Setting up asya 350 euros for the search. How the Garrett Euro ACE metal detector works. Euro ACE search programs

This detector also has the ability to self-configure the search. You can customize the Euro Ace identification for any type of item you are looking for. The lower indicator scale consists of 12 segments. As you already understood, in each of their modes, those segments that are painted over in black will be recognized. For example, in the "No separation" mode, all segments are shaded, which means that any metal object will be automatically recognized. Using the "identification" (discrim) and "exclusion" (elim) buttons, you can create a certain combination by adding or removing search objects in any of the modes. There are two ways to set object recognition settings. You can use the Detect button by moving the cursor and selecting specific segments of the upper scale to enable or disable recognition of specific objects. After that, you need to click the "exclusion" button to enable or disable the selected segment, depending on your choice for a particular purpose. The second method is to bring an object near the searchcoil and turn on or off its identification. Make sure the upper scale is pointing to the desired object, then press the "exclude" button to turn recognition on or off. Coin mode is ideal for finding coins in European conditions and soil types. The "Individual Settings" mode allows you to create your own, unique mode for finding treasures. Any settings that you make in the "individual" mode will be saved in the metal detector's memory even after turning it off and on again. It is important to remember that every time the detector is turned off and on again, the settings will return to the original ones in all modes except "individual". The Euro Ace model has more segments dedicated to the definition of iron objects. This additional property leads to greater accuracy in detecting and locating ferrous objects, and iron objects can often drown out the signal from other more valuable objects. It is very important to choose the mode correctly and set its individual settings in order to exclude the presence of iron debris and at the same time not to weed out any valuable items. To demonstrate this, let's look at how this coin would be recognized next to an iron nail. In this case, Euroace operates in the "no separation" mode, without separating iron objects from others. Separately, the coin will be determined on the ninth segment. An iron nail will be determined on the second segment. This iron containing object can be excluded from the definition list by clicking the "exclude" button next to the first two segments on the left. Since we have disabled the first two segments of iron objects, the nail will no longer be detected by a beep. However, a coin and a nail combined together will result in a mixed result, and will be determined in the third segment. As a result, we manage to find a valuable item, due to the fact that the signal from the coin and the nail are determined higher on the scale than the nail separately. Let's talk about the button located under the label "sensitivity". This special feature will allow you to search in any type of soil. Of course, you'll want to set the sensitivity to maximum in order to detect objects as deeply as possible. Garrett's engineers created the Euro Ace for maximum sensitivity. But it may happen that, due to certain conditions, the sounds will abruptly interrupt each other, as in this case. This can be avoided by lowering the sensitivity. 3 factors can cause your metal detector to behave like this. Strong electromagnetic interference, irregular minerals in the soil and a large amount of metal debris. If you run into this situation, make sure to keep the reel at the same height, if you raise the reel a couple of cm, it should change the situation. Always start your search at the default sensitivity settings, which will work for most soil types. You can increase the sensitivity as far as soil conditions allow. Sensitivity set above a stable rate may prevent you from detecting deep targets. Keep practicing the mode and sensitivity settings until you fully understand all the features. If you suddenly want to return to the original, standard settings, press and hold the power button (pwr) for about 5 seconds, or until you hear a double beep. Pay attention to the battery symbol in the lower right corner of the screen. It is filled with 4 dark segments, indicating that the batteries are fully charged. Since all Garrett metal detectors are designed to consume batteries very economically, 4 new AA batteries should last from 20 to 40 hours. When only one or two segments are dark you should be ready to replace the batteries with new ones. To remove the batteries, you need to gently pull the cover and remove it, this will allow you to get 4 old batteries and throw them away. The marking on the detector will help you to determine the correct polarity required for installing new batteries. Make sure the batteries are inserted correctly and firmly. After you change the batteries, put the plastic panel back on and slide it up, making a sound like this. When putting the detector away for more than one month, remove the batteries from it. Headphones are a very useful addition to any metal detector. They are included in the kit. They are especially effective in noisy environments where you may simply not hear the sounds emitted by the detector. The headphone jack is located on the right rear side of the panel. The headphones have a volume control.

