Copying becomes possible in a text editor. Test tasks in informatics. The My Computer icon in Windows is used to

1) What is 1 MB equal to?

1. 1000000 bits 2. 1000000 bytes 3. 1024 KB 4. 1024 bytes

2) Writing and reading information in floppy drives is carried out using ...

1. magnetic head 2. laser

3. fuser 4. touch sensor

1. insert / remove a floppy disk

2. disconnect / connect external devices

3. restart the computer by pressing the RESET button

4. restart the computer by pressing the keys CTRL - ALT - DEL

4) The full path to the file C:DOCPROBA.TXT is set

What is the full name of the file?



5) What is the trajectory of the Turtle performer after executing the sequence of commands: forward (1 cm), right (90o), forward (1 cm), right (90o), forward (1 cm), right (90o), forward (1 cm), right (90o)?

1. 2. 3. 4.

6) What will be the value of the variable X after performing the assignment operations:

1. 5 2. 10 3. 15 4. 20

7) B text editor performing an operation copying becomes possible after...

1. setting the cursor to a certain position

2. save the file

3. printout file

4. highlighting a piece of text

8) The main operations possible in the graphical editor include ...

1. line, circle, rectangle 2. pencil, brush, eraser

3. select, copy, paste 4. sets of colors (palette)

9) The minimum object used in a vector graphics editor is ...

1. screen dot (pixel) 2. object (rectangle, circle and

3. color palette 4. symbol (familiar)

10) In order to preserve information, CD-ROM discs must be protected from ...

1. cold 2. Pollution

3. magnetic fields 4. changes in atmospheric pressure

11) The main element of spreadsheets is ...

1. cell 2. row 3. column 4. table

12) The result of calculations in cell C1 will be:

1 10 = A1/2 =SUM(A1:B1)

1. 5 2. 10 3. 15 4. 20

13) How many entries are there in the presented database?

Computer Oper. Memory Winchester
1 Pentium 16 2GB
2 386DX 4 300Mb
3 486DX 8 800Mb
4 Pentium II 32 4GB

1. 1 2. 2 3. 3 4. 4

14) What records will be found after searching in the text field Computer with the condition “containsPentium?

Computer Oper. memory Winchester
1 Pentium 16 2GB
2 386DX 4 300Mb
3 486DX 8 800Mb
4 Pentium II 32 4GB

1. 1 2. 1,4 3. 4 4. 2,3


For the preparation of this work, materials from the site stroy.nm were used.

    variable in programming. Database. Palette of the graphic editor.

    Types of graphic editors. Bitmap file formats graphic images. Graphics editor environment. Toolbars and operating modes of graphic editors. Drawing editing tools. Change the text font in the picture.

    Infection computer viruses. Database sorting. Raster graphics editor.

    The graphic screen consists of small dots - pixels, each of which is painted in a certain color. To work in graphical mode, there is an extensive library of procedures and functions located in the Graph module.

    The first questions: The device and architecture of the computer. Types of information: text, sound. Types of information: graphics, animation, video. Units of measurement of information. Calculus systems.

    Municipal secondary school No. 11. Creative work of Svetlana Dmitrieva, a student of Grade 11 A of the School Preparatory Faculty of TPU.

    Construction of drawings in the graphic editor Paint. Main features of Paint. Creating a drawing. Toolbar. Color palette. Converting a color picture to black and white. Saving a drawing.

    Text documents in a word processor, spreadsheet processing automation. OS, their versions; definition of informatics, information, computer, definition of hardware and software, formulas and calculations on the computer.

    The list of questions and answers proposed for testing knowledge in the course of computer science: the development of computer science as a science, ideas about the meaning of various terms in this discipline, basic information about the design of computers, programs and coding theory.

Qualified Tests for Computer Science Teachers
Testing teachers of informatics and ICT

No. 1. In the system of developmental education (according to Elkonin-Davydov), special attention is paid to the development of the child:

1. communication skills;
2. theoretical thinking and creative abilities;
3. knowledge, skills and abilities;
4. core competencies.

No. 2. Select lists of office applications:

1. Windows, Linux
2. Word, Excel, PowerPoint
3. Writer, Calc, Draw, Impress

4. Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, CorelDraw

No. 3. All 4-letter words made up of the letters K, L, R, T are written in alphabetical order and numbered. Here is the beginning of the list:



Write down the word that is number 67.

Answer: LCCR

No. 4. Select the abbreviated name of the unified data transfer protocol:


No. 5. In a text editor, copying becomes possible after:

1. setting the cursor to a specific location
2. selection of a fragment of text
3. save file
4. printout file

No. 6. The workplace of a teacher as a user of the information educational environment can be:

1. Separate workplace in the Information Center, library, media library, etc.
2. A separate computer anywhere in the school for parents to access the information space of the school
3. Computer class with 10-15 workstations for students and a teacher's PC
4. One or more computers at workplaces in the teacher's room
5. A separate computer at the workplaces of administration employees
6. Separate computer with multimedia projector and other connected equipment

No. 7. In accordance with the law "On Education", the function of education is assigned to:

1. family;
2. staff educational institution;
3. administration of the educational institution;
4. teaching staff of the educational institution, parents (their legal representatives).

