Make a saw blade for wood. The use of a grinder for cutting various materials, cutting and grinding wood. Chain saw blades for wood: application advantages

Everyone knows that the main purpose of the grinder is to work on metal and stone. But, it turns out that the grinder can be successfully processed and wood. And the GRAFF Speedcutter disc for the grinder will help to do this. The problem of limiting the feed is originally solved in the disk in order to avoid such dangerous phenomena as impacts during sawing and "runaway" of the tool. The GRAFF Speedcutter is a three-flute saw blade designed for operation with angle grinders (angle grinders) with rotation speeds up to 12,200 rpm. I got it, tried it - I didn’t regret it. See examples of DIY woodworking with the GRAFF Speedcutter. Photos and videos are attached.

Saw blade for grinder GRAFF Speedcutter

Graff Speedcutter Disc

Being in the old days on business trips, this particular disk was definitely not enough for me to reduce the amount of the transported tool and speed up the work on the road. As soon as I found out that such a disc is on sale, I immediately bought it. Expanding the ability of the grinder to work on sawing and processing wood will give a tangible plus in the work of the tool.

GRAFF Speedcutter at a Glance

The disc is packed soundly and securely in plastic. You can assess the condition of the teeth directly in the package. High disc speed determines its design:

  • Three tungsten carbide teeth determine the safe operation of the disc;
  • Special cut of the disc circumference to prevent rebound;
  • The GRAFF Speedcutter does not heat up during extended use;
  • The shape of the disc teeth provides an even cut and smooth wood picking;
  • The disc is designed to work at high speeds of rotation of the grinder.

The disc is designed to work with soft materials - wood, gas silicate, drywall, various plastics. The GRAFF Speedcutter will allow you to carry out work:

  • wood carving;
  • longitudinal and transverse cutting, cleaning and grinding, profiling and grooving in wood, plywood, laminate, drywall, fiberboard, chipboard, OSB;
  • cutting and grooving in gas silicate.

Safety measures for working with installed disk GRAFF Speedcutter are detailed on the packaging and do not differ from working with a grinder. On my own behalf, I want to add that gloves during work should not be disposable, but dense on a leather basis. Sawdust and pieces of wood fly at a specific speed when sampling, and it is dense gloves that are needed to cushion the blows. Below I give examples of working with the GRAFF Speedcutter disc installed on the grinder.

Graff Speedcutter Disc

Graff Speedcutter Disc

Safety regulations

Means of protection

Tooth shape

Wood carving with GRAFF Speedcutter

The use of the disc for woodcarving intrigued and the trial of the instrument began with the manufacture of a wooden moai from Easter Island. As a basis, a cut of an unsuccessful articulation of a bar with a section of 200 × 200 mm was taken. The moai shape is drawn from a souvenir brought from Easter Island. The work was carried out in several stages according to the following scheme:

  • Lines for sampling wood from the volume are applied to the workpiece with a pencil;
  • We make cuts along the lines to the maximum or specified depth, watch the video, the grinder is set to maximum speed;
  • We consistently select wood and form a moai profile, watch the video;
  • The sharp corners of the eye sockets are selected with a chisel;
  • Separate the extra parts of the workpiece and clean the old tree.

Blank for moai

Sawing finished

Easter Island moai sculpture

The moai is ready. Spent about an hour of time. The video shows my first acquaintance with the GRAFF Speedcutter disc by the end of the process, understanding arose and the process was more fun and intelligent. Please note that the weight of the workpiece was quite enough for processing without clamping.

Sawing and grooving with the GRAFF Speedcutter

The presence of a large number of scraps of boards and OSB boards is a good reason for making all kinds of DIY crafts using a new tool.

Construction of a birdhouse (I tested a saw - I was not involved in architecture). So from the scraps of boards 130 × 20 mm and pieces of OSB were cut out by a grinder with a GRAFF Speedcutter disc, parts for assembling a birdhouse. The contours of the details were drawn on the scraps with a pencil. Further, the trimmings were fixed on the workbench and the workpieces were sawed along the contours. After assembling the birdhouse on self-tapping screws, the protruding parts were trimmed with a grinder. See photos and videos. The finished look of the birdhouse was given by drilling a hole in the entrance and painting. The birdhouse will be attached to the tree with a wire loop on two hooks.

