How to quickly learn how to work with Photoshop and which version is better to use. Photoshop tutorials for beginners - step by step course How to use adobe photoshop

Let's open the photo of the girl. Let's make a copy of the layer - for this, just like in other lessons, press the key combination Ctrl + J. This should always be done before any modification of the photo in order to keep the main original photo in its original form.

A lot depends on the correct location of objects in the photo. If the objects are located at random - the picture can no longer be called high-quality. The easiest way to compare objects is to draw a straight line along which the objects of the photograph will be located.

Today you will learn how to cut and transfer a person from one background to another. This method is easy to learn, so it is perfect for beginners learning the basics of the program. Adobe Photoshop. Background change is one of the most requested features in Photoshop. This procedure can be carried out in many different ways using tools...

Transparency in Photoshop is one of the key features of the program. If you are just starting your acquaintance with this program, then this article will allow you to learn how to make a transparent background in a photo.

Portrait - is considered the most popular type of photography. Every novice photographer, sooner or later, will have a portrait photo session. In addition to the basics of photography, every self-respecting photographer should be able to process a picture, being able to deftly remove facial flaws and flaws made during the photography process.

Adobe Photoshop is the world's most popular photo editor that lets you create really cool stuff. Today you will learn how to get only its outline from an image. This can be useful, for example, to create a coloring book for a child. Simple drawings that don't have complex details are easiest to outline using the pen tool. This will make it faster and easier. With images...

Today you will learn about a simple yet effective way to make a photo interesting and unique using texture mapping. You will need: Adobe Photoshop, an original photo and a desire to create.

Unfortunately, not everything is subject to photographers. Even the most professional photographer cannot prevent the flash on the face from flash, especially when shooting outside the studio. There are several ways to remove highlights in Adobe Photoshop. But today we will consider the simplest and effective way which will make the skin matte and at the same time ...

Any photographer knows that if you open the aperture as wide as possible, the picture will turn out blurry, thereby highlighting the subject. In some cases, it is not possible to open the aperture as much as possible. This most often depends on the background, which is at a close distance to the object. However, this can be easily fixed in Photoshop, knowing only the basics of masks and layers.

Do you want to cut out an object and place it on a different background? Then today you will learn about four methods of selection, each of which is ideal for a different type of image. In Adobe Photoshop, the developers have tried to pay enough attention to the selection tools, some of which even a beginner can use, while others have more complex settings that will have to tinker with.

You probably know what it's for software under the loud name of Adobe Photoshop. It's not just an image editing application - Photoshop is a huge playground for ideas and creativity related to picture, photo, and drawing files. Here you can not only modify existing files, but also create a completely new and unique product.

Welcome to Adobe Photoshop!

Indeed, almost all designers use Photoshop: from simple drawings to content to full-fledged illustrations for books, games and other products. To the delight of users, developers are constantly improving the program, adding new features and capabilities to it. Therefore, it is important to follow the updates that are released by Adobe. Now, after a little tour, let's learn how to use Photoshop.

Where to get the program?

You can download the electronic version of the software on the official Adobe website at the download page Here you must first register in the Adobe system to obtain an AdobeID. Then fill in the fields that the download page offers and, after logging in, download setup file and go through the installation process. It is important to note that you can use your copy of the application for free for the first 30 days. After that, after testing the product, you will be asked to purchase a license.

The developer provides several options for using the program

Adobe offers its users fairly reasonable prices for their products. So, you can purchase Photoshop for a certain price per month, that is, by subscription. The same option is offered for the CreativeCloud bundle, which includes several Adobe products. The cost and composition of the kit should always be specified on the official website, as they may change. Also note that the system has special conditions for students and teachers, as well as corporate clients. So, you can save a decent amount when using Adobe services.

First run of the program

After installation, you should launch the application from the shortcut created on the desktop. When you open it for the first time, a window will appear with a description of the program and a notification about the start of a 30-day trial period. Click on "Start Trial" and wait for the program to open. Now let's move on to how to work in Photoshop.

The work area is very convenient and can be customized

Photoshop main menu

At the top is the main menu with the following items:

