How to open windows defender. Why do you need Windows Defender - basic features and settings. Updating Windows Defender more often than once a day


Windows Defender is the basic anti-virus protection in Windows 8, 8.1 and 10. Unlike the similar tool in Windows XP, Vista and 7, the version for Windows 8 / 8.1 / 10 protects against viruses and other types of malware, not just spyware ... The product resembles Microsoft Security Essentials for Windows XP, Vista and 7, but unlike it does not have several features, such as the ability to select the time or limit the CPU resources used for scheduled scans using a graphical interface, quick launch of a scan using the context menu, displaying an icon in the notification area of ​​the taskbar, etc.

Windows Defender uses Windows Update to download new virus signatures once a day. If the update process fails, you will need to reinstall Windows Updates.

Please note that you cannot install Microsoft Security Essentials on Windows 8, 8.1, or 10. Installing a third-party antivirus program (such as Avast Free Antivirus) will turn off Windows Defender automatically - there is no point in consuming unnecessary system resources by using multiple antivirus solutions ...

Configuring Windows Defender in Windows 10, 8.1 and 8

To start Windows Defender in Windows 8 and 8.1, open the application search bar by pressing the key combination - Windows key and Q, enter the phrase "Defender" in the search bar and click on the result.

In Windows 10, open the Start menu or Search for Cortana by pressing the Windows key + S key combination, type “Defender” in the search bar, and then select “Windows Defender Settings.” Since all Windows Defender settings are now located in the new universal interface, there is no point in opening the main program window.

If you have previously uninstalled a third-party antivirus, you will see a dialog box stating that Windows Defender is disabled. If this is the case, open Action Center by clicking the icon in the notification area of ​​the taskbar, and in the Security section, enable the Virus protection and Anti-spyware / grayware protection options. Alternatively, you can open Control Panel (Windows key + X), enter “Center” in the search bar, and then switch the options under “Security” to “On”. Please remember that in Windows 8 and 8.1, the Action Center may not display a red icon in the notification area for several days after uninstalling a third-party antivirus product.

Windows Defender Settings in Windows 8 and 8.1

When the main window of Windows Defender is open, go to the “Settings” tab and make sure that you check the box “Turn on real-time protection (recommended)”. These steps are enough to activate Windows Defender Antivirus protection in Windows 8 and 8.1 after uninstalling third-party free and paid antivirus solutions.

If something is blocking activation, run Rkill to terminate malicious processes and services that might prevent Windows Defender from starting. Then retry the operation without restarting your computer.

The following 3 tabs of the "Options" section work with exceptions: the user can prevent scanning of certain files and locations (folders), file types and processes. These settings should be used by experienced PC users who clearly understand why it is necessary to exclude scanning of certain objects.

Click on "Details" in the menu on the left. Enable the "Scan archive files" and "Scan removable media" options. The first option allows you to scan compressed folders (files with the .zip extension) for malware. The second setting allows you to scan for USB plug-in devices during a full scan. This is very important because malware can spread in this way.

Then check the “Create a system restore point” checkbox. In this case, a system restore checkpoint will be created each time a detected virus or malware is removed or quarantined. If the computer becomes unstable after uninstallation, you can restore it to its original state using the system recovery tool.

If you want all PC users (not only administrators) to be able to view the detected objects on the “Log” tab, activate the “Allow all users to view the results of all checks” option. Set the value of the parameter “Delete files in quarantine after” equal to “3 months”. This step will free up some space on your hard drive.

In Windows 8.1, there is another setting item here - “Automatically send sample files if further analysis is required”. When this parameter is enabled, the system anti-virus will display fewer annoying notifications, therefore it is recommended to enable this function.

If you are seriously concerned about the privacy of your personal data, please go to the “MAPS” tab and select the option “I don’t want to join the MAPS service”. In this case, information about detected objects will not be sent to Microsoft. Other users can leave the item "Basic level of participation" active.

