check the box in the box that is responsible for registering the event in the system log ("Write event to the system log"). Now, when the blue screen is highlighted, the OS will not automatically reboot, and the necessary information about the dysfunction of the working system will be stored in memory.

The use of a special application is relevant for high-speed diagnosing the blue screen of death. For example, the Blue Screen View utility examines individual dumps and lists them.

The program thoroughly analyzes and collects information about the details of emerging critical failures and displays products in decrypted form with an indication of the version, bitness. Events are viewed in separate windows of the received report, which can be saved in text format or in an .html file.

How to parse BSoD information

On the blue screen of death, in a certain sequence, there is information in English that specifies the failure and how to fix it. In particular, we are talking about displaying:

  • failure names;
  • recommendations for its elimination;
  • hexadecimal error code;
  • failure parameters;
  • driver names;
  • failure addresses.

Failures occurring as a result of a breakdown of an element of the PC hardware (hard disk, RAM, video card or power supply) are frequent. Conflicts that arise between devices in a computer or due to incompatibility of the connected equipment with the.

Inappropriate or incompatible drivers, lack of free working space on the disk, unsatisfactory operation of coolers leading to overheating, the action of malware - no less common circumstances leading to the appearance of the screen of death.

The main reasons that cause OS malfunctions

The appearance of the blue screen of death of Windows 7 when loading is a serious enough reason to analyze the work of the PC as a whole.

First, you can check how much disk space is left for the system data. If there is no space, you should delete unnecessary information in the usual way or using cleaning utilities.

From time to time it is necessary to scan the OS with antiviruses in order to destroy viruses, trojans and other software that can disrupt the operation of the PC.

If the activation of the blue screen is triggered by error codes in Windows 7, you can install the service pack in the latest version and periodically update the system in the future. For this purpose, in the "System Properties" menu, select the "Automatic update" item, in which the corresponding "Automatic (recommended)" button is activated.

If the error appears when you reload the program or driver, you can fix the error by rolling back the driver to a previous version or uninstalling the program. It is possible to use "Run Last Known Good Configuration".

The activation of the blue screen is associated with the connection to the PC of a new incompatible device. Then one of the components is replaced - either the device (for a compatible one) or the operating system that supports it.

If the device is initially compatible, but the OS still generates an error, new driver versions are installed from the manufacturer's website.

If you have the appropriate knowledge, you can configure the settings in the BIOS. A layman is better off not using this technique, as it can result in an even bigger problem than a blue screen.

The death screen may be the result of a malfunction in the RAM. A broken line is identified using one of the testing programs. So, the MemTest86 utility allows you to test memory without an OS or connecting other drivers. To connect it, a bootable USB flash drive (disk) is created. The program writes all the memory in blocks of data, and then reads and verifies what was written.

BSoD can be caused by bad sectors or errors on the hard disk. The problem is solved through standard operations: in the "Tools" menu, the volume is checked.

It will be useful to monitor the cleanliness of the PC, which will eliminate the problem of overheating, provoking the flashing of the blue screen of death. It is necessary to lubricate the cooling components of the processor, chipset, power supply with a special agent. If necessary, additional coolers are installed to normalize the passage of air flows.

To eliminate BSoD, you can reinstall the operating system using its licensed version.

General algorithm of actions for solving BSoD problem without decryption

If there is a problem in the form of a blue screen, you can do without decoding the error code. To begin with, we analyze our recent actions with the computer. If their list includes a driver update, program installation, registry change, hardware replacement, access to a site with a dubious reputation, you can do it differently.

First, the OS is loaded using the Last Known Good Configuration mode. To do this, all discs are removed and the computer rebooted. During reboot, the F8 key is held down, which causes the Windows symbol to appear. Then the PC should be rebooted and, having received the message "Additional boot options" on the screen, select the "Last Known Good Configuration" item.

If this attempt was unsuccessful and did not lead to elimination of errors, the computer is booted in "Safe Mode" (alternatively - "... with loading network drivers").

After that, you can check the disk, the integrity of its system components and the presence of viruses.

