How to enable or disable the "Sticky Keys" keyboard. How to turn off Sticky Keys on different operating systems Why does Sticky Keys work involuntarily during games

The Sticky Keys feature is designed for users who find it difficult to hold two or more keys at the same time.

You can alleviate the situation by alternately pressing keyboard shortcuts.

If you need to use a specific keyboard shortcut, such as CTRL+P, the mode "Sticky Keys" allows you to press the keys one by one instead of simultaneously.

For some, Sticky Keys is the only way to properly interact with the computer and operating system.

This mode applies to such keys as Ctrl, Alt, Shift and the Windows key (with the Windows flag icon). After pressing the control key, it remains active until the user presses the second key, completing the combination.

AT Windows provided such a possibility. But to do this, you must first configure it.

You can call up the Sticky Keys setting window by pressing the button five times. "shift", but not quickly: o). Or, as usual, with the mouse Start>>>Control Panel>>>Accessibility(If Vista or Windows 7, then in the control panel look for "Ease of Access Center").

VC Removing Sticky Keys with a Mouse

  1. Click the button Start and select the item Control Panel .
  2. Make sure it's selected classic look and control panel icons are displayed on the screen. If it is not, select in the left area of ​​the control panel.
  3. Select Special abilities to open the corresponding dialog box.

4. Select a tab Keyboard and check the box sticking.

For additional settings Sticky Keys settings, use the button Setting.
Click the button Setting (1), to open the Sticky Keys Options dialog box. Check the boxes corresponding to the options you want. Click the button OK(2) then Apply (3) and then the button close(X) on the control panel .

Window The Sticky Keys setting contains the following options:

If you are insanely unlucky and your mouse does not work, then open the settings window "Sticky Keys" you can use the keyboard

Turn on Sticky Keys using the keyboard

  1. Open the menu Start by pressing the keys CTRL+ESC (or Windows logo key). Then open Control Panel by pressing the key C.
  2. Make sure Classic View is selected and the Control Panel icons are displayed on the screen. If this is not the case, go to the left area of ​​the control panel and select Switch to Classic View by pressing the key tab, and then ENTER. Use the arrow keys to select Special abilities and press the key ENTER.
  3. In the dialog box Special abilities go to tab Keyboard , and then check the box sticking by pressing the key U.
  4. With key S press the button Options . A dialog box will open Setting Sticky Keys , where you can select the following options.

Press key u, to check the box Use this type of inclusion . This option allows you to turn Sticky Keys on or off by pressing a key five times. SHIFT.

Press key P to check the box Double tap locks the keys CTRL, SHIFT and ALT . This setting disables the CTRL, ALT, SHIFT, or Windows logo key if you press any of them twice in a row.

Press key T to check the box Turn off sticky when pressing two keys at once . This setting turns off Sticky Keys when the CTRL, ALT, SHIFT, or Windows logo key is pressed at the same time as any other key.

Press key M to check the box Play a beep when pressing CTRL, SHIFT and ALT . This setting allows you to play a sound when the CTRL, ALT, SHIFT, or Windows logo key is pressed, locked, or released.

Press key S to check the box Display sticky mode status on screen . This function allows you to display the corresponding icon in the taskbar when the sticky function is enabled.

5. Press the key twice ENTER to exit the accessibility menu.

6. Close the control panel by pressing the keys ALT+F, C.

How to turn off the Sticky Keys feature

As a rule, the function of sticky keys and mouse buttons is convenient to activate in cases where novice users or people with disabilities sit down at the computer. If you do not need to use these modes, it is better to disable them.

Sometimes sticky keys happen automatically, and many people have probably encountered such problems. Often this happens in games when you press several keys at the same time.
Or sticking turns on by itself when you hold down any button on the keyboard for a long time.
Or you are typing some text and suddenly something has switched ... and it has become impossible to print with one click, but it prints only if you hold the button for a few seconds.
Most likely in such cases. you turned on Sticky Keys mode» .

According to statistics, the Shift key is most often stuck. At the same time, when sticking is turned on, the computer starts to emit a characteristic high-pitched sound, reminiscent of an intermittent squeak. Every five seconds, when the same key is stuck, the sound repeats, which is very annoying for those sitting in front of the computer.

To remove Sticky Keys without turning off Sticky Keys, press the Shift key five times while working.

