We perform jailbreak on various gadgets from Apple. How to jailbreak an iPhone: detailed instructions without the help of a computer

In this article we will try to tell you in detail what a jailbreak is, its types, advantages and disadvantages. Verbatim Jailbreak translated from English as "Prison Break". Jailbreak is a process by which it becomes possible to freely access file system, in simple words this is a hack iPhone firmware, iPad, iPod Touch. Many people confuse Jailbreak with Unlock (unlock, unlock, unlock), but these are completely different things. Read more about Unlock in.

Jailbreak benefits

- the ability to install applications from - tweaks, which for one reason or another cannot be officially posted in App Store... There are ones that allow you to completely change the appearance of iOS, as well as expand the functionality of the iPhone or iPad.
- the ability to install hacked paid applications from the App Sore for free;
- the ability for the process of unlocking (unlocking, unlocking) iPhone to work with any SIM-cards of operators mobile communications... Unlock via jailbreak is relevant only for the first iPhone models (up to iPhone 4).

Jailbreak is legal and completely legal, at least in the US. In the summer of 2010, the US government decided to make jailbreak legal. What harm can jailbreak do? The worst thing that can happen when trying to jailbreak is iPhone freezing. Some users believe that this is irreparable, in fact, it can be easily brought into working condition, for example, with help.

Disadvantages of Jailbreak

- Jailbroken iPhones and iPads cannot be updated to new version iOS;
- a device with a jailbreak is NOT COVERED under warranty, but you can always return it to factory settings using iTunes. Apple service staff will not be able to prove that your device was jailbroken.

Jailbreak types

- untethered (full, untethered) jailbreak works (does not "crash") after the device is rebooted. This is the main difference from tethered jailbreak.
- tethered jailbreak works only until the device is rebooted. In case of shutdown or reboot, the device will not turn on again ("hangs" on a white apple at startup). To turn on and normal operation, you will need to boot the device using a specific program. All data on the device (programs, music, videos, etc.) will not be damaged in this case.

In recent years, hackers have not made tethered jailbreak tools available on the Web.

Jailbreak Frequently Asked Questions

Question: can i use iTunes and App Store after jailbreak?
Answer: Sure! Jailbreak does not affect access to the App Store in any way. The most important noticeable change will be the appearance of a new application on your device - Cydia;

Question: What is Cydia?
Answer: A separate one is devoted to this issue on our website. But, in short, Cydia's features are the same as those of the App Store. It contains applications from developers whose applications for placement in the App Store were rejected by Apple for one reason or another. Cydia also has paid apps, but most are free. Applications (tweaks), ringtones and themes are available for installation.

Question: How to remove jailbreak?
Answer: Restoring (flashing) your device () to the official firmware will completely remove the jailbreak.

Question: how much does the jailbreak program cost?
Answer: Everything software by jailbreak, hackers distribute is free sometimes asking for a donation.

How to untethered jailbreak on iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch.

iOS is a fairly well-secured system. This is partly due to the limitation of the capabilities of ordinary users. For example, on Android it is allowed to install applications not from the official store, on iOS it is not. However, the ban can be circumvented by using Jailbreak. What advantages it gives and what consequences it can end up with, we will tell you in this article.

Jailbreak is a jailbreak on the file system of an iOS device. The irony here is that the title stands for Prison Break. You are trapped by the frames set by Apple, and jailbreaking the device gives you some freedom of action. It's no secret that on an iPhone or iPad, you can't just take and view all the device files, including system files. Jailbreak provides such an opportunity. You install it and get access to the entire file system of the device. However, this is not the main advantage.

There are several types of jailbreak:

  • Untethered- works even after device reboot.
  • Attached- works until the device is rebooted. However, the device also works only until a reboot. Then the device will freeze during the boot process, and the problem can only be fixed with a special program.

Fortunately for pirated software lovers (although jailbreak is officially allowed in the US), only an untethered jailbreak has been released recently.

What jailbreak gives

In addition to accessing the system, Cydia appears on your device - a store of applications and tweaks. Tweaks are additional improvements for the system, with the help of which, basically, you can customize the interface a little.

