Why Windows is not installed from a USB flash drive. Error - Windows cannot be installed on this drive. Incorrect installation file

Windows XP is the classic and most popular operating system that is still installed on computers by antiquity lovers. Unfortunately, due to its obsolescence, serious problems can arise during the installation process. In particular, the installation may not proceed at all due to errors. But almost all of them can be solved.

What could be the reasons

In total, there are two options, according to which it may suddenly become impossible to install Windows XP on a computer:

  • The problems are directly in the software.
  • Problems with computer components.

In both situations, significant conflicts may arise with the installation process of the operating system. However, any of them can be easily and simply solved if you understand a little what the problem is.

Damage to the installation disc

One of the most commonplace reasons why Windows XP is not installed is a malfunction of the installation disk itself. In most cases, no one pays attention to a scratched or worn disk, although massive damage is quite capable of interfering with the reading of some files. The same applies to recording - incorrect "burning" of the media will not allow the correct installation of the operating system. So if the reason is a scratch, it is recommended to look for another installation disk.

Incorrect input and output device

The most common and far from the most unfortunate mistake is an incorrectly exposed I / O device. The operating system tries to install from some medium, but the BIOS does not see it, so the installation fails.

So to fix the problem, you have to look into the BIOS. To do this, immediately after pressing the power button of the computer, start very actively clicking one of the keys on the keyboard. As a rule, this is F2, Esc or Del, more accurately you need to look at the motherboard manufacturer.

After that, we directly set the boot priority. Using the AMI BIOS as an example:

  • We go to Boot.
  • We find there Boot Device Priority.
  • We look at which device was displayed first. It is necessary that the First Boot Device line contains the device that is needed for installation (floppy drive or flash drive).

After that, you can exit BIOS by saving the settings.

If this does not help, be sure to replace the small battery that serves as a CMOS battery on the motherboard.

Boot viruses

The next problem, which is also related to BIOS, is the function of boot viruses. Or rather, its on state. In the original, this item should fight off viruses at boot, but for some reason it only interferes with the installation of the system. Therefore, you need to disable it by moving the position to Disabled.

Drive failure

In some cases, a damaged drive can prevent Windows XP from installing. It is especially likely if there were problems with him before - he did not read or incorrectly read information. If in everyday life this is not so much noticeable, then every file is important during the installation process, which is why it freezes.

There are two ways out of this situation - either install a new drive if the installation is planned from a CD / DVD disc, or try to install the operating system from a flash drive.

Hardware problems

The next reason - any malfunctions in the "hardware" of the computer. It could be hard disk deformation. It occurs when the computer for some reason falls or hits something. In this case, the hard drive is damaged, and writing to it can no longer be performed.

The next "internal" problem is loose contacts on the motherboard. Or, for example, there was a failure in the data I / O device, which is located on the motherboard itself.

And there is only one way out - to try to install a copy of the operating system on another PC. If it starts, then the problem is in the hardware of the computer. If not, the problem lies with the copy itself.

Conflict with modernity

This problem is relevant for the latest motherboards. They work a little differently, so the installer simply doesn't recognize the device's hard drive. The essence of the problem is as follows: the BIOS has set the wrong value for the installer for the IDI / SATA controller of the chipset, specifically AHCI. The outdated Windows XP operating system is simply not able to recognize such a value, since it appeared much later than the last patch for it.

The solution is as follows - enter BIOS, then into SATA Mode. Find there a value called IDE and set it as used. XP is familiar with him and will not be capricious.

Other problems

In addition to the problems described above, other unpleasant malfunctions may occur:

  • Overheating of any component. During operation, one of the components of the processor heats up excessively and cannot perform functions correctly. So the cause of overheating should be eliminated first.
  • Conflict with a newer system. If you already have Windows 7 or higher on the disc, the installation may not work. First you need to format the disk with the old system and only then start installing the new one.
  • Service pack conflict. If this error occurs, you should format your local drives. A clean system is then installed on the free hard drive.

These were the most common and easy-to-solve problems, but many others can also be encountered. Most often, they can be determined either by a specialist or by a program designed for diagnostics.

