What to do if the hardware key for egais is not found? Configuring Rutoken EDS to work with egais Rutoken freezes

In order to check the readiness of the Rutoken key identifier to be configured to work with EGAIS, open the "Rutoken Control Panel" - the "Administration" tab - the "Information" button - and check the status opposite the "Microsoft Base Smart Card Crypto Provider" field:

  • Supported

This status means that the Rutoken email identifier is already ready to configure the default encryption provider. Go to the second paragraph of this manual - "Changing the default encryption provider"

If the status is Supported, go to

If next to the field "Microsoft Base Smart Card Crypto Provider" there is a status Activate or Not supported, go to step 2.

2. Enabling support for the encryption provider for Rutoken EDS

To check the readiness of the Rutoken key identifier for setting up for working with EGAIS, open the "Rutoken Control Panel" - the "Administration" tab - the "Information" button - and check the status opposite the "Microsoft Base Smart Card Crypto Provider" field:

  • Activate

If a non-default PIN is set for the User or Administrator, it will need to be entered during activation.

Please note that if both PIN-codes do not correspond to the default values, for activation it will be necessary to enter successively the PIN-code of the Administrator, then the User.

If you do not know one or both of the PINs, you must contact the company that provided you with the key ID to obtain the PINs.

If it is not possible to find out the current values ​​of PIN-codes, there is only the option of formatting the Rutoken identifier to set new values ​​of PIN-codes. Please note that formatting the key identifier will permanently delete all content.

After the activation procedure, the status in the "Microsoft Base Smart Card Crypto Provider" field should change to "Supported"

to continue configuring the Rutoken key identifier, go to Step 2.

  • Not supported

The "Not supported" status is displayed if an attempt is made to configure a Rutoken model that is not intended to work with EGAIS, for example or. Only the model is suitable for working with EGAIS

3. Changing the default encryption provider

Open "Start" - ("Settings") - "Control Panel" - "Rutoken Control Panel" - "Settings" tab - in the "Cryptographic Provider Settings" item, click the "Settings ..."

In the "Cryptographic provider settings" window, select "Microsoft Base Smart Card Provider" for the Rutoken EDS 2.0 electronic identifier.

If the computer will generate an RSA key pair, set the Microsoft Enhanced RSA and AES Cryptographic Provider in the lower field

To save the changes, click the "OK" button.

4. Setting up a workplace for working with the EGAIS portal.

detailed instructions to generate a transport key in personal account EGAIS and the installation of a universal transport module can be viewed.

If none of the solutions suggested below fix the problem, the key medium may have been damaged and needs to be repaired (see). There is no way to recover data from a damaged smart card or registry.

If there is a copy of the key container on another medium, then you must use it for work, having previously installed the certificate.


If a floppy disk is used as a key container, you must perform the following steps:

1. Make sure that at the root of the floppy there is a folder containing the files: header, masks, masks2, name, primary, primary2. The files must have a .key extension and the folder name must have the following format: xxxxxx.000.

the private key container has been damaged or deleted

2. Make sure that in CryptoPro CSP the "Drive X" reader is configured (for CryptoPro CSP 3.6 - "All removable disks"), where X is the drive letter.

  • Select "Start" menu> "Control Panel"> "CryptoPro CSP";


3. In the CryptoPro CSP window "Select a key container" set the radio button "Unique names".


  • Select "Start" menu> "Control Panel"> "CryptoPro CSP";
  • Go to the "Service" tab and click on the "Delete remembered passwords" button;

5. How can I copy a container with a certificate to another medium?).

Flash drive

If as key carrier you are using a flash drive, the following steps must be followed:

1. Make sure that in the root of the media there is a folder containing the files: header, masks, masks2, name, primary, primary2 . The files must have a .key extension and the folder name format must be: xxxxxx.000 .

If any files are missing or are not in the correct format, then the private key container may have been damaged or deleted. You also need to check if this folder with six files is contained in other media.

2. Make sure that the "Drive X" reader is configured in CryptoPro CSP (for CryptoPro CSP 3.6 - "All removable drives"), where X is the drive letter.

  • Select "Start" menu> "Control Panel"> "CryptoPro CSP";
  • Go to the "Equipment" tab and click on the "Configure readers" button.

If there is no reader, it must be added (see How to configure readers in CryptoPro CSP?).


4. Delete memorized passwords. For this:

  • Select "Start" menu> "Control Panel"> "CryptoPro CSP";
  • Mark the item "User" and click on the "OK" button.

5. Make a copy of the key container and use it for work (see How to copy a container with a certificate to another medium?).

