Setting up Firefox Sync: complete instructions. Firefox sync: transfer settings to new system Can't enter firefox sync

Almost all popular browsers today have their own synchronization systems, with which you can always have the same set of bookmarks, passwords, settings when accessing from any computer. These systems work great if you use the same type of browser everywhere and always. Problems begin when you use several browsers at the same time, because cross-browser synchronization is not provided by standard means in any browser. However, special extensions will come to the rescue, which you will learn about below.


This is a very popular service that was the first to offer the service of synchronizing bookmarks between different browsers... Some time ago, the creators of Xmarks wanted to close their product due to low ROI, but later they were bought by LastPass. Now Xmarks works on a freemium system, offering its main functionality for free, and additional features for money.

Synchronization of bookmarks and passwords (optional) between Chrome, Firefox, Safari, IE, as well as marking the most popular links among service users on the page, remained free of charge. google search, detailed information about each site and search for similar ones. Owners paid subscriptions functions of synchronization with mobile clients and some other goodies are available.


This is a new extension from EverHelper, which was previously noted as the creator of an advanced start page for Chrome browsers and Firefox called FVD Speed ​​Dial. Their New Product EverSync is able to sync bookmarks between the two browsers and, not surprisingly, customize the FVD Speed ​​Dial start page.

After installing the extension, you will need to create an account, which is completely free and will not take more than a few minutes. You can save up to 1000 active bookmarks, another 500 in the archive and up to 500 deleted ones in the Trash. More than enough for ordinary users.

After that, you need to choose one of the synchronization methods: merging local and server data, overwriting data on the server, overwriting local data. If you are using this service for the first time, then choose the second or third option, depending on which browser you have the current set of bookmarks in. After the first synchronization, toggle activate the option Merge local and server data to always have the same bookmark list in both browsers in the future.

In the browser Mozilla Firefox there is a function data synchronization... It can help you sync bookmarks, passwords, browsing history, open tabs, and even add-ons installed in your browser.
This is very convenient: let's say in Mozilla Firefox, which is installed on my work computer there are many bookmarks and saved passwords for sites. I want the same bookmarks and passwords to be on me in Firefox installed on me at home... Moreover, if I delete any bookmark at home, then it will also disappear on my work computer. With synchronization, all of this can be done.

By the way, recently (since version 29) Synchronization process in Mozilla Firefox has changed... Those who used the old version of synchronization, I think, will agree that the process was not very convenient due to the use of secret pairing codes and passwords to recover lost keys.

In the new version it will be necessary to use Firefox account... Those. by entering your username and password on your home computer or work computer - you will get access to your bookmarks, settings, etc. The same can be done on a tablet or smartphone if they are on the Android platform.

As reported on the developer's website, you will not be able to use the old and the new version of synchronization at the same time. Thus, to create a Firefox account and take advantage of the new sync, you will need to disconnect your current devices from the old sync version.

And one more thing: although the old version of synchronization is still working, Mozilla is going to continue to support it for a limited time. Therefore, my advice to you: create yourself a Firefox account and use new version synchronization.

Now more about how to do this:

1) Launch the browser Mozilla Firefox and go to the settings. Here we select "Enter Synchronization": 2) In the next window, click the "Start" button. Further it will be offered. Enter your email address here and create a password. You will also need to choose a year of birth. Then click the "Next" button: 3) After that, we will be informed that a link has been sent to the specified mail to confirm the account:
4) Now we go to our mail - there a new letter is already waiting for us. In it, click the "Confirm" button:
5) We return to our open tab and see a message that the account is confirmed!

Now on another computer(or Android device) launch the browser Mozilla Firefox.

1) Go to settings - click “Enter Synchronization”. Then we press the button "Start".

2) Further, at the very bottom of the window that opens, click on the link: “ Already have an account? To come in”:
3) Next, enter our email address and password - click "Login": 4) If in the last window we click "Control", we will see that we are in our account and what exactly synchronize:
That's all! You can go to the “Bookmarks” tab in your browser and make sure that they are exactly the same as on the other computer.

A final tip for those with the old version of synchronization is already in use: Before starting all the steps described above, go to your browser settings and in the “Synchronization” tab, do not forget to click “Disconnect this device”. Thus, you will save yourself from possible problems:
If something in the article was not clear to you - ask your questions in the comments!

At the time of this writing, Firefox Sync password managers support a browser based on the Gecko core. Namely: Gecko (Mozilla Firefox (Mozilla Firefox Mobile), Camino and SeaMonkey). This is a clear disadvantage compared to Xmarks and LastPass. However, the fact that Firefox Sync is completely free, has good functionality and, unlike other managers, is included in the basic delivery of the Mozilla Firefox browser, makes it very attractive for Firefox users.

