Install version 10 of internet explorer. Internet Explorer update. Pros and cons

The browser built into the most popular operating system. It is present in any Windows and themes and is valuable. Provides basic functionality that can only satisfy the undemanding user.

Current stable release: 11
Supported OS: Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 8.1 and higher.
Engine: Trident.
Plugins: the presence of accelerators, there are no plugins as such.
Skins: Windows system themes.
License: EULA.

The browser from Microsoft is supplied as part of the operating systems of the Windows family, and therefore is familiar to almost every user of a personal computer. Anyone who worked in Windows XP remembers how bad and inconvenient Internet Explorer 6 was: it didn't even have tabs. Meanwhile, Microsoft, having won a victory over its main competitor, Netscape Navigator, stopped working on the development of the browser for many years.

Naturally, this situation did not suit users. Manufacturers of alternative browsers (Opera and) understood this situation and began to speed up the development of their products. Moreover, a number of companies began to release add-ons for Internet Explorer ( Maxthon , Avant and others) that added missing features to the Microsoft browser. This situation led to a significant drop in market share for Internet Explorer. More and more users refused to use the browser installed in the system and looked for alternatives.

Finally, Microsoft came to its senses and decided to catch up with Mozilla Firefox. The Trident engine, which is the basis for IE, has been significantly redesigned, many features that are already present in other browsers have been introduced, and work has been done to support common browser standards. Today Internet Explorer is powerful and functional with excellent integration into the operating system and a number of unique features.

We will look at the most modern browser from the line - Internet Explorer 1.


The browser style does not deviate in general terms from the style of modern operating systems from Microsoft. It looks organic both in Windows Vista and in Windows 7 or 8.

In a new blank tab, the user is presented with several possible actions:

  • reopening tabs that were closed at the end of the last session;
  • inPrivate browsing mode (private browsing mode is available in all common browsers);
  • work with text in the clipboard. The text can be sent to a search engine, blog or translated using a service. When installing additional extensions (in Microsoft terminology - accelerators), you can perform other actions with the text.

The domain name (first and second level) in the address bar of the browser is highlighted in black, while the rest of the navigation information is displayed in gray. This is supposed to serve as additional protection against phishing. However, it seems to me that few people today pay much attention to the address bar.

The functionality of the address bar of Internet Explorer 11 is practically not inferior to analogs:

  • when typing a domain name, the browser offers sites from the magazine and several generated options that may fit this domain name;
  • when typing a phrase, the browser redirects it to the default search engine and loads the search results page.
  • Internet Explorer 11 can search for words in page titles, as, for example, Mozilla Firefox and.
Meanwhile, the browser also has interesting interface finds that are not found in similar solutions. I really liked the color highlighting of the pages that are related to each other by parent-child relationships. Moreover, if you opened a page using a link from the first page, and then followed the new links from the second page, all pages will be colored in the same color. Thus, it is very convenient to trace your path to this or that information.


The functional component of the browser is fairly standard. The core functionality is similar to that of most common alternative browsers: Opera, Google Chrome, and Mozilla Firefox.

Users have access to:

  • tabs;
  • blocking pop-ups;
  • phishing protection;
  • rss aggregator;
  • auto-update;
  • anonymous work mode;
  • accelerators (extensions);
  • web slices.

I would like to note the latter separately. Web Slices are like advanced RSS. A special link with information appears on the Favorites panel. The browser periodically scans the contents of the link and, when new information appears, signals this to the user: the link font becomes bold.

This function has one unpleasant feature: it needs support from the site to work. Until the webmaster adds the necessary functionality, this function cannot be used. Therefore, how lucky you are.

In addition, the Web slices that you can add to the Favorites panel are limited by the size of the panel itself.


I would also like to mention the so-called accelerators. Unfortunately, the browser developers did not want to create full support for add-ons in the browser, just as it is implemented in Firefox. Accelerators are just making it easier to access a particular web service. A list of accelerators can be found on a dedicated site. However, I repeat: the functionality of the browser cannot be extended with their help.


A huge disadvantage of the browser is the lack of an ad blocker. It is not included in the standard delivery. Of course, third-party software can be used as a "cutter" for banners and text messages. But for this, you need, firstly, to know about such software, and secondly, to have the skills to configure it.

In principle, there is the possibility of blocking ads and using IE. But this setting looks very nontrivial. You can read more about ad blocking in the article “ Remove ads from pages in Internet Explorer 11 ».


Intetnet Explorer 11 is a solid middling. If you have used previous versions and browsers, then it makes sense to switch to the new one. But if you are used to the functionality of alternative browsers, then there is no point in switching to IE: it will not be able to provide fully adequate functionality.

There is no way to sync data between browsers on different machines. Here you can also use additional functionality, but the absence of such solutions in the browser itself brings certain inconveniences.

And yet, with proper configuration, IE can make a good "second" browser. You can read about its setting in our article “ Setting up Internet Explorer 11 ».

So who is Internet Explorer right for?

  • wants to use the browser built into the OS;
  • uses only Windows;
  • does not need additional functions;
  • calmly refers to advertising.

