Troubleshooting Windows Photo Viewer problem. Pictures are not displayed in folders, what should I do? Why can't I view photos on my computer

In this life hack, we will tell you why pictures do not open in the Yandex browser and How to turn it on them in the settings.

To begin with, let's take a look why pictures are not displayed in Yandex browser. Firstly, this may be due to updates that are periodically released. Second, installing a third-party software may affect settings. Thirdly, viruses and other malware. As we can see, the reasons why missing pictures in Yandex browser (not loaded) can be many and they are not limited to those listed.

How to understand that it is Yandex browser that does not load pictures, because there can be many other reasons, from banal problems on the site itself, to the same viruses. If it is the browser that is to blame, then in the address bar, on the right, you will see such an icon. So what do you do if Yandex browser does not load images?

How to enable the display of pictures in the Yandex browser

You need to follow a few simple steps:

1. Click on the button and select settings

2. In the search for settings, we drive in pictures

3. In the "Personal data" section, click "Content settings"

4. Put a tick on "Pictures: Show all", and therefore, in order to disable images in Yandex browser, a tick on "Pictures: Do not show" and the button "Finish".

Now you know why images are not loading in the Yandex browser (does not display on the page), and most importantly, how to enable and disable image loading in Yandex browser.

The problem that Windows Photo Viewer cannot open an image is one of the most common in the media field. There are several options for fixing the error, which we will consider in this article.

Causes of the problem

There is no main reason why the photo viewer stops functioning normally. Most often the problem is caused by:

  • exposure to viruses;
  • file association problem;
  • system library failure.


Let's look at each of the reasons and how to solve them.

Note! All actions specified in the article apply only in the operating room. Windows system 7.

Virus check

There is no universal protection against viruses, especially since you can infect your computer without knowing anything about it. In most cases, such malware is the main contributor to such failures.

To fix this problem, scan your computer with an antivirus or use a portable program like Dr. Web CureIt!”, on the example of which the following instruction is written:

Note! The appearance of the program may differ from the screenshots given due to its updates, but the principle of operation remains the same.

  1. Run the downloaded version of Dr. Web CureIt! ".
  2. Confirm your consent to send computer scan statistics to Doctor Web by checking the appropriate box (otherwise you will not be able to use the program) → Click Continue.
    If you see a message that the virus databases are out of date, download the program again and run it already.
  3. Click the "Start scan" button to start scanning Windows system partitions.

    Advice! If you want to scan the entire computer, then select the objects to scan by clicking the appropriate button. In the list of objects, select, first of all, drive C. This way you will save your time, because in 90% of cases the viruses that affect the system are located on it, but not on other drives.

  4. General information about the progress of the scan and the list of found threats will be displayed in the window. You can pause or interrupt the process of the program.

    Attention! When checking system processes and random access memory pause check is not available!

  5. Detected threats will be displayed in the window. To eliminate them, click the "Defuse" button.

After that, restart your computer and check if the image viewer issue is resolved.

File association setting

Often, updating the system or installing individual programs can cause a failure in the file association. Each application has a database containing a list of supported file extensions. Sometimes the items in this list are disabled.

This is manifested in the fact that the image is not opened by the default program. To correct the situation, do the following:

This method is only suitable for files with a specific extension. To restore the correct file association for all kinds of images, follow these steps:

Check again if the program can display photos or images.

Library Crash Troubleshooting

Sometimes the system crashes with the shimgvw.dll library responsible for the operation of the photo viewer, so it needs to be re-registered, and then check the system files.

After that, check the opening of the images again.


The considered problems of the inoperability of the Windows Photo Viewer have not the simplest, but comprehensive solutions.

To check your computer for viruses, use an antivirus, including a portable one. Before re-registering the system library and scanning system files for problems, make sure that the image viewer has all the necessary file associations set.

For a long time I have not written anything for beginners, basically, I write already for quite experienced specialists. So to remedy this situation, I decided to write an article on the topic of the most frequent question that I constantly receive: "". In this article I will try to analyze all the reasons, Why is the image not showing up on the site? based on what I have seen in my students.

