Emergency numbers. We call firefighters by mobile phone - list of numbers. If there was an emergency on the street

The article describes how to call the Ministry of Emergency Situations, an ambulance, the police and the gas service from Megafon, Beeline, MTS and Tele2.


People, as a rule, from childhood are very familiar with the numbers by which it was possible to quickly and free of charge contact emergency services such as fire, ambulance, police, gas service. In our time, telephone communication has developed so rapidly that many people began to prefer mobile phones to landline telephones.

But the emergency numbers for cell phones will not always be exactly the same as for home phones. And not all subscribers are familiar with specific numbers. In this article we will tell you how you can get through to one or another emergency service from Megafon, MTS, Beeline and Tele2.

Standard numbers for landlines

To begin with, let us remind you that the standard numbers for calls from your home are “ 01 », « 02 », « 03 », « 04 "- recently began to be introduced in three-digit form:

  • Fire service and the Ministry of Emergency Situations - " 101 »
  • Police - " 102 »
  • Ambulance - " 103 »
  • Emergency gas service - " 104 »

Unified Duty Dispatch Service - EDDS

Today, there is one general rescue service number available, which can be dialed from any cell phone. On this number, subscribers of any cellular operators can contact the rescue service with urgent questions regarding the call of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, ambulance and other services. The number is available for both residents of Russia and residents of the European Union.

Rescue service number - " 112 »

By dialing this number, the owners of mobile phones will contact the nearest UDDS branch of a particular city. That is, the Moscow branch will operate for Moscow, the Omsk branch for Omsk, and so on. The UDDS service worker will answer the call and send a request to the appropriate authorities.

Call to number " 112 »Free, you can call him even if there is no money on the personal account, the SIM card is blocked or is missing on the mobile phone.

How to call an ambulance from a cell phone?

Often there are such unpleasant situations when you need to urgently call an ambulance for relatives or friends, but a person does not know how to do this from a mobile phone. Each mobile operator can have both different and identical numbers for calling emergency services. But calls to them are free.

Ambulance numbers for mobile phones:

  • For "Megafon" - " 030 »
  • For "Beeline" - " 003 »
  • For "MTS" - " 030 »
  • For "Tele2" - " 030 »

You may notice that these numbers differ from the standard " 03 "Only by adding the digit" 0 ", So it won't be difficult to memorize them.

How do I call the police from a cell phone?

In a difficult situation where the help of police officers is required, you can call if you have a cell phone in the EDDS or to a special short number. All calls are free.

Police numbers for mobile phones:

  • For "Megafon" - " 020 »
  • For "Beeline" - " 002 »
  • For "MTS" - " 020 »
  • For "Tele2" - " 020 »

In this case, remembering the numbers is also easy, they are based on the usual " 02 »

How to call the Ministry of Emergency Situations or the fire department from a cell phone?

Emergency Situations or Fire Department numbers for mobile phones:

  • For "Megafon" - " 010 »
  • For "Beeline" - " 001 »
  • For "MTS" - " 010 »
  • For "Tele2" - " 010 »

How do I call the emergency gas service from a cell phone?

Emergency gas service numbers for mobile phones:

  • For "Megafon" - " 040 »
  • For "Beeline" - " 004 »
  • For "MTS" - " 040 »
  • For "Tele2" - " 040 »

Video: You can call an ambulance from your mobile using the same number for all telecom operators

Video: How to call the police from your mobile?

Due to the peculiarities of the GSM digital communication standard, two-digit emergency numbers are not dialed on mobile phones. In this connection, mobile operators offer their customers to use numbers optimized for their system to call ambulance, police, fire service, etc. This review will consider the emergency numbers and methods of calling them by MTS subscribers.

List of major emergency numbers

Sudden incidents, a sharp deterioration in health, road accidents and other unforeseen situations force many people to seek help from emergency services. The first thing they remember in such conditions is short phone numbers: 01, 02, 03, etc. But it is impossible to call them from a mobile phone, because two-digit numbers are not supported by the GSM standard.

To call the desired service, MTS subscribers can use the following three-digit numbers:

  • 010 (01) - fire service;
  • 020 (02) - police;
  • 030 (03) - ambulance service;
  • 040 (04) - gas service.

As you can see, the MTS company tried to make the standard emergency numbers recognizable. For this, the number "zero" was simply added at the end of the numbers. For calling emergency services from a mobile device, money is not debited from the MTS account.

To call an ambulance, gas service or firefighters, subscribers can use the single rescue service number - 112. A universal number is supported by all mobile operators, and you can also call it from landline phones. Immediately after the call, the operator redirects the call to the required service in the subscriber's region.

In what cases will it be impossible to call the emergency service?

There are situations in which MTS users cannot make calls:

  • No network signal;
  • Damage to the SIM card;
  • Blocking a mobile device;
  • Negative account balance.