Internet Explorer 10 is the penultimate browser from Microsoft in this line. It was released closer to the middle of 2011 exclusively for Windows 7, and after - and for Win 8. Further versions worked exclusively on the "eight".

As a result, Microsoft developed IE 10 exclusively for Win 8. Therefore, the browser has the closest integration with this operating system. There are two editions: the built-in Metro version, which lacks plugin support, and the standard desktop version, with full functionality.

Browser capabilities

Traditionally, Microsoft is working on the speed, usability and security of its software. All these parameters have been improved in the new Internet Explorer. But now touch support has been added to the list of features.


The speed of launching the Internet Explorer, as well as loading sites, has been significantly increased. The performance gain is seen with the naked eye. The browser uses all the power of the computer and rationally uses the network resources.

At the same time, it consumes a small amount of RAM when compared with most of its counterparts. There is support for video playback in HD (good quality standard), including streaming. Images and interactive content are now displayed with enhanced clarity without wasting much internet traffic.

The convenience of use

Microsoft has improved the interface of the program, greatly simplified in the ninth version. Previously, there was a separation between the address input line and search queries. Now they are merged into one, located at the top center. This greatly improved the usability of page navigation.

For Win 8, the ability to display selected pages on the home screen is available. This allows you to quickly access any site.


For Internet Explorer version 10, a special security filter is used, built on the technology SmartScreen... It sorts Internet content, filtering out data that may contain malicious code or pose a threat to your computer. Even downloadable files are examined.

At the same time, the anti-tracking system is involved. Many sites collect information about the user: location, network address, popular searches, and other data. But this system allows you to protect information from being used by third parties.

These two innovations can be called especially important because they give the user a greater degree of security on the Internet and prevent getting viruses.

Touch input support

Users can view the content in full screen mode. If you activate it, then all navigation elements will disappear until the moment when their use is not required. Both PC users and owners of mobile devices have this opportunity. With the second, one swipe with your finger is enough to scroll the site forward or backward. The size of the tabs has been increased to make it easier to work with the touch mode. This also applies to tiles. Metro.

Do not trust sites that offer programs to install Internet Explorer 10 for Windows XP. The browser is not officially supported for older operating systems. And no third-party means can correct this situation.

The tenth version of the Internet browser is installed together with Windows 8. It is possible to update IE on the "seven". It is not compatible with other operating systems. For them, it is better to use browsers from third-party developers or the eighth version.

Browser overview

Internet Explorer is an excellent browser that has all the features you need to browse the Internet with ease. Experts have recorded that in 2018 the number of users using this browser is more than 15%.

Browser capabilities
Smart search
Address bar support for entering site addresses and search queries. As you enter a word or phrase, the browser will suggest keyword suggestions (suggestions). By default, Explorer uses the Yandex system.
Component support " Autosearch"If you enter the wrong URL, your web browser will use a helper service to help you find the site you want.
Tab management. In addition to standard actions on tabs (create, move, group / ungroup, close), you can open previously closed tabs.
Automatically save tabs during an unexpected crash or forced closure of the browser.
Quick access to your favorite sites
Quick access to frequently visited sites.
Saving interesting web pages to " Favorites".
Component support " Recommended sites". If you enable this function, the browser will show a list of sites similar to those that you often visit.
Built-in protection
Anti-phishing filter SmartSreen... Internet Explorer collects information every second about unwanted sites and malware that can harm your computer. When visiting such sites, the Explorer will inform you about this and offer certain options.
Pop-up blocker.
InPrivate web browsing. In this mode, the browser will not store log entries, cookies, temporary files, passwords, site addresses and search queries.
Protection of confidential information.
Browser setting
Add-on management. The add-on includes management of the toolbar, browser helper objects, ActiveX controls, search engines, accelerators, anti-tracking, and spell checker.
Changing the style, encoding and font size on the resource page.
Displays information about the performance of the web browser (drawing time, CPU load, frame rate, RAM used).

Internet Explorer 11 for Windows 7/8/10

  • Improved JavaScript Charka engine.
  • Added support for WebGL and High DPI.

Internet Explorer 9 for Windows 8/7 / Vista

  • Optimized Tracking Protection.
  • Added new web standards.
  • Improved support for CSS3, SVG, and HTML5.

Internet Explorer 8 for Windows XP

  • Internet Explorer now automatically repairs tabs in the event of a crash.
  • Optimized address bar.
  • Added InPrivate mode to hide website browsing history.
Browser screenshots

Program interface: Russian

Platform: 7/8

Manufacturer: Microsoft


Internet Explorer 10- a program that is part of stationary and mobile operating systems of the Windows family, which in itself implies its use as an application for Internet surfing. Version 10 is practically no different from previous releases, however, it has been adapted to work with the new Metro interface, which is implied by the Windows 8 operating system itself.

Key features of Internet Explorer 10

The program's capabilities are practically no different from many previous releases or programs of a similar type. There is also work with tabs and a built-in loader. Unfortunately, the downloader works only with direct links and is absolutely not adapted to the use of file-sharing networks, which involve downloading one file with the subsequent extension. Most often this applies to peer-to-peer networks, namely torrent trackers or sites like Letitbit, where the download speed inherently cannot exceed 50 KB per second. But on the other hand, we have a new interface that allows you to use some functions that are not available to computers and laptops at all.