1. Bosova L.L. Informatics and ICT, grades 5-7;
2. Bykadorov Yu.A. Informatics and ICT, grades 8-9;
3. Semakin I.G., Khenner E.K. Informatics and ICT

No. 9. Select a publishing house whose website publishes the main programs and workshops of authors of computer science textbooks:

1. Enlightenment.
2. Bustard.
3. Binomial.

1. Bosova L.L. Informatics and ICT, grades 5-7,
2. Bykadorov Yu.A. Informatics and ICT, grades 8-9.
3. Solovieva L.F. Informatics and ICT, grade 8.9.

No. 11. Choose the correct definition of the purpose of the Olympiad in the subject:

1. Organization of extracurricular educational work.
2. The development of interest in the subject, the identification of students' inclinations to this subject and the development of their abilities.
3. Development of students' interest in the subject and testing knowledge.
4. Checking students' knowledge.

No. 12. Choose the correct meaning of the word "provider":

1. A program for transferring data on the Internet.
2. A company providing Internet services.
3. Technical device, which replaces the modem when connecting to the Internet.

No. 13. From the proposed groups of forms, methods and teaching methods, select the group that allows you to intensify the activity of students in the lesson:

1. story, frontal work, illustrative and explanatory method;
2. heuristic conversation, brainstorming, problem solving, work in groups and pairs, organization of research activities;
3. explanation of the teacher, conversation, actions according to the model.

No. 14. Select from the list the address of the Federal Portal "Russian Education":


No. 15. Choose a learning tool whose didactic properties are the most effective:

1. Textbook.
2. Visual aid.
3. Interactive digital educational resource.
4. Video film.

No. 16. The following scheme was adopted in the developed model of electronic clock for time coding. The clock is encoded as a 5-bit binary number (from 00000 to 10111). The minute code is assigned to the hour code on the right. Minutes are encoded as a 6-bit binary number (from 000000 to 111011). What time will the code 00010000011 have?

1) 02:03
2) 10:11
3) 04:03
4) 04:11

No. 17. May4 performer converts the number written on the screen. The performer has three teams that are assigned numbers:

1. Add 1
2. Add 2
3. Add 4

The first of them increases the number on the screen by 1. The second increases this number by 2, and the third - by 4. The program for the May4 executor is a sequence of commands.

How many programs are there that convert the number 21 to the number 30?

Answer: 96

No. 18. How many different sets of values ​​for the boolean variables x1, x2, ... x8, y1, y2, ... y8 are there that satisfy all of the following conditions?

(x1 \/ x2) /\ ((x1 /\ x2) → x3) /\ (¬x1 \/ y1) = 1

(x2 \/ x3) /\ ((x2 /\ x3) → x4) /\ (¬x2 \/ y2) = 1

(x6 \/ x7) /\ ((x6 /\ x7) → x8) /\ (¬x6 \/ y6) = 1

(x7 \/ x8) /\ (¬x7 \/ y7) = 1

(¬x8 \/y8) = 1

The answer does not need to list all the different sets of values ​​of the variables x1, x2, ... x8, y1, y2, ... y8, for which this system equalities. As an answer, you need to indicate the number of such sets.

Answer: 61

No. 19. An integer whose internal hexadecimal representation in a 1-byte memory location is F2 is

1) 242
2) -14
3) -15
4) -13

No. 20. The hexadecimal number 0,F(2) 16 in base 8 is

1) 0,74(4210) 8
2) 0,17(10) 8
3) 0,71(1042) 8
4) 0,17(1042) 8

No. 21. To encode some sequence of letters A B C D And D, a non-uniform binary code is used, which makes it possible to uniquely decode the resulting binary sequence. Here is the code: A - 0; B - 100; B - 1010; G - 111; D - 110. It is required to reduce the length of the code word for one of the letters so that the code can still be decoded unambiguously. The codes of the remaining letters should not change.

Which of the following ways can this be done?

1) for the letter B - 101
2) it's impossible
3) for the letter B - 010
4) for the letter B - 10

No. 22. For batch operations with files, file name masks are used.

The mask is a sequence of letters, numbers, and other characters allowed in file names, which may also contain the following characters.

Symbol " ? » (question mark) means exactly one arbitrary character.

Symbol " * » (star) means any sequence of characters of arbitrary length, including "*" can also specify an empty sequence.