Garrett Euro ACE metal detector, an inexpensive detector and immediately complete with a large DD coil, a rare combination of price and increased coil depth. How does a metal detector work, what is on the screen and how to control the detector in the search.

Device settings, ready-made search programs and customizable user mask. Differences between the Euro ACE metal detector and the American analogue ACE 350. Pros and cons in the practice of searching.

Metal detector, American manufacturer Gareth. Developed on the basis of the legendary Garrett ACE 250 metal detector, which has a special reputation in Ukraine. Added average filtering for metal debris, expanded ferrous metal discrimination zone, depth scale to the target in centimeters, and of course a large new coil.

The Garrett Euro ACE metal detector coil is one of the biggest advantages. For an inexpensive metal detector, it is rare to have such a coil in the kit right away. In addition, this coil has a Double-D type.

Search engine Leonid, Kirovograd. Search experience with ACE 250 for three years, with Garrett Euro ACE for the second season. What does the Garrett Euro ACE reel do compared to the ACE 250? Findings are seen deeper! The difference between the standard ACE 250 coil (6.5 by 9 inches, Mono) and the standard Euro ACE coil (8.5 by 11 inches, DD) is immediately noticeable on all finds. For example, 3 kopecks 1852 (a coin with dimensions slightly larger than average), in fact, in the soil of ACE 250 it can be raised up to 27-28 centimeters, with Garrett Euro ACE I dug it from a depth of 32 centimeters. Again, the DD coil type has its own built-in compensation for the effects of ground mineralization. A trifle compared to the same ground capabilities of the Garrett AT Pro metal detector, but it won't be superfluous.

The classic design of a ground metal detector. Garrett Euro ACE, completely repeats its predecessor ACE 250, and retains the advantages The light weight of the detector allows you to go through the whole day, and the next hand will not fall off. Easy to assemble, ready to search from the stowed state in just a few seconds. Adjustable height for searcher height. Reliable in the field and economical in power.

Managing the Garrett Euro ACE metal detector in the field comes down to combining the choice of the search program and adjusting the sensitivity of the metal detector. Disassembling with Euro ACE is very simple, and after 15 minutes you are already conducting a full-fledged search. The metal detector comes with a video disc that teaches you how to start the search.

Euro ACE search programs

Jewelry (Jewelry). The program includes finds from the field of jewelry. Rings, bracelets, watches and necklaces, coins also fall into this mask.

Custom (Custom program). A search (discrimination) program that can be fully customized by the user. By default, the settings of this program are the same as for the Coins program. The user settings are saved when the ACE 250 is turned off in memory, and are available the next time it is turned on.

Relics (Relics). Search program that excludes metal debris containing ferrous metal. But metal groups like lead and bronze resonate. Designed to search for ancient artifacts.

Coins (Coins). Search program for finding coins.

Zero (All Metals). The program is configured to search for any types of metals. And even in the All Metal mode, in the Garrett Euro ACE metal detector, finds can be separated by the type of tonal response. For example, for ferrous metal this is a low sound, for coins it sounds high.

Talking about the work of the Garrett Euro ACE metal detector, one cannot fail to mention its American counterpart, the Garrett ACE 350. The Garrett ACE 350 metal detector is an American version, the Garrett Euro ACE is designed for the European market.

The differences are small, but there is a big nuance for Ukraine. The Garrett Euro ACE metal detector has a wider range of ferrous metals on the discrimination scale. The depth scale to the target, in the Garrett Euro ACE, is indicated in centimeters. Coin program settings differ.

Nuance by Garrett ACE 350. The ACE 350 metal detector is not accepted for warranty service on the territory of Ukraine. Officially not imported.

Buy Garrett Euro ACE

Clader store, official sales of Garrett metal detectors in Ukraine. Buy Garrett metal detector Euro ACE in our store is profitable and convenient. Official warranty, additional accessories and spare parts for Euro ACE are available. Free delivery of Garrett Euro ACE in Ukraine. When selling Garrett Euro ACE, an additional gift.

In the Clader store, there are additional ones. Branded coils Gareth, additional coils Mars, Detech, Nel.