  1. File. Here you can perform all operations for saving a file, creating a new one, printing photos, importing.
  2. Editing. As the name implies, this paragraph contains tools for changing various kinds of settings, of which there are a huge number. For example, here you can change the color settings. Right there is the "Step back" function, which will answer your question about how to undo an action in Photoshop.
  3. Image. Here are such parameters as image color correction, trimming, its rotation, cropping and much more.
  4. Layers. In general, if the edited file contains many different elements, then each of them is made on a separate layer. For example, if you put text on top of the picture, it will automatically be created on a new layer. They are located on the bottom right. The top menu item "Layers" controls all the settings regarding the issue under discussion by layers. Here you can create a new one, delete an existing one, add effects to it, and so on.
  5. Text. From the name it is clear what exactly is regulated by this tab. All operations on the added text field are controlled in this paragraph.
  6. Selection. Here you can select various objects (for example, layers). This is also important to know in order to learn how to work in Photoshop cs6.
  7. Filter. All filters and effects like blur, distortion and others are located here. You can also find other filters on the Internet by clicking the corresponding menu item "Filter".
  8. 3D. Here you can set up 3D layers and scenes for a photo or any other image.
  9. The "View" menu has all the options for displaying information on the screen: here you can show auxiliary elements (grid, ruler, and others), and set up guides.
  10. "Window" allows you to add new panels to the workspace. For example, if you need a histogram, then you just need to check the box next to the corresponding Window menu item.
  11. Well, the last item "Help". This is where all the product information, the support center is located, as well as the AdobeID login tab for more options.

Main functions are accessed through the menu hierarchy


The next thing you see below the main menu is the field with the settings of the tool that is selected in this moment. These tools are located on the left panel. Let's look at each of them. The button for quick access to the function is indicated in brackets (all letters are English). Also described additional features by pressing the right mouse button.

  1. Move (V). Allows you to move the selected object or area in any direction. Also with the help of it you can twist this object, rotate, reflect.
  2. Rectangular area (M). Highlights in the shape of a rectangle. You can also select in the form of an oval, horizontal and vertical lines.
  3. Lasso (L). It is also a selection tool. You can choose from a regular lasso, a straight lasso, and a magnetic lasso.
  4. Magic wand (W). Highlights an area within a specific frame. There is also a quick selection.
  5. Frame (C). Image cropping. Also here are cutting, perspective cropping and fragment selection.
  6. Pipette (I). Recognizes the color when you click on the photo (the pixel you hit is taken into account). There is also a ruler, a comment, a counter, a color standard and a 3D material eyedropper.
  7. Healing Brush (J). Also here are the dot version of the tool, patch, content-aware move and a tool that allows you to remove red-eye.
  8. Paintbrush (B). It allows you to draw on top of a photo, or it can help you create a new image. It has quite flexible settings. In addition to the brush, there is a pencil, a mix brush and a color replacement.
  9. Stamp and pattern stamp (S).
  10. Archive brush (Y).
  11. The eraser (E) erases the area you are swiping over. The background eraser removes everything, including the background (that is, when saving in certain formats, the background will be transparent).
  12. The Gradient (G) and fill fills the selection with a color or gradient.
  13. The action of the blur and sharpen tools is clear from their names, while the finger moves the area like plasticine. You can, for example, move your eyebrow higher or lower your eyes.
  14. As in the previous case, the names of the tools coincide with their direct purpose: clarifier, dimmer and sponge. You can quickly access them by pressing the letter O on your keyboard.
  15. Feather (P) in various variations is located below the clarifier. Helps with drawing, adjusting and other operations performed on the image.
  16. Next is the tool for adding a text field. It is an essential part of understanding how to use Adobe Photoshop.
  17. Outline selection (A).
  18. The tool with various shapes allows you to add on a new or existing layer an object of any shape that is available in the program's collection.
  19. Next is the "Hand", which makes it possible to move the photo. For example, if you have increased the zoom and want to edit the image in such an approximate form, then this tool will help you to move, for example, from one eye to another.
  20. The magnifier zooms in on the photo.
  21. The two squares with black and white are the colors currently being adjusted. That is, if the color in the nearest square is red, then the brush from point eight will draw in red. The far square is responsible for the color of a regular eraser.

Many tools contain sub-tools

As you can see, there are a lot of tools and it is rather difficult to study them all at once. Therefore, try to devote some time to each of them. Then you will know how to work with Photoshop cs6, for example.

Right program area

This area of ​​the workspace is regulated using a special tab, where by default it says "Main workspace". There will be a color palette, a field with correction and styles, as well as a window with layers, channels and contours. You can change the environment to a space for photography, drawing, movement and other adjustments.

Additional panels for work


Now you know how to work in Photoshop and have learned the basic tools of the program. And from now on, you can fully use the various instructions on the Internet, which describe many interesting lessons on creating amazing effects. From now on, your imagination will work for you, and all your ideas will be brought to life. Share your first work in the comments. Fruitful work, dear friends!

I bring to your attention an excellent tutorial on Photoshop - "The official training course in Russian for Adobe Photoshop CS6".
This is the official curriculum for the program, part of the famous "Classroom in a Book" series.
The book is useful for both beginners and experienced users who want to get the most out of Adobe Photoshop CS6.
The entire course is a series of simple, well-chosen step by step instructions, which are grouped into 14 sections. Each section is a lesson on a specific topic, allowing you to practice the tools of Adobe Photoshop CS6 and learn how to work with hot keys.
Everything is covered here - from getting started with photos and working with layers, to using mix brushes and creating three-dimensional images, as well as working with video material in a video editor.

