Voice assistant windows 10. Voice control of the computer. Possibilities of voice control via Yandex.string

Even before the release of the Cortana interface for Windows 10, which is under development, testing and debugging, users tried to organize voice control of the computer. How such a function can be implemented in Windows that came out before 10 will be discussed in today's article.


Cortana is an AI-powered voice assistant developed by Microsoft for Windows 10, Phone, and Android, with further expansion to XBox and iOS. It replaces the classic search string and performs many actions, primarily related to the search for information and system commands, receiving them from the user in the form of voice commands. Deep integration into Windows 10, the absence of the Russian language (so far), the collection of virtually all information about the user sent to Microsoft servers and the absence of the final version do not allow most users to get full voice control of their own computer.

In addition to Cortana, there are many applications that allow you to control your PC through the user's voice commands. Let's take a look at the most common products for solving this problem in Windows 7 and 10.


The application occupies a leading position among Russian-speaking users who want to command a computer through their voice. The utility will easily replace a significant part of the functions of Cortana on Windows 10, and on the "seven" will add a function that is often shown in films where people control computers using their voice.

Before starting work, create an account and come up with a key phrase, upon hearing which the application is activated. Then we set a voice command to control the computer or perform a certain action and assign the operation to it (launching the application, going to the specified site). In the window for editing the created commands, it becomes possible to set the parameters with which the application will be launched, and specify the launch mode (full-screen, windowed).

The utility's functionality is very limited, and the interface is far from the Metro style implemented in Windows 10. Full-fledged PC voice control via Typle will not be possible: it only supports opening files, applications (with arguments) and following predefined links. There is not even support for controlling the player (pause, start the next track).


  • taking screenshots of the screen state;
  • switching keyboard layouts;
  • shutting down Windows 7;
  • launching the application;
  • opening a file.

The process of reading and recognizing information coming to the microphone starts after pressing the specified key (it is better to choose the button that you use the least rarely in order to avoid false alarms of the program). It takes a lot of time to process, recognize speech and execute a command - 5 or more seconds than you have to pay for the cheapness. Keywords are set by text, not words, so the recognized speech is compared with the entered text, which is far from ideal. There is no player control in the application.

The developers of a software package for managing a computer with Windows 7 and 10 are the first Russian team to release an application for solving such problems. Western "Dragon Dictate" was taken as the core of the application, where a domestic software module for Russian speech recognition was introduced.

In addition to executing system commands, Gorynych is able to perform voice input in text editors for Windows 10 with performance exceeding the typing speed of an average PC user. AI adapts to the user's voice and over time the quality of command and text recognition becomes much higher, until the next uninstallation of the program or reinstallation of the OS without saving user data.

From the system functions, the software complex can easily launch applications, create new text files.

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You can interact with a computer not only with a keyboard and mouse. Voice command control is also available. There are special utilities that allow you to do this. Their functions include not only dictation or transcription of audio recordings. Through them, you can launch applications, use them, and in general - do whatever you want. Voice control of the computer makes it easier to work with the PC. Commands are transmitted quickly and effortlessly. If you have a microphone, of course.

We will introduce you to applications with similar functionality.

This feature is built into the English version of Windows. To use it, you must have an Enterprise or Ultimate license. But even in Russified operating systems, you can configure voice control and dictation. Use one of the following applications.

It's easy to figure out the app

Popular program. Although it has its drawbacks. The essence of its work is simple: you set a command and choose what action it should perform. Let's consider setting up this application with a specific example.

  1. Download and install it. There is a free and a Premiun version. The second one needs to be bought in order to try it on a computer.
  2. Run the utility. An information window with tips will appear in it.
  3. There are many different functions on its control panel. Some have the same names. It is necessary to be guided by the picture, not by the inscription. Click the "Add" button - it shows a face.
  4. Specify a name for the profile and a keyword to represent the command. For example, write "open" if you are going to configure the launch of an application with a voice. Or "go to" to instantly go to a site without entering its address.
  5. Now we need to record this very command in the form of a sound image. Click on the button with the red circle. And clearly, distinctly say the desired phrase into the microphone.
  6. Confirm the changes. The specified option will appear in the list in the Typle window. The program will remember what you recorded on its "dictaphone".
  7. After that, specify what, in fact, it should run to execute the command. Click the Add button, which looks like a hand with a + (plus) symbol.
  8. Select the data format: files / utilities, web pages, some internal OS services. Check the boxes where you need them.
  9. Find the application you want to launch by voice. Let it be, for example, Microsoft Word. So you can very quickly start editing some text or writing an article.
  10. In the same window, record the second part of the command. So that in total it turned out to "open the Word". The first word will activate Typle, the second will enable the bound utility.
  11. Click Add.
  12. Several applications can be linked to one "open" function. This way you can control their launch without touching the mouse and other peripheral devices installed on the computer.
  13. Edit additional parameters if necessary.
  14. To check whether it worked or not, click on "Start Talking" and say the command.

