What to do if the Touch ID sensor is broken on the iPhone. Enabled Touch ID. Fingerprint to protect iPhone How to recover fingerprint on iphone 6

Some users and potential buyers of iPhone and iPad mobile devices do not know what is touch ID what it is for and how to set it up. We explain - Touch ID is a touch module embedded in a button that can scan (and also read) your fingerprint, so the phone recognizes its owner and unlocks the screen to access the home screen.

Well, you get the idea, basically this fingerprint scanner button serves as a security for the iPhone or iPad, while replacing the password on the lock screen. You can also use your fingerprint to purchase media content from the iTunes Store.

Not all iPhone and iPad models have Touch ID built into the button. Starting with the iPhone 5s and above, Apple phones have been equipped with a fingerprint sensor. The list of models without Touch ID is below:

How to enable Touch ID fingerprint on iPhone

In order to put a fingerprint on your iPhone, which will be requested every time you unlock it, you need to click on the Settings application:

By enabling Touch ID, you can unlock your iPhone or iPad using your fingerprint

The above shows the screens for recognizing your fingerprint for logging into iPhone. But if you go to Touch ID settings and enable the iTunes Store and App Store, then the fingerprint can be used instead of and when purchasing applications, music, videos, etc. In the same settings, you can add fingerprints of those who are allowed to use your iPhone.

Touch ID is a unique fingerprint reader technology. It is equipped with such versions of mobile gadgets from Apple as iPhone 5s, iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus. According to the manufacturer, this technology is more advanced in the models of the sixth line. However, on the forums, many users often complain that Touch ID is a rather poorly functioning element in both the first and second versions.

The idea behind Touch ID is certainly a good one. And not only in terms of marketing, but also for practical use. With the help of Touch ID, the owner of an iPhone can unlock his device, enter the "accounts" of some programs on the network, and make payments using Apple Pay. But this is in the event that the technology functions smoothly, which is far from always the case. As in any electronic mechanism, Touch ID sometimes also has problems. How to deal with them? Let's figure it out.

Firstly, if problems were discovered after a recent firmware upgrade to version 9 (or more recent versions of iOS), a downgrade may be required. This term refers to the rollback of the system to a previous version. But if the problems are not so significant, the best solution is to wait for the next update.

All other problems are often caused by misunderstandings that do not imply anything serious. Therefore, the user can solve most of them on his own, without contacting a repair shop. Moreover, there are not so many such problems, and the ways to solve them have long been known. In this article, we will look at each problem and how to solve it in detail.

It often happens that the fingerprint does not work on the iPhone 6 or iPhone 5S. If the system fails, experts recommend doing a simple reconfiguration. In other words, you need to re-train the gadget to recognize the fingerprint. When the first scanners appeared, Apple took care of the annual software update for them. This is done so that the devices remember the fingers of their owners as best as possible.

Significant optimization in this area was carried out in the "OS" of the eighth version. But as the practical experience of many users has shown, if the print is not regularly refreshed, after about a month Touch ID will start to fail. The reasons for this are usually the most banal, but basically they are cosmetic in nature (the print is worn out, dry skin of the finger, and similar misunderstandings).

Given the above, with Touch ID glitches on the iPhone 5S, you need to update the fingerprint in the gadget's memory. But before the procedure, it is necessary to wipe the display surface well and wash your hands. Then you should go to the iPhone settings, and after that - to the Touch ID password section. In this case, an earlier print must be deleted through a swipe, moving across the display from the right side to the left. After this action, you need to click on the button for adding a fingerprint and again carry out the usual operation to enter a fingerprint, in accordance with the instructions.

Touch ID doesn't work in the App Store

This, like the previous described problem, occurs quite often. And this is usually due to the fact that the scanner does not interact with the App Store. As before, the reason most often lies in cosmetic factors. But sometimes the problem occurs due to iPhone 5S software malfunctions. Many users note that gadgets based on the "OS" of the eighth version, or rather, the Touch ID technology in them, do not work in this store.

To resolve this issue, follow these steps:

  • Click on the settings section, and then on the item Touch ID and password.
  • Go to the technology usage section and disable the App Store.
  • Reboot the device system.
  • Return to original settings, enable the App Store.

After all the actions performed, the Touch ID bug in the store should be removed automatically. We also remind you that if the user has not made purchases in the store during the day, the system will ask for a password when they enter it again.

Fingerprint scanner doesn't work at all

It happens that the scanner itself fails, that is, it simply breaks. Although this happens very rarely.

The complete inoperability of the technology after the update can signal a breakdown. In this case, you can try "Hard Reset", having done the backup procedure before that.

But if it's a problem with the iPhone 5S software, a hard reset usually solves the problem 100%. Otherwise, the user will have to turn to repair, since it is impossible to do without a competent diagnosis of the device.

Touch ID stops working at low temperatures

According to statistics, glitches in the operation of technology in winter or in cold conditions happen much more often. As always, the explanation for this phenomenon is simple. It's all about the changes in the papillary pattern of the fingers, which changes with changing weather conditions. Of course, it is not possible to determine such changes by eye. But smart Touch ID immediately detects them and crashes.

