The google account is not being added. How to create an account on Android - step by step. I want to close an account that I have lost access to

Good time! As I have already noted many times, every user of devices from the Cupertino-based company must have an Apple ID account. But what should there be - simply must! However, sometimes, already during registration, various errors occur that prevent the creation of this identifier. What to do? Do not register anything and use the device "as is", thereby depriving yourself of the pleasure of using the gadget to the fullest?

The correct answer is no, no, and again no. It is imperative to struggle with problems, and today's article is just devoted to why the Apple ID may not be created and, most importantly, what to do in this case. Are you ready?

Let's go, well! :)

The most common mistakes when creating an Apple ID

In fact, there are not so many of them, because the process of registering an identifier is quite simple, but these are the most common:

As you can see, almost all errors are associated with ordinary carelessness. Although there is one more and it is worth talking about in more detail.

Free account limit activated on this iPhone

A wonderful message that you may encounter already at the stage of account activation. That is, creation succeeds, but login still fails. Most often, such an inscription can be seen if someone used the device before you ().

Why is this happening at all? Because the Apple company has set a limit on the number of accounts that can be activated from one iOS device. Why she did this is not clear, but the fact remains - more than three cannot be.

But there is a way out and here's what you need to do:

  1. If you are using a computer with operating system Mac, you can fix this in iCloud settings on the PC itself. Enter your account details - it is successfully activated, now you can use it on your iPhone or iPad.
  2. Search for another iOS device. As you find, log out of your account on it (settings - iTunes Store, App Store- exit). Enter your details, Apple ID is activated and you can use it already on the gadget where the "limit on the number of free accounts has been reached."

Perhaps these are the main points that can interfere with the creation of Apple ID. And as a rule, if you take them into account, then everything will go "without a hitch" and register without failures. However, if even after reading you still can't do it, then write in the comments, we'll figure it out!

P.S. Well and (or) put "likes". It's even better and more useful. Try it, you will like it! :)

Why does the Play Market not work on Android and the connection is missing? Sometimes when you try to enter Google play Market (Google Play Market) from an Android device (smartphone or tablet), problems appear that prevent you from logging into your account.

What to do if you cannot log into your account on the Play Store and a message appears stating that you need to log into your account?

This situation can occur even if you enter your username and password and are 100% sure that it works and is correct. The error can occur in many cases and its cause is difficult to find out in each specific case, but here are some ways that can help solve this problem. If you can't log into your Google account, read on and watch the video!

The first thing to do is to clear the cache of the Google Play Store, for this you need to go to Settings - Applications - Manage applications - Google Play, and click Delete data, Clear cache.

After carrying out these simple steps, restart your device, tablet or smartphone and, preferably, remove the battery from it. Then try to enter the Google Play Market again. If that doesn't help, let's move on.

If you still can't sign in to your Google Play account, please do the following:

Go to Settings - Applications - All and for Google Play Market, Google Services Framework and Google Play Services, stop the services, delete all data, including updates, and then clear the cache again. Next, you need to go to Settings - Accounts - Google and uncheck all the checkboxes in synchronization. Next, you need to restart your Android smartphone or tablet again and return the checkboxes from the previous paragraph back, then restart again. Now we are trying to enter the play market again.

These steps should help in most cases if you are unable to enter the Google Play Store from your Android smartphone or tablet. But if it still doesn't help you, then create an archive copy of the device and reset your phone, smartphone or tablet to factory settings, or even better, reinstall Android or update to the latest version.

Another popular problem on Android is blocking access to the device using a pattern. Often people, having entered and created a password for the Android OS in the form of a graphic key, symbol, figure, forget it. We wrote about how to unlock the Android pattern

It doesn't always go smoothly. Difficulties can arise due to different laws and company policies. One such problem is the notification "You cannot create a Google account due to age restrictions." This message appears when you try to create an account directly in Android. After blocking, it is impossible to continue registration. Naturally, further binding to the phone also fails. We will tell you what kind of blocking it is and how to fix it.

What are Google's age restrictions?