The program works with the Russian language. But it does not always recognize it correctly. You need to speak loudly, clearly, with a mechanical voice.

  • Knowledge of English is not required.
  • Fast team creation.
  • No text recognition.
  • Limited functionality. You can only open utilities and pages on the Internet.
  • The program sometimes perceives extraneous noises as commands. Because of this, strange things happen on the PC.
  • You cannot work with the player.


Another application for computer management

  1. At the first start, a window will open with a choice of category: PC or Internet.
  2. There is also an explanation of which keyboard shortcut you need to activate the utility. This can be changed in the settings.
  3. Click, for example, on "Internet". A window will open with several input fields: for the command text and for the site URL. You can write the word "Yandex" and the address of this page.
  4. Click "Add".
  5. Hold down the keys indicated on the main window.
  6. Say the command so that the utility will "remember" it.
  • Activation both by keys and by sound volume.
  • At startup, you can calibrate the microphone.
  • Limited functionality.


The interface is made in a minimalist way

The commands in the app are configured using typed words, not dictation. There is an internal text recognition mechanism. Main functions:

  • Creation of screenshots on command.
  • Change the keyboard layout on your computer.
  • Opening applications and files.
  • Completion of work.
  • You don't have to make an audio recording with the team. The utility recognizes labels.
  • You need to use the keyboard for control. If the given button is used for other purposes, it will be inconvenient.
  • You need a stable internet connection.


The hero of Russian folk tales will help you

The program for computer voice control "Gorynych" is a domestic product. Therefore, there is a "native" speech recognition module. It "adapts" to the timbre and intonation of the user. With the utility, you can fully work in the system, and not just open files and web pages.

  • There is support for Russian and English languages.
  • OCR, voice input to any editors.
  • Advanced functionality.
  • It is necessary to independently create teams for each process. You literally have to write down the dictionary.

Windows Speech Recognition

The program built into the English OS. To use it, you must have the appropriate language pack installed. Russian teams won't work with her. To control a PC with its help, you have to speak its language. To access it in the Windows Settings Panel, open the Regional and Language Options menu (located in the Clock, Language, Region category) and set English in all tabs. If everything is correct, and you have the required language pack installed, Windows will "turn" into English, and the utility will become available. It is better not to try these methods if you do not know a foreign language well.

This method is suitable if you speak English.

Other utilities

There are a number of other applications for managing such commands:

  • Browser extensions. Make surfing the net easier. Google Chrome already has a similar feature built in - voice input to search forms. This option is available on some online maps. It allows you to find the address faster.
  • VoiceType.
  • RealSpeaker.
  • Web Speech.

List of programs for text recognition and dictation

Voice control is, of course, good. But OCR and dictation utilities can be useful. When composing voluminous reports, diplomas, it is easier to record your thoughts by speaking them into a microphone on a computer. Here are some of these utilities:

  • Dictographer.
  • Dragon Naturally Speaking.
  • Perpetuum Mobile.

A product that allows you to dictate text to a computer

In the OS, you can configure voice commands. To do this, the appropriate program must be installed on the computer. With it, you can work on your PC, lying on the couch or lounging in an armchair. Your hands will be free. If the microphone is good and picks up even distant or quiet sounds, you don't need to sit next to it. You can simultaneously "talk" with a computer and write notes in a notebook, draw, hold something. Yes, even to sew and knit. With commands, interacting with the PC is much easier. To activate some of these utilities, you need to press buttons on the keyboard, which is not very convenient.

But there are also negative aspects. If you accidentally say a command word, an application that is completely unnecessary now will open, or the browser will go to a website in an inappropriate place. What to use and whether to use at all is up to you.

Friends, we continue with a detailed review of individual innovations that Windows 10 has acquired after the introduction of the major update Fall Creators Update. And in this article I would like to pay attention to the updated touch keyboard of the operating system. It has been radically redesigned with new features. The updated touch keyboard supports Swype mode - when you can slide while typing, i.e. slide your finger or stylus without lifting it from the keyboard. How long has it been possible to do it on mobile devices. Windows 10 touch keyboard has also been replenished with the function of voice text input. If we talk about desktops and laptops, the addition of such a feature is, in fact, the only useful innovation in the Fall Creators Update in this part of the system's functionality. However, with the standard voice data input, not everything is so simple.