When it comes to apps, this is what Jailbreak has always been loved for. If you don't have the money for expensive apps in the App Store, you can download them for free from Cydia. That is, Cydia is a store of applications that did not make it to the App Store for various reasons, or they are hacked free versions of paid applications.

By the way, if you think that after installing the Jailbreak, you will no longer be able to use iTunes or the App Store, then you are very mistaken. Hacking the system will not affect the operation of these services in any way, you just get access to the file system and the Cydia app store. However, there are a number of significant disadvantages here.

IOS versions for which there is a jailbreak

At the moment, almost all versions of iOS have been jailbroken. Below is a table showing the jailbroken versions, devices, and jailbreak utilities.

Version operating system iOS Devices that can be hacked IOS jailbreak utility
iPhone OS 1
  • iPhone 2G
  • INdependence
iPhone OS 2
  • iPhone 2G, 3G
  • PwnageTool
iPhone OS 3
  • iPhone 2G, 3G, 3GS,
  • iPod touch 1G, 2G, 3G
  • iPad 1G
  • PwnageTool
iOS 4
  • iPhone 3G, 3GS, 4
  • iPod touch 1G, 2G, 3G, 4G
  • iPad 2, 3,
  • PwnageTool
iOS 5
  • iPhone 3GS, 4, 4S
  • iPod touch 3G, 4G
  • iPad 2, 3
  • redsn0w
iOS 6
  • iPhone 3GS, 4, 4S, 5
  • iPod touch 4G, 5G
  • iPad 2, 3, 4
  • redsn0w
iOS 7
  • iPhone 4, 4S, 5, 5s, 5C
  • iPod touch 5G
  • iPad 2, 3, 4, Air 1
  • evasi0n7
  • Pangu (iOS 7.1 - 7.1.2)
iOS 8
  • iPhone 4S, 5, 5C
  • iPod touch 5G
  • iPad 2, 3, 4, mini (1st generation) - iOS 8.0 - 8.4.1
  • iPhone 5s, 6, 6 Plus iPod touch 6G
  • iPad Air 1, Air 2 - iOS 8.0 - 8.4
  • Pangu8 (8.0 - 8.1)
  • TaiG (iOS 8.0 - 8.4)
  • EtasonJB (iOS 8.4.1 x86)
iOS 10.0.1-10.3.3
  • iPhone 5.5C, 5S, SE, 6, 6S
  • H3lix (32-bit) Saigon
  • Meridian (64-bit)
  • DoubleH3lix (64-bit)
  • Goblin (64-bit)
iOS 11.0 - 11.3.1
  • iPhone 5S, SE, 6, 6S, 7, 8, X
  • iPod touch 6
  • Apple TV
  • Electra
  • unc0ver

Pros and cons of jailbreak

In principle, we have already said about the advantages, but we will summarize in a single list:

  • Full access to the file system;
  • Installing paid applications for free;
  • Installing tweaks to customize the system.

And now about the cons. Unfortunately, they are no less significant than the pluses:

  • If you have installed Jailbreak, then you will no longer be able to update your device to the latest version of IOS.
  • A jailbroken device is not covered by the warranty. In case of any troubles, even not related to pirated software, the device will not be repaired for free.
  • Often, the system starts to work slower, and even glitches in places.

However, if something goes wrong, you can remove the jailbreak from your iPhone or iPad. For this, it is enough with using iTunes return the device to factory settings. After that, all pirated software will completely disappear from the gadget, and you can again contact the service center under warranty. There will be no traces of jailbreak.

Do i need a jailbreak

Now let's talk, perhaps, about the most important question, is Jailbreak needed now, in 2018. Even the developers themselves answered this question. Jailbreak is dead, as it is no longer relevant in modern conditions. Yes, the system is still being hacked, and just the other day a message about a jailbreak for iOS 12.1 appeared on the network. However, it is interesting not so much for ordinary users as for hackers or Apple itself (to close new security holes).

Why doesn't it make sense for users? First, many applications are now free to play. That is, you can download it completely free of charge, and make purchases in the game itself or turn off ads for a small fee, which brings the developers most of the income. Such a system is much more profitable, because several thousand people are ready to pay for the application, and several million are ready to download for free.

