Hot camera. The operator of the "hot" camera climbed the hunchback on the ladder

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hot cams

Work with open sources of ionizing radiation (IR) is strictly regulated by regulatory documents and requires a special approach to the organization of the production process. Special equipment must be used.

Hot chambers are an essential basic element of equipment for handling radiochemicals, for manipulating powerful isotope sources of IR, and for performing radioactive waste conditioning operations.

An important example of a specialized hot cell is the cells for the production of radiopharmaceuticals (RPs). Such chambers are used to work with short-lived positron-active isotopes characterized by high activity. Installations based on such cameras can be used for the synthesis of radiopharmaceuticals necessary for performing positron emission tomography. Hot chambers of this type are suitable for use in PET centers focused on the production of PET-RP. Such equipment is necessary to provide standard clinical programs, as well as to conduct various research projects.

It is obvious that hot chambers for conducting specific types of work differ significantly from each other. Calculation, design and manufacture of hot chambers is a complex and responsible process. Such devices must comply with the requirements of regulatory documents, have high reliability and well-thought-out ergonomics, since the safety of personnel and the population of adjacent territories depends on their quality.

Only hot chambers made in accordance with all the rules will make it possible to avoid sanctions from the regulatory authorities and work successfully for many years without the occurrence of radiation accidents.

You can purchase hot chambers for working with any substances and for various purposes in our company. We offer such equipment that meets the highest quality standards, as it is manufactured at licensed enterprises, taking into account all regulatory requirements. Our company provides a range of services related to the purchase of such goods, you can not only buy hot cameras from us with delivery to the specified address, but also receive qualified service support.

Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory of Works and Professions of Workers (ETKS), 2019
Issue #9. Professions of workers of nuclear power plants ETKS
The issue was approved by the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated October 3, 2005 N 614

hot camera operator

§ 2. The operator of the "hot" camera of the 6th category

Job Description. Study of the state of highly active equipment, nuclear fuel, materials, products in a "hot" chamber. Remote control of a milling machine, tilter, load-lifting and other equipment of a "hot" chamber from a stationary or mobile control panel using a manipulator. Delivery to the "hot" chamber of the studied equipment, fuel, materials, products, as well as portable measuring instruments, preparing them for the study. Inspection, repair, cutting, cutting samples. Determination of geometric dimensions and placement of samples in protective containers. Mechanical testing of samples and their metallographic study. Checking the tightness of fuel element claddings. Participation in the repair of equipment of the "hot" chamber, used devices and tools. Decontamination of equipment and premises of the "hot" chamber. Collection of radioactive waste.

Must know: device, principle of operation, technical characteristics of the equipment of the "hot" chamber, measuring instruments for mechanical tests and metallographic studies, radiometric equipment; rules for mechanical testing of samples and their metallographic examination; methods for monitoring the tightness of the shell of fuel elements; methods of decontamination of equipment and premises of the "hot" chamber and types of decontaminating solutions used; rules for working with radioactive substances; rules for the use of personal protective equipment; purpose and rules for the use of pressure suits.

Requires secondary vocational education.

Comments on the profession

The given tariff and qualification characteristics of the profession " hot camera operator» are used to rate work and assign wage categories in accordance with Article 143 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Based on the above characteristics of the job and the requirements for professional knowledge and skills, a job description for the operator of the "hot" camera, as well as documents required for interviewing and testing when applying for a job, is compiled. When compiling work (job) instructions, pay attention to the general provisions and recommendations for this issue of ETKS (see.

Hot cells at the Argonne National Laboratory.
Each camera is equipped with a viewing window and two remote-controlled manipulators

Shielded cells for handling highly active substances are often referred to as "hot cells" or "hot labs". Hot cells are radioactive containment cells in which people can operate and perform various operations on the necessary equipment.They are used in both nuclear power engineering and medical radiology.

Atomic industry

Hot chambers are used to check the condition of spent nuclear fuel rods and work with other objects that are high-power gamma emitters. For example, the processing of medical isotopes irradiated in a nuclear reactor or particle accelerator is carried out in a hot cell. The widespread use of nuclear weapons also explains the growing use of hot cells - they can be used to carry out chemical reactions in the extraction of plutonium from spent fuel. The cutting of spent fuel rods, the dissolution of nuclear fuel and the first extraction cycle within the PUREX nuclear fuel reprocessing process (high activity cycle) are performed in a hot cell. The operation of the cameras is associated with the use of special quick-disconnect connections - single or multi-connections with remote control. In addition to remote connection of cooling circuits, pneumatics, quick couplings are also used for circuits with liquid nuclear waste, water vapor, sampling in glove boxes, etc. Read more about the use of quick connectors in the nuclear industry.

For the second cycle of the PUREX process (medium activity cycle), a normal glove box can be used.