The ability to speak into a microphone instead of typing characters manually on the keyboard in Windows 10 is only available for English. Microsoft promises to add other recognition languages ​​in the future, but so far we have only what we have. This, of course, is a serious limitation, and, accordingly, only those who know English well and work with typing in this language on a serious scale can use this function. Nevertheless, the function is interesting, let's see how to use it.

Call the context menu on the Windows taskbar and tick the option "Show touch keyboard button".

The touch keyboard will now be permanently displayed in the system tray, from where it can be launched at any time. When you switch the layout to English, a microphone icon appears on the keyboard. For dictation, you need to open any text input field (any text editor installed in the system, any program form, any web form in a browser window). Well, actually, start speaking into the microphone.

An important point: voice typing will only be possible if voice services are not disabled in the system. You can check this in the Settings app by going to the Privacy section. The Speech, Inking, and Text tab should display a button to turn off speech services. Accordingly, this means that the services are currently enabled.

Otherwise, a button to enable speech services will be displayed. And, therefore, it must be turned on.

In the course of another attempt to implement ideas from science fiction films, the tech giants, one after another, began work on virtual assistants. At the Google I / O 2016 conference, the company presented Google Assistant, as well as an analogue of Amazon Echo - the home voice assistant Google Home.

The latest of the big companies is entering the virtual assistant race. Let's see what competitors it has (including among startups).

10 virtual assistants: an overview

Alexey Zenkov

First, let's remember what Google Now is.

Google Voice Search / Google Now

Peculiarities: Quick. Extremely precise when creating routes. It scares you with its knowledge of your flights, bookings and other details. with some third party applications: manage notes, messages and music playback.

Disadvantages: Sometimes it gets boring with excessive initiative (for example, it shows the results of games of teams that you are not interested in, or routes to your home from famous places). Useless for smart home control. Work on integration with third-party apps seems to have stalled.

Humanity Level: Null. Not conducive to communication. It doesn't even have a name other than Google.

Summary: Google's vast store of personal data and access to a search engine should, in theory, have made Google the industry leader, but the company has yet to figure out how to leverage its strengths and create an assistant that can understand the user. Today, Google Now and voice search compete on equal terms with Siri, but they have not yet reached a new level of development.

And now about the competitors.

Apple Siri

What: A voice assistant that can talk to the user and make proactive recommendations. Activated by a long press on the Home button on and iPad. Recently, there was support for the assistant on Apple TV and Apple Watch.

Peculiarities: Easy to use on iOS devices. Understands natural speech. Knowledgeable about news, weather, sports, movies, routes and local businesses. Can tell you what to watch on TV. Knows how to interact with some elements of the "smart home".

Disadvantages: Can't interact with most other applications and services. Slower than some competitors.

Humanity Level: He is not able to maintain a full-fledged conversation, but at certain moments he demonstrates his own wisdom. The female voice sounds comparatively human.

Disadvantages: Feels great on Windows - the platform that is least interesting to developers, and, possibly, users. Using the assistant on Android and iOS is more difficult, and there are fewer functions.

Humanity Level: She loves jokes, especially banal ones. Has a long list of witty answers to common questions at the ready. Can read extracts from Shakespeare.

Summary: After years in the shadow of Siri and Google, Cortana has become a much more interesting chatbot. Microsoft wants to make its voice assistant the basic intelligence for all other bots, able to manage your travels, appointments, to-do lists and other things, as well as increase the degree of integration with other Microsoft products, such as Office. The company aims to create a new shell for the computing technologies of the post-PC era, but it is too early to judge whether it will succeed or not.

Facebook M

What: It is partly operated, partly by humans, and is still in development. M will be a text-driven assistant in the Facebook Messenger environment.

Peculiarities: Will try to do whatever you ask.

Disadvantages: It is not yet a finished product, and it will not be for a long time. Only available to a small number of users in San Francisco.

Humanity Level: Extremely high, since people will participate in the formation of answers to questions. According to Wired, the company hopes that over time, M will learn from these operators and be able to operate more independently.

Summary: At the moment, M is just a little more than an idea. But given Facebook's interest in chatbots in general, it shouldn't come as a surprise if M eventually becomes superintelligent.


What: One of the few virtual assistants with only one function. Works only via e-mail, where he can make appointments at your request.

