Why did the brightness on the laptop stop changing. Fix problems with adjusting the brightness of the laptop screen. Problem with TeamViewer and other remote access applications


Sometimes it becomes necessary to change the brightness of the laptop screen, but not everyone knows how to do it. In a dark room, you may need a less bright screen, and outdoors on a sunny day, a brighter one. Setting this setting is not difficult at all.

Most laptops have dedicated buttons to increase and decrease brightness. Usually they are depicted as a sun with rays and a triangular arrow pointing up or down, respectively. When pressing the desired button, simultaneously hold down the Fn key. You can change the brightness settings manually - through a special laptop menu. Click the "Start" button, select "Control Panel". Open the "System and Security" section, click "Power Options". At the bottom of the screen there will be a special slider opposite the "Screen brightness" box. By dragging it, you change the brightness settings.

If the laptop is running on battery power, it will automatically dim the brightness after a period of time to reduce power consumption and drain the battery more slowly. If you want to increase the time after which the system automatically dims the screen, click Start, Control Panel. Go to the "System and Security", "Power" section. On the Select Meal Plan page, select Change plan settings for your current plan. Next to Decrease screen brightness, change the duration of the bright backlight in Battery life and/or Connected. Click the "Save Changes" button.

In some versions of Windows, an adaptive brightness setting is available. Its essence is to automatically adjust the brightness of the screen, depending on the lighting conditions, which are determined using a light sensor. Accordingly, if the laptop does not have light sensors or they do not work, this function will not be available. To enable adaptive brightness on a laptop, click the "Start" button in the lower left corner of the screen, select the "Control Panel" section. Open the "System and Security" section, select "Power Options". Then click "Change plan settings". In the list that appears, expand the "Display" section, the "Enable adaptive brightness" subsection. To enable/disable adaptive brightness for a laptop running on battery, select "Battery operation", select "Enable/Disable" from the list. If the laptop is powered by the mains, select "Connected" and select "On / Off" from the list. For the changes to take effect, click the "Apply", "OK" button.

Please note that increasing the brightness will consume more power and the battery may last for a shorter amount of time.

Oddly enough, but quite a few people endure discomfort because they do not know how to reduce the brightness of the screen on a computer. For many users who work at a computer for a long time, the usual brightness of the monitor can cause fatigue and even burning in the eyes. In this article, using an example, let's see how you can reduce or increase the brightness of your computer screen.

How to adjust the brightness on a laptop?

Almost any laptop adjusting the screen brightness is quite simple. There are special keyboard shortcuts for this.

Press the "Fn" and "left arrow" or "Fn" and "right arrow" keys (you may have other brightness keys. Look for the "sun" symbol on the keys) to adjust the monitor's desired brightness level.

Fn key in combination with the keys in the top row or arrows can perform a certain action, which is often painted on the keys themselves. If these combinations do not work on your laptop, it most likely means that the laptop is missing drivers ( software) that allows you to use hotkeys. If there is such a problem, see "Method 2" at the very bottom.

How to adjust the brightness on a desktop computer?

The easiest way is to use the buttons on the monitor itself to enter the menu and adjust the brightness there. If for some reason you are unable to hardware adjust the brightness, there are two more ways.

Method 1. Go to your computer's video driver settings. It can almost always be found near the clock in the "Hidden Icons" tab. Next, in the driver itself, you need to find "Adjusting color parameters" (you may have a little differently) and moving the sliders there to achieve the desired brightness level.

Method 2. If you failed to make friends with the video driver of your computer, you can download a small program that will do everything for you. For example, the Monitor Bright program allows you to change the brightness of any monitor. Download and run the program. The program is very easy to manage.

You only need to enter a percentage value from 0 to 100 in a special window.

If you enter "0" - the brightness will be maximum. If you enter a value of 20 - the brightness will decrease by 20%, etc. Thus, you can adjust the desired screen brightness on any computer with just two mouse clicks. We hope the information in this article was useful to you! Good luck.


