How to find out the password from the wifi on your. What to do if you forgot your Wi-Fi password. Find out the password from your Wi-Fi network in Windows XP

The Wi-fi password is written to the device the first time it is connected and then it is successfully forgotten by the user. Therefore, when you need to connect any new device to the Internet, access from Wi-fi is often difficult to remember.

In this article, I will show you how to find out the password from Wi-fi. I will tell you about several methods for recovering on a computer.

Perhaps the easiest way to find out the password from Wi-fi. It is suitable if you have a Windows computer at your disposal. this moment connected to the network to be restored.

I show on Windows 10. In other versions, everything is about the same.

Go to "Settings".

Open the "Network and Internet" section.

While in the "Status" tab, click on "Adapter Settings".

Find in the list your wireless connection to which you want to remember access and open it. A status window will appear, in which click "Properties wireless network».

Open the "Security" tab. Turn on the display of password characters. In the security key field you will see forgotten password from wifi.

How to find out the password from Wi-fi through the command line

If the first method of restoring access is only suitable if the computer is connected to this Wi-fi network right now, then the second method will do if it has ever been connected at least once. The method is also easy. To implement it, you need a command line.

To run it, press Windows + R, write in the cmd field and click the "OK" button. Or find it in the Start menu.

Run netsh wlan show profiles and you will get a list of networks saved on the computer.

Next, run the command netsh wlan show profile name=XXX key=clear Instead of XXX, enter the name of the Wi-fi wireless network for which you want to recover the password. If the name consists of two words, then write it in quotation marks - "XXX YYY".

The password will appear in the Key Content field.

How to find out the password from Wi-fi using WirelessKeyView

The essence of the method is the same as with the command line option, only everything happens in the program shell, and without codes. Suitable for cases when you need to restore access from Wi-fi on a computer that is not currently connected to the network, but has previously been connected at least once.

Download the WirelessKeyView program you need bit depth on your computer and run it. Installation is not required.

You will see a list of saved networks with names and accesses.

How to find out the password from Wi-fi in the router settings

And another way to recover the Wi-fi password is to look at it in the router settings. In order to enter the router settings, you need an IP address to enter the menu, login and password. This data is indicated on the case of the router or on its packaging.

The interfaces of all routers are different from each other. I won't go into details for every model. I’ll just show on the screenshot an example of where the Wi-fi password is indicated in the Huawey router.

The password can be hidden with asterisks without being able to display it. In this case, you will come to change it and remember it. In other options, the password may be visible, or it will be possible to turn on its reflections.

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For a variety of reasons, Wi-Fi device owners want to connect to the network of their neighbors. You can find out the neighbor's Wi-Fi password without the knowledge of the owner, using one of the methods below. But almost always the chance of success depends not only on your skills, but also on the “cunning” of your neighbor.

WiFi encryption

First, it’s worth talking about the work of Wi-Fi and the types of data encryption that exist at the moment.

All information is transmitted "over the air", that is, wirelessly. And, therefore, it is not so difficult to get access to the transmitted packets, because there are no barriers. The connected device is constantly communicating with the access point. The most important thing for us is that they contain information about the neighbor's password. But this traffic is still protected and transmitted in encrypted form. Therefore, you need to get the transmitted data and decrypt it to get the desired code.

Currently, only three types of encryption are used: WEP, WPA, WPA2. The most unreliable of them is WEP, which appeared before the others. Hacking such a network is easy even for an ordinary person. Therefore, WEP is considered obsolete, but it is still widely used today.

Video - we break Wi-Fi step by step through Android:

With the development of technology, a more advanced WPA protocol has appeared. WPA2 encryption is widely used to secure the Wi-Fi network. It is actually the standard for protecting such networks, due to the fact that WPA2 is much more reliable than other protocols and does not allow information to be stolen just like that.

Password guessing

There are several ways to calculate the code from your neighbor's Internet. Of course, such an act would be considered hacking. The easiest way that does not require any knowledge is the usual selection. People often do not change standard passwords or use very simple combinations known to everyone. A few examples:

  • qwerty;
  • admin;
  • 123456;
  • 111111.