Finally, open the Administrator tab and make sure the “Turn on Windows Defender” (in Windows 8) or “Turn on the app” (in Windows 8.1) option is enabled. Click the “Save Changes” button.

The settings will be saved. You can now safely close Windows Defender by pressing ALT + F4. Defender will run in the background and monitor files and settings. The program will automatically update virus and spyware signatures once a day when the Windows Update service is running.

Windows Defender Settings in Windows 10

Windows 10 makes it even easier to interact with Windows Defender settings and uses the Universal Settings app to customize.

First, enable the Real-Time Protection option to enable Windows Defender. If the option is disabled, the rest of the parameters will be unavailable (highlighted in gray).

Cloud Protection provides enhanced security for most users. Only if you are seriously concerned about privacy, disable this option.

"Automatic sample submission" is very similar to the previous setting, so it is worth leaving this option enabled.

If you are not a professional IT specialist, it is best not to touch the Exceptions.

You can now close the Settings app.

Windows Defender Messages in Windows 8, 8.1, and 10

In Windows 8 and 8.1, Windows Defender does not have an icon in the notification area of ​​the taskbar (system tray), so the best solution is to periodically check the status of the Action Center icon (white flag). If the flag has a red circle with an “X”, something went wrong. Click on the icon to view a list of detected issues - this may not be related to Windows Defender.

In Windows 10, the Windows Defender icon has been returned. The icon works stably, nothing covers it. To open the program itself, right-click on the icon and select "Open".

If the icon has a red circle with a white cross, something went wrong, for example, a malicious infection has occurred and the user's attention is required to clean it.

If a green circle is displayed next to the icon, a scan is in progress - no action required.

In the event that Windows Defender needs to scan your computer in the Action Center, a corresponding notification will appear, just click on it to start the scan. The program conducts an automatic scan every day at 3:00 by default, and the user will see a notification if the system antivirus has missed several checks.

If Action Center displays "Update antivirus protection (Important)" and "Update spyware protection (Important)" alerts, click on them to open Windows Defender to download the latest signature definitions.

If you see the messages “Turn on virus protection (Important)” or “Turn on spyware protection (Important)”, click on any of them and wait for Windows Defender to load. The computer status in the main window of Windows Defender should soon turn green, after which you can safely close the window. These messages typically appear when Windows Defender Real-Time Protection is disabled or disabled.

If the message “The Windows Defender service could not start” appears, the antivirus service has been stopped or disabled. Click the Close button.

In Windows 8 and 8.1, open Search (Windows Key + W), enter “services” and select the “View Local Services” utility. In Windows 10, open the Start menu or search for Cortana (Windows key + S).

Scroll down the list of services to Windows Defender Service and check to see if the Startup Type field is set to Disabled.

Windows 8 only: Open the context menu of the disabled service and select the "Properties" menu item.

In Windows 8.1 and 10, you cannot change the Windows Defender Service settings normally.

Then, in Windows 8 only, in the Windows Defender Service settings window, change the startup type to Automatic. Then click the “Run” button and then “OK”.

In Windows 8.1 and 10, you need to boot into Safe Mode. After authorization, the start screen and start menu will open, enter the command regedit, right click on the result and select the "Run as administrator" option.

Go to section HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ System \ CurrentControlSet \ Services and click on record WinDefend... Select entry Start in the right pane . If the parameter value is 0x00000004 (4), the service has been disabled. Double click on the entry Start.

Enter a value of 2 and make sure it is in hexadecimal, then click OK. The Windows Defender service will now start automatically.

Then repeat the same step for the WdNisSvc (Windows Defender Inspection Service) service.

Save changes and restart your computer normally, Windows Defender should now work correctly.

If Windows Defender cannot start, first launch Rkill and then perform a full scan with Malwarebytes Anti-Malware without restarting your computer.

If Action Center displays the message “Update antivirus protection” or “Update spyware protection”, click on any of them to launch the Windows Defender window and download the latest anti-virus databases.