To disable the Sticky Keys feature completely , do the following

To force disable the Sticky Keys feature:

For Windows XP :

Method 1. standard

1. Pass in "Start" → "Control Panel". Call the component "Special abilities". In general, the initial steps are the same as when turning on the Sticky Keys mode (see above)

2. Click on the icon "Special abilities" left mouse button - a new dialog box will open. In the window that opens, go to the tab "Keyboard".

3. In chapter "Sticky Keys" "Sticking".

4. Click on the button "Apply" for the new settings to take effect.

5. Close the window "Special abilities" by clicking on the button OK or icon [x] in the upper right corner of the window.

For Windows 7: For convenience, I give an example for the English version as well.

1. Go to "Start" → "Control Panel".

Below we find the item «» (Ease of Access) and go into it.

In the next window, you will see a list of computer simplifications. Choose « Making keyboarding easier» (Make the keyboard easier to use)

By the way, by default, in the section "Simplify typing" most of the options are unchecked, which does not prevent Windows from suggesting the inclusion of new functions each time a certain key sequence is pressed. To get rid of these offers, you have to dive even deeper into the settings.

Click the link Set Up Sticky Keys to go to the " Set up sticky keys” (Set Up Sticky Keys). In this window, you need to uncheck not only the item « Enable Sticky Keys» ,

but also from paragraph Turn on Sticky Keys when SHIFT Is Pressed Five Times.

Then Windows will stop prompting you to enable this feature.

When everything is ready, save the settings made by clicking "Apply". Close window with button "OK ".

Method 2. Lightweight

To disable the Sticky Keys feature, do simple steps:

By quickly pressing the left key five times on Windows XP a dialog box appears asking you to enable Sticky Keys

After pressing the button "Options" window opens immediately "Special abilities" . Further we work with this window, as in the first method.

For Windows 7, a dialog box prompting you to turn on Sticky Keys will look like this:

or window Sticky Keys for English version:

3. The Sticky Keys settings window appears.

6. We enjoy working in Windows or playing your favorite game.

Disabling the Input Filtering feature

You disabled the Sticky Keys feature, but the problem persists, there are still typing delays. Perhaps the point is that in addition to sticky keys, the mode can be turned on "Input filtering"

"Input filtering" (Filter Keys), turns on if you press and hold right key for more than 8 seconds.

To turn it off

For Windows XP :

We go Start>>>Control Panel>>>Accessibility >>>Keyboard.

In chapter Input filtering remove the marker from the field opposite the inscription "Filtration".

Click the button setting, to open the filter options dialog box. Uncheck the box "Enable filtering mode: hold the SHIFT key on the right for 8 seconds" Click OK, then Apply and close the window by clicking OK or X

For Windows 7:

We go Start>>>Control Panel>>>Ease of Access Center

In the window "Easy to work with the keyboard" uncheck the box "Enable input filtering":

- Turn on Filter Keys when Right SHIFT Is Pressed for 8 Seconds

Click Apply, close the window by pressing OK

Well, and the last:

How to turn off the Sticky Keys alert

If you want to keep Sticky Keys enabled but only want to turn off the distracting sound your computer makes,

then For Windows 7 tick the option " Enable Sticky Keys" leave / or put and click on the blue link "Setting Sticky Keys".

In the window that appears, uncheck the box next to the option at the very bottom "Beep when pressing CTRL, ALT and SHIFT",

then press Apply, then OK and close the control panel.

For Windows XP this action will look like this:

You can also uncheck "Use this activation method" in Settings section "Voicing mode switching"
This way you will not turn off sticky keys, but you will remove the annoying sound.

That seems to be all I wanted to say about such Windows features, how "Sticky Keys" and " Input filtering». If you do not need these special features, disabling these two options will save you from the intrusive suggestions of the operating system and from the annoying squeak of the speaker.

Based on materials from,, www.nb1000.

If you are a happy owner of a Xiaomi smartphone and one day the lock and volume down keys stopped working, do not rush to bring it to the service. This article will most likely help you get your phone back up and running.

Likely Causes

Depending on the circumstances, the causes of this problem may be different.

If you have been using the phone for a long time, it is possible that the problem is in contacts that have oxidized over time. But then, most likely, the buttons would not stop working at the same time.

Another reason is water intrusion. But these are mechanical failures and you would surely determine that this is the problem.

Therefore, discarding the first two options, we can assume that the buttons stopped working due to a system failure. The fact is that the keys can be blocked by the power controller after the battery is completely discharged.

We will treat the smartphone with a reboot. But how to do this if the lock button does not work, which, when pressed for a long time, launches the shutdown / restart dialog. Another problem may be unlocking the phone. If you are reading this article, then you have probably found a way to unlock your phone, for example, using a fingerprint sensor. Therefore, we will not dwell on this issue.