Part marking

Cut details

Birdhouse assembly

Birdhouse on the tree

The GRAFF Speedcutter can cut wood well. The precision of the saw is determined by the firmness of your hand. Do not forget to take into account the kerf width when marking, it turns out to be almost 4 mm. It is very convenient to pick wood with a disc. The birdhouse roof alignment is done quickly and smoothly.

Bench making. Having stuffed my hand, I decided to make a useful thing from trimming a furniture board (a business waste after making a sliding wardrobe). The goal was to turn the part into a light bench. The scheme of work is the same:

  • The part is marked with a sawing pencil;
  • We fix the part with clamps on the workbench;
  • Select the grooves for the legs with the GRAFF Speedcutter disc;
  • We saw the part into blanks;
  • We try on, grind and glue (a separate blog will be devoted to making a bench).

Part marking

The grooves are selected

Straight cut with disc

Bench details

Details are sanded

Bench glued


It turned out to be an excellent bench. I want to say that the cutting of workpieces has already been done more accurately. In principle, constantly working with the tool, you can "fill your hand" and even replace the parquet in a number of operations.

Above are examples of working with the GRAFF Speedcutter. The disc saws and processes wood really well. The disc mounted on the angle grinder is convenient as an additional saw when working. You need to quickly make or cut the formwork, saw off or trim the board, and the manual circular is set to work accurately or not at all - the GRAFF Speedcutter will help. It should not be forgotten that the convenience of gripping the grinder with two hands will make it possible to make quick cuts in very inconvenient places where it is impossible to use another electric and even a hand tool. When working with the GRAFF Speedcutter, you need a certain skill, first of all, the smooth approach and feed of the tool. When sawing, a lot of sawdust is generated, take this into account when working indoors. The disc can be purchased in the online store

Similar crafts

Bulgarian in the hands of the master

The electric grinder, or the so-called "grinder", is successfully used not only by professionals, but also by home craftsmen. Most often, this power tool is used to work with metal, stone, concrete, and sometimes wood. It would seem that it is no longer possible to expand the scope of the grinder.

A completely unexpected discovery for me was the use of a grinder for wood carving.

The master made such a wooden sculpture from wood with a grinder. At the same time, the time and effort spent on the manufacture of such sculptures is spent much less than with traditional execution.

True, to work here requires a special disc for wood.

This disc can handle the hardest types of wood. The processed surface, according to the author, is of a fairly good quality. The work requires not only skill and accuracy, but also artistic talent.

Some techniques for working with a grinder and product samples are given in the materials of the site A description of the various sample discs can also be found here.

By honing your skills over time, you can get unique sculptures for your garden. Garden architecture is beginning to be in great demand among some part of the population. Therefore, a hobby for wooden sculpture can be a good source of income. The investment is minimal here. This is the purchase of grinders and wheels. The rest of everything should already be with you: head and hands.

Artistic and applied woodcarving: an overview of techniques and tools

All photos from the article

DIY woodcutting for novice craftsmen can present some difficulties. However, after a little theoretical training, the selection of suitable tools and at least minimal practice, the problems usually disappear forever. Still, wood is a fairly easy material to process, and therefore almost everyone can cope with it.

In our article we will talk about how woodworking is performed for different purposes and what devices are used in this case.

Wood can be processed using different techniques and tools

Rough sawing

If we are talking about cutting wooden parts, then in most cases we mean the sawing process. This technique is used as widely as possible, starting from the transformation of whole trunks into boards and bars of the desired size and ending with the fitting of parts to the given dimensions.