What is in the text file:
Beginning of work
1. Getting to know the workspace
2. Fundamentals of Photo Correction
3. Working with selected areas
4. Working with layers
5. Correction and enhancement of digital photos
6. Masks and channels
7. Text decoration
8. Vector drawing technique
9. Composing
10. Video editing
11. Painting with a mix brush
12. Working with 3D objects
13. Preparing Files for the World Wide Web
14. Printing and color management
Subject index

Name: Adobe Photoshop CS6. Official training course
Author: Adobe Creative Team
Publisher: M.: Eksmo
Year: 2013
Format: PDF
Pages: 432
Genre: Tutorial
Russian language
Size: 144.47 Mb

But, since this manual is a step-by-step lesson, provided with theoretical references, additional material will be needed for those who want to repeat these lessons in practice. Download links for additional content are provided below. Each section corresponds to a link to the material with the corresponding number.
So, for example, if you decide to study Section 10 - VIDEO EDITING -
you need to download the file, unzip it, open a text document in section 10, and also launch Adobe Photoshop CS6 Extended (since only the extended version has the ability to work with video).

Additional materials are image files, PSD files, video files, etc. necessary for completing the lesson.

Now about the Adobe Photoshop CS6 Extended program itself.
Further on the links, according to the bitness of your system, you can download a portable full version Adobe Photoshop CS6 (Extended) with almost the latest updates.

I strongly advise you to download this manual and try to study it. I assure you, you will definitely find interesting points for yourself in this manual. The possibilities of Adobe Photoshop CS6 are very great, learn about them as much as possible.
With great pleasure I worked with lesson 12 "WORKING WITH THREE-DIMENSIONAL OBJECTS"
Using the materials for the lesson and the standard 3-d shapes that Photoshop has, as well as the ability to create 3-d text, and following step by step all the instructions from the manual, I made just such a 3-d composition. During the lesson, I mastered how to position objects on the stage, change the camera angle, move objects using the 3D Axis widget, apply materials to -3-d objects, and work with scene lighting. Here is my result for lesson 12

Adobe Photoshop - a universal program for web designers, content managers, photographers and videographers, animators, media editors and ordinary PC users. The program does everything possible with the files: changes backgrounds, connects two and more photos into one, corrects and changes colors, adds effects and inscriptions, allows you to create your own images and site layouts.

We have selected the best free photoshop video tutorials for self-study at home from scratch.

Photoshop for beginners. Photoshop interface overview

Novice retouchers and designers start by learning the program's interface. The lesson is introductory and purely theoretical, necessary for mastering a new course. First, let's find out what tools and functions the program window contains. Backgrounds, palettes, tools for working with images and text - there are a lot of tabs and shortcuts on the toolbar, you can get confused at first. Some tools, commands, and settings differ between versions. Having studied one, it becomes easy to navigate the rest. The next step is to learn the “hot keys” that speed up the work.

How to properly cut out a background or object in Photoshop

The teleport has not yet been invented, but with the help of Photoshop, in an instant you can be transported from summer cottages to the Champs Elysees. Quick and easy: cut out the image and transfer it to another prepared background. The video tutorial shows how to use the lasso, brush, pen and eraser tools. With their help, the desired object is selected, cut out and carefully transferred to a new background. It also shows how to work with the background: blur, adjust the color and saturation. Professionals say that the work of replacing the background is the easiest, and therefore they recommend that beginners start with it.

How to change the color of anything in photoshop

The problem of color replacement is also solved quickly. The author of the video tutorial gives two ways to change the color of anything, even hair: using an adjustment layer and using a brush. The first way is automatic and fast. The second is painstakingly done by hand and resembles a children's coloring book. Only the functionality of the palette is wider: you can change and correct color tones and saturation. The activity gives room for creativity and imagination.

How to Quickly Improve a Photo in Photoshop

Often people go to Photoshop to improve the quality of photos. With the help of the program, many variants of one photo are created. Add magical haze, enhance fog, work with saturation, contrast, create additional volume. As a result, the photo becomes colorful, expressive, juicy and looks natural, creating the effect of presence. Techniques from the video lesson are used with all types of photos in the sequence you like. Over time, learn to create your own image enhancement techniques.

How to Remove Extra Objects from a Photo in Photoshop

Removing unnecessary objects from a photo is monotonous and monotonous. Master the Stamp and Healing Brush tools with the help of a video tutorial - and then time and practice will turn a beginner into a professional. The author of the video recommends using latest version Photoshop and shows options for removing small and large objects, from a cigarette butt to a person on a bicycle. The lesson gives advice on choosing the diameter and hardness of the brush used, shows the mistakes of beginner retouchers and options for working with the tool. Separate moments (the degree of pressure, shading and frequency of strokes) are reminiscent of working with art supplies.