In case the signature update fails, try reinstalling Windows updates.

When a malicious program is detected, a message (pop-up notification) appears in the upper right part of the screen. You do not need to do anything, because Windows Defender automatically removes or quarantines detected threats.

The pop-up alert will close automatically. If no other messages appear, your computer was cleaned up successfully.

If a computer restart is required to complete the cleaning, the following notification appears. Click it to launch Windows Defender.

Click the big Restart Now button in the Windows Defender window.

As with Microsoft Security Essentials, a confirmation window appears. Click “Yes” to restart your computer.

Your computer will restart and Windows Defender will remove any remaining traces of the malware.

If you receive repeated messages about malware detection and / or removal, run RKill to kill malicious processes, then perform a full system scan with Malwarebytes Anti-Malware.

Manage items in Windows Defender Quarantine in Windows 8, 8.1, and 10

By default, most infected objects are quarantined - a safe place where malware cannot harm the real system. Windows Defender removes items after three months (if selected). To check and manage quarantined objects, in Windows 8 and 8.1, open the search bar (Windows key + Q), enter the phrase “defender” in the search box and click the result.

Users of touchscreen devices can bring up the sidebar on the right side of the screen and then select the “Search” option.

In Windows 10, open the Start menu, type "defender" and select the topmost result, "Windows Defender."

Click the "Log" tab and make sure "Quarantined items" is selected. If you have not enabled the option “Allow all users to view the results of all checks” (available in Windows 8 and 8.1) in the Windows Defender settings, you must first click the “View details” button (even if you are the device administrator).

It is usually recommended to select the “Delete all” option - all objects were added to quarantine for some reason. If you are curious and want to know more information about the files added to the quarantine, you can click on an object in the list to view the description and original location. You can also select any detected object by checking the box on the left side of the list. Then you can delete the selected files using the “Delete” button.

You can also restore an object to its original location using the Restore button. Be extremely careful - false positives are rare. Never restore objects with strict, high, or medium alert levels!

Configuring Windows Defender Scheduled Scan and Update in Windows 8, 8.1, and 10

Unlike Microsoft Security Essentials, Windows Defender does not have scheduled scan settings in the program's graphical interface, but the user still has the option to automate a quick or full system scan.

In Windows 8.1 and 10, the Quick Scan runs daily (at 3 a.m. by default) in conjunction with Windows feature updates and other tasks. If the operation was skipped or canceled due to shutdown or restart of the computer, the scan will start the next time after turning on or restarting the computer. You will see a clock icon next to the Action Center icon in the notification area of ​​the taskbar (system tray) during maintenance.

If the scan has not started for an extended period of time, Action Center will notify you with the message “Windows Defender needs to scan your computer.”

To schedule a Windows Defender scan, in Windows 8 and 8.1, open the search bar (Windows key + W), type “schedule” and select the “Schedule task execution” object.

In Windows 10, open the Start menu, type "scheduler" and select the topmost result "Task Scheduler".

Users of touchscreen devices can bring up the Charms bar by swiping from the right side of the screen and then selecting the “Search” option.

Right click on Task Scheduler (Local) and select Create Simple Task.

The Create Simple Task Wizard will open. Provide a name and descriptions for the scan task and click Next.

If you want to run quick system scans on a weekly basis, select the “Weekly” option (in Windows 8.1, quick scans are scheduled by default).

Since full checks can take a long time, you should use the “Monthly” value for this purpose.

On the next screen, you can set the day of the week and time for quick checks, as well as months, days and times for full checks. Since there is no CPU resource limit available, it is recommended that you select the most likely time for the computer to be idle — the scanning process slows down the computer's performance.

When you select the desired action, select the "Run the program" option.

Click the Browse ... button.

Go to folder C: \ Program Files \ Windows Defender and double-click on the MpCmdRun.exe file. This executable file allows you to run basic Windows Defender tasks.

To perform a quick scan in the “Add arguments (optional)” field: write "-Scan -ScanType 1", and to perform a full scan, enter “ -Scan -ScanType 2”.