Those who set such passwords either do not worry about their own security, or simply do not understand anything about "computers". Therefore, before downloading any programs, you should try to guess the simplest phrases and numbers.

If this does not help, then you can resort to using special program, which will independently try to access the blocked Wi-Fi. In essence, the method remains the same. However, the difference is that the program will do all this much faster, and it will not stop at a dozen options.

After working for some time, the program will find the necessary code and give it to you. But there is one problem here: it can be very difficult to pick up a neighbor's login and password, especially if it consists of various special characters and letters of different case. For example, @e3Rtf_23%4k. To pick up such a password, you have to spend a huge amount of time.

There are a lot of different hacker programs. The most popular of them are AirSlax, Wi-Fi Sidejacking, Wi-Fi Unlocker. The function we are interested in is called brute force. It means gaining access to something by constantly iterating over all possible combinations from the included dictionary.

Video on working with the AirSlax utility:

This method may not give any result if the cunning neighbor has set something pretentious instead of the standard password. A phrase that is not included in the dictionary of any program. Or he just set a limited number of input attempts.

Change your mac address

You can try changing the MAC address of your device. It happens that instead of a password, special filtering by mac-ardes is used. These are special indicators that are assigned to each device in a computer network.

Change the MAC address of the Wi-Fi adapter - video instruction:

Various programs have been developed to scan it: with their help, you can easily get a list of allowed addresses, even without connecting to someone else's network. You only have to do one thing: change your own mac-address to any of the received list. And then just connect to the desired Wi-Fi.

Hacking via PIN

And the last way: find out the PIN from the router. Physically, this can be done if you visit a neighbor and carefully examine the device. Usually the PIN is written on some part of the case. Is it possible to recognize it without examining the technique itself? Yes, there are various software that can easily cope with this task. For example, Blacktrack or CommView. Their method of operation is based on the fact that the router constantly sends packets with information to all devices, regardless of their connection to Wi-Fi.

In addition to various information, these packages contain a code protected by a cipher. And this means that you can find out the password and login from the Wi-Fi neighbor and connect to the network. But the whole difficulty lies in the fact that in practice this method requires a computer with a very good performance, so it is unlikely to be possible to do this on a laptop. It also requires a Wi-Fi card that supports Monitor Mode.

Serious problems are delivered by the fact that it is necessary to create a separate boot disk or flash drive on which the software distribution will be located. Then you have to deal with installing the shell on your computer, select the desired network and wait a long time until the required number of packets (at least 10,000) for hacking is collected. After the utility will begin to calculate the PIN, and then everything else.

Video - how the Blacktrack utility works:

If you want to use someone else's Internet for a long time, then it's better to immediately write down the PIN of the router somewhere. Knowing him, it will be much easier to enter the neighbor's Wi-Fi, even if the owner changes his password.

Experienced hackers, having gained access to the device, begin to reflash the router using a Trojan. This allows them to break into the infected network at any time and successfully connect to it.

When downloading hacking tools, you need to remember that they are almost always found on very dubious sites. By downloading such software, you are putting yourself in danger. And, perhaps, your data will fall into the hands of other people. Therefore, be careful and do not take risks: it is better to check the download site once again than to clean your computer from viruses.

As mentioned above, the most easy way- it's just to guess someone else's password.

When connecting home wireless Internet, subscribers usually restrict free access to their Wi-Fi by setting a password. This helps to protect yourself from dishonest neighbors who, having caught your network, begin to use it with you on an equal footing. But it often happens that the owner himself falls into his own trap. Forgetting the security code or losing the sheet where it is written is a common thing, and without it it becomes impossible to connect a new device. But if this happened to you, do not rush to get upset. We will tell you how to recover the Rostelecom Wi-Fi password.

To know forgotten code security is possible through a computer or laptop, provided that the connection is active. This can be done in different ways.

Using Windows services

For PCs running Windows 7/8/Vista, do the following:

1. Enter the Start menu.

2. From it to the "Control Panel".

3. In this section, click on "Network Sharing Center".

4. In the list on the left side of the page, there is "Wireless Network Management". We go here and see all the free access points.