The directory contains 7 files:

  • carga.mp3
  • cascad.mpeg
  • cassa.mp3
  • cassandra.mp4
  • castrol.mp4
  • picasa.mp4

Determine by which of the listed masks from these 7 files the specified group of files will be selected:

  • cascad.mpeg
  • cassa.mp3
  • cassandra.mp4
  • picasa.mp4

1) *cas*a*.mp*
2) *ca*a*.mp*
3) *cas*.mp*
4) *cas*a*.mp?

No. 23. The truth of two statements: “it is not true that if ship A went to sea, then ship C did not” and “ship B or ship C went to sea, but not both together” means going to sea of ​​ships

1) A, B, C
2) A, B
3) B, C
4) A, C

No. 24. A 40 MB document can be transferred from one computer to another in two ways:

A. Compress with an archiver, transfer the archive over a communication channel, unpack.

B. Transfer over a communication channel without using an archiver.

Which way is faster and by how much, if:

  • the average data transfer rate over the communication channel is 223 bits per second;
  • the volume of the document compressed by the archiver is equal to 90% of the original;
  • the time required to compress the document - 16 seconds, to decompress -2 seconds?

In your answer, write the letter A if method A is faster, or B if method B is faster. Immediately after the letter, write a number indicating how many seconds one method is faster than the other.

So, for example, if method B is faster than method A by 23 seconds, write B23 in the answer.

Units of measurement "seconds", "sec.", "s." no need to add to the answer.

Answer: B14

№ 25 If 294 a \u003d 435 b and A7 b \u003d 4325 (a and b are the bases of different number systems), then what is the base of the number system a?

1) 10
2) 12
3) 14
4) 16

No. 26. The alphabet of the Baramba tribe consists of 4 letters. The natives encoded the word DABC using the following codes: A - 10, B - 0, C - 1, D - 010. The word was transmitted without spaces separating one letter from another. Determine the number of ways to read the passed word:

1) 5
2) 7
3) 12
4) 24

No. 27. Three departments A, B and C of a trading firm sought to make a profit at the end of the year. Economists have made the following assumptions:

  • Division A will make a profit only when division C's profit is not sufficient to justify division B's profit;
  • Divisions A and C will not make a profit;
  • Division A or Division C will make a profit.

At the end of the year, it turned out that only one of the three assumptions was true. Which divisions made a profit? (In your answer, write down the name of the departments without separating them with commas, for example: AC).

Answer: ABC

No. 28. Performer The draftsman moves on the coordinate plane, leaving a trace in the form of a line. The drafter can execute the command to shift by (a, b), where a, b are integers. This command moves the Painter from the point with coordinates (x, y) to the point with coordinates (x + a; y + b). For example, if the Draftsman is at the point with coordinates (4, 2), then the move to (2, −3) command will move the Draftsman to the point (6, −1).

REPEAT the number of times
command sequence

means that the sequence of commands will be executed the specified number of times (number must be natural).

The draftsman was given the following algorithm to execute (the letters n, a, b denote unknown numbers, while n > 1):

move by (-3, -3)
move to (a, b)
move to (27, 12)
move by (-22, -7)

Specify the smallest possible value of the number n, for which there are such values ​​of the numbers a and b, that after the execution of the program the Drawer will return to the starting point.

Answer: 5

No. 29. An executor can execute two commands:

DL - removes from the numerical sequence the digits in places n and n + 1, and puts the module of the difference of these numbers in their place;
EX - swaps the digits in places n and n+1.

For example, if the numerical sequence 12345 is given, then as a result of the sequential execution of six commands by this executor: DL4 EX3 DL3 DL1 DL1, the number 1 remains.

Determine the minimum number of commands that the executor needs to execute in order to get the number 3 from the numerical sequence 123456.

Answer: 5

No. 30. Find the smallest base of the positional number system X, for which the equality 145 x \u003d 442 y is true.

Answer: 9

No. 31. Internet services do not include:

1. Email e-mail
2. Standard Microsoft applications Windows
3. FTP file transfer
4. Usenet newsgroups

No. 32. On the shelf are textbooks in mathematics, computer science and physics. There are 2 times fewer textbooks in physics than in mathematics, and there are 15 textbooks in computer science. The amount of information in the message that a physics textbook was taken from the shelf is 3 bits. How many textbooks are on the shelf?

Answer: 24

No. 33. The internal criteria for the formation of a skill include

1. increasing the speed of the task;
2. increasing independence in the performance of the task;
3. reduction in the number of errors in the performance of the task;
4. lack of focus of consciousness on the form of the task.

No. 34. Social research methods include:

1. testing;
2. questioning;
3. survey;
4. all of the above.

No. 35. Local acts of the educational institution, which must necessarily contain provisions on the rights and obligations of a pedagogical worker, are:

1. internal labor regulations;
2. the charter of the institution;
3. regulation on the remuneration of employees of the educational institution;
4. job description.

