Repair of the Minelab Explorer SE metal detector. False positives and unstable performance. Repair of metal detectors and coils - service center fortune service center minelab in ireland

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Hello everyone. For a whole season, comrade Alexander, with whom we often dig, has departed with the Minelab Explorer SE device. But there was such a problem as false signals during the operation of the device. He just fantasized. So I took a metal detector from a comrade to see what was the matter. If your device suffers from the same problem and has an identical cause, then deciding to fix it yourself, you do everything at your own peril and risk. I and this blog do not bear any responsibility for your hands and the damaged device!

When I opened the device, a swollen capacitor with a leaked and dried electrolyte immediately rushed into my eyes. Definitely need to be changed!

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The characteristics of the capacitor are as follows: 16 volts 2200 microfarads. Then I went to the radio parts store and bought a replacement for the component that was out of order. It turned out to be smaller in size, but the legs coincided in width.

Then the matter is small: to solder the old one and in its place, be sure to observe the polarity, to solder the new capacitor. The varnish that covers the printed circuit board melted a little under the soldering iron. Do not forget to wash off the rosin or flux with alcohol after soldering.

Also, in addition to soldering the capacitor, I strengthened the insulation of the two coaxial power wires, the insulation of which was pinched by the body, after which the bare metal was exposed.

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Repair is a terrible word, with which few people want to meet and which everyone is afraid of. But the reality is that nothing is eternal and sooner or later equipment breaks down, including metal detectors. Our "equipment" is designed for active use and therefore is subjected to constant stress, both physical and technical. There are a lot of reasons for the breakdown. It can be anything from a physical blow to the hit of "water" in the block (if it is not protected). There are many reasons for breakdowns, but there is only one solution - you need to repair.

Online store FORTUNA expands the range of its services for the repair of metal detectors, coils and accessories to them. Until recently, the service center that serviced Koschey metal detectors expanded its capabilities. Now you can repair most metal detectors and coils from world and domestic manufacturers.


If your metal detector or coil is subject to warranty repair and the warranty period is still valid, you should definitely contact the manufacturer or the store from which you purchased the product.

Only official metal detectors with holographic tags can be repaired!

Repair of metal detectors

We carry out repairs of most metal detectors of world manufacturers. Here you can repair the following devices:

  • Garrett;
  • Minelab;
  • XP md;
  • Koschey;
  • Teknetics;
  • Fisher;
  • Makro MD;
  • Nokta DT.

This is a list of the major manufacturers. If you did not find your device in the list, you need to clarify the possibility of repair. Repair of homemade metal detectors is discussed personally.

"Overdrive" (mixed up "+" and "-") power supply, water ingress into the device, as well as various physical breakdowns - these are solvable problems.

These are the most "popular" breakdowns that occur most often. If the device simply does not turn on for no reason, you need to hand over the metal detector for diagnostics. Diagnostics is carried out within 2-3 days, taking into account the repair queue.

Improper transportation, storage and operation of the metal detector can cause interruptions in its operation or even complete failure of the equipment. If your metal detector stops functioning properly, contact our qualified specialists. We carry out professional Minelab repair in Moscow offering its clients the most favorable and convenient conditions for cooperation.

If you are interested, we will be happy to help in solving all your questions. Our employees quickly identify the main causes of the unit malfunction and quickly eliminate equipment breakdowns of varying degrees of complexity. The specialists of our company have extensive experience in diagnostics, maintenance and repair of various models of Minelab metal detectors.

Prompt detection of the cause of device breakdown, the ability to perform small, medium or large repairs, as well as reasonable prices for restoration and repair services make contacting us as convenient and comfortable as possible. With our help, you can quickly restore the performance of your metal detector by resuming various search operations.

Our service center offers metal detector repair services. We are engaged in the repair of any types of search equipment, from "pinpointers" to deep metal detectors and ground penetrating radars. We have our own warehouse of spare parts for metal detectors (Garrett, Minelab, AKA, XP), which allows us to carry out repairs as soon as possible. On average, the usual repair of metal detectors takes from 2 to 5 working days.

Our working conditions and price procedure

  • Fault detection (diagnostics) during the day, excluding holidays and working days.
  • The average cost of diagnostics is 350 rubles.
  • Minor repairs (soldering the plug or replacing the cable) 600 rubles.
  • Medium repair (replacement of simple elements of the electrical circuit - capacitors, transistors, etc.) ~ 1000 rubles
  • Overhaul - means complete replacement of boards or main parts, in this case, the cost is calculated depending on the model of the device

Why is it worth ordering a metal detector repair from us

Just a few of our advantages, but this is enough to order repairs from us:

  1. We really quickly and efficiently repair devices (from 2 working days)
  2. The average cost of repairing a device is ~ 1,700 rubles, you must agree - it's not expensive at current prices for new devices
  3. We are located next to the metro station (only 100 meters), it will not be difficult to bring and pick up the device from us.