Protecting your computer from dust, whim or necessity. How to make a dust filter for a computer with your own hands? How to protect your computer from industrial dust

I attached a mosquito net to the windows, after which the material remained and an idea arose with its adaptation.

We make a filter for a fan in 10 minutes and almost free

This article was moved by me from the old DNS blog (which will be closed soon) and updated to the current state.

Just yesterday I carried out a global cleaning of the system unit. I bought a can of compressed air and dismantled the entire SB (system unit) began to get rid of dust, at the same time replacing the thermal interface on the processor. Thanks to the "Accordion", which I wrote about earlier, my video card remains always clean inside due to the presence of a mesh filter inside the duct. Yesterday I had an idea to close the access for dust. Naturally I decided to buy filters for coolers and stopped there.

Today, working with the mesh, I remembered yesterday and decided to use the leftovers for filters for fans.

So, I will briefly tell you the manufacturing principle.

We take a sheet of paper. Desirable from a sketchbook - they are slightly thicker than regular A4 sheets for office equipment, which will allow the future filter to be more rigid.

Next, cut out the squares. For one filter you need 2 of these. The size of the squares depends on the fan. If we have it 80x80, then we make a paper square in size 90x90. We lengthen the filter so that after cutting the circle, we have a little paper on the sides, i.e. a kind of "stiffening rib". Then we mark the center of symmetry of the square (I hope that everyone attended geometry lessons at school and knows what it is). From this center, draw a circle with a radius of 38 mm. This number is taken in order to make the filter more resistant to wear and tear. Then we cut out the circles. It turned out 2 square bagels. We praise ourselves for such incredible pastries made according to my recipe and continue on.

Then we cut out the mosquito net to the size of the paper (I dribbled in the store for 50 rubles per 1 meter). And we cut off small corners from it so that the identical halves of the paper stick well together. We coat each leaf, put nets between them and glue them together. Iron and dry a little. All this should be successful if you did not skip applique classes in kindergarten. When the structure is dry, we put a fan on the filter and mark the places of the holes for the bolts, and then cut them out.

For fans of other sizes, the manufacturing principle is the same, but with changed dimensions. The basic algorithm has already been outlined.

After that, you can paint the paper in any color or in the color of the computer case. Filters can now be placed both between the valve and the casing, and behind the casing and behind the fan. The first option is preferable, because in this case the cooler will not get dirty. I put the filter outside on the "Accordion".

Here's what I got:

Conclusions on the work done:


1. Cheapness. A regular filter costs from 50 to 100 rubles. Ours costs almost free, considering that the mesh is bought for the window. But even if you buy a mesh specifically for filters, then when converted to one filter, the amount will be ridiculous. In fact, it turns out for free.

2. Speed. It took me 10 minutes to make one filter. I made 2 filters. The second one was for a 120x120 cooler. Previously, this cooler was equipped with a garlic bag mesh. The mesh is there with a larger mesh and it stopped dust very well. The cooler was almost in perfect condition.

3. Efficiency. Commercial filters are denser and less breathable. Our filter allows air to pass through better, stopping dust.

4. Compactness. The filter is very thin and can be placed anywhere.


1.Not identified

2.Not found

3.Not felt

4.Not visible

I hope someone will find my experience useful.

Protecting your computer from dust, a whim or a necessity? Of course a necessity. Dust is the first enemy of the system unit. Dust accumulates inside the computer during operation, and it is impossible to completely eliminate it even by plugging all the cracks. And the hot air must go out somewhere. The ventilation of the computer is designed in such a way that it works like a vacuum cleaner, sucking in dust inside the case, where it settles on all the parts of the system unit. The consequences can be very dire. CD drives convulse, an overheated processor stalls, a computer hums and restarts endlessly, a power supply fails, and the like.

Nowadays, protecting your computer from dust is not a problem, there would be a desire to do it. Unfortunately, system units, especially cheap ones, are not only not protected from dust, but on the contrary suck it into themselves, like a vacuum cleaner.

All coolers in your processor unit are covered with dust, like old rubbish in an attic. And after a while, the computer, at best, will constantly shut down, and at worst, it will burn out altogether.

Computer stores sell a special self-adhesive dust filter of minimum air resistance for computer ventilation systems called " Samokleukin».