Secondly, iOS has already implemented a lot that users would like to see (talking about customization, etc.). Now the system works quite stably, especially on iOS 12, and people are just too lazy to install something on the device additionally. The era of interface customization is long gone, most people like the modern look of iOS and Android, so there is no point in changing anything.

Jailbreak(from English Jailbreak - "Jailbreak") iPod Touch / iPhone / iPad - an officially unsupported Apple operation that allows you to open access to the file system in the device by analogy with Microsoft ActiveSync. This, in turn, makes it possible to expand the functionality of the device, for example, change the theme of tweaks, design, and most importantly install applications and games from other sources (not only from the App Store). Hacking tools are available to protect the baseband (GSM chip) with a special decoupling from AT&T, Sprint, Verizon.

After installation, the program has full access only to some part of the memory allocated specifically for the application (in addition, no applications are able to delete, modify or add files that do not belong to it). The exceptions are contacts, videos, photos and music, to which the application, after the user's consent, has limited access.

Tethered jailbreak

It needs to be done again after the next reboot of the device, the application does not need to be reinstalled.

Untethered (untethered) jailbreak

Does not disappear after rebooting the device, unlike the tethered jailbreak described above.

Semi-tethered jailbreak

Allows you to reboot the device without losing the ability to use it, however, after a new boot of the device, the jailbreak functions are lost.

Installing Jailbreak on iOS6

While the hackers from Evad3rs do not name the release date of the updated hacking tool, the existing vulnerabilities will most likely be applied only to iOS 7.

In this regard, the owners of all the latest gadgets with iOS 6.1.3 installed, and these are: iPhone 4S, iPhone 5, iPad 3, iPad 4, iPad 2, iPod Touch 5G and iPad mini it remains to wait for the release of the next untethered jailbreak.

Owners of older devices: iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, and iPod Touch are much more fortunate. You can jailbreak them on iOS 6.1.3, but this jailbreak will be tied.

Tethered jailbreak is an iOS device jailbreak that functions until a reboot. Devices with a tethered jailbreak can function the same as the one jailbroken with evasi0n, but after a reboot, it can only be started thanks to the computer and the Redsn0w application (otherwise it will not start). These are all differences.

With Redsn0w

Step 1: Download the official firmware version iOS6 and install on iPhone 3GS / 4, iPod Touch 4.

Step 2: Download for your operating room Windows systems or Mac from the iPhone Dev-Team site. Unzip the downloaded file into a separate folder, then run Redsn0w.

Step 3: In the main menu, click on the Extras (Select IPSW) item, specify the path to the downloaded iOS firmware file in step 1.

Step 4: Select "Back" and click "Jailbreak". Make sure the Install SSH checkbox is checked, and your iPad, iPhone or iPod touch is turned off and connected to your computer, then click Next.

Step 5: Click on the jailbreak button, then follow the instructions on the display. The Redsn0w program may require you to enter your device into a special DFU mode, for this you need:

  • Turn off the device;
  • Turn off iTunes;
  • Hold the started power button for 3 seconds, and after 3 seconds, while continuing to hold down the power button, click on the "Home" button;
  • And after 10 seconds, release the lock button while continuing to hold the Home button.

Redsn0w will jailbreak iOS 6 very quickly. And after auto-restarting, you will get an iPhone, iPad or iPod touch on iOS 6 with the jailbreak installed.

Loading in bound mode

Now, when you reboot your iOS device, you will need to connect it to your PC and put it into a new jailbreak mode using the Redsn0w 0.9.13dev4 function. You need to open the "Extras" category and click on the "Just boot" button.

How to install Cydia

This version of Redsn0w does not install Cydia when jailbreaking, the entire Cydia installation will have to be done manually.

All the necessary commands for Cydia installations through a secure shell SSH were produced in the Terminal application for Mac OS X. Owners of Windows computers will be able to use similar commands in WinSCP. Further instructions.

Step 1: You need to select “Wi-Fi” in the “Settings” menu and click on the arrow next to the network name. Copy your IP address like (Check if the gadget is connected to the computer by wireless network... It is recommended to disable the brandmauser and antivirus).

