Gives an error message. Why can't a jpeg file (photo) open in Photoshop? Gives an error How to resolve the error when executing the request due to problems with the interpretation of jpeg data

There are many potential causes of file corruption:

  • Crash when saving a file, especially on a network or when using external drives; unexpected power outage
  • Damaged cables
  • Problems in data transmission over the network
  • Software bugs
  • Problems with hard drives or RAM modules

However, damage is rare. If you find that one or more files are corrupted, determine the reason for this in order to prevent problems in the future when trying to restore files.

Determine the cause

First, you should determine if the corruption is limited to one file or spreads over several to reduce potential data damage.

If only one file is corrupted, there may be a glitch on your computer that you didn't notice or that you don't think is related to the file.

If several files are damaged, look for certain patterns:

  • Does the corruption only affect files in one location (folder, HDD, network, or removable media)?
  • Were the files created or modified around the same time?
  • Were there any changes to the computer when the files were last modified?
  • Does file corruption appear when you print it the same as when you view it on screen?

If you see a pattern that indicates that the files are related to shared hardware, check your cables, try a different connector or use a different hard drive, or try using a hard drive instead of a network drive.

If the files have been corrupted recently and have no time limit, the RAM module may not be functioning properly.

If you added to your computer software Around the same time that the images were corrupted, there might be a problem with the app or the update. Check for software updates, or vice versa, check if apps have been recently updated, or disable specific apps. Occasionally it happens that antivirus software, programs for Reserve copy or font management applications make changes to files before they are saved, causing corruption.

If the image corruption only appears on the screen (does not affect printed materials), update the display driver. If this does not resolve the issue, contact your graphics card manufacturer.

For Windows, see the guide for instructions on deleting temporary files and disabling all services and startup items in the operating system. It also contains information on how to disable third-party plug-ins in Photoshop by holding down the Shift key immediately after launching Photoshop.

For Mac OS, see the manual for instructions on restoring disk permissions and disabling startup items in the operating system. It also contains information on how to disable third-party plug-ins in Photoshop by holding down the Shift key immediately after launching Photoshop.

Restore the file

If a file is damaged, you can sometimes restore it with layers or as a composite (flattened) file. Appearance file is saved, but the layers will be lost. Sometimes file corruption is irreversible. If you've been archiving regularly, you might end up with a version of the file that was saved before the corruption.

Note. A composite image cannot be restored from a file if "Maximize Compatibility" is disabled in Photoshop Preferences. PSD files and PSB. To always save files in composite format, do the following:

  1. Choose Photoshop > Preferences > File Handling (Mac OS) or Edit > Preferences > File Handling (Windows).
  2. Select Always for Maximize PSD and PSB File Compatibility.
  3. Click the OK button to close the Preferences dialog box.

Try any of the following options to restore the file:

  • Use the Save As command to save the file to a different location with a new name. (For example, use an internal hard drive or a drive that is not removable or networked.)
  • Open backups images to determine which one was saved before the corruption.
  • If you receive one of the following error messages, the filename extension may not be in the correct format:
    • The request failed because the document is not a valid Photoshop document.
    • The request failed because an unknown or invalid JPEG marker type was encountered.
    • The request failed because the file format engine could not parse the file.
    • This file is not a valid Portable Document File (PDF) document. The document cannot be opened.

The solution is given in the section

Surely many of us, working in Adobe program PhotoShop encountered an inability to fulfill the request due to problems with the interpretation of jpeg data. This occurs when processing photos. Are you trying to open an image downloaded from the Internet or taken from hard drive, in Photoshop, and you see a pop-up message about this error before your eyes. This article will discuss why it is sometimes impossible to complete the request, which causes problems with the interpretation of jpeg data, and what needs to be done to get rid of this error.

Unable to complete the request there were problems interpreting the jpeg data

Why does an error occur in Photoshop?

Among the possible reasons for the crash when executing a request due to problems with the interpretation of jpeg data are:

  • damage to the image as a result of a virus attack, which only Photoshop sees, having a more advanced method of checking files for integrity;
  • error in module Adobe Photoshop, which loads a photo in jpeg format into memory - it may incorrectly read data or not take into account any nuances;
  • jpeg file is too big.

Without knowing the true reason for the error with a message that the request was refused, you need to take the steps described below to eliminate problems with the interpretation of jpeg data. At some stage, the error must be corrected. As a result - desired file will open correctly and you can continue working with it.

Ways to resolve an error when executing a request due to problems with the interpretation of jpeg data

If the file is damaged as a result of a virus attack, then scanning the system with an installed antivirus program will help, which will find and neutralize the malicious code. It is advisable to put the antivirus itself in regular scanning mode, but if any errors occur, you must also enable an emergency check.

Most often, it is impossible to complete the request due to problems with jpeg when processing photos in the specified format in Adobe PhotoShop.

Error message in Adobe PhotoShop

What to do if there is a problem with picture playback

If you load an image into the editor, and you cannot work with it further, then you must do the following:

  • open photo in more simple editor, which imposes minimum requirements for image quality (for example, in the system Paint);
  • resave the photo in a different format - to do this, click on the word “File” in the upper left corner of the editor, hover over “Save As” and select the extensions png, jpeg, bmp, gif or others;

Choosing a Format in Paint
  • you can not hover over, but click on “Save as”, then the save menu will appear, where the file type is selected in the drop-down list;

Choosing a format from the drop-down list in Paint
  • then again you need to go into photoshop and open the saved image.

If the problem of interpreting jpeg data has arisen at this stage, then using this method it will be solved.

Image compression method

You can also try to compress the image while maintaining its quality. This is done using online services such as Web Resizer, Image Optimizer, PunyPNG and other convenient tools, and programs - Paint and Adobe PhotoShop.

Consider an example on standard Paint:

  1. open the image in the editor;
  2. click "Resize";
  3. by default, the fields “Percentage” and “Keep proportions” will be selected;
  4. in the “Percentage” field, enter the required number (in our case, 70%).
  5. click OK - the photo in the desired size is ready.

How to resize an image in Paint

Alternatively, try reinstalling Adobe PhotoShop or updating it to latest version. Maybe, outdated version the program does not cope with the functions and causes an error when executing the request due to problems with the interpretation of jpeg data.

    There is special programs just for "broken" photos. They restore the image according to a certain algorithm.
    But from experience I can say that it turns out to restore 10-15 percent, no more.

    Well, then it’s easier to go to the bank and get it done calmly and without any errors

    Just delete the letter E in the jpeg file extension. And you will be happy.

    is there a difference? only in writing is, but the format is the same

    I present to you free program to convert RAW to JPG, as well as to view detailed image data (EXIF) - ShowExif v0.06-16beta.

    Actually it is the same format.
    Its full name is Joint Photographic Experts Group, short for JPEG.
    But in the old operating systems file extensions could not be more than 3 letters. Therefore, the file extension of this format was reduced to 3 letters JPG.
    But other operating systems do not have this restriction, so the extension was not shortened.
    So there are two extension standards for the same file format in parallel.


    If you think only about changing the format, then Paint is the easiest solution.

    Well, or instead of .jpeg write .JPG

    Nothing different. JPG is short for JPEG. Photography expert group :)

    How to convert JPEG to JPG? Win+R write a word cmd, click ok. Write dir folder where the pictures are. Write ren *.jpeg *.jpg. All pictures will become YPG.

    He speaks:
    Nothing different. JPG is short for JPEG. Photography expert group :)

    How to convert JPEG to JPG? Win + R write the word cmd , press ok. Write dir folder where the photos are. Write ren *.jpeg *.jpg. All pictures will become YPG.