No. 36. The interdisciplinary approach in teaching computer science is manifested:

1. in the study of the presentation of various forms and types of information;
2. in solving problems from various academic disciplines in computer science lessons;
3. in the use of ICT in the educational process.

No. 37. The main directions for the development of general education in accordance with the initiative of the President of the Russian Federation "Our New School" do NOT include:

1. Transition to new educational standards.
2. Additional monetary reward for performing the functions of a class teacher;
3. Expanding the independence of schools;
4. Improvement of the teaching staff;
5. Preserving and strengthening the health of schoolchildren

No. 38. Monitoring learning outcomes is:

1. verification of the results of mastering knowledge, skills, as well as the development of certain competencies;
2. leading view feedback teacher with a student in the learning process;
3. a system of appraisal and appraisal activities aimed at forming an adequate idea of ​​the objectively occurring processes in the social continuum;
4. a mechanism for checking only the knowledge of students.

No. 39. The economic methods of management applied at the level of an educational institution do not include:

1. the tax system of the country;
2. the system of wages and other forms of material incentives for employees;
3. a system of responsibility with the appropriate application of remuneration and sanctions for the quality and efficiency of work;
4. a system for stimulating innovation activities aimed at improving the efficiency and quality of the institution's activities.

No. 40. The official publication of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation is

1. Education Bulletin.
2. Bulletin of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. Higher and secondary vocational education”.
3. "Bulletin of normative acts of federal executive bodies".
4. "Collection of legislation of the Russian Federation".

No. 41. Searching for information on the Internet by keywords involves:

1. Entering a word (phrase) in the search box
2. Entering a word (phrase) in the address bar
3. following a hyperlink from the first loaded page

No. 42. The following indicators are used in a comprehensive assessment of the state of health (eliminate the extra answer):

1. Presence or absence at the time of examination of chronic diseases.
2. The level of achieved physical and neuropsychic development and the degree of its harmony;
3. The development of muscles, the condition and color of the skin.
4. The degree of resistance of the body to adverse effects.

No. 43. The principles of learning are

1. methods of work on the organization of the learning process;
2. theses of the theory and practice of training and education, reflecting the key points in the disclosure of processes, phenomena, events;
3. basic ideas of learning theory;
4. means of folk pedagogy and the modern pedagogical process.

No. 44. Pedagogical technology is:

1. a set of operations for the design, formation and control of knowledge, skills and attitudes in accordance with the goals;
2. tools for achieving the learning goal;
3. a set of provisions that reveal the content of any theory, concept or category in the system of science;
4. the stability of the results obtained during repeated control, as well as similar results when it was carried out by different teachers.

No. 45. A legal act regulating social and labor relations in an organization and concluded by employees and an employer is called:

1. Employment contract.
2. Collective agreement.
3. Bilateral agreement.
4. Labor agreement.

No. 46. The principle of organizing the educational process as a dialogue between a teacher and students and students among themselves is called the principle

1. dialogization;
2. problematization;
3. personalization;
4. individualization.

No. 47. A prerequisite for the individualization of education is:

1. special preparation of the teacher for this type of activity;
2. creation of material and technical conditions necessary for this work;
3. study of the psychological characteristics of schoolchildren;
4. drawing up special (other than state) training programs.

No. 48. The main provisions on the rights of the child are enshrined in (in):

1. Convention on the Rights of the Child.
2. Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
3. The Constitution of the Russian Federation.
4. International Covenant on Civil Rights.

No. 49. Systematize the listed stages of the lesson with a system-activity approach:

A. actualization and fixation of an individual difficulty in a trial action;
B. identifying the place and cause of the difficulty;
B. motivation for learning activities;
G. reflection of educational activity;
E. construction of a project for getting out of a difficulty;
E. independent work with self-checking according to the standard;
G. implementation of the constructed project;
Z. primary consolidation with pronunciation in external speech:
I. inclusion in the system of knowledge and repetition.

1. H, A, D, D, C, F, I, B, F;
2. C, B, A, D, Z, F, I, F, D;
3. C, A, B, D, G, Z, E, I, D.

No. 50. Determine the element that is not included in the structure of the USE control and measuring materials:

1. the purpose of studying the subject;
2. codifier of content elements in the subject for the preparation of control and measuring materials for the exam;
3. specification of the examination paper for graduates of the 11th grade of the secondary (complete) general education school.

No. 51. BASIC Algorithmic Language Operator

PRINT (NOT(15 OR 51) EQV 85) IMP (15 AND 51)

will output a number equal to

1) 86
2) 105
3) -105
4) -86

No. 52. Determine the number of all 4-digit numbers in the number system with base 5?