A bit of history. The first public version of Firefox Sync was released on February 23, 2009. The first stable version was released on January 28, 2010. In early December 2010, after Xmarks announced to terminate the free version of my project on 01/23/2011 (which did not happen on 01/23/2011) of my project, I started looking for an alternative. The decision was not long in coming. Within a few hours, I installed, configured and performed the first synchronization of my data using Firefox Sync. The current (at the time of this writing) version of the application is 1.6.1.

Let's consider its functionality.

Synchronization of bookmarks. This is the main function of any sync manager. The Mozilla Firefox Sync password manager allows you to sync bookmarks between all Gecko-based browsers (Mozilla Firefox (Mozilla Firefox Mobile), Camino and SeaMonkey).

Synchronizing passwords. It is possible to synchronize logins / passwords from your accounts on different sites. Just like Xmarks, the Mozilla Firefox Sync password manager takes a responsible approach to storing your passwords. When you create an account in Firefox Sync, you will be asked to enter a passphrase. This passphrase (like a password) will be used to encrypt your data. Approach this phrase with great responsibility. I recommend using the rules for creating secure passwords for both the Firefox Sync password and the secret phrase.

Synchronization of settings. Password Manager Mozilla Firefox Sync, unlike Xmarks, allows you to synchronize browser settings. It is extremely convenient. At the workplace, all you have to do is download, install Firefox, then enter your Firefox Sync credentials and all your settings from your Firefox home browser will be transferred and installed.

Synchronization of history. This function will allow you to synchronize the history of your "surfing" from all supported browsers.

Synchronization of tabs. If you have a habit of opening and not closing a large number of tabs, then this function will be very useful to you. You can close the browser at home on your desktop PC and continue from the same tabs on your laptop or netbook on the way to work. And for this you do not need to remember which tabs you opened.

Synchronization with iPhone. This function will help you sync data from iPhone.

Let's look at how Firefox Sync works using Mozilla Firefox 3.6.13 and Firefox Sync 1.6.1 as examples. to do this, in the main menu of Mozilla Firefox, select the item Instruments then Settings… and go to the tab Synchronization... In this case, you will see the following window.

I want to note that the synchronization of Firefox bookmarks, using this manager, is fast and without problems.

Click on the button Account management... The number of controls in the block Account Firefox Sync will increase as shown in the image below. This allows us to say that Firefox password managers have sufficient account management capabilities.

Firefox Sync allocates ample storage space for bookmarks, passwords, and more.

Synchronizing bookmarks in Firefox with this function becomes a sufficient "step" in ensuring the security of your data storage.

Also, using sync keys, you can try to implement a similarity to the "Sync Profile" function (like in Xmarks). Just don't put the sync key used on Firefox Sync at home on your work PC.

Stop using this account... This link will allow you to reset all information and settings of your sync account. Be careful when using this function.

In the area of Browser sync You can choose the types of data to sync. Remember, the more data types are checked, the more options you will get, and the longer the synchronization process will take.

You can read more about Firefox bookmarks synchronization on the developer's website.

A Wikipedia article is also available. With this extension, syncing Firefox bookmarks is a matter of two clicks.

At the beginning of June, on our news portal, it was announced that a certain extension, called, was released, designed to synchronize the history, bookmarks, passwords, sessions (and other things) of the Mozilla FireFox browser between computers. Moreover, it can store a copy of the above on a remote server, which is very convenient if you need to recover lost data.

This is how the developers themselves describe the capabilities of this extension:

Don't sit in one place
Are you working in an office and suddenly it's time to go home? Now you can return to your open tabs and search history in the blink of an eye from any computer. Your Firefox will be the way you left it, no matter where you signed in.
Reserve your information
All your history, passwords, bookmarks and other settings are saved in a more universal format, not tied to one machine. If you replace your machine, you won't lose your Firefox.
Ensure safety
Your information is encrypted in such a way that only you can access it after you enter your Secret Phrase. Firefox puts your safety first and sync is no exception.

Setting up synchronization in Mozilla FireFox

The service from Mozilla, which was previously called Weave and was available only as an extension, but has now been renamed to Sync and is available in the basic configuration starting with Firefox 4. Therefore, open the browser, go to Tools - Options - Sync

Now we have configured the synchronization of everything and everything to a remote server and our bookmarks, passwords, etc. are automatically saved there and, in which case, they can always be restored simply by using this add-on and entering your username and password in the settings.