As you might have guessed, this whole thing is also treated by updating the imprint. But here you can make everything even easier. It is enough to execute and save your "winter" imprint in the device's memory. To do this, you need to do the procedure as soon as you come from the street, and your fingers are still cold. Although, this is not a guarantee of a successful solution to the problem. According to iPhone owners, the above methods do not always cope with the situation.

If the scanner does not work in muddy or damp conditions

There is no need to go into lengthy explanations here. Obviously, moisture and dirt prevent the system from scanning the fingerprint. We are talking about the presence of dirt or moisture not only on the finger itself, but also on the surface of the scanner. Therefore, before the operation, you need to wash and dry your hands well and carefully wipe the scanner with a dry cloth.

But one important point should be remembered: you do not need to keep your hands in water for a long time when washing, as this will swell the skin and the papillary pattern will change dramatically.

However, Apple guarantees fans of its products that in the new gadgets of the sixth line labeled S Touch ID works more efficiently with wet surfaces. But at the same time, developers still do not recommend using the scanner when your hands are wet.

Breakdowns after repair: causes

In simple words, during the repair process of the device, the cable between Touch ID and the telephone board may be damaged. This leads to the fact that the system is no longer able to determine the authenticity of the fingerprint. And after that, the gadget deactivates the biometric sensor. In such a situation, the replacement of individual elements in order to improve the operation of the technology is impossible. The IDs between the Secure Enclave and the third party sensor simply won't match.

If the cable is completely damaged, then its restoration is an impossible task. The fact is that it includes ten tracks, consisting of several layers. And the thickness of each track is a tenth of a millimeter.

The situation is different with the elements of the Home button that regulate the process of registering a click. Replacement is a simple matter. However, unlocking the device from now on will be available exclusively through a password. It is easy to identify a broken Touch ID through the settings. To do this, you need to carefully consider the menu for adding new fingerprints. It should be gray if there are any faults.

The only way to get a properly functioning sensor based on fingerprint technology is to use elements of another device. This means that you will need to install a new board and a Home button. However, this repair will be very expensive for the user. In such a situation, it is advisable to purchase a new iPhone. Of course, if Touch ID technology is very important for the user.

touch ID is a technology that first appeared in the iPhone 5S, used as an additional security option for the iOS operating system and a means of user identification. The essence of this technology lies in the fact that a special biometric sensor is built into the Home button, which allows you to read the user's fingerprints and use them instead of a password to access the phone, as well as to make purchases in the App Store and iTunes Store.

As mentioned above, Touch ID was first introduced in the iPhone 5S, but it is expected that this year the biometric sensor will also appear in the new iPad Air and iPad mini, and, of course, in the new generation of iPhone, which is expected to appear in the second half. 2014. At the same time, most likely, new devices will also use a new generation of Touch ID 2 sensor with improved recognition technology and, possibly, support for additional functions.

How to set up Touch ID

If you just bought the device, then going through the standard activation procedure at the first start, you can immediately tune touch ID. To register a fingerprint and add it to the Touch ID database, you need to take a few simple steps. Immediately, we note that the device can store up to 5 fingerprints, which are stored in a special memory compartment of the central processor.

1. Before immediate setting up Touch ID, we recommend that you wash your hands thoroughly and, most importantly, your fingers, and also thoroughly wipe the Home button on the device, because It has a built-in Touch ID sensor. Only after that you can start setting up.

2. Before setting up the Touch ID sensor, you need to come up with and enter a four-digit or complex password. It will be requested if Touch ID fails to recognize the fingerprint.

3. Hold your iPhone the way you normally would when you press the Home button. Place your finger on the Home button and hold it until you feel a slight vibration or until the system tells you to remove your finger. Do not press the button hard, just lightly touch it.

3. After the initial scan, the recognition system will ask you to change the position of your finger to complete the scan. Hold the phone as usual and place the edges of your finger so that the system can fully recognize the fingerprint.

How to set up Touch ID if the device is already activated

You can set up the Touch ID sensor and save fingerprints in the processor’s memory, if the device is activated, through the main settings. To do this, go to Settings and select "Touch ID and password" in the main menu. Next, select "Fingerprints". Then the system will suggest the procedure for registering and saving fingerprints already described above.

Using Touch ID instead of entering a password and for purchases in the App Store

Once you've set up Touch ID and saved your fingerprints to your iPhone's processor, you can use your fingerprint to unlock your device (instead of entering a passcode), and use your fingerprint to make purchases in the App Store and iTunes Store.

To unlock iPhone with Touch ID, wake up the device by pressing the Power button or the Home button. After that, gently move your finger to the Home button without pressing it, and the phone will unlock.

If Touch ID fails to recognize the fingerprint within three attempts, you will be prompted to enter the password that was set when setting up Touch ID. It is also worth noting that the Touch ID sensor is disabled and a password is required if:

1. The device turned on after reboot
2. More than 48 hours have passed since the device was last unlocked
3. You want to go to the item "Touch ID and password" in the device settings

To use Touch ID as an Apple ID account(for making purchases and downloads in the App Store and iTunes Store), you need to go to the settings, select the "Touch ID and password" item and activate the "iTunes Store, App Store" item there.