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Nov 14

Windows xp won't install: how to proceed?

There are many different operating systems on the market these days that are available for users to install on a PC and use them. Many would agree that Windows XP is currently unrivaled in popularity. It is noteworthy that this situation persists even against the background of the fact that several years ago new, improved versions - 7 and 8 were presented to the market. But XP still retains the first line in the list of the most frequently used operating systems among residents of domestic countries. Quite often, the Windows XP installation process is accompanied by certain failures and errors, the cause of which may be related to external or internal factors. However, all this leads to the fact that it is no longer possible to properly complete the installation of the operating system. What should the user do then? Why is windows xp not installed and what can cause such an unpleasant situation?

Why won't Windows XP install?

We can distinguish a group of reasons that can prevent the correct installation of Windows. In general, they can be presented in the form of two categories:
  • The first is when the problem is software related;
  • The second is when the problems are hardware related.
Moreover, in both of these cases, the Windows XP installation process can be accompanied by errors, but all of them can be fixed. So, what do the situations look like when windows xp is not installed, and how in such cases you should proceed:
  • If errors occur during the installation of the OS, the first step is to go into the BIOS and find out which input / output device is set to be the priority for loading. It is important to make sure that a disk drive (in a situation where a disk is used to install the OS) or a flash drive is selected as such a device. To make the correct setup, you need to do the following:
  1. When the main BIOS menu appears, you need to select Boot in it, and there you can already determine in what order the devices should boot.
  2. After completing this action, be sure to save the changes.
  3. If in this case it is not possible to install windows xp due to the impossibility of saving the data, it is recommended to make sure that everything is in order with the battery that powers the CMOS on the motherboard.
  • Also, difficulties with installing the OS can be associated with the BIOS. In this case, you need to find the Virus Warning parameter, which should be in an active state. The presence of this option allows you to resist boot viruses. So here the problem can be solved if you make it inactive (you need to select the Disabled item).
  • Another reason why windows cannot be installed may be a malfunction of the CD / DVD drive that is selected for loading the installation disc. If a similar situation occurs, then errors can occur at any stage of the installation. Moreover, the user can hear the noise created by the computer's attempts to read information from the disk, but the download will not continue. It is quite easy to fix this problem: after replacing the CD / DVD drive with a working one, the Windows installation is already performed without any interruptions.

Other reasons preventing Windows XP from installing correctly

  • Quite often, the installation of windows xp cannot be completed due to the fact that a damaged CD is being used or the whole thing is in the image that was not recorded correctly. The reason for the damage to the disc can be the presence of many scratches, due to which it is impossible to read the information, or the recording of the disc, which was done in an incorrect way, which led to the loss of certain files or the inability to read them. The way out in this situation may be to re-write the disc with the operating system or use flash media to install Windows XP.
  • Windows XP installation may stop or fail if there is a problem with the hardware. If the system unit was hit or shaken violently, then it is possible that this caused a deformation of the hard disk, a failure in the data input / output device on the motherboard, or led to a loose contact. To understand the cause of such violations, it is necessary to diagnose the hardware, which only a specialist can do. An ordinary user can determine the malfunction of a computer as follows - you need to find another computer and try to run the installation of Windows XP on it. If no errors are found here, then it means that your computer is to blame for everything.
  • The inability to complete the installation process may be due to the fact that this procedure is carried out with a computer or laptop equipped with the latest motherboard. In such a situation, the installation wizard will not be able to recognize the hard drive, although there will be no problems in its operation.
  • This can be encountered when the BIOS for the AHCI parameter is set to the value for the IDI / SATA controller of the chipset. This option is used in a situation when a motherboard of the latest generation is installed on the computer. Although this problem may seem complex, it can still be solved. To do this, you need to get into the BIOS, where the AHCI parameter should be set to IDE so that the system can access SATA drives. After completing this step, you will no longer experience problems during the installation of Windows XP.

This article will talk about such a common problem as why programs are not installed... Installing a program in our time is so important that it makes no sense to use a computer without programs. The problem that the program does not install is mainly encountered by beginners in the computer field.