Step 2: B special application or in the terminal specify the code: ssh [email protected]"IP-address of the device", for SHH connection of the device (for example: iPhone).

Step 3: Enter the default password. (You can also use other programs to connect to the device, Putty on Windows and Coda on Mac).

4 Step: Enter the command (via SSH):

wget -q -O /tmp/cyinstall.sh http://downloads.kr1sis.net/cyinstall.sh && chmod 755 /tmp/cyinstall.sh && /tmp/cyinstall.sh

Step 5: The device will respawn, after which the Cydia icon will appear on the screen. Start the store, it will prepare the file system for work.

Now you can install tweaks and applications from Cydia.

Note: Redsn0w 0.9.13dev4 is not capable of jailbreak on iPad 2, 3, iPhone 4S based on A5X and A5 chips.

How to jailbreak iPhone 5, 4S, iPad and iPod touch

  • Step 1: Download the latest iTunes and Evasi0n.
  • Step 2: Update your iPhone, iPod touch or iPad to the new iOS 6.1.2 through iTunes.
  • Step 3: Connect your device to your computer, open iTunes or iCloud and back up your information. You also need to disable the password on the lock screen, go to Settings -> then General -> Password protection -> and Disable password.
  • Step 4: Evasi0n will display your gadget model. Click on the "Jailbreak" button in the program. The application will now inject, install the Cudia store and reboot the device. Do not interrupt the installation procedure and do not disconnect the gadget from the computer at this moment!
  • Step 5: After the message “To continue, please unlock your device and tap the new‘ Jailbreak ’icon” appears, unlock the gadget and find the “Jailbreak” icon on the desktop, click on it. The screen of the gadget will turn black for a moment, and then a springboard will appear.
  • Step 6: Next, the jailbreak continues: you will notice in the program window information about the jailbreak of your device. After the message Done! close the application. Your iPhone will restart. Note that the launch process will take a long time.
  • Step 7: And now, after the phone boots up, the Evasi0n logo will appear on the screen. Your iPad or iPhone will restart a second time.

That's all! You have jailbroken your iOS device.

Question answer

What is jailbreak? It is harmful? Can i jailbreak?

No, it’s not harmful, and in some cases it’s the other way around. When you jailbreak your device, you can install software packages not signed by Apple that can change the functionality of your device.

Will I be able to buy music and apps from the App Store?

Will my early purchases disappear after the Jail?

No, nothing will happen to your Apple ID, you will continue to use the device as before.

There are opinions that the device starts to slow down from jailbreak. This is true?

No, the device will not slow down from it.

What is a tweak?

A tweak is a small program that adds functionality and usability to your device. For example, quick settings in the dedicated Notification Center.

More and more users are thinking about jailbreaking every day, but since this is a "pure hack", many are afraid to do it. It is worth noting that after jailbreak, the device receives many new features, arousing the interest of users. Jailbreak has both advantages and disadvantages, after reading which you can conclude whether it is worth jailbreaking your gadget.

What is jailbreak

Jailbreak is an iOS jailbreak procedure that allows a user to gain unauthorized access to the file system of Apple devices. A jailbreak is performed by identifying Apple security vulnerabilities, allowing the user to gain access to previously inaccessible system files. After jailbreak, the owner of an iOS gadget can manage the contents of the file system and install various programs from third-party app stores, in addition to the main one from Apple (App Store). Users of "jailbroken" iPhones and iPads, as before, have access to all functions of the device, including iTunes and the App Store.

One of the main functions of jailbreak is the ability to modify iOS functions, as well as individualization of the iPhone or iPad interface.

What is needed for an iPhone or iPad

Using the jailbreak, the user gets another additional Cydia application store, containing those applications that are not in the App Store or iTunes. Considering the fact that thanks to jailbreak it becomes possible to modify iOS, then it is in Cydia that all those applications are contained that will help to customize the operating system to the user's taste. Cydia also has a huge amount of free apps which are distributed for a fee in the App Store. It should be noted that all free programs from Cydia (popularly "tweaks") are just copies of licensed applications, which in most cases are paid.