Answer: 500

No. 53. After executing the assignment statements:

a:=c; b:=d; a:=a+b; b:=a-b; a:=a-b,
- variables a and b take the values ​​of variables:

1) a=c, b=d
2) a=d, b=c
3) a=c, b=c
4) a=c+d, b=c-d

No. 54. The sequence formation rule is set by the program in the school algorithmic language

alg sequence (arg integer A, B, C)
start target K
nc for K from 0 to 3
output C, “ , “

Determine the missing member of the sequence -1, 0 , -7, ... ?

Answer: 42

No. 55. After simplifying the logical expression

(B \/ ¬(A \/ B) → ¬ (A /\ B)) /\ ​​(A /\ B) becomes:

1) Lie
2) A
3) Truth
4) B

No. 56. After executing the program fragment:

BASIC Pascal

a$(1)=”abcba”: a$(2)=”abcab”
a$(3)="bacab": a$(4)="bcaba"
FOR i=1 TO 4
s$=a$[i] : r=0
FOR j=1 TO 2
IF MID$(s$,j,1)<>
MID$(s$, LEN(s$)-j+1,1)
IF r=0 THEN k=k+1 ENDIF

a:='abcba'; a:='abcab';
a:='bacab'; a:='bcaba';
For i:=1 to 4 do
begin s:=a[i]; r:=0;
For j:=1 to 2 do
if Copy(s,j,1)<>
Copy (s, length(s)-j+1,1)
then r:=1;
If r=0 then k:=k+1 end;

will be printed:

1) 1

2) 2

3) 3

4) 4

No. 57. When registering in a computer system, each user is given a password consisting of 15 characters and containing only the characters W, K, O, L, A (thus, 5 different characters are used). Each such password in a computer system is written in the minimum possible and the same integer number of bytes (in this case, character-by-character encoding is used and all characters are encoded in the same and minimum possible number of bits).

Specify the amount of memory, in bytes, that this system allocates for storing 30 passwords. In the answer, write down only the number, the word "byte" does not need to be written.

Answer: 180

No. 58. A sign of pedagogical technology that distinguishes it from teaching methods is:

1. the presence of stages, each of which has its own task;
2. consistency;
3. ensuring a guaranteed result;
4. providing a comfortable microclimate during application;

No. 59. When establishing contacts with the parents of pupils, the teacher should: (delete the extra answer)

1. carry out activities and conduct activities aimed at strengthening and increasing the authority of parents;
2. show confidence in the educational influences of parents;
3. present claims to parents in time;
4. in communication with parents, observe pedagogical tact, avoid careless interference in family life.

No. 60. Personal socialization is:

1. adaptability, activity;
2. autonomy;
3. mastering the moral values ​​of society;
4. all of the above.

No. 61. The essence of personality-oriented technologies is to focus on:

1. personal development in accordance with natural abilities;
2. state standards of education;
3. development of knowledge, skills and abilities of the student;
4. state educational order.

No. 62. From the point of view of psychology, the process of education is:

1. the process of development of the intellectual sphere of the child;
2. component learning process;
3. leading professional function of teachers;
4. the process of development of the motivational-need sphere of the child.

No. 63. Modern traditional education, as a technology, relies on

1. pedagogy of requirements;
2. pedagogy of cooperation;
3. Orthodox pedagogy;
4. school of creativity I.P. Volkov.

No. 64. According to L.S. Vygotsky, the leading role in the development of the psyche of the schoolchild belongs

1. teaching;
2. education;
3. game;
4. communication.

No. 65. The teaching load, the mode of study of a student in a general education institution is determined by:

1. Decision of the Council of the educational institution.
2. The charter of the educational institution based on recommendations agreed with the health authorities.
3. Schedule of training sessions.
4. SanPinami.

No. 66. Indicate what goals the study of computer science at school is aimed at in accordance with the second generation of the Federal State Educational Standards:

1. Mastering the knowledge that forms the basis of scientific ideas about information, information processes, systems, technologies and models.
2. Possession of basic information about databases, their structure, creation tools and work with them.
3. Possession of knowledge about the most important discoveries and achievements that influenced the development of engineering and technology.

1. personal instability;
2. manifestation of the growth of the physical "I";
3. inadequate self-esteem;
4. age feature.

No. 68. How many 1's are in the binary representation of the decimal number 519?

Answer: 4

No. 69. Text typed in a text editor is stored as:

1. directory
2. file
3. label
4. pages

No. 70. The file transfer rate through an ADSL connection is 2048 Kbps. Transferring a file over this connection took 0.5 minutes. Specify the file size in megabytes.

1) 6,5
2) 7
3) 7,5
4) 8

No. 71. A message spanning 2 pages of 22 lines and 60 characters per line contains 2640 bytes. The number of characters in the alphabet used is

1) 64
2) 128
3) 256
4) 32

No. 72. How many units are contained in the binary notation of the value of the expression:

42014 + 22015 - 8?