Even in this situation, there are those computer users who use the pirated windows operating system.

You can also get into such an attack when installing programs that you need to grunt in order to use them for free.

Let's consider a number of reasons why programs are not installed:

  1. Missing Microsoft .NET Framework Component
  2. Lack of Microsoft Visual C ++
  3. Due to antivirus
  4. Due to incompatibility
  5. Need to update drivers
  6. Missing DirectX Component
  7. Program requirement
  8. Virus installer
  9. Incorrect choice of bitness of the operating system
  10. Dll Necessities
  11. No account system
  1. For some programs to work correctly, the NET Framework component is required. Some programs work with specific versions, while others work with the newest versions. So take a close look at what the installer requires. It may be that programs are not installed because of this component. This component can be downloaded from the developer's website. Download and start installation. The installation process is normal. We agree with what the installer suggests. If after installing the required version of the NET Framework the program is not installed and again requires the NET Framework, then go to "start" open the "control panel" go to the "programs" section and open "enable and disable windows components"

We make sure that there is a tick in the checkbox opposite the NET Framework.

  1. Microsoft Visual C ++ is also an essential component when installing programs and further using it. Most of the programs may not be installed due to the absence of the Microsoft Visual C ++ component. Visual C ++ is a batch programming language. If your computer does not install programs, check for Visual C ++. If not, download or install from the installation disk. I warn you the installation process takes a long time.
  2. If your computer has active antivirus protection, then those programs that need to be quacked will not start. If you do not have programs like Sony Vegas pro installed, then the antivirus is to blame. For the installation process to proceed normally, you need to temporarily turn off the antivirus and add the installation folder to the exclusions.
    1. When creating programs and applications, some developers forget about compatibility with different operating systems. And trying to install such programs fails. Fortunately, you can get out of such situations. To do this, right-click on the shortcut of the non-launching program. In the context menu, go to "properties"

We put a tick in the checkbox "run the program in compatibility mode",

And choose the operating system you need.

  1. It so happens that if, with a long use of one operating system, without updating the drivers, a crash and glitches occurs in the system. In this case, you need to update the drivers.
  2. DirectX is a toolkit developed from microsoft. It is mainly used when installing games, it is also used when installing programs. If this package is missing, then it must be downloaded and installed. The latest version is desirable.
  3. When installing programs, you must take into account the minimum requirements of the program. These requirements include:
  • CPU power
  • RAM size
  • Axis (operating memory)
  • Miscellaneous components

If the data about the computer is lower than the requirement of the program, then you will ask questions why programs are not installed... Therefore, we always read the help.

  1. In my practice, I observed that some installers downloaded from unknown sources are not installed. This is caused by a broken or viral file. In this case, you need to re-download the file or find another source.
  2. If your operating system is 32-bit, and you are trying to install 64-bit, then naturally you will not install programs. Therefore, when installing programs, we observe the bit depth.
  3. There are also cases when in the absence of an account "system" the program does not start... To do this, you need to create an account. We click the right button on the shortcut of the program that does not start and go to the "properties"

Hello dear friends! This weekend I got a computer on which I needed to install Windows 7. But there was a problem that I encountered for the first time. When I started the Windows 7 installation, the installation window did not appear (first window, language selection). And then the seven was installed for a very long time. If you have the same problem when Windows 7 takes a long time to install, and installation window does not appear, now I will write how to solve it. At least I'll tell you how I solved this problem.

Perhaps I'll start from the beginning. They called me and asked to come and see the computer, otherwise: the Internet does not work (there is Intertelecom), the antivirus shows some window all the time, nothing starts, etc. In short, a complete set of all sorts of different breakdowns. And I have already dealt with this computer, such a powerful “machine”, new, only Windows XP is installed there, not that it’s bad, it just surprised me. And when I asked the owners why Windows XP was worth, they said that they had it installed in the store. I said that it would not be bad to put a seven, after all, it is newer, and on such hardware.