Peculiarities: Knows your schedule and preferences, negotiates with other participants for you.

Peculiarities: Viv promises that their product will be able to understand complex questions such as: "Will the temperature near the Golden Gate Bridge be above 20 degrees the day after tomorrow after 5 pm?" Work is underway to ensure compatibility with third-party applications.

Disadvantages: So far, apart from the prepared presentations, there is no evidence that everything works exactly as stated.

Humanity Level: He values ​​visual aids and concrete answers more than detailed descriptions. The presence of wit is questionable.

Disadvantages: The possibilities for integration with third-party applications are limited, and it is impossible to open the service directly on iOS or Android. Requests that the assistant cannot recognize are redirected to Ask.com.

Humanity Level: Does not dispose to long conversations, but knows how to answer additional questions.

Summary: It seems that Hound's mobile apps actually exist only to showcase the capabilities of the Houndify service, which SoundHound plans to sell to other companies. If everything works out, we will not even know that we are using it.


What: AI, the main function of which at the moment is the search for cafes, bars and restaurants. Available for a limited number of users.

Peculiarities: Finds and combines data from multiple sources, including Yelp and Foursquare, and then presents everything in the form of easy-to-use flashcards. Attempts to communicate by asking and answering additional questions such as "what places are open now?" or "what's on the menu?"

Disadvantages: Limited features unless the creators of Ozlo add new features. AI training is highly dependent on users.

Humanity Level: Avoids unnecessary pleasantries, only greets briefly by name.

Summary: Ozlo would be no different from many other chatbots if it didn't have the prospect of creating something bigger. The ability to combine data from multiple sources into a single SERP is unique, but it is not yet clear if developers will be able to realize the full potential they claim. In the meantime, Ozlo's business plan is limited only to the application, there may be problems with collecting the data necessary for training.

SpeakToIt Assistant.ai

What: One of many copies of Siri. In the app store, searching for Siri brings up a variety of similar programs, such as Voice Commands, Voice Secretary and Assistant.

Peculiarities: Not unlike Siri, but can learn custom commands to activate a list of functions.

Disadvantages: Not as useful as the built-in assistant in your smartphone, and not nearly as convenient.

Humanity Level: Sounds rather unnatural, but portrays himself as a human assistant whose gender and appearance can be changed.

Summary: Some of these Siri clones look like a relic of the past, when not all iPhone models could work with Apple's proprietary assistant and needed to be replaced. In any case, it seems that their creators are aware that this approach will not succeed. For example, SpeakToIt moved on to creating a set of tools that other developers could use to make their own chatbots.

Cortana is a Windows virtual voice assistant with artificial intelligence. Allows users to communicate with their device using voice commands - much faster to search for information, move between applications, check incoming letters. Cortana was developed by Microsoft as a major competitor to the voice assistants Google Now and Siri.

According to the idea of ​​the developers of the voice assistant, Cortana was created in the likeness of the program of the same name - artificial intelligence from the Halo game. The voice with which the voice assistant gives users answers belongs to the same actress Jane Taylor, who took part in the voice acting of Cortana in the game universe.

Microsoft's Voice Assistant can only be used by users over the age of thirteen. Before performing a search on a user's request, Cortana verifies the personal information of the owner of the Microsoft account, if the age does not meet the stated requirements, the assistant will notify the user and stop searching.

So far, Cortana does not understand Russian, so you will have to communicate with it (give commands) in English. Cortana has long been promised to be Russified, but so far the situation on this issue has not changed. So we train our skills in English together. 😉

How does Cortana work?

Cortana is integrated into the Windows search engine. The program can be provided with access to personal data - e-mail, phone or address book, history of search queries. Based on this information, the program is able to study, analyze and identify patterns in user behavior, thereby anticipating his future needs. In the process of searching on the Internet, Cortana uses the Bing search engine from Microsoft, or searches for files on the computer using regular means.

In order to start using the assistant, you can type the question of interest into the Windows search bar on the taskbar, or switch the system to voice command recognition mode and say the phrase: "Hey, Cortana". In the latest releases of Windows operating systems, you can activate the voice assistant immediately after installing the system.

Cortana works and understands commands in the following languages: English, Portuguese, German, French, Spanish, Italian, Japanese, and Chinese. The voice assistant temporarily does not support systems with Russian-language localizations. Representatives of Microsoft, in one of their interviews, voiced one of the possible reasons for the lack of Russian translation - the lack of well-trained specialists in Russia. Since Cortana is not a simple voice assistant, but a trainable artificial intelligence, simple voice acting is not enough. It takes a very long time to process and translate all the response templates that a Microsoft voice assistant needs to have. According to fresh rumors, the company has postponed the release of the Russian-language Cortana to 2020.