  1. Additional Cydia app store. Most Apple users decide to jailbreak just for the sake of Cydia, which provides the ability to download free applications distributed in the App Store for a fee.
  2. Customizing the iOS interface and functionality to your taste. Jailbreak allows you to change the appearance and content of the operating system by downloading specialized applications from Cydia.
  3. Hidden capabilities of Apple devices and access to the file system. Jailbreak will allow users not only to take advantage of the hidden features of iOS, but also to gain access to the file system, which will make it possible to control the operating system and change the source codes.


  1. Possible problems with downloaded applications. Since tweaks from Cydia are not licensed applications, but only copies, problems with the stability of their work are more common, and their use can lead to the departure of licensed applications that previously worked stably.
  2. Different tweaks mean different problems. After installing or removing any tweak downloaded from Cydia, the system tweak cache (garbage) remains in the system, which will forever remain on the device, and cases of incompatibility of tweaks have been noticed, which is why they do not work.
  3. IOS update issues. It is impossible to update iOS in a jailbroken device, and when an update is released, the jailbreak always crashes, which is why all downloaded tweaks from Cydia and interface changes are deleted.
  4. Deprivation of those. developer support and Apple warranties. If it is necessary to repair the device, the user will have to get rid of the jailbreak, and if necessary, take advantage of the warranty - in service center will be denied service.
  5. Apple security jailbreak. Hacking a gadget will expose it to virus infection, which may result in the loss of personal data, including information about payment options (bank card details).
  6. Reduced battery autonomy. Operating room iOS system closed for a reason, because Apple developers optimize the level of load on system hardware in order to balance battery consumption and maximize battery autonomy.
  7. Loss of communication quality. Many users have noticed that jailbreak can affect the quality of communication during calls. These problems are manifested by frequent interruptions in communication, and sometimes even distortion of the subscriber's voice.

Jailbreak types

An unbound jailbreak is performed once and works until the next flashing is released. At the heart of this type of jailbreak are vulnerabilities that make it possible to gain access to the file system during each boot of the gadget without any other intervention.

The tied jailbreak provides the user with access to the file system of Apple devices only until the first restart or shutdown of the device. When you restart a gadget, you often encounter problems with its launch, or the device will start, but some tweaks will stop working or disappear altogether.

Installation instructions

Using a computer

To jailbreak the user need to download the free software Pangu 9. Before starting the jailbreak process, you need to:

  • Update iTunes on your computer to the latest version.
  • Back up your data via iTunes or iCloud.
  • Turn off screen protectors with passcode and Touch ID (Settings> Touch ID & Passcode).
  • Disable Find My iPhone (Settings> iCloud> Find My iPhone).
  • Activate Airplane Mode in the Control Center.

How to jailbreak - step by step guide

After the next reboot of the gadget, the jailbreak process will be successfully completed, which will be indicated by the inscription "Jailbreak completed".

Without the help of a computer

  1. Open this guide in the Safari browser on your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch.
  2. Follow the link itms-services: //? Action = download-manifest & url = https: //www.iclarified.com/jailbreak/pangu-pp/jailbreak.plist and click Install.
  3. Wait for the download and installation of the PP application required to jailbreak.
  4. Go to Settings> General> Device Management.
  5. Select the developer profile that appears there and in the window that opens, click "Trust".
  6. Run earlier installed application PP.
  7. Agree to accept notifications.
  8. Click on the circle located in the center of the screen and lock the device by pressing the "Power" button.
  9. Wait for the device to restart, then launch Cydia to check the jailbreak installation.

Do not respond to incoming notifications during jailbreak installation.

After all the actions performed, the jailbreak is installed, and without using a computer and data about account Apple ID.

Top tweaks to Jailbreak

How to delete on iPhone or iPad

Today there is a special tool, thanks to which you can remove the jailbreak, while resetting all settings to factory settings and without using any flashing.

Before proceeding with the removal of the jailbreak, you need to perform a number of actions, namely:

  • Create a backup via iTunes, iCloud.
  • Connect the device to the Internet (optimally via Wi-Fi).
  • Charge the device at least 20%.
  • Insert SIM card.
  • Make sure the device is linked to your Apple ID with Find My iPhone (if enabled).