On laptops, a fairly common problem is the problem of screen brightness: it either does not adjust, then it changes on its own, then everything is too bright, then the colors are too weak. In general, directly "sore subject".

In this article, I will focus on one problem: the inability to adjust the brightness. Yes, it happens, I myself periodically encounter similar issues in my work. By the way, some neglect the monitor settings, but in vain: if the brightness is too low (or strong), the eyes begin to strain and get tired quickly.

So where do you start solving the problem?

1. Brightness control: several ways.

Many users, having tried one way to adjust the brightness, make an unambiguous conclusion - it cannot be adjusted, something has "flew", it needs to be repaired. Meanwhile, there are several ways to do this, besides once you set up the monitor - you can not touch it for quite a long time, and you will not even remember that one of the methods does not work for you ...

I propose to try several options, I will consider them below.

1) Function keys

On the keyboard of almost every modern laptop there are function buttons. Usually they are located on the F1, F2, etc. keys. To activate them, just press the button. FN+F3 for example (depending on which button you have the brightness icon on. On DELL laptops, these are usually the F11, F12 buttons).

function buttons: brightness adjustment.

If the screen brightness has not changed and nothing has appeared on the screen (no control) - go ahead ...

2) Taskbar (for Windows 8, 10)

In Windows 10, adjust the brightness very quickly if you click on the power icon in the taskbar, and then left-click on the rectangle with brightness: adjust its optimal value (see screenshot below).

3) Through the control panel

First you need to open the control panel at: Control Panel\All Control Panel Items\Power Options

4) Through the video card driver

The easiest way to open the video card driver settings is to right-click on the desktop and select graphics characteristics from the context menu (in general, it all depends on the specific driver, sometimes you can go to its settings only through the Windows control panel).

In the color settings, there are usually always items for setting parameters: saturation, contrast, gamma, brightness, etc. Actually, we find the desired parameter and change it to fit our requirements.

2. Are function buttons included?

A very common reason why the function buttons (Fn + F3, Fn + F11, etc.) do not work on a laptop is the BIOS settings. It is possible that they are simply disabled in the BIOS.

The choice of the section where to enter the BIOS depends on your manufacturer. Here (within the framework of this article) to give a universal recipe is unrealistic. For example, in HP laptops - check the System Configuration section: see if the Action Keys Mode item is enabled there (if not, set it to Enabled mode).

action keys mode. laptop BIOS HP.

On DELL laptops, the function buttons are configured in the Advanced section: the item is called Function Key Behavior (two operating modes can be set: Function Key and Multimedia Key).

3. Lack of key drivers

It is possible that the function buttons (including those responsible for screen brightness) do not work due to lack of drivers.

Give generic driver name in this question (which you can download and everything will work)- it is forbidden (by the way, there are such on the network, I highly recommend not using it)! Depending on the brand (manufacturer) of your laptop, the driver will be called differently, for example: in Samsung it is "Control Center", in HP - "HP Quick Launch Buttons", in Toshiba - Hotkey utility, in ASUS - "ATK Hotkey" .

4. Incorrect video card drivers. Installing "old" working drivers

If everything worked as it should for you before, and after updating Windows (By the way, when updating, it is always, usually, a different video driver is installed)- everything started to work wrong (for example, the brightness adjustment slider runs across the screen, but the brightness does not change)- it makes sense to try to roll back the driver.

By the way, an important point: you must have old drivers with which everything worked well for you.

How to do it?

1) Go to the Windows Control Panel and find Device Manager there. You open it.

Update driver in device manager

Then select "Search for drivers on this computer".

By the way, it is possible that the old driver (especially if you just updated the old Windows version instead of reinstalling it) already on your PC. To find out - click the button at the bottom of the page: "Select a driver from the list already installed drivers" (see screenshot below).

Where to look for drivers. Catalog selection

Then just point to the old (different) driver and try using it. Very often, this solution helped me, because old drivers sometimes turn out to be better than new ones!

