Fire department phone from a mobile phone. How to call emergency services. How to call emergency services from a mobile phone

In case of fire, you can call the numbers:

from any phone - 112;

With mobile phone - 101;

from a landline phone - 01, 101.

01, 101 are the numbers of the fire department. 112 is a single number that you can call in any emergency.

Emergency calls are free of charge. You can call from a mobile phone even if the number is blocked for non-payment or a SIM card is not inserted into the phone.

2. How to extinguish small fires?

If oil catches fire on the stove

If oil or other flammable liquid ignites on the stove, turn off the stove first. Then put out the fire. It is best to use a dry powder fire extinguisher. But if not, cover the flame with a lid or wet thick cloth. This will limit the access of oxygen to the fire site, and the fire will die down.

Never extinguish burning vegetable oils with water. This leads to a sharp burst of burning liquid and the spread of flame throughout the room.

If an electrical appliance catches fire

De-energize the appliance first. If it can be safely approached, remove the plug from the outlet. If not, de-energize the apartment through the electrical panel.

Then throw a thick cloth over the ignited device. This will help limit the access of oxygen to the fire site. After that, you can begin to gently fill the device with water until the fire goes out. If the TV lights up, you need to fill it with water in small portions so that water does not get on the screen. In this case, you need to stand on the side, as the TV screen may explode.

While the appliance is on fire, do not open the window - fresh air will only intensify the fire. But after the device is extinguished, you need to remove all people from the room and ventilate well. Appliances that catch fire can emit substances hazardous to breathing.

If the wiring caught fire

Water and electrical wires are not compatible. Therefore, in no case extinguish the ignited wiring with water.

First, turn off the package switch on the electrical panel (switch, switch) or remove the electrical plugs.

It is best to extinguish the wiring with a dry powder fire extinguisher. But if he is not at hand, you can cover the fire with earth (for example, from flower pots), washing powder. You can also knock down the flames with a wet, dense cloth, but only if you are sure that the wires are de-energized.

If furniture caught fire

It is best to extinguish any fire with a dry powder extinguisher. But if it is not there, you can use water. You can fill it in pots or buckets, but this is time-consuming. Better to wet the cloth and try to knock down the flame with it. Also, the source of fire can be covered with washing powder or earth. If the area of ​​the ignited surface is not very large, you can throw a dense cloth over the fire site - this will help reduce the access of oxygen to the flame, which will prevent it from flaring up. But the fabric should not be flammable - wool, synthetics will not work. Use a sheet or bath towel.

If a fire occurs in the forest

The most common way to extinguish small fires in a forest is to overwhelm the edge of the fire. For this, green (not dry!) ​​Tree branches are used. You can also cover the fire with soil. This will cool the burning materials and prevent them from accessing oxygen.

3. How to behave if you cannot put out the fire yourself?

In an apartment building

You need to act as quickly as possible. Call the firefighters first.

If a fire starts and spreads in one of the rooms, slam the door leading into it. Cover all slots with rags. Water the door with water. This will help keep the fire and smoke from spreading to other rooms for some time.

If the smoke still spreads, leave the apartment immediately. Combustion products and carbon monoxide are toxic. Inhaling them, a person may lose consciousness after two to three minutes. Remember, in an apartment building, fire spreads upward, not downward. Smoke also rises upward, so it's best to bend as low as possible or crawl out on all fours. If you have self-rescuers (mini gas masks) in your home, use them. If not, apply a wet cloth to the respiratory system. If it is not possible to wet a rag, use at least a dry one.

Take money and documents with you only if you do not need to look for them.

Notify the neighbors, help the children and the elderly to get out. If possible, meet firefighters to tell them what information you have about the fire. Do not use the elevator under any circumstances - it can be turned off and you will be trapped.

If the path down is cut off by fire, try to go out onto the balcony - here the rescuers will find you faster. Do not open the door wide - fresh air will add strength to the fire. If possible, use the fire escape. You can also make yourself felt through the window window of a room not engulfed in fire. As soon as you realize that you have been heard, close the window and lie down on the floor.

If you were saved or you saved yourself, notify as many people as possible (neighbors, better rescuers) about it. This way, firefighters will not waste extra time looking for you in a burning room.

In a public place

If you notice signs of a fire (smoke, sparks, flames, the smell of burnt electrical insulation), you need to act as quickly as possible. Without creating panic, report the incident to the staff. Call firefighters or have staff call them.

Leave the building, following the instructions of the personnel and the evacuation plan. Try to take as many people as possible with you. Help children and the elderly. Don't panic or succumb to it.