6. If CryptoPro CSP version 2.0 or 3.0 is installed at the workplace, and Drive A (B) is present in the list of key media, then it must be removed. For this:

  • Select "Start" menu> "Control Panel"> "CryptoPro CSP";
  • Go to the "Equipment" tab and click on the "Configure readers;"
  • Select the reader "Drive A" or "Drive B" and click on the "Delete" button.

After deleting this reader, it will be impossible to work with the floppy disk.


If a Rutoken smart card is used as a key carrier, the following steps must be followed:

1. Make sure the light on the rutoken is on. If the light is off, then you should use the following recommendations.

2. Make sure that the "Rutoken" reader is configured in CryptoPro CSP (for CryptoPro CSP 3.6 - "All smart card readers").

  • Select "Start" menu> "Control Panel"> "CryptoPro CSP";
  • Go to the "Equipment" tab and click on the "Configure readers" button.

If there is no reader, it must be added (see How to configure readers in CryptoPro CSP?).

3. In the window "Select a key container" set the radio button "Unique names".

4. Delete memorized passwords. For this:

  • Select "Start" menu> "Control Panel"> "CryptoPro CSP" ;
  • Go to the "Service" tab and click on the "Delete remembered passwords" button;
  • Mark the item "User" and click on the "OK" button.

5. Update support modules required for Rutoken to work. For this:

  • Disconnect the smart card from the computer;
  • Select the "Start" menu> "Control Panel"> "Add or Remove Programs" (for Windows Vista \ Seven "Start"> "Control Panel"> "Programs and Features");
  • Select "Rutoken Support Modules" from the list that opens and click on the "Remove" button.

After removing the modules, you need to restart the computer. .

  • Download and install latest version support modules. The distribution kit is available for download on the site of the Aktiv company.

After installing the modules, you need to restart your computer.

6. The number of items displayed in CryptoPro should be increased CSP containers on Rutoken using the following instruction .

7. Update the Rutoken driver (see How do I update the Rutoken driver?).

8. Make sure Rutoken contains key containers. To do this, you need to check the amount of free memory on the media by following these steps:

  • Open "Start" ("Settings")> "Control Panel"> "Rutoken Control Panel" (if this item is missing, then you should update the Rutoken driver).
  • In the opened window "Rutoken Control Panel" in the "Readers" item, select "Activ Co. ruToken 0 (1,2) "and click on the" Information "button.

If the rutoken is not visible in the "Readers" item or when you press the "Information" button, the message "The ruToken memory state has not changed" appears, then the medium has been damaged, you need to contact the service center for an unplanned replacement of the key.

  • Check what value is indicated in the "Free memory (byte)" line.

As a key carrier in service centers rootkens with a memory size of about 30,000 bytes are issued. One container takes up about 4 Kb. The free memory of a rootken containing one container is about 26,000 bytes, two containers - 22,000 bytes, etc.

If the amount of free memory of a rootken is more than 29-30,000 bytes, then there are no key containers on it. Therefore, the certificate is contained on a different medium.


If the Registry reader is used as a key carrier, you must perform the following steps:

1. Make sure that the "Registry" reader is configured in CryptoPro CSP. For this:

  • Select "Start" menu> "Control Panel"> "CryptoPro CSP";
  • Go to the "Equipment" tab and click on the "Configure readers" button.

If there is no reader, it must be added (see How to configure readers in CryptoPro CSP?).

2. In the window "Select a key container" set the radio button "Unique names".

3. Delete memorized passwords. For this:

  • Select "Start" menu> "Control Panel"> "CryptoPro CSP";
  • Go to tab « Service "and click on the button" Delete remembered passwords ";
  • Mark the item "User" and click on the "OK" button.

If none of the solutions suggested below fix the problem, the key medium may have been damaged and needs to be repaired (see). There is no way to recover data from a damaged smart card or registry.

If there is a copy of the key container on another medium, then you must use it for work, having previously installed the certificate.


If a floppy disk is used as a key container, you must perform the following steps:

Make sure that the folder containing the files is located at the root of the floppy: header, masks, masks2, name, primary, primary2... Files must have the extension. key xxxxxx.000.

the private key container has been damaged or deleted

Drive X(for CryptoPro CSP 3.6 - All removable drives), where X- drive letter. For this:

  • Select a menu;
  • Go to tab Equipment and press the button Configure readers.


3. In the window Selecting a key container set switch Unique names(see fig. 1).

Rice. 1. Selecting a key container


  • Select menu Start / Control Panel / CryptoPro CSP;
  • Go to tab Service and press the button Delete memorized passwords;
  • Check item User and press the button OK(see fig. 2).