So, the blue screen helps to identify failures that occur during the execution of code in the operating mode of the kernel. To do this, it is enough to monitor the cleanliness of the PC, use drivers and proven programs downloaded from the official resources of reliable manufacturers. Observing simple rules, you can reduce the possibility of interrupting the system operation by several times.

If BSoD began to periodically disrupt the usual rhythm of PC operation, you can easily decipher the error code, and then eliminate its cause.

Windows blue screens of death ( B lue S creen o f D ead) did not come across, perhaps only a rare lucky one. Most of us had the "good fortune" to contemplate this phenomenon on our own PC. And it drives many people into panic: what if the computer is lid?

In order not to get lost when a blue "lantern" suddenly flashed on the screen, you need to be able to look the enemy "in the face". That is, learn how to find out what led to the emergence of BSoD, assess how critical the situation is and know what to do so that it does not repeat itself.

Blue light turns on unexpectedly

In the course of Windows operation, a lot of errors occur, the bulk of which are eliminated by the system unnoticed by the user. But some of them are so serious that the continuation of the session becomes impossible. Either the problem that has arisen threatens Windows or the hardware with permanent damage. In such cases, BSoD pops up. The system seems to say to the user: “Sorry, friend, but I had no other choice. If it hadn't been for the abnormal termination, something bad would have happened. "

Blue screens of death occur at any stage of computer boot and operation. And the following leads to them:

  • Incorrect operation of device drivers due to poor compatibility with the operating system, conflict with other drivers, damaged or changed parameters.
  • Incorrect operation of software, more often the one that creates its own services - antiviruses, firewalls, equipment emulators, etc.
  • Infection with malware.
  • Hardware problems - malfunction of RAM, disk drives, network, sound adapters, video subsystem, motherboard, power supply and other equipment.
  • Abnormal operation of devices - overheating, unstable power supply, overclocking.
  • Disruption of data exchange between devices - poor contact in connectors, faulty cables and loops.
  • Device incompatibility.

By the way, a one-time BSoD after connecting a new device to the computer, if in the future everything works flawlessly, can be considered the norm.

What can you learn from the information on the blue screen

Fortunately, the vast majority of blue screens of death are caused by software glitches, which the user can fix on their own and relatively quickly, without having to reinstall Windows. Software problems are characterized by random BSoDs with the same or similar error codes.

Hardware "bruises" often occur under the same conditions (for example, when the load on the video card increases, when you try to open a large file) and have different codes. Or, these codes indicate problems with specific equipment, such as: errors in accessing the device, inability to read, recognize.

However, these indications only allow one to make an assumption about the cause of the problem. More detailed information is needed to clarify it.

Windows 10 Blue Screen of Death looks like this:

Information about the error in it is carried by the line “ Stopcode". In my example, this is CRITICAL PROCESS DIED.

Having scanned the QR code with your phone, which is located here, you can go to the site stopcode, which contains general troubleshooting tips. Hints from Microsoft are sometimes useful, but there is nothing about the reason for your specific case, which means that you will have to look for this data in another source, for example:

  • On computer forums.
  • In reference books on various error codes, in particular, and in.

But this is not entirely complete information. Each error is unique, and the most accurate information about it is contained in a file that the system saves to disk at the time of the failure. Namely - in a small memory dump, which we will learn to analyze. And in order for such files to be created, you need to make a few small settings.

How to enable the function of creating and saving small memory dumps

To save memory dumps on the hard disk, the system must be located in the same partition as the Windows folder. Its size can be 2 Mb or more.

  • Go through the context menu to the properties of the folder " Computer».

  • Click in the window that opens the button " Additional system parameters».

"Click the button" Parameters».

  • In the new window section “ System failure" from the list " Writing debug information»Select« Small memory dump". Let it be indicated as the save location «% SystemRoot% \Minidump"(% Systemroot% is the Windows folder).

This completes the setup. Now information about BSoDs will be saved in the above directory.

How to analyze the content of minidumps

There are different ways to analyze Windows crash memory dumps, but we will get acquainted with the most, in my opinion, convenient and simple - with the help of a free utility.