Protect the respiratory system with a cloth. Try to breathe less frequently. Inhaling toxic combustion products, a person can lose consciousness after two to three minutes. The smoke rises upward, so in case of strong smoke, look for a way out by bending over or on all fours.

Remember that fire spreads from bottom to top. If the path down is cut off by smoke or fire, make your way to the windows. The windows should not be opened wide - fresh air will intensify the fire. You can draw attention to yourself with a bright rag. As soon as you are sure that you are noticed, lie on the floor and wait for the rescuers - there is less smoke.


If you find yourself near a forest fire, call the firefighters. Objectively assess the situation: if you cannot prevent the spread of fire, get out of the forest yourself and take people out of there. It is important to go out to meet the firefighters and tell them all possible details: how to get to the fire as quickly as possible, are there people there, and so on.


Rescuers should be called immediately in the event of an emergency. However, not everyone knows how to call the Ministry of Emergency Situations, and whether government rescuers provide services to individuals. The second question can be answered unequivocally: yes, it does it if necessary. Regarding how exactly to call rescuers, it should be noted that regional offices work with the unification of emergency calls. What does this mean in practical terms? The fact that any citizen has the opportunity to call the Ministry of Emergencies by phone, using a single number, regardless of its territorial location. If you are interested in how to call the Ministry of Emergency Situations from your cell phone, it should be noted that the easiest and fastest way to do this is by contacting the service dispatcher. It is also worth noting that a call to an emergency number can be made even with a negative balance on the phone, so in an emergency there is nothing easier than calling rescuers.

Step-by-step instructions on how to call the Ministry of Emergencies in Moscow

  • you can dial the familiar number 01 for a long time to connect to the single duty dispatching service. This method is useful if you have relevant information on how to call the Ministry of Emergencies from a landline phone. After contacting the dispatcher, explain your situation. You will be redirected to the service that you need: fire department, police, ambulance or Ministry of Emergency Situations.
  • if you need to call rescuers, and the services listed above are irrelevant in your case, you can use the single telephone number of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. In each of the areas it has its own. You can find out the number using the help desk. There is also an emergency number, which is easy to find on the service website. To do this, you need to use the search bar and select your region number from the list that will drop out in the upper right.
  • you should also know how to call the Ministry of Emergencies from a mobile phone, because this is the most efficient way to contact the service. Alas, due to the technical features of cellular communication, it is not possible to use two-digit numbers from a mobile. Therefore, if you dial the familiar number 01, nothing will work. In order to make a call, you need to add one more zero to the number so that the call combination looks like this: 010.
  • You can contact the duty dispatcher of the rescue service using a mobile phone from any Russian region. To do this, dial 112. The operator does not charge a fee for calling this number, and you can use this number even if you have no funds in your account. Moreover, it is possible to call the rescuers by dialing this number even if the SIM card is blocked or not in the phone. A call to this number has priority in relation to any other calls, which means that you can get through to the dispatcher as soon as possible.

In what cases is the Ministry of Emergency Situations called? When to call lifeguards?

On the portal of public services on the world wide Internet there is a page of the Ministry of Emergencies, where the services of rescuers are provided that can save someone's life. Also, there are fire, child and radiation safety dispatchers, anti-corruption services operating around the clock. Site visitors have the opportunity to contact the online emergency service of a psychological nature. Having learned the ways to call rescuers, it remains to understand in which cases you should contact them. For example, is it necessary to call the Ministry of Emergency Situations if a thermometer crashed? Let's look at a list of reasons for contacting the rescue service. As a rule, most often the services of the Ministry of Emergency Situations are required if you need to open the door. However, if you just forgot your keys, it is better to use the services of special services. But if there is a small child or a person who urgently needs medical assistance behind a closed door, contact the rescuers. It is also worth calling them if there is a danger of ignition of a gas leak. Summing up, it must be said: in any situation where there is a danger to human life, call the Ministry of Emergency Situations specialists.

Of course, when you have to resort to the services of specialists of a certain profile, the question invariably arises: how much will you have to pay? For example, how much does it cost to call rescuers? Giving an answer to this question, it should be said that everything depends on the situation. For example, you will have to call the Ministry of Emergency Situations for a fee if there is no real threat to the life and health of people caught in a difficult situation. For example, when rescuers are called to help an animal, remove an emergency tree, and so on. But if there is a real threat to a person's life, then, most likely, you will not have to pay rescuers for a call. After all, they are just doing their job. The Emergency Response Center offers professional rescue services around the clock. We respond to emergencies as quickly as possible and will be ready to help you no matter what happens.

