How to set Yandex search engine as a start page? Secrets of correct search in Yandex Advanced search Yandex how to enable

The domestic search engine Yandex has been the leader in the search for electronic information for many years. Continuous development, "fouling" with new services, improvement of previous functions confidently make Yandex the leader of search engines in the Russian segment of the Internet. For comfortable and correct use of the search engine, you must first configure Yandex for a specific user. In this case, the final search results will most closely match the data that you requested from the search engine.

Main page

Yandex.Mail is constantly developing and improving. More recently, programmers have taught her to identify addresses in letters and show them to the user on Yandex.Maps.

Yandex add-ons for browsers

Currently, the Yandex Elements add-on can be installed on all popular browsers. In any browser, by visiting the website, you can install a complex add-on that includes the following widgets:

  • "Visual bookmarks", in which the user specifies favorite sites;
  • "Weather", showing the forecast for the coming days and the current readings on the street;
  • "Traffic jams" showing the congestion of the highway;
  • "Mail", informing about new letters;
  • "Translations";
  • "Social networks", informing about new messages;
  • "Security", which protects against the impact of malicious sites.

There is no need to make settings for Yandex for this add-on, which combines many services. You can only disable some widgets in the information that you do not need.

"Yandex browser"

Having appeared relatively recently, Yandex Browser is initially integrated with the main services of Yandex. Based on Chromium, it combines the best features of the browser engine and the main Internet services of the Yandex system. Settings in the Yandex browser are not required. The only exception is entering the name and password of the mailbox.

Yandex.Direct: setting. Details

This Internet service allows you to monetize the number of visitors to your site by placing contextual advertising and banners.

To use the Yandex.Direct functions, you need to register and send an application for participation in the Yandex unified advertising network. After moderating your site and signing an agreement, you must select an advertising product and place a code for visual display of information. Depending on the number of clicks from your site, you will receive income. "Yandex.Direct" setting means that using the statistics and tools of "Yandex", you need to increase the effectiveness of advertising on the site and adjust the content of advertising banners depending on user visits. This, in turn, will increase your income.

The American organization IANA, which is responsible for the allocation of address spaces on the Internet, approved the creation of a top-type domain ".yandex". In 2014, a book entitled "Yandex.Book" was published, the author of which is Dmitry Sokolov-Mitrich. She talks about the creation of the Yandex project and its development. During the creation of the book, the author talked a lot with all Yandex employees to clarify the facts.

Hello dear friends. Today I want to talk with you about another webmaster tool that the Yandex search engine provides us with. And this tool is called Yandex search for a site.

I’m sure you have had to search for a specific site more than once. As a rule, such a search can be organized in different ways, by different means. And in content management systems (CMS) and in WordPress, including such an opportunity is incorporated in the design template. Or it could be plugins.

In any case, all these standard solutions do not have such features as site search from Yandex. And let's look at the main features of Yandex search:

Taking into account the morphology and vocabulary of the language

Users are accustomed to using search engines and are accustomed to the fact that search engines correct mistakes, typos, recognize input regardless of keyboard layout, organize the selection of synonyms, and suggest different spellings of the key query. That is, the search already by the first words understands what the user needs and gives the necessary result.

By the way, you can add synonyms, taking into account the specifics of your site.

Customizing Yandex search for a site

You can use the constructor at the stage of creating a search and create a view suitable for the design of your site. Or you can create a search in a familiar form for Yandex. Well, if this is not enough for you, then you can use your own CSS styles and create a search type individually for your requests. If your knowledge is not sufficient in and - I advise you to take the free courses of Evgeny Popov.

And also, if your article uses an image or video, you can customize the preview of images and videos in the search results.

Query hints

Yandex search selects the most suitable materials from your site and, even before entering a search query, offers hints on the available materials on your site. Let's say a visitor is looking for information about. And already at the stage of entering a search query, it will receive the entire list of hints from the materials of your site.

Refine search results

You can create categories, add the ability to specify the time period and format of the material you are looking for. So your visitors can find the material they need much faster. You can also add keywords that most closely match the topic of your site.

