How to put a photo on a contact in Android - close people are always there. How to set a large photo on an Android smartphone call How to set a photo on an Android contact

A contact photo in full screen is not only beautiful, but also informative. But, unfortunately, for many Android smartphones, the photo of a contact during a call takes up a very small window, which is very inconvenient. I will tell you how you can take a photo of the caller on the whole screen of the phone.

What should happen:

Before making a picture full screen, let's figure out how to set a photo to a contact.

It's not difficult at all. Keep a couple of ways how it can be done:

  • Through the Contacts app

Open the phonebook and select the desired contact.

  • Click on the edit contact icon.
  • In the editing window, click on the image of a man (indicated by an arrow in the photo below)

The system will prompt you to select a photo from the gallery or take a new photo with your smartphone camera.

  • Set photo to contact via standard gallery

Open the Gallery app on your phone and select the desired image.

  • Click on the more options button, in this case the three dots in the top right corner.

  • We are interested in the option Set picture as"Let's click on it. We are offered to choose as what this picture will be.

  • We press the button " Contact photo” and select the area in the picture that should be displayed when calling and confirm with “OK”.

Now, during a call, the selected picture will be displayed.

#2 How to take a photo in full screen

And so, we have set a photo for a contact, now let's figure out how to make it full screen during a call.

On some devices, the photo is displayed full screen by default when making a call. But what if your smartphone does not support this feature? In this case, special utilities will help us, we will consider one of them below.

Download Ultimate Caller ID Screen HD from Play Market Download Ultimate Caller ID Screen HD via direct link

The application is one of the best of its kind, has a friendly interface and a large number of settings. Let's take a closer look at the settings.


Key features:

  • Caller photo in full screen in HD quality
  • incoming sms full screen
  • Full screen notification of missed calls
  • Black list (black list) of calls
  • Call management with gestures
  • And other settings

The free version of the program supports:

  • Photo when calling full screen
  • Call blocking
  • Gesture control

Program settings:

The application has a lot of settings. You can change almost everything - the call window, a large number of gesture parameters, notifications, and more. Even the most experienced user will like it.

When you first start the application, a setup wizard will open, which will guide you step by step to set the optimal values.

Now, through the built-in contact manager, you need to assign pictures for subscribers. After that, the caller's photo will be displayed in full screen.

Wide functionality made operating system Android is quite popular. One of the most convenient functions is linking a photo to a contact. In this case, when calling, there is no need to read the text, since a fleeting glance at the user's profile photo is enough to understand “who is calling”. There are several ways to attach a photo to a contact. Choose the most convenient for you.

How to put a photo on a contact in Android

An important rule to keep in mind. Before starting the installation, make sure that your contacts are saved in the device memory or on Google account. Otherwise, if the contacts are recorded only on the SIM card, you will not be able to launch this function. Be sure to copy and save your changes.

The first way is to install a photo through smartphone contacts

Convenient and easy way. Follow a series of simple "steps" in sequence:

1) Open device contacts.

2) Select the contact to which you want to attach an image.

3) A silhouette of a person will appear in a pop-up tab, click on it. And choose from two options where the photo will be added to the profile.

4) The "gallery" option is simpler. After selecting a photo from the "gallery", the "albums" tab will open. You need to crop the selected photo. You do this with a movable square or round area. By moving the area, stop the selection on the part of the picture that seems more suitable. Resize the image proportionally if desired.

5) Finally, click "OK" - and the picture will be installed.

If you select the second option "take a photo", the camera icon will open. Next, take pictures and when the preview appears, tap on the “tick”. That's it - the photo is attached to the profile and will appear when you call.

The second way is to change the contact on Android

Follow a series of sequential steps:

1) Open the contact manager and find the one on which you decided to put a photo.

2) Click on a contact and then click on the pencil icon in the upper right corner of the screen. Select Edit from the list of commands that appears. Next, change the settings, including "add photo".

3) Click on the silhouette of a person or on the camera icon, in the new tab that opens, make a choice between taking a photo from the “Gallery”, or “taking a photo using the camera”.

4) After choosing the source of the photo and adjusting it, do not forget to save. If this button is missing, then all changes will be applied without confirmation.

The third way is "from the Gallery"

The sequence of actions when installing a photo in this way is as simple as in the previous two. You need to take the following "steps":

1) Open the Gallery app (Album) on your smartphone.

2) Find the desired photo.

3) While holding down the photo, go to the menu (in the right corner of the screen) and select "Set image as".

4) The picture is set to the desired profile.

Video: setting the image

Installing a photo on the entire screen of the device using the programs Ultimate Call Screen HD, Full Screen Caller ID

In order for the photo to be displayed in full screen of the device, you need special applications from Google Play market. There are many such applications, consider the most popular and functional of them. The most commonly used programs are Ultimate Caller ID Screen HD and Full Screen Caller ID.