5. Open the context menu of your network by clicking on its name with the right mouse button.

6. Click on "Properties". A new window will open.

7. From the "Connection" tab, go to the "Security" section. The "Network Security Key" item is a combination that will help you connect to Wi-Fi.

8. To see it, click "Display Input Characters".

For Windows 10, on the taskbar, you will need to call the context menu, go to the "Network and Control Center" section, then to "Change adapter settings". The page displays available connections. Then proceed as in the above algorithm, starting from point 5.

Using the router interface

Let's figure out how to recover the Rostelecom router's Wi-Fi password through its interface.

To do this, you need to know its address, which is indicated in the documents for the device and on its body.

Write this information in the address bar of your browser and press the "Enter" key. Then a login window will appear. Here you need to specify the username and password of the router, respectively. If a standard settings have not been changed, then “admin” is entered in both fields. After signing in, in the Wi-Fi section, select "Security Settings". A window will open. Find the line "Encryption key". The data in it is what you need to know.

If the typical login and password did not fit, and you don’t remember or don’t know the others, then how to recover the password on the Rostelecom router? You will need to reset all router settings. To do this, you need to hold down a special button on the router for 10-15 seconds. It is in a recess, so you will need, for example, a needle. After that, all settings are reset to default, the security code will disappear. Then you can enter the interface and install a new key.

How to find out the password if the connection is inactive?

There is a way to recover the Rostelecom WiFi password, even if you are not connected to this network. The main thing is that before that you use it. For this:

1. From the Start menu, go to System Tools.

2. In the list, click on the section " Command line". A window will pop up with a black background.

3. Enter the following here:

netsh wlan show profiles

You will see a list of access points in use.

netsh wlan show profile name=net_name key=clear

where instead of "network_name" is the name of the connection from which you want to know the key. For example:

netsh wlan show profile name=ROSTELECOM_4321 key=clear

5. You will see all the information about the profile.

6. Find the line "Key content", this is the forgotten key to enter.

Having successfully restored the access code to your home wireless Internet, be sure to write it down. To prevent the situation from repeating itself, it is very convenient to have a special memo for such needs - a separate notebook or notepad in order to systematically store all the data.

How to find out your wifi password quickly? There is a solution! Surely, many people asked this question because they forgot the password from their network. On the one hand, if a computer or smartphone has already connected to the network, remembered the password and now connects again automatically, there is nothing wrong with that, but on the other hand, you often have to connect new devices and, unfortunately, you can’t do without a password. In order to find out the password from your Wi-Fi, there are several ways that even an amateur can easily use.


Advice: The password for your wireless network can definitely be suggested by the wizard who set up WiiFi, but before contacting the provider, try to find out the password yourself by following the instructions below.

Where can I see my Wi-Fi password? What options?

There are not so many options where you can find out the password from the wireless network to which you are connected or have previously connected, here they are:

  1. Admin panel of the router or router.
  2. Settings operating system.
  3. System files of your Android phone.

Of course, first you need to find out if you have any devices that are currently connected to desired network Wi-Fi or (in the case of Windows) devices that have connected to a wireless network before and saved the password during initialization. Based on this, you need to use one of the options below.

Programs to help you find out your Wi-Fi password

The easiest way to see the password from your Wi-Fi on a PC is to download the program. There are a large number of common Wi-Fi password finder and decryption software, but few of them are actually useful. One of the most useful programs under Windows is "". It is worth noting that this program does not “steal” the password from any of the Wi-Fi networks, but finds data on the networks to which the device was once connected in a computer or laptop.

WirelessKeyView is a simple exe file that does not require installation and is lightweight (less than one megabyte). Just download and run this program, and it will immediately display passwords for absolutely all wireless networks that you have ever connected to.

There are also programs for hacking / hacking Wi-Fi networks. One of these is "".

How to find out the password from an already connected WiFi

If your device is currently connected to a wireless network, then two methods will help you:

  1. Find the password in the router settings.
  2. Find the password using the operating Windows systems.
  3. View the password in the system files of your Android phone.