List of drivers

5. Windows OS update: 7 --->10.

By installing, say, Windwows 10 instead of Windows 7, you can get rid of problems with drivers for function buttons (especially if you can't find them). The fact is that the new Windows OS has built-in standard drivers for working function keys.

For example, the screenshot below shows how you can adjust the brightness.

However, I should note that these "built-in" drivers may be less functional than your "native" ones ( for example, some unique features may not be available, for example, auto-adjustment of contrast depending on ambient lighting).


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In the instructions, we will look at how to increase or decrease the brightness of the desktop screen in Windows 10 at times when it is not adjustable through the icon in the notification area, as well as through the "Settings", and the adjustment buttons on the keyboard.

Often the situation is tied to the video card drivers, but not always. We will not consider this option, focusing on the fact that they will have to be updated or rolled back to the previous version if the first does not solve the problems.

Microsoft tried to implement the ability to automatically change the brightness of the screen. It lies in the fact that this system parameter changes automatically, through complex calculations carried out with the parameters received from the lighting sensors. These algorithms are very far from perfect, and it is not at all realistic to calculate all third-party factors, the characteristics of the environment and the perception of each user, so the brightness setting is quite inefficient. Let's figure out how to adjust the screen brightness in Windows 10 manually by disabling the adaptive brightness function.

1. Open the "Control Panel".

2. We call the applet "Power Options".

3. We go into the parameters of the current power scheme.

4. We enter the interface for changing advanced power settings.

5. Expand the parameter "Enable adaptive adjustment ..." and change the value to "Off".

6. Click "OK" and check if the brightness control works with the keys or programmatically.

Disabled one of the video system devices

The reason that the increase and decrease in brightness does not work may be an accidental shutdown of one of the devices responsible for the computer's graphics system. It can be a monitor and a graphics adapter, although there are cases when the chipset driver is naughty. The latter applies to laptops, most often HP and Lenovo.

1. We call the device manager using the compact menu Win→X.

2. Expand the "Monitors" item.

3. If next to the icon with the name of your device for displaying graphic information or a universal PnP display there is an icon with a gray arrow pointing down, call the context menu of the item and click "Enable devices".

After restarting the computer, everything should work.

Problem with video card drivers

Let's figure out how to change the screen brightness on a Windows 10 computer when the two methods above did not work.

Let's start with the simplest.

1. Open the "Device Manager".

2. Expand "Display Adapters".

3. Enable the video card if the discrete card is disabled for some reason.

The brightness change function will work without restarting the PC.

The problem may lie in the lack of a driver for the device, and using the standard set of system files to control the operation of the video card is not enough to exploit most of its capabilities. Also, Windows 10 could independently update its drivers, choosing the most suitable ones, in its opinion, even if the developer's website contains a more recent version. In this case, you will have to download the latest edition. setup file with your device driver and manually install the system software.

Sometimes you have to update the chipset drivers when it comes to portable devices running "tens".

After installing the Windows 8.1 update on my Samsung 470R laptop, the ability to change the screen brightness was gone. When you press the Brightness Up button, the slider moves and the screen remains at the same brightness as when the computer was turned on. To put it mildly, it is not very convenient when the screen brightness does not change, besides, the energy-saving mode, based on reducing the screen brightness, also becomes inoperative.

What did I do before Windows update 8 to Windows 8.1 - updated all drivers and made backup important files, i.e. Followed the standard recommendations from Microsoft and Samsung.

To find a solution to the problem with the inability to change the screen brightness, I first updated all possible drivers again (Intel HD Graphics 4000 (https://downloadcenter.intel.com/SearchResult.aspx?lang=eng&ProductFamily=Graphics&ProductLine= Laptop+graphics+drivers&ProductProduct= 2nd+Generation+Intel%C2%AE+Core%E2%84%A2+ Processors+with+Intel%C2%AE+HD+Graphics+3000%2f2000), AMD Radeon HD 8750M (http://support.amd.com /en-us/download/desktop?os=Windows+7+-+64)), but the problem that it is impossible to change the screen brightness remains.