The well-known emergency phone numbers have not changed in 2015. Their dialing rules from modern devices are somewhat different from dialing from city phones. The difference is related to the choice of the mobile operator. So that in emergencies, users of modern gadgets can dial the emergency numbers of Moscow and other cities of Russia without delay, we will provide the correct set of them from electronic devices connected to popular mobile operators.

How to call emergency services from a mobile phone

All emergency phone numbers are dialed from any type of device (landline, mobile) FREE OF CHARGE. A set of two-digit and three-digit numbers will be correct:

  • 101 or 01- rescuers, fire brigade
  • 102 or 02 - police
  • 103 or 03 - ambulance
  • 104 or 04 - gas emergency service

Most of the latest generation gadgets will not make a call after dialing a two-digit number. In this case, emergency telephone numbers from a mobile device can be dialed by adding a "*" to the two-digit number: 01 *, 02 *, 03 * and 04 *.

Rules for dialing emergency services from a mobile device

In emergency and unforeseen situations, you can dial the universal special services number - 112. Calls to the proposed number will also be FREE. There are difficult situations when the user does not know how to call the police from a mobile phone or other special service if he has:

  • There are not enough funds on the account;
  • The SIM card was blocked by the operator;
  • No SIM card is inserted in the device.

Dialing the universal numbers 112 in all three situations will provide dialing and calling for help. It can be difficult to remember all emergency phone numbers for primary school children, but one universal number is much easier.

How to get through to emergency services for users of a particular operator?

Most mobile operators in Russia have the same dialing procedure and dialing rules for the ambulance, police and gas emergency services. However, not all. Therefore, if the user of an electronic device has difficulties with how to call an ambulance from a mobile phone or other special service, it is necessary to check the correctness of dialing the number.

1. For U-Tel, MTS, TELE2 and Megafon subscribers.

  • 010 - Firefighters, rescuers
  • 020 - Police
  • 030 - Medical assistance
  • 040 - Gas service

2. How to call firefighters and special services from a mobile phone to Beeline subscribers.

  • 001 - Firefighters, rescuers
  • 002 - Police
  • 003 - Medical assistance
  • 004 - Gas service

3. Those who use Sky Link and Motive.

  • 901 - Firefighters, rescuers
  • 902 - Police
  • 903 - Medical assistance
  • 904 - Gas service

It is appropriate to use all of the listed emergency phone numbers for the consumer's corner or as a reminder at the enterprise, in the office. In case of unforeseen situations during a panic, they will help you quickly and promptly call for help.

Fire has tremendous destructive power. Despite the seemingly universal awareness of the actions that must be taken in the event of a fire, not all people know how to call firefighters by mobile. It should be understood that in the event of emergency situations, a person can simply panic and forget the uniform number of the Ministry of Emergencies. The knowledge gained during training on fire safety in Kursk does not always allow one to quickly navigate the situation and make a call to call rescuers.

True, it is worth noting that the phone number of the emergency fire service is indicated everywhere, in addition, it has the most simplified form so that it cannot be forgotten in a state of deep stress. You can call 01 to call firefighters from both a cell phone and a landline phone. At the same time, it is necessary to figure out how to act when making a call to the rescue service in order for rescuers to arrive as quickly as possible and to the correct address, which will help not only minimize material damage, but also preserve the health and lives of people.

What information must be provided to the operator when calling the fire department?

Having called with a request for help to the operator of the Ministry of Emergencies, you should provide as accurate information as possible about the current situation, as well as about the location of the object where the fire broke out. In general, the following information should be reported to the dispatcher:

  • the exact address of the fire;
  • type of building or facility;
  • design features of the facility;
  • provide information on more convenient travel to the fire site;
  • Full name of the caller, as well as a contact phone number.

Important: therefore, before calling the fire department, it is recommended to calm down a little so that during communication with the fire service dispatcher you do not get confused and do not forget the address of the object and other important details.

How to make a call to the fire department from a mobile phone number?

You can contact the firefighting civil service from your cell phone by two short telephone numbers: "112" and "01". All calls to 112 and 01 from any domestic mobile operator are free of charge.

We should also dwell on the short number 112, which has a number of additional features and advantages:

  • a call to 112 is available in the absence of funds on the mobile balance;
  • you can call this number both when blocking by the SIM card operator, and in the absence of SIM cards in the mobile phone;
  • this short number is a single universal telephone for all emergency government services.

Important: by calling 112, you can call not only the fire protection, but also an ambulance, a police squad, as well as employees of the gas state service in the event of a gas leak.

What awaits the person who makes the false call?