However, the new browser is believed to have borrowed heavily from some well-known applications of this type. Take the principles of Mozilla Firefox or Opera, for example.

According to the developers themselves, in Internet Explorer 10, they tried to implement a completely new approach to web browsing. This version of the Internet manager even supports HTML5. This, of course, is not something fundamentally new, since many browsers using unofficial updates have already received such support a long time ago.

There is an opinion among some users that the "native" browser is the most acceptable travel companion on the World Wide Web. From the point of view of users who are accustomed to using alternative means, this tool for traveling on the Internet seems like a "baby talk".

Indeed, until now, Internet Explorer 10 was inferior to many of its counterparts. But this version gives hope that this particular program will be reborn like the mystical Phoenix bird from the ashes.

As a result, I would like to note that, although this program has most of the necessary elements in the installation distribution, it is completely devoid of support for some formats that can be found on websites. This is primarily due to the playback of videos and animations. For example, the very same Opera initially, upon installation, offers to supplement the browser with an additional module in the form of Adobe Flash Player. In our case, there is nothing similar. Most likely, this is due to all kinds of licensing agreements and rules for the use of software, which still cannot be divided by several corporations. Although, in general, the browser works fine.

Internet Explorer 11 is the latest official version of Microsoft's super browser today. Downloading, installing and launching Internet Explorer is so easy that the world wide web is literally available to everyone. This is a reason to download Internet Explorer 11 for free (the latest version, 10 or 9, or even 8 for Win XP) in Russian.

Latest Internet Explorer

If the IE version is outdated, then the new Internet Explorer must be downloaded for free. Those who disagree are simply wrong. All the more wrong, those who use Internet Eiksplorer as a well-known "browser to load the browser". Internet Explorer (rightfully) occupies half of the browser market in the world. At the same time, some users understand what they are doing, and some become victims of circumstances, marketing and laziness. And laziness, as you know, is the engine of progress, especially if you need to download a browser for your computer. Naturally, each user makes the choice of the best Internet browser subjectively. Many people love Mozila, some prefer Google Chrome pure, or tuned (Yandex Browser and others on the Webkit engine), and someone loves Opera. Almost no one likes safari, but the latest version of the Explorer must be installed on the computer (even "just in case"). And it is imperative to use the opportunity to download Internet Explorer for free.

Microsoft IE Values

IE's core values ​​have always been: maximum security, high speed of content broadcasting, efficient performance and economy in the use of computer resources. Ease of everyday use is also an important advantage. And Yeshka has been protecting and increasing these advantages since the very first versions (many will remember the fifth for Mac OS). There is no doubt that Internet Explorer regularly looks and performs better since 1995.

The number of browsers is also growing

Many people say that the percentage of Internet Explorer users is constantly decreasing, but this is not entirely true. In absolute numbers, the inhabitants of the network and, as a consequence, the Internet of Iksploer are increasing. The number of browsers is increasing every day. Most popular: Arora, Avant Browser, Camino, Chromium, CoolNovo, Google Chrome, Dillo, Elinks, Galeon, K-Meleon, Konqueror, LeechCraft, Links, Lynx, Mozilla Firefox, Netscape, Opera, RockMelt, Safari, SeaMonkey, SeaMonkey , SRWare Iron, WorldWideWeb (NeXTSTEP), Yandex Browser and others.

New version of Microsoft browser

The new version of the browser from Microsoft has received a new graphical interface, tight integration with Windows OS (tabs are placed on the taskbar, etc.), enhanced security, support for new Internet standards and hardware and software acceleration. With the release of new versions of the Windows operating system, IE is forced to develop and, as a result, will occupy first place in the world for a long time.

Among the advantages of IE browser

Yes, among the impressive advantages of Internet Explorer, we will pay special attention to:

  • increased productivity and safety,
  • incognito sessions (without saving history),
  • updating with Windows Update software,
  • friendliness towards a common user,
  • convenient, beautiful and functional icons on the panel,
  • download manager (view the list of downloaded files),
  • the ability to determine which components "slow down" the browser and block them,
  • connecting any search engine as a base one,
  • Web Slices (site updates in IE),
  • smart tabs (many sites in tabs of one window),
  • blocking unwanted pop-up messages (windows),
  • phishing filter and RSS aggregator,
  • accelerators, etc.

Internet Explorer 11 free download

Update from: 20.12.2016
Latest version: 11.0.38
Synonyms: WindowsIE, Internet Explorer, iksplorer
Operating system: Windows Vista, Windows 7, 8, 10
File size: 32.9, 57.9 MB, 2 MB
Free download: IE 11 in Russian for Windows 7, 8, 10
Free download: 64-bit IE 11 in Russian for Windows 7, 8, 10
Web installer: Online installation utility

Internet Explorer 10 free download

Internet Explorer 9 free download

Internet Explorer 8 for Windows XP (98 / ME, 2000, 2003)

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