The setup process is almost complete. Check the "Open Properties window" option for this task after clicking the "Finish" button.

The properties window will open with the "General" tab active. Click the Change ... button in the When performing tasks, use the following user account option under Security Settings.

In the “Enter the names of the objects to select” field, type “SYSTEM” in capital letters and click the “Check Names” button. The title should become underlined. Click the "OK" button. This will select the account with the highest priority and user rights.

Go back to the "General" tab of the scheduler settings and tick the "Run with the highest rights" checkbox. This will launch Windows Defender with elevated privileges to ensure that sophisticated malware removal is successful.

Open the "Parameters" tab and enable the "Immediately run the task if the scheduled launch is missed" option. If the computer was turned off when it was time for a scheduled scan, the scan will be performed the next time you turn on the computer and log on to your account. Click "OK" in the "Options" window.

During scheduled operations, a command prompt window will be launched. It will close automatically when scanning is complete.

Updating Windows Defender more often than once a day

If you are not satisfied with the fact that Windows Defender updates its databases only when it checks for Windows Update Service updates (i.e. once a day), you can follow these steps. Create a new simple task, set the frequency to “Daily”, and set the time to 12:00 AM (0:00). On the “Action” screen, specify the same MpCmdRun.exe file but with a new argument “- SignatureUpdate”.

After creating a task and opening its properties, select the Triggers tab, select an existing schedule and click the Edit button.

Enable the option “Repeat the task every” and specify the value “4 hours”. This value is not initially listed, but you can select “1 hour” and then manually change to “4”. Click the "OK" button and close the task properties window.

Now Windows Defender will update its databases every 4 hours. Each time, the command prompt window will open and close automatically.

Keep in mind that this does not mean that the Windows Update service will run every 4 hours - the operations performed only apply to Windows Defender Updates.

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It is impossible and unnecessary to download the windows defender, because it is included in the set of standard services of the operating system.

Enabling the service

The service is enabled by means of Windows Support Center. To do this, you need to open the "Control Panel" using "Start".

The list will contain the line "Support Center", and you need to select it.

The center of support should be the "Security" block. When the defender is off, it will display the Spyware and Grayware Protection tile.

The service will be enabled by clicking the "Start now" button.

After initializing the service startup, a defender window will appear and it will work.

Note! Windows 8 Defender is also launched from Action Center. To do this, enter "Support Center" in the search bar on the start screen. All subsequent steps are similar.

Helpful information:

Pay attention to a program that protects the operation of both the operating system and certain applications using dynamic copying. This program does an excellent job with protection and security.

Configuring Windows Defender

To start configuring the program, you need to select the "Programs" section in the top line, and in it the "Parameters" block.

This will open the program settings window.

The first item in the list on the left - "Automatic check" allows you to set the frequency and type of automatic system check for unwanted programs and configure the conditions for its implementation.

The "Actions by default" tab is responsible for the actions that the program will apply to detected threats.

In normal mode, each threat will be accompanied by a corresponding dialog box with a choice of action.

In Real-Time Protection, the parameters of the firewall are configured, which constantly monitors the state of key files and directories.

Here you can enable or disable it, as well as activate scanning of downloaded files and incoming mail.

"Excluded files and folders" together with "Excluded file types" allow you to specify the program files, directories and file types that will not be scanned.

The detail tab allows you to assign additional actions, such as: scanning archived files, enabling heuristic analysis, or setting mandatory scanning of removable media.

"Administrator" allows you to disable the service, as well as assign the use of the program for all users of the computer.

Advantages and disadvantages of the service

To properly assess the positive and negative aspects of Windows Defender, you need to remember that this is not a full-fledged antivirus.

Important! The program was originally developed as a protection against spyware only. It is the ignorance of this circumstance that leads to low scores in independent tests of antivirus software. Malicious software that affects the functioning of the system must be blocked by antivirus software.