After the end of two search seasons, I learned Zen in the definition (discrimination) of pure signals when instrumental search with ACE Garrett 350 Euro. What, in fact, I want to talk about now and here. Naturally, these are just my personal and private guesses and conclusions, but after their application, the number of extra holes has significantly decreased, and interesting finds (oddly enough, it has increased). Maybe due to the fact that no time is wasted digging for plugs and wires, and it is possible to go through and check more space.

In fact, this device I have is quite simple, but extremely reliable and stable. For two years, as they say, I trained my hand and this spring I began to fully understand the signals of the device. You say: "What is there to understand in it? There is a clear scale of discrimination with the same clear segments." But read this article and you might change your mind. Oh, and by the way, you can try to check my conjectures on other types and brands of metal detectors, because the principle of operation is almost the same for everyone.

It is natural and quite certain that the best discriminator is a shovel, there is no arguing here. But this is for those who have a lot of time and energy))). We are not looking for easy and simple ways, therefore we carefully invent methods and methods for additional discrimination of signals.

How to determine a clear (accurate, clean) signal? How you want to know and be sure that you are digging exactly an interesting object, and not a cork, wire, nail ... Let's go in order on this subsequent story.

Let's say you caught a signal that is in the "coin" sectors of the discrimination scale of your ACE Garrett 350 Euro metal detector (well, or, probably, another one). To dig or not to dig? And let's check this signal some other way, if it remains a coin signal, then we don't think about digging. Well, if after the following steps you doubt the availability, then the "best discriminator is a shovel" will be able to confirm this for you.

I have divided the ways of additional discrimination into two groups:
- physical;
- instrumentation.

Let's start with physical. Well, firstly, try the signal again (it's trite, but this is the first and mandatory, everyone does it, but you need to write it down). Then try changing the speed of the coil wire, try turning around and checking the signal in the other direction. Is the signal still clear or are there doubts already? We continue our research. Try changing the height of the coil wire above the signal, how does the signal behave? Does the change in depth that your MD shows correspond to the change in height of the coil wire? It is also important how the signal behaves at the edge of the coil (front or back), a clear signal remains clear at the edge of the coil, and the signal from the "shmurdyak" will go to other segments. All this is done very quickly, but gives us an additional 5 (five !!!) ways to discriminate the signal.

Well, a little instrumentation methods. Change the "feel" up or down, and once again see how the signal behaves. Here we must not forget that with a decrease in sensitivity, a deep signal can give drifts to other segments of the discrimination scale, but this again can be useful for determining the actual depth of objects. And now it's time for the pinpointer. First and foremost, the depth determined by "ICQ" in the search mode and in the pinpointer mode should correlate. Those. if in the search mode it shows you 15-20 cm, and in the pinpointer mode 5 cm, then this is definitely not a coin, but a large piece of metal. Again, if you are interested - of course, dig, but you will already know what you are digging. Another very important point when discriminating with a pinpointer is that if you cannot find the center of the target in the pinpointer mode, then there is definitely a large object in the ground. And, yes... after searching for the target by the pinpointer, re-check the signal in the search mode. Often, the target "magnetizes" from the pinpointer (well, or changes its potential) and can go to other segments of the discrimination scale.

Something like this ... And you said "...a clear discrimination scale with equally clear segments...". Above, 9 (nine!!!) additional ways of discriminating targets were shown.

To apply them or not is always decided in each individual case. Of course, there is a possibility to miss something with additional discrimination, but if you decide to dig only clean signals, then this list will help you.

Good luck with your device search! I look forward to your comments on this and other articles.

SETTING THE SEARCH MODE(discrimination modes)

The EuroACE detector has five programmed modes. Select the mode that best suits the targets you hope to find, or use the CUSTOM mode to create your own custom settings. In each dir They have been programmed with minor changes to the established discrimination standards to optimize hunting for such typical targets.

This does not mean that the detector will only search for jewels when in JEWELRY mode. This is simply an indication that this discrimination standard is best suited to detect most jewelry objects. On mode JEWELRY detector still will find coins, relics and other non-jewelry objects.