Let's not drag out the rubber, but immediately get down to business.

First mistake

One who already knows well HTML, will instantly find an error in this code. And the error here is syntactical, since the attribute " scr"does not exist, but it is correct to write" src". The error is very common, so I decided to put it first.

Second mistake

There are no errors in the code here, however, if you dig deeper, the name of the picture is most likely indicated incorrectly. Often file extensions disabled in OS, Consequently, image.jpg is just the file name, no extension. To solve the problem, you need enable showing file extensions in folder properties, then see that the file is called, for example, like this: " image.jpg.png", and write this name in src.

Third mistake

Again the code is correct, however, the picture is still not displayed. If the previous paragraph did not help, then, most likely, the browser just disabled the display of images. Turn on the display of images in the browser, and your image should appear.

Fourth mistake

Very often the mistake is that path is misspelled. And they simply rip off this path from somewhere (from my site, from books, from my courses, or from somewhere else), without thinking that this is only a path, and not the picture itself. And it should contain the image itself. In most cases, it's not even close. Sometimes there is a picture, but the path is written incorrectly. Here you just need be able to write relative paths. It all starts from the directory in which this page is located, then we write the directory in which the picture is located, and then we write the name of the picture through a slash. If there is another directory on the path to the image, then we write it as well (for example, like this: " images/photo/user1.jpg"). If the page itself is in the internal directory, as well as the picture, then you need to use " ../ " (for example, like this: " ../images/image.jpg"). Everything is simple, but for some reason problems arise.

I analyzed all the mistakes that I managed to remember in my practice. If you have image not showing on website, then 99.9% that you will find the solution here, so carefully review the entire article and think about what is wrong with you. And always remember that error can be complex. For example, a syntax error, the path is incorrect, and the name is spelled incorrectly. This also happens, so check yourself for each mistake, and after correcting them, the picture will definitely appear on your site.

There is a proverb “One picture says more than a thousand words”. This expression is especially justified in the Web sphere, where the concentration of attention is scattered, and therefore the right image can attract or scare away the visitor. When it comes to getting attention, it's worth directing the user in the right direction in order for the user to achieve your goal. So on a website, images can really be worth more than a thousand words!
Given the importance of using images, let's consider the situation where an image is on the site but is not loading. This can happen if you have inline images that are part of HTML or background images applied with CSS. It is also relevant that Google is now reducing JPEG files by 35% using the new Guetzli algorithm, more.

The bottom line is that when graphic image doesn't load on the page, it makes the design look broken and in some cases can completely ruin the user experience on the site.

Let's take a look at some of the common reasons why images might not show up on a site, and what you should check when testing a website. To convert images, use , which will simplify your work with pictures and their further placement on the site.

Wrong way
When you add images to a site's HTML or CSS file, you must create a path to the location in your directory structure where those files are located. This code tells the browser where to display the image. In most cases, the pictures are in the "images" folder. If the path to this folder and the files inside it are not correct, the images will not load properly because the browser will not be able to get the correct files.
The browser will follow the specified path, and if there is no corresponding image location, it will be empty.
Debugging image loading issues is to check that the path to the image is correct. You may have specified the wrong directory or incorrectly specified the path to this directory. If this is not the case, you may have another problem, which we will look into next!

Invalid file name
After you have verified that the file path is correct, check that the specified image name is correct. In our practice, the most common cause of an image display error is an error in the title or an incorrectly specified image title. Remember that browsers do not understand errors, even if you misspelled just one letter, the image will not load.

Incorrect file extension
In some cases, when specifying the correct file name and path, the error appears when the file extension is incorrect. If you uploaded an image in .jpg, and the HTML format is .png, there will be a problem. Check if the image format matches the specified format in the code.
Also note that if you use .JPG (all capital letters) and .jpg (small letters) in the title, some web servers may not load the images. We recommend that you keep the name of the images without using capital letters, this will help to avoid errors when uploading images.