Positive aspects of the Defender

The defender can cope with his functions perfectly. Spyware threats are effectively blocked.

If you configure the program to automatically scan and delete infected files, the user will not even notice how his system is being protected.

The advantage of the Defender is that it is already built into the system. You don't need to download it, install it or pay for a subscription.

It is enough to start the service once, and the system will be protected from attempts to steal personal information.

A wide range of automatic functions (updating, scanning and removing threats) allows the user to not even notice the application is running.

Negative qualities of service

The conditional negativity of the Defender lies in the limited functionality of the Defender. In fact, it is a stripped down version of Microsoft Security Essentials.

In addition, when used in conjunction with some full-fledged antivirus programs, conflicts may arise when threats are detected.

Despite the fact that the defender copes well with threats to his profile directly in the system, malicious links in the browser are his weak point.

To recognize them, the Internet Explorer algorithm is used, which is not particularly reliable.

Shutting down the service

How to disable Windows Defender There are two methods for this purpose: the operating system service manager and program settings.

Method number 1

In order to turn off the defender using the service manager, you need to type the word "Services" in the search bar of the "Start" menu.

In the "Programs" block of the search results, there should be a line with the gears icon, which will open the designated dispatcher.

In the dispatcher window there will be a list of all active services, among which you need to find an item with the name of the service and double-click on it.

This will open the Service Options window with a Stop button. The link to the left of the list serves the same purpose.

Method number 2

To do this, you need to open the defender's options and select the "Administrator" tab. Uncheck the "Use this program" item and save the changes.

I'll tell you how to enable and disable Windows Defender 7. I will also tell you about Windows Defender settings and how to check your computer for spyware

Windows operating system is vulnerable product as it is popular among users all over the world. To avoid problems with the infection of the system with viruses, Windows Defender was built into the system - a program for protecting the system, an analogue of antivirus. In Windows 10, this product has many more features, which means that you will not need a third-party antivirus. In older operating systems, Windows Defender alone may not be enough.

How to start Windows Defender

Some people worry about running the built-in antivirus program. In Windows 8 and 10, after installation, all the necessary services start automatically... The same applies to Defender, so the question is relevant only for Windows 7.

You can check the operation of the program in the "seven" as follows (In Windows 8 and 10 also):

It is rather difficult at first to understand whether the program is enabled, since in modern operating systems there is always an antivirus icon on the notification panel and notifications that it is turned off.

Since Defender is a service on the system, we try to start it:

There is no need to download the defender, it is already built into all the latest versions of the system. You can download standalone Windows Defender, it is written about it below.

Antivirus functions

As with any antivirus program, Windows Defender has the following main functions:

  1. Defence from viruses and threats;
  2. Protection accounts;
  3. Firewall and network security;
  4. Safety devices;
  5. Device performance and health;
  6. Options for the family.

These are sections of the defender in Windows 10. As you can see, the program monitors many things in the system, which means that third-party software is not useful.

In earlier versions, you may notice following functions:

  1. Real-time protection;
  2. Cloud protection;
  3. Automatic sending of samples;
  4. Exceptions;
  5. Extended notifications;
  6. Autonomous Defender.

Basically, in all versions of the system, the antivirus has the same functions, just the names and their location are different.

Opportunity overview

Any antivirus product includes the so-called " Basic protection". In fact, it is a set of tools that acts both independently and with the help of the user. For example, an antivirus running in the background will scan every running and downloaded file, and every file in an open directory will be scanned. This is an automatic process.

If you want to check your computer for viruses yourself, there are three options to help you do this: Fast, Full and Special.

In Windows 8 and 10, on the main window of the defender in the "Home" tab, these items are located on the right in the block " Validation options».

  • Quick check- the search for viruses is carried out only in system files and RAM.
  • Full- scans the entire system and the entire disk, or several disks.
  • Special- this check allows the user to choose the object to check, whether it is a folder with files or some kind of section.