Rice. 2. Window "Delete remembered passwords"

5. How can I copy a container with a certificate to another medium?).

Flash drive

If a flash drive is used as a key carrier, you must perform the following steps:

Make sure that the folder containing the files is in the root of the media: header, masks, masks2, name, primary, primary2. Files must have the extension .key, and the format of the folder name should be as follows: xxxxxx.000.

If any files are missing or are not in the correct format, then the private key container may have been damaged or deleted. You also need to check if this folder with six files is contained in other media.

Make sure that the reader is configured in CryptoPro CSP Drive X(for CryptoPro CSP 3.6 - All removable drives), where X- drive letter. For this:

  • Select menu Start / Control Panel / CryptoPro CSP;
  • Go to tab Equipment and press the button Configure readers.

If there is no reader, it must be added (see How to configure readers in CryptoPro CSP?).

In the window Selecting a key container set switch Unique names.

Delete memorized passwords. For this:

Rice. 3. Window "Delete remembered passwords"

5. Make a copy of the key container and use it for work (see How to copy a container with a certificate to another medium?).

If CryptoPro CSP version is installed at the workplace 2.0 or 3.0 , and in the list of key media there is Drive A (B), then it must be removed. For this:

  • Select menu Start / Control Panel / CryptoPro CSP;
  • Go to tab Equipment and press the button Configure readers;
  • Select reader Drive A or Drive B and press the button Delete.

After deleting this reader, it will be impossible to work with the floppy disk.


If a Rutoken smart card is used as a key carrier, the following steps must be followed:

1. Make sure the light on the rutoken is on. If the light is off, then you should use the following recommendations.

2. Make sure that the reader is configured in CryptoPro CSP Rutoken(for CryptoPro CSP 3.6 - All smart card readers). For this:

  • Select menu Start / Control Panel / CryptoPro CSP;
  • Go to tab Equipment and press the button Configure readers.

If there is no reader, it must be added (see How to configure readers in CryptoPro CSP?).

3. In the window Selecting a key container set switch Unique names.

4. Delete memorized passwords. For this:

Rice. 4. Window "Delete remembered passwords"

5. Update support modules required for Rutoken to work. For this:

  • Disconnect the smart card from the computer;
  • Select menu Start / Control Panel / Install and Uninstall Programs amm (for Windows Vista \ Seven Start / Control Panel / Programs and Features);
  • Select from the list that opens Rutoken Support Modules and press the button Delete.

After removing the modules, you need to restart the computer.

  • Download and install the latest support modules. The distribution kit is available for download on the site of the Aktiv company.

After installing the modules, you need to restart your computer.

6. You should increase the number of containers displayed in CryptoPro CSP on Rutoken using the following instruction .

7. Update the Rutoken driver (see How do I update the Rutoken driver?).

8. Make sure Rutoken contains key containers. To do this, you need to check the amount of free memory on the media by following these steps:

  • Open Start (Settings) / Control Panel / Rutoken Control Panel(if this item is missing, then you should update the Rutoken driver).
  • In the opened window Rutoken control panels in point Readers should choose Activ Co. ruToken 0 (1,2) and press the button Information(see fig. 5).

If the rutoken is not visible in the item Readers or by pressing the button Information The message appears RuToken memory state has not changed, it means that the medium has been damaged, you need to contact the service center for an unplanned replacement of the key.

Rice. 5. Program window Control Panel Rutoken.

  • Check what value is in line Free memory (bytes).

As a key carrier in service centers rootkens with a memory size of about 30,000 bytes are issued. One container takes up about 4 Kb. The free memory of a rootken containing one container is about 26,000 bytes, two containers - 22,000 bytes, etc.

If the amount of free memory of a rootken is more than 29-30,000 bytes, then there are no key containers on it (see Fig. 6). Therefore, the certificate is contained on a different medium.

Rice. 6. Window "Information about Rutoken".


If the Registry reader is used as a key carrier, you must perform the following steps:

Make sure that the reader is configured in CryptoPro CSP Registry... For this:

  • Select menu Start / Control Panel / CryptoPro CSP;
  • Go to tab Equipment and press the button Configure readers.

If there is no reader, it must be added (see How to configure readers in CryptoPro CSP?).

In the window Selecting a key container set switch Unique names.

Delete memorized passwords. For this:

  • Select menu Start / Control Panel / CryptoPro CSP;
  • Go to tab Servi with and press the button Delete memorized passwords;
  • Check item User and press the button OK(see fig. 5).

Rice. 5. Window "Delete remembered passwords"