I came a second time, turned it on, and there was something incomprehensible. Tolley, it was a virus that worked like that, or children :), but there Avast stuck in some kind of warning, there were almost no icons on the notification panel, the Internet did not react to an attempt to open a connection, the theme was changed, and it was not possible to return the standard one. And many more different unpleasant moments.

I looked and decided that it would be easier to demolish everything, format the C drive and. After explaining everything to the owner of the computer, we decided that we will do so.

Everything is fine, the computer rebooted and started booting from the installation disk. The file download bar went off when installing Windows 7, and when a window with a choice of language should appear, nothing happened. The window did not appear, there was only a splash screen (well, such as when installing the seven) and a cursor. I waited three minutes and rebooted my computer. Realized that something was wrong. I decided to go into BIOS again and see the settings. Now it is clear why Windows XP was installed in the store, most likely it did not work to install the seven.

I immediately threw away the problems with my installation disk, installed it more than once. Yes, and I had an exact copy, with which the Windows 7 installation window also did not appear. I did not see anything strange in BIOS, and. It did not help, Windows 7 was not installed, the language selection window did not appear. I also decided to open the system unit and see how and what is connected there. I saw nothing interesting there. A hard disk and an optical drive were connected via the SATA interface.

I tried to run the installation again. I started it the same way, only the background, but there is no window with a choice of language. I decided to wait. After about 5 minutes, a window appeared with a choice of language, well, at least something, I thought. I pressed further, an inscription appeared "Starting installation ..." and that's it. The computer “thought”, I understood this from the fact that the cursor was spinning (something was loading), I decided to wait a bit.

After about 10 minutes, a window appeared in which I selected a clean installation of the system, waited again for 5 minutes, formatted the partition for Windows 7 and started copying the files. They copied longer than it should be, it seemed to me so. In short, with grief in half, I installed Windows 7. Then I realized what a long installation of Windows 7 :).

Slowly but established

The computer worked as befits such hardware, very smart. It remains only to configure. But I did not have a driver for the modem, so they decided to take the system unit to me and pick it up the next day.

Finding the reasons for the slow installation of Windows 7

At home, I set everything up, and decided to torment the computer a little more and find out why it took so long to install Windows 7, I was interested. Moreover, I did not find a specific answer to this question on the Internet, only guesses.

Configuring SATA hard drive in BIOS

First, I opened the system unit and changed the hard disk and drive connections. I connected the hard drive from SATA 0 to SATA 1. A CD / DVD drive to SATA 3.

Then he got into BIOS again. I was interested in the SATA controller settings. Chapter .

Against OnChip SATA Controller the parameter was Enabled. Well, then we see the item, I have the Native IDE parameter. This is not very good for a SATA hard drive, it does not seem to show all its capabilities.

Changed the parameter value to AHCI (the best option for SATA drives). I tried to turn on the computer. The drive was not detected at all, and as soon as Windows 7 started to load, the blue screen blinked and the computer rebooted.

I decided to put RAID in the parameter instead of AHCI (combines disks into an array), nothing happened (I knew it was useless, but decided to try), everything is the same as with AHCI.

Installed back Native IDE... All these experiments did not help. Although it is very strange why AHCI didn’t work, I didn’t get it.

Disable Drive A

I also saw that opposite the Drive A table the parameter “1.44MB, 3.5”. It's a floppy drive, and this computer doesn't have one. So I set it to “None” to tell the system that it is missing.

Saved the settings by pressing F10. I put the installation disk with Windows 7 and tried to start the installation again to check how the seven will be installed, either slowly or faster.

And to my surprise, everything worked as expected, a window with a choice of language quickly appeared, and so on, I quickly got to formatting the disk. Of course, I did not format it, since the computer was already configured, and it should have already been taken away.

How to solve the problem of slow installation of Windows 7?

Let's summarize, otherwise I dashed off a lot of text :). There was a problem with the installation of Windows 7, it was installed for a very long time, and I had to wait a lot until a window with a choice of language appeared, and then hung for a long time "Start of installation ..."... If you have such a problem, then you can just wait and everything will be installed. It was installed for me.