  • First you need to go to Cydia.
  • Go to the default BigBoss repository and find the Cydia Impactor app.
  • Next, you need to install Cydia Impactor.
  • After successful installation, Cydia Impactor will appear on the desktop of the device and you need to launch it.
  • After opening Cydia Impactor, the screen will display text in English, under which you need to click on the "delete all data and unjailbreak device" button.
  • Then you need to click on the "Delete all" button, after which the procedure for deleting the jailbreak will begin. During deletion, in no case should you press anything, but just wait about 10 minutes.
  • After the uninstallation is complete, the device will reboot itself and will need to be reactivated.

Potential problems and solutions

Jailbreak problems are very common, but their solutions are quite simple.

Error 0A (hangs at 45%)

This error appears during jailbreak, while the utility hangs at 45-50%. To solve the problem, you need to connect your device to your computer, open iTunes (must be a fresh version) and find your gadget in the list. Then go to "Backups" and uncheck the box "Encrypt iPhone backup". After the actions taken, you need to try to jailbreak again.

Start button gray

If the "Start" button is gray and not clickable, it means that Pangu 9 does not allow starting the jailbreak of the device. To make the "Start" button clickable, you must disconnect the device from the computer and install the latest version of iTunes and try again. If the latest version of iTunes is installed, but the "Start" button is still gray - try launching iTunes as administrator or reconnecting to the Internet.

Cydia icon did not appear

It often happens that the jailbreak procedure was successful and without errors, but the Cydia app store did not appear on the device screen. This is explained by the fact that the Pangu utility was not allowed access to the "Photo" in time. To solve the problem, you just need to jailbreak the device again, allowing access to the "Photos" application Pangu manually. By doing this, Cydia is guaranteed to appear on the screen of the gadget.

Cydia won't start

There are times when the jailbreak was successful, there were no errors, Cydia appeared on the screen, but the attempt to open it ends immediately after clicking on the icon. To solve the problem, you need to reset the device to factory settings, and then update the firmware version (if there is an update). Next, it is recommended to create a backup or check its existence if it has already been created and try to start Cydia again.

Whether it is worth jailbreaking your device, the user can decide on his own, based on all the advantages and disadvantages of this procedure. There are a lot of opportunities after jailbreak, which is just customizing the interface of the device to your taste, but whether it is worth depriving your iPhone or iPad of warranty service for this is a question that more and more users of gadgets running iOS are asking.

You can install a jailbreak using iOS security vulnerabilities. To use exploits, the necessary utilities are created, for example, Pwnage Tool, Absinthe, etc. Basically, the user does not need much effort and time - all you need to do is connect your device, switch the device to the required mode and wait a little until the jailbreak ends in the accompanying utility.

Most likely, most owners and fans of Apple products do not really like using such a closed system that makes it impossible to use file manager, depending on this, there is also a ban on downloading and installing programs and applications that are outside the store. Installing a jailbreak removes these difficulties and gives you more options when using your gadget.

So, before starting the jailbreak, you need to make sure your device is compatible, if necessary, update to the required iOS version of your device. How do I find out the firmware version? To do this, you need to launch iTunes, a window with the name of your device will appear on the left, click on it. The firmware version will be displayed in the line "Firmware version". By clicking on it, you will see the iOS build.

Installation requirements:

  • iPhone 4S, 5, 5S, 6, iPad mini 2, 3, iPad 2, 3, 4, Air, Air 2 with iOS 8; 8.0; 8.0.1; 8.1.
  • In order not to encounter difficulties and problems during installation, for example, "dulling" the device, the iPhone 5 is least often exposed, jailbreak is best installed on a clean iOS.
  • Using this method, it will not be superfluous to create backup in iTunes.
  • Turn off your device's protection, as it may cause problems and crashes during the jailbreak installation process. Different ways protection such as password.
  • Update iTunes to the required iOS 8 update version.
  • Please note that when updating, you need to use iTunes, and not do it over the air.
  • It is not recommended to install IOS 8, whose devices are locked.
  • Do not launch iTunes during the jailbreak process!
  • Windows (at least Windows XP).
  • The PanguTeam hacker team (creators of the iOS 7 and 8 jailbreak).
  • Please create a backup in iTunes before using Pangu8 for iphone.
  • Disable protection (Options -> Disable password).
  • Turn off Find My iPhone (Options -> iCloud -> Find My iPhone).
  • Put your device in "Airplane mode".
  • Run Pangu8 (internet required)
  • Connect your device to your PC.
  1. When the app recognizes your device, start by pressing the "Start Jailbreak" key. Do not try to disconnect your gadget from your PC!
  2. After that, the user will receive a message from the program, press the "Already did" key.