Then I suggested that there might be a problem just in the new drivers. I encountered a similar problem in the interaction between Samsung and Microsoft after the release of NetFramework 4.5, with which the synchronization program Samsung phone Kies refused to see connected devices (see).

To work with drivers manually (return to old version is not performed automatically) I went into Computer Management (Device Manager) and saw 2 video adapters - AMD and Intel. AMD has been flagged indicating that it does not have a driver loaded. And Intel worked. Alert.

Double click on AMD Radeon HD 8750M, open device properties, see driver loading error message, go to Driver tab to see which driver is in use. Clicked the Update driver button and selected Browse my computer for driver software, then clicked the Let me pick from a list of device drivers on my computer button. computer).

In my case I used AMD driver Radeon HD8600/8700M no date. I decided to try to select the driver AMD Raden HD 8750M Version: And about a miracle! This device started working. But not the brightness of the screen.

As already mentioned above, the Samsung 470R has two devices responsible for graphics output. Therefore, it remained to check what was happening with the Intel device Intel HD Graphics 4000.

Similar to working with AMD card, I went to the properties of the Intel HD Graphics 4000, double-clicking on the name in the device manager, went to the tab Driver (Driver) and clicked Update driver (Update driver), selected the item Browse my computer for driver software (Find a driver on my computer), then clicked on the button Let me pick from a list of device drivers on my computer (Allow me to select from a list of drivers on my computer).

Laptops are devices with which all sorts of problems often happen. For most models, the battery fails over time, due to which the device stops working autonomously. Sometimes the user does not understand why the brightness on the laptop is not adjusted. Also, problems can affect the system part and hardware failures.

Brightness control is an option on any monitor or screen. On a computer, changing this setting is easier because all monitors have dedicated buttons. On a laptop, you need to use keyboard shortcuts or system settings. But it happens that the brightness is not adjusted on the laptop. Why and what to do about it?


If the brightness on a laptop is not adjustable, this may be due to problems with drivers for several devices at once, key problems, and system crashes.

As practice shows, a common cause is the incorrect operation of the monitor drivers, graphics adapter or chipset. Brightness control may not be used very often, but in some cases it can be extremely useful. Especially if the device is often used in different places: on the street, in a cafe or at home. Due to different lighting, the image on the screen may be distorted.

The reasons

As mentioned earlier, if the brightness on the laptop is not adjusted, then there is a problem with a certain part of the system. The most common options include:

  • turn off the monitor;
  • video card drivers;
  • chipset driver;
  • lack of auto-updates;
  • monitor drivers;
  • failures at the software level.

Most of these problems occur on any operating system, so their solution will suit every user.

Turn off the monitor

Most often, the monitor turns off due to a system failure. Therefore, the solution to this problem lies in correct setting. How to understand what exactly the monitor turned off?

When opening the control panel, the user does not find the icons for adjusting the brightness. Naturally, you immediately need to open the monitor settings menu.

In the screen settings, you can find the brightness slider, but nothing can be done with it. This again suggests the idea that the monitor is disabled or the system does not find it. How then can the user see everything that happens on the screen?

The bottom line here is that the display is physically functioning, but at the driver level it is displayed by the system as inactive. Therefore, all adjustment options are temporarily disabled. This problem does not happen often, but it is the easiest to deal with.

Solution to turn off the monitor

If the brightness is not adjusted on a Windows laptop, you need to go to the "Device Manager". You can either enter the name of this menu in the search, or go to "My Computer", use the RMB and the "Properties" menu. On the left we find the necessary section.

A new dialog box will list all connected to motherboard Components. Among them we find "Monitors" and "Universal PnP Monitor". If the display is indeed disabled, then an arrow will be displayed next to the icon. It indicates that the monitor is disabled at the software level. It will be enough to click on it with RMB and select the “Activate” command.

After that, it will be enough to reboot the system. It is worth noting right away that a similar problem most often occurs on a laptop with Windows 10 and Lenovo and Pavilion models.