According to current legislation, making a false call to a fire brigade is hooliganism. Under certain circumstances, for such actions, the "joker" can be sentenced to imprisonment for up to 5 years. True, such harsh measures can be taken by representatives of Themis only in truly serious cases.

Also, the following sanctions apply to such telephone hooligans:

  • a fine of up to 200 thousand rubles;
  • bringing the offender to correctional labor for up to six months;
  • imprisonment for up to six months.

    Although not everyone knows how to call the fire department from a mobile phone, in fact, there is nothing difficult about it, the main thing is to stay calm, not to panic and provide the operator with all the necessary information for the early arrival of the rescue team.

  • How to call emergency assistance, the police, the Ministry of Emergency Situations and other services in emergency situations.

    In case of emergencies, be sure to notify the appropriate service. In Russia, these are:

    • police
    • emergency gas service
    • ambulance
    • Ministry of Emergency Situations or fire brigade

    Find out what number to call in certain cases from our article.

    How to call the Unified Duty Dispatch Rescue Service - EDDS from a cell phone?

    Emergencies do happen, and, unfortunately, quite often. If you find yourself in the epicenter of events, call the rescuers on 112. This number is analogous to the American 911, which we often hear about in films.

    Mobile phones support 112 or 911 calls for rescuers, even if:

    • no funds on balance
    • the keyboard is locked (does not apply to touch phones)
    • no sim card in the phone

    Thus, in the event of an emergency, you can call rescuers.

    It doesn't matter what region or city you are in. Number 112 is valid not only on the territory of the Russian Federation and Ukraine, but also in many other countries. For example, the eastern part of Europe and some countries to the west.

    Having made a call to 112, you will be automatically redirected to the nearest UDDS or the Unified Dispatching Rescue Service. There you can choose which service you need, or contact the dispatcher.

    Important information! Your conversation with the dispatcher will be recorded, so try to pull yourself together and speak as calmly and clearly as possible so that the person on the other end of the line can understand you correctly. A lot depends on this.

    112 is just a general number. Each mobile operator has long had its own emergency numbers, where you can call rescuers, ambulances or the police.

    MTS emergency mobile phone numbers: list

    Mobile phones do not support two-digit calls, so mobile operators recommend adding a “*” to the end of a two-digit number. For instance:

    • fire brigade - 01 *
    • police - 02 *
    • ambulance - 03 *
    • emergency gas service - 04 *

    MTS has its own list of emergency numbers.

    010 - Ministry of Emergency Situations, fire protection
    020 - police
    030 - ambulance
    040 - emergency gas service

    Calls to any of the above numbers are free.

    Tele2 emergency mobile phone numbers: list

    For Tele2, the list of emergency numbers will look like this:

    Beeline emergency mobile phone numbers: list

    If you are a Beeline subscriber, and some trouble happened to you or someone you know, call the following numbers:

    MegaFon emergency mobile phone numbers: list

    To call an ambulance, police, emergency gas service or rescuers, call the following toll-free numbers:

    As you may have noticed, the emergency numbers for mobile operators Beeline, Megafon and Tele2 are identical. All information is taken from the official websites of the operators and is subject to change.

    How to call, call for free from a cell, mobile phone to an emergency ambulance for children, psychiatric, adult help with MTS, Tele2, MegaFon, Beeline?

    In some emergency situations, people need support. Whether it is an accident, a disaster, an incident of a different scale, or even a major quarrel, there is an emergency psychiatric service in our country:

    for Beeline subscribers: 8-051-8-495-051

    for MTS subscribers: 8-800-20000-112

    for Tele2 subscribers: 8-800-20000-112

    for Megafon subscribers: 8-495-205-05-50

    Each city has its own emergency psychological assistance service. You can find out on the websites of city hospitals.

    Children's emergency services can be called on the same numbers.

    Video: How to call an ambulance correctly



    20.11.2013 №360

    On amendments to the Russian system and numbering plan, approved by order of the Ministry information technologies and communications of the Russian Federation of November 17, 2006 No. 1422