Photo of a hacksaw - one of the most popular devices

The sawing process can be carried out using different tools:

Tool type Principle of operation
  • The simplest and therefore the most common tool for cutting wood is a hacksaw. It is a metal blade with sharpened teeth on one side.
  • The serrated shape of the working edge increases the total length of the cutting edge, and also contributes to an increase in the force at the point of contact with the wood fibers.
  • When sawing, wood particles are separated from the general mass. To prevent them from jamming into the gaps between the teeth, the cutting elements are bent away from the axis - this is called setting.
Wood band saw
  • Band saws are quite complex devices designed either for large-scale work, or, conversely, for curly cutting.
  • Unlike a hacksaw, here the teeth are located on one of the edges of a steel strip welded into a ring. The belt is put on the pulleys of the machine and, as it rotates, cuts the wood fibers.
Circular saw for wood
  • Toothed discs can also be used to cut wood instead of belts and blades moving forward.
  • When such a disk rotates, the teeth cut through the cellulose fiber, which contributes to the rapid separation of parts of the part from each other.
  • Circular saws can be hand-held and stationary.

Circular saw application

Note! Cutting wood with a grinder (hand sander) is undesirable, since this tool is not designed for such work. When using a grinding or cut-off wheel, the wood will ignite from friction and the saw blade can either crumble or simply rip the tool out of your hands - either way, injuries can be very serious.

Of course, only the main types of tools used for sawing are described here, but this will be enough to navigate the general principles of work.


Wood carving

If necessary, artistic woodworking can be carried out using the simplest tools. So, in the West, a popular direction of applied art is the carving of wooden figures with an ordinary penknife, and the master can create monumental compositions with the help of a chainsaw.

Who Said Chainsaw Is Not Suitable for Sculpting?

At the same time, a beginner should purchase special tools to achieve the desired result. Of course, their price is quite high, but it is better to spend money on high-quality equipment so that you can enjoy your work later.

If you are planning to master the skill of artistic cutting, then you will need:

  • Tesla - special axes for making curly cuttings. As a rule, a rough outline of the carved figure is formed from the deck with the help of an adze.

Teslo for roughing

  • Carving knives are the main tool. Conventionally, they can be divided into cutters (a fairly long blade with a straight edge) and jambs (a shortened blade, beveled at a large angle).
  • Chisels are flat, semicircular, curly, even and curved. Used for sampling wood and forming indentations on a wooden surface, used for both roughing and finishing.

Artistic carving using a chisel

In addition, when doing cutting with your own hands, you may also need special tools - spoon cutters, augers, cranberries, etc. - but a novice master can do without them, buying the necessary tools as needed.

Sawing on plywood and thin wood

Sawing is a separate type of wood processing. A characteristic feature of the tool used for this is the small width of the saw: the narrower the blade used, the smaller the radius of the arc we can form.

Sawing with a jigsaw

The following devices are used for cutting:

  • Jigsaw is a miniature bow saw with replaceable blades. Using a hand jigsaw allows you to process the thinnest plywood, forming openwork patterns. The narrow blade width is an obvious advantage: using a jigsaw, we can cut through cuts away from the edge of the part.

Note! The use of a construction jigsaw for curly cutting is also possible, however, the details will turn out to be coarser due to the greater thickness of the blade. On the other hand, the jigsaw allows you to cut thicker workpieces, and the work goes faster.

  • A wood cutting machine is essentially the same jigsaw, but with an electric blade drive. During work, we move the wooden blank on a special platform, and we perform sawing in automatic mode.

Wood cutting machine that can be used as a jigsaw

  • Separately, it is worth highlighting programmable machines that allow you to perform figured processing under the guidance of a special program. In everyday life, they are rarely used, but in industries they are often used when decorating wood products.
  • Finally, for a long time, craftsmen have been practicing cutting wood with energized nichrome wire. A special device, which is an arc from a jigsaw with a nichrome string, connected to the network through a rectifier, allows you to make clean cuts on thin plywood or wooden plates. Upon contact with heated nichrome, cellulose fibers are destroyed practically without damage, so the cutting line is clean, with minimal charring.

The simplest way of wire cutting: 1) wire; 2) plywood; 3) weight.


For finishing and roughing work, you can use a variety of tools for cutting wood. Here, the most important thing is to understand what exactly we need and choose the appropriate processing technique.

Well, you can learn more about wood cutting technologies by watching the video in this article.