How to restart a Xiaomi smartphone without a button?

Try all options with special applications to reboot from the Play Store, and you will come to the conclusion that half requires root, and the other half just does not work. In other ways, the shutdown / restart dialog does not start in any way.

Fortunately, there is a feature in the MIUI shell that, when activated, requires a reboot. Go to Settings -> Light Mode. Let's activate it.

After that, the phone will be rebooted, and the functionality of the buttons will be restored. At the same time, the interface will change to the “for parents” option, you can return everything back using the same menu item.

A smartphone is a multifunctional device, its versatility is based on many factors. One of them is the volume buttons, the possibilities of which, apart from their basic functions of working with sound, few people know. In this article, we will cover everything functionality"rocker" volume control and determine how useful they are.


Today, almost any smartphone standardly supports the function of capturing pictures using the volume buttons of the smartphone. However, if the manufacturer decides to limit the functionality of the firmware, there is a solution in the form of various third party programs, one of which is QuickClick .
Similarly, the program works in the case of video recording.

Turn on flashlight

Again with QuickClick you will be able to turn the flashlight on or off with a simple press of the volume button. It is worth noting that today most devices support this feature initially, in particular, we are talking about new gadgets on fresh 5.x.x.

Open apps

QuickClick will also allow you to open third-party applications by pressing the volume buttons. You can select the applications you are interested in in the QC settings. An excellent opportunity for those who, for example, often visit the VKontakte application or the Android World - AndroidInsider.

play music

The same application will allow you to listen to music.
The normal method works like this:

  • You unlock your smartphone;
  • Open the music player;
  • Choose a track.

However, with QuickClick, all you need to do is press the volume button and your favorite track will fill the room with interesting hues.


If you're stuck in an elevator, or if you forgot your house keys and the door slammed shut, the only solution is to call emergency service. However, it also happens that there is no time to unlock the gadget, go to contacts and search for the desired number at such moments. The best solution would be to set the volume button to automatically dial emergency services using QC. By the way, you can choose any contact. For example, if you often communicate with a friend, it would be nice to add his contact to the volume rocker actions.

Lock button

Lock button not working? No problem. You can also unlock the gadget using the volume buttons. To do this, you need the Volume Unlock Button Fix application, which will save you from going to a service center for the help of specialists who require a considerable amount from customers for the services provided.


Thanks to the following app, Oops! AppLock , you can block access to certain applications.
When launching the application, the user needs to understand how to unlock the gadget, because the principle of unlocking lies in the algorithm for pressing the volume buttons. For example: a sequence of clicks Up - Up - Up. By the way, according to the standard, this is the sequence. The application itself is hidden under the usual notes, in order to go to the program itself, you need to press the Volume Up button three times in the Note application.

Flip through web pages

If you are using UC Browser, assigning web browsing to the volume buttons is not difficult, because this function is built into this browser from the very beginning. But in the case of Chrome, you will need Root rights.

If they are still available, you need to download Xposed, go to the "Download" section and find the XUpDown module, installing which you need to go to it and select Chrome.


This is the second most popular function of the volume buttons (in the first place is the standard volume up / down function). In order to take a screenshot of the screen, you need to press the volume buttons "Up" and "Down" at the same time. The feature works on any Android device.

First of all, it is necessary to say a few words about why attach additional functions to the hardware keys of a smartphone at all. The fact is that this is perhaps the only way to perform any action you need without looking at your gadget, that is, by touch or even in your pocket. In addition, there are several actions, such as controlling the cursor on the screen, that are more convenient to perform in this way. Below you will find a list of such operations. Please note that some of them will require you to have superuser rights.

Launch desired applications

QuickClick is a multifunctional utility that is designed to quickly launch applications using the volume keys. At the same time, you can different programs to different sequences of clicks. For example, two presses on the volume up rocker will launch the camera, and three presses will launch the flashlight. An important advantage of QuickClick is that it is one of the few programs that does not require root to function.

Smartphone wake up

This utility will be a real lifeline for those users whose power button is broken or it is located on the case so inconveniently that it is difficult for you to use it. The Power Button to Volume Button program is extremely simple and performs only one function: it allows you to wake up the device by pressing the volume rocker. But it is free and contains no ads.

Scrolling long pages

In some book readers, page scrolling with the volume buttons works by default. If you have already gotten used to this wonderful feature and want to use it in other programs, for example in a browser, then you will need to install a special Xposed module called XUpDown. What is Xposed and how to make friends with it, you can read in.