Monitor drivers

Without deviating far from the topic, it is worth mentioning the problems with the monitor drivers. This question is most often faced by those who use specialized equipment that needs drivers.

If a professional or semi-professional screen is used, it will not be able to work in tandem with the standard software that is included in the Windows distribution. In this case, you will have to find suitable "firewood" that would fix the problem. They can be found on the disc that came with the monitor, or on the device manufacturer's website.

Video card drivers

If the brightness does not change to Windows laptop 10, you need to take a closer look at the performance of the graphics adapter drivers. This is a common problem, and the graphics card is indeed prone to software issues and update errors.

This problem may be caused by:

  • drivers were removed by the system;
  • they were not installed at all;
  • the adapter has been disabled in the "Device Manager";
  • an incorrect update has occurred.

Troubleshooting video card drivers

So, if the “firewood” was removed or not installed at all in the system, then it is enough to download it yourself to a laptop with Windows 10. Often the system can independently install software from unverified sources, load them with special software or from a driver pack. In this case, you need to go to the official website of the video card manufacturer and find the necessary files there.

It is very important to download the software from the official website so that such problems do not happen again. You can also use special programs to update.

For example, if the video card is from Nvidia, it will be enough to download Nvidia Experience from the official resource. This is an official utility that offers to optimize the graphical component of the system, as well as install updates for the map.

If the video card is disabled, you need to activate it in the same way as it was done earlier with the monitor. Go to "Device Manager" and find the line "Display adapters", select the desired model and "Enable" it.

Chipset drivers

There is a similar story to the problem with the video card. If, for some reason, drivers were loaded from a third-party source or through automatic installation of system software, not all options may work. Some of them may not be displayed at all, which is why you won’t even be able to find where the brightness is on the laptop.

In this case, it is enough to install the necessary “firewood” from trusted sources or the official website.

Automatic update

Often it is this option of the system that can play a cruel joke. And if in Windows 7 this function was disabled without problems, then with the "Ten" things are more complicated. Often, without the knowledge of the user, the system begins to install updates that can only harm it. Some may cause features or tools to disappear.

To disable it, you will need to go to the "System" menu. This can be done using the Win + X buttons or through the context menu. Next, find the item "Change settings". Find the "Hardware" menu and select "Device Installation Options".

In the new window, you must refuse to automatically download programs: select "No" and click on "Save".

Problems with combinations

The brightness button on a laptop is the easiest way to adjust this setting. It is on every keyboard and initially functions properly. Sometimes it is enough to click on it to change the brightness, and sometimes it is necessary to use a key combination, among which is the "Fn" button.

If for some reason these combinations do not work, the problem may be with the drivers or incorrect use of the buttons.

Every laptop comes with a disk that contains all the necessary drivers for the correct operation of the device. Usually, after Windows installation it is enough to put this disk and start loading all programs.

If for some reason you do not have the opportunity to do this, then you need to go to the official website of the laptop manufacturer for software. If you have a laptop from the company, then you need to download the HP Software Framework. Asus has a set of programs called ATK Hotkey.

You may need to configure the buttons in the BIOS. In this menu, options for using combinations can be disabled. You need to go into it and find the appropriate section. Depending on the model, it may be labeled as System Configuration, Action Keys Mode, Function Key Behavior, etc.

Brightness setting

How to add brightness on a laptop monitor? To do this, you need to look at the laptop keyboard. The top row contains combo buttons, which, in addition to the designations F1-F12, also have icons. If you do not know what they mean, read the instructions.

The button to increase the brightness is indicated by the image of a large sun, but to decrease the brightness, you need to press the button with a smaller sun. By the way, the same logic for the two keys to adjust the volume.

But it will not be enough just to find these keys. They always work with a function button, which can be labeled as "Fn" or "Fx". It is located on the bottom row. Using a combination of two buttons, you can enable or disable a particular function.

On the laptop, you can adjust the brightness or volume, enable or disable wireless network, touchpad, monitor and sound. You can put your laptop to sleep.