If you want to try to solve this problem, then:

  1. Try to put AHCI in the BIOS in front of the item (most likely it did not help me).
  2. Change SATA connectors for hard drive and drive.
  3. Disable Drive A.

I did the last two points, and the Windows 7 installation went quickly. I can’t say with 100% certainty that this is what helped bring back the normal speed of Windows 7 installation. But in any case, you need to try.

Sorry for so much text, I just wanted to describe everything in as much detail as possible. I hope that my experience was useful to you, if you managed to solve this problem, this, or in some other way, write about it in the comments, it will be interesting and useful. Good luck friends!

Reason # 1

The first thing you should pay attention to is whether your computer is suitable for the parameters. To install windows 7, you must have the following characteristics:

RAM more: 1Gb- 2Gb recommended
Free hard disk space:
16Gb- 32-bit version
20Gb- 64-bit version
Graphics card with support: DirectX 9
Processor frequency over: 1GHz

In Bios, set the priorities from which windows 7 will be installed, if from a CD-ROM, then put the first one in the boot with a cidir, if from a flash drive, then naturally put USB. Disable the Floppy disk if you have one, anyway no one is using it now.

Reason # 2

The second thing you should pay attention to is those users who have system blocks. Open the lid of the system unit and check the connection of all plugs, especially those suitable for the hard disk. Check the RAM strips, pull them out and insert them back, of course, if it is possible to check the hard disk and RAM for errors using utilities, see if the coolers work normally to blow the video card and processor. If the installation is in progress, and at some stage, as it seems to you that a hang has occurred, then do not rush to turn off the computer, wait 10-15 minutes, after this time the installation will continue.

Reason # 3

Thirdly, windows 7 may not be installed due to the windows 7 distribution itself, that is, the disk that you purchased in the store, be sure to come back to the store and let them check the disk with you. If you downloaded windows 7 from some source, then it is advisable to check the checksums or download the windows 7 image from another source. Read this article, it describes an example, with office. Microsoft website.

Reason # 4

Fourthly, if you still downloaded the windows 7 distribution kit and burned it to a DVD, read here or created a bootable USB flash drive, read how to do this, read this article and windows 7 still is not installed, then you need to pay attention to the DVD itself, maybe there are scratches on it or the disc itself is just mowing. Burn the image to another disk and preferably new do the same with the flash drive.

Let me give you an example about DVDs. Recently, one person wrote to me in the mail that windows 7 is not installed. Of course, I practically knew something and advised him to do it. It came to replacing the DVD disc, but he said that he had already changed this disc, either the second, or the third time, I want to note that the DVD disc was from the same manufacturer and there was no result, the system did not want to be installed, so and was not installed. I don’t remember exactly in a day or two, he wrote to me again. I installed all windows 7, the reason was in DVD disks, these disks from the same manufacturer (that is, the same) were purchased by a person in the store in which his friend worked and his friend later told him that the whole batch of disks was simply defective, that's how things are. Make a conclusion.

Reason # 5

We go further, the reason that the system is not installed may be due to the program itself, it may have written crookedly, try overwriting, if it does not help, then try to write the image through other programs. There are many programs, for example I use programs Nero, UltraISO, BurnAware Professional choose for yourself, as they say, there are no comrades for taste and color.

Reason # 6

Many users additionally use the connection to the TV through the output HDMI... What I want to say when you start to install the system and at some stage windows 7 is not installed, that is, it freezes and a black screen appears, then you should know that the system continues the installation, just during the installation process, the system detects two monitors and displays all the information to continue the installation on the TV screen. Just unplug the cord from the outlet HDMI and continue the installation process further. By the way, I have already written about this more than once in the comments to the articles about Installing windows 7 and Black screen windows 7.

Reason # 7

And the last thing we will look at is probably the most common problem, because a lot of questions have been asked on this topic when windows 7 is not installed and asks for a driver for the hard drive. In general, on this occasion, you need to write a separate article here, so I will say briefly, go into the BIOS and view all the tabs, switch the operating mode of the SATA controller from AHCI to IDE or vice versa.

Write in the comments how you fixed this problem, I think everyone will be interested. Good luck to all! See you on the pages of the site.