Switching tracks

This is one of the most requested hardware button features that will allow you to switch your music player to play the next or previous song. This feature is implemented in several programs, but we recommend that you opt for Xposed Additions. In addition to music control, this module for Xposed has several additional features which may be of use to you. You can read more about Xposed Additions.

Cursor position control

This option is useful for those users who work on documents. With its help, you can much more accurately indicate the position of the cursor when entering text than by poking the screen with your fingers. To activate this function, we need another multifunction Xposed module, which is called XBlast Tools. In its bowels you will find a huge number of options, but in the context of this article, we are only interested in the “Volume Keys Tweaks” section. Here you can bind the cursor movement to pressing the volume rocker and set its direction.

Secret video recording

Sometimes you may be a witness to a situation that needs to be filmed, but in such a way that no one notices it. For example, you have witnessed a crime and do not want to draw attention to yourself by explicitly filming, or you are interviewing a person who is embarrassed in front of the camera lens. In this case, install the Secret Video Recorder program, which is able to shoot, obeying your pressing the volume buttons. The screen of the device will be turned off, and nothing will give out the fact that in this moment recording is in progress.

Secret smartphone unlock

If you want to protect the contents of your device from unauthorized access, you should set an unlock password. However, strangers can peep this password when you use the gadget in their presence. An interesting and unexpected solution to this problem comes from the Xposed module Sequence Unlock. With it, you can set a special sequence of pressing the volume buttons, which will unlock the device. For example, three presses on the increase button, then one on the volume down button. It is very difficult to peep and fix the movements of your finger, and standard way unlocking via the power button the utility disables.

If the volume button on the iPhone does not work for you (for example, it sticks), do not rush to give the phone to a service center. Before you find out the cost of repairs and pay for the replacement of buttons (switching to silent mode or volume control), clarify the cause of the malfunction and try to fix it yourself.

Main causes of malfunctions

Primary diagnostics of the device can be done at home. If the volume button on the iPhone does not work - you do not hear a characteristic click, you feel that the mechanism is loosened - most likely, the cause is mechanical damage. Shocks and falls easily damage cables, screen, system board and other buttons (volume, lock, power and shutdown iPhone, switching to silent mode). Often, the smartphone not only does not go into silent mode, but generally stops turning on after a strong mechanical impact.

Often problems with the iPhone occur due to liquid flooding. The penetration of moisture into the housing leads to serious consequences. It is important to dry the phone in time, clean the contacts and tracks, prevent corrosion, otherwise the problems may be not only with the sound.

Buttons "Volume" (decrease and increase the volume), "Power" (on and off) and "Mute" (mute, switch to silent mode) do not always break. In some cases, they stop working due to software glitches. For example, when you install unlicensed software on your iPhone or the firmware does not work correctly.

Symptoms of malfunctions:

  • the button is broken, does not respond
  • volume control (decrease, increase) does not work
  • button sticks, works irregularly

If you are sure that the buttons do not work due to a factory defect, immediately contact your Apple reseller, an authorized service center. In another situation, try fixing the problem with the iPhone yourself.

Troubleshoot software and adjust settings

In the process of diagnosing the device, you should pay attention to iPhone settings– Your phone may be in silent mode. It is also possible that recently installed application causes blocking. Then it's worth doing a hard reboot:

  • simultaneously press "Power" and "Home" (for iPhone 7, the on and off and volume buttons work this way, if the latter is not broken)
  • hold them until the phone turns off and the Apple logo appears

As a last resort, go through the iOS restore procedure through iTunes.

Where to go for repairs

Immediately contact the specialists if the software is working properly, and the adjustment mechanism or turning on the silent mode has stopped working due to mechanical damage or flooding. When the warranty periods are violated, it is not necessary to waste time on a trip to the service center - it is much more convenient to call the master at home.

iPhone volume buttons stopped working? Such a problem causes a lot of inconvenience in the process of using the device. The following are detailed descriptions of the volume key repair processes.

Possible causes of failure

  • Keyboard contamination is a commonplace, but the most common cause. For a long time of using the phone, fine elements, dust, etc. can get into the holes between the keys and the case. Due to contamination, the keys work, but are pressed 2-3 times. To clean the buttons, it is better to use an alcohol solution and a cotton swab;
  • The button may not work correctly after replacing the upper system board cable. This is due to the inaccurate connection of the cable (the closure of the contacts for increasing / decreasing the volume could be formed). In this case, only replacing the keys will help;
  • Virus software that interferes with the operation of certain functions of the operating system;
  • The appearance of a malfunction after an impact or fall of the iPhone - this requires the replacement of the volume increase mechanism;
  • The presence of liquid in the body;
  • Crash after OS update.