If it is necessary to carry out woodworking work, many people think about using a grinder as the main tool for work. In general, an angle grinder can be used, but its scope is limited. So, with the help of angle grinders, you can grind, polish and peel wood. Nowadays, special nozzles used when working with wood have become very popular, but not all of them can be used.

To understand if it is possible handle wood grinder, you need to study the device and the types of attachments existing for it and what characteristics they have. So, any circle has its own diameter.

The most compact is 115 mm, which is more often used for grinding and simple processing. The most common diameter is 125 mm, it is not heavy, it is used to grind and cut workpieces. Nozzles from 180 to 230 mm are used in high-power tools and are more often used in professional construction.

It is customary to divide the types of discs according to the production technology and purpose (for metal, for stone).

Abrasive coated discs

Is a universal disc - using it can cut and grind both metal and stone. The abrasive coating consists of corundum, fused corundum or silicon carbide. The advantages of these circles are:

  • Cooling of consumables due to the porous structure of the disc.
  • It does not become dull during work.
  • Wide assortment and low cost.

The disadvantages include:

  • Formation of a large sheaf of sparks during work.
  • Strong burnt odor when cutting workpieces.
  • Fast wear.

The most common version of the grinder attachment, which is used when working with stone and metal. There are three types of diamond discs:

  1. Solid. One-piece continuous-edged diamond blade. Designed for wet cutting of metal.
  2. Segmented, in which the cutting edge is divided into segments. Suitable for dry cutting.
  3. Turbod disc with a wave-shaped cutting edge, which reduces the contact area with the workpiece, which ensures natural cooling of the wheel. Suitable for both wet and dry cutting.

The diamond blade is wear resistant with very precise cutting line, does not give a burning smell, and the number of sparks during operation is minimal. Disadvantages include relatively high cost and low heat resistance.

The use of diamond and abrasive discs when working with wood is fraught with breakage of the grinder, and replacing them with discs used in circular saws or milling cutters is prohibited - these attachments are designed for low speed. The use of such wheels in angle grinders can lead to breakage of the tool itself, therefore a new type of attachment is becoming more and more popular: a cutting disc for wood for a grinder, the use of which is theoretically allowed in woodworking work.

Wood discs for angle grinders

Visually, they resemble a milling cutter, there are also discs with a chain surface. The most standard is a saw blade for wood for a 125 mm diameter grinder, increasing the diameter increases the risk of injury and injury during work. The optimum thickness is 2 mm, and the cutouts should be rounded towards the shaft. There are three types of wood cutting discs for the grinder, which differ in the shape of the teeth:

  1. Trapezoidal ones are suitable for sawing medium-density chipboards.
  2. Alternating beveled teeth are versatile and well suited for occasional jobs where the type and thickness of the material are not known in advance.
  3. Straight teeth are used for soft woods such as conifers.

Grinding discs for wood

For roughing work, a flap disc is used, the working surface of which consists of several strips of sandpaper of various grain sizes. This attachment provides a soft sanding, however, remember to work with well-dried wood.

In addition to the petal, the so-called sticky disc... It is an attachment on which you can stick sanding paper of various grain sizes. The connection takes place with the help of a special adhesive paste applied both to the circle and to the sandpaper. With the Velcro disc, you can process both wood and workpieces made of metal and stone.

There are special attachments for brushing - the process of artificial aging of wood. They are brushes with metal, synthetic and sisal bristles, the choice of which depends on the stage of processing. So, a metal brush is suitable for primary roughing of a workpiece, a synthetic bristle is intended for intermediate grinding, a sisal brush is used for finishing polishing.

In conclusion, it should be noted that the grinder is structurally not designed for sawing wood and the use of carbide discs. There are special tools for this: circular saws, milling cutters. They have a lower speed of revolution, and the use of cutting discs for wood for a grinder systematically leads to injuries, including those incompatible with life. It is possible to consider angle grinders as a tool when working with wood only in the case of grinding work.

Modern angle grinders, better known as grinders, are used for various technological processes in construction and repair. When choosing a disc for a grinder for wood, you need to take into account the important features of not only the tool, but also the processed objects. Typically, the device is used for cutting metal. However, a large number of different disks allows it to be used to solve other problems.