Gently place your finger on the Home button, after which the purchase will be made. Note that a fingerprint scan request will be requested every time you try to download content from the App Store or iTunes Store. If the sensor fails to recognize the fingerprint within 5 attempts, you will be prompted to enter your Apple ID account password.

How to improve Touch ID

Some users who use the Touch ID sensor complain that the system does not recognize their fingerprints accurately. There are a couple of easy ways to increase the accuracy of your fingerprint with Touch ID.

1. Touch ID processor memory can store up to 5 fingerprints. In order to more accurately recognize the finger used to unlock the device, you can do the following: assign the same fingerprint to different memory slots. That is, in fact, you need to "scan" one finger several times, as if they were different fingers. Thus, the recognition accuracy of your fingerprint can increase to almost 100%!

2. Keep the Home button clean and free from dust or moisture. The accuracy of fingerprint recognition directly depends on the surface of the sensor, so, naturally, if there is grease, dust or dirt on it, then the accuracy of fingerprint recognition is noticeably reduced.

3. Make sure your device is up to date with the latest software - Apple may make software changes and improvements to native iOS features. So, for example, in version iOS 7.1.1, Touch ID improvements were officially made, thanks to which fingerprint recognition became more accurate and smooth.

After updating the software, we recommend deleting all enrolled fingerprints and re-adding them to make the Touch ID experience as accurate and convenient as possible.

Set up iPhone at a service center

Not a problem! If you want to comprehensively set up your new iPhone, transfer data from your old phone to a new one, or install applications, you can always count on the help of our service center specialists. You can read more about the services we provide on our website by clicking on the link - "".

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4 comments back to "How to set up Touch ID on iPhone 5S, iPad Air 2 and later"

    This feature makes me just delighted, cool! But I'm a little worried about whether I can be one hundred percent sure that the system recognizes only my fingerprint. And if, for example, my hands are dirty, will the system prompt me to rescan? I read that there are 5 attempts. Well, you also need to remember the password or write it down on a piece of paper and carry it with you ((

    • It's safe enough. How much we played with how to activate the iPhone using the fingerprint even left on the film, and then applied it, the iPhone never activated.
      Yes, the code helps to unlock the iPhone if for some reason it is not possible to unlock the iPhone by fingerprint. It's good that the security system is so duplicated. It happens that Touch ID stops working due to damage, and then the ability to unlock via passcode is a very good solution. And remember, I write everything down on sheets of paper and keep it in one place, and I advise you to do this and keep it in a place designated for this.

    A very handy feature. Although it resembles the work of forensic scientists, in fact, it provides very powerful protection, because each person's fingerprints are strictly individual. And the fact that you need to keep the Home button clean for more accurate and better fingerprint recognition is another weighty argument that your gadget must be kept clean)

    • Andrey, for me, as an engineer, your words are like a song! After all, we have to repair iPhones from different owners =)

      For even more protection, it is MANDATORY to put a PIN code on the SIM card and turn off notifications on a locked device. Then the protection of the iPhone will be at its maximum.

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First of all, it is worth noting the Reachability feature in the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus, which I have already talked about in the chapters on device software. Now the scanner is used not only to read the pattern on the finger instead of entering a password, but also works as a touch surface, responding to user actions. Double-tapping the Home button allows you to slide down the interface of standard applications and third-party programs, thereby making it easier to access the buttons at the top of the screen. This feature works flawlessly and always on the first try, so a successful experiment can start looking for new uses for this surface. First, Apple could ditch the mechanical button in the future in favor of an all-touch surface, thereby saving some space on the case. Secondly, to come up with some other ways to use the scanner, because you can not only touch it, but also swipe it with your finger, which gives at least four more possible actions. For example, you can "hang" on it a return to the previous menu level.

The second important change in the operation of Touch ID was the support of the Apple Pay payment system. It has not yet been launched, but the features of the work are already known. To identify the user when making payments, it will be possible to use a fingerprint scanner, and the smartphone will transmit an encrypted token using an NFC chip to securely pay for a product or service. Apple has managed to make the system truly secure, since the fingerprint is more secure than a four-digit password, and in addition, the device does not transmit information about a bank card and other payment data. The only problem is that it’s hard to even imagine when Apple Pay can be launched in Russia in order to evaluate its capabilities on your own, and not be content with theoretical information.

The third novelty related to Touch ID is support for third-party applications. After the launch of the iPhone 5s and iOS 7, Apple did not allow third parties to access the scanner data, which greatly limited its use. Few believed in a change in the situation, but Cupertino decided to meet the needs of users. Now, for identification in applications, you can use a scanner instead of entering a password, which is very convenient in diaries and notes, programs for tracking finances and collecting passwords. The App Store already has Touch ID-enabled software, such as Day One, 1Password, and Evernote. As for using the scanner in practice, an example is the operation of an application for storing passwords. In the Safari browser, using the 1Password extension, you can quickly fill in the logins and passwords of sites, and in order not to enter a complex master password, just put your finger on the Home button. This saves a lot of time and nerves and allows you to expand the audience of users who care about data security, thanks to simplified authorization.