Combining sites into one topic

If you have several sites on a similar subject, for example, gardening. Where on one of them you write about tomatoes and cucumbers, and on the other about watermelons and melons. Then you can combine two of your sites in the search and organize a search on one topic. But, the list of sites of the same subject must be moderated. Well, this is not to confuse cucumbers with computers or something like that.

Advertising in search results

Fast index

For quick indexing and updating information about your site, Yandex search creates an additional index. So information about new articles and changes in old ones will be quickly delivered to the Yandex search robot. Indexing will happen very quickly. And for WordPress there is a plugin that takes care of all the work.

Search statistics

- you can increase the priority of indexing no more than 100 pages per day.

You have two options to choose from, manual and automatic via plugin or HTTP request. We'll look at the WordPress plugin option.

After entering the IP, it will be available to download the plugin file for the WordPress platform. Push the button "Download" and download the plugin.

Once you've installed and activated the plugin, your work ends there. Next, the plugin will do all the work automatically.

So, we figured out the installation and configuration of site search from Yandex. Now your visitors can easily find the information they are interested in. And the indexing of your materials in the Yandex search engine will be faster.

I also advise you to look at additional search settings from Yandex. This will allow you to customize a more detailed search on the site. If you need it, of course.

An example of my search form from Yandex, you can see in the sitebar. Do a search and see how the search results page is styled.

Well friends, that's all for me, introduce the knowledge you have gained and use another tool of the Yandex search engine for the benefit of your site.

Also watch the video version of the article:

Now that's it, I wish you all good luck! See you friends.

We have released a new book, “Content Marketing on Social Media: How to Get Into the Heads of Subscribers and Fall in Love with Your Brand”.

Site search is a function formed within the resource itself, which is designed for quick and convenient selection of content of interest.

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If your site has more than 20 pages, then the possibility of internal search in it must be provided without fail. Currently, there are many options for implementing internal search, each of which has its own characteristics.

Let's look at a simple example to understand what site search is for. Go to, which hosts millions of ads. The fastest way to find the information you are looking for on such a huge resource is possible only by using the search function on the site.

Signs of a good website search

There are several general parameters that work for every visitor:

  1. Site search must be visible. It should be located in a convenient place on the home page.
  2. Any user should understand that the site has a search form. Without adding a field with identifying marks and an appropriate title, it is difficult to understand that this is a site search.

What is required from the search on the site

Setting up a site search involves the implementation of several functions within a specific resource:

  • Search based on morphology. Regardless of the ending, case and other features of the Russian language, the system should look for exactly what the visitor needs. One of the options for achieving the desired result is to bring all the words from the query and phrases of the site content to the desired form.
  • Formation of the search context. Autonomous selection of the site context within which the search algorithm operates, as well as determining the significance for all such frameworks. For example, in an online store, the main priority of the site search form will be product names. The second priority is selection by product properties, etc.
  • Indexing the content of the resource. The procedure is carried out only after changes or additions to the content. The search is carried out by the index.
  • Ranking mechanism. The ranking of search results is a sorting process that analyzes the significance of the collected data. For example, if identical words are contained in two different articles, then the priority will be the result, where the given word is displayed in a larger number.

What is the setting of search on the site

In the process of installing a site search, it is necessary to configure a morphological analyzer, a ranking, indexing and search algorithm.

How a properly configured search works:

  1. The content of the resource is indexed.
  2. The user enters a request.
  3. Service parts of the proposal are removed from the request.
  4. The string is divided into an array of baseline words.
  5. The search for words is done in the index.
  6. Results are ranked. They are sorted and sent to the audience.

How to do a site search using Google and Yandex

Let's consider how to do a site search using Yandex. It offers a free search integration model. It is convenient, and in addition to morphology, correcting typos and errors, it provides an opportunity to add a list of synonyms and a special form of hints to each word. This will most likely help you quickly find the content you are looking for.

Site search settings are extremely simple. You can set all the parameters yourself. The service has flexible settings for search elements and appearance, which makes it possible to design it in accordance with the style of the resource in the required colors. You can search not only text, but also pictures.