Answer: 2013

No. 73. Indicate in which direction the windows should face in the computer science room:

1. east;
2. west;
3. north.

No. 74. What is the difference between natural language and formal language?

1. The physical nature of signs.
2. The presence of strict rules of grammar and syntax.
3. Unambiguous correspondence between groups of characters.

No. 75. Specify the type of lesson according to the presented structure:
1) the stage of preparing students for the active and conscious development of new material;
2) the stage of assimilation of new knowledge;
3) the stage of consolidation of new knowledge;
4) the stage of information of students about homework instructions for its implementation.

1. Combined lesson.
2. A lesson in learning new knowledge.
3. Lesson to consolidate the studied material.
4. Lesson of repetition and generalization of the studied material.

No. 76. Indicate the correct definition of the term "learning task":

1. The learning task is the message of the topic of the lesson.
2. A learning task is a specific task for a student to complete in a lesson.
3. A learning task is a goal that is personally significant for the student, which motivates the study of new material.
4. A learning task is the solution of a mathematical problem in different ways.

No. 77. Specify the programs that the teacher uses when planning and organizing the educational process:

1. Exemplary programs of general education;
2. Work programs developed by teachers on the basis of exemplary or author's programs;
3. Author's programs recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

No. 78. Indicate the meta-subject skill that forms the new generation of the Federal State Educational Standards in the course "Informatics":

1. information literacy;
2. organization of own information activities;
3. work with information models.

No. 79. Input devices are:

1. scanner
2. printer
3. monitor
4. keyboard

No. 80. Indicate the area of ​​activity that is designated as a priority in the educational initiative "Our New School":

1. transition to normative per capita financing of educational institutions;
2. organization of a system for searching and supporting talented children;
3. introduction new system wages;
4. expanding public participation in education management

No. 81. Specify a research method that is not a survey sociological method:

1. questioning;
2. experiment;
3. sociometric survey;
4. sociological testing.

No. 82. Specify what equipment the computer science room should be equipped with:

1. at least one workplace for a teacher, 15 computer places for students, a scanner, a printer, an interactive whiteboard, a webcam, headphones;
2. one workplace for a teacher and 10 places for students;
3. the required number of places for students.

No. 83. Indicate the age at which educational activity is leading:

1. primary school age;
2. preschool age;
3. middle school age (teenager);
4. senior school age (youth).

No. 84. Specify the method of teaching the subject, more than others aimed at achieving meta-subject results:

1. Explanatory and illustrative.
2. Research.
3. Partially search.

No. 85. Specify the greatest opportunities with the help of which access to information resources of the Internet is provided:

1. remote access via dial-up telephone channel;
2. permanent connection via a dedicated telephone channel;
3. permanent connection via fiber optic channel;

No. 86. Specify the most complete list of the main elements of a personal computer:

1. processor, RAM, I/O devices
2. processor, monitor
3. hard drive, monitor, printer
4. processor, mouse, monitor, scanner

No. 87. Indicate the number of integer values ​​X for which the statement is true: (X3<100) \/ (X>10) → ((X-9)2<16) ?

Answer: 8

No. 88. Email allows you to send

1. messages only
2. messages and attachments
3. video images

No. 89. The performer Doubler has two teams that are assigned numbers:

1. add 1,
2. multiply by 2.

The first of them increases the number on the screen by 1, the second doubles it.

For example, 2121 is the program:

multiply by 2
add 1
multiply by 2
add 1,

which converts the number 1 to the number 7.

Write the order of commands in the program to convert the number 3 to the number 63,

Answer: 2 1212121

No. 90. On the same street there are 4 houses in a row, in which 4 people live: Semyon, Nikolai, Artur, Roman. It is known that they all have different professions: a doctor, an artist, a huntsman and a trainer, but it is not known who is what and it is not known who lives in what house. However, it is known that:
1) The doctor lives to the left of the huntsman.
2) The artist lives next to the coach.
3) The artist lives to the right of the doctor.
4) The coach lives next to the doctor.
5) Artur lives to the right of the coach.
6) Semyon lives across the house from Nikolai.
7) Roman lives to the right of Semyon.
8) Nikolai is not a doctor.
Determine who lives where. In the answers, the initial letters of the names of the residents of all houses are written from left to right.


Good luck! Successful submission!

    the ability to rationally work with information: to know the features of information flows in their subject area, to master the basics of analytical and synthetic processing of information;

    development of technologies for the preparation of pedagogical information products;

    the use of new information and communication technologies and the possession of specific skills in the use of technical means both directly in the educational process and in independent work to improve professional skills.