Hot chamber in hospital for preparation of technetium-99m for use
in single photon emission computed tomography

Medical Radiology

Hot chambers are widely used in medical radiology: for the production of radiopharmaceuticals in accordance with the standards for the organization of production and quality control of medicines (in factories), for manipulations with radiopharmaceuticals and their dosing (in hospitals). The user must never be exposed to radioactive isotopes, so containment cells made of 316 stainless steel or other materials such as PVC or Corian have a thick outer protective layer. This protection can be provided by the use of lead (which is a common practice), as well as materials such as concrete (which requires very thick walls) or tungsten. The amount of radioactivity in the hot cell, the energy of the gamma photons emitted by the radioisotopes, and the number of neutrons produced in the material used determine the required shielding thickness. For example, a 1 kCi cobalt-60 source requires a thicker protective layer than a 1 kCi iridium-192 source to maintain the same radiation dose on the outer surface of the hot cell. In addition, if materials containing some actinides, such as Cf or spent nuclear fuel, are used in the hot cell, an additional layer of water or polyethylene may be required to reduce the rate of neutron production. More about the use of quick couplings for medical technology

viewing windows

Video cameras can be used to visually monitor hot cell processes (however, they need to be replaced on a regular basis), but glass containing lead is most commonly used. Several grades of lead glass are available in various densities, the most common of which is 5.2 g/cm3. An approximate calculation of the equivalent thickness of such glass is made by multiplying the thickness of the lead sheath by 2.5 (for example, a 10 mm thick lead sheath is equivalent to 25 mm thick lead glass). Previously, glass tanks with a ZnBr 2 solution were used as viewing windows in hot cells, protecting from high-energy gamma rays. This shielding method overcomes the drawback of darkening the lead glass over time due to exposure to radiation, and also provides a "self-repair" of any damage caused to the solution by radioactive radiation. However, it inevitably leads to optical distortions due to the difference in the refractive indices of the solution and the glass.


Remotely operated manipulators or tongs are used for remote work with equipment inside hot cells. The possibility of their use is incredibly valuable - they avoid the need to put your hands inside the protective cell, which would lead to heavy exposure of the fingers / hands. The manipulators are used in conjunction with shielded spheres, which can be produced by most of the leading engineering companies. The use of manipulators is effective when combined with special remote control couplings - the UM series.


Lead-shielded gloves are often used in combination with pliers - they provide greater precision and can be used in low-radiation environments (for example, in hot cells in hospital nuclear medicine laboratories). A number of companies have developed tungsten-shielded gloves that provide even greater precision and better protection than lead-shielded gloves. Gloves should be changed regularly as the chemicals used to clean/sterilize the chambers cause significant wear and tear.

Clean rooms

Hot cells are typically located in cleanrooms with an air cleanliness classification ranging from D to B (category C being the most common). It is extremely rare for hot cells to be placed in Class A rooms or without air cleanliness classification.

Various types of hot cells

- Cameras for research work: Such chambers are often used to test new modules in chemical equipment or chemical processes. The size of the chambers is generally quite large due to the flexibility needed to use different chemistry modules that can vary considerably in size (eg synthera and tracerlab). Some cameras require the use of remote manipulation.

- Stack mini cameras: This type of hot cell is used exclusively for the production of radiopharmaceuticals. A chemical module is placed in each of the chambers and the production process is started (with the production of radioactive fluorine-18 from the cyclotron). At the end of the process, the chambers remain closed for at least 6 hours until the radiation is reduced to a safe level. Manipulators are not used in such cameras.

- Chambers for production and dosing: Such chambers are used for dosing chemical products. For example, immediately after obtaining fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) by mixing fluorine-18 with glucose, a sterilized vial is placed in the dosing cell, the contents of which are carefully dispensed into the required number of syringes or vials. In this case, the use of remote manipulation is very important. Often, various modifications are used as a sampler

a hermetic chamber made with the use of shielding materials, equipped with an externally controlled remote instrument, with the help of which operations with radioactive materials and products are performed in it.

  • - a facility for the disposal of waste by biothermal methods, equipped with devices for loading, unloading and aerating the contents ...

    Medical Encyclopedia

  • - steam disinfection chamber, which uses low-pressure water vapor, air is pumped out of the chamber by a vacuum pump; practically not used in the USSR ...

    Medical Encyclopedia

  • - a facility for disinfestation, the main part of which is a room where objects treated with hot air are located ...

    Medical Encyclopedia

  • - in medicine - a device for graphic registration of the distribution of a radioactive isotope, previously introduced into the human body, by simultaneously detecting gamma radiation from all parts ...

    Medical Encyclopedia

  • - a segment of a chromosome characterized by an increased frequency of spontaneous mutations ...

    Medical Encyclopedia

  • - installation for studying the effect on the body of a rapid decrease in barometric pressure ...

    Medical Encyclopedia

  • - a device for detecting and measuring ionizing radiation by converting it into electrical signals proportional to the dose rate or dose of ionizing radiation ...

    Medical Encyclopedia

  • - a complex of premises with a zonal layout and a special finish, equipped with hot chambers or sealed boxes, designed to perform work with high-level radioactive substances ...

    Medical Encyclopedia

  • - a device mounted on a glass slide, providing the possibility of various micromanipulations with an object viewed under a microscope ...

    Medical Encyclopedia

  • - a microcamera in the shape of the letter "Sh" for intravital microscopy of aerobic and facultative anaerobic microbes...