Jewelery mode (JEWELRY) – this mode is designed to search for jewelry such as rings, bracelets, watches and necklaces. The three black metal pixels are disabled to ignore most nails and small iron pieces. Some of the hardware pixels are left on to minimize the effect of masking the target.(see page 23 – more about target concealment) . In JEWELRY mode, the LCD screen looks like this:

In JEWELRY mode, the left 3 discrimination marks are disabled.

Custom Mode (CUSTOM) This mode can be programmed by the user at his discretion. By default (factory settings), this mode is similar to

mode COINS (Coins). Using the DISCRIM and  /  buttons, the user himself sets the discrimination parameters. These settings will be saved in the device's memory even after turning it off.

(For how to use the DISCRIM and  /  buttons, see pages 15–17.) Custom mode can be used to find specific metal objects.

Coin Mode (COINS)– this mode is designed to search for any type of coins and allows you to exclude garbage elements from the search, such as metal debris and foil. Four pixels of iron objects and one foil mark are excluded in this mode. European coins, from ancient to modern, can appear anywhere on the Target ID scale due to their wide variation in size, thickness, and different metal content. Therefore, for the search for European coins, minimal discrimination is desirable. It may be impossible to prevent detection of some bent lugs from beer cans and pieces of metal records. It is to be expected that some amount of scrap metal, such as aluminum cans, will be excavated. For the COINS mode, the discrimination standard will look like the picture below.

In COINS mode, four under iron pixels and one foil pixel are disabled.

Relic Mode (RELICS)– Designed to offset signals from small iron pieces and detect valuable targets in the lower conductivity range such as lead, brass and bronze. Removed two iron pixels, and the scale looks like this:

In RELICS mode, the two left discrimination pixels are disabled.

ZERO mode. The Discrimination selection for this mode is chosen to find any type of metal and should be used when you want to find all metal objects or when the material of the desired object is unknown. As you can see in the illustration below, all 12 pixels are included - this shows that no metal objects will be excluded.

Switch to ZERO mode if the signal from the target is unintelligible. Such a signal may mean that there is garbage next to the desired object.

In ZERO mode, all 12 pixels are enabled.

The EuroACE detector has an increased number of discrimination segments for ferrous metals. This additional resolution allows more precise control of ferrous metal (iron) discrimination. The example below shows how an iron object can "mask" the signal of a nearby desired object. To prevent this from happening, use the DISCRIM and

 /  to select the desired level of discrimination to cut off iron debris (for example, a small nail, as in Fig. 1). At the minimum level of iron discrimination, your detector will continue to detect a coin and a nail instead (see Fig. 2), but "masking" will not cause the loss of a valuable object. See the setup examples shown on the next page.

Iron objects such as the nail shown above can sometimes disguise a valuable item. If the discrimination is set too high, you may miss a valuable item. Read page 23 to learn how to set the correct iron discrimination to eliminate the nail in Fig. 1 and notice the valuable item in Fig. 2.

Example: Preventing target masking by increasing the number of discrimination segments for ferrous metals.

In the figure above, EuroACE is running in RELICS mode, with the two iron discrimination pixels disabled. The nail shown in Fig. 1 on page 22 is registered above the third pixel. These glandular objects can be excluded from finding by using the button

 /  , turning off the third pixel from the left.

On Fig. 2 the same nail lies on top of a valuable item - a coin. Since three iron pixels are disabled, the nail itself would not be seen, but the two objects have a four pixel joint conductance. Thus, the valuable item is noticed due to the joint conductivity, which is higher than that of the discriminated item (nail) alone.

Air test

You should conduct aerial tests to better familiarize yourself with the operation of your detector. To conduct air tests, you need:

1. Place the searchcoil on a flat, non-metallic surface more than a meter away from any metal objects.

2. Select ZERO mode.

3. Carry various metal objects(coins, bottle caps, nails, etc.) past the coil at a distance of 8-10 cm. Your metal detector will identify the object by sound and image.

4. Run this test on all modes available on your detector. Watch sounds and images on the LCD screen appearing in different modes.