The key is pressed, but the sound is not adjusted

If, after pressing the volume control, a ringer window appears on the screen, but there is no volume level indicator below, the problem is not a breakdown of the mechanism, but a failure of the operating system.

First, try to fix the software problem in the simplest way - reboot the phone (soft reset). As a rule, this procedure allows you to eliminate third-party processes that interfere with the work of standard iPhone components. If nothing has changed after the reboot, try pressing both parts of the volume key at the same time. Repeat the action 3-5 times. This may help restore normal operation.

Check available updates. A new assembly of configuration parameters solves the problem in 90% of cases. Also try resetting your phone to factory settings.

While the key mechanism has not been replaced, you can use the function Assistive Touch with which the desired button will appear on the desktop screen. To enable the option, go to Settings - General - Assistive Touch and move the slider to the "Enabled" position.

Replacing Volume Control Keys

All of the above did not help? In this case, we can say that the iPhone volume button does not work due to a breakdown in the mechanism or as a result of contact closure. Replacing the key is quite simple and you can do it yourself by following the instructions:

  • Prepare tools for disassembling the iPhone (a set of screwdrivers, a plastic spatula, tweezers, a suction cup, a new volume increase mechanism);
  • Open the device. Then, detach the back cover from the display. Remove the Phillips screws indicated in the figure from the battery connector cover. Disconnect the battery cable and remove the battery;

  • Locate the volume control cable and remove its plug by unscrewing the screws indicated in the figure:

  • Detach the top cable bracket from the phone;
  • Unscrew the screws with the bracket contacts;
  • Remove the contact holder;

  • Pry up the volume cable connector with a flat spudger;
  • Remove the following screws:

  • Remove the button switch mechanism with tweezers. At this stage, you can try to clean the component, perhaps it is not broken, but just clogged;
  • To replace the keys, carefully remove them with tweezers. This tool allows you not to damage the button membrane;

Replace components and reassemble the device to original condition.

Any instructions for self-repair Iphone you can find on our website, or call a specialist for to any place convenient for you.

The iPhone is one of the most reliable phones of our time, but even it can break. You may notice that switching to silent mode and back will be done every other time. Or even the Mute switch will move without resistance, with no mode switching at all.

In this case, the normal use of the iPhone will be difficult: when the call sound is turned off, you can miss an important call, and the inability to turn on silent mode can lead to an unpleasant situation due to a loud call during a meeting or other official event.

Why is the mode button not working?

There are several possible failures:

  • button malfunction;
  • loop malfunction;
  • vibration motor malfunction;
  • electronics failure.

The easiest option is a button malfunction. It may fail due to dust or liquid ingress, as well as due to normal mechanical wear. In the first case, it is enough to rinse and clean the button, and in the second, it will need to be replaced.

The loop is harder to deal with. On the one hand, a breakdown can be simple (detached or oxidized contacts), and on the other hand, a break in the conductor inside the loop is possible.

Vibration motor malfunction is rare, but it can also fail due to liquid getting inside or due to impact when falling. The vibration mode will not work in this case. In this case, the vibration motor must be replaced with a new one. But the burnt chip is considered the most difficult. If it is easy to replace a button or a cable, then the microcircuit will have to be soldered.

How can I fix the Mute switch?

In simple cases, you can fix the problem like this: disassemble the iPhone, rinse the contacts of the button and cable, if necessary, order a new spare part and replace it.

But to perform this work, you need to have at least elementary experience with complex equipment, otherwise you can simply break the latches or even order a spare part from another model. There is also a risk of buying a non-original part with a short lifespan. Well, replacing the microcircuit will require the use of a soldering station, so such an operation is not carried out at home.

Therefore, it is better to turn to professionals, such as the employees of our Total Apple service center. We can repair any Apple gadget. At the same time, we use only original spare parts, so we provide the maximum guarantee period(3 years) for both parts and labor.

Sometimes while working at a computer you press a certain button several times and then suffer from not the most pleasant sounds. Or you come across a system window that offers to turn on Sticky Keys. You can just click no and continue working, but let's better figure out why this mode is enabled, what it is for, and how we can turn it off completely.

What is this mode for?