First, you need to decide on the tool (grinder is the correct name for a chain angle grinder), which you plan to cut the wood with. It is known that the discs are made according to the standard dimensions of the grinder. The smallest diameter is 115 mm, but this tool is rarely used. The wide variety of power tools on the market are designed to facilitate various types of manual labor. If, when working in the professional field, specialized equipment is simply necessary, then in everyday life it is not always rational to spend money on expensive hand tools.

A special drive is required to operate the machine with wood.... Abrasive and diamond, carbide wheels are absolutely contraindicated for cutting. This will not help to cope with the task at hand, but rather will lead to destruction or overheating of the device.

When choosing woodworking universal accessories, you should be aware that there are not only cutting discs, but also grinding wheels. To clean the tree, use a flap circle for a circular. The working surface of such a device consists of several layers of sandpaper, which has varying degrees of roughness. The lower the roughness, the softer the sanding. Flap wheels allow for polishing, depending on the degree of detail.

Grinding wheels and a grinder cutter must be High Quality, which affects not only the quality of the work performed, but also the safety of the master. The processing of damp wood is prohibited, as the result of such manipulations can be unpredictable.

For roughing operations, which are often used as initial processing, special cleaning agents are used. They are necessary in order to remove the paint layer from the painted surface.

For processing with a grinder and a circular saw, specially designed attachments are needed with which you can grind, polish and mill surfaces. The choice is up to the master.

You can use these circles:

  1. Abrasive wheel for wood, which is used for working on a variety of surfaces. Depending on the thickness of the circle, it can be cut and polished.
  2. The diamond wheel is designed for working with stone, concrete and other building materials. Such circles are divided into segmented and continuous. The first type, due to better performance and better cooling, provides improved performance. These discs can be used for minor metal cutting.
  3. An ordinary circle. It should be noted that it is not recommended to use it for sawing wood products without work experience. If possible, it is best to use a different tool.

If you need to remove a layer of paint from a wooden surface, you must install the nozzle on the grinder. There are many different options on sale. They all differ in form, design and specificity of the work that can be performed with this tool.

The next cutter, due to the fact that the spikes on it are set on a plane, allows you to level wood surfaces - for example, if two boards on the floor in the place of the final structure are at different heights. This defect is easily eliminated, and the boards are then in the same plane.

There are circles made of twisted wire or in the form of a disc with wire windings clamped in the central part. In addition to this, the circle is often used to reshape the tree, giving it a worn look. If this effect is applied on wide surfaces in a professional environment, it is better to use special hand-held machines with wide parts.

For grinding surfaces, there are special attachments consisting of a metal base on which an abrasive grinding ring is fixed. The circle is screwed onto the grinder shaft and tightened with a special wrench. It is often equipped with an adapter for mounting in a drill or drilling machine holder.

To choose the right disc, first of all, you need to decide what material to work with.

You can apply:

  1. Thin discs (1-1.6 mm) are best for cutting thin sheet metals such as car bodies. When working on thicker corners, they can speed up the cut, but the risk of blade damage is greatly increased. In this case, it is safer to use thicker disks.
  2. Rigid - most often used for active treatment (cleaning) of welded seams after welding and gluing metal surfaces before welding itself. With their help, they remove (cut out) staples and performances on the metal. They are also used in cases where the metal surface must be cleaned of rust or old paint.
  3. Elastic - mainly used as an alternative to metal brushes. They perfectly clean even curved metal surfaces from obsolete paint and other similar coatings.
  4. Rough - used for sanding metal and wood. Even the smallest weld seams can be smoothed with large discs (the largest grit), but are mainly used for finer operations. They remove the faded top layer of wood surfaces, polish wood beams, rust and obsolete metal paint.
  5. Abrasive - for concrete processing, there are slightly fewer diamond discs, but they also have a shorter service life. Their use is justified only when it is necessary to perform a small one-time job.
  6. Diamond discs are used for cutting various concrete and stone products (paving slabs, steps, curbs, facing stones), as well as all types of bricks.