Tab " Refresh " contains information about the relevance of program updates. It usually checks for updates every day.

Tab " Magazine»Stores information about virus objects that have been quarantined. There are also permitted objects.

Any object stored in quarantine can be deleted or restored. There you can also find out information about the level of danger and the name of the virus.

Blocking malware

In automatic mode, the Defender detects malicious code in the program, but very often there are mistakes, especially in older versions. For example, if you go to a folder with various software installers, the Defender immediately starts scanning files. You can, of course, do it yourself by right-clicking and selecting " Validation using WindowsDefender».

If a virus program is detected, a corresponding message will appear, and the threat will automatically go to quarantine.

Phishing protection

This protection initially only worked for Internet Explorer, which is now used by a minimal percentage of users around the world. This protection should block visits to sites that contain viral content. In fact, the opportunity was poorly implemented and received a lot of negative reviews.

For Google Chrome, Microsoft developers have created an extension WindowsDefenderBrowserProtection which works really well.

Antivirus settings

There are a lot of useful items in the Windows Defender settings.

Settings in Windows 8

When entering parameters, there are many useful options on the left side. The first option " Real-time protection". There must be a tick “Enable real-time protection” and the program will start working on its own.

Other three sections: "Excluded files", "Excluded file types" and "Excluded processes", help to configure the settings to scan only certain places and files. That is, data in exceptions is not scanned, since it is trusted.

Chapter " In detail"Contains options for checking files. Must have tick off"Check archive files" (check RAR and ZIP archives), "Check removable media" (check various flash drives, external hard drives and smartphones). The item “ Create a system restore point", In case of Windows failure, then you can restore everything.

V section MAPS it is possible to disable the function of sending data received by the defender to Microsoft servers. To do this, check the "I do not want to join the MAPS service" option.

Chapter " Administrator"Contains only one parameter, which must also be enabled -" Enable application ".

Settings in Windows 10

Here it is enough to open the system parameters using the Win + I keyboard shortcut and go to the section " Updates and security", And from there to the" Windows Defender "tab.

All parameters are listed, there is a checkbox "On" or "Off". For the most part, they duplicate the above settings. Naturally, it is better to turn on all the options if they are off.

Messages in Windows 8 and 10

In the eight on the notification panel, there is no icon responsible for working with the antivirus. Messages do not appear either. This means that the user will have to take unnecessary steps to additionally scan suspicious files.

V Windows 10 The Defender icon is back, as well as the appearance of all sorts of messages about finding viruses with their decryption.

If you need to scan your computer, which is often the case when you first start the system, a notification will appear that will tell you about it. It is enough to click on it.

Also Win 10 displays messages about anti-virus database updates and, if you agree with this proposal, click on the message.

Also there are following messages- "Turn on protection against spyware", "Turn on protection against viruses" (If you do not do this, a red circle with a cross will light up). You just need to click on the message to make it work.

There is a possibility of such a notification - "Unable to start Windows Defender Service". We just close it and try to enable this service. Everything is done according to the principle described at the beginning of the article.

Another type of notification that indicates the detection of a malicious program. This is what it looks like.

To perform some actions, a reboot is required, and the Defender will notify about this.

Quarantine and log

All versions of Windows Defender have a so-called quarantine and log. The first step antivirus after detecting a threat - placing the file in quarantine, and after that the user will decide for himself whether to delete the file or restore it.

In Windows 8 and 8.1, in the main window of the program, go to the "Journal" section. By selecting the item " Objects in quarantine"Below we press the button" View details ".

There is an item " All detected objects". There you can view the files added to quarantine and delete. It also displays files that have already been deleted. If you are sure that the file is harmless, you can restore it.

Scan Settings and Scheduled Updates

This function is done only with the help of the scheduler. We open Start and register “Scheduler” in the search.

