In an electronic diary, the student cannot correct the grade on his own without the help of the teacher. In an electronic diary, a student cannot correct a grade on his own without the help of a teacher How to hide grades in the school portal

How do I correct a grade in an e-diary? This question is quite common. In our article, we will carefully consider all the nuances in order to provide a detailed answer to it.

Initially, consider a situation where the student himself wants to remove or change the mark. We say straight away and honestly - nothing will work out for you. Students do not have the ability to adjust scores, either on the computer or on the phone.

Why do schoolchildren want to change grades? The reasons are obvious:

  • They don't want their parents to see bad grades.
  • They are afraid of punishment for poor academic performance.
  • Want to change your online diary to improve your quarter score.

How to permanently remove a grade from an electronic diary?

Surely you are not a hacker with extensive experience and knowledge of programming. Therefore, to the question of how to permanently delete a rating from an electronic diary, one can give an unambiguous answer - in no way. Without special knowledge, students have no chance to hack the system.

Fraudsters, on the other hand, are actively disseminating hacking instructions on the Internet in the form of articles and videos. They talk about supposedly unique programs or schemes for gaining access to the service.

The purpose of all of these instructions is to encourage users to install a virus-infected application. Malicious programs can block operating system and steal personal data - accounts, bank card numbers and passwords, emails, etc.

Therefore, never believe such instructions. Even if the vulnerability really exists, it will be quickly closed. As a result, the probability of hacking an online diary by an ordinary schoolchild tends to zero.

But what about articles on the Internet about students who corrected grades and were punished? Indeed, some schoolchildren gain access to the system. But usually they do not hack the service, but use the credentials from the teacher's account.

You can find out the teacher's login and password in various ways:

  1. Spy on the data at the moment when the teacher enters the profile.
  2. The teacher can write down the login and password in a notebook so as not to forget them.
  3. It is possible to infect a teacher's computer with viruses to steal credentials. But you need to choose the right malware and know how to use it.

Having the teacher's login and password, you can go to his profile and change the marks. But rest assured that the fact that the estimates have been adjusted will soon be discovered. Severe punishment, up to and including expulsion from school, cannot be avoided.

Administration educational institution can contact law enforcement agencies. Then the student faces criminal prosecution if he has reached the appropriate age. Of course, the student will not receive a prison sentence, but a suspended sentence or a fine is a very real prospect.

Can the teacher correct the grade in the e-diary?

How can I change a grade in an e-diary legally? To do this, you need to contact the teacher and ask for a chance to correct the mark. Complete his task so that the teacher gives the appropriate score.

Modern online journaling systems allow you to change grades and delete lessons. But then another question arises - will the teacher want to correct the grades? Changes in the electronic diary are tracked by the administration. The head teacher or director can ask a number of questions to the teacher regarding the reasons for the adjustment.

Therefore, some teachers refuse to change the grades. The position of the school administration is decisive in this matter. In some establishments, the directors categorically prohibit changing the grades, and the right to adjust is provided only in the event of an error.

Can I correct the quarter grade in the e-diary?

Quarter points can also be adjusted by the teacher. He has the opportunity to change the fourth grade in case of an error, or if the student has completed additional assignments.

What time does the electronic diary give to correct the assessment?

There is no information in open sources regarding the time for correcting the marks of information. Perhaps it depends on a specific service or on the parameters set in the system. Therefore, it is better to contact the teacher with this question.

Schoolchildren do not have the opportunity to correct their grades in the electronic diary on their own. AIS "" is distinguished by reliable protection against hacking. In a schoolchild's diary, you can see only those grades that are displayed in the magazine. Teachers and head teachers have access to the magazine. Therefore, only a school employee can correct the grade in the student's electronic diary. For trying to do this without the knowledge of the teacher, a teenager faces expulsion from school, a suspended prison sentence or a fine.

Many students, instead of learning the material well and correcting their poor grades, are looking for ways to remove them from the ezine or change them on their own. But, nothing will come of this, since the student does not have the technical ability to correct the scores received in any mobile phone nor in a laptop.

The reasons why students want to change grades are quite obvious:

  • fear of parental reactions to poor academic performance;
  • fear of punishment for low scores;
  • a desire to improve a quarterly or yearly grade.