For working with reinforced concrete and stone materials, turbo diamond blades (both normal and wave) are best suited. When choosing, keep in mind that a turbo will provide a cleaner cut than a diamond wheel.

If the appliance has an outer diameter of only 125 mm and the grinder is designed for 115 mm, it cannot be installed for the following reasons:

  1. First, a mismatch between the revolutions of the tool itself and the wheel is dangerous to the user.
  2. Secondly, when it heats up and expands, the disc can get stuck, resulting in a jerk.

The number of teeth is important. The lower the number, the faster the work will be, but the cut quality will be lower, and vice versa, the larger the number will increase the cutting time, but the ends of the resulting parts will be smooth.

With a large number of small teeth, the appliance will work with low efficiency. Large teeth allow you to work faster. The cost of the disc depends on the external size, number of teeth, manufacturer. The most expensive model is with a circular saw.

For many reasons, it is better to buy circles from well-known companies. The concept of "quality disc" includes not only the degree of rupture of the disc and its abrasive properties, but also safety.

When choosing a new wheel, make sure it is designed for the speed of the grinding machine. The permissible speed is indicated.

It is necessary to follow the rule: the larger the rasp disc, the lower the speed. In addition, manufacturers protect the user as much as possible by releasing discs with high (sometimes double) strength. But if you use more disk than necessary, all these measures become meaningless.

  • work with a protective cover;
  • protect the face and head;
  • check lumber for nails and screws;
  • hold the device firmly by hand;
  • use an additional handle (many hold the device with one hand);
  • do not allow the tool to heat up, avoiding the risk of smoke.

In addition, if there are no plans for a large-scale work with a grinder, you do not need to buy a lot of discs "in reserve" - ​​since the moisture contained in the air begins to affect Bakelite. The bond strength is noticeably reduced. It is better to get the necessary wood discs for angle grinders (grinders) right before work.

All photos from the article

Currently, the angle grinder, popularly known as the grinder, is deservedly considered one of the most versatile tools. It is in the arsenal of almost any good owner. With such an assistant, it becomes possible to quickly and effortlessly cut, grind, polish, peel or saw with your own hands almost any material.

The secret of such unheard of popularity lies in the simplicity of the instrument. The instruction for the grinder provides for fixing a certain disc or nozzle on a rotating shaft.

After that, depending on the purpose of the disk, you can perform certain jobs. The scope of application can be varied, but in this article we will focus more on cutting and processing wood.

Advice: according to most experts, it can only be used for fragmentary work. Moreover, this must be done, extremely carefully, the risk of injury is too high.

General characteristics and purpose of disks

The range of this product is simply huge, there are dozens of types of products in each sector. But all this mass can be roughly divided into several main areas.

Types of discs

  • Wheels or discs with an abrasive coating are intended for grinding and polishing various surfaces. Since the wood is not polished, this sector uses a wood grinding disc for a grinder.
  • Diamond-coated wheels are more used in construction, they are segmented and solid. With their help, especially durable materials are cut, such as stone, concrete monolith and, in some cases, metal. Such products are not used for carpentry work.

  • Saw blades for wood for a grinder, visually practically do not differ from circles for a circular saw. But they are made of completely different metal. Until recently, these products were a rarity, now there are a lot of high-quality tungsten carbide wheels for wood on the market.

Important: in no case, do not even try to install a circle from a circular to a grinder. Theoretically, this can be done through an adapter, but circular discs are designed for low revs and on a grinder they in the overwhelming majority of cases skew or simply fly apart.

  • Regardless of the purpose, all circles have several standard diameters... The smallest disc for wood for a 115 mm grinder. But the most popular is a disc for wood on a 125 mm grinder.

  • Wood is a specific material, so you should not take circles for it designed for cutting concrete or metal... These materials require high strength and high speed, in a tree such a circle can simply get stuck, which will lead to its destruction or burn your grinder.
  • The diameter of the shaft in all modern angle grinders for wood is standard and is 22.2 mm. But, in the recent past, there were several gradations, so you should pay attention to the marking. For example, a saw blade for wood for a 125x22.2 mm grinder can be installed through a nozzle on a thin shaft of an outdated machine, but if the shaft is thicker, your circle will be useless.