Later, a jailbreak will be launched on the user's iPhone 4s or 5, during which the program will download the necessary data from the Internet, and only after all this will the gadget reboot.

When this program finishes all the necessary actions, it will notify that the jailbreak process is complete. And again, after all this, the device will reboot. The user remains to disconnect the device from personal computer and close Pangu8.

  1. After the user completes all the steps, he becomes the owner of the Cydia / Pangu shortcut on the desktop of his gadget.
  2. PROFIT!

Just in case: if the jailbreak was not delivered to the user, then he needs to check the correctness of the actions given in the algorithm. It also happens that the device "freezes" if the symbol "Apple" appears on the screen. It is necessary to restore from a backup when you try to revive the device again.

However, the user need not worry. The device will only reboot a few times, but this will reset the iPhone 4s or 5 with Cydia installed on it. After all the painfully performed procedures without anesthesia, the user needs to open Cydia and, having carefully studied the algorithm of the described actions, carefully and strictly act strictly according to the same algorithm. Again, a 4s or 5 gadget will reboot. But after all this, all the torment ends, the user has the opportunity to work with the jailbreak to the fullest extent of its exploitation.

Noteworthy benefits of jailbreak

Point one. Jelbreak allows users of devices with it to download applications and other files without using the App Store. At various times, a wide variety of sources of programs, applications and many different files for such devices as iPhone 4s, 5, iPod touch and iPad - Installer, Rock Your Phone, Icy were provided to attention, but for a long time the leading and not giving up their positions Considered to be such a file store, Cydia is the brainchild of programmer Jay Freeman (best known as Saurik).

As part of Cydia, there is a "collection" with a thousand of the most diverse programs, add-ons and tweaks, by the way, many of them are free, you do not need to pay for them. V Cydia programs those applications, programs and files that were not included in the product range of the App Store due to rather strict standards and frameworks of Apple itself, especially the iPhone 5 or 4s.


It is known that there are also disadvantages alongside the advantages. Users are advised to carefully read them in order to avoid disastrous consequences due to the use of jailbreak. Second point. Jailbreak significantly increases the possibility of device breakdown due to iOS failure in its operation. Since the user can access all the system files of the operating system, a poorly thought-out modification can bring the device to such a state that it simply stops turning on. This entails a full firmware restore of the user's gadget.

Third point. Jelbreaking is closely related to the threat to the security of user data in the iPhone 4s. So far, viruses that can kill the iOS kernel are not simply not in sight, but a jailbreak jailbreak iPhone especially 4s or 5s, iPod touch and iPad can easily spoil all the data on the device. So one cannot think that just as viruses did not exist, they will not appear. It is simply impossible to predict this.

Point four. Jailbreak at the official level deprives the user of the warranty for the iOS gadget. In the event of a breakdown of the device in the service center where it was referred, the programmers can refuse to repair it if they find confirmation of the jailbreak device. There is one positive point in this unpleasant jailbreak situation. If the user restores the firmware, he will completely get rid of the presence of the jailbreak and get a "cleaned" device.


Unfortunately, in the current time periods of reality between the presentation of the latest iOS and the appearance of the Jailbreak, more and more time is running out for it. Apple developers are continuously changing iOS security for the better, covering many vulnerabilities. Consequently, looking for the newest seems to be a rather difficult task.

Users need to closely monitor the release of the operating system and the Jailbreak to it. If a person does not commit atrocities with his apparatus, then he does not need to think about the dire consequences. But you shouldn't forget about the operating instructions of the device anyway.