Yandex search settings

Site search is configured using the Yandex.Webmaster tool. You need to go to Yandex search and click "Set search". After that, you need to enter all the data required by the system, including the site name, email address and search parameters. Next, the selection of the appearance of the function is carried out, it is indicated exactly where the search page on the site will be located. Then its work is checked. If everything is in order, then the function is added to the site by copying the service code.

Features and customization of Google search

Unlike Yandex, Google is a paid tool, but the demand for it is very high. Paying about $ 100 per year, the resource owner gets:

  • Personalized look and feel of your search. You can remove the service logo and customize your own.
  • Search in all languages.
  • Search on the site with, which makes it possible to instantly find what you need, even if the request was not written the way it is displayed on the resource.
  • Indexing if necessary - the ability to send information to the search robot immediately after the saved changes.
  • The ability to search multiple resources at the same time.
  • Keeping statistics.
  • Advertising revenue.

How to do a site search using Google? It is required to go to the Google custom search engine and fill out a special form. Then you can choose styles, fonts, colors for the search bar, etc. After completing the settings, you need to copy the generated code into the body of the page where the function will be displayed.

Site search is an indispensable tool for any resource, one of the elements of user loyalty to it. Anyone who does not know how to do it using PHP and HTML, has no skills in web programming, the best option is to use scripts from Yandex and Google. They are maximally adapted for this function, and really help in promoting the site to the top of the search results.

Customize Yandex for yourself in order to increase the efficiency of searching for information on the Internet and make working with the documents found more comfortable:

If you are logged into your Yandex account, the settings are linked to yours. Also, information about the settings is saved on your computer (in a file) and is valid until you change it.

The settings are tied to a specific browser - in another browser, Yandex search will have to be configured again. Also, the settings will have to be updated if you delete all cookies (for example, when you reinstall your browser or operating system).

If several users work with the computer or several browsers are installed on it, then the settings can be made separately for each user and browser.

Feel free to experiment. If you wish, you can always return to the default settings (button Set default values On the page ).

How to refine your search query

You can also use the query language directly when typing a query in the search bar.

How to set up a fix request

If, when typing a query, a typo was made or an incorrect keyboard layout was selected, Yandex will determine this. And you can specify whether you want to automatically correct your search query or just offer a hint. To do this, select the required value on the page (the Settings link at the bottom of the search results page).

How to set the interface language

You can set the language in which the search results page will be displayed.

Note. This setting does not affect the language of the found documents.

You can select the interface language on one of the following pages:

Regardless of where the language was set (in the search results settings or in the general settings), the selected value will be set as the interface language for all Yandex services.

How to exclude pages "for adults" from SERP

Select the degree of cleaning the search results from documents containing profanity and content "for adults":

    moderate filter - sites "for adults" are excluded from the search results if the request is not explicitly aimed at finding such resources (the mode is enabled by default);

    family search - content "for adults" is completely excluded from search results (even if the request is clearly aimed at finding such resources), as well as sites containing obscene language;

    no limits - the search results contain all documents found by request, including Internet resources "for adults".

Configure page filtering in one of the following ways:

    Select the required value on the page (Settings link at the bottom of the search results page).

How to set up personal search

Specify whether Yandex should use your search history and referrals to sites from search results. This setting allows you to take your interests into account when generating suggestions and a page with search results.

The start page in the browser is the tab, page or site on the Internet that opens first when you open your browser each time you start it, or when you press the "Home" key.

Do you have a desire or need to work with the Yandex search engine? The start page, which can be installed by a user of absolutely any level, will always open first when the browser program is loaded.

To accomplish this, you can use one of the following methods. It is quite easy to install and fix Yandex as a homepage, and in this article we will take a closer look at the options on how to do this.

It all depends on which browser you use, because the applications and settings algorithms for each program are different. But I wonder why there is no start page at all in the Yandex Browser itself?

The most versatile and simple way: type “” in the address bar of your browser and wait for the web resource to load. In the upper left corner you can see the inscription "Set as homepage".

Click on it and you're done. From this moment you start your work with the site "" or, more simply, with the Yandex search engine.

Installation with a free utility

Read also:Yandex Mail - Complete instructions for registration and configuration (2017)

Yandex itself provides us with a convenient and convenient way to customize the initial pages in browsers with the help of automatic utilities specially created for this.