The corporation strictly observes the letter of the law, and it points out the impossibility of obtaining access by minors to materials 18+. Since the Google account, in addition to being tied to Android, includes synchronization with YouTube, Chrome, Google Play, Gmail, etc. - the age censor becomes appropriate. Lots of people post profanity, adult content, etc. - therefore, restrictions help to block access to content of this nature.

By the way, registration is available in the USA from 13 years old. Europe from 14 years old. The block from 18 applies to the following applications: Google Wallet, Adsense, AdWords. Also on YouTube there are content that is marked with a special message.

The question remains relevant - why you were brought under such a restriction. The answer is simple - the system and search algorithms analyze your traffic, search queries, social networks and form your profile, where age is also determined. So, if the system decides that years are not enough for you, then you will not be able to link up a new account. It does not even help the fact that you are deliberately driving in a greater age when creating.

How to create a Google account with no age restrictions

It is recommended to carry out the procedure of registering a new profile via a PC or mobile Chrome. In the case of the mobile version, enter the history and erase it completely, you can even do a “Reset”. Then try creating again. If it does not help, then in any browser version we do the following:

  1. Launching a standard search engine site Google.
  2. Looking for a button "To come in".
  3. Now click on "Create an account".
  4. Fill out all the proposed forms. However, in the age field, enter the date not earlier than 2000. With options for kids, limited to the 2004 limit. This will allow you to create an account, but will leave limited access to 18+ content.
  5. Then we bind the new profile through the basic settings of your Android.

By the way, read this article too: Server connection timed out on PSN - what to do

A separate option would be to create a profile through the Youtube application on the phone: there you also need to select add an account - create a new one.

Alternatively, create a new profile via Youtube

If at a particular moment you do not have access to create a new profile, ask your friends or relatives to register by linking your data. Subsequently, the management of such a profile can be entrusted to minors. The main criterion will be the presence of a phone number for such a person. So Google will receive the data of a completely real person, but anyone who has a password can use the account. The only drawback is that if you lose your password or number, it may be difficult to restore access to your account.

If you threaten to block your account

There is another point - blocking by age of accounts that have been operating for a long time. If the account already exists, then you may have received a notification that everything will be deleted in 26-30 days. This is motivated by the need for the corporation to obtain your data. Similar incidents may occur when registering a child or teenager. Some, having indicated their age from 14 years old, become hostages of the situation when they threaten to delete their account. To prevent this, you need to do either of the two options:

  • Tie a bank card to your account and complete any transaction (donate, purchase of an application) in the amount of 30 cents or more. Keep in mind - the system may freeze one dollar for an extra check, but after a few days it will be thawed. It is recommended to check the unblocking status and learn more about credit card transactions here:
  • Send your documents (scanned) to the Google office, in our case a child. Using the link above, we are again studying the topic in more detail. If there is a need to add a couple of years, then through the editors correct the date on the scanned document. So far, the operators haven't been looking at them very closely.

Data processing times vary. A credit card will allow you to return your account again in a few minutes. The scan takes longer, but within 24 hours. Although it makes sense to take into account the holidays.


I will add on my own: it is not recommended to use fraudulent schemes. They are done at your own peril and risk. There is a high probability of getting a ban, which will be difficult to remove even after reaching the age of majority. As you can see, there is no big problem with the message "You cannot create a Google account due to age restrictions" and it is just a matter of how to create a profile.

We continue to publish instructions of the "Android for dummies" genre, and today the topic of the instructions sounds like this: "How to add, set up and delete a Google account".

When you turn on any smartphone for the first time, the user will have to create a new account or add an existing one. And if iPhone has AppleID, then Android has Google accounts. Today we will talk about why this is needed, how to add an "account", configure it or remove it.

Why do I need a Google account?