Frame tool, perspective cropping and cutting

The video tutorial teaches cropping and rotating an image, changing the angle of rotation and creating perspective, zooming in and out of an object, cutting an image into pieces. Showing options for cutting pictures into equal and different parts for collages or other web needs. Illustrated work with markers and grids. The author gives advice on saving the resulting images in the correct quality and format.

5 tricks every Photoshopper should know

Each updated version of the program is smarter and faster than the previous one. The author of the video clip shows the benefits of the updated CC2018 program. First of all, beginners will be helped by the interactive learning function, which is now built into the program itself in the form of step-by-step instructions. The selection and brush tools have been improved to be smarter and work almost automatically. We recommend watching the tutorial on how to find new features on the taskbar.

Toning in Adobe Photoshop

Toning photos in Photoshop is done for artistic purposes. The video tutorial is based on processing a portrait in three simple but effective ways and shows how to improve the color range by making it saturated. Toning involves adjusting the color balance using the teal & orange technique, that is, in blue-green and orange scales. After watching, learn how to work with light and shadow curves, channel mixing, sliders to align colors and change digital vibration values, make light and radical toning.

25 Photoshop Secrets and Tricks

Knowing the secrets of professionals will help you reach an advanced level of program proficiency: convenient key combinations, horizon correction, cloning image fragments, creating a retro effect and converting to black and white photo. Experienced retouchers find ways to solve problems in a matter of minutes that a beginner would spend half a day working on. Increasing the level of ownership of the settings, users eventually invent author's life hacks. The video clip will show 25 such secrets.

Website design from scratch in Adobe Photoshop

Photoshop is used in web design, or website creation. The work is painstaking and requires knowledge in design, color, arithmetic and geometry. The lesson shows an example of creating a page for an online store. The author of the video recommends starting with the definition of the scale and the choice of colors and comments on the creative process in a language understandable for beginners. Using the lesson as an example, it is possible to create a one-page website, an electronic business card or a landing page without ordering paid development services.

How to Create an Interior Collage in Photoshop from Scratch

In interior design, a program is used to create a sketch of a room. The method of creating collages is used by both professional designers and those who started redevelopment of an apartment or office on their own. Collages are visual and are used for notes in the process of work. To create a living room layout, you will need a superficial knowledge of Photoshop and a small number of tools. Images of interior items are previously found on the Internet, and then transferred to the workspace, creating a conceived composition on the basis of a mosaic or puzzle.

All more people looking for free Photoshop training. This question is especially relevant for beginner users of Adobe Photoshop. If you also want to learn the popular Photoshop as quickly as possible, then you've come to the right place!

It's no secret that Photoshop is the most popular photo editor in the world. This program deservedly won world fame. After all, the possibilities that Photoshop provides for processing photos are truly endless! The abundance of functions and various tools gives huge advantages when processing any graphic images. The possibilities of the program are limited only by your skills and imagination!

But at the same time, it is worth recognizing that not every user can master the Adobe Photoshop program on their own. To be honest, even the developers cannot confidently say that they know Photoshop thoroughly. After all, hundreds of people are working on the creation of this program.

Photoshop training available even for beginners from scratch?

However, do not think that Photoshop is difficult! Beginners can immediately start using the basic tools of Photoshop and easily perform simple operations. But if you want to learn how to fully use the program, additional training is indispensable.

The portal site was just created so that any novice Photoshop user could easily find answers to their questions. On our site you will find simple step-by-step text and video tutorials on Adobe Photoshop. There are also wonderful articles and tutorials on Photoshop for beginners from scratch. All training materials are presented in a simple step-by-step form, so they will be understandable even to an absolutely unprepared person. Lessons are updated every day!

If you value your time and want to fully learn Photoshop as soon as possible, then the Photoshop Courses section has been created for you. It provides comprehensive step-by-step video courses. Therefore, you have quite a choice. You can get free training: on our website you will find thousands of text and video tutorials on Photoshop. Or you can speed up the learning process as much as possible by adopting the many years of experience of the leading authors of our site, presented in a simple and understandable form in the form of paid video courses.

You can also join the team of thousands of like-minded people of our portal. The site is visited daily by tens of thousands of fans of photo and video processing. There is a large Photoshop forum where you can discuss any topic and get answers to your questions from experienced users.

Also on our site various Photoshop contests are constantly held. You can not only test your strength, but also win various prizes!

For those who have knowledge and extensive practical experience with Adobe Photoshop, we can offer to become one of the authors of our portal. This will give you the opportunity not only to "glorify" your name among many thousands of Photoshop users, but also to earn money for your knowledge and work.

Join the friendly team of the Photoshop Master site! We are always glad to new readers, subscribers and like-minded people. Together with us Photoshop training will be easy, interesting and very exciting!