In addition to the buttons, you can also use the software brightness setting. For example, sometimes you can find the corresponding icon in the tray. You can also go to the "Control Panel", select the "Power Options" setting, and in one of the power plans you can find a slider with adjustment.

Brightness adjustment is carried out in the Intel Graphic utility, which is almost always installed by default. After opening it, you can go to the monitor settings, where it is easy to change the contrast, gamma, brightness and other parameters.

How to adjust the screen brightness on a laptop?

Master's response:

If you are an active PC user, and therefore spend a lot of time in front of the monitor, you probably often think about how you can adjust the screen brightness. Eyes can be very tired and ill, fatigue appears faster and irritability increases. All this can be easily solved by properly setting the brightness intensity of the screen. For example, you work a lot during the day, natural (and, if necessary, artificial lighting) is good enough. In this case, it is recommended to make the screen as bright as possible. These simple tips will help you significantly increase your productivity and minimize health problems. It is quite easy to adjust the screen brightness on your own.

All operating systems use special keys designed specifically to adjust the brightness of the screen. Use them and find the best option for your eyes. The Fn button is designed for just that. Press it and hold it for a while, while adjusting the “brightness” of the screen with another button with the symbol for increasing brightness. This combination of functions allows you to optimally organize the placement of buttons on the keyboard and guarantees quick access to frequently requested functions. This is the easiest and most affordable way for absolutely everyone to adjust the brightness.

Want to make it harder for yourself and learn more about the capabilities of your laptop? Go another, more difficult (compared to the previous one) path.

Select "Control Panel" if your laptop is running the Windows operating system. A service with the same name exists in other systems. Find the label (tab) "Screen". Click on it with the mouse. In the expanded window there is a slider for adjusting the brightness. Let's say you want the screen to become lighter. Move the slider to the right until you reach the desired limit in lighting.

Feeling confident and ready to "move mountains" in the settings of your laptop? You can safely use specially designed programs that come with laptops. These programs will definitely be equipped with powerful video cards. Their purpose is to change video card settings on the fly. The variety is determined by the model of the video card. They often operate in background, and an icon with their image is placed in the system tray. To enter the settings, click on the icon with any mouse button. A context menu or window will instantly open in front of you. Select the item with the settings and adjust the "lightness" of the screen using the slider. This is a little more complicated, but more interesting in terms of exploring the capabilities of your laptop.

There is nothing surprising in the fact that many users want the computer screen to display the highest quality and most acceptable image for the eye of a particular user in certain lighting conditions. This can be achieved, among other things, by adjusting the brightness of the monitor. Let's find out how to deal with this task on PC under Windows control 7.

One of the easiest ways to change the brightness of the screen is to make adjustments using the monitor's buttons. You can also solve the problem through the BIOS settings. But in this article we will focus on the possibilities of solving the problem with the tools of Windows 7 or with the help of software that is installed on a computer with this OS.

All options can be divided into 3 groups:

  • Adjustment using third-party software;
  • Adjustment using the graphics card management application;
  • OS tools.

Now we will look at each group in more detail.

Method 1: Monitor Plus

First, we will learn how to solve the voiced problem using third party program designed to control the Monitor Plus.

Method 2: F.lux

Another program that can work with the settings of the monitor parameter we are studying is F.lux. Unlike the previous application, it is able to automatically adjust for specific lighting, according to the daily rhythm in your area.

Method 3: Video card management program

Now we will learn how to solve the problem with the help of a program for controlling a video card. Typically, this application is available on installation disk supplied with the video adapter and installed along with the drivers for the video card. We will look at the actions with an example.

Method 4: Personalization

The settings of interest to us can be corrected using only OS tools, in particular, the tool "Window Color" In chapter "Personalization". But for this, one of the Aero themes must be active on the PC. In addition, it should be noted that the settings will not change everything displayed on the screen, but only the borders of the windows, "Dashboards" and menu "Start".