By the way about the settings.
By clicking on this button ..

Several lines of settings open.

Which can be useful to you.

The button is especially important " Replace or Merge Sync Data", which can be useful when synchronizing between several computers, as well as in case of recovering lost data. By clicking it, you will see this window:

Where, as you understand, you can choose the option you need.

More about each:

  • Combine data from this computer with data from your Sync - this function is needed if, for example, you sat down after home computer for a worker and collected new tabs and other data there, and then they wanted all this to be on your second computer. Then we select this item (it seems to be even used by default) and click on the "Next" button.
  • Replace all data on this computer with the data of your- this function is usually needed in case of restoring tabs after reinstalling the system. We installed a naked FireFox, put Sync on top and used this item, - voila, everything is in place.
  • Replace data on all other devices with your local data- I think that this item is needed so as not to run to every computer where there is Sync and not select the second item there, pulling out the bookmarks using Sync .. You can run away! And so, right from the computer, on which everything you need, we press into this setting and automatically get synchronization on all computers where Sync is installed with the same account.

That seems to be all.

As for the recovery procedure - everything is simple and accessible, - I will not describe it, and I have already given a number of tips ;-)


As always, I am glad to answer any of your questions or listen to your additions in the comments or using the feedback form.
By the way, to create backups I still recommend it all the same, especially since it can also save extensions, which is very convenient in many aspects.

Thank you for the attention. Everything is for you;-)

As promised, I continue to publish articles that will not teach copywriters, but will significantly help them do other equally important work: collect information, look for customers, communicate on thematic forums. In general, this is another article from the cycle. In it I will talk about synchronization in Mozilla Firefox. Synchronization is essential if you don't remember by heart all the sites, browser add-ons, and passwords you use on the Internet. When you read this article and watch the video (yes, I have prepared my next "silent" video for you), you will make your browser remember all this for you. It will remember passwords, and all your bookmarks, and settings, and your history (that is, a list of all visited sites) even after reinstalling Windows.

Why sync in Firefox?

I agree that many will have enough knowledge about. All the sites you need are not going anywhere, what more could you want? For example, I want that when I go to a site where my account is, the browser itself will drive in my name and password. I want my favorite browser to have a WOT add-on that warns of sites with a bad reputation. I want the files downloaded from the Internet to be saved in a special folder on the disk, where there is always a lot of space, and not on the system folder, which is always full.

And most importantly, I want all of the above not to disappear after reinstalling Windows. And it stayed in place if suddenly I was far from my usual workplace and wanted to access the Internet from someone else's computer. What will satisfy all my "wishes"? That's right - my capable assistant Mozilla Firefox and its faithful companion, synchronization.

Sync in Firefox: stage one

First you need to activate synchronization, for this you need to:

  1. Go to the menu (remember, it is in the upper left corner), click on "Settings", then on "Synchronization".
  2. Click on the blue link "Configure Firefox Sync", then "Create an account".
  3. Create an account (enter your E-mail and enter your password twice).
  4. Enter the captcha, click "Next".
  5. Check the boxes that you want to sync (I advise you not to be a "browser non-conformist" and check all the items: "Add-ons", "Settings", "Bookmarks", "Passwords", "Tabs" and "History") and click "OK".

The same instruction, only a hundred times clearer in the form of a screencast.

Sync in Firefox: Phase Two

When you've enabled sync in Mozilla, be sure to save your recovery key. For this:

  1. Go to the menu, then to Settings, then to Synchronization.
  2. Click on the "Manage account", Which is on the left under your E-mail, then on" My recovery key ".
  3. When a window appears where you see the inscription "Your recovery key", and under it a bunch of numbers and letters, copy these numbers to some text file.
  4. Save (this is not necessary, but highly desirable) this text file on Dropbox (or at least on your mail in the form of a draft), so that it is more reliable and can be reached from any computer.

One hundred and fifty-three times the explanation in the form of a video is clearer.

Sync in Firefox: the final step

When you reinstall Windows and reinstall Firefox or want to access the Internet from someone else's computer, but with your own settings, follow the following sequence of actions: Menu-> Settings-> Synchronization-> Configure Firefox Sync-> I have an account-> I have no device with me. After that, in the window that appears, enter the E-mail and password that you entered in the first step and copy the recovery key from the file that you saved in the second step. At the very end, it remains to click only "Next" and "OK".

Everything! All additions and bookmarks again, where you left them before the old operating system took her breath away and tried to take all your carefully tuned programs with me to IT paradise.

For those who believe that I am writing incomprehensibly, but clearly showing, the video.