  1. On the right we find the option “ Create a simple task».
  2. We call it what we want and give a description. Click Next.
  3. We choose launch option tasks such as daily or weekly.
  4. We choose day of week, snooze function and date.
  5. We mark the item " Run the program».
  6. We click the button " Overview"And follow the path C: \ Program Files \ Windows Defender. Select the MpCmdRun.exe file.
  7. As a supplement, you can specify arguments e.g. quick scan - -Scan -ScanType 1 or full - -Scan -ScanType 2.
  8. At the final stage mark the option"Open the Properties window for this task."
  9. In the window that appears, press the button " Change».
  10. Enter "SYSTEM" in the large field and click " Check names».
  11. In the previous properties window, check the box “ Execute with the highest rights».
  12. On the tab “ Parameters"Check" Run the task immediately if the scheduled launch is missed. "
  13. Ready.

When the task starts its work, the command line will be launched, so there is no need to be afraid.

To update the Defender more than once a day, we create another task, where the update frequency will be “ Daily”, And enter the time 12:00 AM (0:00). At the "Action" stage, we specify the same file MpCmdRun.exe, and as an argument we write -SignatureUpdate.

In the properties of the task on the tab " Triggers"Select the created task and click the" Edit "button.

Activate the parameter " Repeat task every»And set the desired period, for example 3-4 hours.

Offline Defender Offline

The standalone version of Windows Defender can be launched as follows:

The PC will restart, and the user will see the process of checking the entire system for viruses.

We insert the USB flash drive into the desired computer and configure the BIOS so that the USB drive is in the first place in terms of download priority. Or use BootMenu and just select the USB stick.

The process will be automatic and will not require user action.


Very often there are problems with the work of the defender, and starting with the help of services does not work, then you will have to use the registry editor.

Unable to start defender service

This problem occurs quite often. The icon may be in the notification area, but a cross will light up, and the program will not open. If you've tried the method to start the Defender service and it doesn't work, let's try using the registry.

If you do not have permission to change this branch, then right-click on it and select " Permissions". Check the "Full Control" checkbox for your account.

Update virus protection

Antivirus protection updates come from the Update Center, which means it is recommended to leave it enabled. Usually, if you don't want to install any updates, just select the ones you want and download.

Windows defender is not updated

If you have problems with your antivirus or update center, you can use troubleshooter, but it is better to use the restore of the original components of the update center. To do this, open the command line as administrator (enter cmd in the search, right-click on the command line icon, run as Administrator) and write following commands:

  • net stop bits
  • net stop wuauserv
  • net stop appidsvc
  • net stop cryptsvc

We re-register the following commands:

  • net start bits
  • net start wuauserv
  • net start appidsvc
  • net start cryptsvc

Restart your PC just in case.

Windows Defender is a suite of modules from Microsoft designed to track suspicious changes and eliminate potentially dangerous components. Various settings are available in the program and the ability to disable it as unnecessary. This method is identical on all Windows versions.

Understanding Windows Defender

The defender takes over the functions of antivirus if it is not available. In practice, the application in question guarantees protection only against the so-called. "Trojans". To combat other malicious products, you need to install third-party antiviruses. The developer of the defender additionally notifies the owner of this.

The product arsenal is quite rich. The Defender lets you do the following:
monitor autostart;
monitor security settings;
monitor applications that activate with IE;
control browser settings;
regulate the work of various files and add-ons that start with the browser;
monitor the functioning of drivers and services;
regulate the actions of installed and already installed programs;
keep track of files and add-ons for registering and launching various software products;
control the order of updating OS modules.

The list of functions may vary depending on the version of the defender and Windows itself.

Turning on the defender

To turn on the product and check if it works correctly, go to Start.

The screenshot shows the window of the product in question. In all current versions of the OS, the menu has almost the same appearance.

If the defender won't turn on, activate it yourself. Find through the search bar in the "Start" program "Services" and go to it.

Open the defender service. Go to the Launch type tab, select automatically (delayed launch) in the drop-down list and enable the defender by clicking on “Launch”.

The defender will be activated.