Despite the fact that we, in fact, create an e-mail address in the corresponding system, we have much more functionality. Let's list the main services that can be used after registering a google account:

1) Gmail. It is convenient to use it in Google phones due to the fact that it is integrated into the software environment. In fact, to work with mail after buying a new smartphone, you will not need anything other than initial login (adding an account to the device);

2) Contacts. When adding contact numbers to a smartphone, there is an option to save them “In Google-account”. Thus, we no longer need to record the same phone number ten times on different devices or transmit it via, say, Bluetooth. Now it is enough to simply add the corresponding google account to the required devices and enable synchronization of contacts;

3) Google Play. From a gaming point of view, this item is a priority. To install applications, games, download books and music from this service, you must have an active account on your smartphone. Paid applications will also be tied to it, so you will need to take care of such an account over time like the apple of your eye;

4) Google chrome... Such a handy little thing was introduced by the developers especially for those people who have given their preference to using this browser, whether on a smartphone, or on a PC or laptop. In fact, the use of the same account of what is there, what is there gives us the ability to quickly synchronize the bookmarks of web pages;

5) Google Drive. The cloud service from the company now allows you to store files in it different types... It can be text entries, music, video, tables. In general, anything you like. To quickly exchange files between a smartphone and a PC, I recommend installing the service on your computer;

6) Youtube. In general, Youtube refers to applications (services) that can work without active accounting. You can watch the video while doing this. But if we talk about such functionalities as likes and dislikes, comments on videos, and so on, then all of them will be disabled;

7) Google Plus. I think there is no need to talk about what to use social network from Google without having a proper account is simply not possible. Here and so everything is clear.

8) Other Google apps as well as third party apps

How do I create a Google account?

Disclaimer: example shown on Android 6.0 with Flyme proprietary shell. First, let's try adding an existing email address.

1. If you turned on your smartphone for the first time, then regardless of Android version and shell, you will be prompted to enter your Google account information or create a new one. If you need to add an account to an already working smartphone, go to the settings and look for the item with accounts, where we select the add function. If you are launching a brand new smartphone out of the box, this step will be one of the first by default;

6. We are waiting for data verification and, if successful, add payment information (optional, needed for purchases on Google Play);

7. Voila! The account has been added to our device!

Now let's look at a more complex situation. Let's assume that we have not yet been registered with Google. Then you need to perform the following actions:

1. Again we turn to the settings, if the device is already working, if this is the first turn on, then go to step 2.

7. If necessary, add a phone number (for password recovery, for example);

In fact, after adding an account, you do not need to carry out any tricky manipulations with it. Mail is configured separately, and it is advisable to do this through a browser on a PC. And we'll see what can be configured specifically on a smartphone. For this:

1. Go back to the settings, to the category with accounts and select the desired account;

2. We see a list of synchronized services;

3. Check the necessary boxes;

4. In the upper right corner, select the synchronization function.

As you can see, between two or more devices, you can sync data from the Google Fit app, other apps, calendar, and contacts. As for other programs ... It can be, for example, games. In the same Last Day on Earth You can restore progress by adding a Google account directly to which this progress was linked.

2. Go to the item with accounts;

3. Select the required account;

4. Using the context menu, select the “delete” function;

5. We confirm the deletion.

For those who missed the progress of the last 5-10 years, let me remind you what the play market is. This is a huge store where you can buy not only Android apps, but also books, movies, music, etc., without having to go anywhere, because all these products are sold digitally. The question of how to register in the play market worries many, because without registration you cannot buy anything, and the list of free applications is not as large as we would like.

Play market without registration - does it make sense?

It may sound too categorical, but as for me, the play market is absolutely useless if you do not register in it. And there are several reasons for this:

  • on a tablet / phone running Android OS, you simply cannot enter it. Upon entering, you will be immediately prompted to either create a new account or use an existing one;

  • it will be possible to enter the store from a PC, but there will be little sense from this. Most of the content is paid anyway, and to buy it you need to link your bank card to your account. That is, we return to where we started - registration is needed.

Some cunning users, out of laziness or for some other unknown reason, use the play market solely to find the games they need, and the apk files and cache themselves are downloaded from other resources. But this is not our choice, because we are law-abiding citizens.

With some stretch, you can come up with an option to use the store without registration. In this case, the user can go to the free news section, select the game / application he likes, and then through third party service get a link to download the apk file. This will only work with free apps, and there is not enough sense in such manipulations, because then the file will also have to be copied to a mobile phone / tablet. And if a person had already passed the registration, then this problem could be solved with just a couple of taps on the screen.

How to register in the play market - all possible ways!

In principle, the registration process is elementary, you only need mail and that's it. Nevertheless, you can create an account for yourself in the play market in several ways, so we will analyze them.