Ultimate Caller ID Screen HD

The program displays the caller's contact photo in full screen mode. In addition, messages that come to you can also be displayed in full screen. The functionality of the program allows you to customize the photo for each person separately. Your contact list will always be in perfect order - the program will sort by images. Additionally, Caller ID Screen can block calls and add numbers of "guilty" users to the black list, as well as set up commands through gestures. Feature of the program - it is able to reject incoming call if you don't want to answer.

Consider the sequence of actions for attaching an image using this program:

  • Select "Contact Manager" from the menu (in this case, a single screen will be installed for everyone).
  • To set an individual photo, tap on the desired name. The menu will open.
  • Select the source you want to take the image from.
  • You can preview how the installed photo will look. Ready.
  • Step-by-step instructions for installing a photo on a contact with Ultimate Caller ID Screen HD

    Video: Attaching a Photo to a Contact with Ultimate Caller ID Screen HD

    Full Screen Caller ID

    A program with one function - opens a photo of a person in full screen when he calls you. However, some like this minimalism.

    Video: instruction "how to set a contact photo using Full Screen Caller ID"

    Live Full Screen Caller ID

    Another good program for setting a picture on a user's contact. The application is free and shows in full screen a photo when you call or an incoming message. The program menu allows you to change themes, set up control commands on the smartphone screen. There is also a big disadvantage of the application - too many ads, which reduces the user experience.

    There are, of course, a number of programs for displaying photos on your device in full screen, for example - FreeCaller, SkyeCaller PRO, SmartCom.

    How to fix difficulties when setting a photo on a call

    Sometimes, despite the efforts, it is not possible to attach a photo to a user's profile. Let's consider these problems.

    The photo is not attached

    Perhaps the most common problem. The reasons can be very different, for example - perhaps you did not click on the “tick” or a bug suddenly happened. First of all, check your contact list. If there is a “human silhouette” in place of the selected profile, then the image remains unattached. Then repeat one of the methods described above.

    The contact is recorded only on the SIM card

    As noted above: if you wrote down the number only on a SIM card, then the image cannot be installed. Therefore, the way to solve the difficulty is to move all contacts to the device's memory.

    Operating system problem

    A system error can also be the reason that does not allow you to fix the photo. You will have to restart your smartphone. If nothing happened - the image did not attach - then reflash the system. Did not help? It remains to contact technical support.

    Now you can easily attach an image to any of your contacts. And if you download programs from Google Play - MarketCaller ID Screen HD and Full Screen Caller ID, you can set the full screen mode of the displayed picture. Dare!

    There are several ways to add a photo to a contact on your phone. In this case, the picture can be taken instantly, as well as select a picture from the device gallery. Additional software is also used for these purposes. It has advanced features and a more user-friendly interface than the pre-installed manager. Let's look at three main ways to add a caller photo on an Android device.

    To set a photo for a contact, use the following algorithm:

    1. Go to the main menu of the phone.
    2. Select the "Contacts" section.
    3. Find the desired contact or start typing the name of the person whose call you want to put a photo on. The result will be displayed under the search bar.
    4. Select a person, and then click on the area designated for the photo. Two options will be displayed: "Take photo" and "Select from gallery".
    5. If you want to take a photo immediately, select "Take photo". A dialog box will appear asking you to select the device through which the image will be taken (if you have additional camera software). Select the program with which you usually take photos.
    6. Crop the resulting image using the editor. During a call, only the selected area will simply be displayed. Confirm the completion of the operation. The photo is now attached to the selected contact.
    7. If you already have a picture in mind, then select "Go to Gallery". Tap on the desired image, edit it, and it will also be added to the description of the selected subscriber.

    It is a small offshoot of what has already been described. To perform it, do the following manipulations:

    This option will be useful for users who do not support uploading photos by simply clicking on the corresponding field (this method is described above).

    1. Go to the gallery of your Android device.
    2. Choose a photo that you would like to see as an illustration for the subscriber's call. Open the image in full screen mode.
    3. In the lower corner of the device, select "Settings" ("Operations"), and then click "Set image as ...".
    4. Click on Contact Photo. You will automatically move to the phone book.
    5. Select the person's name or start typing it in the search bar. Click on a contact.
    6. Edit the size of the photo using the preinstalled program.
    7. This completes the photo installation process.

    Programs for working with contacts

    There is a fairly extensive list of manager programs that (among other functions) allow you to add and process photos of subscribers. Here is a partial list of such applications:

    • Ultimate Caller ID Screen HD. An application for working with the list of contacts and incoming calls. Allows you to quickly set an image for a contact, block callers, select a ringtone, etc.;

    Now we will look at how to put your photo on a contact on an Android phone so that it appears when you call and preferably a large size. We will perform actions using the standard functionality of a smartphone, as well as third-party applications.

    This article is suitable for all brands that produce phones on Android 10/9/8/7: Samsung, HTC, Lenovo, LG, Sony, ZTE, Huawei, Meizu, Fly, Alcatel, Xiaomi, Nokia and others. We are not responsible for your actions.