Online instructions for hacking an electronic diary

Ordinary schoolchildren do not have the knowledge of a "hacker" with extensive experience in hacking sites. Without a good knowledge of programming, the chances of hacking the system are zero. Nevertheless, cybercriminals are now posting videos and articles on the Internet on how to do this. Scammers claim that there are special schemes for gaining access and exclusive programs with which you can enter the system.

The goal of such cybercriminals is to get as many people as possible to install infected programs on their computers and laptops. Malicious applications can steal emails, passwords, bank card numbers, Accounts, personal information of the user. Therefore, it is strictly forbidden to believe such mailings and follow the proposed links - it is very dangerous.

Punishment for correcting marks in an electronic diary

Earlier, the media reported about schoolchildren who managed to correct the marks in the electronic diary, for which they were expected to be punished. Some students fraudulently find out the teacher's login and password and log into the system under his account.

You can find out the teacher's credentials in several ways:

  • look at them in a notebook where the teacher wrote down the data so as not to forget;
  • peep the login and password when the teacher logs in;
  • run a malicious program on the teacher's computer and steal data. But the program must be able to select and use it.

Knowing the teacher's credentials, you can briefly change the grades in the e-diary, because soon this fact will be revealed. The student will be severely punished, he may even be expelled from school.

The school director can also report the incident to law enforcement agencies, then a minor student faces a fine or a suspended criminal sentence.

How can I legally change points in an e-diary

In order to legally correct the mark in the electronic diary, you should ask the teacher about it. You need to learn the material, complete the appropriate task so that the teacher can give a high score.

In online journals, educators can delete and change scores. But not always and not in every situation the teacher will want to change the grades. The school may ask why the score has been adjusted. The principals of some schools do not allow teachers to correct grades at all, this is only allowed in case of an error.

You need to ask the teacher about how much time is allotted for correcting the assessment. It depends on the system or the parameters set in a particular service.

Subsection "All grades" provides the administrator of the educational organization (hereinafter - the TOE) with the ability to view, delete and restore the grades of the students of the TOE.

The transition to the subsection is carried out using the main system menu: "Extras → Administration → All grades"(see Figure 1).

Figure 1. Go to subsection "All grades"

The page will open "All grades"(see Figure 2), on which you must first set the parameters for displaying data in the right function menu.

Figure 2. Page "All grades"

Each parameter can be applied separately or in conjunction with others.

To set the parameters, do the following:

After pressing the button in the right function menu the page is displayed "All grades", which contains information about the marks set in the System that correspond to the given parameters (see Figure 3).

Figure 3. Page "All grades"

Lines with deleted grades are marked with a red line on the left.

The data is presented in the form of a table containing the following fields:

Figure 4. Selecting a lesson to link a grade

When you click on a field with a rating, a pop-up window is displayed with additional information about the weight of the rating, the scale and the form of control (see Figure 5).

Figure 5. Viewing Grade Information

Also, the table displays information about "Point"- a special mark that denotes the expectation of a response from the student in such cases as, for example, unpreparedness for the lesson (see Figure 6).

Figure 6. Information on "Point"

When you click on "Point" a window with information about it will open (see Figure 7).

Figure 7. Data "Points"

The window that opens contains additional information on "Point":

  • to what date it is valid;
  • what grade it will be corrected automatically after the specified date;
  • the weight of this assessment.

Each row of the table contains one of the icons:

Important! The consequence of deleting a grade on the current page will be the deletion of the grade in the journal.

There are two recovery options for restoring grades or grades:

  • restoration of grades / absences of the whole class or the entire parallel;

Restoration of grades / omissions of the whole class or the entire parallel

For mass recovery of grades or gaps, click on the link on the page "All grades"... The form for restoring grades / passes will open (see Figure 8)

Figure 8. Grade and pass recovery form for the whole class / parallels

Select the parameter values ​​to select the required class. If you need to restore estimates, click the button , if you need to restore the gaps, press the button .

After the completion of the recovery process, the field "Status" will change the value to Completed. Also, under the status, the number of found deleted objects and the number of restored objects will be displayed.

This functionality may not be available depending on the user's rights.

Recovering each grade / grade separately

Use the icons to restore and delete estimates pointwise. "Delete" assessment and "Restore" assessment.

When a user who has not rated a rating removes a rating, their full name will be displayed.

Important! The ability to delete a grade is available for the OO administrator, director, head teacher and teacher who gave this grade.

The consequence of removing the grade from the table above will be the deletion of the grade in the journal (see Figure 9).