126. In the Word text editor, the Copy operation becomes possible after:

A. setting the cursor to a specific position

B. save the file

B. printout file

D. selection of a fragment of text

127. The "My Computer" icon in Windows serves to:

A. Internet access

B. access to computer devices

B. access to user documents

D. shutting down the computer

128. When formatting a text document, ...

A. processing associated with a change in the form of information, but not changing its content

B. processing related to obtaining new content, new information

B. processing related to printing information

D. processing related to changing the content of information

129. The main characteristics of the processor include

A. amount of RAM

B. number of ports and their purpose

B. hard drive capacity

G. Clock frequency

130. "The World Wide Web is distributed around the world .... with hyperlinks."

A. worldwide network

B. operating system

B. email

G. information system


    Constitution of the Russian Federation Art. 43

    Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 19, 2001 No. 196 “On Approval of the Standard Regulations on a General Educational Institution” (as amended for 2009).

    Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 5, 2001 No. 505 "On approval of the Rules for the provision of paid educational services."

    Decree of the Government of St. Petersburg dated December 04, 2007 No. 1535 "On the program for the development of a regional system for assessing the quality of general education in St. Petersburg for 2008-2010."

    Dick N.F. Safety of the educational process and labor protection at school, lyceum. - Rostov-on-Don, Phoenix, 2007.

    Dick N.F. Licensing, certification and accreditation of educational institutions. - Rostov-on-Don, Phoenix, 2007.

    Bratchenko S.L. Introduction to the humanitarian expertise of education. - M., 19


Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science


Federal Agency for Education (Rosobrazovanie)

Federal Agency for Science and Innovation (Rosnauka)

Priority national projects: website of the Council under the President of the Russian Federation for the implementation of priority national projects and demographic policy

National Training Fund. Priority national

the project "Education" and the project "Informatization of the education system"

Russian education statistics

Academy of advanced training and professional retraining of educators of the Russian Federation

State Research Institute of Information

technologies and telecommunications (GNII ITT "Informika")

National accreditation agency in the field of education

Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements

Federal Council for Textbooks of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

Federal Center for Educational Legislation

Federal Testing Center

Federal Portal "Russian Education"

Russian educational portal

Portal of information support of the Unified State Examination

Natural science educational portal

Federal educational portal "Economics. Sociology.


Federal Portal "Engineering Education"

Federal portal "Socio-humanitarian and political science


Federal legal portal "Legal Russia"

Federal portal "Information and communication technologies

in education"

Russian portal of open education

Educational portal to support learning processes in the CIS countries

1). setting the cursor to a specific position

2). file saving

3). file printout

4). highlighting a piece of text

In a text editor, when setting page parameters, ...

1). typeface, size, style

2). indent, spacing

3). fields, orientation

4). style, pattern

While editing the text changes...

1). font size

2). paragraph options

3). sequence of characters, words, paragraphs

4). page settings

The minimum object used in a text editor is...

2). screen point (pixel)

4). familiarity (character)

11. In a text editor, the Copy operation becomes possible after ...

1). setting the cursor to a certain position

2). file saving

3). file printout

4). selection of a fragment of text

To enable the menu customization mode in the MS Word text editor, you must execute the command ...

1). Service-Parameters

2). Document Schematic View

3). File-open

4). Service-Setting

16. The group of controls Toolbar "Review" includes elements for....

1). creating, viewing and deleting notes

2). print document changes

3). work with headers

4). document formatting

Cycling between insert and replace modes when entering characters from the keyboard is done by pressing the... key.

1). Print Screen

18. Create document:

1). File - Create

2). Window - New

3). Insert - Documents

Open document

1). Window - File name

2). File - Open As

3). Start - Programs - Microsoft Word

1). come up with a filename

2). write a document from RAM to a hard or floppy disk

3). click on the close button, answer the question "No"

4). write a document from a disk or floppy disk to read-only memory

22. Documents are usually kept:

1). on diskette

2). In "My Documents" folder

3). on hard drive

4). and then close

23. Select a document view mode that is used specifically for typing:

1). ordinary

2). page layout

3). web document

4). preview

24. Select the correct document printing algorithm:

1). File - Print - Select Printer - Ok

2). File - Print - Specify the number of copies - Ok

3). Make a preview, File - Print - Select printer - Specify number of copies - Ok

4). Select the desired text, File - Print

25. Which list is called "marked":

1). no such list

2). each line starts with a marker - a specific character

3). each line is marked with a red line and a number

4). each line has its own ""marking"", that is, its own sign or indent

26. Which toolbar is designed to work with tables:

1). Tables and cells

2). Tables and Borders

3). Drawing

4). Drawing tables

A) Microsoft Excel; B) Microsoft Graph 2000; C) Microsoft Equation 3.0; D) Microsoft Diagram; E) Wordart.

23. In a text editor, the operation "Copy text" becomes possible after

A) Setting the cursor to a certain position; B) Saving the file; C) Printouts of the document; D) Highlighting a fragment of text; E) Table inserts.