Load error
If you correctly specified the path name, as well as file extensions, and the image is still not displayed, it is worth checking whether this image has been uploaded to the server without errors.
Inadvertently uploading files to the server when launching a site is a common mistake that is easy to miss. How to fix this problem?
Upload the desired images, refresh your web page and it should display the files right away. You can also try to delete the image on the server and re-upload it. It may seem strange, but it really works. Sometimes files get corrupted, so this "delete and replace" method can help.

Image server unavailable
You usually store almost all pictures on your server, but there are also pictures that are hosted on other servers. So, if another server is not available, then the pictures may not be displayed.

Display problems
Whether the image file is loaded from an external domain or from your own, there's always a chance that there might be a problem displaying that file when it's requested by a browser. This is not common (if it is, you may need a new one), but it can happen from time to time.
The downside of this problem is that you can't really do anything about it, as it's a problem out of your control. The good news is that a temporary issue is often resolved fairly quickly. For example, when someone sees a broken page and refreshes it, that alone will often fix the problem and load the images correctly. If you see a broken image, refresh your browser to see if it was a transfer issue - your original request.

And finally...
When you think about using images, there are two things to keep in mind: proper use of ALT tags, site speed, and overall performance.
ALT (alternative text) - the text that is displayed if the image is not loaded. It is also an important building block for websites that can be used by people with disabilities. Every inline image on your site should have an appropriate ALT tag. Note that images applied with CSS do not have this attribute.
In terms of website performance, loading too many images, or even a few giant images that are not properly optimized, will also have a negative impact on loading speed. For this reason, be sure to check the impact of any images you use in your site design and take whatever steps are necessary to improve the performance of that site while still creating a common appearance suitable for your internet project.

This material is a translation from the site

It is also important to optimize the images on your site. What is it for? Read more in the next one.

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The fashion to store files in electronic format has long taken root with us. Now it is very difficult to meet a person who does not have a PC. By the way, what Windows version installed on your computer? Most users started with the first version operating systems from Microsoft, for example from XP, and gradually migrated to more advanced ones. And so, you have been collecting files from trips or memorable events for years: videos and photos, making sure that all important moments are captured and memories of them remain.

System imperfection

However, no system, even the most perfect one, is immune from failures. And it happens that the software produces some kind of error that directly affects the files. And in most cases, in the photo located on our computer. In this case, you should not look for the extreme, but take a closer look at yourself.

Useful advice: just in case, it is better to purchase an external removable drive with a large amount of memory.

Problems viewing photos on social networks

Reasons why photos do not open in social network"Vkontakte" or "Odnoklassniki" in Windows 7, quite a lot. Most likely the problem was outdated version browser, and it just needs to be updated.

It would be a good idea to clear your browser cache. If even now the results are not observed, then the antivirus and its performance are checked. In extreme cases, you will need to restore the computer system, but it is better not to resort to this, and it does not happen so often.

Computer problem?

First of all, you need to check the presence of all required drivers, maybe you accidentally uninstalled them, or some virus got into your Windows 7 and deleted a couple of drivers. It also happens that a new PC or laptop may not support the photo format, but if everything is in order with this, you need to scan the system using an antivirus.

There are situations that photos cannot be viewed on Windows 7 due to the properties of the folders where they are stored. To solve the problem, you need to right-click on the problem folder and go to the "properties" menu. Here the item "" is selected. This method in most cases helps if the photos are damaged or lost in the vastness of the computer folders.

Another possible reason

If the previous method did not help, then you can try the following. Open Start - Go to Windows 7 Control Panel - Folder Management / Folder Options.

A window will open in front of you, in which you need to select the View tab, and after it - add. options. In the last tab, you need to uncheck the item: "Display icons only."

Photos lost

In case you lost your photos and can't find them in any way, Hetman Photo Recovery will come to the rescue. This utility allows you to find media files on memory cards, hard and external drives and other removable media connected to your computer under Windows control 7. It can recover even files from which there are miserable tiny bytes left. Advanced functionality does not create difficulties in using the program.

The photo has been deleted

It happens in life that users accidentally click on the “Delete” button and delete a photo. In this case, the Wondershare Photo Recovery software will help.

You can use absolutely any program to recover deleted data, but the above utility is universal.