Method 5: Color Calibration

You can also change the specified monitor setting by using color calibration. But at the same time, you will have to use the buttons located on the monitor.

The advantage of working on a laptop is the portability of this device. This means that you can sit at the computer not only at home, but also on the street. Daytime street lighting complicates the work of the eyes somewhat. To correct the situation, adding the brightness of the laptop screen will help.

Turning up the brightness on a laptop

There are several ways to increase the brightness of your laptop monitor.

  1. The easiest way is to increase the brightness using the keyboard. To do this, hold down the Fn button and at the same time press the button several times, on which a rectangle is drawn, and inside it is a sun or a large asterisk. As a rule, such a picture is located on the F6 button, which is located in the very top row of the keyboard.
  2. Another way is to click on the "Start" button with the mouse cursor. In the drop-down list that appears, find the "Control Panel" item. A window will appear in front of you. In it, you must select the line "System and Security". The next step is to select the line "Power Options". A window will appear again in front of you, at the very bottom of which you will see a scale. This scale reflects the brightness of your laptop screen. Dragging the slider to the right will increase the brightness.

Keep in mind that increasing screen brightness will also increase your laptop's battery life.

In this context, it will also be useful to know how to change the time interval after which your laptop will automatically dim the screen in order to save battery power.

Adjust screen dimming speed

Setting this parameter repeats the path you have already taken: "Start" - "Control Panel" - "System and Security" - "Power Options". But now you are not looking down the window, but in the center, where several meal plans are presented. Each plan comes with a Power Plan Setup feature. By selecting this function, you can adjust the time after which the screen will automatically dim if the laptop is running on battery power or mains power. When the parameters are changed to your liking, do not forget to confirm them with the "Save Changes" button.

The ability to manipulate the color saturation on a laptop screen pays off. You not only save your eyesight and take care of your health, but at the same time ensure the maximum convenience and productivity of the workflow. Reducing the brightness of contrasts contributes to the minimum consumption of power and resources of your device.

operating room Windows system is equipped with all possible functions for the convenience of work, but we do not always know how to use them. One of the easiest and quickest ways to increase or decrease screen brightness is to use the functionality on the taskbar. To launch the required function, hover over the battery display icon on the taskbar and right-click, select "Windows Mobility Center" from the context menu. A window will pop up, where the first item from left to right will be the “Screen Brightness” setting. By moving the slider, you will adjust the most pleasing contrasts for your vision.

Quickly, rather instantly, you can increase the brightness without using a mouse directly on the laptop keyboard. In each model, these keys may vary slightly, but the principle is the same. Find the Fn key and the up-down or left-right arrows. On the versatile arrows, the sun with a guiding pointer should be depicted. If you press the combination "Fn" + arrow to change the brightness of the screen, then you will get the desired result.

You can independently create and configure a power plan that will work according to the parameters you specify. The laptop itself will dim or resume screen brightness after a specified period of time. To create a laptop backlight brightness graph separately for mains and battery operation, proceed as follows.

  1. In the "Start" menu, select "Control Panel";
  2. Next, go to the item "System and Security";
  3. Select the section "Power";
  4. After clicking "Setting display off" you will open a panel where you can specify the desired settings and save them.

If you cannot find the option you need, and the image is dull and inconspicuous, you may need to update the operating system, install drivers.

When setting the brightness level from the battery and from the network, you need to understand that the saved settings are valid only for the current power plan. In order for your settings to remain valid and no longer create discomfort, you must configure all three standard plans that are provided by default in every laptop.

Laptops often have problems. Some devices run out of battery quickly, making it impossible to work offline. In some cases, the user does not know why it is not possible to adjust the brightness on the laptop. Sometimes the problems are related to software failures. Brightness control is on all screens. In stationary PCs, it is easier to adjust it, since there are buttons on the monitor for this. In a laptop, you need to use special combinations or OS settings.

Why is the brightness on the laptop not adjustable

If you can't adjust the brightness, then most likely it's a system problem. The most common problems include:

  • video card drivers;
  • screen off;
  • lack of automatic updates;
  • processor driver;
  • software failures;
  • monitor driver.