24. Which of the following transformations cannot be done using the Font dialog box?

A) Make the lettering italic; B) Change letter spacing; C) Shift the text down or up relative to the line; D) Make the first letter in the string Capital Cap; E) Add text animation.

End of work -

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Spreadsheet columns
A) are named arbitrarily by the user; C) are indicated by the letters of the Russian alphabet; C) are designated by letters of the Latin alphabet; D) are numbered; E) are denoted by the letters of the Greek alphabet.

Find the correct statement in MS Excel
A) The formula starts with "=", can contain up to 240 characters and must not contain spaces; B) Formula starts with "=" sign, can contain up to 240 characters and spaces;

Specify the correct formula in MS Excel to find the maximum data value from the specified range
C) =MAX(A1:A3); B) =MAX(B1:B3); C)=MAX(A1:C1); D)=MAX(A1:C3); E)=MAX(C1:C3).

The working window is

Specify an absolute reference to the column name in the cell name
A) $A$1; B) $A1; C) A$1; D) A1; E) $$A1. 13. Information in the cell of the Excel table in the form of 99% is presented in the form of A) Fractional format; B) Money format; C) Procene

Cell ranges in Excel are denoted as follows
A) D3-H16; C) DZ;H16; C) D3+H16; D) D3/H16; E) D3:H16. 4. Among the listed functions, find the function that belongs to the category Date and time? A) IF; B) CO

The control line is
A) A string that contains the name of the application, the name of the active document, and the window control buttons; B) Window of the current document, through which you can view, create and edit the document; c)

To select data according to the desired criterion, use the command
A) find; B) Format; C) Sample; D) Filter; E) Criteria. 13. Information in a cell of an Excel spreadsheet in the form of 5/3 is presented in the form of A) Fractional format; B) Monetary pho

Specify a formula in MS Excel that tells the program to perform an operation on arrays
A)=A1*5; B) (=A1:D4*5); C) =IF(X<0;A1+2;A1+5); D) =А1/(В2+5); E) =SIN(B1)*3+C2. 22. Какая из перечисленных функций MS Excel определяет обратную матрицу? A)

The access emblem is
A) text; B) Table; C) Schedule; D)W; E) key. 20. What DBMS ACCESS object allows you to create virtual tables consisting of calculated fields or fields taken from other tables

In MS Access, double clicking on a control in design mode
A) Changes its size and appearance; C) Calls the properties window for the given control; C) Calls the edit mode; D) Highlights it; E) Invokes the filtering mode. 23.

Table Wizard mode allows you to
A) Edit the structure of old tables; B) Create new tables; C) Enter data into a table; D) Print tables; E) Edit the data in the table.

Sorting alphabetically is equivalent to
A) Sort in descending order; B) Sorting by lines; C) sorting by records; D) Sort in ascending order; E) Sort diagonally. 18. What is a key? A) Od

The MS Access processing object is
A) Table; B) Database; C) Text file; D) A document containing data about real world objects; E) Database file with arbitrary name and *.mdb extension. 24. Kaku

From the following list, specify a data type that is not a Microsoft Access data type
A) Numerical; B) Text; C) Real; D) money; E) Boolean. 4. The table wizard mode allows you to: A) Edit the structure of old tables; B) Create

In MS Access, in the New Report dialog box, the Report Wizard option
A) Allows you to create a report from scratch; B) Displays one entry in a vertical format; C) Helps to create a report by asking questions and using pre-designed templates; D) Displays several at once

A relational database file entry may contain
A) Heterogeneous information (data of different types); B) Exceptionally homogeneous information (data of only one type); C) Only textual information; D) Purely numeric information; E) Only

The backbone topology of information and computing networks is characterized by
A) The presence of many nodes connected to a central node that manages the flow of information and messages; B) A set of nodes connected in a closed system with control,

Internet is
A) Global computer network; B) User interface; C) Regional computer network; D) Hyperlink; E) Local computer network. 17. Word Wide Web (WWW or simply Web

Information security is understood as
A) Ensuring the physical integrity of information, i.e. exclusion of the possibility of distortion or destruction of information elements; B) Exclusion of the possibility of substitution (modification) of information elements

A method of using the Internet, which allows the instantaneous transfer of files, documents, programs over any distance, is
A) Search service; B) Email; C) Navigator; D) News; E) IP-telephony. 21. What are protocols? A) Established and agreed rules for the full

A topology whose nodes are connected by lines to a central node is called
A) Tire; B) Volumetric; C) star-shaped; D) Radial; E) tabular. 4. In the NTERNET network and its services, the "To" and "To" sections are separated by a sign: A) &; B) $; WITH

The complex of hardware and software that allows computers to exchange data is
A) highway B) interface; C) Data buses; D) Adapter; E) Computer network. 19. Which of the following methods of connecting to the Internet provides the greatest opportunities for