    Attention! You can ask your question to a specialist at the end of the article.

    Android Standard Tools

    To work with this method, it is required that the contacts are in the device's memory or in a Google account. If all the necessary contacts are located in the memory of the SIM card, then transfer them to your smartphone.

    Method 1

    We execute the instruction:

    • Click on the "Contacts" application.
    • Specify the required contact. Click on the place for the picture on the page of this contact.
    • A drop-down tab will be displayed in which we click on the required option, for example, “Select from gallery”.

    Android will show a "What to use" prompt. Here you need to specify the storage location, here it is "Gallery".

    In the "Gallery" select the appropriate photo, and then click on the "Crop" function. A frame that can be moved with your finger will be shown.

    This specifies the desired fragment to display the contact. When the choice is ready, click "Finish". After that, during phone calls, the desired user will be shown on the screen.


    Please note that the entrance to Friend Around is detailed on the site

    Method 2

    Open the gallery, find a suitable picture and open it. Then we go to the action menu by clicking on the 3 dots on the right or on the 3 dashes on the left at the bottom of the screen window.
    A list will open, in which we click "Set image as". Then a window will be displayed where we indicate "Contact Photo".


    The phone book will open. We find a contact to install a previously selected photo. A frame will appear that you can move with your finger to select the appropriate fragment. Click save "OK".


    Special software

    Ultimate Caller ID Screen HD

    The functionality of the utility allows you to display the image on the entire screen of the gadget and work as a contact picture manager. The software can drop calls or block incoming calls, you just need to turn the phone down with the screen.


    Now during phone call The selected image will be displayed in full screen.


    The Viber application among Android users is very popular. If this messenger is installed by the user, then you can use this method of setting an avatar for a contact.

    It is important that the user's profile picture is set in Viber. We transfer this picture to the telephone directory according to the following instructions:

    • Go to Viber, click on "Contacts".
    • We indicate the necessary contact in the list, click on "Free message". We write a message with arbitrary content, send it. This is done in order to create a conversation with the selected contact.
    • Delete this contact from the phone book. In Viber, the correspondence with this person remained saved.
    • We go back to Viber, open the existing correspondence, scroll to the right. Then the data about the chat participants will be shown.
    • Click on the desired user, add him to contacts. After that, the subscriber will be displayed on Android in account. The phone directory will display the number of this person and his photo used in the Viber profile.

    Possible problems and solutions

    Unable to attach a photo to a contact

    Did you follow the instructions, but the photo could not be attached to the contact? There is a chance that you did not confirm the operation during the process. An error might have occurred.

    In this situation, you need to check the contact's profile in the phone book. Being in the avatar area with a light or dark silhouette (standard picture) means that your actions did not link the photo to the contact. It is necessary to repeat all the steps of the instruction again.

    The contact is in the phone's memory

    On the Android system, photos are played only in the situation when the contacts are in the memory of the device, and not the SIM card. This can be checked by transferring all contacts to the phone memory:

    • We go into the address book, click on the optional menu.
    • Increase
    • Select "Copy Contacts".
    • Increase
    • We choose that the contacts need to be copied from the SIM card.

    After purchasing a new or used Android phone, each of us wants to customize the device for ourselves to the maximum. In this material, the Mobimanual website offers detailed instructions, with which each user can easily and quickly put a photo on a contact so that when a call is made, the screen shows the image of the caller. The article will outline several methods, choose the most suitable one for yourself!

    Important: Be sure to make sure that the contacts are in the phone's memory or Google account, as this function does not work with those contacts that are stored on the SIM card. Therefore, if necessary, you first need to copy all your contacts to the phone's memory.

    3 ways to set a photo to a contact in Android phone

    Programs for setting a photo for a contact and an incoming call

    The functionality of some of them allows you to make finest tuning and achieve the desired result in just a few simple steps.

    it multifunctional program on Android to work with incoming calls. It allows you to quickly put the desired photo on full screen for any contact from your phone's memory. It has commendable user reviews both on its official page in the Google Play store and on various thematic forums. But on some devices, it is still not without jambs. We hope that in new versions the developers will remove all errors.

    Among other functions, it is worth highlighting the blacklist and call blocking. Perhaps the highlight of Ultimate Caller ID Screen HD is the ability to reject incoming call without pressing any buttons. To do this, you just need to pick up the phone and turn it upside down.

    According to statistics, today it is one of the most popular apps in your subject. Full Screen Caller ID PRO can install pictures from the device's memory, immediately from the camera, or even take a picture from a Facebook account to contacts. In this case, you can use the multifunctional design settings - choose the best font and text color in your opinion.

    An interesting and very cool feature of this application is reading aloud the name of the subscriber during an incoming call.

    Free app with a lot of features. Like the others above, it displays a high-quality photo of the subscriber when making a call or SMS message on the entire screen of the Android device.

    The interface and control functions of HD Caller ID is extremely simple and intuitive.