How to find the reason

If it is impossible to change the brightness on a laptop, you need to take a closer look at the video card drivers. This is the most common reason. The problem appears due to the fact that:

  • driver not installed;
  • The software was removed by the operating system;
  • incorrect update;
  • The monitor is not active in Device Manager.

It's a similar story with graphics card chipset drivers. If the software was installed from a third party source or through automatic update sometimes not all functions work.

Some may not be displayed completely, so it is impossible to even see where the brightness is adjusted. In this situation, you need to download the required drivers from the manufacturer's website.

How to fix the problem

Most users, having tried one of the options for adjusting the brightness, think that it can no longer be adjusted, something is broken, and repairs are required. But there are many ways to do this, and once you set up the screen in the future, you can not touch the monitor for a long time.

Function buttons

On the keyboard of any laptop there are function keys. As a rule, they are installed on the F1-12 buttons. To activate them, you need to press, for example, the combination FN + F3 (taking into account which key the icon is shown on).

If everything remains at the same level, and the adjustment scale does not appear on the monitor, you can consider the following methods.

Taskbar (Windows 8, 10)

In the top ten, adjustment is made very quickly if you click on the "Power" icon in the task menu. After the left mouse button on the brightness indicator, which needs to be adjusted to the required value.

Using the control panel

First you need to go to the "Control Panel", then select the menu "All items" and "Power". Then go to the "Setting the power scheme" tab.

Here, the sliders adjust the brightness of the screen from the battery and from the mains.

Using the graphics card driver

The fastest way to get to the graphics card settings is to right-click on the desktop and find the graphics settings from the list that appears (the location of the driver settings will depend on the specific software, in some cases you can only access the settings through Windows management).

In the color parameters, as a rule, there are different settings items: saturation, contrast, color gamut, brightness, etc. You need to find the required parameter and just change it.

Are function keys active

As a rule, the reason why the function keys do not work on a laptop is the BIOS settings. Probably they are simply not active in the BIOS.

The choice of the menu where to look for settings in BIOS will depend on the laptop model. For example, in HP devices, you need to check the System Configuration menu: here you need to see if the Action Keys mode is active (you need to set Enabled to activate it).

In DELL models, the keys can be configured in the Advanced menu - Function Key option.

No function button drivers

Probably, the function keys (in particular, which are responsible for the brightness of the monitor) do not work, due to the lack of software.

In this case, determining the universal name of the software (drivers that you can simply download and everything will start working) will not work (by the way, you can also find such on the Internet, it is highly not recommended to install them).

Taking into account the mobile PC model, the driver is called differently, for example: in HP - "Quick Buttons", in Samsung - "Control Center", in Asus - "Hotkey", in Toshiba - "Utility".

Incorrect graphics card software

If before that everything worked in normal mode, and when Windows was updated (during the update, another graphics card driver is most often installed) everything stopped working (for example, the brightness adjustment slider changes on the monitor, but everything remains the same), you can try to roll back installed update.

Also, the old working drivers should remain on the disk that came with the laptop, you can simply install them.

To do this, go to the Windows controls, then to the "Device Manager". Then look for the "Display Adapters" menu. Then right-click on the installed graphics card and then "Update Driver".

Now find the "Search for drivers on the computer" tab. Specify where the drivers are located.

Probably old software (especially if it was just updated Windows version, and the system was not reinstalled) is already on the computer. To determine this, click at the bottom of the window: "Find from the list of installed drivers."

Then select the old software and install it. Often this solution helps, as old software is sometimes much better than the updated one.

Windows 7 to 10 upgrade

By updating the seven to ten, you can solve the problem with the software for the function keys (especially if you can’t find it). It's just that the new operating system contains standard software for the operation of "hot buttons".

But it should be noted that this "built-in" software may not be as functional as the "native" one (some modes may not work, for example, automatic contrast adjustment taking into account ambient lighting).