It is a special fabric made of various fibers capable of trapping dust particles with a size of 0.3 microns and above. The most suitable filter in a roll of 1500 x 160 x5 mm.

We cut out the filter of the required size and glue it to the cooling holes of the computer. As it gets dirty, it must be changed or washed. Replace after drying.

There are special computer filters with dust collector ... They are highly efficient, easy to install, and inexpensive.

Advanced users need to regularly look inside the system unit to replace components with newer ones, add a hard drive or a new expansion card. When you open the lid, it becomes immediately clear whether the owner of the computer is watching him. If there are large clouds of dust and they strive to get into the respiratory organs, this is not very good. Some people may have an allergic reaction to particles of dirt and dead skin.

Particles rubbing against each other can accumulate static electricity. If a short circuit occurs on the motherboard or other board, it may fail.

1 protection method: expensive

In order to prevent dust from getting inside, you need to buy a system unit with removable dust filters. Usually they are placed on the bottom of the front of the case (sucking cool air inside the system unit). Then it all comes down to rinsing them with water once a week or two and putting them back (after drying them beforehand). This is the most effective and beautiful way to reduce the amount of dust inside your computer to a negligible mass.

Any modifications to the case without removable filters will not look harmonious and will not be as functional.

2 way of protection: the henchman

If you have an old building and you don’t want to invest money in upgrading it, or spend money, then take a regular medical bandage (in every family’s first-aid kit it should be). Fold it in several layers and attach it to the places where air is sucked into your computer. It will not look very good, the functionality will also not be great (since the bandage allows most of the dust to pass through), but fast and free.

3 protection method: functional

There are special filters on an adhesive basis, for example, Samokleukin. This is the same material used by the case manufacturers. One side of the filter is attached to the hole in the system unit. In this case, it is important:

  1. It is necessary to clean the surface from various contaminants
  2. Make sure that the surface is even (you cannot glue on the corners, because it will fall off over time)
  3. You need to press not with the whole palm, but with one finger press over the entire area (for more pressure per unit area)

Dust is one of the main enemies of computers and laptops. It is she who clogs the fan, settles on important "insides", including the processor, preventing them from cooling, which is a common cause of breakdowns. You can deal with this by periodically cleaning the system unit, the "filling" of the laptop from dust. However, this is a very dreary process: you need to disassemble the device, blow it out from the inside with a vacuum cleaner, clean some parts by hand. Therefore, many turn to another way out of the situation - a dust filter for a computer. We will analyze with you both purchased options and those that you can do yourself.

Why is dust dangerous?

As we already mentioned, the accumulation of dust inside the system leads to overheating. And this is fraught with the following:

  • The fan speed increases. And this is not only unnecessary noise, but also the reason for its imminent breakdown - the mechanism begins to work at its limit.
  • Capacitors on the motherboard, power supply, video card fail.
  • In an attempt to protect the processor from overheating, the system activates a mechanism that reduces its performance. This leads to an annoying freeze. And in emergency cases, when the heating of the processor reaches a critical stage, the computer shuts down altogether.
  • Dust can cause a short circuit, static breakdown on the microcircuit.

All of the above requires serious repair, which will obviously be more expensive than a dust filter for a computer, even a purchased one. Why is it so useful, we will consider further.

What makes a computer dust filter stand out?

What you find in stores is a canvas made of special air-permeable material with some options for attaching a system unit or laptop to the case. Manufacturers of dust filters for computers in Minsk, and in many other cities, promise the following to potential buyers:

  • Long years of product service.
  • Almost 90% air filtration quality.
  • Low air resistance.
  • Adjustable size and shape. In most cases, a large roll of canvas is sold, from which you can independently cut a dust filter for a computer 120 mm x 170 mm or other sizes you need.
  • Easy Installation - Basically the back of the material is adhesive, so it is quite easy to install it on the system unit.
  • Additional noise absorption.
  • Protection against the ingress of insects into the device.

What does the protective sheet provide?

In general, all dust filters for PCs and laptops are required to provide the following:

  • Reliable protection of the "filling" of the case from dust.
  • Stable low temperature of the processor (and it heats up not so much from high performance, but from dust settled on it).
  • Long life of components, provided by almost ideal conditions inside the case.

What are dust filters?