5. Write down the results of your bench test and refer to them when you search for real.

Once you have determined how your test objects appear on the Target ID in air tests, test them in the soil. Bury your items to the marked depth to form a "test field". Note how different targets are read depending on whether they lie flat in the ground or at different angles.

Keep accurate records or leave surface marks to indicate your test targets and their depth. Try checking these targets again in a few months, after the ground has settled, during periods of severe drought, or after very heavy rain. Note any changes to how these goals are defined.

The following illustrations show the EuroACE detector in ZERO mode, scanning objects in a bench test. (Note: this

"air tests" carried out in a clean environment. The Target ID scale can be affected by soil, as well as conductivity, magnetic

permeability, thickness, size, shape and position of the object.)

Beginner Tips

If you are new to metal detecting, start in areas with sandy and loose soil to help you learn how to use the metal detector and accurately detect and identify targets.

For the best search results, keep

searchcoil at a height of about 2-3 cm parallel to the ground at all times.

Walk slowly, moving the coil in a straight line from side to side at a speed of about 1 m per second. Move the searchcoil forward about half its length at the end of each stroke.

metal detector



Thank you for choosing GARRETT metal detectors!

Congratulations on your purchase of your new Garrett EuroACE™ metal detector. This metal detector is specially

designed for Europe and Russia. This modern metal detector has the ability to search at sufficient depth and allows you to use all modern technologies including exclusive technology Graphic Target ID (graphic target display), which will turn your treasure hunt into an exciting and well-rewarded adventure.

EuroACE™ also includes advanced ferrous discrimination capabilities (additional ferrous discrimination segments to separate useful targets from ferrous debris in weedy areas) and a standard 22x28cm Double-D elliptical searchcoil designed for optimum performance in more difficult to find mineralized soils Europe and Russia.

With over 45 years of extensive research and development, your Garrett EuroACE™ metal detector is the most advanced of its kind in the sector. Whether you are an experienced or a beginner treasure hunter, this metal detector is equally suited to a wide range of your search needs. The EuroACE™ metal detector turns on with the push of a button. Easily tunes in to soil minerals and is ready to search.

In order to take full advantage of all the features and functions of EuroACE™, we strongly recommend that you read this manual carefully.

EuroACE control panel

Quick Guide

Appearance of the detector

Detector Package

Assembly of the detector

View of the EuroACE control panel

Sound identification

Control buttons

Setting the search mode

Air test

Beginner Tips

Methods for precise localization of objects

Possible difficulties

What to avoid

Caring for your EuroACE detector

Warranties and service

EuroACE™ control panel

Quick Guide

Insert batteries. The EuroACE metal detector runs on four (4) AA batteries, which are included in the package.

1. Turn on. Press and release the Power ON/OFF button. The EuroACE detector turns on in the mode it was last used, automatically adjusts to the mineral composition of the soil - and is ready to search. (Factory Standard Mode - Coins.)

2. Select a mode. When needed, use the mode button to select another

search mode.

3. Additional settings. Adjust sensitivity or discrimination if required.

4. Start searching. Lower the searchcoil to 2-3 cm above the ground. Moving the coil in front of you from side to side at a speed of 15 - 30 cm per second, slowly move forward with each stroke.

Appearance of the detector

Detector Package

No tools are required for EuroACE™ assembly. Four (4) AA batteries supplied with the detector EuroACE™.

Before assembling the metal detector, make sure you have a complete set of parts:

 One (1) control box on S-rod

 One (1) upper stem and one (1) lower stem,

 One (1) nut, two (2) rubber washers, one (1) bolt with

 One (1) 28x22 cm DD searchcoil  User manual  Warranty card

If any of the above parts is missing, please contact your dealer.

Assembly of the detector

1. Align the holes in the washer with the spikes in the groove of the rod and press the washer into place. Repeat the same with the second puck.

2. Slide the searchcoil onto the shaft until the holes line up.

3. Insert the bolt into the hole. Screw on the nut and tighten it by hand, without the use of tools.

4. Squeeze the spring clips on S-rod and insert it into the upper shaft. The latches must fit into the appropriate holes.