BlueScreenView is especially convenient in that it does not require the installation of bulky Debugging Tools for Windows packages on the computer and can be launched from any media, just click on the file of the same name.

The interface of the utility, despite the absence of the Russian language, is very friendly. The main window is divided into 2 halves. Above - a table of minidump files from the Windows \ Minidump folder with the date and time of creation (column Crash Time), error code in hexadecimal format (column Bug Check Code), its four parameters and other information. However, it is more convenient to view the data on a specific failure in a separate window, which is opened by double-clicking on the line of interest (shown below). The main window gives more information about the problem as a whole, if BSoD's happened more than once. It is easy to track the dates of incidents and error codes, by the recurrence of which you can judge the nature of the problem.

The lower half of the main window displays the drivers loaded into memory at the time of the emergency for a specific dump selected in the list. The lines highlighted in pink show the contents of the event flow stack, and the drivers mentioned in them are most directly related to the cause of the failure.

Let's analyze, for example, one of the small memory dumps with error code 0x00000154. I will say in advance that it was caused by a kinked hard disk cable. To begin our analysis, let's take a look at the list of drivers in the event stack. There is nothing here except ntoskrnl.exe - the Windows kernel, which, of course, is not to blame for the problem - it is just that during the failure there was not a single driver in the stack, but it is always present there.

To check this version, let's evaluate the S.M.A.R.T indicators of the hard disk of the computer, which are monitored by the Hard Disk Sentinel program. On the day of the accident, there were changes to the following attributes:

  • 188 Command Timeout.
  • 199 UltraDMA CRC Error Count.

Both indicate errors in the transmission of data on the interface cable. The hard surface test and checking the file structure did not reveal any deviations, so the problem was solved by replacing the cable.

Consider another case of a blue screen of death caused by Kaspersky antivirus. BSoD intermittently occurred during Windows 10 startup and when the computer woke up from hibernation.

The error was recorded several times under the same code - 0x000000d1, which means the following: "a kernel-mode driver tried to access a memory page in an IRQL process that had too high priority." This time BlueScreenView pointed out a problem in the NDIS.sys driver for network connections. This means that there is a high probability that the failure is of software origin and is related to something that is using the network.

To identify the culprit, it was necessary to analyze the startup of applications. At the early stage of the launch of the operating system of this PC, not too many programs were launched that were allowed access to the Internet, more precisely, one Kaspersky. To confirm his involvement, I again turned to the list of drivers loaded into the memory in BlueScreenView and among what is usually present here, I found kl1.sys, which belongs to the antivirus.

After uninstalling Kaspersky, blue screens no longer popped up.

The BlueScreenView utility allows you to analyze crash memory dumps obtained not only where it is running, but also on another computer. To do this, you do not need to copy them to the Windows \ Minidump folder of your PC, which is loaded into the program by default. Copy them to any convenient place, for example, on the desktop, and tell the program the new location of the directory to be loaded.

The function of selecting a folder with dump files is located in the menu “ Options» – « Advanced options"(Opened by the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + O) and is called" Load from the following minidump folder».

Many of you have probably heard from friends and acquaintances more than once about such a concept as, the Windows 7 blue screen of death, which appeared on their computer, it is also called BSOD ( Blue screen of death).

With the appearance of a blue screen, Windows warns us about what, and it is advisable to eliminate them in a timely manner. On the screen of death, error codes are displayed, by which you can understand why it is happening, and from this you can conclude which component of the computer is failing or is a software problem.

If your computer with Windows 7 began to issue BSOD, then you and I need to understand why it appears, and for this you need to write the error code in your notepad or take a picture of the monitor screen, and then, filling in these errors, in the search bar or, we are looking for what it means, or we read the entire article, in it you will find codes of the most common errors due to which the blue screen of death appears. But first, we will carry out preparatory work with you.

In order for us to have time to record or photograph the blue screen error code, we need to do some system settings.

You need to turn off restarting the PC when an error occurs, as well as enable writing debug information to the memory dump.