How to create an account in the play market using a computer?

Although the play market was created mainly for mobile devices running different versions of Android, you can also access it from a PC without any problems. You can also register there; when entering from a tablet / phone, you will only need to indicate the data that you entered during registration from a PC. All applications / films / books will be unavailable for purchase, when you try to click on the "buy" button, the service will unobtrusively suggest that you first register or log into your account.

If someone has already entered the play market from a PC, then when you click on the "Login" button, you will see a window with mail on and you will only need to enter the password to enter. But we will analyze the problem of how to register in the play market from scratch, in which case the instruction will look like this:

  • in the play market, go to “all applications”, the button is located in the upper right corner to the left of the “Login” button;
  • there we select the item "My Account";

  • in the new window we will be interested in the link "Sign up with Google", click on it;

  • in the registration form we enter our data - full name, phone number, backup e-mail, etc. Think of the password more complicated, do not limit yourself to the standard "qwerty" or "12345678". Be sure to indicate your phone number, and not a friend / acquaintance / relative, if you suddenly lose or forget your password, you can always restore it, but for this you need a phone.

Most of the work is done, you can link a credit card to your account to pay for purchases right during the registration process and synchronize with your phone / tablet, or you can postpone it for later.

If you have already got yourself a mail, then the task is simplified to the point of indecency - you no longer have to think about how to create an account in the play market via a computer. All you need is to click the "Login" button and enter your mail and password, Google uses the same account for all services, so registration is performed once, you can use not only the play market.

Registration in the play market for android - register via phone / tablet!

If, when entering the market from a PC, you can view applications / books / films, etc., but cannot buy anything, then on the android the play market will immediately offer to register without registration. That is, you will not get to the store without registration.

When we worked with a PC, if before you someone entered the play market, then you could just click the exit button and then enter your data (or register). In the case of Android, this will not work, there is simply no exit button, you don't have to look for it, so you will have to act a little more cunningly.

In order to log out of someone else's account, you need to:

  • go to settings;
  • in the settings in the accounts section, select Google;
  • then click on the 3 dots in the upper right corner and select "delete account". Only after that you can think about how to register in the play market from your phone / tablet.

The procedure for creating an account is similar to what we did on a PC, just user information is entered in several stages:

  • by choosing the option "create a new account" you get to the menu where you enter your full name and surname;
  • then you will need to come up with a name for the box on, I advise you not to enter meaningless gibberish, the box will still come in handy;
  • followed by a password and a secret question, the answer to the secret question will be used in cases when it will be necessary to recover the password. If you forget it, then after answering the question, a letter will be sent to your backup mailbox, which will allow you to reset the old password and install a new one on your account;
  • if you wish, you can connect to Google+ (or postpone this matter for later), as well as agree or refuse the Google newsletter and decide whether to keep the history of your search queries;
  • the next step is captcha input (typical protection against robots);
  • after that, it remains only to bind the credit card to the created account (this can be done later, but why postpone, anyway, almost all suitable content is paid, except for games with an abundance of donation).

That's all - registration in the play market for android is completed, you can download anything and have fun. If the mail has already been created before, then we skip all these steps, you just need to enter it yourself mailbox and the password that you set when registering mail.

I can't register in the play market: what to do and how to solve the problem?

Sometimes there are situations when you seem to be doing everything right, and everything is in order with the phone / tablet, but the user cannot get into the play market - some errors constantly appear. Let's deal with the most common reasons for this right now.

Standard course of action

Android is a capricious thing (although it is useful, only by developing applications for it you can get rich, more on this in the article ""), so there can be a million reasons for failures during registration and simply entering the market. We have already found out that the play market is useless without registration, so we have to somehow solve the problem. Although the reasons for the failure may be different, there are still a couple of universal actions that will definitely not harm, and if you are lucky, they can help:

  • clear cache. We go to the phone settings, select the application-application management item, in the list we find Google Play, tap it and in the list of possible actions just select the option "delete cache";
  • sometimes helps complete shutdown devices with battery extraction (of course, this cannot be done on tablets);
  • if all this does not help, then you can try to stop everything related to Google in the list of applications, delete updates, data, it will not be superfluous to delete the cache;

  • in the settings, you can select a Google account and disable syncing. After that, a regular restart will be needed, after which we connect the synchronization (an error message may appear, we do not pay attention to it);
  • if you cannot register in the play market, I would advise you to pay attention to the date and time, sometimes you cannot enter precisely because the market thinks that you are in the wrong time zone in which you should have. As a result, it is enough time to move a couple of hours forward / backward and the problem goes away;
  • well, and the simplest thing is that some people habitually enter mail not, but yandex or;
  • Factory reset is a radical method.