It turns out that protective cloths also differ in their main function. Let's consider their varieties using the example of dust filters for a computer "Samokleukin", according to the manufacturer, developed on the basis of a patented technology. There are three types:

  • Fine cleaning. Material - open cell polyurethane foam. Filtration efficiency up to 90% - the canvas is able to retain dust up to 5 microns in size. This allows you to achieve ideal cleanliness inside the "system unit".
  • Long service. Material - non-woven fibrous polyester. It provides both excellent filtration as well as good dust holding capacity. Such a canvas helps the computer go without maintenance for a long time.
  • Low resistance. Material - woven polyester mesh. It passes air through itself better than others, which helps it to have a minimal effect on the temperature of the processor case. A few more features of the filter: protection from insects, the ability to install on a laptop, netbook, between the fan and the case.

Installation options

It is allowed to install two filters at once: long service life and fine cleaning. The first will capture coarse dust, the second - fine. Due to the large capacity of the long-lasting cloth, the fine-cleaning barrier will concentrate on collecting small particles, while minimizing contamination.

Cleaning the filter

It goes without saying that the cleaning cloth will clog up with dust and become dirty over time. Of course, you can remove the old filter and replace it with a new one. But it's easy to clean it up:

  • The easiest and most gentle way is to vacuum without removing from the computer. This will prevent damage to the adhesive layer.
  • More serious cleaning is removal and rinsing in warm water. Next is natural drying. Somewhere the adhesive layer will withstand such a test, somewhere a new one will have to be installed. Not all filters can be machine washed, with powder or soap. Dust can be easily washed off with a simple rinse in water.

And now we will come close to how to make do-it-yourself dust filters for a computer.

Homemade protective barrier

It is unreasonable to overpay for something that you can easily and quickly find and make yourself from scrap materials. In addition, dust filters for a computer are not available in every office equipment store - you will have to spend time on orders, bypass a lot of points in search of them.

We will present you the most reliable and uncomplicated options:

  • It is mounted on the fan itself, which cools the processor, inside the case. More precisely, first, a wire bow is installed on the mechanism so that a piece of a woman's stocking does not get sucked into the blades. The canvas itself is attached with plastic ties.
  • The inner layer of the medical mask (for the power supply housing). Fastened with wide tape (it is best to use reinforced tape) over the fan grill - you just need to cut a suitable canvas.
  • Medical gauze. Best used for vertical blower PSU. You can fix the material with ordinary stationery tape. It is also important to close all slots and holes with adhesive tape so that dust does not pass through them bypassing the filter.

Such improvised tools protect both the fans and the "stuffing" of the system unit from dust getting inside, no worse than purchased tools. You can also use a synthetic winterizer for additional protection, but no more than three layers - a denser concentration will impede air exchange.

Before making and installing a dust filter for your computer, check out these helpful tips:

  • Do not use materials that are too thick in the hope that they will definitely keep dust out of the computer. This will aggravate the situation more: air exchange will decrease, which will contribute to overheating. Before using this or that canvas, conduct a small effective test - try to breathe through it yourself. If it's easy, then the material is fine.
  • Consider installing the filter so that it cannot get into the fan blades and block its operation. This could damage the device and cause replacement.
  • If possible, reduce the speed of the cooler. But to a reasonable level. Everything is simple here: the less air it drives out, the less dust settles.
  • The decrease in air flow can be compensated for. For example, installing improved thermal paste.
  • As a material for a protective barrier, zero filters from car dealerships will fit.

Protecting the "stuffing" of the computer from dust is a guarantee of long-term operation of the device. Special dust filters will help in this, which can be either bought in stores or made on your own from scrap materials.

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Dust is one of the main enemies of your computer. No matter how we monitor the cleanliness, no matter what we do, the dust from the air is sucked in by the computer, interfering with its work, and it makes you constantly sneeze.

site collected tips on how to easily clean your computer from dust and dirt using available tools.

1. Wipe the screen

Do not use products containing alcohol, ammonia or acetone... These corrosive liquids can wipe paint off the buttons and can easily damage your screen, especially if it's anti-reflective.

To make an all-purpose cleaning liquid at home, mix equal parts water and white vinegar. Use this solution to lightly dampen (but do not dip!) The napkin you use to wipe the computer.

3. Get rid of scratches

Debris and dust from the keyboard can be easily removed with a conventional