You can easily find out the password for the wireless network in the settings of the router, which just distributes WiFi. Any router has its own special IP address, by driving it into the address bar of the browser, we immediately get into the admin panel of the router. Often, the IP is printed on a tag that is glued to its (router / router) back side, but the instructions for the router should also contain the IP address of the admin panel, as well as the password to enter the router settings.

First you need to connect to the router in one of two ways - via a Wi-Fi network or via a regular network cable. After that, enter the IP address in the address bar of any browser. Next, you need to confirm your (i.e. administrator) login and password from the router settings page. Then the router settings page (admin panel) will open.

The login and password for entering the admin panel are usually specified directly on the router itself, in addition, they are almost always set as admin and admin by default.

For different models of routers, the admin panel has different kind, but in general, you need to get to the wireless connection security section, where you will find your wi-fi password. To simplify the task, we will tell you how to act in the admin panel of routers of different brands:

  • Find out the password from Wi-Fi on the TP-Link and Linksys Cisco router: on the home page admin router looking for the button "Wireless" (Wireless network) and click on it, then click on the button "Wireless Security" (wireless network security) and in the field "PSK Password" you will see the characters you need.
  • We are watching wifi password on Xiaomi mi router wifi mini router: In the top menu, click on the "Setting" button, then on the left on the "Wi-fi settings" button on this page in the "Password" field, look for your password from the wireless network.
  • Find out the Wi-Fi password on the D-Link router: Looking for in vertical menu on the “Wi-Fi” tab, click and look for the “Security Settings” button, in the “PSK Encryption Key” field there will be a wifi password.
  • We are watching wifi password on ASUS router: On the main page of the admin panel of the router in the right column in the "WPA-PSK Key" field.
  • Find out the Wi-Fi password on the ZyXEL router: In the lower menu, the “Wi-fi Network” tab, then the “Access Point” tab - the password will be in the “Network Key” field.

The IP address of the router is usually written on the router itself or in the instructions for it. It also contains instructions or can be obtained from the provider. And if you reset all settings, then the IP address of your router model can be found even on the Internet.

Or, alternatively, you can find out the IP of your router through your mobile phone or tablet by going to your wi-fi connection settings (as shown in the screenshot above).

The password from the router settings page, which is set in the router by default, is usually written on the back of its case. However, if you changed it (password) yourself, you could forget it. In this case, you will have to reset all settings. To do this, use the "Reset" button.
It is located on the back of the router, near the cable connectors. To avoid accidental pressing on it, the button is pressed into the case. Access to it is available only through a narrow hole through which, for example, a needle or a paper clip can pass. After pressing the "reset" button, the router will automatically return to factory settings. The password from the router will also take its initial form (written on its body). The only negative is that you will have to re-adjust / configure all the settings of the router to access the Internet.

If your device has previously connected to any Wi-Fi network, then you can use the functionality of the operating system to find out the passwords from them. To do this, use the following instructions:

  • In the search bar (lower left corner, next to the "START" menu, it's also the Windows icon), enter "Control Panel" and select the found item in the menu.
  • Look for the "Network and Sharing Center" icon. public access and double-click on it with the left mouse button.
  • In the window that appears, you will immediately see the name of the active wireless connection, you need to click on it with the left mouse button and open its properties.
  • Next, go to the "Security" tab, we see the line with the password hidden by asterisks.
  • We put a mark "Display entered characters", look and remember the password from your Wifi.

We look at our wifi password in Windows 7

In Windows 7, viewing the password for a wireless network is just as easy as in a more recent version of the OS, just follow the following sequence of actions:

  1. Locate the Network Status icon on the taskbar.
  2. Click on it with the left mouse button.
  3. Hover your mouse over the name of the desired network and right-click on it. A context menu will open, which consists of three components.
  4. Use the "Properties" command. After that, a new window will open - "Wireless Network Properties".
  5. On the "Security" tab, you will find a line with encrypted characters. This character set is your password. To see the characters, check the "Display input characters" box.

Have you recovered your password? Don't forget to watch and enjoy it for free!