    In accordance with part 3 of article 26 of the Federal Law of July 7, 2003 No. 126-FZ "On Communications" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2003, No. 28, Art. 2895; No. 52, Art. 5038; 2004, No. 35, Art. 3607; No. 45, Art. 4377; 2005, No. 19, Art. 1752; 2006, No. 6, Art. 636; No. 10, Art. 1069; No. 31, Art. 3431, Art. 3452; 2007, No. 1, article 8; No. 7, article 835; 2008, No. 18, article 1941; 2009, No. 29, article 3625; 2010, No. 7, article 705; No. 15, article 1737; No. 27, art. 3408; no. 31, art. 4190; 2011, no. 7, art. 901; no. 9, art. 1205; no. 25, art. 3535; no. 27, art. 3873, art. 3880; no. 29, art. 4284, art. 4291; no. 30, art. 4590; no. 45, art. 6333; no. 49, art. 7061; no. 50, art. 7351, art. 7366; 2012, no. 31, art. 4322, art. 4328 ; 2013, No. 19, Art. 2326; No. 27, Art. 3450), as well as subparagraph 5.2.10 of the Regulation on the Ministry of Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation dated June 2, 2008 No. 418 (Collection of legislation Russian Federation, 2008, No. 23, Art. 2708; No. 42, Art. 4825; No. 46, Art. 5337; 2009, No. 3, Art. 378; No. 6, Art. 738; No. 33, Art. 408 eight; 2010, no. 13, art. 1502; No. 26, art. 3350; No. 30, art. 4099; No. 31, art. 4251; 2011, no. 2, art. 338; No. 3, art. 542; No. 6, art. 888; No. 14, art. 1935; No. 21, art. 2965; No. 44, art. 6272; No. 49, art. 7283; 2012, no. 20, art. 2540; No. 37, art. 5001; No. 39, art. 5270; No. 46, art. 6347; 2013, No. 13, Article 1568; No. 33, art. 4386),

    I ORDER:

    1. Introduce into the Russian system and the numbering plan approved by the order of the Ministry of Information Technologies and Communications of the Russian Federation dated November 17, 2006 No. 142 "On the approval and implementation of the Russian numbering system and plan" (registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on December 8, 2006 No. , registration No. 8572) as amended by orders of the Ministry of Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation dated December 29, 2008 No. 118 "On Amendments to the Order of the Ministry of Information Technologies and Communications of the Russian Federation No. 142 dated November 17, 2006" (registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation February 2, 2009, registration No. 13237), dated 15.07.2011 No. 187 "On amendments to the order of the Ministry of Information Technologies and Communications of the Russian Federation dated 17.11.2006 No. 142" (registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on 17 August 2011, registration No. 21646) and dated 15.06.2012 No. 158 "On amendments to the Russian system and numbering plan approved by the order of the Ministry of Information Technologies and Communications of the Russian Federation dated November 17, 2006 No. 142 "(registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on July 6, 2012, registration No. 24829), the following changes:

    a) paragraph 32 shall be supplemented with the words ", as well as the numbers of the relevant emergency operational services:" 101 "," 102 "," 103 "," 104 ".";

    b) Clause 32 1 shall be amended as follows:

    "32. 1 For access by subscribers and users of mobile and fixed telephone services:

    To telephone line"The child is in danger" the uniform numbers "121", "123" are used;

    to a unified support service for citizens for advice when receiving state and municipal services in in electronic format a single number "115" is used. ";

    c) clause 46 shall be supplemented with the following paragraph:

    "The format of the number for access to the corresponding emergency operational services:" 101 "," 102 "," 103 "," 104 ".";

    d) in clause 1 of table No. 3 to the Russian numbering plan, in the column “Value of the DEF code”, replace the numbers “970-979” with the numbers “972-979”;

    e) in clause 12 of Table No. 4 to the Russian numbering plan, the column "Name of the telecommunication service" shall be stated as follows: "Access to telematic communication services";

    f) in clause 13 of Table No. 4 to the Russian numbering plan, the column "Name of the telecommunication service" shall be stated as follows: "Access to communication services for data transmission";

    g) in table No. 7 to the Russian numbering plan, paragraphs 1 and 2 shall be stated in the following edition:

    1. 100-109 Range for 3-digit federal service numbers
    100 Time Service
    101 Fire protection and emergency response service
    102 Police
    103 Ambulance service
    104 Gas network emergency service
    105-109 Reserve
    2. 110-119 Service numbers introduced in the Russian Federation in order to harmonize with European legislation in the field of communications
    110-111 Reserve
    112 Single number of a call of emergency services
    113 Reserve
    114 Reserve
    115 Unified support service for citizens for consultations when receiving state and municipal services in electronic form
    116XXBlocking of electronic payment cards
    117 Reserve
    118XXAccess number to the information and reference systems of the local telephone operator
    119 Reserve

    h) in clause 3 of table No. 7 to the Russian numbering plan in line "122" the column "Assigning a range of numbers for access and service numbers" shall be stated as follows: "Reserve".

    2. Send this order for state registration to the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation.

    Minister N.A. Nikiforov