Disabling the defender

If necessary, the defender can be turned off directly from its settings.
In Control Panel, turn on Small Icons and then look for Windows Defender.

Open the "Programs" item.

2. Open the branch: Local Group Policy Editor -> Local Computer Policy -> Computer Configuration -> Administrative Templates -> Windows Components -> Windows Defender or ( Endpoint Protection) -> Real-time protection and in the right window select Disable real-time protection

Defender is an antivirus component preinstalled in the Windows 7 operating system. If you are using antivirus software from a third-party developer, then it makes sense to terminate the work of the Defender, since there is little practical use in its operation. But sometimes this component of the system is turned off without the knowledge of the user. Turning it back on is quite simple, but it is not always possible to think of it on your own. This article will consist of 3 ways to disable and enable Windows Defender. Let's get started!

Windows Defender is not a full-fledged antivirus program, therefore, it is incorrect to compare its capabilities with such mastodons of computer protection software development as Avast, Kaspersky and others. This component of the OS allows you to provide the simplest protection against viruses, but you cannot count on blocking and detecting any miner or a more serious threat to your computer's security. Also, Defender can interfere with other antivirus software, which is why this service component has to be disabled.

Let's say you are satisfied with the work of this antivirus program, but because of some recently installed program or as a result of setting up a computer by another person, it turned out to be disabled. No problem! As mentioned earlier, instructions for resuming the work of the Defender will be indicated in this article.

Disable Windows 7 Defender

You can stop Windows Defender by turning it off through the interface of the Defender program itself, stopping the service responsible for its operation, or simply removing it from your computer using a special program. The latter method is especially useful if you have very little disk space and every megabyte of free disk space has value.

The easiest method to disable this component is in its settings.

  1. We need to get to "Control Panel"... To do this, click on the button "Start" on the taskbar or on the button of the same name on the keyboard (engraving on the key "Windows" matches the pattern of the key "Start" in Windows 7 or later). On the right side of this menu we find the button we need and click on it.

  2. If the window "Control Panels" view view enabled "Category", then we need to change the view to "Small icons" or "Large icons"... This will make it easier to find the icon. Windows Defender.

    There is a button in the upper right corner of the content window. "View" and the installed view is indicated. Click on the link and select one of the two views that are suitable for us.

  3. Find the item Windows Defender and click on it once. The icons in the Control Panel are arranged chaotically, so you will have to look through the list of programs located there yourself.

  4. In the opened window "Defender" on the top panel we find the button "Programs" and click on it. Then we press the button "Parameters".

  5. In this menu, click on the line "Administrator", which is located at the very bottom of the left panel of options. Then uncheck the parameter "Use this program" and click on the button "Save", next to which a shield will be drawn. In Windows 7, a shield indicates actions that will be performed with administrator rights.

    After disabling the Defender, such a window should appear.

    Push "Close"... Done, Windows 7 Defender is disabled and shouldn't bother you from now on.

Method 2: Disable the service

This method will allow you to disable Windows Defender not in its settings, but in the system configuration.

Method 3: Uninstall using a third-party program

Standard Add / Remove Programs will not allow you to uninstall a component built into the operating system, but Windows Defender Uninstaller is easy. If you decide to remove the built-in system tools, be sure to save important data for you to another drive, because the consequences of this process can seriously affect the further performance of the OS as a whole, up to the loss of all files on the drive with Windows 7 installed.

Enabling Windows 7 Defender

We will now look at methods for enabling Windows Defender. In two of the three methods described below, we just need to check the box. We will do this in the Defender settings, system configuration and through the Administration program.

Method 1: Program settings

This method repeats almost all of the instructions for disabling through the Defender settings, the only difference is that Defender itself will offer us to enable it as soon as it is launched.

We repeat the instruction "Method 1: Program settings" from 1 to 3 steps. A message from Windows Defender will appear, notifying us of its turned off state. Click on the active link.

After a while, the main anti-virus window will open, displaying data on the last scan. This means that the antivirus has turned on and is completely ready to work.