For those who do not like to delve into windows and tabs, there is an easy way to find out the password for a connected wireless network through the Windows command line.

In the search bar (lower left corner, next to the "START" menu, it's also the Windows icon), enter "cmd" (without quotes), launch the "Command Prompt" application and type the command:

netsh wlan show profiles

This command queries Windows for a list of all wireless networks that have been connected to from this PC. In this list, you need to find the name of the desired network, remember it and use it when writing the following command to get the password from the wireless network:

netsh wlan show profiles name=NETWORK-NAME key=clear

After executing this command, the Wi-fi password you need will appear on the screen.

Find out the password from your WiFi wireless network on an Android phone

Your Android phone carefully stores absolutely all passwords from wireless networks to which you have ever connected in your system files. True, you can view the list of passwords with RTH rights (super-user rights) on your phone, most users do not have them, since they need to be configured. If you have root rights, then install the RootBrowser application on your mobile phone, go through the following hierarchy: data -> misc -> wifi and find a file called wpa_supplicant.conf.
It is in the wpa_supplicant.conf file that records are stored about all the phone's connections to wireless networks, including the names of wifi networks and passwords for them (passwords in lines like: psk=password).

If you distribute the Internet and need to see the password of your Wi-Fi access point
In this case, the functionality is already built into Android and you just need to go through the menu chain:

Settings -> WiFi hotspot -> Hotspot setting

How to view the password without connecting to a computer or router

Usually default password can be obtained from the provider. There are also many special devices that look for enabled Wi-Fi networks in a certain range, and then automatically select a password for it, and you will recognize it. One of these devices is . In addition to it, many analogues are produced, however, it is possible that the use of such devices is illegal.

No matter how trite it may be, you can find out the password by asking it from a person who knows it, for example, the master who produced wifi setup access points.

As you can see, there are many ways to find out a forgotten password from your Wi-Fi network. It is easier to do this through a computer or laptop. If you are lucky and one of the devices is connected to the network, then you can recover your password in just a few clicks. It is also quite easy to do this using a router. You may not be able to do it yourself, but there is no such case that it is impossible to find out the password. However, you should not forget your passwords anyway, as this entails unnecessary inconvenience, loss of time and problems.

How to recover WiFi password if it is lost or forgotten?

Hello everyone, and now I will show the easiest way to recover the WiFi password in case it is forgotten or lost. The conditions of the experiment are as follows: at home, a stationary computer, laptop, tablet and smartphones are connected to the router. Something like this ... The router is configured, and the Internet is working, but the password for accessing it is forgotten. But none of the household remembers the WiFi password.

To recover the WiFi password, there are several exits: root-rights to the smartphone or resetting the router and reconfiguring it again.

What is fraught with? Setting up root rights requires the user to have straight arms and a head. For many users, such manipulations end in failure. Not our case for sure. You can set up the router again, but it definitely takes time and perseverance. Again, no need.

However, if the conditions described at the beginning of the article are preserved, then it will not be difficult to recover the WiFi password. And we will take out the password directly from the bowels of the system.

I'll show you a few simple ways: using the tools of the Windows operating system and the WirelessKeyView program.

How to recover Wi-Fi password using connection properties

If the laptop connects to the network via WiFi, then the password has been saved. We take it out of the connection settings. In the lower right part of the screen in the system tray, click on the wireless network connection icon:

open Network and Sharing Center. On the screen on the right, the currently active connection is highlighted in blue and a green diagram. Click on the icon with the green light signal strength chart.

The active WiFi connection status window will appear:

In the window click on Wireless network properties. Another window will appear, where in the tab Safety check the box Display input characters. This is the password. Or like this - but the result will be the same:

The second click calls the properties of the wireless network:

How to recover wifi password via cmd

Knowledge of special commands and management of system utilities from the console will help out any user. As in our case. We just need to remember the name of our wireless access point. And this is easy to do by clicking the left mouse button on the wireless connection icon - you will see a list of available APs:

It remains to insert the name of the access point in this command instead of network-name:

netsh wlan show profiles" network-name"key=clear