In such a situation, citizens of the Russian Federation can dial 112 and call the operator even if the above situations arise. It operates on the territory of all countries that are part of the European Union.

Even before the appearance of this number, the government made a statement that a service would appear on the territory of the Russian Federation that would work similarly to the 911 system. In this regard, many mistakenly dial this number instead of 112, which is why they cannot get through to the rescue service.

How to build a dialogue with the operator?

A single emergency number works not only in Russia, but also in other EU countries. After dialing 112, the signal from the subscriber's phone is sent to the mobile system of the corresponding cellular operator. If the connection attempt fails, the call is forwarded to other available networks.

It should be understood that subscribers dial up to the dispatch office, which handles emergency calls from other regions and areas. To redirect a request to the required service, the caller must report:

  1. The reason for contacting the rescue service (accident, feeling unwell, gas leakage);
  2. Where is it located and how you can get to it.

After processing the data, the operator decides which of the emergency services to send to you for assistance.

In a difficult situation, a person may forget about how to properly call the police or an ambulance from a cell phone. In order not to find yourself in a difficult situation, it is recommended to write down all the necessary emergency numbers in the phone book.



Rescuers should be called immediately in the event of an emergency. However, not everyone knows how to call the Ministry of Emergency Situations, and whether government rescuers provide services to individuals. The second question can be answered unequivocally: yes, it does it if necessary. Regarding how exactly to call rescuers, it should be noted that regional offices work with the unification of emergency calls. What does this mean in practical terms? The fact that any citizen has the opportunity to call the Ministry of Emergencies by phone, using a single number, regardless of its territorial location. If you are interested in how to call the Ministry of Emergency Situations from your cell phone, it should be noted that the easiest and fastest way to do this is by contacting the service dispatcher. It is also worth noting that a call to an emergency number can be made even with a negative balance on the phone, so in an emergency there is nothing easier than calling rescuers.

Step-by-step instructions on how to call the Ministry of Emergencies in Moscow

  • you can dial the familiar number 01 for a long time to connect to the single duty dispatching service. This method is useful if you have relevant information on how to call the Ministry of Emergencies from a landline phone. After contacting the dispatcher, explain your situation. You will be redirected to the service that you need: fire department, police, ambulance or Ministry of Emergency Situations.
  • if you need to call rescuers, and the services listed above are irrelevant in your case, you can use the single telephone number of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. In each of the areas it has its own. You can find out the number using the help desk. There is also an emergency number, which is easy to find on the service website. To do this, you need to use the search bar and select your region number from the list that will drop out in the upper right.
  • you should also know how to call the Ministry of Emergencies from a mobile phone, because this is the most efficient way to contact the service. Alas, due to the technical features of cellular communication, it is not possible to use two-digit numbers from a mobile. Therefore, if you dial the familiar number 01, nothing will work. In order to make a call, you need to add one more zero to the number so that the call combination looks like this: 010.
  • You can contact the duty dispatcher of the rescue service using a mobile phone from any Russian region. To do this, dial 112. The operator does not charge a fee for calling this number, and you can use this number even if you have no funds in your account. Moreover, it is possible to call the rescuers by dialing this number even if the SIM card is blocked or not in the phone. A call to this number has priority in relation to any other calls, which means that you can get through to the dispatcher as soon as possible.

In what cases is the Ministry of Emergency Situations called? When to call lifeguards?

On the portal of public services on the world wide Internet there is a page of the Ministry of Emergencies, where the services of rescuers are provided that can save someone's life. Also, there are fire, child and radiation safety dispatchers, anti-corruption services operating around the clock. Site visitors have the opportunity to contact the online emergency service of a psychological nature. Having learned the ways to call rescuers, it remains to understand in which cases you should contact them. For example, is it necessary to call the Ministry of Emergency Situations if a thermometer crashed? Let's look at a list of reasons for contacting the rescue service. As a rule, most often the services of the Ministry of Emergency Situations are required if you need to open the door. However, if you just forgot your keys, it is better to use the services of special services. But if there is a small child or a person who urgently needs medical assistance behind a closed door, contact the rescuers. It is also worth calling them if there is a danger of ignition of a gas leak. Summing up, it must be said: in any situation where there is a danger to human life, call the Ministry of Emergency Situations specialists.

Of course, when you have to resort to the services of specialists of a certain profile, the question invariably arises: how much will you have to pay? For example, how much does it cost to call rescuers? Giving an answer to this question, it should be said that everything depends on the situation. For example, you will have to call the Ministry of Emergency Situations for a fee if there is no real threat to the life and health of people caught in a difficult situation. For example, when rescuers are called to help an animal, remove an emergency tree, and so on. But if there is a real threat to a person's life, then, most likely, you will not have to pay rescuers for a call. After all, they are just doing their job. The Emergency Response Center offers professional rescue services around the clock. We respond to emergencies as quickly as possible and will be ready to help you no matter what happens.