  • Memory dump- the contents of RAM at a certain point in time, let's say a special image.
  • Small memory dump - part of the memory that is written to the hard disk during failures, only the most important information remains there.

In order to go to the system settings, open "Start", select the "Computer" item, right-click on it and select "Properties"

A new window will open in which we select the "Advanced" tab and click the "Options" button in the "Startup and Recovery" item

Next, look at the section "Recording debug information" there you need to select "Small memory dump 256 KB"

Now your computer is configured, the next time it crashes, it will not restart, and you can safely write down the error code or take a picture of it.

Blue screen of death, Windows 7 error codes

Let's now take a look at the most common error codes.

  • KMODE EXCEPTION NOT HANDLED - the computer issues such an error if there is a problem with the hardware (for example, a component of the computer is out of order) or a problem with the drivers.
  • NTFS FILE SYSTEM - problems with the file system of the hard disk, this problem can occur in several cases:

* presence of viruses in the boot area of ​​the hard disk

* damage to the structure of the file system.

  • INACCESSIBLE BOOT DEVICE - when this error appears, the Windows operating system says that it could not access the boot partition of the disk. There can be many problems that caused this error. For example, a problem in the PC hardware: the hard drive is damaged, the controller is faulty, individual computer components are faulty, or a software problem: viruses or file system errors.
  • IRQL NOT LESS OR EQUAL - this error may appear if there is a problem with drivers or any Windows system service
  • PAGE FAULT IN NONPAGED AREA - a blue screen of death with this code means that the data that the system is looking for is not in memory, respectively, when the operating system accesses, for example, data in the paging file, but there is nothing there, then such an error will appear. The error often appears due to problems with RAM, errors in Windows system services, or due to a damaged file system.
  • KERNEL DATA INPAGE ERROR - the operating system cannot read data from memory. This error can be caused by faulty RAM, hard drive problems due to unreadable sectors, or a problem with the HDD controller.
  • KERNEL STACK INPAGE ERROR - OS was unable to read the paging file and write data to the hard disk. The main reasons for this error are a problem with the RAM or hard drive.
  • UNEXPECTED KERNEL MODE TRAP is an error appearing at the system kernel level. The reasons that caused it can be both hardware and software.
  • STATUS SYSTEM PROCESS TERMINATED - an error caused by a software failure, problems in the operation of system services, the operation of drivers or applications
  • DATA BUS ERROR - a blue screen appears when there is a failure in the RAM or when the video adapter malfunctions.

Windows 7 Blue Screen of Death, what to do?

After we have determined what kind of error we are getting, we need to establish the reason due to which our computer began to malfunction. To do this, you need to remember what the last changes took place on your computer. You may have installed a new program or updated drivers for a device. To eliminate the human factor, you need to remove the latest installed programs, as well as roll back the drivers to previous versions. If errors began to appear after installing new hardware in the system unit, then you need to turn it off and observe the operation of the computer.

In order to resolve the error caused by a software glitch, you need to try the following steps.

  • Roll back installed new drivers to the previous version;
  • Start Windows with the last known good configuration;
  • Perform a system restore using a standard Windows function.

I advise you to check the amount of remaining free space on the system partition of the hard disk, as a small amount of memory can cause system malfunctions. Do not forget to check your computer for viruses, for this you can use the free Dr.Web Cureit utility or the KVRT utility from the Kaspersky Lab. If the blue screen of death continues to appear, I recommend installing the latest Windows 7 service pack.

Reset BIOS settings to default, it is possible that the computer components were overclocked incorrectly, due to which the hardware works at the wrong settings, different from the factory settings, thereby giving malfunctions. To reset the settings, you need to go into the BIOS, press the F5 key and to save the F10 settings. The computer should restart and apply the new settings.

If you recently climbed into the inside of the system unit to clean it from dust, then it is possible that some connector is incorrectly or not tightly connected somewhere. To eliminate this kind of problem, remove the RAM from the connectors and insert it back until it clicks. Also check the connection of all cables, pull out the other components installed in the system unit and reconnect.