I will not give guarantees that these manipulations will bring success, but there will be no harm from them, so I would advise you to start solving the problem with them (with the exception of resetting to factory settings or flashing, before that you need to save important information).

Two-Step Verification is a Potential Source of Problems

In fact, user authentication in 2 stages is a blessing, not an attempt to ruin the lives of users. Due to this, reliability increases, because you can only log in to the mail by entering the code from the SMS message that will come to your phone. The only problem is that if you enable this authentication method, then all applications that require access to the account will no longer work correctly (meaning access bypassing the browser, play market is just such). So there are indignations in the network in the spirit of "it is impossible to register in the play market" and calls for help.

To remedy the situation, you need to enter a separate password for the applications (not the one you used when registering your account):

  • go to com;
  • in the Google settings, we will be interested in the item "Authorization of applications and sites", click "Change";
  • now the most important thing is to create a new password for the application (you can write off absolutely any name, the main thing is to write in Latin letters). This password will need to be entered when logging in from a tablet / phone. You will need to do this operation only once, in the future everything will work as usual and you can enter the market without any problems.

How to add an account through the Youtube app

Sometimes, for some unknown reason, it happens that when you try to add an account to enter the market from a tablet / phone, it does not work. The service gives out various errors, starts hysteria and demands to enter the password many times, in general, registration in the play market for android becomes impossible. Restarting does not always help, and resetting to factory settings is also not an option, because the device has a lot of valuable information.

If the market app behaves capriciously, you can try adding an account through the built-in YouTube app (available on every tablet / smartphone). The procedure is as follows:

  • go to the YouTube application;
  • in the context menu, select the item "enter your account";
  • we enter data from an already existing account. It is assumed that before that you have already attended to create an account in the play market via a computer.

Ideally, after that, you can log out of YouTube and try to open a play market, everything should work right away and not even require data entry from your account (Google services are linked to each other). If the tablet / phone continues to be capricious, then we do a reboot, everything should work out.

Inadvertently, some simply create a YouTube account, as a result, another one will simply appear on the list on the tablet. I emphasize that at the stage of data entry, you need to specify the mail, and for this you need to register via a PC and then try to enter via mobile device.

What to do if the tablet / phone suddenly stopped entering the market?

Sometimes it happens, everything worked like a Swiss watch, but one day, when you try to enter the store, the service simply stops working. This is more likely to relate not to the question of how to register in the play market, but to solving problems when using it, but nevertheless the information will be useful.

In this case, you just need to delete your current Google account (you can do this through the tablet / phone settings). After that, you need to re-add an existing account, you can also do this through the phone settings.

What you should definitely not do is run to the service with such a problem, although this is not bad for the repairmen themselves, but they will perform the same manipulations that are described above, they will simply rip off a decent amount from you. Generally repair mobile phones and tablets - a lucrative business poverty that you can adopt. But if you are far from the world of gadgets and technologies, you can familiarize yourself with other relevant business ideas in the article ""

A little conclusion

You can solve the question of how to register in the play market in just a couple of minutes, and there are not very many ways - either register via a PC or via a tablet. After that, you will be able to buy and install on your mobile device not only games, but also movies, books, useful applications etc.

Unfortunately, you cannot do without difficulties, sometimes for various reasons you cannot log into your account or problems are observed directly during registration. But there has not yet been such a problem that could not be solved, the proposed tips will help to cope with most of the problems, and if this did not help, you can always go through the profile forums. In any case, every owner of an android device is simply obliged to register in the play market, using the store is much more convenient than downloading apk files and cache separately and then copying it to a tablet / phone.