    Medical Encyclopedia

  • - a device for counting under a microscope the number of objects invisible to the naked eye, per unit volume of their suspension. Burker - see Burker counting chamber. Goryaeva - see Goryaeva counting chamber ...

    Medical Encyclopedia

  • - an installation for a long-term study of human or animal gas exchange, which was a sealed chamber equipped with devices for automatically supplying oxygen, absorbing carbon dioxide ...

    Medical Encyclopedia

  • - uh. 1. Special purpose premises in some institutions. disinfection chamber. □ Father took the suitcases from the storage room. Let's go to the wagon...

    Small Academic Dictionary

  • - uh. sea A room on sailing and steam warships for storing explosives and rifle cartridges ...

    Small Academic Dictionary

  • - ...

    Russian word stress

  • - ...

    Russian word stress

"Hot cell" in books


From the book Memory of a Dream [Poems and Translations] author Puchkova Elena Olegovna

Hunchback Ask or don't ask, - the silent man spoke. In the midnight zenith shines Ten bright moons. Sharpen your knives on the neighbor - After all, the neighbor is wild, like a Hun ... In Hellas, in India, on Crete The hunchback lived calmly. We opened our arms to him And loudly admired the article, As if a hump


the author Tsenev Vit


From the book Protocols of the sorcerer Stomenov part II the author Tsenev Vit


From the book Protocols of the sorcerer Stomenov part II the author Tsenev Vit


From the book Protocols of the sorcerer Stomenov part II the author Tsenev Vit


From the book Protocols of the sorcerer Stomenov part II the author Tsenev Vit


From the book Protocols of the sorcerer Stomenov part II the author Tsenev Vit

Stomenov (Hunchback)

From the book Protocols of the sorcerer Stomenov part II the author Tsenev Vit

Stomenov (Hunchback)


From the book Protocols of the sorcerer Stomenov part II the author Tsenev Vit


From the book Protocols of the sorcerer Stomenov part II the author Tsenev Vit


From the book Protocols of the sorcerer Stomenov part II the author Tsenev Vit

The huntress and the hunchback

From the book of Diane de Poitiers author Erlange Philip

The Huntress and the Hunchback All we know about Diana's mother is that she gave birth to two sons and three daughters14 and died young. From the earliest years, the one who


From the book At the beginning of life (pages of memories); Articles. Performances. Notes. Memories; Prose of different years. author Marshak Samuil Yakovlevich

Hunchback And not far from us was a church, high, white. She called loudly several times a day. Her ringing seemed to fill the entire space between heaven and earth. And our place was quiet. Only the roosters sang in the yards, and the people were talking across the street, and the kite

The hunchback climbed the ladder

From the book Wow Russia author Moskvina Tatyana Vladimirovna

The hunchback climbed up the ladder And the sun went out... Christ walked through the dark lanes yesterday, He asked everyone about someone, He carried something to someone... What a miracle, what a charm these Russian intelligent ladies, born in the second half of the nineteenth century and


From the book Proverbs-motivators for every day for happiness and good luck author Tsymburskaya Elena V.

Hunchback A man lived in a village. He was a walking kindness. His life's work was to help others. But he had one defect. Under the long black cloak, which he wore without taking off all year round, there was a large hump on his back. His face was beautiful, but the hump deformed

    hot cam- karštoji kamera statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. hot cave; hot cell; hot chamber vok. heiße Kammer, f; heisse Zelle, f rus. hot cam f pranc. cellule chaude, f; cellule de haute activité, f … Fizikos terminų žodynas

    A sealed chamber made using shielding materials, equipped with an externally controlled remote instrument, with the help of which operations with radioactive materials and products are performed in it ... Big Medical Dictionary

    A room for working with radioactive in you high activity without the presence of a person. G. to. has biol. protection, equipped with a viewing protective window, manipulators for distance. work and a number of instruments, devices and devices in ... ... Big encyclopedic polytechnic dictionary

    HOT CHAMBER- watch under pressure... Metallurgical Dictionary

    calorimeter (attached hot cell)- 3.11 calorimeter (attached hot chamber): A three-dimensional structure in the form of a box with one open surface with walls insulated with an effective heat-insulating material lined inside with a reflective sheet material ...

    chamber for work with highly active substances- hot chamber - [A.S. Goldberg. English Russian Energy Dictionary. 2006] Topics energy in general Synonyms hot chamber EN hot chamberHC ...

    radiation shielding chamber- Ndp protective chamber. hot chamber Radiation protective technological equipment, which is a stationary shelter, which is part of a building and is lined with materials that poorly absorb radioactive substances, of a sufficient degree ... ... Technical Translator's Handbook

    Radiation protection chamber- 3. Radiation protection chamber Ndp protection chamber. Hot chamber Radiation protective technological equipment, which is a stationary shelter, which is part of a building and is lined with materials that poorly absorb radioactive ... ... Dictionary-reference book of terms of normative and technical documentation

    Television transmitting camera, Television camera, Television camera, TV camera, Transmitting camera is an electronic or electromechanical device that converts light reflected from an object into television analog ... ... Wikipedia