The well-known emergency phone numbers have not changed in 2015. Their dialing rules from modern devices are somewhat different from dialing from city phones. The difference is related to the choice of the mobile operator. So that in emergencies, users of modern gadgets can dial the emergency numbers of Moscow and other cities of Russia without delay, we will provide the correct set of them from electronic devices connected to popular mobile operators.

How to call emergency services from a mobile phone

All emergency phone numbers are dialed from any type of device (landline, mobile) FREE OF CHARGE. A set of two-digit and three-digit numbers will be correct:

  • 101 or 01- rescuers, fire brigade
  • 102 or 02 - police
  • 103 or 03 - ambulance
  • 104 or 04 - gas emergency service

Most of the latest generation gadgets will not make a call after dialing a two-digit number. In this case, emergency telephone numbers from a mobile device can be dialed by adding a "*" to the two-digit number: 01 *, 02 *, 03 * and 04 *.

Rules for dialing emergency services from a mobile device

In emergency and unforeseen situations, you can dial the universal special services number - 112. Calls to the proposed number will also be FREE. There are difficult situations when the user does not know how to call the police from a mobile phone or other special service if he has:

  • There are not enough funds on the account;
  • The SIM card was blocked by the operator;
  • No SIM card is inserted in the device.

Dialing the universal numbers 112 in all three situations will provide dialing and calling for help. It can be difficult to remember all emergency phone numbers for primary school children, but one universal number is much easier.

How to get through to emergency services for users of a particular operator?

Most mobile operators in Russia have the same dialing procedure and dialing rules for the ambulance, police and gas emergency services. However, not all. Therefore, if the user of an electronic device has difficulties with how to call an ambulance from a mobile phone or other special service, it is necessary to check the correctness of dialing the number.

1. For U-Tel, MTS, TELE2 and Megafon subscribers.

  • 010 - Firefighters, rescuers
  • 020 - Police
  • 030 - Medical assistance
  • 040 - Gas service

2. How to call firefighters and special services from a mobile phone to Beeline subscribers.

  • 001 - Firefighters, rescuers
  • 002 - Police
  • 003 - Medical assistance
  • 004 - Gas service

3. Those who use Sky Link and Motive.

  • 901 - Firefighters, rescuers
  • 902 - Police
  • 903 - Medical assistance
  • 904 - Gas service

It is appropriate to use all of the listed emergency phone numbers for the consumer's corner or as a reminder at the enterprise, in the office. In case of unforeseen situations during a panic, they will help you quickly and promptly call for help.

Useful Tips

Calling emergency services from a mobile phone

Dial the emergency number from your mobile phone 112 .

This call is free, moreover, it can be made even if:

Lack of money in the account

Blocked SIM

The absence of a SIM card.

Using this number, you can call the following emergency operational services:

Fire brigade

Emergency response service


Disaster Medicine Services


Gas network emergency service

Service "Anti-terror"

Heating network services

Electricity services


Public utilities service.

If necessary, this list can be expanded depending on the specific region by the decision of the executive authorities.

Why "112"?

1. Since launch, this system reduces response time by about 15 minutes operational services, which is a big plus, because responding earlier can save more lives and help more people.

2. In addition, this number is called from mobile phones, which allows the operator track the location of the caller, which is extremely important, especially in the event of an accident.

3. It is also worth noting that the dispatcher is capable of real-time keep track of how quickly this or that service arrived at the right place and what kind of help was provided.

4. It will be interesting to note that this system other services may be added depending on the region... For example, a person can call a veterinary service if they are in an agricultural region.

Where does the number "112" function?

At the moment this number is working in some regions of the Russian Federation. According to plans, the transition to emergency number 112 will be gradual. Completely 112 will replace service call numbers 01, 02, 03 and 04 by 2017.

Having called, an operator or an answering machine will answer you and then you can select the service you need, after which the call will be transferred to the selected service.

Where else is the single number "112" used?

This emergency call service is available in several European Union countries, including Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland.

Emergency telephone numbers

The following emergency services can be called from a landline phone within the city:

101 (01) - Fire brigade and rescuers

102 (02) - Police

103 (03) - Ambulance

104 (04) - Gas network emergency service

The following emergency services can be called from your mobile phone:

* If your mobile phone does not support two-digit dialing, just dial the service number and add the *

01 * - Call the fire brigade and rescuers

02 * - Call the Police

03 * - Call an ambulance

04 * - Call emergency gas service

Emergency calls from specific cellular operators

Emergency services can be called from a specific mobile operator (MTS, MEGAFON, BEELINE, etc.). These numbers are valid for all regions of the Russian Federation.

010 - fire brigade and rescuers

020 - police

030 - ambulance

040 - emergency gas service


010 - fire brigade and rescuers

020 - police

030 - ambulance

040 - emergency gas service


001 - fire brigade and rescuers
002 - police
003 - ambulance
004 - emergency gas service