This mode, which can be activated by pressing the Shift key five times, is necessary for people with disabilities. As you might guess from the description, it creates some delay after pressing the keys. This is necessary in order to not being able to press several buttons at the same time, the disabled person could activate them one by one and the key entered in sequence was recognized by the computer as their simultaneous combination.

For example, calling the Task Manager with Ctrl+Alt+Del or even simply changing the language with Alt+Shift can be a challenge for people with disabilities. But sticky keys will allow them to simply press the required buttons one after the other.

However, most users do not need this feature. But since invoking Sticky Keys is enabled by default on the system, from time to time you will accidentally encounter the annoying launch window of Sticky Keys, or even accidentally enable it as well. Therefore, we will figure out how to disable sticky keys in the system.

Why does Sticky Keys work involuntarily during games

The fact is that games sometimes require us to press the same button several times in a row. And if it turns out to be a button that, when pressed again, is used to turn on the Sticky Keys mode, it ends up with the game minimizing and the corresponding window appears. Of course, this is very unpleasant and because of this, it can lose your game progress (if the game did not pause when minimizing).

How to disable sticky keys on the keyboard in the Windows operating system

How to remove on Windows XP

In this already far from the most modern operating system, disabling sticky keys is quite simple. We do the following:

How to turn off on Windows 7

On this operating system, it will be a little more difficult to disable Sticky Keys. We do the following:

  1. In the control panel, we find a section in which there are accessibility features that simplify working with a computer. In the same section, the conditions for working at a computer for people with disabilities are configured. We open it.
  2. We find the item that will allow you to configure the keyboard settings and open it.
  3. Next, uncheck all the checkboxes from the "Easy typing" section.
  4. Then, go to the settings section on the same screen.
  5. Make sure "Enable Sticky Keys" is disabled. If it is not, then you should uncheck the box next to it. And you can also turn off the sound signal when you press the keys to get rid of annoying sounds.
  6. After all the settings are completed, restart the computer.

On Windows 8 and its versions

The way to turn off Sticky Keys in Windows 8 and all its versions completely repeats the way we used in Windows 7. However, this operating system has another way that you may find easier and more convenient. So, we take the following steps:

How to turn off sticky keys on windows 10

So we got to the newest operating system. There are a minimum of changes in disabling sticky keys, but they are still there. We do the following:

After following these instructions, Sticky Keys will be disabled in Windows 10.

Video: Turn off Sticky Keys

Now you know what the Sticky Keys feature is used for on a computer, as well as how to turn it off. This function, which is useless for most users, will no longer distract you, and the utility designed to enable sticking will not bother you during work or entertainment.

2014-04-11 19:40:15

It is rather difficult today to find such a person who would not know about the reliable operation and high-quality assembly of the iphone 5s. The smartphone is indeed a leader in a number of indicators. But even the most best phone can not be completely insured against accidents or minor failures.

Almost all control in the smartphone is performed using the touch screen. But the most important functions are assigned to the usual buttons. Thus, the sound level is adjusted, the phone is turned on or off and returns to start page. Whatever it was, but it is these mechanical elements that are the weak link of any phone. They may cease to perform their functions properly at any time.

Very often, users on the Internet talk about the fact that their volume control button has begun to stick. A variety of factors can lead to this phenomenon. So, for example, the button may become clogged, which will lead to its jamming in certain mode. In this case, the most common cleaning may be necessary. It is possible to carry out this procedure on your own, but there is no guarantee that everything will end successfully. It is best to turn to specialists who will perform all the necessary actions very quickly and will not require high remuneration for this.

There are other reasons as well. The cable that transmits all the signals from the buttons directly to the system may fail. This can happen after the phone has been dropped or has been in contact with water for a short time. In any case, here you will need to repair the iphone 5s. You should not immediately turn to the help of the Internet and study all the training videos that show options for replacing individual parts of the phone. Without certain skills, it is almost impossible to complete all the actions without making serious mistakes. Any attempts to save money most often lead only to additional expenses.

The sticking of the sound control button can also occur due to a software failure. Sometimes restarting the device can help with this issue. But such an action is not always salutary.

Often on the Internet you can find recommendations regarding programs that are dubious in their origin. According to experts in the virtual space, such applications can help out in any situation. So, if a button is stuck on the phone, the user is offered to download a program that can completely disable this control. Thus, it remains possible to control the sound only using the display. The effectiveness of such a decision raises the deepest doubts. After such innovations, return the phone to its former capabilities even in service center it will be very difficult.

You should never delay the repair of your smartphone. If you encounter the slightest problem, it is better to immediately contact specialists who can recommend the best options.