When the download is over, you should install a browser manager on your computer or laptop, and this smart utility will be able to monitor the change of the home page by itself, even in spite of the actions of various malicious programs.

The manager will be able to save you from such unpleasant surprises as Webalta and calculate so that only Yandex remains in the role of the start in your browser. But not always the manager can get around all the obstacles. More on this later in the article.

The most common browsers in use today are:

If you are a supporter of the classic default browser Internet Explorer, then the following algorithm will help you customize the Yandex start page.

Open Internet Explorer and click the icon "Settings"
in the upper right corner, which brings up the window "Service" .

You can also call this menu by simultaneously pressing the Alt + X hotkey combination.

In the drop-down menu, select "Browser properties" , or else it may be called "Browser property" ... Next, open the tab "Are common" .

In operating systems such as Windows 8 and Windows 8.1, Internet Explorer is built-in.

But the installation has been done in the same way as other versions of this browser for almost 20 years now.

To make Yandex the start page in Internet Explorer 10 and Internet Explorer 11, follow these steps:

  1. In the upper right corner, click "Settings" and choose "Browser properties" .
  2. We enter links to the addresses of the home pages in the field. If, besides Yandex, other links are needed, then here we also enter the addresses to them. Each line should contain only one address.
  3. choose "Start on home page" .
  4. We confirm the actions by clicking on the button " OK" .

After completing all the steps, our Internet Explorer will display Yandex as the first page upon loading.

Installing on Microsoft Edge

Read also:Yandex Zen: What is it and how to use it? + [Pros and Cons]

For fans of Microsoft Edge, there is the following algorithm. To open options in Microsoft Edge, click on the icon

The function will be displayed at the bottom of the page "View additional parameters" and turn on the add-on Show home button .

We enter the required address "" into the text field in the same way as in the case of Internet Explorer.

Fixing our actions by pressing a button "Save" ... When you restart your browser, Yandex will become the newly introduced home page.

Installation in Google Chrome

Google Chrome is the most popular browser based on independent surveys on the Internet and offers us the following method. In the browser, we are looking for the icon "Settings"
and open it.

Find the button "Appearance" ... Turn on the add-on Show Home Button .

On the line with the request "Enter web address" enter the required link: "". This completes the setup, because all user actions are immediately synchronized with your profile in the browser.

After completing all the manipulations when restarting Google Chrome, Yandex will be displayed when the button is pressed "Home" (image of the house).

And if you want Yandex to load completely automatically, then you should use another installation option. To change you will need:

1 In the Google Chrome menu in the upper right corner, call the command "Settings" .

2 Looking for an item "Initial group" , where we put a check mark (if it is not checked) "Next Pages" .

4 If you are a fan of Yandex, then here you can configure it with the default search engine. In chapter "Search" we indicate the search engine Yandex.

5 Close the settings. Confirm your actions by pressing a button "OK" no need, in this browser everything syncs instantly.

If you configured your browser as described above, then when you turn on Google Chrome, the pages installed in the initial group (in our case, Yandex) will always open.

There is an Alt + Home keyboard shortcut in Google Chrome that will help you quickly open the home page in the current browser tab.

Installation in Mozilla Firefox

When you open the Mozilla Firefox browser, you need to click on the icon
and open "Settings" - "Basic" .

There we are looking for a line "When Firefox starts up" and adjust the value Show home page ... Accordingly, in the line "Homepage" enter the link "".

As in Google Chrome, in Mozilla Firefox, you can navigate to the home page using the Alt + Home keyboard shortcut.

Installing in Opera

Supporters of the Opera browser can use the following method: by combining the Alt + P hotkeys, bring up a menu.

Switch to "Browser" to section "At startup" ... Next, click on the link "Set Pages" and in the field "Add new page" enter the path "".

After all the operations, we confirm the actions by pressing the button "OK" and set the switch to position "Open start page" .

That is all the necessary steps to achieve our goal - to make Yandex Search the home page in the Opera browser.

After completing all the instructions, the browser will automatically open the search engine at startup.