Important: the maximum diameter of the manual angle grinder is 230 mm. So, even if you manage to find a wood disc for a 230 mm grinder, then it is better to refuse to install and use it. The fact is that the larger the diameter, the higher the likelihood of injury, especially when working with wood.

Cut-off wheel

In view of the fact that this tool is distinguished by high revolutions and cannot be rigidly fixed in the hands, for such circles, high-strength tungsten carbide is taken, therefore, the price for them is solid.

Cutting disc for wood for a 125 mm grinder, it is classified not only by the diameter and, accordingly, the cutting depth, but also by the shape, frequency and number of teeth.

In due time, long-term operation of circular saw blades with carbide tipped there are variations to lose their initial properties. However, this does not mean that a new cutting tool should be received. Almost always, sharpening is done on its own, using any suitable machine.

At the beginning, you should decide whether it is necessary to sharpen, as it is also called, no. There are several obvious signs indicating the relevance of this procedure. If you ignore them, then in the near future the disk will not be repairable and will serve as a prerequisite for the failure of an expensive machine.

Which the gaming slots have, the use of a soldered saw blade is to increase the service life. It is also designed for the processing of hard wood species. Surfacing is made of steel 9KhF, 50KhVA, 65G and similar compositions. They are distinguished by the highest hardness, with all this, with significant use, the possibility of their breakdown will increase.

Carbide teeth are made according to GOST 9769-79. But their geometry and geometric dimensions are determined by the manufacturer based on the purpose of the saw. If there is no template, you need to find the required sharpening angles without the help of others. For this purpose, you are advised to use a pendulum goniometer.

Development of template production in-house.

  1. Take a new disc with solders, which is quite similar to the blunt one.
  2. Draw clear outlines on a hard piece of cardboard.
  3. Using the pendulum goniometer, find the initial geometry of the carbide taps.
  4. Enter the data on the template.

Additionally, it is recommended to compare the acquired data with the reference data. In saws for longitudinal shaping, the front angle is usually 15 ° -25 °. For transverse models This common hearing rate ranges from 5 ° to 10 °. In universal models, the front angle is 15 °.

Universal disc for woodwork for BULGARKA. Safe disk for angle grinders. MYTH or REALITY ??? Overview.

It is important to keep in mind that the frontal angle you like is negative. Such models are used for cutting plastic sheets and non-ferrous metals.

To form the newest cutting edge, any sharpening machine is used. Basically, at first, it is correct to choose an emery wheel and sharpen the edge when using it. For this purpose, you need to use corundum or diamond models.

A good option is to use specialized equipment designed to do the job. Alas, due to its high price, in some cases, its acquisition is impractical. Another method is the introduction of a grinding machine with the possibility of configuring the angle of the corundum disc.

Under no circumstances should you hand-sharpen yourself. That's all - it will take a lot of time. Secondly, the acquired total will not correspond to the standards. For which the design of the lack of the ability to sharpen the saw blade on wood without the help of others is intended, it is recommended using the tips of specialized companies.

Professional sharpening of circular saws is independently performed according to the following rules:

  • the main deformation occurs at the upper edge of the tooth. The edges are rounded from 0.1 to 0.3 mm. From this place you need to start processing;
  • sharpening is carried out along the front and rear edges. This will provide the ability to repeat the procedure up to 25 times;
  • the amount of removal should not exceed the value of 0.05-0.15 mm;
  • the level of processing of the front and rear edges must be similar.

Read the same

If the sharpening of discs on wood is over, it is recommended to finish it with fine sandpaper. This is done manually, as it is also called, using a special machine.

Wood disk for a grinder, we do it ourselves, with our own hands.

The process of forming the newest cutting edge is labor intensive and time consuming. Therefore, it is recommended to do a number of criteria in order to increase the life of the disk.

First of all, you should study the manufacturer's advice. The number of revolutions (high and low) for different types of processed materials is indicated here. For metal, this parameter is expected to be lower than for wood.