The blue screen of death or BSOD (The blue screen of death) is always a very alarming symptom of computer problems. This screen appears when Windows detects a critical error that the system cannot fix on its own. As a result, a restart of the computer is requested, and very often this leads to the loss of all unsaved changes.

The Blue Screen of Death is the worst error a computer user can face. Unlike application crashes, a BSOD crash disrupts the entire system. Usually blue screen of death appears as a result of low-level software glitches or problems with computer hardware components.

Reasons for BSOD

Usually blue screens of death are caused by a malfunctioning computer hardware or drivers. Normal applications shouldn't throw BSODs. In the event of a crash, third-party programs do not cause a malfunction of the operating system. The most common causes of BSODs are hardware glitches or problems with Windows kernel-level software. There are crashes associated with antivirus updates.

A blue screen usually appears when Windows encounters a “STOP error”. This critical crash causes the Windows system to stop working. In this case, all that remains is to forcibly shut down the computer and restart it. This procedure can result in the loss of unsaved data because applications have virtually no chance of saving changes. In an ideal scenario, programs should regularly save progress so that BSODs or other errors do not result in data loss.

When the blue screen of death appears, Windows automatically creates and saves a “minidump” memory dump file to disk, which contains information about the critical failure. Users can view the information in the dumps - it can help identify the cause of the BSOD crash.

By default, Windows automatically restarts your computer when the blue screen of death appears. If your computer restarts for no apparent reason, then it may be due to a blue screen.

If you want to see detailed information when a blue screen appears, you should disable automatic restart in the Windows control panel.

  1. Click on the “My Computer” icon.
  2. Right-click and select Properties.
  3. From the left navigation menu, select the “Advanced System Settings” option.
  4. Go to the "Advanced" tab and in the "Startup and Recovery" section click the "Options" button.
  5. In the "System Failure" section, uncheck the "Perform automatic reboot" option.

BlueScreenView provides an easy way to view BSOD information. The program automatically scans all memory dump files and displays crash data.

Similar information can be viewed using the built-in classic "Event Viewer" application. However, in this case, BSOD messages will be displayed in the same list with application crashes and other system log messages.

For developers or advanced users, the powerful WinDbg dump debugger from Microsoft is more suitable.

Search and elimination of vulnerabilities

On Windows 7 and newer versions of Windows, BSOD information is also displayed in the Activity Center. If you encounter a BSOD error, you can open the Action Center and check the available solutions. Windows will analyze BSOD and other types of errors on your computer and provide recommendations on how to fix the problem.

You can often get more information about the blue screen error by looking for a specific error message — for example, “Driver_IRQL_not_less_or_equal”. The new BSOD screens on Windows systems are themselves prompting users to search the Internet for detailed information on possible problems.

  • Use the System Restore Wizard. If your system recently started to experience crashes with BSOD, use System Restore to return your system to a previous stable state. If it helps, then the problem was probably caused by software bugs.
  • Check your system for malware. Threats that go deep into the Windows kernel can cause system stability problems. Scan your computer for malware to make sure the system crash isn't caused by insidious malware.
  • Install driver updates. An incorrectly installed or faulty driver can lead to crashes. Download and install the latest drivers for computer components from the manufacturer's official website - this may help to cope with BSOD.
  • Boot in Safe Mode. If your computer keeps crashing with BSOD, then try to boot into Safe Mode. In Safe Mode, Windows only loads the most basic drivers. If the blue screen of death appears due to the installed driver, then there will be no critical error in safe mode, and you can fix the problem.
  • Run hardware diagnostics. Blue screens can be caused by faulty hardware. Try to test the memory for errors and check the temperature of individual elements of the PC to make sure that it does not overheat.
  • Reinstall Windows. A clean installation of the system is drastic, but it will get rid of possible problems with installed programs. If after reinstalling the system, BSOD errors continue, it is most likely hardware related.

Even a perfectly working computer in rare cases may experience crashes with BSOD for no apparent reason - due to errors in drivers, installed applications or hardware components.

If you very rarely encounter a BSOD (say, every two years), then there is no cause for concern. If errors with BSOD pop up regularly, then you need to look for the cause and fix the problem.

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