How do I set up Cortana on my computer?

Before you can search with Cortana, you must register or log into a Microsoft account. To do this, you need to go to the following path: Start → Settings → Accounts. In the window that opens, select "Sign in with a Microsoft account."

After a successful login, you need to activate Cortana. Since the program is not available for Russian localization, for its operation it is necessary to change the system language to any of the supported ones (in our example, English). To change the language from the system parameters, you need to go to the Time and Language category and there go to the Region and Language section.

Then, in the languages ​​tab, select the English language pack and click the "Use as main" button.

If the system does not initially provide the required language pack, you must download it from the Windows store by clicking on the "Add language" button.

After that, either log out or restart your computer. And only after all the procedures, you can activate Cortana. To do this, go to the search on the toolbar, and in the options allow the use of Cortana and launch by voice command.

For more efficient operation of Cortana, it is recommended to allow access to the user's personal data. To do this, using the Win + I key combination, you need to go to the parameters, from there to the confidentiality section. Here you need to view the sections: General, Location, Microphone, Speech and Text Input; and give the system the appropriate permissions.

After completing all the settings, Cortana is ready to use. Now let's look at the main features and the most common scenarios for using the voice assistant.

Cortana Features

As mentioned above, the main goal of developing Cortana is to make an assistant that would simplify the user's life, help make his usual tasks more efficient, while not being distracted from the current affairs.
Let's see how Microsoft has implemented this. And with examples, we will analyze the main features and the most popular voice commands that you can ask to perform Cortana.

Remind about the event

Cortana allows you to set reminders, associate them with a specific person, mark a meeting place and set the required time. In order to create a reminder, the command is suitable:

In the field that appears, forms will appear that you can fill out if necessary.

You can see all the scheduled reminders using the command:

All subsequent reminders will appear in the search bar, you can go to each and change its parameters.

Schedule an event on the calendar

By giving Cortana access to a personal calendar, the user can use voice commands to create in it. All you have to do is tell Cortana:

Set an alarm

To set the alarm, use the command

A field will open in front of the user where he will need to select the time and frequency of the alarm clock.

You can view the list of active alarms using the command:

The list that opens will contain all the set alarms.

Shows the current weather

The launch bar will display the results for the corresponding location.

But in order for the results to be viewed not from the search results, but directly from the launch, the weather application from the Microsoft store must be installed.

Will help you find out how to get to any place

To do this, you can use the command

Show me directions to (and name the location where you want to go)

Cortana will automatically launch the Maps app. If this app has already been granted all the permissions it needs, using the geolocation service, Cortana will determine the current location, find the destination of the route, and show the path on the map.

Find files on your computer or cloud storage

To do this, just mention the name of the file and the voice assistant will show all possible matches right in the start menu, be it similar files on a computer or in the cloud.

Launches the desired application

To launch any application, just ask Cortana about it:

After installation, the Cortana icon appears on your desktop.

Mobile Cortana launch and capabilities

You can only launch the voice assistant manually, there is no voice launch as in the desktop version. In the program menu in the lower left part there will be a microphone icon, by clicking on which you can pronounce the search query we are interested in, or ask Cortana to perform a simple action. For example, let's ask Cortana to call. Press the microphone icon and say the phrase:

Call to (contact name)

But, since the program works only in English, it is necessary that the contacts in the directory are also in English.

In addition to calls, Microsoft voice assistant can send SMS, create text notes, can tell about a fact of interest to us, set an alarm or search the Internet for any request. The program understands my imperfect English quite well. But unlike the desktop version, the program cannot search for files or launch applications.

Smart voice assistants are now the norm for modern smartphones and computers. But at the moment, the developers are only at the very beginning of the journey. Voice assistants can easily cope with simple tasks, but they cannot yet perform more complex logical actions. Nevertheless, the development of technology of voice assistants will make it possible to perform any task even more efficiently.

But it should be noted that for better interaction of such a voice assistant with its user, more and more access to personal information will be needed. In order for the program to understand speech better, it needs to listen to many hours of personal conversations; to ensure a safe driving of the car, it is necessary to install cameras in the cabin. Not everyone might like it. Since the information that the voice assistant owns can be stolen by a hacker or special services can obtain it upon request. But this is the price that modern technological development is worth.